Honoré Daumier

Honoré Daumier, (26. February 1808 Marseille - 10. February 1879 Valmondois), was a sarcastic caricaturist with an oevre of 4000 lithographs, published in "La Caricature" and in "Le Charivari". Starting in 1832 he lashed out at at the deplorable state of affairs among the authorities of justice and branded the court of Louis Philippe and the king himself with his biting mockery. After having been tried and and punished with six months of imprisonment in 1832 for lèse-majesté, Daumier turned to make fun of the petit bourgeois who offered aims for affable ridicule galore. Daumier created his drawings with a sharp mind and a benign artit's hand, pointing at political and social injustices, leading the art of lithography to excellence and promoting the genre of caricature to an alltime summit.

The series of "table-turning" was published in "Le Charivari" in the 1850ies under the serial name of "La Fluidomanie". The Charivari was published in newspaper style, i.e. had text and/or pictures an both sides of the paper. Occasionally the printing from the back side shows in front. Connoisseurs are usually not disturbed by this fact. There is general toning on most of the prints, some have little remarkable centerfolds. The prints themselves are clean and in good condition. They are all signed on the stone "HD" for Honoré Daumier. The "DL"-number is from the oevre-register. Measurements pertain to image only.

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"Un plaideur auquel manquent malheureusement les pièces les plus importantes, les pièces de cent sous".


A plaintiff who is unfortunately missing the most important matters to success..... dollars and cents.

You can read the mind of the advocat in his grouchy, morose, grumpy faceÉ

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)

Daumier work index nr. LD 3463

Series: ãCroquis par Daumier" Nr. 1

Publication: Le Charivari

Paris, October 10, 1865

Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use. Reverse side has unrelated text print as always in Le Charivari

24,7 x 22,4 cm (ca. 9.7  x 8.8")

$ 330.00).

Order Nr. DAUMIER8050

"Nous avons grande représentation aujourd'hui, M'sieu Galuchet!... 

- Parbleu j'crois bien.... un assassinat orné de viol!É.."


- We are going to have a great show today, Mr.Galuchet... 

- Sure, I believe soÉ A murder case garnished with rape!

Look at those beefy faces!!!Ah! &emdash;&emdash; Daumier!!! Master of sarcasm and irokny!!!

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)

Daumier work index nr. LD 1367

Series: ãLes gens de Justice" Nr. 31

Publication: Le Charivari

Paris, September 8, 1847

Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use. Reverse side has
unrelated text print as always in Le Charivari

19,2 x 25 cm (ca. 7.5  x 9.8")

$ 330.00

Order Nr. DAUMIER8053

"Les aveugles" (The blind ones who do not see the suffering of the world)

Lithograph by Honoré Daumier Published in ãLe Charivari". Paris, June 9, 1851 Work catalogue: LD 2113

Background: The new law of May 30, 1850 which rigidly controlled the liberal Press caused several political parties to protest against this development supported by the Government. The blindfolded politicians are obviously supporting the new law but Daumier shows them getting bloody noses on election day. Recognizable persons: THIERS, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe (1797-1877) was a historian, politician, and President of France. BERRYER, Pierre Antoine (1790-1868) was a lawyer MOLE, Louis Mathieu, Conte (1781-1855) was a State councillor, politician and Minister of Justice MONTALEMBERT, Charles Forbes de Thyon, Conte de (1810-1870) was a publisher, politician and anti-republican Deputy

Condition of print: Only minimal traces of age and use. Reverse side has text print, which is normal for ãLe Charivari".

Measured within black surrounding line: 21 x 26,6 cm (ca. 8.3 x 10.5") Complete page: 25,5 x 36 cm (ca. 10 x 14.2")

$ 250.00 minus $0% Discount = $ 150.00

Order Nr. Daumier256306


Election - Parlamentswahl

After being elected to the Parlament - Nach der gewonnenen Parlamentswahl


"Ah! mes amisÉ. mes bons amis ce soir est le plus beau de ma vie"


Got it!

O, my friends, my dear friend - this is the most beautiful day of my life



O, meine Freunde, meine lieben Freunde - dies ist der schönste Tag meines Lebens

The winner, right, surrounded by "friends". The looser, left, loneliest man on stage.

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)

Published in Le Charivari. LD 1019. Series: "Scenes Parlamentaires"

Paris, 1843

Had once been folded pocket size. Minor traces of age and use. Reverse side: unrelated text print.

Image: 24,2 x 21,2 cm (ca. 9.5 x 8.3")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. POLITIC254535

Honore Daumier.

Lithograph / Lithographie Series: Robert Macaire second series / zweite Serie Nr. 16

Published in "Le Charivari". Paris, 25.5.1841

DL 881

"Messieurs, accablé sous le poids du malheur, ruiné, dépouillé, j'ai perdu la tête, j'ai abandonné tout ce qui m'était cher, ma patrrrrie, mes créanciers, tout le bataclanÉ. me voici sur la terre étrangèreÉ.m à l'abri de mes persécuteurs, mais prêt aux plus grands sacrifices pour conserver intact le nom de Macaire. En conséquence je vous offre 2 pour % payables en dix ans ; É. par un refus vous ne pourriez que perdre l'espoir du sus dit 2 pour % et l'estime de votre serviteur Macaire.


Gentlemen, devastated by the weight of misfortune, ruined, abused, I have lost my head. I have abandoned everyone, that was dear to me, my home, my creditors, the entire gang. Here I am in a foreign country, protected from my persecutors, but prepared for the greatest sacrifices to keep intact the name of Macaire. In consequence I am offering you bonds at 2 % payable over 10 years... in case of a refusal you will not only lose the hope for your 2% but also the esteem of your  servant, Macaire.

Lithograph. Very clean. There is a faint vertical fold running down the middle. Reverse side has Charivari text print.

Including title and text: 29.5 x 19 cm (ca. 11.6 x 7.5")"


Order Nr. DAUMIER250442

ãLes Crepes"

Text: ãAllon bon, v'la que j'm'en offre une a moi meme!"

Translation: Alright now. This one is for myself!

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)

Work catalogue index: LD 1165

Series: ãLes Beaux Jours de la Vie" Nr. 77

Publication: Le Charivari

Paris, November 14, 1845

Condition: Very good. Clean. Reverse side has unrelated text print

Image (without the titles): 23,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 9.3 x 8.5")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. DAUMIER254690

"Cortège du Commandant Général des Apothicaires, le prince Lancelot de Tricanule, à son entrée dans la Chambre de Pairs"

Cortege of the commander general of Apothecaries, the Prince of Lancelot de Tricanule, as he enters the Chambre de Pairs

Ehrengeleit des kommandierenden Generals der Apotheker, des Prinzen von Lancelot de Tricanule, bei seinem Eintritt in die Chambre de Paris

Lithograph by Honoré Daumier (1808-1879)

Original hand-coloring

Published by Aubert, Galérie Véro Dodat. Paris, August 1, 1833

Published sur blanc in "La Caricature" Pl. 299-300

Delteil XX, Nr. 65

The famous satirist Honoré Daumier is well known for his acrimonious sense of humor. The story behind this masterpiece of Daumier's early work: Daumier has Georges Mouton de Lobau (1770-1838), General and Marshall of France, marching in a cortege in a posture and conduct of "Here I come!" His arrival announced by a drummer and followed by subordinates carrying the insignia of the apothecary guild. Mouton was a member of the French Chamber of Deputies since 1828. He played an important role within the liberal opposition. King Louis-Philippe appointed him to be the Commanding General of the National Guard. Mouton became famous for having ordered the fire department of Paris to use their water hoses to disperse the outraged masses protesting the government action on Place Vendôme on May 12, 1831. On June 27, 1833 the King appointed him Marshall and Pair de France in return for this invention to control rebellious subjects.

Daumier took this happening and Mouton's "invention" for a good reason to allude to the use of fire hoses by drawing Prince Lancelot de Tricanule with the enema (clyster) syringe being carried in the cortege.

Light general age toning. Hardly visible light spots from mounting in the two upper corners. Splendid original hand coloring.

Generally: Very good condition.

32 x 50,3 cm (ca. 12.5 x 19.8")

Order Nr. DAUMIER242297SOLD

"Une plaisanterie dont ne se lasse jamaisÉcelui qui la fait"

Ein Vergnügen, das demjenigen Spass macht, der es ausübnt

Lithographie von Honoré Daumier (1808-1879)

Erschienen in "Le Charivari" am 28. Juli 1865. Werksverzeichnis:   LD 3450

In der Serie "Croquis d'èté"

Zustandsbeschreibung: Leichte gleichmässige Alterdtönung. Rückseite hat Textdruck ohne Zusammenhang mit der Darstellung

Light natural age toning. Unrelated text on reverse side.

Mit Titel ( with title ): 26 x 22 cm ( 10.2 x 8.6 ")


Daumier / Banker / Banquier

Serie: "Caricaturana" Nr. 85

Lithographie von Honroe Daumier (1808-1879)

Published / Erschienen: 

"Le Charivari". Paris, July 9, 1838 / 9.7. 1838 

LD 440

Nur minimale Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren. Generelle leichte Patina.

Only modest traces of age and use. Light general age patina.

Darstellung mit Text / Image including text: 27.2 x 22.9 cm (ca. 10.7 x9")

$ 270,00

Order Nr. DAUMIER250457

"Jules de Lasteyrie (dit Lasteyrie - quinquet") Autrefois membre de l'opposition, présentement ennemi des lumières. Ebloui par la trop subite apparition du soleil de la République, Jules de Lasteyrie s'est voué à l'abat-jour du Constitutionnel."

Translation: JULES de LASTEYRIE (also known as Lasteyrie the Argand lamp). Former member of the opposition, now ennemy of the light... blinded by the sudden appearance of the sun of the Republic, Jules de Lasteyrie now wears the eye-shade of the Constitutionnel. Background: LASTEYRIE du SAILLANT, Jules, Marquis de (1810-1883) was a politician and liberal Deputy from 1842-1848. He protested against the coup d'état of Louis-Napoléon and was exiled. He returned 1852 and served as a Deputy in 1871. He was nominated Senator for life in 1875. Lasteyrie here at the rostrum is wearing sunglasses and eye protection to prevent the sun of the Republic from blinding him. In the background, Parliamentarians are listening to his speech. As usual, there is a glass of sugar water prepared for the speaker. Lithograph by Honoré Daumier Published in ãLe Charivari" June 1, 1850 Work Catalogue: LD 1881 Series: ãLes Représentants Représentés Nr. 33"

Condition: Paper generally age-toned.

Measurements including text below: 30 cx 20,8 cm (ca. 11.8 x 8.2") Page size: 33 x 23 cm (ca. 13 x 9")

$ 190.00 MINUS 40% DISCOUNT = $ 114.00


"Croquis de Bourse. Par Daumier" Nr. 5

Upper image: "Un jour de débâcle"

Bottom image: "Devenu un gros personnage"


A disastrous day

Having become a grand personality

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1809-1879)

Series "Croqis de la Bourse. Par Daumier. Nr. 5 (of 6)

Published in "Le Charivari". Paris, December 11 1852

LD Nr. 2345

General age toning. Darker toning along matting lines. Reverse side has unrelated text print.

Image with title: 30 x 21 cm (ca. 11.8 x 8.3")
Page size: 36.5 x 24.5 cm ( 14.3 x 9,6")

$ 220.00

Order Nr. DAUMIER250458

"Croquis de Bourse. Par Daumier".  Nr. 3

Upper image: "Comme quoi tout le monde ne peut pas etre content"

Lower Image: "Agreable aspect de la petite bourse nocturne devant le passage de l'Opera - tous ces monsieurs sont des capitalistes, on est prie de ne pas s'y tromper"


Upper image: "Not everyone can be happy"

Bottom image: A pleasant view of the little stock market at night in front of the passage way to the opera house. Don't kid yourself - all of these gentlemen are also capitalists.

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1809-1879)

Series "Croqis de Bourse par Daumier" Nr. 3 (of 6)

Published in "Le Charivari". Paris, November, 22 1852

LD Nr. 2343

General age toning. Darker toning along matting lines. Reverse side has unrelated text print.

Image with title: 30 x 20,5 cm (ca. 11.8 x 8")
Page size: 36.5 x 24.5 cm ( 14.3 x 9,6")

$ 220.00

Order Nr. DAUMIER250459

Actionnaires De Mines Faisant Un Drôle De Mine
Les Mines Dont Enfoncées a 200 Pieds Sous Terre.

Shareholders of a mine make disappointed faces as there shares tumble.

Lithograph by H. Daumier, ca 1840.
Reverse side is printed.

Page size: 27.3 x 18.9 cm ( 10.7 x 7.3 ")

$ 220.00

Order Nr. HUMOR9503

ãUne soiree parisienne au mois de juin 1853"

Translation: A Parisian dinner party (seance) in the month of June 1853

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)

Daumier index nr. LD 2404

Series: ãLa Fluidomanie" Nr. 8

Published in: Le Charivari

Paris, June 7, 1853

Fashionable occult party in Paris in mid 19th century. Magic makes a heavy iron key lift off the ground.

Another guest with high expectations is vainly trying to lift a sleeping cat.

Light general age toning. Very good condition. Reverse side has unrelated text print.

19,5 x 26 cm (ca. 7.7 x 10.1")

Order Nr. DAUMIER254697SOLD

No title. Pharmacy, Pharmacist

Lithograph by Honore Daumier

Daumier work nr. LD 1310

Series: "Les Philantropes du Jour". Nr. 18

Publication: "Le Charivari

Publication date: Paris, 18. November 1844

A pharmacist is trying to convince a customer of the value of a self-produced salve


"Oui Monsieur ... dévoué par état... et par sentiment à la philantropie la plus pure, je n'ai reculé devant aucunes veilles ni aucunes cornues pour arriver à trouver une pâte encore plus Regnauld que tout ce qui s'est fait jusqu'à ce jour... je suis enfin arrivé au but de mes rêves... c'est à dire à la fusion du cloporte au limaçon... comme avant tout je ne veux que le soulagement de l'humanité souffrante et toussante, malgré le haut prix des matières premières je ne vends la boîte que cinq francs... un demi-boîte a suffi pour guérir Mr. Ducantal père!.."

Text Translation from the French language:

Yes Monsieur, fully dedicated by the State and my philanthropic destiny, I did not hesitate to spend my nights and overcame all obstructions, simply to produce a salve more Regnault (an ointment produced by Véron) than anything known today. I have finally realized my dreams... the fusion of woodlice and slugs..... since my only aim is to liberate our coughing and suffering humanity of its pain, I offer the box for only five francs..... half a box was enough to cure the father of Mr. Ducantal!

Very light general age toning. The magazine was folded. There is, only slightly recognizable, a ight trace of that folding horizontally through the center of print.

In general: very good condition.

Image size: 22,8 x 18 cm (9 x 7")

$ 190.00

Order Nr. CHEMISTRY254446

ã- Je vais bien arranger votre client!... 

- Je trainerai le vôtre dans la boue!... 

(Ayez donc des procès, - note d'un Philosophe)"


- I am going to grill your client properly! 

- I am going to drag yours through the mud! 

Opponent advocates bragging while sitting on their high horses.

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)

Daumier work index nr. LD 3433

Series: ãCroquis Parisiens" Nr. 11

Publication: Le Charivari

Paris, August 2, 1865

Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use.
Reverse side has unrelated text print as always in Le Charivari

Image:23,5 x 22,7 cm (ca. 9.3  x 8.9")

$ 330.00).

Order Nr. DAUMIER8051

ã- J'ai parlé pendant trois heures et demie! 

- Ah! ça on vous prend donc à l'heure vous... moi je trouve que c'est bien plus avantageux de plaider à la course".


- I spoke continuously for three and a half hours. 

- Oh! I see, you charge to be paid by the hour.... as for me - I find it more advantageous to plead "by each (horse) race".

Sinister talk between two advocates colleagues.

Lithograph by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)

Daumier work index nr. LD 3436

Series: ãCroquis Parisiens" Nr. 18

Publication: Le Charivari

Paris, December, 2, 1865

Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use.
Reverse side has unrelated text print as always in Le Charivari

Image:22,5 x 22,5 cm (ca. 8.8 x 8.8")

$ 330.00).

Order Nr. DAUMIER8052

"Croquis Parisiens, - dessin inédit de H. Daumier"

Title: "- Voyez, messieurs!!! à qui le tour??"

Lithograph by Daumier.

Honoré Daumier, (26. February 1808 Marseille - 10. February 1879 Valmondois), was a sarcastic caricaturist with an oevre of 4000 lithographs, published in "La Caricature" and in "Le Charivari". Starting in 1832 he lashed out at at the deplorable state of affairs among the authorities of justice and branded the court of Louis Philippe and the king hmself with his biting mockery. After having been tried and and punished with six months of imprisonment in 1832 for lèse-majesté, Daumier turned to make fun of the petit bourgeois who offered aims for affable ridicule galore. Daumier created his drawings with a sharp mind and a benign artit's hand, pointing at political and social injustices, leading the art of lithography to excellence and promoting the genre of caricature to an alltime summit. Print has text and images on backside.

Overall light toning. Narrow margins.

17.8 x 24.2 cm ( 7 x 9.5 ")

$ 840.00

Order Nr. DAUMIER 9013

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