Antique Prints of Children and Their Activities. Enjoy these prints of scenes showing children and their activities. Sale! Discount! 40% Discount on All Prints with a CHILDREN number on this page! We accept offers. |
"Charitas" Fine copper engraving by
Hoffmann after the painting by Franceschini of the
Bologna. 9.4 x 13.3 cm ( 3.7 x 5.2 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN235610 |
Vorbei ( It is all over - finished - first love ? ) Wood engraving made after a
photograph of a painting by J. Jendrassik 1899. 16 x 17.8 cm ( 6.2 x 7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236173 |
"Children counting Money. Kinder Geld Zählen" Steel engraving by A.H. Payne
after a painting by Murillo, ca 1850. Image: 15.7 x 11.8 cm ( 6.1 x 4.6 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN240416 |
"Mausifallen?" ( Mouse traps? ) Wood engraving after a painting by C. H. Kuechler printed in color ca 1890. Below the title is a poem about
the poor boy trying mouse traps and pans to rich people! Image: 34 x 23 cm ( 13.3 x 9 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN239297 |
"La Promenade au Parc" Wood engraving 1883. Reverse side is printed. 18 x 12.2 cm ( 7 x 4.8 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN244709 |
"Die Nachbarskinder" (neighbor's children) Chromolithograph after E. Limmer. Published 1892. Image: 15 x 10.5 cm ( 5.9 x 4.1 ") $ 35.00 minus 40%Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN255317 |
"Une Ecole Dans Le Finistere" Wood engraving published 1878. Above the image is text about the school in Finistere. On the reverse side is unrelated text. Light spotting in right margin. Image: 17 x 21.5 cm ( 6.6 x 8.2") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN256999 |
"The Finishing Touch" Wood engraving made after Meyer
von Bremen. Published ca 1890. Image: 22 x 17 cm ( 8.6 x 6.6") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN255983 |
"Maedchenkopf Originalzeichnung von Franz B. Doubek" Toned wood engraving after the
original by Franz B. Doubek ca 1895. 24.2 x 17 cm ( 9.5 x 6.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236139 |
"Erster Schulgang" ( First School Day ) Wood engraving after the photograph of the painting by Franz Burger ca 1880. 15.7 x 21.8 cm ( 6.1 x 8.5 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236666 |
"Vue intereure de la creche de Saint Pierre du Gros-Caillou, a Paris." Image 10 x 15 cm ( 3.9 x 5.9 ") Second page: "Plan d'une creche pour 70 enfants (Saint Pierre du Gros -Caillou, ru du Grenelle, 182) Image 11 x 14.7 cm ( 4.3 x 5.7 ") Wood engravings ca 1875. Light age toning. Two pages with text about infant care centers, especially the one shown in Paris. Page size: 26.5 x 18 cm ( 10 x 7 ") Price for the two pages: $ 40.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN244579 |
No title. Motherhood - "Mutterschaft" (German for motherhood) is the official name of the painting which belongs to the Schleissheim Art Collection (Schleissheim is just north of Munich in Bavaria) Lithographed by Thomas Kammerer after the painting by Margerite Gerard (1761-1837) Munich, 1851 A young noble family, wife and husband, with their two children and a maid. A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog (black variety) rising on the legs of the sitting mother, jealous of, or happy about the baby on her arms. Very elegant large print in very good condition, the portrait of an elegant, wealthy family at the turn towards the 19th century. Image: 41,2 x 34,5 cm (ca. 16.2 x 13.5") Sheet size: 54 x 49 cm (ca. 21.2 x 19.3") $ 650.00 (discounted at 40% = $ 390.00) Order Nr. DOG256201 |
Kleine Muetterchen ( Little Mother ) Wood engraving made after the painting by R. Hesse ca 1880. 19.8 x 14.8 cm ( 7.7 x 5.8 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236669 SOLD |
Klein Vaeterchen ( Little Father ) Wood engraving made after the painting by R. Hesse ca 1880. 19.8 x 15 cm ( 7.7 x 5.9 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236670SOLD |
"Schwester Benedikta" Chromolithograph after W. Claudius. Published 1892. Image: 15 x 10.5 cm ( 5.9 x 4.1 ") $ 35.00 minus 40%Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN255316 |
"Das Schwesterchen" (the little sister) Chromolithograph after E. Limmer. Published 1892. Image: 15 x 10.5 cm ( 5.9 x 4.1 ") $ 35.00 minus 40%Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN255320 |
No title. Grrossmutter liest und erzählt Märchen - Grandma reads and tells fairy tales Lithograph original hand coloring. Altkolorierte Lithographie von Louis Leopold Boilly (1761-1845) Signed L. Boilly and dated 1801 lower left corner. Signiert und datiert 1801 in der linken unteren Ecke. Print is trimmed to edge and mounted on cardboard. Bis zur Bildgrenze beschnitten und auf Karton montiert. Sehr schönes Altkoloriet. Very attractive original hand coloring. Image size: 20.5 x 16.2 cm (ca. 8 x 6.4") Order Nr. HUMORCARICATURE250442SOLD |
"Red Riding Hood" Steel engraving by A.H. Payne after a painting by E. Steinbrueck ca 1850. Fine condition. Decorative garland. Image: 17.5 x 12.5 cm ( 6.8 x 4.9 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN244654 |
"Das fuenfte Rad am Wagen" ( the fifth wheel on the wagon ) Chromolithograph by C. Wohnlich ca 1885. 15 x 10.5 cm ( 5.9 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN246237 |
"Ein segensreicher Besuch" ( a wonderful visit ) Chromolithograph by E. Limmer ca 1885. 15 x 10.5 cm ( 5.9 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN246238 |
"Fancy Works" - Geschenkartikel London, 1818 Altkolorierter Punktierkupferstich / Originally hand-colored copper stipple engraving Veröffentlicht in einem Buch mit verschiedenen Berufen / Published in a book of trades In den Margen teilweise
fingerfleckig. Leichte Stockflecken Image: 9,5 xc 7,7 cm (ca. 3.7 x 3") $ 40.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN250953 |
"The Pet Rabbit" " To Musgrave Brisco Esq. of
Coghurst Kent." Very fine mezzotint by Samuel Cousins after the painting by M. Fanny Corbaux. Published May 1, 1835 by Frans Grahm Moon, Printseller to the King. Light creases in upper left
margin and image. Small crease in tittle area. Image: 35 x 28 cm ( 13.7 x 11") $ 120.00 Order Nr. ANIMAL251967 |
"La Charite, par Paul Dubois. ( Tombeau du generale Lamoriciere )" Wood engraving by J. Robert, 1878. Reverse side is printed. 21.5 x 15.5 cm ( 8.4 x 6.1 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN249611 |
"Grosse Kaffeegesellschaft" Wood engraving 1883. Minor signs of age and use. Image without border: 16.5 x 24 cm ( 6.4 x 9.4 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN249680 |
"Die Verbotene Frucht" ( the forbidden fruit - smoking ) Wood engraving from 1883 of tw boys sneaking a smoke. Reverse side is printed. 14.5 x 11.5 cm ( 5.7 x 4.5 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN249699 |
"La Hora de la Merienda" ( lunch time ) Wood engraving after a painting
by Geoffroy 1884. 26.5 x 38.5 cm ( 10.4 x 15.1 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN248398 |
"Les Mariages D'Enfants" Wood engraving after the
painting by J. A. Mitchell published 1881. 19 x 15 cm ( 7,4 x 5.9 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. FESTIVAL245396 |
"A Kindergarden Student" Wood engraving 1878. 18.5 x 13.5 cm ( 7.2 x 5.3 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN245827 |
"Jeune Vachere" ( young cowherd ) Wood engraving by Garnier after
a painting by Ronot, ca 1875. 19.5 x 14.5 cm ( 7.6 x 5.7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. COW244586 |
"Cinderella" Steel engraving by A.H. Payne after a painting by Kretschmar ca 1850. Fine condition. Image: 17.5 x 12.5 cm ( 6.8 x 4.9 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN244655 |
"Ein kleiner Schelm" (a little prankster) Wood engraving published 1879.
On the reverse side is unrelated text. Image: 19.5 x 28 cm ( 7.6 x 11") $ 35.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN254967 |
For your children's room(s) a special, exclusive wall decoration! Pre-school children will love these prints. Much to see, and much to talk about with toddlers and pre-schoolers. The wondrous, miraculous fairy tale world of humanized forest dwellers. Just look and see. They are absolutely delightful. We have this set of 12 prints EXCLUSIVELY. Copyright is with Phiographikon. You may buy these prints individually, in any combination or as a complete set. Price per print: $ 20.00 Price for the complete set of 12 prints: $ 200.00 For shipment within the European Union, please add 19% VAT Postage depends on destination. Please ask us. If you order, please use individual order numbers. If you order the complete set, please use separate order number Each print is 29.5 x 42 cm ( 11.6 x 16.5") Ihr Kinderzimmer bekommt eine besondere, eine exklusive Note mit dieser hinreissend ausgeführten Märchenwelt als Wanddekoration. Kleinkinder und Kinder im Vorschulalter werden immer wieder staunen über die wundersame, vermenschlichte Tierwelt dieser Waldbewohner. Philographikon hat das exklusive Copyright für diese 12 Drucke Sie dürfen einzeln auswählen, eine Kombination zusammenstellen oder den ganzen Satz erwerben. Einzeln kostet jeder Druck $ 20,00 Der komplette Satz von 12 Drucken kostet $ 200,00 Innerhalb der EU schlagen Sie bitte 19% MwSt. auf Porto wird nach Zielort berechnet. Bitte fragen Sie uns. Bei Einzelbestellungen: Bitte die jeweilige Bestellnummer(n) angeben Bei Bestellung der kompletten Serie bitte die Gesamt-Bestellnummer angeben 29.5 x 42 cm ( 11.6 x 16.5") Order Nr. CHILDREN243306 Order Nr. CHILDREN243307 Order Nr. CHILDREN243208 Order Nr. CHILDREN243309 Order Nr. CHILDREN243310 Order Nr. CHILDREN243311 Order Nr. CHILDREN243312 Order Nr. CHILDREN243313 Order Nr. CHILDREN243314 Order Nr. CHILDREN243315 Order Nr. CHILDREN243316 Order Nr. CHILDREN243317 |
"The Black Peddler" Steel engraving by A,H. Payne after Lindau ca 1850. Very fine condition. Image: 16 x 13 cm ( 6.2 x 5.1 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN244657 |
"Boys eating Melons Knaben Melonen essend" Steel engraving by A. Carse after a painting by Murillo ca 1850. Very good condition. Image: 16.5 x 13.2 cm ( 6.4 x 5.1 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. children244656 |
"Le bagage de Croquemitaine" ( the baggage of the boogeyman (ogre ) Wood engraving after a painting
by M. T. Lobrichon. Dated 1874. 22.5 x 15.5 cm ( 8.8 x 6.1 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN242209 |
"Warme Maronen" ( warm chesnuts) "Gemaelde von a. Roestel" Wood enraving made after the painting by A. Roestel ca 1885. Small spot in lower right margin. 24 x 17 cm ( 9.4 x 6.6 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN237411 |
The Stepping Stones Fine steel engraving by E.
Brandard after a painting by W.F. Witherington ca 1850. 20 x 24.5 cm ( 7.8 x 9.6 ") $ 55.00 Order CHILDREN235695 |
"Son grand age lui donnait une certaine autorite......" Wood engraving 1883. On the
reverse side is an article ( in French ) titled
"Le Pommier de L'Aieul " 21.2 x 14.5 cm ( 8.3 x 5.7 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN243388 |
"Mutterglueck" ( A mother's happiness ) Wood engraving 1882 by H. Sonderman. Minor signs of age and use. Image with vorder: 28 x 20 cm ( 11 x 7.8 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN242024 |
Audifax und Hadumoth Wood engraving made after the
painting by M. Wunsch. Printed 1899. 24 x 17 cm ( 9.4 x 6.6 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236351 |
"In einer roemischen Klosterschule" ( In a Roman monastery school ) Wood engraving 1882. Narrow margins outside the border. Image with border: 21 x 28 cm ( 8.2 x 11 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. ROMA241869 |
"Friedrich mit der gebissene Wange haelt die Feinde auf, waehrend sein Toechterschen trinkt." ( Friedrich with a bite wound on his cheek, holds back the enemies so his daughter can drink ) ( other is nursing the baby to the left behind the horse.) Wood engraving after A. Zick ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. 24.3 x 18.8 cm ( 9.5 x 7.4 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN238864 |
"Besuch bei den Grosseltern" (Visit at the Grandparents) Wood engraving by Schreiber
after a painting by Modesto Texidor y Torres
(1854-1928). 12.5 x 16.8 cm ( 4.9 x 6.6 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN235468 |
"Eine Biographie in Bildern" ( A Biography in Pictures ) Wood engravings after the sketches of A. von Fischern ca 1880. This series shows the stages of a young boy who started work in Hotel zur Biene carrying suitcases at the age of 12 years. In the end at 50 years he is hotel owner and retired. Overall light age toning. Reverse side is printed. 21.5 x 24 cm ( 8.4 x 9.4 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN2388829 |
Gute Rutschbahn. Ein Winterbild aus Thueringen van Hans W. Schmidt. Wood engraving after Hans W.
Schmidt dated 1890. 21.3 x 15.4 cm ( 8.3 x 6 ") $ 25.00 Order nr. CHILDREN236177SOLD |
"Ganz bei der Sache" ( Blowing bubbles ) Wood engraving after a painting
by A. Lins dated 1889. 18 x 13 cm ( 7 " x 5.1 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN238969SOLD |
Kriegerische Toilette aus den Zeiten der Buergerwehr Wood engraving after the
painting by G. Hackl ca 1880. 23.5 x 18,5 cm ( 9.2 x 7.2 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236365 |
The Faithful Guardian Lithograph ca 1850. Image is on
the title page of a Gallery of Engravings dedicated to the
Queen. Height of image: 13 cm ( 5.1
") $ 55.00 Order Nr. DOG9578 |
Der Abscheidskuss ( the Good-bye kiss ) Wood engraving after Erdw. Wagner ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. 24.5 x 16.5 cm ( 9.6 x 6.4 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236352 |
" Dumme Jungen !" ( Dumb boys! ) Chromogravure made after the watercolor by J. R. Wehle ca 1895. Horizontal centerfold. Tiny repair on centerfold. Wide margins. 33 x 22 cm ( 12.9 x 8.6 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN237200 |
Mit Ball und Reifen. (With Ball and Hoop) Wood engraving made from a
painting by Rene Prinet ca 1885. 20.7 x 16.9 cm (8.1 x 6.6'') $ 45.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN8202 |
"Im Winter" Wood engraving from E. Schulz's
"Die Welt im Kleinen", 1867 16.4 x 18.2 cm ( 6.4 x 7.1 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN8201SOLD |
Sehnsuechtige Blicke
( Longing Looks ) Wood engraving after Frans Huard ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 30 x 21 cm ( 11.8 x 8.2 " ) $ 30.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236654 |
Die Bescherung ( The Bringing of Gifts) Photogravure of the painting by Hugo Oehmichen ca 1895. 14.5 x 20.7 cm ( 5.7 x 8.1 " ) $ 25.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN236217 |
No Title Poem below image: It oftimes happens that a
child It sometimes happens that we
see Wood engraving ca 1880. Narrow margins. Backside is printed. Height of oval: 24.2 cm ( 9.5 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. DOG9605 |
"Boy and Dog" "Knabe und Hund" Steel engraving by Merkel after
G. Terberg, ca 1850. 16 x 13 cm ( 6.3 x 5.1 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. DOG9604 |
No Title. Lithograph, ca 1850. 10.5 x 15 cm ( 4.1 x 5.9 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. DOG9581 |
Stiefmuetterchen. (Pansy) Wood engraving made after a painting by Orrin Peck ca 1890. 14.8 x 21.9 cm (5.8 x 8.6'') $ 35.00 Order Nr. CHILDREN8204 |
Hundemarkt in Apolda (Dog Market in Apolda) Wood engraving from an original drawing by Ahrends ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning. 24.3 x 18.4 cm ( 9.5 x 7.2 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. DOG9772 |
"Ein Beschuetzer" Wood engraving by P. Brendamour
after a painting by K. Foeschl, 1885. 11 x 10.7 cm ( 4.3 x 4.2 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. DOG9610 |
"Aber Kinder, warum schreit
denn Karlchen so arg? Wasmacht Ihr denn nur? - " Gar nichts,
Mama! .....Wir spielen bloss "Zahnarzt" , und da will der
dumme Karl nicht mitthun! Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. 12.5 x 15.6 cm ( 4.9 x 6.1 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. DENTIST 235288 |
Amor im Nacken ( Amor on neck ) Wood engraving made from a
photograph of a painting by Paul Wagner ca 1895. 24.5 x 17 cm ( 9.6 x 6.6 ") Order Nr. CHILDREN235992 SOLD |
Das Fruestueck (The Breakfast) Wood engraving ca 1875. 22.2 x 16.3 cm ( 8.7 x 6.4 ") $ 35.00 Order nr. CHILDREN235486 |
Le Marchand d'Allumettes (Matchboy) Wood engraving by Bore after
Gennevraye, ca 1880. 15.1 x 10 cm ( 5.9 x 3.9 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. DOG9580 |
Das Wunderthier Wood engraving ca 1880. Backside is printed. 21.5 x 30 cm ( 8.4 x 11.8 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. DOG9710 |
Ei! - Ei Wood engraving after a painting
by Peske Géza, dated 1886. 14.9 x 22.6 cm ( 5.8 x 8.8 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. VEGETABLE7014 |
In einem Volkskindergarten zu Berlin. Wood engraving ca 1880. Modern hand coloring. Backside is printed. 12.8 x 19 cm ( 5 x 7.5 ") $ 75.00 Order Nr. BERLIN0488 |
Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen Copyright by Rainer Rauhut