Exquisite Roses by P.J. Redouté
One of the great landmarks among the masterpieces of flower books was definitely set by Pierre Joseph Redouté (1759 St. Hubert - 1840 Paris). His fame began to rise when Emperess Josephine Bonaparte hired him in 1798, convinced that only he could fulfill her desire to portrait her beloved flower gardens in the chateau of Malmaison. A series of flower books, produced in the highest of quality resulted from Redouté's engagement to this task: "Jardin de Malmaison", "Description des Plantes rares cultivées à Malmaison et à Navarre", 8 explicity delicate volumes of "Les Liliacées" and, his most famous "Les Roses". Redouté used the technique of stipple engraving aquatint and printed, most of all, in the finest of color! These techniques carried him to unprecidented fame regarding the printing of flower books which has even increased in our time and age, as more people than ever before around the world have access to and, thus, knowledge of the fine art the name of Redouté represents. The editions of books of his time have by no means been large enough to accomodate comfortably the desire of the many who would like to own at least one of these fine samples of flower prints. Occasionally, with the fortune of the determined, a dealer has the luck to find and buy some of Redouté's work.
The following prints stem from Redouté's octavo editions between 1828 and 1837. Plate size: ca. 24 x 15.5 cm ( 9.4 x 6.1 ")
Plates are in Very Good condition unless otherwise noted. Slight toning is normal. Some right margins are narrow.
Here is what we have to offer:
Sale! Discount!
50% Discount on All Prints with a REDOUTE number on this page!
Take 50% off the listed price. !
"P. J. Redouté" "Peintre de Fleurs" Fine copper etching by
Charles-Simon Pradier (1763-1847) Strong impression with very light pleasant age patina. Image: 18 x 15 cm ( 7 x
5.9") $ 160.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 96.00 Order Nr. PORTRAIT255609 |
Rosa Multiflora Platyphylla
Rosier Multiflore
a grandes feuilles$ 720.00
Order Nr. REDOUTE6001
Gallica Agatha
(Varietas parva violacea)Petite Renoncule Violette
The word " Violette" ends on margin edge.
Order Nr. REDOUTE6032 SOLD
Rosa Mollissima. Rosier à feuilles molles. Order Nr. REDOUTE6037 SOLD |
Agatha Prolifera Agathe Prolifère Order Nr. REDOUTE6036 SOLD |
Rosa Pumila Rosier D'Amour $ 680.00 Order Nr. REDOUTE6039 |
Rosa Pomponia Rosier Pompom $ 680.00 Order Nr. REDOUTE234692 |
Rosa Bifera Variegata QUATRE SAISONS (feuilles panachees) $ 680.00 Order Nr. REDOUTE234691 |
Rosa Bifea Macrocarpa QUATRE SAISONS Lelieur Order Nr. REDOUTE234690SOLD |
Rosa Collina Monsoniana Rosier de Lady Monson $ 680.00 Order Nr. REDOUTE6038 |
Rosa Moschata
(flore semi-pleno)Rosier Muscade
(a fleurs semi-doubles)Order Nr. 6015SOLD
Near excellent.
Rosa Bractaeta Rosier de Macartney
$ 250.00
Order Nr. REDOUTE234633
Rosa Malmundariensis Rosier de Malmedy
$ 250.00
Order Nr. REDOUTE234634
Rosa Farinosa Rosier farineux
$ 250.00
Order Nr. REDOUTE234635
Rosa Myriacantha
Rosier à Mille-Epines
$ 180.00
Order Nr. REDOUTE234632
General toning
Rosa Montezuma
Rosier de
Montezuma$ 250.00
Order Nr. 6020 SOLD
General toning.
Rosa Candolleana
ElegansRosier de Candolle
$ 250.00
Order Nr. REDOUTE6021
General toning. Some light spots.
Rosa Spinulifolia
Rosa Spinule de
Dematra$ 300.00
Order Nr. 6023 SOLD
General toning.
Rosa centifolia
simplexRosier cent feuilles
à fleurs simplesOrder Nr. 6027SOLD
Near flawless.
Folio-size Redouté rose print
" Rosa Indica Caryophyllea - La Bengale Oellet "
Engraved by Langlois. Excellent condition.
Ca. 36.4 x 26.4cm ( 14.4 x 10.4 ")
Order Nr. 6051 SOLD
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©Rainer Rauhut