The "Naturalist Atlas" by Georg August Goldfuss(Bayreuth 1782 - 1848 Bonn). This extra large-size collection of lithographs of spectacular modern coloring depicting animals, birds, reptiles, fish, etc. published in Duesseldorf, at Arnz from 1824 -1842, was issued over this long period of time inserial parts of twenty prints each per annum. There are no officially bound copies. And, as always when so much time passes, few copies will have been completed with all 454 prints. Subscribers may have died, lost interest, run out of money or may have had any other reason to discontinue collecting this work. And loose pages, especially when so large, have a tendency to get in the way or create problems of storage. Many have been folded to handy size, rolled up or simply lost. This makes these decorative oversize prints rare and sought. Here is an exerpt of our stock. Please ask us if you are looking for special animals. Prints have watermark: J. Waterman. The prints are more beautiful than the photos and scans below. Our prints are in very nice
condition. However they show some signs of age, such as
general age toning, a few non-disturbing wrinkles, some
minor spotting or other little blemishes. A few have small
repaired tears in margins. Any major flaw will be
individually mentioned. Size of page: ca 45.5 x 58 cm ( 17.9 x 23 " ) Sale! Discount! 40% Discount on All Prints with a GOLDFUSS number on this page! Take 40% off the listed price. |
Charadrius Hiaticula - der buntschnaebelige Regenpfeifer (plover) Oedicnemus orepidans - der graue Dickfuss Calidris arenaria - der graue Sonderling (Sandpiper) Natural size. General age toning. A bit wrinkly in parts. $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6658 |
Parra Jacana - der kastanienbraune Spornflügler Rallus aquaticus - die Wasserralle (Rail) Natural size. General age toning. A bit wrinkly in parts. $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6657 |
Haticus cormoranus - der Kormoran 4 / 5 natural size General age toning. A bit
wrinkly in parts. Small repaired tears in lower right
margin. $ 630.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6656 |
Haematopus ostralegus - der rotfüssige Austernfischer (Oystercatcher) Natural size. General age toning. A bit wrinkly in parts. $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6655 |
Calthartes, Illig. - C. Perenopterus L. - Der ägyptische Aasvogel (Egyptian vulture). Natural size. Upper left corner had been
torn off and has been restored. $ 740.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6627 |
Phacton phoenicurus - der rotschwaenzige Trogikvogel Natural size. General age toning. A bit wrinkly in parts. $ 720.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6654 |
Procellaria capensis - der sagische Sturmvogel (Cape Horn pigeon) Procellaria pelagica - der geschaeckte Sturmvogel Natural size General age toning. A bit wrinkly in parts. $ 580.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6653 |
Argus Giganteus - der Argus 1 / 3 natural size Clean. Some small repaired tears in margins. Exquisite Print! $ 880.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6652 |
Rynchops nigra - der schwarze Scherenvogel (black skimmer) Natural size General age toning. A bit wrinkly in parts. $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6651 |
ãLarus trydactilus - Lestris pomarina" Seagulls.
Natural size.
$ 450.00
Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6643 |
ãHimantopus metanopterus". Stilt. Natural size. $ 450.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6641 |
ãGallinula chloropus - Gallinula Crex". Moorhen. Natral size. $ 450.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6644 |
Porphyrius smaragdinus - das smaragdgrüne Purpurhuhn (Purple gallinule) Gallinula martinica - das Martinico Rohrhuhn (Gallinula) Natural size General age toning. A bit wrinkly in parts. $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6650 |
U. Troile - die dumme Lumme
(Uria) natural size General age toning. A bit wrinkly in parts. $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6649 |
Dicholophus cristatus - der Seriema (south american wading bird) 2 / 3 natural size General age toning.. A bit wrinkly in parts $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6648 |
Opisthocomus cristatus - das gehaeubte Schopfhuhn (crested tauraco) Natural size. Trivial spotting. Light
water stain on lower right margin edge. A bit wrinkly in
parts. $ 640.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6647 |
Corythaix Persa - der grüne Traegvogel (Helmvogel) - (Tauraco) Natural size General age toning. Extreme margin lower right has water stain. Wrinkly in parts. $ 640.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6646 |
Phalaropus rufus - der rote wassertreter (red phalarope) Fulica atra - das schwarze Wasserhuhn Natural size General age toning. $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6645 |
Grus cinerea - Der Graue Kranich (grey crane) 3/8 natural size General age toning. Repaired tear left margin $ 580.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS 6623 |
Otis, L. - Otis tarda - die Grosstrappe (Great bustard) 3/4 natural size $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6617 |
Recuvirostra - Recurvirostra Avocetta -der schwarzköpfige Saebler (black-headed avocet) Natuiral size $ 540.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6618 |
Platalea, L. - platalea leocorodia - der weisse Loeffler (White spoonbill) 2/3 natural size $ 550.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6619SOLD |
Columba - columba minuta - Zwergtaube - (Plainj breasted dove) 2. Columba aromatica - Die aromatische Taube (aromatic dove) 3 Columba palumbus - die Ringeltaube (ring dove) Natural size. A few minimal creases. Small repaired tear on right margin edge. $ 640.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6611 |
Cygnus, Meyer - Cygnus melanorhynclus - Cygnus Gibbus Bechstein - der wilde Schwan (Swan) 1/2 natural size $ 720.00 Order nr. GOLDFUSS6612 |
Anas, Meyer, Anis mollisima, Die Eider Ente. (Down duck) Ord. I. natatores. Overall light age toning. and a few minor creases. $ 720.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6577 |
Meleagris, Meleagris Gallopavo, Der Truthahn. Ord. II Gallinae, Fam. II. Alectorides. Page size 56 x 45.5 cm. ( 22 x 17.9 ") Small repaired tear on right margin edge. $ 900.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6580 |
Gatt. Crax, L. - Crax Alector - der Hocko ( Curassow) 3/4 natural size. Some creasing in lower image. Water stain on upper, right and lower margin edge. $ 620.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6613 |
Gatt. Opisthocomus, Hofmgg. - Opisthocomus oristatus,- das schopfhuhn (the hoazin) Natural size. A few light creases. Small repairs on right margin edge. $ 620.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6614 |
Gatt. Penelope Gmel. - Penelope superciliaris - weisstirn Guan Natural size. Some repaired tears on margin edges. $ 620.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6615 |
Ardea, Briss. - Ardea stellaris - die Rohrdommel (great bittern) 2/3 natural size. Light fraying on right and lower margin edges. $ 530.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6616 |
Perdix - Perdrix rubra - das riote Feldhuhn (partridge) Crypturus - Crypturus rufrescens - der rostfarbige Maivogel Natural size $ 530.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6620 |
Grus. - Grus pavonina. - Der Kronen-Kranich (Crowned crane) 5/12 natural size $ 740.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6621 |
Colymbus, L. - Podiceps Meyer 1. Coristatus, L. 2. C. Minor, Lath Haubentaucher und Zwergtaucher (great crested grebe and a small species). $ 620.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6622 |
Grus, Pall. - Grus cinerea Bechst. -Der graue Kranich (common crane) 3/8 natural size $ 780.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6623 |
Tantalus, L. - Tantalus loculator, L. - Der grosse Nimmersatt (Tantalus wading bird) 1/2 natural size. Light creasing in left margin. $ 620.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6624 |
Carbo, Neyer - Disporus bassanus - Der weisse Toelpel (white gannet) Natural size. Light water stains on right and lower margin edges. $ 620.00 Order nr. GOLDFUSS6625 |
Alca, L. - Papageientaucher A) Alca briss Torda L B) Mormon, Illig fratercula, Tem. Natural size $ 680.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6626 |
Numida, L. - Numida Meleagris L. - Das gemeine Perlhuhn (Guinea fowl). Natural size. Horizontal creasing in central area. $ 620.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6628 |
Struthio, L. - Struthius cametus., L. - Der afrikanische Strauss (Ostrich). 1/3 Natural size. $ 720.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6629SOLD |
Casuarius Briss. Casuarius galvatus. Der gehelmte Strauss (Helmed ostrich) 1/3 natural size $ 720.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6630SOLD |
ãHaushalt der Möven" Assembly of sea gulls and their nesting habits. Creasing and repair in upper right margin corner. $ 680.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6631 |
ãHaushalt der Seeschwalben". Assembly of common noddy. On reverse side paper strip backing a crease which is hardly visible from the front. $ 680.00 Order Nr. GOLDFUSS6632 |
Familiar and Exotic Birds by Martinet Game Birds by Martinet Birds of Prey by Martinet Rare Bird Prints by Goldfuss Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen © Rainer Rauhut