William Hogarth William Hogarth (1697-1664) was an English painter, engraver, print maker. You might also consider him one of the first cartoonists. His range of art went from realistic and well executed portraying to sturdy and rude social criticism. His glance upon society was subtly unveiling truth about often mendacious behavior. Hogarth's approach was not at all bashful, but bold and sometimes even crude. There is a large community of Hogarth lovers. "Marriage a la Mode", "A Rake's Progress", "A Harlot's Progress", "Industry and Idleness", "The Four Stages of Cruelty" "The Four Times of the Day", in which he showed his affection to Freemasonry are all serial engravings telling about life as it were and, well, as it still is! The very rare first edition of his graphic work Hogarth engraved himself. The collectable second edition was engraved by Thomas Cook (1744-1818). His plates are individually dated and published In London by Robinson in 1806. Sale! Discount! 40% Discount on All Prints with a HOGARTH number on this page! Take 40% off the listed price. |
"The Idle Prentice return'd from Sea in a Garret with a common Prostitute" Copper engraving by Thomas Cook (1744-(45)- 1818) from the Series "Industry and Idleness" Number 7 (from 12) From the English satirist with a sharp humor William Hogarth (1697-1764). Published in London, 1802 The useless sailor returns from sea and spends his time in the attic with a prostitute. A few signs of age and use in margin. Very fine image. IMAGE: 25,2 x 33,7 cm $ 160.00 Order Nr. HOGARTH251134 |
"Strolling Players" Actresses of an ambulant theatre get dressed while rehearsing in an abandoned barn for their performance. The show to be performed is "Devil to pay in Heaven", as is revealed on the Theatre Play Bill at left bottom. And the scene is full of hints about the performers as about political decisions like "The Act against strolling players" shutting down most of the itinerant theaters in England during those days. As usual Hogarth dwells on exaggeration, although he hits the nail on the head regarding the circumstances of such traveling theatre folk. Print has very nice impression but is trimmed to plate marks, margin edges showing some traces of age and use. There are minor little cuts and some foxing in margins. Engraver is Thomas Cook. Print is dated 1800. 40,8 x 53,3 cm (ca. 16 x 21") $ 280.00 Order Nr. HOGARTH242212 |
"Morning", dated 1797 - 49,5 x 41 cm (ca. 19.5 x 16") "Noon", dated 1797 - 49,5 x 40 x(ca. 19.5 x 15.7") "Evening", dated 1797 - 49,5 x 40 cm (ca. 19.5 x 15.7") "Night", dated 1798 - 50 x 39,5 cm (ca. 19.7 x 15.5") Four times of day. Copper etchings by Thomas Cook (1744-1818) after William Hogarth (1697-1764) Published ny G.G. & J. Robinson. London, 1802 The last of the foursome: ăNight" shows a man with insignia of Freemasonry: Masonic Apron and square. A hand with a chamber pot pours its content upon this man. Hogarths drastic way of expressing the mood against the newly founded Freemasonry in England at his time. Some traces of age and use. But basically in better than good condition The plates differ slightly in size. See above. Measures within plate marks. Price for the quartet $ 820.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 492.00 Order Nr. FREEMASONRY248637 |
"March to Finchley" This print after Hogarth's painting depicts the accompanying excesses during a mustering of troops, who marched north to Finchley in 1745 to defend the British capotal against the second Jacobite uprising, aimed at the restitution of the Stuart Dynasty. The curious ey will not stop finding hidden hints which are in plain sight. Have fun looking, searching, finding! Print has a nice deeply dark impression and is well preserved in the image. It has been trimmed almost to plate marks. Margin edges show traces of age and use. One well repaired small tear in upper margin (hardly traceable). Engraved by Thomas Cook and dated 1799. 41 x 53,8 cm (ca. 16.1 x 21.2") $ 280.00 Order Nr. HOGARTH242213 |
"Pit Ticket" Type of print:Copper etching Engraver: Thomas Cook (1744-1818) Artist: William Hogarth (1697-1764) Published: London, dated 1796 Condition: Strong impression. Very light general age toning. Ample margins. Only minuscule traces of age and use. 29 x 36,5 cm (ca. 11.4 x 14.4") Order Nr. HOGARTH240135SOLD |
Set of four Stages of Cruelty, Sadism, Hogarth William Hogarth was an English artist. In his paintings and drawings he bluntly, brutally and pitiless pointed out the shortcomings of British society of his time as he saw them. His work was reflecting his style of satire and social critic - very blunt. Hogarth was one of the most significant English artists of his time. Set of four prints. Copper etchings by Thomas Cook (ca. 1744-1818). After the drawing by William Hogarth (1697-1764) The "Cook edition" was a copy of Hogarth's own first edition. Cook engraved Hogarth's entire edition in the years 1795-1803. All four prints of this set are dated 1799. Cook's edition was published in London, 1806 "First Stage of Cruelty" - Cruelty against animals Text below image: While various Scenes of sportive Woe The Infant Race employ And tortur'd Victims bleeding shew The Tyrant in the Boy Behold! A Youth of gentler Heart To spare the Creature's pain O' take, he cries - take all my Tart, But Tears and Tart are vain Lear from this fair Example - You Whom savage Sports delight, How Cruelty disgusts the view While Pity charms the sight Plate mark measurements. Image: Ca. 40 x 33 cm (ca. 15.7 x 13") Sheet: 56 x 43 cm (ca. 22 x 17") *********** "Second Stage of Cruelty" - Cruelty against animals Text below image: The generous Steed in hoary Age Subdu'd by Labour lies And mourns a cruel Master's rage While Nature Strength denies The tender Lamb o'drove and faint Amidst expiring Throws; Bleats forth it's innocent complaint And dies beneath the Blows. Inhuman Wretch! say whence proceeds This coward Cruelty What Interest springs from barb'rous deeds? What Joy from Misery Plate mark measurements. Image: Ca. 40 x 33 cm (ca. 15.7 x 13") Sheet: 56 x 43 cm (ca. 22 x 17") ********* "Cruelty in Perfection" - Cut throat murder of a lady Text below image: To lawless Love when once betray'd Soon Crime to Crime succeeds: At length beguil'ed to Theft, the Maid By her Beguiler bleeds Yet learn, Seducing Man! nor Night With all its sable Cloud Can screen the guilty Deed from sight Foul Murder cries aloud The gaping Wounds and blood stain'd steel Now shock his trembling Soul: But Oh! what Pangs his Breast must feel, When Death his Knell shall toll. Plate mark measurements. Image: Ca. 40 x 33 cm (ca. 15.7 x 13") Sheet: 56 x 43 cm (ca. 22 x 17") *********** "The Reward of Cruelty" Text below image: Behold the Villain's dire disgrace! Not Death itself can end He finds no peaceful Burial-Place, His breathless Corse, no friend Torn from the Root, that wicked Tongue, Which daily swore and cursed! These Eyeballs from their Sockets wrung, That glow'd with loveless Lust! His Heart expos'd to prying Eyes, To Pity has no Claim; But, dreadful! from his Bones shall rise, His Monument of Shame Plate mark measurements. Image: Ca. 40 x 33 cm (ca. 15.7 x 13") Sheet: 56 x 38,5 cm (ca. 22.4 x 15.2") Stage 4: Please note the sheet sieze difference compared with the other three prints of the set! ********** Condition: All four prints have ever so slightly general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use in margins. Stage 4: There is a small green ink spot in upper margin, just about an inch away from upper plate mark. Stage 4: Please note the sheet sieze difference compared with the other three prints of the set! This set belongs and sells together. Net price for the set: $ 640.00 Order Nr.HOGARTH256540 |
Antique Prints of Various Professions
PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views. ANIMALS: Antique Prints of Many Animals. Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen © Rainer Rauhut