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Antique Prints of the Near East A - L

Syria, Lebenon, Isreal and Jordan.

View our selection of historical prints of the Near East. If you are looking for special prints please contact us. Prints are shown in alphabetical order. All prints are in Very Good condition unless otherwise mentioned.

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Prints M - Z of the Near East

Antique Prints of Jerusalem

Liquidation Sale! Discount!

At 85 years old I am selling my stock!

40% Discount on All Prints with a NEAREAST number on this page!

We accept offers. !

"Tombeaux de Absalon"

Steel engravng for Lemaitre ca 1850.

9 x 13.2 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241114


"Château et ville d'Alep"

Wood engraving by H. Clerget after a photograph, ca 1885. Modern hand coloring.
Backside is printed. Scattered spotting in right margin, especially in lower corner.
Light spots on left margin edge.

15.6 x 23.6 cm ( 6.1 x 9.3 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1046


Approach to Antioch from Aleppo

Steel engraving by J.C. Bentley after W.H. Bartlett, ca 1850.

12.5 x 19 cm ( 4.9 x 7.4 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1079


Das Innere der Citadelle von Aleppo

11.8 x 17.8 cm ( 5 x 7 ")


On the backside:

Kawass oder Prunkdiener aus Syrien

20.5 x 14.2 cm ( 8 x 5.5 ")

Wood engravings ca 1890.

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1092


Wood engraving 1884. Reverse side is printed.
At the top is the Mediterranean, in the lower right is Kara Dagh. The roads to Aleppo are shown.

9.9 x 7.8 cm (3.9 x 3.1'')

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1141

Alexandrette in Nordsyrien. Ausgangspunkt der projectierten "Tigris Bahn".
(Starting point of the Tigris Railroad project)

Wood engraving 1884. Reverse side is printed.

12.5 x18.4 cm (4.9 x 7.2'')

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1140

Der Beilan Pass bei Alexandrette.

Wood engraving 1884. Reverse side is printed.

7.9 x 11 cm (3.1 x 4.3'')

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1139



Seel engraving by Lemaite 1848.

9.5 x 17 cm ( 3.7 x 6.6 ")

$ 55.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248640


Vue D'Antioche En Syrie

Wood engraving dated 1838 from "Magasin Universel".

12.7 x 18.3 cm ( 5 x 7.2 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1082

Antiochian in Syrien

Wood engraving ca 1880. On the reverse side are images of Pergamon and Patmos.

13 x 17 cm ( 5.1 x 6.6 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST236879

"View exterieure de la Porte de Medine, a Antioche"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 6.1 ")

$ 35.00

Order NEAREAST249202


"Muralle et tours a Antioche" Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

9 x 17.5 cm ( 3.5 x 6.8 ")

$ 35.00

Order NEAREAST250226

"Ruines dites de la porte de fer, a Antioche"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845,

Image: 9.5 x 15.5 cm ( 3.7 x 6.1")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST250207


"The City of Antioch"

Wood engraving 1860. Backside is printed- Light creasing in lower left margin corner.

14.5 x 23.8 cm ( 5.7 x 9.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1062

Arimathia sonst Ramah
in Palestina
( Now called Ramia or Rentis in Isreal )

Steel engraving from the Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen ca 1850.

8.5 x 15.8 cm ( 3.3 x 6.2 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST236063

Rama und Arimathia

Wood engraving ca 1880. On the reverse side is an interesting image of Korinth.
The gray line on the left is from the original printing.

12.5 x 17 cm ( 4.9 x 6.6 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST236878


"Ruinen von Ascalon"

Aquatint by G. Doebler (1788-1845) for the German translation of the travels of Forbin. Published in Prague by the Hiers of P. Bohman, ca 1820.

Very fine aquatint with an overall light age toning. Wide margins. Some very light scattered spots in margins. Small repaired tear on upper margin edge.

19.5 x 30.5 cm ( 7.6 x 12 ")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1054


"Ruinen von Ascalon"

Aquatint by G. Doebler (1788-1845) for the German translation of the travels of Forbin. Published in Prague by the Hiers of P. Bohman, ca 1820.

Very fine aquatint with an overall light age toning. Wide margins. S

19.5 x 30.3 cm ( 7.6 x 11.9 ")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1053

"Ruines d'Ascalon"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

8.8 x 13.6 cm ( 3.4 x 5.3 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241123

Thal von Ajalon ( Valley of Ajalon )

Wood engraving ca 1880. On the reverse side is an interesting image of Mount Tabor.

12.5 x 17 cm ( 4.9 x 6.6 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST236881

"Restauration Eines Assyrischen Palastes"
"Inere Ansicht"

Fine lithograph after a painting by A. Meerman.
Printed n color by H. Bruch and A. Meermann, 1861.

Image: 13.5 x 22 cm ( 5.3 x 8.6")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253489


Steel engraving after Fleury for Lemaitre ca 1840.

9.6 x 13.6 cm ( 3.7 x 5.3 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST234646

Temple circoulaire a Baalbeck"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1848.

Image: 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248243

""Coupe transversale du temple de Jupiter a Baalbeck"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1848.

Image: 9 x 14,5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248240

"Theil des sechseckichten Hofes oder Gebäudes" - "Der fast ganze Tempel" - "Theiß des run den Tempels" (Balbek. Part of the hexagonal court - The almost entire Temple - Part of the circular temple)

Titles in languages: Latin, English, German, French.

Type of print: Copper etching

Plate 2 from the "Balbek"-series

Engraver: Georg Christoph Kilian (1709-1781)

Artist: Robert Sayer (1725-1797)

Condition: Light general age toning. Some light pleat creases. Nice strong impression
Repair on centerfold in lower margin.

Image 24,3 x 36,7 cm (ca. 9.5 x 14.5")

$ 240.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST249102

"Syrie ancienne" ( temple floor plan )

Title below the image was not fully printed.

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1848.

Image:17 x 10.5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.1 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248237

"Syrie ancienne"

Title below the image was not fully printed.

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1848. Narrow left margin.

Image:17 x 10.5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.1 ")
Page size: 19.5 x 12 cm ( 7.6 x 4.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248237

"Temple de Jupiter a Baalbeck"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848. Upper margin is narrow.

Image: 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")
Page size: 11.5 x 19.5 cm ( 4.5 x 7.6 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248241


"Ruins of Balbec a famous City of Phoenice in Asia"

Copper etching from Bankes's "New System of Geography", published ca 1780.

Strong, clean impression. Print has wide margins.
Light browning on margin edges and a few minor spots in margins.

15.5 x 26.1 cm ( 6.1 10.2 ")



Ruins of Baalbec

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1865, Reverse side is printed.

8.1 x 9.8 cm ( 3.2 x 3.8 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1125


"Ruins of Baalbec"

Toned lithograph ca 1860.
Print has wide margins. Image is very clean.
Overall light toning and some very tiny tears in margin edges.

17.7 x 25.5 cm (6.9 x 10 ")


"Syrie Ancienne"
"Temple de Jupiter a Baalbeck"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1848. Right margin is narrow.

Image: 14 x 9 cm ( 5.5 x 3.5 ")
Page size: 19.5 x 11 cm ( 7.6 x 4.3 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248239

"Temple du Soleil a Baalbeck"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848. Upper margin is narrow.

Image: 9 x 17 cm ( 3.5 x 6.6 ")
Page size: 11.5 x 19.5 cm ( 4.5 x 7.6 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248249

"Vue generale des ruines de Baalbeck"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848. Upper margin is narrow.

Image: 10.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.8 ")
Page size: 12 x 19.5 cm ( 4.7 x 7.6 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248236

"Syrie ancienne" ( Baalbeck temple floor plan )

Title below the image was not fully printed.

Steel engraving by Lemiaitre, 1848. Left margin is narrow.

Image: 17 x 11 cm ( 6.6 x 4.3 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248238

"Abraham's Well at Bersheba"

Wood engraving on a page of text about Abraham that continues
on the reverse side. On the reverse side is an image of Sinai,
Published 1872.

Image: 7.5 x 8 cm (2.9 x 3.1")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST255450

"Cheik Bedouin"

Zincograph published ca 1890.
Revrse side has text about Asia Minor.

Image: 12 x 8.5 cm ( 4.7 x 3.3")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST256707

"Bedouins du desert"

Zincograph published ca 1890.
Below the image and on the reverse side of the page is French text about Mesopotamia..

Image: 9 x 14.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5")")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST256706


"Fort a Centree du Port de Beirout"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 16 cm ( 3.5 x 6.2 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248638


"St. Josephs-Kolleg in Beirut (Suedseite)

Wood engraving ca 1880. Backside is printed.

10.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.8 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1064

"Vue Generale De Beyrout Et Du Mont Liban"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is unrelated text.

Light natural age toning.

Image: 15 x 20.5 cm ( 5.9 x 8 ")

$ 65, 00 minus 40% Discount = $39.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST257163


Wood engraving published 1861. Pleasant view of Beirut.

A few very minor light spots in the wide margins.

Image: 10 x 15 cm ( 3.9 x 5.9")

$ 75.00

Order Nr- NEAREAST253375


" Roches sculptres a Bairout"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1848.

9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248642

"Beirut, Hafenstadt in Syrien"

Wood engraving 1875. Reverse side is printed.

10.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.8 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST240254

"Sculpture a Bairout"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848. Narrow left margin.

17 x 10.5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.1 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST249205

L'une des portes de Bairout

"L'une des portes de Bairout"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

10 x 15.5 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1 ")

Order Nr. NEAREAST248391 SOLD


"Vue interieure des fortifications de Bairout"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9.5 x 16.5 cm ( 3.5 x 6.4 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248386


"St. Josephs-Kolleg in Beirut" (Nordseite)

Wood engraving ca 1880. Backside is printed.

10.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.8 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1063

"Entree du Porte de Bairout"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

9 x 17 cm ( 3.5 x 6.6 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST249201



Wood engraving from "Orbis Pictus" by Otto Spamer, 1874. Backside is printed.

10.4 x 13.4 cm ( 4 x 5.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1065

"Pont pres de Bairout"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9.5 x 14 cm ( 3.7 x 5.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. 251871


"Vue de la chaine de Liban pres de Bairout"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248388

"Beit Mary, Mount Lebanon, The Scene of the Recent Conflict Between the Druses and the Maronites"
Text about Beit Mary is on the second page.

23 x 34 cm ( 9 x 13.3 ")

Second Page:

Head of a Druse Woman

"Upper image: "St James's Church, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks"
This image and article are unrelated to the tet about Lebanon.
There is text about the history of this church to the left of the image.

Page size: 36 x 25 cm ( 14.1 x 9.8 ")

Lower image: "Head of a Druse Woman" Beginning in the lower left, below the image and on the right is text about Beit Mary in Lebanon.

Two pages with wood engraving images published 1859. Both pages have unrelated text on the reverse side.

Price for the two pages: $ 50.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST247283

Beirut - Mount Lebanon

The Town of Beyrout and Mount Lebanon

Wood engraving after a drawing by J. Lewis Farley, 1860. Reverse side is printeed.

17.5 x 23.7 cm ( 6.8 x 9.3 ")

$ 65,00



"Vue de Beyrouth (Syrie)"

Wood engraving after M. Morel Faito ca 1875.
Backside is printed. Small Creases in upper image.

22 x 32 cm ( 8.6 x 12.5 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1060

"Ort der Bergpredigt"

This is the sight of the Sermon on the Mount. It is located on the
north end of Lake Geneserath.

Toned steel engraving with hand-colored finishing. Published 1861.

Image: 12 x 19 cm ( 4.7 x 7.4")

$ 70.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253417

Bait Ad Din  Bettedin

"Palais de l'Emir a Bettedin"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

13.5 x 9 cm ( 5.3 x 3.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREST248639

Bait Ad Din  Bettedin

"Palais de l'Emir a Bettedin"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1848. Narrow upper margin.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248641

Village of Bethany & the Dead Sea Village de Bethanie Avec Une Vue De La Mer Morte

Aquatint after Luigi Mayer. Very fine orginal hand coloring. London, 1803

Very nice condition.

22.2 x 31.4 cm ( 8.6 x 12.3 ")

$ 280.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST235452


Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1865. Reverse side is printed.

8.3 x 9.9 cm ( 3.3 x 3.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1127

"Interieur D'Eglise A Bethlehem"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is text about Asia Minor.

Overall light, natural age toning.

14.5 x 19.5 cm ( 5.7 x 7.6")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST256708

"Kirche in Bethlehem"

Lightly toned wood engraving published 1861.

A few light spots in margins.

Image: 10.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.1")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253362

"Plan de l'Eglise de Bethlehem"

Steel engraving 1845.

13 x 9 cm ( 5.1 x 3.5 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST243026

"Vue Generale De Bethlehem"

Zincograph published ca 1890.On the reverse side is unrelated text.

Light natural age toning.

Image: 15 x 20 cm ( 5.9 x 7.8")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST257164


Toned steel engraving with hand colored highlighting. Published 1861.

Image: 12 x 19 cm ( 4.7 x 7.4")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253447

"Krypta in Bethlehem"

Wood engraving published 1861.

Image: 10.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.1")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253444

"Eglise de Bethlehem"

Steel engraving 1845. Nrrow upper margin.

8.8 x 12 cm ( 3.4 x 4.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST243028


"Eglise a Bethlehem"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848. Upper margin is narrow.

10.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.1 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248244

Bethlehem Church of the Nativity

"Chapelle de la nativite a Bethliem"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 15.5 cm ( 3.5 x 6.1 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST24837

Bethlehem Church

"Eglise a Bethliam"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST24830

"Chretiens de Bethlehem" ( Christians of Bethlehem )

Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Vernier, 1845. Upper margin is very narrow.

13 x 9.5 cm ( 5.1 x 3.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST243029


Bethlehem ( von Norden gesehen)

Wood engraving ca 1890. Backside is printed.

10.4 x 17.3 cm ( 4 x 5.6 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1094


Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1850.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST242792


"Couvent de la Nativitie a Bethlehem"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1850.

12.5 x 9 cm ( 4.9 x 3.5 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST242793


Die Marienkirche in Bethlehem

Wood engraving after H. Fenn, ca 1890.
Backside is printing. A few light spots and browning in margins.

16.4 x 23.7 cm ( 6.4 x 9.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1090


Wood engraving on a page of text about Bethlehem.
Text continues on reverse side. Published 1863.

Image: 8 x 11 cm ( 3.1 x 4.3")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST255500

"Der Teich Bethseda" (the pool of Bethseda)

Wood engraving published 1861.

A few very minor age spots in the wide margins.

Image: 11 x 16.5 cm ( 4.3 x 6.4")

$ 60.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253374


Toned steel engraving with hand coloring highlights. Published 1861.

Image: 12 x 19 cm ( 4.7 x 7.4")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253443


Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

9.3 x 13.7 cm ( 3.6 x 5.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241084


"Murs de Bostra"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248407

An Ancient theater at Cacamo Ancien Theatre a Cacamo

Aquatint after Luigi Mayer. Very fine orginal hand coloring. London, 1803

Very nice condition.

22.2 x 31 cm ( 8.6 x 12 ")

$ 300.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST235455

Sepulchural Grots At the Head od the Harbour of Cacamo Grotts Sepulcrale Au Haut Du Port De Cacamo

Aquatint after Luigi Mayer. Very fine orginal hand coloring. London, 1803

Very nice condition.

22.5 x 31.6 cm ( 8.8 x 12.4 ")

$ 240.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST235456

Caipha, Bay of Acre

Approach to Caipha, Bay of Acre

Steel engraving by T. Jeavons after W.H. Bartlett, ca 1850.
Overall light age toning.

12.3 x 19 cm ( 4.8 x 7.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST2078



Lithograph printed in color by R. Eisenblaetter, ca 1865.

12 x 18 cm ( 4.7 x 7 ")

$ 70.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1083

"Fontaine a Cana en Galilee"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

8.8 x 13.8 cm ( 3.4 x 5.4 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241115

Le Careme
Le Jordan, Betanie, Jericho and Montagne de La Quarantaine.

Wood engravings ca 1870. Reverse side is printed.

31.5 x 22 cm ( 12.4 x 8.6 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1129

Mt. Carmel

"Aussicht vom Berge Carmel"

Ptolomais (Acre) in der Ferne.
(LBuch der Könige Cap. XVIII 19)
"Und versamle das Ganze Isreal auf dem Berge Carmel".
Steel engraving from the Kunstanstalt in Hildburghausen, ca 1850.

9.8 x 15 cm ( 3.8 x 5.9 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1010

"Mount Casius" ( on the border between Syria and Turkey)
"from Selucia"

Steel engraving by C. Cousen after W.H. Bartlett, published 1854.

Good condition.

Image: 13 x 18,5 cm ( 5.1 x 7.2")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253165


The Second Crusaders Discover the Fate of the First.

Wood engraving after a drawing by Gustave Dore for an illustrated work ca 1880.
Reverse side is printed.

18.2 x 14.7 cm ( 7.1 x 5.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order NEAREAST1100


Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1840.

9.3 x 14.6 cm ( 3.6 x 5.7 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST11536

Abd-el-Kader, ex-emir de Mascara, protecteur des consuls et des chrétiens à Damas(cus) (born near Mascara, Algeria). And: ãVue générale de Damas(cus).

Portrait of the Algerian freedom fighter Sidi el-Haddsch Abd el-Kader Uled Mahiddin.

Two wood engravings on one page by C. Maurand and L. Dumont. Le Monde Illustré. Ca. 1860.

General age toning. Traces of horizontal folding. Some foxing. Reverse side is printed.

Page size: 36.7 x 25.8 cm (14.4 x 10.1")

$ 40.00



Copper etching by Pieter van der Aa (1659 - 1733)

From ãLa Galerie Agreable du Monde" . Leiden 1748. There were only one hundred copies of this 66 volume work printed!!!!!!!)

General view of Syria's capital

Very good condition. VERY RARE!

26 x 33.3 cm (10.2 x 13.1")

$ 450.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST238813


Wood engraving published 1885. On the reverse side is historical text
about Mosul and Bagdad.

11 x 17 cm ( 4.3 x 6.6 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST252788


"Porte a Damas"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248392


"Tombeaux a Damas"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248395


"Bilder aus Damaskus"
Bab Kisan, Cafe am Barada, Die Dichami Es Sabunije, Damuskus mit Baradafluss, Grabmal Saladins

Wood engraving after C. Werner and H. Fenn, ca 1880. Backside is printed.

Page size: 37.6 x 27.8 cm ( 14.8 x 10.9 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1070


Wood engraving made after a photograph. Published 1890.

12.5 x 19.5 cm ( 4.9 x 7.6 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST252065


"Strassenscene in Damaskus"

Wood engraving made after a painting by Bauernfeind ca 1885.
Reverse side is printed with unrelated text.

19 x 28 cm ( 7.4 x 11 ")

Order Nr. NEAREAST245503 SOLD

Damascus, From Above Salaheya

Steel engraving engraved expressly for J.K. Wellman ca 1850.

9.8 x 15.4 cm ( 3.8 x 6 ")


Damascus Baths

"Oeffentliches Bad in Damaskus"

Wood engraving after a watercolor painting by Professor C. Werner, ca 1880.
Backside is printed.

22.2 x 31.7 cm ( 8.7 x 12.4 ")

$ 35.00



Steel engraving printed in color and highlighted with hand coloring.

Published 1861.Fine condition except for a tiny spot in left margin.

Image: 12 y 19 cm ( 4.7 x 7.4")

$ 110.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253418


"Damaskus: Thor bei der geraden Strasse"
1. Minaret einer alten Moschee. 2. Bogenrest eines ehemaligen Haupthores. 3. u. 4. jetziges Thor.
Wood engraving ca 1875. Backside is printed.

15.8 x 17.9 cm ( 6.2 x 6.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1069


"Damaskus: Mauer beim St. Paulsthor"
Die Kuppel ist die der neuen griechisch-katholischen Kathedrale.
Wood engraving ca 1875. Backside is printed.

15.7 x 17.7 cm ( 6.1 x 6.9 ")

$ 20.00




Steel engraving ca 1850 from the Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen.

10 x 17 cm ( 3.9 x 6.6 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241458

Street Scene in Damascus

"Strassenscene in Damaskus"

Wood engraving after a painting by G. Bauerenfeind. Dated 1897.
Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

22 x 32 cm ( 8.6 x 12.5 ")

Order Nr. NEAREAST244808SOLD



Wood engraving 1874. Narrow margins.
Backside is printed. Overall age toning.

11 x 17.5 cm ( 4.3 x 6.8 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1073



"Das Kloster der
Derwische zu Damaskus"

Wood engraving by F. Meaville after Barclay, ca 1870.

Print has overall light toning and text on backside.

23.8 x 16 ( 9.3 x 6.3 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1004


"View of Damascus"

Wood engraving ca 1875.

9.5 x 16 cm (3.7 x 6.2 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1058



Steel engraving by J. Cousen after W. H. Bartlett. Published 1854.

Image: 12.5 x 18 cm ( 4.9 x 7")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253169

"Fontaine Des Ablutions De La Grande Mosquee De Damas"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is French text about
Babel, Babylonia and Persia.

Overall light, natural age toning.

Imagge: 20 x 15 cm (3.9 x 5.9")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST256703

"Une Rue A Damas"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is French text about Mesopotamia.

Overall light, natural age toning.

Image: 15 x 20 cm ( 5.9 x 7.8")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST256704


View of Damascus from the Hill of Salaiyeh

Wood engraving after E. Harker, dated 1860. From "The Illustrated London News".
Backside is printed.Tiny tears on left margin edge.

23.5 x 34.5 cm ( 9.2 x 13.5 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1026

Dead Sea

Halt above the North End of the Dead Sea

Steel engraving by J.C. Armytage after W.H. Bartletz ca 1840. Wide margins.

12.4 x 18.5 cm ( 4.9 x 7.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order nr. NEAREAST1120


Ansicht von Deir-el-Kamar

Wood engraving, ca 1870. Backside is printed.

11.8 x 16 cm ( 4.6 x 6.2 ")


Order Nr. NEAREAST1027


"Deir-el-Kamr. on the southern side of Mount Lebanon, Lately Destroyed by the Druses"

Wood engraving, 1860. Backside is printed.

17.4 x 23.7 cm (6.8 x 9.3 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr.NEAREAST1074

"Ruins of Djerash in Syria"

Steel engraving ca 1840.

Steel engraving in fine condition.

Image: 10 x 15 cm ( 3.9 x 5.9 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST250239


""Cenotaphe de Gaius Cesar, pres de Hems ( Emese)" ( Homs )

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

14.5 x 9 cm ( 5.7 x 3.5 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST249204

Well near Emmaus
(on the road from Jaffa to jerusalem)

Steel engraving by C. Cousen after W.H. Bartlett ca 1850. Wide margins.

12.3 x 17.8 cm ( 4.8 x 7 ")

$ 40.00

Order nr. NEAREAST1121


Plain Er-Rahah - Mt Sinai

In the background is the Mt. Mennagia Convent, Sussafeh Peak and mt. Catherine.

Steel engraving by J. Cousen after W.H. Bartlett ca 1850. Wide margins.

12.6 x 19.7 cm ( 5 x 7.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order nr. NEAREAST1123


Plain of Esdraelon from Jenin

Steel engraving by B. Bradshaw after W.H. Bartlett ca 1850. Wide margins.

11.9 x 18.8 cm ( 4.7 x 7.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1115

"Ansicht von Gaza"

Aquatint by G. Doebler (1788-1845) for the German translation of the travels of Forbin. Published in Prague by the Hiers of P. Bohman, ca 1820.

Very fine aquatint with an overall light age toning. Wide margins. Some very light scattered spots in margins.
A few creases in margins and image.

18.7 x 28.8 cm (7.3 x 11.3 ")

$ 180.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1052


In the foreground is a lively scene of traders? with their camels.
In the background is the city of Gaza (Ghazza, Gasa),

Wood engraving published 1861. A few very minor spots in the wide margins.

Image: 10.5 x 15 cm ( 4.1 x 5.)")

$ 50.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253361


Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

8.8 x 13.5 cm ( 3.4 x 5.3 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241082

"Palais des Soudans a Gaza"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

13.2 x 9.2 cm ( 5.1 x 3.6 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241087


Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

8.8 x 13.5 cm ( 3.4 x 5.3 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST24124

"In Galilaa: Hier wandelt der Herr" ( In Galiee, here wanderd the Lord )

Wood engraving by Naumann after Mueller, published 1868.
Reverse side is printed.

9.5 x 15 cm ( 3.7 x 5.9 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST242665

Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee

Wood engraving dated 1869.
Backside is printed. Narrow lower margin.

16 x 23.2 cm ( 6.2 x 9.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1095

"Pallast der Sultane zu Gaza"

Aquatint by G. Doebler (1788-1845) for the German translation of the travels of Forbin. Published in Prague by the Hiers of P. Bohman, ca 1820.

Very fine aquatint with an overall light age toning. Wide margins. .

28.5 x 18.5 cm ( 11.2 x 7.2 ")

$ 180.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1055

View of Gaza-City from the roof of Al-Shifa-Hospital. Also: A-Shifa-Clinic

The large building complex was built in Rimal (Gaza-City) originally as barracks for the British Army in the 1920ies. It became a medical institution for quarantine and fiever-patients in 1946.

The view is water color over pencil on paper. Lower right corner unfinished.

Lower left in German language in pencil: Gaza vom Dach der Quarantäne aufgenommen (Gaza seen from the roof of the quarantine)

Lower right corner: Signature in pencil: Grothe

Minimal age toning. Some very minor traces of age and use.

22,2 x 30,8 cm (8.7 x 12.1")

$ 120.00 (no discount)

Order Nr. ORIGINAL257097

The Garden of Gethsemane

The Garden of Gethsemane

Steel engraving by R. Brandard after W.H. Bartlett ca 1850. Wide margins.

11.8 x 17.9 cm ( 4.6 x 7 ")

Order nr. NEAREAST1117 SOLD

"Girasa (Djerasch)"

Steel engraving ca 1840.

9 x 14.7 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST240909

"Harim" ( Syria )

Wood engraving by Dosso after a photograph 1872. Reverse side is printed.

7.8 x 15.8 cm ( 3 x 6.2 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST240113


Hasbeiya - Syria

Wood engraving ca 1875.

11 x 18.8 cm ( 4.3 x 7.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1105

"Mosque erigee a Hebron sur l'emplacement du Tombeau du patriarche Abraham"

Steel engraving by Lemaite ca 1850.

10 x 14 cm ( 3.9 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST242142


"Vue generale de la mosque d'Hebron"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248389


Wood engraving published 1861.

Image: 10.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.1")

$ 45,00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253440

Hebron - Abraham's Grave

"Hebron und Abrahams Grab"

Steel engraving from the Kunstanstalt in Hildburghausen, ca 1850.

10.3 x 14 cm ( 4 x 5.5 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1008

"Map of the Hebrew Exodus"

Wood engraving published 1863. On the reverse side is text about about
the years of enslavement in Egypt and the Exodus. On the reverse side
is a small image of the Wadi Wutah.

Image: 13 x 11.5 cm ( 5.1 x 4.5")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST255457


"Gesamtansicht von Hebron"

Wood engraving after a photograph, 1900. Reverse side is printed.

10.5 x 18 cm ( 4.1 x 7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST247409

Mt. Hermon
View from the upper plain of the Jordan.

Steel engraving ca 1840. Anonymous. Margins are wider.
Overall light age toning.

11.3 x 18 cm ( 4.4 x 7.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1114

"Der Grosse Hermon"

Wood engraving made after a photograph. Published 1901

13 x 20 cm ( 5.1 x 7.8 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST251963

"Pool of Hezekiah"

Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed.

11.2 x 17.2 cm ( 4.4 x 6.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST 1047



Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1848.

9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST248385

"Iafa" (Jaffa)

Fine, toned steel engraving published 1861.

Image: 12 x 18.5 cm ( 4.7 x 7.2")

$ 95.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253449


Jaffa, the Ancient Joppa

Steel engraving by J. Crew after J. Woodward, ca 1850.
Print has light spotting in margins and light browning of margin edges.

17.2 x 25 cm ( 6.7 x 9.8 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1029

Valley of Jehoshaphat

Tombs in the Valley of Jehoshaphat

Steel engraving by E. Brandard after W.H. Bartlett ca 1845. Wide margins.

13.4 x 18.7 cm (5.3 x 7.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order nr. NEAREAST1109

"Ansicht von Jeremia Hauptort des arabischen Stammes Abu-Gosh"

Aquatint by G. Doebler (1788-1845) for the German translation of the travels of Forbin. Published in Prague by the Hiers of P. Bohman, ca 1820.

Very fine aquatint with an overall light age toning. Wide margins. Light browning on margin edges.

21.5 x 29.8 cm ( 8.4 x 11.7 ")

$ 180.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1051

"The Grotto of Jeremiah, showing the Mosque of Omar in the Distance."

Wood engraving ca 1870. Backside is printed. Modern hand coloring.

10 x 17.3 cm ( 3.9 x 6.8 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1048

"Wueste von Jericho"

Toned steel enraving with hand colored finishing of the desert near Jericho.
Published 1861. Fine condition.

Image: 12 x 19 cm ( 4.7 x 7.4")

$ 70.00

Order NEAREAST253420

The Grotto of Jeremiah, Showing the Mosque of Omar in the Distance.

Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed.

10 x 17.3 cm ( 3.9 x 6.8 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1151



Steel engraving from the Kunstanstalt in Hildburghausen. Ca. 1850.

9.4 x 15.3 cm ( 3.7 x 6 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1006



Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Gaucherel ca 1850.

8.5 x 13.5 cm ( 3.3 x 5.3")

$ 45.00

Order Nr.NEAREAST241548

Burg Zion
zu Jerusalem.

Steel engraving by W. French after A. Geyer ca 1850.

13.8 x 19.8 cm ( 5.4 x 7.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREASR1108

River Jordan

The River Jordan
(Greek Bathing Place)

Steel engraving by C. Cousen after W.H. Bartlett, ca 1845. Wide margins.

12.2 x 17.9 cm ( 4.8 x 7 ")

$ 25.00

Order nr. NEAREAST1116


"Plaine du Jordan"

Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1850.

8.5 x 13.5 cm ( 3.3 x 5.3 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241125

The Source of the Jordan.

Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

23.2 x 17.5 cm (9.1 x 6.9'')

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1136


"Vallee de Josphat"

Steel engraving for Lemaitre, ca 1850.

9.9 x 14 cm ( 3.8 x 5.5 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241081

"Vue du Monument appele vulgaremont Tombeaux de Josphat"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1850.

9 x 13.8 cm ( 3.5 x 5.4 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241083

"Retrait des Apotres, Vallee de Josaphat"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Gaucharel ca 1850.

12.7 x 8.7 cm ( 4.7 x 3.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST241078


"Joughi. quartier eneral de Youssuf Karam, a l'embouchure du Nahr el Kelp, riviere du Chien"

Wood engraving 1860. Reverse side is printed.

14 x 22.5 cm ( 5.5 x 8.8 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST245988

These two images are back-to-back on the same page.



11.2 x 15.7 cm ( 4.4 x 6.1 ")



Kloster von Mar Autun in Khosaya

11.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.8 ")

Wood engravings after photos ca 1885.


Order Nr. NEAREAST2082



Maronitenseminar in Kareim

Wood engraving ca 1885. Backside is printed.

11.8 x 17.8 cm ( 4.6 x 7 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST2084


Convent de Ste. Catherine St. Katharinen Kloster

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1840.

9.5 x 13.4 cm ( 3.7 x 5.3 ")

Order Nr. NEAREAST11529 SOLD


Kessab - Northern Syria

Wood engraving ca 1875.

10.3 x 17 cm ( 4 x 6.6 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1106




Wood engraving ca 1880. Backside is printed.

11.5 x 13 cm ( 4.5 x 5.1 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1075


 Druze bride in Lebanon

"Drusische Braut von Libanon" ( Druze bride in Lebanon )

Wood engraving after a photograph 1900. Reverse side is printed.

15 x 8.5 cm ( 5.9 x 3.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST247411


Maronite und Maronitin

Wood engraving ca 1885. Backside is printed.

21 x 16 cm ( 8.2 x 6.3 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST2087


Mar Autun Monestary

Maroniten beim Kloster Mar Autun

20.8 x15.8 cm ( 8.1 x 6.2 ")

On the backside is the following image:

Druse from Libanon

Druse aus dem Libanon

18.2 x 12.2 cm ( 7.1 x 4.8 ")

These two images back-to-back on the same page are wood engravings ca 1885.

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST2086


Drusen auf einem Raubzuge gegen die Maroniten
(Drusen on a campaign against the Maronites)

Wood engraving ca 1885. Backside is printed.

$ 45.00

20.9 x 15.8 cm ( 8.2 x 6.2 ")

Order Nr. NEAREAST2085


"Maroniten von Libanon"

Wood engraving by Spamer, 1875.
Image is surrounded by text (German) about Maroniten . Backside is printed.

8.5 x 10.5 cm ( 3.3 x 4.1 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1056


"The Abeh Seminary " ( Lebanon)

Wood engraving ca 1880.

10.3 x 18 cm ( 4 x 7 ")

$ 35.00


"Cedres du Liban"

Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1850.

9 x 14.8 cm ( 3.5 x 5.8 ")

Order Nr. NEAREAST241085 SOLD


Der Libanon
und die Syrische Kueste

Steel engraving by Stanfield and Fitzmaurice, ca 1845.

10 x 16 cm ( 3.9 x 6.2 ")

$ 30.00

Order nr. NEAREAST1098


"Der Libanon"

In the background is part of the Lebanon mountain rainge.
In the center are cedars of Lebanon. A cedar tree is on the flag of Lebanon.

Steel engraving printed in blue and beige tones and finished with hand coloring.

Image: 12 x 19.5 cm ( 4.7 x 7.6")

$ 80.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST253416

Kefr Kenna

Kefr Kenna (Palestina)

Wood engraving after H. Fenn, ca 1880. Backside is printed.

16.3 x 25.8 cm ( 6.4 x 10.1 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST1032


"The Ancient City of Palmira as it now appears" (Syria)

Copper etching (original hand-coloring). Published by Carington Bowles in a series of perspective views after the British expedition and the careful drawing of all then remaining antique ruins in Palmira. Robert Wood and James Dawkins went to Palmira in 1751 and had J.P Borra an italian architect draw the ruins. Their enormously important monumental work bore the title: The Ruins of Palmira" and was published in London, 1753This is plate 4, the general view, of the set of 4 perspective views, which were printed after the mentioned book. London, ca. 1760

Title in English and French in the manner of perspective views.


1. The Temple of the Sun (Baal) - 2. ATurkish Mosque - 3. A Little Temple - 4. The Cell of a Temple - 5. Large Pedestals - 6. A Line of Columns which belonged to a Portico - 7. The Remains of a Christian Church - 8. Ruins of a Sepulchre - 9. Buildings errected by Diocletian - 10. A Sepulchre - 11. Ruins of a Turkish fortification - 12. The Turkish castle on the hill.

Beautiful original hand coloring. Hardly visible repaired tear on right side. Small repaired tear in left margin.
Overall very pleasant appearance.

27.2 x 37.8 cm (10.7 x 14.9")

$ 580.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST235623

"Le grand galerie" (Palmyra)

Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. Upper margin is narrow.

9.5 x 15.9 cm ( 3.7 x 6.3 ")

Order Nr. NEAREAST235001SOLD

Lebanon - Cedar Forests

Forest Des Cédres Sur Le Mont Liban

Vue particuliere, prise du côte d'une petite vallée, en fâce du sommet de la montagne.

Cooper engraving by Godefroy after L.F. Cassas, ca 1780. Print has strong, clean impression and wide margins.
Crease in upper margin.

24.1 x 45 cm ( 9.4 x 17.7 cm )

$ 220.00

Order Nr. NEAREST1042


Ruins Between Ramh and Jerusalem Ruines Entre Ramah et Jerusalem

Aquatint after Luigi Mayer. Very fine orginal hand coloring. London, 1803

Repaired tear on left margin edge. Repaired tear in lower margin that reaches 1 cm into image.

22.5 x 31.4 cm ( 8.8 x 12.3 ")

$ 180.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST235451

Sepulchres of the Judges of Isreal Sepulcres Des Juges D 'Isreal

Aquatint after Luigi Mayer. Very fine orginal hand coloring. London, 1803

Very nice condition.

22.5 x 31.4 cm ( 8.8 x 12.3 ")

$ 200.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST235454

Ramparts de St. Jean d ´Acre

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1840.

9 x 13.8 cm ( 3.5 x 5.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST235736

"Costumes de Femmes"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Vernier ca 1850. Narrow upper margin.

10 x 13.2 cm ( 3.9 x 5.1 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr.NEAREAST241551


"1. Phoeniciens. 2. Hebraiques des monnaies. 3. Samaritains. 4. Hebreual"

Steel engraving ca 1850.

17.3 x 10 cm ( 6.8 x 3.9 ")

Order Nr. NEAREAST241176SOLD


Anonymous copper etching. French, ca. 1800

An incense buyer ???? is offered the desired merchandise by an oriental

seller. In all probability the scene, dress and surroundings indicate, that it Takes place in Oman or Yemen

Margins show some age and use. Image is in very good condition.

18.5 x 30 cm (ca. 7.3 x 11.8")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. MIDDLEEAST237972

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