Antique Prints of the Philippine Islands View a selection of historical prints of the Philippine Islands. All prints are in good condition unless otherwise noted. Prints are shown in alphabetical order. Sale! Discount! 40% Discount on All Prints with a PHILIPPINE number on this page! We accept offers. ! |
"Carte des Isles Philippines Dresse sur la Carte Espagnole du R.P. Murillo de Velarde" After the drawing and measuring by Jacques Nicolas Bellin (103-1772) Below map title in the Dutch language. Southern part of a two part map of the Philippines Paris, dated 1752 Map is in excellent condition with superb hand coloring. Two vertical folds to fit book size. 20,5 x 29,7 cm (ca. 8 x 11.7") $ 380.00 (Maps are discounted 30%! $380.00 minus 30% = $266.00) Order Nr.SOUTHEASTASIAMAP252601 |
Manila. - "Abzeichnung des Meerbusens bey Manila" Map of the harbor and surroundings. Copper etching. Published in "Des Herrn Admirals, Lord Ansons Reise um die WeltÉ in the years 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44É" Goettingen, 1763 German edition of "Voyage around the World" by Lord George Anson Map has horizontal and vertical folds to fit book size. Lower right margin binding corner missing. General age toning. 2 round foxing spots outside image. Very good impression. 20 x 25 cm (ca. 7.8 x 9.8") $ 195.00 (Maps are discounted 30%! $195.00 minus 30% = $136.50) Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIAMAP253299 |
"Karte von dem Canal in den Philippinischen Inseln durch welchen die Gallion von Manila segelt nebst den naechstgelegenen Inseln" Chart of the Canal sailed by the "Gallion" from Manila, and the neighboring (northern) islands. Ma includes the islands of Cebu, Bohol, but does not include Palawan and Mindanao Copper etching. Published in "Des Herrn Admirals, Lord Ansons Reise um die WeltÉ in the years 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44É" Goettingen, 1763 German edition of "Voyage around the World" by Lord George Anson Map has three horizontal
and four vertical folds to fit book size. General age toning. Very minor spotting. Very good print quality. 52,5 x 41,5 cm (ca. 20.1 x 16.3") $ 580.00 (Maps are discounted 30%! $580.00 minus 30% = $406.00) Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIAMAP253298 |
"Einheimische Frauen beim
Auslesen der Tabakblaetter" Wood engraving dated1897.
Overall light age toning. 16 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.2 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255254 |
"Pfahlbau Dorf in der Suedsee ( Philippinen )" Fine wood engraving printed in
color after a painting by C. Hildebrant ca 1895. 21.5 x 30 cm ( 8.4 x 11.8 ") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES252434SOLD |
"Philipinnen" Steel engraving ca 1845, Two tiny binding holes above the word "Philippinen" Image: ca 8 x 14 cm ( 3.1 x 5.5") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255859 SOLD |
"Philippinen" Steel engraving ca 1845, Two tiny binding holes above the word "Philippinen" Image: ca 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5") $ 65.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 39.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255890 |
"Philipinnen" Steel engraving ca 1845, Two tiny binding holes in the word "Philippinen" Image: ca 9,5 x 14 cm ( 3.7 x 5.5") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255853 SOLD |
"Weberin von Isarog" ( Weaver from Isarog ) Wood engraving 1895. Reverse side is printed. 7.5 x 11 cm ( 2.9 x 4.3 ") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES248215SOLD |
"Kuestenlandschaft von Flores" ( Coastal landscape of Flores, Philippines ) Wood engraving 1895. Reverse
side is printed. 15.5 x 23 cm ( 6.1 x 9 ") Order Nr.PHILIPPINES2524344 SOLD |
"Comision Encargada por el
Sultan fr Jolo de Visitar al Capitan General de las Islas
Filipinas" Wood engraving made after a photograph ca 1890. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 14.5 x 22.5 cm ( 5.7 x 8.8 ") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES245989 SOLD |
"Ein Tagalendorf auf Luzon" ( Tagalog village on Luzon ) Chromolithograph after E. T. Compton published 1890. 13 x 20.5 cm ( 5.1 x 8 ") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES252050 SOLD |
"Kirche und Convento (Pfarrhaus) in Lipa (Provinz Batangas) auf den Philippinen" Wood engraving published 1895.
Above and below the image is German text about Image: 11.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.1") $ 35.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255305 |
"Mandaya-Dorf auf Mindanao" Wood engraving published ca 1885. On the reverse side is urrelated text. Image: 11.5 x 23.5 cm ( 4.5 x 9.8") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES256328 SOLD |
"Street Scene in Manila" Wood engraving ca 1900. Reverse side is printed. 4.8 x 7.5 cm ( 1.8 x 2.9 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA234070 |
""Die Escolta, die grosse Geschaeftsstrasse in Manila, Vorstadt Biondo" Wood engraving dated 1897. On
the reverse side is text about Image: 15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.8") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255304 SOLD |
"Das Zollhaus in Manila" ( the custom's house in Manila ) Wood engraving made after a photograph, 1890. On the reverse side is text. 19 x 13 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES252053 |
"Manille" Wood engraving published 1885. Reverse side is blank. Image: 11.5 x 15.5 cm (4.5 x 6.1") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255266 SOLD |
"Am Pasig bei Manila" Wood engraving of boatsmen on
the Pasig River. Image: 16 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.8") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255262 SOLD |
"Chinese Musical Party in Manila" Wood engraving dated 1858. Reverse side is printed. 15 x 23.5 cm ( 5.9 x 9.2 ") Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA245094 SOLD |
"Port et Rade de Manille (Philippines)" (Port and Harbor of Manila) Zincograph published ca 1890.
On the reverse side is text in Image: 15 x 19.5 cm (5.9 x 7.6") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255265 SOLD |
"Wirkung eines Wirbelsturmes auf der Insel Luzon" ( typhoon ) Wood engraving ca 1890. Reverse side is printed. 8 x 13 cm ( 3.1 x 5.1 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES247063 |
"Die Wirkung eines Taifuns in Manila" ( typhoon ) Wood engraving published 1890. Reverse side is printed. 10 x 12.5 cm ( 3.9 x 4.9 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES252054 |
"Barber's Shop in Manila" Wood engraving published 1858
in London. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 16 x 24 cm ( 6.3 x 9.4 ") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES253958SOLD |
"Gesellschaeftliche Vergnuegen" (Social Enjoyment) Wood engraving on a page of
text (in German) about the social and religious Image: 12 x 16.5 cm ( 4.7 x 6.4") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES256326 SOLD |
"Dorf bei Manila" ( village by Manila ) Wood engraving 1900. Reverse side is printed. 11 x 18 cm ( 4.3 x 7 ") $ 35.00 ( See discount at top of page! ) Order Nr. PHILIPPINES245651 |
Steel engraving ca 1845, Two tiny binding holes above the word "Manila" Image: ca 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255858 SOLD |
"Hahnenkampf in einer Strasse Manilas (Philippinen)"
Wood engraving after Conrad Ermisch ca
Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.
23 x 31.5 cm ( 9 x 12.4 ")
Order Nr. POULTRY241256 SOLD
"Hemp press, Manila" Wood engraving ca 1900. Reverse side is printed. light crease. 5 x 10 cm ( 1.9 x 3.9 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA235073 |
"Philippinen" Steel engraving ca 1845, Two tiny binding holes above the word "Philippinen" Image: ca 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255891SOLD |
"Sketches from Manila and Hong-Kong" "Soiree Musicale at Manila" and "Chinese Nursemaids on the Parade Ground, Hong-Kong" Two wood engravings on one page. London, 1857 Good condition. Upper print has flanking text print. Verso of entire shed has text print. Upper print: 18,5 x 15 cm (ca. 7.3 x 5.9") Lower print: 14,5 x 23 cm (ca. 5.7 x 9") Sheet: 39 x 26 cm (ca. 15 x 10.2") $ 60.00 ( See discount at top of page! ) Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA243338 |
Title of
article:"Die Bevoelkerung der
Philippinen und die Ursachen des Aufstandes" "Ein Marktplatz der Insel Siassi auf den Philippinen" Image: 23.5 x 15.5 cm ( 9.8 x 6.1") 3-page article in German about
the Philippines published 1897. Page size: 28 x 20 cm ( 11 x 7.8") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255264SOLD |
No title. Cock-fighting in the
Philippines. Image: 9.5 x 10 cm (3.7 x 3.9") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255263 SOLD |
"Philippinen Inseln" Steel engraving ca 1845. Image 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255856 SOLD |
"Operaciones Militares Contra los Moros de Mindanao. - El Paso de un Rio" Wood engraving made after a
drawing by Taviel de Andrade. 1895. 13 x 20 cm ( 5.1 x 7.8 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES245189 |
image: "Filipinas, - Operaciones
Militares Contra Los Moros de Mindanao. - Posiciones Wood engraving published 1885. Reverse side is printed. 24 x 32 cm ( 9.4 x 12.5 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES245383 |
"Partie an der Ostkueste Mindanaos" Wood engraving 1900. Reverse side is printed. 11 x 15.5 cm ( 4.3 x 6.1") $ 20.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES245650 |
"Bahia de Musa ( Filipinas )
. - Naufragio del Crucero de guerra "Gravina" el 11 de
Julio" Wood engraving 1884. Reverse side is printed. 16 x 23 cm ( 6.2 x 9 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES248267 |
"Mindanao. - Una Rancheria en las Inmediaciones de la Laguna de La Nao." Wood engraving after a photograph published 1895.Reverse side is printed. 12.5 x 16.5 cm ( 4.9 x 6.4 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES245239 |
"Marsch im Flussbett des Tagulaya" Wood engraving showing people
using the river as a road through the jungle. 23.5 x 15.5 cm ( 9.2 x 6.1 ") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES248549 |
"Eingeborene Christin von Mindanao" 10 x 8 cm (3.9 x 3.1") ******** Reverse side: "Ein junger Visaya" 8.5 x 7 cm ( 3.3 x 2.9") Wood engravings on both sides
of a page with German text about Order Nr. PHILIPPINES256327 SOLD |
"La Agricultura en las Islas Filipinas" "Una Hacienda en la Isla de Negros. 1. Exterior de la Casa Haciends. 2. Camarìn Donde se deposita el azúcar, se pesa y se carga en los wagones de exportación. 3. Camarín donde se hace la molienda." Wood engravings made after
photographs by D. R. Echaur. Published 1886. Page size: 32.5 x 22.5 cm ( 12.7 x 8.8 ") Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA244872SOLD |
"Tabakernte auf den Philippinen Inseln" Wood engraving published 1878. Some light spotting in margins. Image: 15.5 x 10 cm ( 6.1 x 3.9 ") Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA2444817 SOLD |
Article with some engravings: "Manilla 1842" Published as part of: "Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842" Author: Charles Wilkes Published: New York, 1856 Chapter VII: - "San Francisco to Manilla 1841" Chapter VIII: - "Manilla 1842" Chapter IX: - "Sooloo 1842" The three articles begin with page 251 and end with page 307 Good condition. Unbound Page size: 26,5 x 17,5 cm (ca. 10.4 x 6.8") Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA243345 SOLD |
images: "Combatde coqs a Manila.
Funerailles d'un Tinguianes" Wood engravings and article published 1855. The article ( in French ) continues on the reverse side. Page size: 33 x 24 cm ( 12.9 x 9,4 ") $ 75.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES247465 |
"Floss mit Sentenz (Philippinen)" Raft with dipping net. A fishing net typical for the Philippine Islands. German wood engraving ca. 1880 Good condition. Above, below and on reverse side text print. 6,8 x 12,5 cm (ca. 2.7 x 4.9") $ 20.00 Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA243339 |
"1. Ninox Philippensis 2. Pseudoptynx Philippensis 3. Lempijius Megalotis" (Owls) Lithograph by J. Smit. Published by Transactions Zoological Society. Printed by Hanhart. London, 1846. Very fine hand-coloring Some age toning. Narrow margins show some wear and tear. Image itself in very good condition. Sheet size: 31.3 x 24 cm (12.3 x 9.4") $ 170.00 Order Nr. OWL67431 |
"Uniuay. - Nuevas Escuelas Publicas, Recientemente Inauguradas para nias y ninos" Wood engraving 1885. Reverse side is printed. In the sky area is a light ink stamp impression. 12.5 x 17 cm ( 4.9 x 6.6 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES248278 |
"Gesellschaftliche Vernigungen" ( Social enjoyment, Philippines ) Wood engraving, 1895. Reverse side is printed. 12 x 16.5 cm ( 4.7 x 6.4 ") Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA243404 SOLD |
"Besuch beim Sultan der Sulu" Wood engraving 1895. Reverse side is printed. 16 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES248212 |
"Papava, Gestell und Kasten
von Bambus, Verbaende und Nasenfeil des Above this image on the same page is a small image of a Phippine Casco ( transport boat ) Wood engraving 1895. Reberse side is printed. 4.5 x 10.5 cm ( 1.7 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. PHILPPINES248277 |
"Eine Prau der Sulu" ( Philippines ) Wood engraving 1895. Reverse side is printed. 11.7 x 16 cm ( 4.6 x 6.2 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. SOUTHEASTASIA243406 |
"Philipinnen" Steel engraving ca 1845, Two
tiny binding holes above the word "Philippinen" Image: ca 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5") $ 65.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 39.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255892 |
"Tagalisches Maedchen" Wood engraving on a page of
text that continues on the reverse side about the
Philippines. Image: 9 x 5.5 cm ( 3.5 x 2.1") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES256325 SOLD |
"Marina de Guerra Espanola. - El Crucero de Primera Clase "Aragon", Perteneciente al Apostadero de Filipinas" Wood engraving 1885. Reverse side is printed. 14 x 16 cm ( 5.5 x 6.2 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES248275 |
"Philippinen Inseln" Steel engraving ca 1845, Two tiny binding holes above the word "Philippinen Inseln" Image: ca 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255857 SOLD |
"Le Pavillon de la Compagnie Generale des Tabacs des Philippines" Text illustration of the Philippine pavillion at the exposition in Anvers, 1894. 16 x 11.5 cm ( 6.2 x 4.5 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES248750 |
"Eine Tagalin aus Manila" Wood engraving made after a
photograph. Published ca 1890. 11 x 10 cm ( 4.3 x 3.9 ") Order Nr. PHILIPPINES252543 SOLD |
"Philippinen" Steel engraving ca 1845. Two tiny holes above the word "Philippinen!. Image: 8.5 x 13 cm ( 3.3 x 5.1") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. PHILIPPINES255855 |
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