Antique Prints of Ethnological Interest

Antique Prints of Slavery Themes

Take a look at these historic prints of peoples from around the world
and some scenes of the slave trade.

Prints are in good condition unless otherwise mentioned.

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ãNeuhollaender vom Koenig Georgshafen" Aboringinies from King George Sound, Australia.
Nelle Hollande Port du Roi Georges.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96022.

ãBewohner von Neuirland" (Inhabitants of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea)

ãPapus von Neuguinea" (Papuas from New Guinea).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")


Skelett (Skeleton).

Anonymous lithograph from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")


ãAraber" (Arabians).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96025

"Femmes Et Hommes Yakoutes"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverside is text about the Yakouts and the Taiga.

Light natural age toning.

Image: 14 x 19.5 cm ( 5.5 x 7.6")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr.ETHNOLOGY257038

"Paharias Typen"

Wood engraving on a page of text that continues on the reverse side about the
Sauria Paharia people of Bengladesh and India. Published 1895.
Light natural age toning.

Image: 12 x 17 cm ( 4.7 x 6.6")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. INDIA 254962

"Eingeborene von Neuguinea"

Wood engraving in a 4-page article titled "Neu Reise auf Neuguinea".
There are three smaller images showing aspects if New Guinea.
Very interesting text about early exploration of New Guinea.
Published 1874.

Page size: 28 x 20.5 cm ( 11 x 8")

Price for the 4 pages: $ 80.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY255007

Ethnology - Carl Joseph Brodtmann named Stamm = Tribe

Argentina - Chile - Patagonia. - "VII  ter Stamm". Plate No. 9 - "Patagonier mit Weib ind Kind". Patagonian with wife and childLithograph by Carl Joseph Brodtmann after his own drawing.

Incunabulum of lithography (meaning printed within the first 25 years after invention of lithography. This time period ends 1821).

Published in "Naturhistorische Bilder-Gallerie aus dem Thierreiche"

by Carl Joseph Broadmann (1787-1862)

Published in Lindau, Germany, 1816

This rare work was published as loose prints in folders. Humans in folders 1 through 3 with a total of 12 prints. 

First and only FOLIO- edition. From the very rare Incunabula-edition. Lindau, 1816,
Later published as a book.


44 x 35 cm (ca. 17.3 x 13.8")


Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY250009

"Durchbohrte Knockenstuecke als Halter des Fellkleides aus der Rentier-Zeit Suedfrankreichs"

Wood engraving showing the bone holders on the fur clothes of the
Magdalenian culture in Southern France. This shws a reconstruction
possibility by D. Schoetensack ca 1900. On the reverse side is a
photo showing bone instruments and text.
Published ca 1905. Overall light natural age toning.

Page size: 25 x 18 cm ( 9.8 x 7")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY 254289

No Title

Slave is chained at the foot by a slave dealer and followed by another with a whip.
In the background are ships waiting.

Copper engraving ca 1780. The left and lower margins have been added.
Minor signs of age and use.

Image: 8 x 11 cm ( 3.1 x 4.3")

$ 80.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY253306

"Halbverhungerte Sklaven nach ihre Befreiung auf einem britischen Kriegsschiff"
(half-starved slaves after their liberation on a British war ship)

Wood engraving on a page of text about slavery that continues on the reverse side.
Published 1877.

Image: 8 x 11.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.5")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY255922

"Karawane gefangener Negersklaven"

Wood engraving published 1877. On the reverse side is text about the slave trade.

Image: 10 x 16.5 cm ( 3.9 x 6.4")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY255923

"Bakalihariweiber, Wasser holend" (Kaffern)
Wood engraving on a page of text about various methods of carrying water.. This image shows
shows women getting water with hollowed-out squash (calabasas).
Published ca 1885. On the reverse side is unrelated text.

Image: 8 x 10.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.1")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY256276

"Ostjaken" (also known as Chanten)

Wood engraving published 1890. Reverse side is printed.

Image: 10 x 16 cm ( 3.9 x 6.2")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY255903

"Voelkerkarte von Asien und Europa"

Map shows the various ethnic peoples in Asia and Europe.
Published 1895.

13.7 x 21 cm ( 5.3 x 8.2 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY252425


Wood engraving on a page of German text about the slave trade in Africa that
continues on the reverse side. Published 1877.

Image: 10 x 10.5 cm ( 3.9 x 4.1")

$ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 33.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY254508

"Ein kleinasiatische Osmane"

Wood engraving made after a photograph on a page of text
that continues on the reverse side about the population in
Asia Minor, Persia and Armenia. Published 1895.

Image: 12 x 10 cm ( 4.7 x 3.9 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY252528

"A Gipsy Girl"

Wood engraving by Madame Jacob-Bazin after a painting by Alexis Harlamoff.
Published 1895.

20.5 x 16.5 cm ( 8 x 6.4 ")


"Asiatischer and afrikanischer Voelkertypen."

Wood engraving published ca 1875. On the reverse side is text about types
of people in Asian and Africa. Overall light, natural age toning.

Page size: 23 x 15 cm ( 9 x 5.9")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY256274

"Voelkertypen aus Amerika, Ozeanien und Australien"

Wood engraving published ca 1875. On the reverse side is text about types
of people in the South Pacific, Australia early immigration. Overall light, natural age toning.

Page size: 23 x 15 cm ( 9 x 5.9")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY256308


Wood engraving on a page of text about the warriors fighting
in Zimbabwe.

Image: 12 x 17.5 cm ( 4.7 x 6.8")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY255322

"Feuerlaender Familie" ( family of Tierra del Fuego)

Wood engraving published 1890 on a page of German text about the peoples of
Tierra del Fuego. Text continues on reverse side of page.

Image: 8 x 10 cm ( 3.1 x 3.9 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discunt = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY 255904

"Haartrachten der Zulu-Kaffern"

Wood engraving showning hairdos of Zulu peoples.
Published 1879. On the reverse side is unrelated text.
Overall light natural age toning.

Image: 31 x 23 cm ( 12.2 x 9")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY255245

"Ein Priester in Dahomey, heilge Baumwolle spinnend"
A priest in Dahomey spinning holy cotton.

Wood engraving published 1879. On the reverse side is an article about
Dahomey and the custom of spinning holy cotton.
Overall light natural age toning.

Image: 21.5 x 31.5 cm ( 8.4 x 12.4")

$ 70.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 42.00

Order Nr. AFRICA255161

"Aschanti" (Asante in West Africa)

Wood engraving on a page of text about the Aschanti and their
customs that continues on the reverse side. Published 1877.

Image: 9.5 x 10.5 cm ( 3.7 x 4.1")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY254578

"Hoehlenbewohner in der Eiszeit" ( cave dwellers in the Ice Age )

Wood engraving after painting by W. Kranz published 1904. Vertical centerfold.

20.5 x 32 cm ( 8 12.5 ")

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY246438 SOLD

"Siberische Voelkerschaften"
"Burjaeten Jurasen Ostjaeten Tungusen"

Wood engraving published 1885. On the reverse side is text about Siberian peoples.

10.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.8")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY252794

"Chinese Laplander Hottentot Negro American"

Steel engraving by G. B. Ellis published 1823.

A few minor spots in margins.

Page size: 12.5 x 20 cm ( 4.9 x 7.8")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY253303

"Weib mit Kind aus Neusuedwales"

Engraving made after a photograph 1902 of a woman and child from New South Wales.
Reverse side is printed.

17.5 x 13 cm ( 6.8 x 5.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. AUSTRALIA245878

"Ein Papua an der Prinzess-Mariannstrasse"


"Geraethe und Waffen der Papuas"

These wood engravings are on a 4 page article titled "Neue Resisen auf Neuguinea".
The are four more wood engravings in the article. Published 1874.

Page size: 28 x 20.5 cm ( 11 x 8")

Price for the 4 pages: $ 80.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00

Order Nr. NEWGUINEA255039

"Ein Nordaustralier"

Wood engraving made after a photograph 1902. Reverse side is printed.

16 x 12.5 cm ( 6.2 x 4.9 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. AUSTRALIA245877

"Ein Tarantschi"

Member of the Sultanate Tarantschi in Central Asia. The people are a nomand people
of a Mongoian race of the Turkish Tarantschi.

The image is a wood engraving made after a photograph and published 1895.
On the reverse side is text about the Tarantschi and Dunganen.

Image: 18 x 12 cm ( 7 x 4.7 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY252529

"Haeuptlinge der Nagasstaemme zu Menipur"

Wood engraving showing the chiefs of the Naga tribe in Menipur.
The image is on a page of text (in German) that continues on the reverse side about
the peoples in northern India and an article about Sikkim. Light natural age toning.
Published 1895.

Image: 12 x 18 cm ( 4.7 x 7")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. INDIA254964

"La Taille La Plus Haute et La Taille la Plus Petite" ( the tallest and the shortest )
"Lr plus grande race (Patagonia 1 m.781 ) La plus petite race ( Negrille, 1m.350)

Wood engraving after Edouard Garnier, 1883. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

20.5 x 14.5 cm ( 8 x 5.7 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY244577

"Ein Giljake" ( nowdays known as Niwchen )

This is a member of an indiginous folk of Russian and Japan. Today
half of the 5000 members live on the island of Sachalinsand some on northern Hokkaido.

Wood engraving made after a photograph. Published 1895. Below the image and on
the reverse side is text in German about thse people.

9 x 9 cm ( 3.5 x 3.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY252539

"Mann und Weib der Uino" ( Aino )

Wood engraving made aftr a photograph 1895.
Below the image and on the reverse side is text in German about the Uino ( Aino)
in Japan.

14 x 10 cm ( 5.5 x 3.9 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY252540

"Bevolkerungstypen von Australien und Ozeanien"

Wood engraving 1902. On the reverse side is a title description for each of the persons shown.

20 x 13 cm ( 7.8 x 3 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY245692

"Piro Indianerinnen von Ucayali"

Image made after a photograph, 1903. On the reverse side is an imge of a
Shibibo ( Chipivo ) man from Pachitea.

10 x 7.8 cm ( 3.9 x 3 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY245982

"Ostjaken" ( Ostyaks )

Wood engraving made after a photograph 1895.

The Ostyaks is an old name for several groups of indigenous peoples of Siberia.
On the reverse side is text ( in German ) about the Ostyaks, Samoyeds and Wogulen.

16 x 13 cm ( 6.2 x 5.1 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY252527

Freed slaves

"Idylle Negre"
"La fin du jour devant la case"

Wood engraving Foulquier after Taylor, 1868. The article describes the life of the freed slaves.
Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. Light spot in text.

Image 10 x 15 cm ( 3.9 x 5.9 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLGY245909

"Maskentanz der Torresinsulaner"

Wood engraving 1902. Reverse side is printed.

8 x 13 cm ( 3.1 x 5.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. SOUTHPACIFIC245696

"Portraits zweier Arankaner"
( Araukaner )

Steel engraving 1840.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. CHILE246015

"Moros-Indianer" (Bolivia)

Below the wood engraving is text that continues on the reverse side
about the indigenous peoples of Bolivia. Published 1877.

Image: 13 x 10.5 cm ( 5.1 x 4.1")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY254501

Corudo Mumie

"Momie d'un chef Coriude"
"Munie eines Corudo Hauptlinge"

Steel engraving 1837.

14 x 8.8 cm ( 5.5 x 3.4 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. BRAZIL246099

"Mirahna Muxuruna Mura"

Steel engraving 1837.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BRAZIL246107


"Afrikanische Voelkertypen"

Below the image are the numbered names of the various peoples shown in the image.

Wood engraving printed in color 1894. Vertical centerfold.
A few minor spots in margins.

21 x 27 cm ( 8.2 x 10.6 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. AFRICA246734


"Un Touareg"

Wood engraving made after a photograph 1881. Surrounding the image and on the
reverse side is text in French about the Touareg and the region.

15 x 7 cm ( 5.9 x 2.7 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY245513

ãAinos aus der Insel Jesso" (Jesso was a former name for the Japanese island of Hokkaido)

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean print with strong imprint.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96001

Koreanische Fischerfamilie
Famille de pecheurs de Corea

Play the game of "Go".

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..."
by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1827. (Native people of the world).

Very Good condition.

Image 19.5 x 27 cm ( 7.6 x 10.6")

Page size: 26 x 37 cm (10.2 x 14.5")

$ 220.00

Order Nr.KOREA253429

ãHottentotten" (A collective discriminatory name the Bures gave to Khoi-Khoi, Nama, Korana, Griqua, Orlam, Baster who lived in South Africa and Namibia).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96002

Chochinchinesische Staatsbeamte (State employees)
Mandarins Cochinchine

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean print with strong imprint.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")


ãKaffern" (Xhosa- Bantu)

The word ãKaffer" drives from the Arab word ãKafir" and means ãnon believer" with regard to Islam. It was uses derogatorily and is not used any more. Meant are Xhosa people, who belong to the Bantu.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96004

ãKampf der Indianer von Iuracares". (Fighting Yuracares Indians of Bolivia).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96005

ãAbisinier". (Ethiopeans).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. With some foxing in margins.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96006

ãBewohner von Tondano" (Inhabitant of Tondano, Indonesia)

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96007

ãChinesen aus hoeheren Staenden". (Noble Chnese).
Chinois de la haute classe.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. With some foxing in margins.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 150.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96008

ãBewohner von Tonga Tabu". (Inhaitants of Tonga)

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. With some foxing in margins.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96009

ãNeger von Mozambique"( Blacks from Mozambique, Africa).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. With light foxing in margins.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96010

ãEin Tatuirter Nukahiwer". (A complete tatooed man from Nukahewa, Marquesa Islands).
Habitans de Nukahiwa tatoue.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

The interesting detailed tatoos on the whole body do not show well on this scan. Clean.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")


ãEin Tatuirter Nukahiwer". (A complete tatooed man from Nukahewa, Marquesa Islands).
Habitans de Nukahiwa tatoue.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Some light stains visible only on the reverse side.

Good condition.

Page size: 29.5 x 23.5 cm ( 11.6 x 9.2 ")



Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Some foxing in margins.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96012

ãEingeborene von Peru". (Natives of Peru).
Habitans de Perou

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96013

ãNegerin v. Rio. Neger u. Negerin v. Bahia" Negresse de Rio. Negre et Negresse de Bahia.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. With a few small spots in margins.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")


ãNeger aus verschiedenen Stämmen". (Four slaves frtom different African tribes having arrived in Brazil - a Portugeese leaning against a tree).
Negres de plusieurs Tribus.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. With some minimal foxing in margins.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96015

ãEingeborner von Neuguinea (von der Strasse Princess Marianne". (Native of New Guinea from Princess Marianna Strait)
Naturel de la novelle Guinee.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96016

Above: ãBewohner von Hua-Hua" (Inhaitants of Hua-Hua - Mercury Bay, New Zealand)
Habitans de Houa Houa.

Below: Neuseeländer" (Habitants of New Zealand)
Habitans de Nlle. Zelande.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96017

"Maika oder Guaica Indianer von Cuyunifluss, Venezolanisch Guayana"

Text illustration after a photograph 1903. Reverse side is printed.

11.5 x 13 cm ( 4.5 x 5.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICA245789


There are about 11 million Tungesen in China and a few in Mongolia and Russia.

Wood engraving made from a photograph 1895. Below the image and on the reverse
side is text about the Tungusen, Jaluten and Julagiren.

10.5 x 10.5 cm ( 4.1 x 4.1 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY252541

"Papuanisches Ehepaar" ( Papuan married couple )

Wood engraving 1900. On the reverse side is an image of young boys of New Guinea.

13.5 x 7.5 cm ( 5.1 x 2.9 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. SOUTHPACIFIC245772

ãBewohner der Insel Tikopia" (Inhaitants of Tikopia Solomon Islands).
Habitans de Vanikoro.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96018

ãBewohner von Tikopia". Inhabitants of Tikopia, Solomon Islands.
Habitans de l ile Tikopia.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")


ãBewohner von der Insel Timor". (Inhabitatnts of the island of Timor).
Habitans de Timor.
Vorfechter aus Amfoang. Ausrufer aus der Landschaft Omarassie.
Guerier d Amfoang. Crieur public de l amarassie.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some very miniscule foxing near margin edges..

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96020

ãBewohner von Iava" (Inhaitants of Java).

Left ãEin Leibgardist" (A life guard)

Right: ãDer Vorfechter" (Fighter)

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing near margin edges..

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96021

ãBewohner von Ombai". Inhabitants of Ombai, Indonesia).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96026

ãBajaderen von Pondichery". (Indian dancers in Pondichery).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 150.00


ãParias von Madras"

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

A few minor spots in margins..

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 150.00



ãEin Tartarenchef" and ãIwanowitsch". A Tartar Chief and Feodor Iwanowitsch, a Kalmyk wo was presented by the Emperess of Russia to the margrave of Baden and, thus, grew up in Karlsruhe, Germany. He became a gifted artist living in Rome in later years).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some minor foxing in margins.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96029

ãJapaner in verschiedener Kleidung". (Japanese in various dress).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96030


ãNeuhollaender". (Australia. Aboringinies).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).


Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96031

Tasmania - Australia

ãBewohner von Diemensland"

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96032

ãBewohner der Insel Timor" (Inhabitants of the island of Timor).

Left: ãVorfechter aus Amfoang" (Fighter from Amfoang)

Right: ãAusrufer aus der Landschaft ãOmarassie (bellman in the province of Omarassie)

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing.

Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.2 x 10.2")

$ 150.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96033

ãChefs von Neuseeland" (Chiefs of New Zealand. Maori)

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 130.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96034

ãBewohner der Karolineninseln". Inhabitants of Caroline Islands)

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")



Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96036


ãPatagonier" - Inhabitants of Patagonia.

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some miniscule foxing and a hardly visible water stain.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96037

"Ein junger Bakiairi"

Wood engraving made after a photograph, 1903.
On the reverse side is an image of a jung man from Tierra del Fuego.

8 x 13 cm ( 3.1 x 5.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY245782



"Das Merkwuerdigste aus der malerischen Reise in Brasilien von Moriz Rugendas"

Mit 40 lithographirten Tafeln Abbildungen"

Schaffhausen in J. Brodtmann's lithographischen Kunst=Anstalt. 1836

(The most remarkable from the pittoresque journey in Brasil" by Johann Moritz Rugendas.

with 40 lithographic views)


Description Below

Front Cover of Book


Back Cover of Book


Book title





Here are a few samples of lithographs in this book

"Ansicht von Rio de Janeiro"

(View of Rio de Janeiro)


"Bota Fogo"


"Neger u. Negerin aus Bahia"


"Einsammeln des Caffe"

(Harvesting coffee)


"Das Merkwuerdigste aus der malerischen Reise in Brasilien

von Moriz Rugendas"

Mit 40 lithographirten Tafeln Abbildungen"

Schaffhausen in J. Brodtmann's lithographischen Kunst=Anstalt. 1836

(The most remarkable from the pittoresque journey in Brazil" by Moritz Rugendas)

Johann Moritz Rugendas 1802 Augsburg - 1858 Weilheim, Wuerttemberg, Germany), a blessed painter and illustrator went to Brazil at age 19 drawing impressions for Heinrich von Langsdorf's Brazilian expedition. He returned to Europe in 1825, met Alexander von Humboldt in Paris, became a close friend to him and was instigated by Humboldt to return to South America. Rugendas drew landscapes and people, their customs, their daily life.

Newly bound, most likely, in the second half 20th century. Back and corners of binding leather. Binding itself cardboard.

Book size: 35,3 x 27,3 cm (13.9 x 10.7")

Condition: Binding impeccable. Text pages and lithographs have some foxing. Text pages a little wrinkled. Some lithographs have faint water stains. In general: Much better than good.

Price: EURO 6000,00 (Sept. 2011: appr. $ 8300.00)

Lithographs by Joseph Brodtmann (1787-1862)

Some are credited to drawings by Johann Schweiker

All lithographs are full page.

Lithographs are black and white unless otherwise noted

Title: Book title as described above

German language text including page 51

Subtitle: "Landschaften aus Brasilien" (Landscapes in Brasil)

1. Abthl. Tafel 1: "Praya Rodriguez bey Rio-Janeiro"

Tafel 2 "Schiffahrt auf einem Seitenarm des Rio Doce"

Tafel 3 "Ein Urwald bey Manqueritapa in der Provinz Rio de Janeiro"

Tafel 4 "Serra - Ouro - Branco in der Provinz Minas Geraes"

Tafel 5 "Ansicht von Rio de Janeiro"

Tafel 6 "Ansicht des Berges Corcovado und der Vorstadt Catete"

Tafel 7 "Bota Fogo" - ( hand colored )

Tafel 8 "Wasserfall von Tijucca"

Tafel 9 "Mandiocca"

Tafel 10 "Serra dos Orgaos"


Subtitle: Portraete und Trachten der Indier

2te Abthl. Tafel 1 "Indische Familie auf der Reise Botocudos"

Tafel 2 "Indische Familie Botocudos"

Tafel 3 "Botocudos" 5 head portraits

Tafel 4 "Camacan" - "Machacali" - "Machacali" - "Camacan" - 4 head portraits

Tafel 5 "Puris" 4 head portraits

Tafel 6 "Coroados" - ãCoropos" 4 head portraits


Subtitle: " Sitten und Gebraeuche der Indier"

3te Abthl. Tafel 1 "Europaesche Reisende begegnen den Indianern"

Tafel 2 "Indier in ihrer Huette"

Tafel 3 "Aldea von Tapuyas"

Tafel 4 "Indier auf der Tiger-Jagd"

Tafel 5 "Indische Strick-Bruecke"

Tafel 6 "Indischer Canot"

Tafel 7 "Tanz der Puris"

Tafel 8 "Guerillas"

Tafel 9 "Begraebniss eines Indianers"

Tafel 10 "Indier in einer Pflanzung"

Title: "Portraete und Trachten der Neger"

4te Abthl.

Tafel 1 "Neger u. Negerin in einer Pflanzung"

Tafel 2 "Negerinen von Rio-Janeiro"

Tafel 3 "Neger u. Negerin aus Bahia"

Tafel 4 "Qulioa" - "Cabinda" - "Mina" - "Rebolla" 4 portraits

Tafel 5 "Benguela" - "Congo" 4 portraits


Subtitle: "Leben und Gerbraeuche der Neger "

5te Abthl. Tafel 1 "Negersklaven- aufenthalt im Schiffsraum"

Tafel 2 "Ausschiffung der Negersklaven"

Tafel 3 "Negersklaven-Markt in Rio de Janeiro"

Tafel 4 "Negersklaven-Transport von dem Markt nach der Pflanzung"

Tafel 5 "Wohnung der Neger"

Tafel 6 "Zubereitung der Mendiocca=Wurzel"

Tafel 7 "Einsammeln des Caffe"

Tafel 8 "Zucker-Muehle"

Tafel 9 "Haeusliche Zuechtigung der Neger"










MAPS: Maps of many countries from the great cartographers of the last 500 years.

PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views.

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Copyright Rainer Rauhut