The "Naturalist Atlas" by Georg August Goldfuss(Bayreuth 1782 - 1848 Bonn). This extra large-size collection of lithographs of spectacular modern coloring depicting animals, birds, reptiles, fish, etc. published in Duesseldorf, at Arnz from 1824 -1842, was issued over this long period of time inserial parts of twenty prints each per annum. There are no officially bound copies. And, as always when so much time passes, few copies will have been completed with all 454 prints. Subscribers may have died, lost interest, run out of money or may have had any other reason to discontinue collecting this work. And loose pages, especially when so large, have a tendency to get in the way or create problems of storage. Many have been folded to handy size, rolled up or simply lost. This makes these decorative oversize prints rare and sought. Here is an exerpt of our stock. Please ask us if you are looking for special animals. Prints have watermark: J. Waterman. The prints are more beautiful than the photos and scans below. Our prints are in very nice condition. However they show some signs of age, such as general age toning, a few non-disturbing wrinkles, some minor spotting or other little blemishes. A few have small repaired tears in margins. Any major flaw will be individually mentioned. Size of page: ca 45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 23 " ) or 58 x 45.5 cm ( 23 x 17.9 ") Even though the images are of various sizes, the prints are all the same size unless a different size is given. Sale! Discount! 50% Discount on All Prints with a GOLDFUSS number on this page! Take 50% off the listed price. |
GOLDFUSS240924. "Antilope - Antilope Corinna - Die Gazelle" Measurement of one INCH below title Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Light scattered spotting. Hand-colored lithograph US$ 800.00 |
GOLDFUSS6603. - "Antilope - Gnu - Das Gnu" Measurement of one foot below title Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Lower margin has tear barely reaching image US$ 800.00 |
GOLDFUSS 6607 - "Antilope - Antilope Rupricapra - Die Gemse" (Chamois) 1/3rd of natural size Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph US$ 800.00 |
GOLDFUSS 6599 - "Rhinoceros - Rhinoceros fumaltrenis - Das sumatraische Nashorn" (Rhino of Sumatra) Measurement of one foot given below title. Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Details about print: See above US$ 1400.00 |
GOLDFUSS 6634 - "Phoca - Phoca vitulina - Der gemeine Seehund" (Seal) Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Details about print: See above US$ 800.00 |
GOLDFUSS 6633 - "Trichechus - Trichechus Rosmarus - Das Walross" (walrus) 1/10th natural size Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph US$ 800.00 |
"Gatt. Bos. Bos Urus"Bison - Buffalo - Bueffel - Buffle Lithograph. Beautiful hand coloring. Watermark: J. Whatman Georg August Goldfuss (Bayreuth 1782 - 1848 Bonn) signs responsible for this impressive large folio size buffalo. It was published in his "Naturalist Atlas" containing these large folio depictions of animals, birds, reptiles, fish. The monumental work was published in installments of 20 lithographs per annum. So it lasted from 1824 to 1842 until all 454 prints were out. Print has light overall age toning and some very light spotting in margins. Very few and only minor traces of age and use. A superb and very impressive lithograph! 45 x 57 cm (ca. 17.7 x 22.4") Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6583 SOLD |
GOLDFUSS 6606 - "Bos - Bos taurus indicus - Das Zebu" (Zebu) Measurement of one foot below title Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Details about print: See above SOLD |
Gatt. Auchenia. . Auchenia Glama, Llama $ 800.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6585 |
GOLDFUSS 6602 - "Tapirs - Tapirs Americanus - Das amerikanische Tapir" (Tapir) Measurement of one foot below title. Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Details about print: See above US$ 800.00 |
Felis - Felis Onca - der Jaguar (Jaguar) 1/3 natural size. In the upper right are the animalæs teeth. Repaired tear (2 1/2") at bottom near title. Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6600 SOLD |
GOLDFUSS240925. "Antilope - Antilope Bubalis - Die Kuhantilope" (Bubal antilope) Measurement of one foot below title Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Scattered small, light spotting. Small water stain in lower right corner. US$ 800.00 |
GOLDFUSS 6605 - "Sus - Sus torquatus - Das Pecari" (Peccary) 1/2 natural size Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Details about print: See above US$ 800.00 |
Dipus - Dipus decumanus - der uralische Springer (Springmaus) - (Jerboa) Natural size. Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6597SOLD |
GOLDFUSS 6596 - "Viverra - Viverra Civetta - Die Zivetta" (Large Indian civet) 3/8 of natural size Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Details about print: See above US$ 800.00 |
Arctomys - Arctomys Marmotta - Murmeltier (Marmot) 4/5 natural size $ 800.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6637 |
GOLDFUSS 6638 - "Castor - Castor Fiber - Der Biber" (Beaver) 1/2 of natural size Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Small repairs on left and right
margin edges and in lower margin. Details about print: See above US$ 800.00 |
Arctomys - Arctomys Bobac - der Bobak - (Bobak marmot) 4/5 natural size Repair on upper margin. Small,
repaired tears on lower margin edge. $ 800.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6639 |
Herpestes pharaonis ãDer aegyptische Mungo" $ 650.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6610 |
GOLDFUSS 6609 - "Viverra - Viverra Cenetta - Die Genette" (Asian civet) 1/2 of natural size Large Folio. Sheet size: 17.9 x 23" Hand-colored lithograph Details about print: See above US$ 800.00 |
Various Fish. ã(Syngnatus) Papacinus, Acus, Hippocampus, (Solenostomus) Paradoxus, (Pegasus) Drconis, (Polyodon) Folium, (Accipenser) Huso, Sturio" The print has some minor thin spots in the paper that are only visible when held against light. . $ 570.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6642 |
Mustela Foina ãDer Steinmarder" $ 650.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6608 |
"2 C. Gatt. Hayrax" Lenghth of animal: 33cm (12.9
") $ 240.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS65889 |
Ord. VII Neuropotera - Netzflügler (Lacewings) A few scattered light spots. Tiny repaired tears margin edges. $ 900.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6590SOLD |
Ord VI Orthoptera Geradflügler (Heuschrecke) -(grasshopper>) Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6591 SOLD |
Insecta Phaloenites, Sphongides, Noctucelites, Papilionides, Pyralites, Tinoeites, Zyganides, Bombycites. The figures are artistically well done. Interesting details of several families of butterflies and moths. Good Condition. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 120.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS234882 |
Elephas - Dentes molares superiores ...(Molars of Indian and African elephants) The figures are artistically well done. Natural size of elephant teeth. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 180.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6598 |
"Protozoa Ord. II Phytozoa Fam. Fam. Corticosa" "Gatt. Antipodes Gorgonia" The figures are artistically well done. Print has a repaired tear on lower edge ca 3,7 cm. Printed on light yellowish paper. Light vertical crease. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS247936 |
"Cl. I Protozoa. Ord II Pytozoa. Fam. I Spongiosa" The figures are artistically well done. Printed on light yellowish paper. Light vertical crease. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS247937 |
"Cl. I Protozoa. Ord. I Infusoria. Fam. I Monades." The figures are artistically well done. Printed on light yellowish paper. . Light vertical crease. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS247938 |
"Cl. I Protozoa. Ord. I Infusoria. Fam. IV Polypi" The figures are artistically well done. Printed on light yellowish paper. . Light vertical crease. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS247939 |
"Cl. II Enthelm. Ord. Lcystica" The figures are artistically well done. Printed on light yellowish paper. . Light vertical crease. Page size:40 x 58 cm ( 15.8 x 22.8 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS247940 |
"Cl. I Protozoa. Ord. I Infusoria. Fam. III. Rotatoria" The figures are artistically well done. Printed on light yellowish paper. . Light vertical crease. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS247941 |
"Cl. I Protozoa. Ord. II Phytozoa" The figures are artistically well done. Printed on light yellowish paper. . Light vertical crease. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS247942 |
"CL. I Protozoa. Ord. I Infusoria. Fam. II Vorticellae" The figures are artistically well done. Printed on light yellowish paper. . Light vertical crease. Page size:45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 22.8 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS247943 |
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© Rainer Rauhut