P h i l o g r a p h i k o n - E x c l u s i v e
On this special page you'll find objects of art, either unique, highly distinguished or very rare. This page will experience a slow but steady growth of selected objects, all of them remarkable, extraordinary, exceptional. ***** Auf dieser Philographikon-Seite werden Sie verschiedene besonders ausgesuchte Kunstobjekte finden, die das Übliche übertreffen. Es sind entweder Unikate oder aussergewöhnliche Raritäten verschiedenster Kategorien. Die Seite wird langsam aus eigenen Beständen oder durch Neuankäufe wachsen. ***** Dans cette page de Philographikon-Exclusive vous trouvez objets d'art de grand variété, Certains sont uniques, autres sont très rare, mais tous sont très distingués. Cette page va à grandir avec temps, en partie de nos fonds, en partie de nouvel achat. We accept reasonable offers. |
Max Klinger - Probedruck / Proof Nackter Mann von hinten, Frau halb liegend Nude man from back, woman half laying Probedruck (Proof) Handsigniert Bleistift Klinger (hand-signed pencil) Links Bleistift Handschrift ãProbedruck" vom Künstler (ãproof" pencil by Klinger) Papier altersgetönt. In den Margen Altersspuren Paper with age toning. Margins with traces of age and use Plattengröße: 49,5 x 41,5 cm (plate marks: ca 19.5 x 16.3") Blattgröße: 68,3 x 49,5 cm (sheet size: 26.9 x 19.5") $ 800.00 Order Nr.EXCLUSIVE256846 |
Atlas: 24 Bayerische Landtafeln, genannt auch "Weinerus Landtafeln"Kompletter Atlas mit Übersichtskarte "Kurtze Beschreibung des gantzen Fürstentumbs Obern und Nidern Bayrn" Die vorgebundene Übersichtskarte zeigt verkleinert die 24 Kupferstich-Landtafeln dieses Atlasses einschliesslich ihrer Nummerierung von 1 bis 24. Flankiert ist die Übersichtskarte links und rechts mit 36 Stadtwappen bayerischer Kreisstädte, wovon 34 ausgeführt sind und sich links und rechts je ein nicht ausgeführtes Wappen befindet. Es folgen die 24 doppelblattgrossen Landtafeln, wobei sich die Karten (Tafeln) 1 und 2, sowie die Karten (Tafeln) 3 und 4 auf jeweils einer Atlasseite befinden, da sie im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Karten, nur jeweils die halbe Höhe haben. Karte (Tafel) 1 mit Widmung: ãIllustrissimo et sereniss. Principi AC DN. D. Alberto Com. Palatino Rheni superioris infer:que Bavariae Duci." Karte (Tafel) 3 mit Titel: ãCorographia Bavaria" Karte (Tafel) 4 mit Widmung: ãAd Illustriss. et Sereniss. Principem ac Dominum. Domin. Albertum Comitem Palatinum Rheni utriusq. Bavariae Ducem. Do. Suum Clementiss." Karte (Tafel) 5 mit der grossen bayerischen Wappenkartusche. Karte (Tafel) 24 mit einer Darstellung der ,Justitia', die im Begriff ist, den bayerischen Löwen mit dem bayerischen Rautenwappen zu krönen. Der Loewe ist das Wappentier der Wittelsbacher. Die einzelnen Karten sind schon buchbindergerecht vorbereitet, um, falls erwünscht, zu einer grossen Karte (ca. 156 x 159 cm) zusammengefügt zu werden. Dabei wird die Gesamtkarte von der dekorativen Renaissance-Früchtebordüre umrahmt. Vollständiger Atlas des Hofkupferstechers Peter Weiner, der sich der Holzschnitte bediente, die Philipp Apian (1531-1589) zuvor angefertigt hatte und 1568 als Atlas herausgegeben hatte. Appian besass die Verlagsrechte an seinem Atlas. Als er Bayern 1569 verliess, beauftragte Herzog Albrecht V. seinen Hofkupferstecher Peter Weiner mit der Anfertigung einer ebenbürtigen Karte, die Weiner im Kupferstich-Verfahren herstellte. Der hier vorliegende Atlas ist ein Original aus dem Jahr 1579. Er ist gebunden. Der Zustand der Karten ist sehr gut. Er ist sauber und hat nur minimale, kaum erwähnenswerte Altersspuren. Strassen sind mit roter Tinte als feine Linien von Hand eingezeichnet. Auf den Karten-Rückseiten sind mit schwarzer Tinte in deutscher Schrift säuberlich Städte, Märkte, Klöster, Schlösser, Sitze und Gewässer, aufgelistet. Die Tinte hat nirgends im Atlas auf die Kartenvorderseite durchgeschlagen. Einband: Pappe aus der Zeit. Bestossen und berieben. Buchrücken: Pergament mit handschriftlicher Titelbezeichnung. Buchecken sind noch teilweise in Pergament gefasst Atlas aussen 35.5 x 25.5 cm (
13.9 x 9.8") $19500.00. plus( 7% MwSt.VAT only for EU) Order Nr. WEINERATLAS |
"Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Auctore F. de Wit" Title Just above the bordure centralized: "t'Amsterdam by Frederick de Wit in de Calverstraet indue Witte Paskaert, 1660" Print: Copper etching Author: Frederick de Wit (1610-1698) Color: Original hand coloring Published: "De Zee-Atlas Ofte Water- WereldÉ" By Hendrik Doncker Amsterdam, 1660 Very rare world map (Shirley World 421) was published in the Sea-Atlas by Doncker. Collectible specialty: California as an Island Two globes for the main part of the map show the "Old World" and the "New World" Decorative space use shows two Celestial globes upper left and right, North Pole and South Pole in lower left and right corner respectively. Two astronomical diagrams at bottom. Vignettes with figural portrayal of the four elements and hanging garlands of fruits and flowers complete the extraordinarily decorative map of the world. Below title: The sun with its rays inside a Zodiac ring. Shirley states: "De Wit's map is one of the most decorative standard-size maps of the time and it is much less commonly found than his three other atlas world mapsÉ" The original hand coloring of the map-surrounding decor is elegant. The map itself has borderline hand color. Reverse side blank. Very good condition. Only minimal traces of age and use. Plate mark measuring: 44,3 x 56,6 cm (ca. 17.4 x 22.3") $ 14000.00 (minus 30% discount = $ 9800.00) Order Nr. WORLD MAP254638 |
"Iris Susiana. Linn. Le grand Iris de Suze" Anonymous copper etching. Original hand coloring. Ca. 1700. Watermark In spite of ample research, we could not find an identical engraving. All attempts failed to specify this beautiful print. Very good condition. One tiny hole in upper margin. Image: 30 x 18,7 cm (ca. 11.8 x 7.4") Sheet size: 38 x 28,5 cm (ca. 15 x 11.2") $ 750.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEL240414 |
Pilasters III and IV Order Nr. RAFFAEL252755 Image: 44.5 x 33 cm ( 17.5 x
12.9") The Vatican Loggie The Loggie del Vaticano are part of the three-story papal palace building, planned by Pope Julian II and finished by Pope Leo X. The building is the living quarter of the popes. And it is imaginable how much emphasis and attention it therefore had. Donato Bramante (1444 - 1514) was first commissioned with the architectural plans and with the artistic configurations and their execution for the building. After his death Raffael da Urbino (1483 - 1520 - also known as Raffaelo Santi or Raffaello Sanzio) received the assignment. One of the grand masters during the Renaissance, Raffael not only continued Bramante's plans, but also added his own ideas. He designed every detail of the frescos for which he drew from the limitless mythologigal sources which had been discovered in the antique world of Rome. Using mythology as a basis, Raffael added artistic elements of his time, thus creating a typical Renaissance melange. An assemblage of artists executed Raffael's visions, among them Giulio Romano, Perin del Vagas and Giovanni da Udine. This copper etching is from a series engraved by Francesco Rainaldi (Rome 1770 - 1805 Florence) after the drawings by Carlo Lasinio (Treviso 1759 - 1838 Pisa). Lasinio based his drawings on the imperial folio sized copper etchings by Giovanni Volpato (Bassano 1733 - 1803 Rome) and Giovanni Ottaviani (Rome 1735 - 1808). Instead of printing individual pilaster frescos, Rainaldi put two of them side by side, thereby achieving a breathtaking effect. The copper etchings of the series were printed in Rome in the year 1802. They have brilliant gouache-hand-coloring, attentively executed even in the smallest detail. An exquisite wall decoration for the discriminating classics-minded homeowner! The condition is very good. Normal age-connected flaws, such as general age toning, miniscule spotting, minor wrinkles, minor creases, minor repaired tears in margins if any at all etc. are normal and will not be mentioned. Price: $ 435.00 Pilaster III. - Musical instruments of the Renaissance flanked by mythological scenes Pilaster IV. - Imaginative and fabulous mythological decor |
View of Gaza-City from the roof of Al-Shifa-Hospital. Also: A-Shifa-Clinic The large building complex was built in Rimal (Gaza-City) originally as barracks for the British Army in the 1920ies. It became a medical institution for quarantine and fiever-patients in 1946. The view is water color over pencil on paper. Lower right corner unfinished. Lower left in German language in pencil: Gaza vom Dach der Quarantäne aufgenommen (Gaza seen from the roof of the quarantine) Lower right corner: Signature in pencil: Grothe Minimal age toning. Some very minor traces of age and use. 22,2 x 30,8 cm (8.7 x 12.1") $ 120.00 (no discount) Order Nr. ORIGINAL257097 |
"Moerswunder und seltzame thier wie die in Mitnaechtigen laendern gefunden werden" Hand-colored woodcut. Published in "Cosmographia" by Sebastian Muenster (1488-1552). This print was published in Basel in 1553. The woodcut was cut by Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch, who signed in the lower right corner of the woodcut with his initials: HRMD Muenster used the famous map "Carta Marina" by Olaus Magnus as model for his conglomerate of sea monsters. The "Carta Marina", a magnificent extra large map of Northern Europe was printed in Venice in 1539. Muenster condensed such mostly mythical and quite frightening sea monsters, with a sensational aspect to his "Cosmographia". On the reverse side of the print is an explanation of what we see on the fromt side (in the German language), a description of Greenland and the extended title for the sea monsters, where Muenster states that some of the sea monsters are equal to land animals. Condition: Attractive hand coloring. Next to centerfold another vertical crease. Some spots alongside centerfold. Margins all around show traces of age and use. In the left margin a repaired tear that does not reach into image.Reverse side of print shows reinforcements on centerfold, done probably centuries ago. There are two ink underlinings in the text and a few hand-written ink annotions. Aside from the mentioned conspicuities and considering its age this print is in quite good condition, especially attarctive is the typical hand cooling in the Renaissance style. 25,8 x 34,7 cm (ca. 11.2 x 13.7") Order Nr. SEACREATURE251785SOLD
Tegernsee. Ölgemälde. - Rottach-Egern. Das Ölgemälde mit kräftigem Pinselstrich dargestellt. Rottach-Egern, der malerische Ort am Ostende des Tegernsees in eigenwilligen, höchst reizvollen Pastelltönen. Maltechnik: Ölgemälde auf Leinwand. Keilrahmen Signatur links unten: Walter Kraus München Lebensdaten des Künstlers: Nicht erfasst Datum: Nicht datiert. Erste Hälfte 20. Jahrhundert (Vom Alter der Leinwand geschätzt: ca. 1930) Abmessungen: Ohne Rahmen. H x B 70 x 80 cm Rahmen: Silbriger Profilholzrahmen. Beschädigt. Unsere Empfehlung: Eine neue Einrahmung würde dem attraktiven Ölgemälde guttun. Euro: 850,00 (ohne Bewertung des Rahmens) Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE248881 |
Thermal Bath of Titus, Rome, Thermen des Titus, Terme di Tito No title. Wall fresco. Decoration from the thermal baths of Titus in Rome. Hand-gouached copper etching by Marco Carlone (17142-1796) After the drawing by Franciszek Smugliewicz and Vincenzo Brenna Published in ãVestigia delle terme di Tito e loro interni pitture", Rome: Ludovico Mirri, 1776. Very attractive hand-coloring in gouache style. Paper lightly age toned.age-toned. Minor creasing in margins. Image: 48,7x 53 cm (ca. 11.3 x 20.9") $ 450.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE257085 |
Bacchus WINE SCULPTURE "Silenus", knowledgeable tutor of the Greek God of Wine Dionysos, Bacchus in the Roman mythology. Silenos was a jolly good fellow, always tipsy if not drunken with the ears of a horse. Silenus, son of either Hermes or Pan and a nymph, belonged to the entourage of Dionysos / Bacchus, who cherished his prophetic gift and his wisdom, which he seemed to possess. The original of our stauette of Silenus was found in Pompei in 1863. ãThe Illustrated London News" showed an engraving of the statue and marvelled in its edition of December 31, 1864: ãDuring the last three or four years, since the misrule of the Neapolitan Bourbons was superceded by the kingdom of Italy, great progress has been made in the task of bringing to light that abundant store of curious relics of antiquity which had remained for eighteen centuries buried in the ruins of Pompeii. The extent and importance of these operations... have been acknowledged throughout Europe by the studenta of Roman history and the connoisseurs of classic art" And later: ãThe statue of Silenus, bearing a tray on his head, is thought to have been a lampstand." The statuette depicts Silenus stemming the mentioned tray which most likely held a receptable for the oil lamp. The bearded Silenus is crowned with tendrils of wine. His left hand is holding a snake which, in turn, holds the tray and whose tail end is curled up on his shoulder. Our statuette of Silenos is, as is the original, of bronze. The casting happened around 1900/1910. It has the desired verdigris patina. The round base, on which Silenus stands, is ornamented, among other engravings with grapes. The statuette was photographed against backgrounds of different colors. We put a bowl of plastic grapes in the lower photo. Overall hight: 57 cm (22.4") Silenus with raised arm: 48 cm (18.9") Diameter of base is 25 cm (9.8") $ 2200.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE8649 |
Bird's Eye View of the City of New York. Anonymous chromolithograph showing the Island of Manhattan in its center from an angular aerial position. Manhattan's buildings details are nicely define, not just as a plan but each building showing its architectural specifications, windows, roof tops etc. Same is true of the buildings of Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hoboken. In the foreground we are looking at Governors-Island and a busy News York harbor with plenty of sail ships, paddle steamers and sailboats. To the left we are looking at the Hudson River, to the right we see the East River with spectacular Brooklyn Bridge spanning it. When it opened in 1883 it was the first fixed crossing of the East River and, world-wide, the longest suspension bridge, 1595 feet (486 m) long: An impressive piece of architecture! What makes this view of New York so special is the artist's dedication to detail. Unfortunately the chromo lithograph does not reveal the name of the artist, nor the publisher or the printing date. Since Brooklyn Bridge shows as finished architecture, we may assume that this spectacular view was printed in the mid 1880ies. We may also assume that it was printed in New York, probably as a commissioned piece of art, maybe by a N.Y. galerist. Condition: The chromolithograph is mounted on cardboard, a happy circumstance which helped to keep it unfolded. The lithograph has a transparent glossy surface, which protected it through all these years. Age has slightly darkened the original color. Condition specifics worth mentioning: Lower right margin corner is bent backward, only the extreme corner missing - however not interfering with image. There are minor scratches in the glossy surface and some other minor traces of age and use. All four margins have some rubbing. In general this large spectacular half bird's eye view of New York City is in better than good condition. Type of print: Chromolithograph Artist: Anonymous Publisher / Printer: Unknown Time of printing: Ca. 1885 1890 Measurements: 60,3 x 82 cm (ca. 23.7 x 32.3") Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE256000SOLD PLEASE ASK US ABOUT THE SHIPPING POSSIBILITIES. |
"Germaniae Nova ac accurata Descriptio Ubicumque B. Lector talem videritasteriscum cogitabit inibi esse Academiam" German: Handkolorierte Kupferstichkarte von Johannes Everardus van Cloppenburgh (1592 - 1652). Amsterdam, datiert 1630. Erschienenen in Cornelis Danckaerts: Historis oft Waerachtich Verhael van den gantschen toestant van Oorloge, etc. Amsterdam, 1642 Eine spektakuläre, ins Auge stechend dekorative Deutschlandkarte, die durch ihre Randleisten ein markantes Erscheinungsbild erhält. Ihre Seltenheit macht sie darüber hinaus begehrenswert. Deutschland in den sehr weiten Grenzen des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation zur Zeit um 1600. English: Hand-colored copper etching by Johannes Everardus van Cloppenburgh (1592 - 1652). Amsterdam, dated 1630. Published in: CornelisDanckaerts: Historis oft Waerachtich Verhael van den gantschen toestant van Oorloge, etc. Amsterdam, 1642 German: Beschreibung der Randleisten: Mittig in der obenren Randleiste der Doppeladler des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation. Darunter der Titel derKurztitel der Karte: Germania. Der Wappenadler wird flankiert von jeweils vier Fürsten zu Pferde. In den Ecken links ein städtischer Mann, rechts eine städtische Frau in zeitgemässer standesbezogener Kleidung. Rechte randleiste unterhalb der soeben beschriebenen Frau stadtansichten von Köln (darunter vier Reichsgrfaenwappen), Wien (darunter vier Reichsritterwappen), ein Winzer möglicherweise ein Pfälzer (darunter vier Dorfwappen), dann Stadtansichten von Regensburg (darunter vier Burgenwappen), Stadtansicht von Ulm (darunter vier Wappen von Rechsverweser). In der rechten unteren Ecke eine Frau in bäuerlicher Tracht. Weiter im Uhrzeigersinn: Stadtansichten von Hamburg, Trier Braunschweig, Heidelberg, Lübeck, Strassburg, Leipzig, Mainz, Augsburg, Frankfurt. Darunter in Vierergruppen Wappen, jeweils vier unter jeder Stadtansicht. Linke untere Ecke: ein bürgerlicher Mann, dann Ansicht von Basel (darunter vier Wappen), Nürnberg (darunter vier Wappen), eine bürgerliche Frau, dann Ansicht von Speyer (darunter vier Wappen) und schliesslich Prag (darunter vier Wappen) Die Titelkratusche wird von zwei Putti, einem geflügelten und einem ungeflügelten, gehalten Der eine hält Reben in einer Hand, der andere den Kelch, aus dem man den Wein trinkt Die Karte befindet sich in gutem Zustand. Die wenigen bemerkenswerten Fehler seien hier erwähnt. Die Marge rundherum ist knapp: ca. 6 mm. Rechte und linke Margen in der unteren Hälfte spitzzulaufend ergänzt. Karte war mehrfach gefaltet, um in das Danckaertsche Buchformat zu passen. Die Büge sind unscheinbar, aber erkennbar. English map description and condition: The title ãGermania" in capital letters and the Imperial coat of arms in the centre of the top border is surrounded by the emperor and the seven Electors on horseback. Along the bottom border runs a series of ten town views with four coats of arms underneath: The cities shown: Frankfurt, Augsburg, Metz, Leipzig, Strassbourg, Lubeck, Heidelberg, Braunschweig, Trier and Hamburg. Left border: three costumed figures and the town views of Prague, Speyer, Nuremberg and Basel. Right border: three costumed figures and the town views of Cologne, Vienna, Regensburg and Ulm. In 1630 Jodocus Hondius' imprint was replaced by that of Everard Cloppenburg. Map is generally in good condition. Margins are narrow (6 mm). Map had been folded several times to fit book format. Folds are faint, but recognizable.. 45 x 55,4 cm (ca. 17.7 x 21.8") $ 4800,00 Order Nr.EXCLUSIVE236761 |
**************** Roses - Besler - Hortus Eystettensis Pair of hand-colored copper engravings Published in ãHortus Eystettensis" by Basilius Belser (1561-1629) Engraving 1. Numbering starts bottom right: 1 - Rosa rubro nigrcans flore pleno 2 - Rosa lactea Camerary 3 - Rosa rubicunda Saccharina dicta 4 _ Rosa Damascena florium plici Engraving 2. Numbering starts bottom right: 1 Rosa flore albo pleno 2 - Rosa alba simplici 3 - Rosa Milesia flore rubro pleno 4 - Rosa provincialis flore albo Knowledgeable rose conoisseurs will recognize, that this 20th century hand-coloring is botanically not always correct. The colorist obviously was advised to do the colors as they are, or he / she did not know any better, or he / she did not understand Latin. The outcome my be botanically incorrect, but the decorative value is actually enhanced. Minimal traces of age and use. Each: Page size 47,5 x 41 cm (ca. 18.7 x 16.1") Price for the pair: $ 2280.00 Order Nr. BESLER255804
"Nr. 1. Return from Market" Mezzotinto engraving by John Raphael Smith (1751-1812) Painter: George Morland (1762-1804) Publisher: I.R. Smith. London, dated 1801 On their way home from selling produce and possibly animals at the market, a farmer's family stops at an inn for refreshments. The inn is obviously owned by a farmer. He shares a beer with his traveller guests while the some stay on the wagon where they are served a refreshment. Donkey also drinks his share of water. And a sow with her piglets is typically searching the ground for edibles. In other words: A typical rustic scene, painted by George Morland. J.R. Smith is a master of mezzotint engraving. In this black and white version we can admire the light and shadow effects he so masterfully commands. Right margin added. Left margin supported behind. Margins have some very small repaired tears, none of them reaching image. There are some other traces of age and use, none of which are detrimental. We have acknowledged small blemishes by adjusting our price accordingly. 45 x 55,5 cm (ca. 17.7 x 21.9") $ 450.00 Order Nr.EXCLUSIVE244620 |
Three Hortus-Eystettensis- Copper engravings "Buglossum Italicum flore
albo. Buglossum semper virens Handkolorierte Kupferradierung aus "Hortus Eystettensis" von Basilius Besler (1561-1629) Hand-colored copper engraving from "Hortus Eystettensis" by Basilius Besler (1561-1629) Published in Eichstätt, 1613 or 1627. Zustand: Attraktives Handkolorit, zart und botanisch korrekt. Zwei leichte Quetschfalten ohne Beeinträchtigung des Drucks. Leichte Altersbräunung. Minimale Spuren von Alter und Gebrauch. Condition: attractive hand
coloring. Two creases on left side. Light age toing. Verso: Kein Textdruck. Page size: 51 x 43 cm ( 20 x 16.9 ") $ 700.00 Order Nr BESLER251908 *************** " Nymphaea alba maior Nymphea alba minor Nymphea lutea " Handkolorierte Kupferradierung aus "Hortus Eystettensis" von Basilius Besler (1561-1629) Hand-colored copper engraving from "Hortus Eystettensis" by Basilius Besler (1561-1629) 1. Auflage. Eichstätt, 1613 Published in Eichstätt, 1613 - First edition. Zustand: Leichte Läsuren in rechter Marge entlang dem auslösenden Schnitt. Minimale Spuren von Alter und Gebrauch. Two small light tears on right margin edge. Minor signs of age and use. Verso mit Text. Reverse side with text Page size 54 x 42 cm ( 21.2 x 16.5 ") Order Nr. BESLER251907 SOLD *********** " 1.Meleagris flos maximus Italicus 2. Fritillaria flore pleno 3. Fritillaria Alba" Hand-colored copper engraving from "Hortus Eystettensis" by Basilius Besler (1561-1629) Botanisch korrektes Handkolorit. BoÝanically correct hand colored 1. Auflage. Eichstätt, 1613 Published in Eichstätt, 1613 - First edition. Rechte Marge mit Einriss, nicht
bis Plattenabdruck reichend. Obere und untere Margen mit
leichten Small tear in right margin that
is outside of the plate mark. Tiny tears in upper and lower
margins. Verso mit Text. Reverse side with text Page size 54 x 43 cm ( 21.2 x 16.9 ") $ 820.00 Order Nr. BESLER251906 |
New York. "New-York and Environs from Williamsburgh". Chromolithograph drawn from nature and lithographed by EdgarW. Foreman and Eliphalet M.Brown Jr. (1816-1886) Published by Williams & Stevens. New York and Ackerman, London. Printed by Sarony & Major, New York. Entered according to the act of Congress 1848.
Spectacular view from Williamsburgh towards Manhattan and Brooklyn, with Staten Island, Governors Island, Jersey City, Hoboken in the far distance. Lively sail- , steam- and wheelship staffage on all waters. A wonderful and informative view of pre-skyscraper New York City. Integrated into title and print information are two small insets showing New York City (New Amsterdam) in 1623 and in 1673. Subtitles from left: ãSandy Hook" - ãBrooklyn Navy Yard" - ãPeck Slip Ferry" - ã Williamsburgh" - ãNarrows" - ãAtlantic Docks" - ãStaten Island" - ãGoverners Island" - ãJersey City" - ãHoboken N.J." - ãCathedral" - ã Houston Ferry N.Y." - ãGrand & Houston St. Ferries" Left and right margins have been added. Slight general age toning. Otherwise: Very Good 55,5 x 83 cm (21.8 x 32.6 ") Order Nr. NEWYORK 2028 SOLD |
"Ora Prima di Notte" - "Ora Seconda di Notte" PAIR Type of prints: Copper etchings Color: Original hand-colored in gouache style by Eugène Bourgeois, Nicolas Tomas und Jean François Ribault Michelangelo Maestri made the drawings after the frescos in
Cardinal Bernardo Dovizi da Bibbiena's private bathroom. Published: Rome, 1803 Size - Image: 39 x 27 cm Condition: Very good. These two stunningly and
exceptionally beautiful engravings belong to an
extremely Price for the pair: $ 4200.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE239542 |
"Mo.Hon-Go Osage Woman" Lithograph. Original hand coloring Painting by Charles Bird King (1785-1862) Published in: "History of the Indian Tribes of North America" Authors: Thomas Loraine McKenny (1785-1859) and James Hall (1793-1868) Published in Philadelphia, 1834 (dated) Print has some wrinkles, however not in image. The original hand coloring superb! Sheet size: 46,4 x 34,5 Cm (18.3 x 13.6") $ 750,00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVENATIVEAMERICAN242264 - - - - - - - - - - "Ne-sou-a-Quoit a fox Chief" (Translation: Bear in Forks of a Tree) Lithograph by Albert Newsman (1809-1864) Original hand coloring Painting by Charles Bird King (1785-1862) Published in: "History of the Indian Tribes of North America" Authors: Thomas Loraine McKenny (1785-1859) and James Hall (1793-1868) Published in Philadelphia, 1837 (dated) Hardly any trace of age and use. Just a little general age toning of paper. Superb original hand coloring! Sheet size: 46,6 x 34,5 cm (ca. 18.3 x 13.6") $ 1800.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVENATIVEAMERICAN242265 - - - - - - - - - - "Mar-Ko-Me-Te a Menomene Brave" (Translation: Bear's Oil) Lithograph. Original hand coloring. Painted by James Otto Lewis (1799-1858) Published in: "History of the Indian Tribes of North America" Authors: Thomas Loraine McKenny (1785-1859) and James Hall (1793-1868) Published in Philadelphia, 1838 (dated) Only very minor traces of age and use. Reverse side has remnants of dormer mounting Sheet size: 45,5 x 34 cm (ca. 17.9 x 13.4") $ 600.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVENATIVEAMERICAN242267 |
"Sciurus capistratus, Bosc. Fox Squirrel. Natural Size" Lower left side: Drawn from Nature by J.J. Audubon F.R.S.F.L.S. Lower right side: Lith. Printed & Col.by J.T.Bowen Philad 1845 Numbering: Upper left corner N^14 Lithograph after John James Audubon (1785 - 1851) with original hand coloring. Printed by John T. Bowen Published in the Imperial Folio Edition of Quadrupeds from 1845 to 1848. Description: Image is very
distinctly printed. The hand coloring is excellent. There is
very light general age toning. Sheet size: 55,9 x 71 cm (ca. 22 x 28") $ 3200.00 Order Nr. AUDUBONSQUIRREL |
"Le grand Oiseau de paradis Emeraude No. 1" (grand bird of paradise - male) "Le petit Oiseau de paradis Emeraude No. 4 (little bird of paradise - female) Pair of stipple engravings by Jacques Louis Perée after the painting by Jacques Barraband. Published in: ãHistoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des rolliers, suivi de celles des toucans et des barbus"by Francois Levaillant. Paris 1801 -1806. Masterworks of printed art by the famous painter Jacques Barraband, who was commissioned personally by Napoleon Bonaparte to contribute his masterful art to this fabulous grand folio sized book of exotic birds - to which absolutely nothing compares. Our pair of these outstandingly decorative prints are in incredibly vivid original coloring, finely executed and not faded in the least. There is a brown spot above the female, visible only if engraving is held against a light.. Otherwise practically spotless. Generally in superb condition. Sheet size: 60.5 x 40.5 cm (23.8 x 15.9") Price for the pair: $ 4800.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE68302 AND 68303
"Le Paradis rouge No. 6" (Red bird of paradise) Stipple engraving by Jacques Louis Perée after the painting by Jacques Barraband. Published in: ãHistoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des rolliers, suivi de celles des toucans et des barbus"by Francois Levaillant. Paris 1801 -1806. Masterwork of printed art by the famous painter Jacques Barraband, who was commissioned personally by Napoleon Bonaparte to conttribute his masterful art to this fabulous grand folio sized book of exotic birds - to which absolutely nothing compares. This engraving is unsurpassable in color quality and condition. The extremely fine hand coloring without comparison. A pure joy to view! Sheet size: 60.5 x 40.5 cm (23.8 x 15.9") $ 2200.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE68301 |
"Cortège du Commandant Général des Apothicaires, le prince Lancelot de Tricanule, à son entrée dans la Chambre de Pairs" Cortege of the commander general of Apothecaries, the Prince of Lancelot de Tricanule, as he enters the Chambre de Pairs Ehrengeleit des kommandierenden Generals der Apotheker, des Prinzen von Lancelot de Tricanule, bei seinem Eintritt in die Chambre de Paris Lithograph by Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) Original hand-coloring Published by Aubert, Galérie Véro Dodat. Paris, August 1, 1833 Published sur blanc in "La Caricature" Pl. 299-300 Delteil XX, Nr. 65 The famous satirist Honoré Daumier is well known for his acrimonious sense of humor. The story behind this masterpiece of Daumier's early work: Daumier has Georges Mouton de Lobau (1770-1838), General and Marshall of France, marching in a cortege in a posture and conduct of "Here I come!" His arrival announced by a drummer and followed by subordinates carrying the insignia of the apothecary guild. Mouton was a member of the French Chamber of Deputies since 1828. He played an important role within the liberal opposition. King Louis-Philippe appointed him to be the Commanding General of the National Guard. Mouton became famous for having ordered the fire department of Paris to use their water hoses to disperse the outraged masses protesting the government action on Place Vendôme on May 12, 1831. On June 27, 1833 the King appointed him Marshall and Pair de France in return for this invention to control rebellious subjects. Daumier took this happening and Mouton's "invention" for a good reason to allude to the use of fire hoses by drawing Prince Lancelot de Tricanule with the enema (clyster) syringe being carried in the cortege. Light general age toning. Hardly visible light spots from mounting in the two upper corners. Splendid original hand coloring. Generally: Very good condition. 32 x 50,3 cm (ca. 12.5 x 19.8") Order Nr. DAUMIER242297SOLD
No title. General vew of Stuttgart Spectacular and very rare toned lithograph with modest, subdued green, red and blue colors By Eberhard Emminger (1808-1885). In the center of lithograph we see the guard of honor fire salut in honor of King Wilhelm I of Wuerttemberg, filling the valley with a cloud of gun smoke On lower margin left side: Nach der Natur gez. ind lith. von E. Emminger Printed ca. 1860 Condition. This lithograph has lost some of its sky, and there is minimal image loss on the left and the right side. Left, upper and right margins have been professionally added. The entire lithograph was then laid down on a sheet of paper. In the center sky above city center there is - against a source of light - some minor paper damage visible, which is professionally restored, so that the lithograph is seen in very good condition. Ohne Titel: Gesamtansicht von Stuttgart Spektakuläre und sehr seltene Tonlithographie mit verhaltenen Grün-, Rot- und Blautönen Von Eberhard Emminger (1808-1885). In der Mitte der Lithographie schiesst eine Ehrenkompanie Salut für Koenig Wilhelm I. von Württemberg, so dass ein Teil des Tales unter dem Schmauch der Gewehre in einer Wolke verschwindet. Unten links unterhalb Darstellung: Nach der Natur gez. ind lith. von E. Emminger Publiziert ca. 1860 Zustandsbeschreibung. Die Lithographie war ursprünglich ein wenig grösser. Etwas von dem Himmel fehlt, sowie links und rechts jeweils etwas von der Darstellung. Die linke, obere und rechte Margen sind professionell angefasert. Die Lithographie ist auf festes Papier montiert. Im Gegenlicht lassen sich Spuren von Restaurierungen im Himmel erkennen, die allerdings ohne Gegenlicht nicht sichtbar sind. Image / Bildgroesse: 43,3 x 68 cm (ca. 17 x 26.7") $ 3500.00 Order Nr. BADENWUERTTEMBERG253844 |
Amor and Psyche Cycle in Villa Farnesina, Rome One of the very large rooms in Villa Farnesina was adorned by Raffael and his workshop artists with a cycle in which the story of Amor and Psyche is told in adorable Renaissance style wall and ceiling frescos. Basis of this mythological story was the story "The Golden Donkey" by Apuleius. Raffael's design and drawings are light and playful, decorated with garlands of fruit and flowers. This work was begun and finished in the year 1518. Giovanni da Udine (1487-1564) executed RafFael's ideas formidably. Plate 8: "Herculis quoque deuicti ponderosam clauam ferunt pueri, quâ fera monstra domuit. Harpyia Herculis labor." Hand-gouached copper etching by Nicolas Dorigny 1658-1746) After the drawings by Raffaello da Urbino (1483-1520) and the wall frescos by Giovanni da Udine (1487-1564) Very good condition. Lively ouache hand coloring Rome, 1693 In the center, in a cobalt clue field two playful winged putti and a female winged sea creature. On the left side in the pendentive, Psyche offers Venus a jar, containing a "deathlike sleep". On the right Amor has gone to Jupiterbegging him for permission to marry Psyche. Jupiter kisses him and gives his permission. We can see that these frescos are on vaulted surface above the windows of the hall and below the ceiling. All images are painted on cobalt blue background and surrounded by garlands of fruit and flowers. Very good condition. Vertical centerfold to fit publication size. 38,7 x 67 cm (ca. 15.2 x 26.4") Order Nr.EXCLUSIVE253384SOLD |
ãLes Bains Froids des Dames" Image size: 26 x 45 cm ( 10.2 x
17.7 ") ********************** ãLes Bains Froids ces Messieurs" Image: 27 x 48 cm (10.6 x 18.8
") A pair of lithographs by Edmond Lavrate (birthday unknown, died 1888) for ãMonde Plaisant" a satirical Paris bi-weekly magazine. Ca. 1875. Originally hand-colored. Very funny and utterly suitable for a wall decoration of an indoor swimming pool! Prints have a centerfold each and a vertical non-disturbing parallel fold. Pleasant general age toning and some repaired tears in margins, none into image. "If you have an indoor swimming pool and if you have a good sense of humor you might like this PAIR of comical, humorous and simply hilarious lithographs: 28.5 x 44 cm including title (11.2 x 17.5") 30 x 47 cm including title (11.8 x 18.5") Order Nr. SWIMMINGPOOL8801SOLD |
"Nova Tabula Americae Sic dictae ab Americo Vesptio Florentino qui Emmanuelis Regis auspicijs eam Anno 1497É" Type of print: Copper etching Color: Original hand coloring Author: Jacob von Sandrart (1630-1708) Engraver: Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724) Published separately in Nuremberg, ca. 1697 Characteristics: Very rare map of North and South America. Seldom on the market. With decorative cartouche depicting native Americans in various poses. Map is embellished with indigenous animals of North America, Slave punishment, a battle scene of natives in Brazil, rich sail ship traffic on Atlantic and Pacific, a vague coast line idea of Australia. California is depicted as an island. This map is an early witness of J.B. Homann's mastership in map etching, which, in 1723, he had turned into a profitable business as he produced his famous atlas. Both, Sandrart and Homann were at the crest of German map makers as the center of gravity with regard to map making shifted from Amsterdam to Nuremberg and Augsburg. Condition: Map is printed on nice thick paper. Left, top and right margins have been professionally added. This individually published map had been bound into a private map collection. On reverse side: No text print. Book joint for private binding. Minimal soiling in margins. Superb original hand coloring. Order Nr.NORTHSOUTHAMERICA242285SOLD |
"Tabulae Italiae, Corsicae, Sardiniae, et adjacentium Regnorum" Hand-colored copper etching. Rare! Published by Jan Janssonius who had bought the rights from Visscher / Hondius Amsterdam, 1628 (1st edition) The first edition was published in the Visscher/Hondius atlas 1628 Our map: Published in Amsterdam as a single sheet map (not bound in an atlas) Amsterdam, 1640 (second edition). Date was changed in title cartouche from 1628 to 1640 Views at top and bottom: Roma, Napoli, Venetia, Fiorenza, Genova, Verona Parma, Siena, Solfataria near Pozzuoli, Anthrum lethale grotta de li cali, Possuolo, Vellitri. Left and right side: 4 pairs costumes 8 coats of arms in corners and between costumes. 46 x 54 cm Condition: Map had been trimmed to border line. Margins added all around. Very good hand coloring. Maps like this one, that were NOT bound in an atlas, but published as a single sheet map were not protected as well as if published in an atlas. Keeping a single sheet map over centuries was problematic. Over the life span of several centuries unprotected maps will most likely be damaged in various ways. This is also true for this beautiful map of Italy. There were several damages: The trimming to the edge of map - some tears have been repaired. The map was laid down on thin China paper, thus giving it support in weak places as well as repairing the few tears that had occurred during the centuries (most likely by having kept it stored rolled). There is some browning of the paper, noticeable especially in the portion of the Mediterranean Sea. We are trying to do our best to bring to attention all blemishes. But even with these blemishes this remains a very desirable, rare map. It is highly attractive and very decorative with the four surrounding pictorial border decorations. 46 x 54 cm (ca. 18.1 x 21.3") Order Nr. ITALIAMAPPA253904SOLD ***** Reverse side:
"La Rose mal defendue" Stipple engraving, printed in fabulous colors. Painter and engraver: Philibert-Louis Debucourt (1755-1832) Öfter his own design Paris, dated 1794 Printing copper etchings not just black and white, but also in color was great advancement. In Europe it happened in the 18th century. Severall different plates were used, each with their own color. Debucourt was a master of this technique which needed great precision in order to arrive at a successful result. In this case he used the colors blue, red, rose and brown. The scene is typical for French gallantry. The young lady is more willing than it seems. But she is offering her cavalier a good measure of resistance to his courtship. His hat has rolled off his head, a chair has tumbled to the floor, a book and pillows became victims in the process of tangling. But she is firm, or makes believe that she is determined to keep her ãrose" well out of reach. Very French - if not international. Print is in very good condition. Margins with some faint spotting. 42,4 x 33,3 cm (ca. 16.7 x 13.1") $ 620.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE255602 |
Illustration from "Les images populaires chinoises - Min - Kien - Tsche - T'ou - Siang" by / von Albert Nachbaur and / und Wang Ngen Joung This is a single page.
The page is from a book that was published
in Beijing in the French language. Seite aus dem Buch, das 1926 in Peking in französischer Sprache erschien, hatte eine limitierte, nummerierte Auflage von 200. Keine zweite Auflage. Holzschnitt in Farbe
gedruckt. Die Schrift oberhalb der Darstellung und
innerhalb Titel, beziehungsweise Namen der Dargestellten in schwarzer Schrift auf rotem Grund: LAN TS'AI HEOU und LU TUNG PIN Die Darstellung auf der OriginalSeite des Buches auf China-Papier montiert Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand Woodcut, printed in color. Chinese letters above image with the network of cutout paper in bold gilded Chinese letters Title, i.e. the names of the depicted personalities in black print on red ground: LAN TS'AI HEOU and LU TUNG PIN The image mounted on the original China paper Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand. Very good codition. Abmessungen: / Measurements: The full page 51 x 35 cm (ca. 20 x 13.8") This is one page. Extra title page not included. Titleseite nicht verkaeuflich. $ 220.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE250605 |
Illustration from "Les images populaires chinoises - Min - Kien - Tsche - T'ou - Siang" by / von Albert Nachbaur and / und Wang Ngen Joung This is a single page.
The page is from a book that was published
in Beijing in the French language. Seite aus dem Buch, das 1926 in Peking in französischer Sprache erschien, hatte eine limitierte, nummerierte Auflage von 200. Keine zweite Auflage. Holzschnitt in Farbe
gedruckt. Die Schrift oberhalb der Darstellung und
innerhalb Titel, beziehungsweise Namen der Dargestellten in schwarzer Schrift auf rotem Grund: LAN TS'AI HEOU und LU TUNG PIN Die Darstellung auf der OriginalSeite des Buches auf China-Papier montiert Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand Woodcut, printed in color. Chinese letters above image with the network of cutout paper in bold gilded Chinese letters Title, i.e. the names of the depicted personalities in black print on red ground: LAN TS'AI HEOU and LU TUNG PIN The image mounted on the original China paper Very good codition. Abmessungen: / Measurements: The full page 51 x 35 cm (ca. 20 x 13.8") This is one page. Extra title page not included. Titleseite nicht verkaeuflich. $ 220.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE250606 |
No Title, Woodcut. Printed in color Published in ãLes images populaires chinoises" on China paper Von Albert Nachbaur und Wang Ngen Joung Peking, 1926 32 x 50 cm (ca. 12.5 x 19.7") From the limited edition of this book. Edition: There were 200 numbered exemplars Plus 20 exemplars for the authors The edition number of this book: 178 Extra title page not included. Titleseite nicht verkaeuflich. $ 300.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE253631 |
"K'I LIN SOUNG TZE" Woodcut. Printed in color This plate is nr. 3 in the table of content Published in ãLes images populaires chinoises" on China paper Von Albert Nachbaur und Wang Ngen Joung Peking, 1926 45,3 x 28,7 cm (ca. 17.8 x 11.3") From the limited edition of this book. Edition: There were 200 numbered exemplars Plus 20 exemplars for the authors The edition number of this book: 178 Extra title page not included. Titleseite nicht verkaeuflich. $ 220.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE 253632 |
"LAO CHEOU SING" Woodcut. Printed in color This plate is nr. 7 in the table of content Published in ãLes images populaires chinoises" on China paper Von Albert Nachbaur und Wang Ngen Joung Peking, 1926 43,8 x 30,4 cm (ca. 17.2 x 12") From the limited edition of this book. Edition: There were 200 numbered exemplars Plus 20 exemplars for the authors The edition number of this book: 178 Extra title page not included. Titleseite nicht verkaeuflich. $ 220.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE 253634 |
"HAN SIAN TZE - HO HSIEN KOU" Woodcut. Printed in color Published in ãLes images populaires chinoises" This plate is Nr. 14, CD Von Albert Nachbaur (1879-1933) und Wang Ngen Joung Peking, 1926 From the limited edition of this book. From the limited edition of this book. Edition: There were 200 numbered exemplars Plus 20 exemplars for the authors The edition number of this book: 178 Extra title page not included. Titleseite nicht verkaeuflich. $ 220.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE253635 |
Persian miniature painting. In a Persian harem seven young women, accompanied by an elder chaperone, approach the Persian Shah, who receives them graciously. Persian miniature painting in fabulous metallic colorrs, gold-lined and partially guilded. Reverse side: Book text in hand-written black ink with red underlines. The painting is framed with hand-written text on either side and imbedded into ornamental gulded bordures. Repeatedly we seen the bordure images of peacocks. The peacock was the imperial bird symbol of the Persian Shah, which might be an indication, that the scene is actually happening in the Golestan Palace, the palace of Persian Monarchy in the 19th century. The absolutely royal aura of the chamber we are looking at, seems to emphasize this impression.. Frayed along edges, especially along the binding side of miniature. Bordure has a few tiny book worm holes, none, however, in the image. The image in excellent condition with beautiful strong metallic colors. 19th century. Image: 10,8 x 20 cm (ca. 4.2 x 7.8") Overall measurements: 18 x 30 cm (ca. 7 x 11.8") $ 750.00 Order Nr. ORIGINALPAINTING255050 |
Title page before lettering, PROOF, Mythology, Woman Pope, King David, Antique musical instruments Title page for "De jure belli ac pacis" (On the Law of War and Peace). By Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) Copper etching by Romeyn de Hoghe (1645-1708) De Hooghe etched this title for the above book by Grotius. But the book was published with a different title page by de Hooghe in Amsterdam, 1670. It is possible, but an assumption, that the present title page did not please the publisher. It might be, that the publisher refused to use it and ordered de Hooghe to come up with a different title page, which was actually used. If this assumptions is correct, we would be looking at a rare surviving proof print of a never used title page, as it never went to the printing press for the actual book production. The allegorical conglomerate of this etching is signed by de Hooghe in the center of the print. The date, 1632, next to his name cannot be the date of the year in which it was etched, since de Hooghe was not even born yet (1645). But it is the date of the first Dutch publication of the book (Amsterdam 1632). First edition in French was Paris, 1625 Some interpretations of the allegory in this print: It seems that the scene top center refers to King Charles V of France (1338-1380 - Reign: 1364-1380)). The three Lillies in their presentation on this print as the Coat of Arms of the Bourbon Monarchy in France shown here was used in this formation between 1376 to 1792. The veiled (mourning???) female figure holding the crown in process of crowning has no one to crown. When Charles V died he was succeeded by his 11-year old son Charles VI. Below the Coat of Arms we see the quarrel between the Good and the Evil. In the upper right corner we see the Pope as a FEMALE with the tiara and the keys of Rome. The epoch referered to (from our assumption) falls into the Avignon period of Papal Schism, which ended in 1378. The lower half of the print shows King David ??? playing the lyre, accompanied by other figures playing antique instruments, flute, harp etc. We may err with the assumptions and suggestions we have come to. And we are glad to receive any additions or corrections. Print has PROOF quality. Strong impression. Narrow margin all around beyond copper plate marks. Print had been folded down the middle vertically and horizontally, leaving hardly any disturbing marks. Image: 36,7 x 26,5 cm (ca. 14.5 x 10.4") $ 1500.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE255566 |
Wild Turkey of North America. - "Pavo" - Meleagris gallopavo. Title in black ink.
Anonymous original water color
Title ãPavo" suggests, that this water color was done by a Spanish speaking artist, possibly Mexican
Time period: 1840 to 1860 on paper typical for that time period.
The North American turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is state bird in four US States:
Alabama, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and South Carolina
Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use. This bird seems to have been framed in earlier times.
One cm on left and right side had been folded back, obviously to fit into an existing frame.
30,5 x 24 cm (ca. 12 x 9.4"). The measurement of the width includes the mentioned fold back strips.
$ 750.00
Order Nr.POULTRY6560
Herculaneum. - Set of Four Maenads Copper etchings by Filippo Morghen (1730-1807?) Gouached by hand and embedded by velvety black color After the drawings by Camillo Paderni (ca. 1715-1781) The drawings were made after the wall frescos in Ercolano (Herculaneum) during the course of excavations, which were systematically begun in 1738. These maenads were published in "Antichita di Ercolano Esposte" Naples, 1757-1792 This set of four Maenads, nymphs, accompanying Dionysian Trains, or participants in antique orgiastic rites speaks for itself. Images are in excellent condition. The transparency of their gowns is fabulous. Wide margins show some minor traces of age and use. Each image measurement to the black framing line: ca. 28,7 x 21,8 cm (ca. 11.3 x 8.6") Full page: ca. 46 x 33 cm (ca. 18 x 13") Set of Four $ 3600.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE254291 |
No title. Hovering Maenad. Wall fresco in Herculaneum. Hand-colored copper etching by Filippo Morghen (1730-1807?) Published in: "Le Antichità di Ercolano Esposte" (8 volumes) By Ottavio Antonio Bayardi Naples / Napoli, 1757-1792 Elegant depiction of a Roman Maenad as she was painted on the wall of a noble citizen of Herculaneum. Her dress transparent. The surrounding velvety black letting this charming nymph stand out as an eye catcher. The velvety black leaves no white margins. This print is mounted in a matting with an elegant grey tone. The window cutout is lined with a narrow real gold frame, which looks excellent against the black. Measurements of the figure: ca. 18,5 x 15 cm (ca. 7.3 x 7.3") Window measurement: 34 x 28 cm (ca. 13.5 x 11") $ 950.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE254295 |
Left image: "Le Toco N. 2" Stipple engraving by Jacques Louis Perée After the painting by Jacques Barraband (1768-1809) Extremely fine original hand coloring Published in "Histoire naturelle des oiseux de paradis et des rolliers, suivi de celles des toucans et des barbus" By François Levaillant. Paris, 1801-1806. The original hand coloring is exquisite. Grand folio. 59,7 x 41 cm (ca. 23.5 x 16.1") Right image: "Le Tocan No. 3" Stipple engraving by Jacques Louis Perée After the painting by Jacques Barraband (1768-1809) Extremely fine original hand coloring Published in "Histoire naturelle des oiseux de paradis et des rolliers, suivi de celles des toucans et des barbus" By François Levaillant. Paris, 1801-1806. The original hand coloring is exquisite. Only very minor traces of age and use. There is a faint impression of print from the bird on the opposite page of the book. Grand folio. 59.7 x 41 cm (ca. 23.5 x 41") Price for the PAIR: $ 5800.00 The following paragraph refers to both prints described above: Since the beaks and tails of the toucans, large as they are, bordered close to the paper edges, extension of margins was needed. In order to match the paper of the print, paper fibrillation was executed. This is an extraordinary technique to produce paper fibers, which are then professionally meshed with the existing print paper to extend it without visible transition. The result is a wider margin of the print. In order to give the widened prints support they were laid down on the thinnest of China paper. Order Nr. BIRDTOUCAN240900 |
Philographikon-Galerie Rauhut verkauft aus Privatbesitz Eine Portätbüste des Unternehmers Lambertus Hermann Julius Rütgers (1830 Bensberg - Berlin 1903). Lambertus Hermann Julius Rütgers war ein bedeutender deutscher Unternehmer, ein Chemie-Pionier der ersten Stunde. Sein Vater, Martin Rütgers, hatte 1847 in Neuss die erste deutsche Imprägnierfabrik für Eisenbahnschwellen gegründet. Nach französischem Vorbild benutzte er Schwefelbarium und Eisenvitriol oder Kupfervitriol, um die Holzschwellen, für die ein wachsender Bedarf entstanden war, haltbar zu machen. Aber die Revolution von 1848 brachte die gerade in Fahrt kommende Produktion fast zum Stillstand und die Firma in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten, weil der Eisenbahnbau ihres grössten Auftraggebers, der Aachen-Düsseldorfer Eisenbahngesellschaft, ins Stocken kam.
Martin Rütgers Sohn Julius hatte 1846, sechzehnjährig und ohne Abschluss die Schule verlassen und eine Landwirtschaftsausbildung in Schlesien begonnen.Er war so talentiert, dass ihm schon 1848 die Leitung des Landgutes anvertraut wurde. 1849 übernahm Julius Rütgers die Schulden und den Betrieb seines Vaters. Mit dem wieder aufkeimenden und an Rasanz zunehmenden Bahnausbau in Europa standen seine Erfolgschancen gut. Ein Grossauftrag der Cöln-Mindener Eisenbahn brachte die Produktion in Schwung. Rütgers gründete sein erstes Imprägnierwerk in Essen, wo er nach John Bethell's Imprägnierverfahren auf der Basis von Teeröl produzierte. Das war der tatsächliche Ursprung der Rütgerswerke. 1854 verlegte Rütgers die Produktion und seinen Wohnsitz nach Breslau. Von hier aus belieferte er ganz Europa mit imprägnierten Eisenbahnschwellen. 1859 verlegte Rütgers Firmen- und Wohnsitz nach Erkner bei Berlin. Im Laufe der Jahre gründete Rütgers in ganz Europa 77 Imprägnieranstalten, wo für ganz Europa (um 1900 waren 36000 Km Bahnlinien hergestellt) Eisenbahnschwellen imprägniert wurden. Die Firmenzentrale errichtete er in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Rütgers leitete sein Unternehmen bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1903. Sein einziger Sohn und Erbe, Rudolph Rütgers, starb nur sechs Monate nach seinem Vater.
Der Preis der Büste beträgt Euro 18500,00 Die Büste steht in Rottenbuch. Transportkosten trägt der Käufer. Beschreibung der Büste: Die Büste ist ein Einzelstück. Sie besteht aus weissem Carrara-Marmor. Sie ist 62 cm hoch. Die Schulterbreite beträgt 59 cm. Darunter Namensockel aus hochpoliertem Marmor mit eingemeisselten Namen: "Juls Rütgers" (sic). Der Namensockel ist 15 cm hoch und 42 cm breit.
Vom Betrachter aus gesehen rechts im Schulterbereich hat der Künstler, Norbert Pfretzschner, sein Monogramm "NP" eingemeisselt. Die Büste mit Namensockel steht auf einer zugehörigen und für sie angefertigten matt polierten Steinsäule. Sie ist 129 cm hoch und hat 28 cm x 28 cm Kantenbreite. Unten ist sie etwas ausgestellt, unterhalb des Büstenansatzes etwas eingerückt. Die Gesamthöhe der Skulptur mit Namenssockel und Säule beträgt 2,06 m. Der Dargestellte dürfte zum Zeitpunkt der Portraitierung etwa sechzig Jahre alt gewesen sein. Die Büste dürfte also um 1891/95 entstanden sein. Die Büste hat einen minimalen Marmorverlust an der linken vorderen Ecke. Sonst ist sie gänzlich unbeschädigt. Der Namensockel hat einige minimale Beschädigungen. Der weisse Carrara-Marmor ist gereinigt worden, ohne die erworbene Patina einer im Freien stehenden Skulptur vollends zu beseitigen. Provenienz der Büste: Die Büste hat Jahrzehnte lang in Berlin im Freien gestanden vermutlich in der Firmenzentrale Charlottenburg, die Rütgers 1872 gründete. Rütgers einziger leiblicher Erbe, sein Sohn Rudolph, starb nur wenige Monate nach seinem Vater, ebenfalls im Jahr 1903. Durch Erbschaft gelangte die Büste in eine Seitenlinie der Familie Rütgers, wo sie eingelagert wurde. Nach weiteren Erbfällen gelangte die Büste in den Besitz meines Auftraggebers.
Der Künstler: Norbert Pfretzschner (1850 Kufstein - Lana (Südtirol) 1927) war ein österreichischer Bildhauer. Ausbildung zum Bildhauer durch Edmund Hellmer (1850-1935) und Ludwig Manzel (1858-1936) Von 1891-1913 als Bildhauer und Professor in Berlin tätig Bekannte Werke von Norbert Pfretzschmer:
Joachim Friedrich, Markgraf und Kurfürst von Brandenburg (Enthüllung Oktober 1900) Berliner Siegesallee Gruppe 22 Otto von Bismarck-Denkmal 1896 enthüllt an der Rudelsburg. Zeigt Bismarck in jugendlich-lässiger Pose (von Bismarck selbst autorisiert) Pfretzschner bekam wegen dieser für viele despektierlichen Darstellung des Reichskanzlers Ablehnung und Zustimmung, jedenfalls Aufmerksamkeit Brehm-Schlegel Denkmal Altenburg Denkmal des Rudolstädter Senioren Konvents, Rudolstadt Bismarck-Denkmal, Eger Daniel Friedrich List-Denkmal, Kufstein (Unternehmer, Diplomat, Eisenbahnpionier) Millenium-Denkmal, Brixen Wieshofer-Denkmal St. Johann, Tirol Hörfarter-Denkmal, Kufstein Franz Thurner-Denkmal, Innsbruck Tierplastiken: Löwen, Füchse, Frosch Büsten und Figuren in Museen in Innsbruck, Berlin, Halle an der Saale, Bautzen, Kopenhagen Riesenhäupter von Bison, Wildsau und Bär (Schloss des Grafen Thiele-Winkler) |
"America Settentrionale Colle Nuove Scoperte sin all' Anno 1688É" Copper etching by Vincenzo Maria Coronelli (1650-1718) Published in: "Atlante Veneto, nel quale si contiene la descrittioneÉdegl' Imperii, Regni, Provincie, e Stati dell' Universo" Publisher: Girolamo Albrizzi Published in Venice, 1691 Map is published on two sheets. The two sheets are not united. Particularity of this important map of North America is the depiction of California as an Island! Measurements: 61 x 45 cm (ca. 24 x 17.7"). If connected: 61 x 90 cm (ca. 24 x 35") Condition: Near Excellent. Most minimal traces of age and use. Clean. Good margins all around each map. Side margins are narrower than those on top and bottom. Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE242284 SOLD |
Villa Negroni Bacchus and Ariadne. Originally hand-colored with gouache paint copper etching. Plate VII, the main and largest picture from a series of 12. Design by: Anton von Maron (1733 Vienna - Rome 1808) Engraver: Pietro Marco Vitali (ca. 1755 - ca. 1810) Title (Dedication): "Equiti Josepho Nicolao de Azara Potentiss Caroli III Hisp. Reg.Catholici aput S. Sedem Pro Legato Procuralorique Generali aequo Bonarum Artium aestimatori etc" Rome, 1783 Condition: Print has light general age toning, visible actually only in the margins and on the reverse side. Also on reverse side is some spotting visible. Left, upper and right margins are narrow. The original hand coloring in gouache style is superb. In general: Very good condition. Sheet measurements: 56,5 x 81,2 cm (ca. 22.2 x 31.9") Price: $ 8,500.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE248760 Villa Negroni was the Imperial villa of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius (86 - 161 -he reigned as emperor from 138 until his death). As emperor he named himself Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius. The emperor's domicile was most luxurious. But it was, like so many other antique buildings, buried for many centuries. During excavations near the Diocletian Thermes Jose Nicolas Azara, Legate of Carlo III, King of Spain, discovered Villa Negroni in the year 1777. The amazingly outstanding wall frescoes, were found to be in astonishingly good condition. Anton Raphael Mengs (1728-1779) and Anton von Maron were commissioned to copy the stunningly beautiful frescoes right after discovery. And soon thereafter Angelo Campanella and Pietro Vitali produced copper etchings after Mengs' drawings. The Roman architect Camillo Buti (1747-1808) was chosen to publish in an folio size album the copper etchings made of the frescoes by Mengs and von Maron alongside his, Buti's, descriptions and ground plans of the imperial villa. The discovery of Villa Negroni was of equal importance to the discoveries at Pompeii and Ercolano. Our Plate VII, Bacchus and Ariadne was the centerpiece on Room "D" of the Villa Negroni. It was flanked by "Hercules" Plate V in the album and "Silenus with a bacchante" Plate XII. It was a very small number printed of this series in the year 1783. Only few of them survived That makes the surviving prints so rare. Print # VII, the only one we possess of this series is by far the most attractive one. Mengs and von Maron did an excellent job depicting the antique frescoes in their portrayal as well as in their splendid colors. This was unexpectedly important, since the frescoes, in the further course of events, were lost. Shortly after their discovery and almost immediately after Mengs and von Maron had finished their drawings, the frescoes were professionally removed from the walls of Villa Negroni and sold!!! They were shipped to England. But it is uncertain iof they ever arrived there and what happened to them. The early loss of the original frescoes and the oblivion, which resulted from their vanishing plus the fact that the printing of the mentioned album by architect Buti (the publishing lasted from 1777 to 1802) and the fact that only few exemplars of the complete album were actually produced, all of this makes the few existing exemplars historico-culturally so immanently important. Only a very small number of the album are manifested in the possession of European museums. |
"The Political Courtney" Caption: "Logan. - Come, Jim, show some nerve, or nobody won't believe you're in the race! Ain't you never going to be Aggressive!" James Gillespie Blaine (1830-1893) Republican candidate for President of the US and narrowly beaten by Democrat grover Cleveland was the object of caricaturist Bernhard Gillam (1856 Banbury, Oxfordhire - Canajoharie, New York 1896). We are looking at Republican candidate, Seanator Blaine, with a huge quantity of of possible campaign issues being pulled and pushed into gear, while the single skiff is ready for race action. Lithograph by Berhard Gillam. Printed in color. Published in "Puck", 1884 Some old repairs along centerfold and a couple of minor margin repairs. Image very good! 28,7 x 47 cm (ca. 11.3 x 18.5") $160.00 ORDER NR. EXCLUSIVE242742 |
"Blue Muscadine" Aquatint by George Brookshaw
from "Pomona Britannica, or, a Collection of the Most
Esteemed Fruits at Present Cultivated in this
Country.....Selected Principally from the Royal Gardens at
Hampton Court....Accurately Drawn and Coulored from Nature
with Full Descriptions......" These grapes are native to the Southeastern United States and has been cultivated for more than 400 years. Native americans dried the fruit before the arrrival of Europeans. Georgia is the leading producer of muscadine table grapes. The vine does well in hot climates. It is said that muscadine grapes are rich in phenolic compounds; that strengthen the immune system and help prevent certain forms of cancer. Print has wide margins. One
noticeable spot in lower right of image and a few small
spots near top of image. Image size without title:
42.2 x 32.5 cm ( 16.6 x 12.8 ") $ 2250.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE6127 |
"Rose des Peintres (Tribu des Cent-feuilles)" Copper etching of a Centifolia-Rose printed in color and hand-finished by Vistoafter the painting by Annica Bricogne From the series "Choix des plus belles Roses" by Annica Bricogne Outstanding quality. Excellent condition. Briliant color print, hand-finished in Redoute style Editor: H. Cousin. Printed by N. Remond Paris, 1845 $ 1450.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE249237 |
"Rose à cent feuilles - Jasmin d'Espagne et Myosotis" A rose flower bouquet with a Centifolia-rose, Spanish jasmine and forgetmenot Delightful lithograph by Gottfried (Godefroy) Engelmann (1788-1839) After Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822) Brienne, dated 1824 Very clean and very attractive. Minimal restored faults in margins. Sheet size 36 x 26 cm (ca. 14.2 x 10.2") $ 950.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE249238 |
FRANCE - Besançon "Veue de la Ville de Besancon, du Coste de Dole et Situation du lieu de la Franche Comte - Prospectus Urbis Bisuntinae seu Vesontionis, Dolam versus, Ejusque loci Situs accuratissime delineatus in Burgundiae Comitatu" Exceptional in size and beauty general view of the City of Besancon in Burgundy (Bourgogne-Franche Comte). View of Besancon from the east. In the center we can see the Doubs river. The foreground is lively with several groups of people coming from or going to Besancon. Below image there is a detailed legend about the buildings in Besancon Copper etching by Adriaen Frans Bauduins (1644 Brussels - Brussels 1711) after the drawing by Adam Frans van der Meulen (1632 Brussels - Paris 1690) One exemplar of this masterpiece etching is found in the Austrian National Library in Vienna. (van der Hem 06:13. Fol. 29 / 30 Bauduin(s) actual Flemish name was Adriaen Frans Boudewyns. But he moved from Brussels to Paris during the 1660ies and used for signing his work Bauduin(s). This outstanding view of Besancon is not only exceptional because of its sheer size. Izt is in fact an excellent piece of art as a drawing as well as an masterful etching, Both artists are renowned The etching is not dated in the copper plate, so that we have to assume that it was executed between 1680 and 1690. Published in Paris. Measurements including legend at bottom: 505 x 1312 mm (ca. 19.9 x 51.7") Condition. The several vertical folds are the original folds, necessary to fit this large print into a collection folder. Upper and lower margins are narrow. Left and right margins are ample. The folds furthest left and right have old repairs (see scans). There is general age toning and some spotting, mostly in margins left and right, but some minor spotting also in image. Basically the condition is near very good. $ 4700.00 EXCLUSIVE250558 |
ãFraeulein von Muenchingen". Copper etching by Johann Michael Seligmann. From: Christoph Jacob Trew ãHortus Nitidissimis omnem per annum superbiens floribus sive amoenissimorum Florum Imagines". (The flower garden blooming throughout the year with the loveliest flowers). Published by Seligmann and Ludwig Wirsing in Nuremberg from 1750 to 1792). Beautiful original hand coloring. RARE! Lovely Tulip. Pleasant general age toning. Repaired tear in lower left margin edge reaching to plate mark. Page size: 51 x 34 cm ( 20.1 x 13.4"). Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE6388SOLD |
ãL'agreable". Copper etching by Johann Michael Seligmann. From: Christoph Jacob Trew ãHortus Nitidissimis omnem per annum superbiens floribus sive amoenissimorum Florum Imagines". (The flower garden blooming throughout the year with the loveliest flowers). Published by Seligmann and Ludwig Wirsing in Nuremberg from 1750 to 1792). Beautiful original hand coloring. RARE! Lovely Tulip. Pleasant general age toning. No flaws to speak of. RARE! Page size: 51 x 34 cm (20.1 x 13.4"). Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE6389SOLD |
Bouquet Flower Piece Mezzotint (German: Schabkunst) Engraver: Richard Earlom (1743-1822) Painter: Jan van Huysum (1682-1749) Publisher: John Boydell Published: London, June 25, 1778 This mezzotint flower piece belongs to the most desired. Its composition is poetic in the 18th century style. The flower bouquet rises from a classical stone vase with putti and a bee decoration. The vase stands on a stone table in a park setting. In the distance on the right: a stone statue of a ãfete a champetre". To the left: another decorative bas-relief stone vase with a modest plant. At the bottom of this remarkable flower piece: a bird's nest with eggs. The mezzotint printing might well be considered the Queen of copper plate printing. Its velvety appearance gives the mezzotint an unequaled softness.Richard Earlom was the undisputed British master of the mezzotint. With Dutch master Jan van Huysum's painting Earlom had, of course, a superb piece of art to show his excellence. The remarkable composition is a pleasure to the eye, so that the joint venture of the two masters arrive at a symbiosis of beauty. Condition: Print has the usual general age toning. No tears, no cuts. In general: Much better than Good Hand coloring: 20th century Measurements Image: 50.7 x 39.5 cm ( 20 x 15.5") Sheet size: 60 x 46.4 cm ( 23.6 x 18.3") Price: $ 2800.00 Order Nr. BOUQUET236247 |
"Pacific Northwest Wagner Festival - TRISTAN UND ISOLDE - Seattle Opera. July 26, 1981" Original poster. Condition: Six horizontal creases. Corners worn. Light general age toning. Reverse side has owners address in ball-point pen. Overall size: 97,5 x 45 cm (ca. 38.4 x 17.7") Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE248842 SOLD |
Four Ages of a man - Series "Die Kindheit - L'Enfance" - Childhood ********** "Die Jugendt - La Jeunesse" - Youth ********** "Das Maennliche Alter - L'Age Virile" Grown up age ********** "The Old Age - La Vieillesse" - Old age **********
Series of four copper etchings by Johann Georg Hertel (1719-1768) After the drawings by Johann Wolfgang Baumgartner (1702-1761) Published in Augsburg, ca. 1750 Typical Rokoko style ornamental themes and realization by both, Baumgartner and Hertel What is often shown as a pyramid of ascent and decent is here realized in four individual drawings / etchings. Very good condition. Only minimal traces of age and use. Measurements each: 30 x 19,3 cm (ca. 11.8 x 7.5") Sheets each: 40 25 cm (ca. 15.7 x 9.8") Price for the set of four: $ 600.00 Order Nr.TIME254039 |
"Voyage au Brésil, Dans les années 1815, 1816 et 1817 Par S.A.S. Maximilien Prince de Wied -Neuwied" Traduit de l'Allemand Par J.-B. Eyriès ... Atlas A Paris, Chez Arthus Bertrand, Librairie Èditeur, Rue Hautefeuille, N° 23 1822 ![]() 1 - "Vue de la Mission de Saint-Fidèle" Copper engraving 1822. Very good condition except for minor signs of age and use on mrgin edges. Image size: 22.5 x 29 cm ( 8.8
x 11.4") $ 190.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236292 ![]() 3 - "Les cabanes des Puris" Copper engraving 1822. Very good condition. Image size: 22.5 x 28,5 cm (
8.8 x 11.2") $ 240.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236293 ![]() 4 - "Vue du rocher de Jucutucuara sur la rivière Espirito-Santo près de ville de Victoria" Copper engraving 1822. Very good condition. Image size: 22.5 x 28.5 cm (
8.8 x 11.2") $ 240.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236294 ![]() 5 - "Navigacion sur un bras du Rio Doce" Copper engraving 1822. Very good condition. Image size: 23.5 x 32 cm ( 9.2
x 12.5") $ 320.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236295 ![]() 6 - "Capitam Bento Lourenco à l'ouverture de la nouvelle route par les fôrets près du Moucuri, de Porto Allègre à Minas Novas" Copper engraving 1822. Strng impression. Very minor signs of age and use. Image size: 22.5 x 30.5 cm (
8.8 x 12") $ 440.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236296 ![]() 7 - "Patachos sur le Rio do Prado" Half sheet Copper engraving 1822. Very good condition. Image size:19 x 18.5 cm ( 7.4 x
7.2 ") $ 240.00 Order Nr.EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236327 ![]() 8 - "Vue de L'embouchure de la rivière de Sta. Cruz et de l'église qu s'y trouve" Copper engraving 1822. Very good condition except for minor repairs on lower margin edge. Image size: 22.5 x 28.5 cm (
8.8 x 11.2") $ 360.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236297 ![]() 9 - "Vue de l'isle Cachoeirinha avec le Quartel do Arcos dans le Rio Grande de Belmonte" Copper engraving 1822. Very good condition. Image size: 23 x 30.5 cm ( 9 x
12") $ 320.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236298 ![]() 10 - "Une famille de Botocudes en route" Copper engraving 1822. Very good condition. Image: 22 x 29 cm ( 8.6 x 11.4 ") Page size: 37 x 52 cm ( 14.5 x 20.4 ") $ 190.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236299 11 - "Combats singuliers des Botocudes sur le Rio Grande de Belmonte" Copper engraving 1822. Strong image. Very good condition except for minor signs of age and use on margin edges. Image size: 23 x 35 cm ( 9 x
13.7 ") $ 590.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236300 12 - "Armes , ornemens et ustensiles de Puris" Copper engraving 1822. Originally hand-colored. Light age toning. One small repair on margin edge. Image size: 23 x 28.5 cm ( 9 x
11.2") $ 145.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236301 13 - Armes, ornemens et ustensiles des Puris, Botocudes et des indiens de la côte Copper engraving 1822. Originally hand-colored. Image is fine condition. Minor signs of age on margin edges. Image size: 23 x 28.5 cm ( 9 x
11.2") $ 145.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236302 14 - "Ornemens et ustensiles des Botocudes" Copper engraving 1822. Originally hand-colored. Fine condition. Image size: 23 x 29 cm ( 9 x
11.3") $ 145.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236303 15 - "Vue de la Fazenda de Tapébucuprès de la côte, du Mont St. Joâo, et de la Serra d'Iriri qui s'élève du milieu de forêts" Copper engraving 1822.Strong impression Very good condition except for
minor signs of age and use on lower margin. Image size: 23 x 31 cm ( 9 x
12.2 ") $ 280.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236304 16 - "Vue de la ville de Porto Seguro" Copper engraving 1822.Strong impression Very good condition. Image size: 23.5 x 31 cm ( 9.1
x 12.2 ") $ 1200.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236305 17 - "Physionomies caractéristiques de quatre Botocudes avec la tête d'une Momie" Copper engraving 1822.Strong impression Very good condition. Image size: 23.5 x 30 cm ( 9.1
x 12 ") $ 220.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236306 19 - "Groupe de Camacans" Copper engraving 1822.Strong impression Repaired tears in lower margin. Image size: 23.5 x 30 cm ( 9.1
x 12 ") $ 280.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236307 20 - "Danse des Camacans" Copper engraving 1822.Strong impression Very good condition. Image size: 23.5 x 31 cm ( 9.1
x 12.2 ") $ 560.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236308 Left - "Tempête pendant la traversée de l'Europe au Brésil" Right - "Vue de l'entrée de la baie de Rio de Janeiro" Copper engravings 1822.Strong impression Repair in lower left margin corner. Otherwise good condition. Image size: 11 x 18 cm ( 4.3 x
7 ") $ 190.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236313 Left - "Chasseurs Portugais" Right -" Carbanes des pêcheurr sur le rivière de Barganza " Copper engravings 1822.Strong impression Repair in lower left margin corner. Otherwise good condition. Left image size: 12.5 x 18.5 cm
( 4.9 x 7.2 ") $ 280.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236314 Left -" Maison d'un planteur brasilien" Right - "Vue d'une Maison de campagne sur le Paraiba" Copper engravings 1822.Strong impression A few spots in margins.. Otherwise good condition. Image size: 11 x 18 cm ( 4.3 x
7 ") $ 190.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236315 Left - "Soldats à Linhares en cottes de maille" Right - "La tortue au rivage de la mer" Copper engravings 1822.Strong impression A few spots in margins.. Otherwise good condition. Image size: 12 x 20 cm ( 4.7 x
7.8 ") $ 380.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236316 Left - "Vue de nos cabanes à Morro d'Arara" Right - "Cabanes des Patachos" Copper engravings 1822.Strong impression A few spots in margins. Small repaired tear on upper mrgin edge. Otherwise good condition. Image size: 12 x 20 cm ( 4.7 x
7.8 ") $ 320.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236317 Left - "Le Chef des Botocoudys Kerengnatnuk avec sa famille" Right - "Crâne caractéristique d'un Botocude" Copper engravings 1822.Strong impression A few spots in margins.. Otherwise good condition. Image size: 12 x 20 cm ( 4.7 x
7.8 ") $ 380.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236318 Left - "Manière de prendre les Buffes par le Vaqueiro" Right - "Chasse de l'Onze" Copper engravings 1822.Strong impression Scattered spotting and browning of margin edges. Left image size: 12 x 21 cm (
4.7 x 8.2 ") $ 320.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVEBRAZILNEUWIED236319 |
"The Barn Door" Mzzotinto engraving. Printed in color and hand-finished. Engraver: William Ward (1766-1826) Painter: George Morland (1763-1804) Publisher: T. Simpson. London, dated 1792 Rustic scene, typical for George Morland. albeit he goes slightly into erotic happenings. A farm boy catches and embraces the milk maid from behind. Her welcoming smile is suggesting only flimsy objection as he reaches unscrupulously for her bosom, while the stable help is watching the forward approach of his pal with openly displayed envy. From out the open barn door a cow observes the scene with little emotion, while two donkeys couldn't care less and a sow forages the ground contently. The print has been mounted on cardboard. Right margin added. The print had obviously been framed and had decorated a wall space somewhere for some time. By mounting a print on a cardboard it looses some value. Passing time and the fact that this print had been exposed to air and light for long has also diminished its value. Taking this into account we have discounted the value of this print. Since it is a genuine rural Morland scene it is, at this reduced price, a wonderful bargain 44,5 x 55,8 cm (ca. 17.5 x 22") $ 500.00 Order Nr.EXCLUSIVE224619 |
"The Cottager's Wealth" Mezzotinto engraving Printed in color and hand-finished. Engraver: George Keating (1762-1842) Painter: George Morland ( 1763-1804) Publisher: Morgan & Company. Lodon, dated 1798 One of these extraordinary rustic scene prints which George Morland was so famous for. The farmer's wife and their boy are in the stable feeding three piglets cabbage leaves. The donkey looking on with interest over her shoulder. Stunning color. Left, right and upper margins have been widened beyond the plate mark. A few minor traces of age and use. None of them disturbing the beautiful impression. 45 x 55,5 cm (ca. 17.7 x 21.9") Order Nr.EXCLUSIVE244621SOLD |
The Four Seasons "Le Pritemps Fruehling" Image: 23 x 19.5 cm ( 9 x 7.6") ***** "L'Ete Somer" Image;21 x 18.5 cm ( 8.2 x 7.2 ") ***** "L'Autome Herbst" Image: 21 x 19 cm ( 8.2 x 7.4 ") ***** "L'Hiver Winter" Image: 21 x 18 cm ( 8.2 x 7 ") ***** Four anonymous copper etchings of high quality. Published as: "Schilderung der vier Jahreszeiten: der Jugend gewidmet". Explanation of the four seasons: dedicated to the youth. Nuremberg, 1785 Spring, Summer and Autumn have German text verso. Winter is blank. Prints were once framed and
show very light toning in framed area. Set of four: $ 680.00 Order Nr. SEASONS246527 |
Exquisite print of Syracuse From "Voyage pittoresque en Sicilie", published by E. G. de la Salle in Paris from 1822-1826. Three absolutely splendid views from a series of 23 different aquatints of Sicily. These originally watercolored views of important archeologigal sites and their 19th century surroundings have a quality of the highest standard. A very desireable and valuable set of prints, priced individually to accomodate individual desires. Wide margins. Clean images Vue de Syracuse prise du Théâtre. Engraved by Franz Hegui (1774-1850) after S. Birmann fils (1798-1847). Crease in lower right margin corner. Small, repaired tear on upper margin edge. 29 x 42.6 cm ( 11.4 x 16.7 ") $ 950.00 Order Nr. SICILIA242941
An exceptional series of lithographs of African birds. We have to offer an exceptional set of excessively decorative and colorful large folio-size African bird prints.: Turocos belonging to the bird family of Musaphaga. In South Africa they are more commonly known as Louries. Musaphoga-Turaco birds live in sub-Sahara countries: Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, West Africa, Cameroon, Congo, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa. The complete sequence: ãDe Toerako's afgebeeld en beschreven" Publishers: Hermann Schlegel and G.F. Westermann Lithographer: P.W.M. Trap Published: Amsterdam, 1860 Size: ca. 72 x 52 cm (ca. 28 x 20") Here it is, a unique, most decorative set of 17 colorful hand-finished lithographs, hightened with eggwhite . The paradisical birds are shown life-size. They are excessively decorative and make a precious, one of a kind wall decoration in a sophisticated, pretentious African home or any home decorated in African style. What makes these prints unique is their hand-finished color. The series, as printed in Amsterdam was chromo-printed with only scarce habitat around the birds. The artist gave these lithographs the exceedingly beautiful final touch by spreading the habitat all over the grand-folio-size lithograph. The price for the complete set of 17 original, beautifully hand-colored grand-folio-size lithographs is Please contact us for the price.. ______________ Eine aussergewöhnliche Serie afrikanischer Vögel-Lithographien Diese komplette aussergewöhnliche Serie von 17 Original-Lithographien Afrikanischer Vögel ist hoch dekorativ, und sie ist in einer Weise besonders, die ich hier beschreiben werde. Die gross-folio Vogel-Serie ist in Amsterdam entstanden unter dem Namen "De Toerako's afgebeeld en beschreven". Herausgeber waren Hermann Schlegel (1804-1884) und Georg Friedrich Westermann (1810-1879) Die Chromo-Lithographien wurden von P.W.M. Trapp angefertigt Erscheinungsdatum: Amsterdam, 1860 Abmessungen: Höhe ca. 72 cm. Breite ca. 52 cm Was diese hier von uns angebotene Serie so einmalig macht, ist das Kolorit. Man muss wissen, dass die Chromolithos, wie sie seinerzeit in Amsterdam erschienen, neben den Vögeln kaum ihr Habitat zeigen. Die Vögel sitzen auf einem Ast, ein paar Zweige und Blätter um sie herum. Unsere Serie hat ein Künstler mit Phantasie und Sachverstand verzaubert, indem er mit Aquarellfarben das Habitat der Vögel ergänzt und erweitert hat. Er tat das mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen und schuf 17 Unikate von höchstem dekorativen Wert. Die Lithographien, die Ursprünglich eher blass und leblos wirkten, sind nun reich mit Leben erfüllt. Die Turakos gehören zur Familie der Musophagas. Sie leben in Afrika südlich der Sahel-Zone im Sudan, in Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, West Afrika, Cameroon, Congo, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana und South Africa. Wir stellen uns ein anspruchsvoll afrikanisch eingerichtetes Haus vor, in dem Wandplatz keinen Mangel kennt und darauf diese farbenfrohen grossformatigen Lithographien mit den afrikanischen Vögeln. Was für ein gewaltiger Eindruck da entsteht! Die komplette Serie von 17 Original-Lithographien mit diesem einmaligen Handkolorit können Sie bei uns erwerben. Price: $2,200.00 Each
Philographikon - Galerie Rauhut founded 1974 by Rainer
PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views. from the 15th to the19th century. Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen Copyright ©Rainer Rauhut