Antique Prints of Heraldry
and Flags

Enjoy looking at these antique prints of heraldic interest.

All Prints are in Good condition unless otherwise mentioned.

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"Armoires placedes sur le brevet de lÄordre du Phenix de Hohenlohe"

Wood engraving 1874. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

10.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4,1 x 6.1 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY241344

"Die Wichtigsten Orden I" ( the most important medals, awards )


Second Page:

"Die Wichtigsten Ordern II" ( the most importan medals, awards )

Two pages ( one double page and one single page ) showing some of the most important medals and awards given.
Below the medals are the numbered names of each medal.

Chromolithographs published 1895. Light overall age toning. Upper page has a vertical centerfold.

Double page size: 24 x 30 cm ( 9.4 x 11.8 ")
Single page: 24 x 14.5 cm ( 9.4 x 5.9 ")

Price for the two pages: $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY247549

Signs of various persons involved in early printing in the 15th Century.such as

Arnold de Keyser, Gerhard Leu, Simon Vostre Peter Schoeffer, etc.

Wood engraving published 1876. On the reverse side is text about early printers.

Image: 15 x 13 cm ( 5.9 x 5.1")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY257178

"Genealogie de la Maison D'Anhalt, ses différentes Branches, ses Titres, ses Armes, et ses Alliances"

Aus: "Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A l'Histoire, à la Chronologie & à la Géographie Ancienne & Moderne: Représentée dans de Nouvelles Cartes, Où l'on remarque l'établissement des Etats & empires du Monde, leur durée, leur chûte, & leurs differens Gouvernemens"

Amsterdam, 1720

Autor: Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684-1743)

Wappen von Anhalt-Dessau und Anhalt-Bernburg und Wappen von Anhalt-Zerbst

Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand. Leichte, angenehme Alterspatina 

Leichte Bräunung Mittelfalz

IImage: 35 x 46,5 cm ( 13,7 x 18.3")

$ 380.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 228.00

Order NRr. HERALDRY253346


Coat of arms of the Huecker Familiy.

Copper engraving ca 1780.

Coat-of-arms without name: 5.4 x 5.4 cm ( 2.1 x 2.1 ")
Size of print: 9 x 9.3 cm ( 3.5 x 3.6 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY236361


"Carte Genealogique de la Famille Royale de Brunswick-Lunebourg-Hanover & les différentes Branches qu'elle a formées avec les Armes Roiales & Electorales de cette Famille"

Chart (family tree) of the Royal families of Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Hannover

Chart has a most decorative arrangement of the main Coat of arms surrounded by the various related families' coats of arms.

On the left coats of arms in original hand coloring: Emperor, France, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Prussia, Palatinat, Bavaria and Nassau

On the right coats of arms in original hand coloring: Saxonia, Lorraine, Mecklenburg, Hesse, Württemberg, Holstein, Baden, Anhalt, Modena

There are two integrated copper etchings in the chart.

On the left: Chateau of Salzdahlum in Wolfenbüttel (not existing any more)

On the right: Chateau de Herrenhausen in Hannover

The family tree begins on the left side with Wittekind and on the right with the origin of the Guelphs.

It ends shortly before Chatelin published his work in 1720

Copper etching with splendid original hand coloring in gouache style

Published in:  "Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A l'Histoire, à la Chronologie & à la Géographie Ancienne & Moderne: Représentée dans de Nouvelles Cartes, Où l'on remarque l'établissement des Etats & empires du Monde, leur durée, leur chûte, & leurs differens Gouvernemens"

Amsterdam, 1720

Author: Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684-1743)

This impressive print, rarely with its original hand-color, would be anyone whose ancestors are here shown.

Condition: Print has light general age toning, a very pleasant patina. The original coloring of the coats of arms is simply superb. On order to fit into Chatelain's atlas this very large print had to be folded vertically several times. In order to prevent the oxidation of the original colors, the reverse side of the print has been duplicated with very thin china paper in back of the coats of arms and some of the green lines which lead from one family member to the next.

42 x 103 cm (ca. 9.5 x 40")

$ 800.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 480.OO

Order Nr. HERALDRY253340

Carl XIII Sweden

"Ritter des Ord. Karl d XIII in Schweden"
"Commandeur des St. Heinrich Ordens in Haiti"

Copper etching, 1820. Original hand coloring.

The Swedish medal originated by Karl XIII was initiated in 1811 an is exclusively
attributed to Protestant Freemasons. The St. Heinrich medal was initiated by Kurfuerst August III
von Sachsen and exclusively attributed to military officers.

Some minor traces of age and use. Beautiful original hand coloring.

16.5 x 11.5 cm ( 6.5 x 4.5 ")

$ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 33.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY248674

Oesterreichisch - Ungarischen Kronlaender

"Wappen Der Oesterreichisch - Ungarischen Kronlaender"

Coats - of - Arms of The Austrian Hungarian Empire. Published 1895.

Light age toning. Extra page of text about the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy.

13 x 20.5 cm ( 5.1 x 8 ")

Order Nr. HERALDRY248173SOLD

"Les Allegories Dans L'Art Decoratif"
"Le Champ Clos Du Carrousel de 1662, devise des Tapesseries du roi"

Wood engraving by Sgap published 1884. Reverse side is printed.

16 x 13.5 cm ( 6.2 x 5.3 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY241753

"Les Allegories Dans L'Art Decoratif"
"Le Sceptre Est Une Houlette Qui Regente et Garde Le Troupeau"
"Devise des Tapisseries du roi"

Wood engraving by Sgap published 1884. Reverse side is printed.

12.7 x 11,5 cm ( 5 x 4.5 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY241754

"Wappen der Grafen von Spreti" Coat of arms of Counts Spreti

Anonymous copper etching. Original hand coloring. Hightened with gold Ca. 1800

Excellent condition.

Page size: 19.2 x 12.4 cm (7.6 x 4.9")


royal crowns

"Couronnes royales de differentes dynasties"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845.

9 x 14.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY246549

"Les Curiosites Heraldiques"
"Louis de Lorraine, Conte de Armagnac de Bronne et de Charni, Pair; et Grand Ecuyer de France, Grand Senechal de Bourgogne, Gouven d'Anjou, et des villes d'Angers, et des Pontsde Ce."
"Les Armoires de Louis de Lorraine"

Wood engraving 1884 by F. de Lapointe et extraites de L'Armorial historique de l'ordre du Saint-Espirit (creatio 1706 ).
Light age toning. Reverse side is printed.

13.5 x 9.5 cm ( 5.3 x 3.7 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY241403

"Le Leon de Juillet, embleme de Jules Cesar, des revolutions de 1789 et de 1830"

Wood engraving 1884. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

12.5 x 11.5 cm ( 4.9 x 4.5 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY241404

Orders of Knighthood

Orders of Knighthood

Copper engraving by Warner, ca 1800. Published in London.
Light browning on margin edges. Lower edge is frayed.

34.5 x 21 cm ( 13.5 x 8.2 ")

$ 85.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 51.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY8830

"Curiosites Heraldiques"
"Louis de Grimaldi, Prince de Monaco, Duc de Valentinois, Pair de France, Montelimar, Cresten
Daufine & Cceriges et veif. Du-Pairie sous le nom de Valentinois 1642 Ambassadeur a Rome 99"

"L'Un des Blasons de L'Armorial du Saint-Espirit"

Wood engraving printed 1884. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

11 x 9.5 cm ( 4.3 x 3.7 ")

Order Nr. HERALDRY241302SOLD

"Genealogie de la Maison D'Holstein, ses différentes Branches, ses Titres, ses Armes, et ses Alliances"

Copper etching in fabulous original hand coloring (gouache style with real gold for gold colors)

Published in "Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A l'Histoire, à la Chronologie & à la Géographie Ancienne & Moderne: Représentée dans de Nouvelles Cartes, Où l'on remarque l'établissement des Etats & empires du Monde, leur durée, leur chûte, & leurs differens Gouvernemens"

Amsterdam, 1720

Author: Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684-1743)

Coats of Arms of  Holstein (royal and ducal) in absolutely splendid original and correct
hand coloring in gouache style with raised real gold where applicable.

Print is in very good condition with wide margins. Light browning on centerfold.

35 x 46 cm (ca. 13.8 x 18.1")

$ 480.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 288.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY253351

"The Arms of All Nations"

Lithograph. Printed in color.

Published in London, 1858

Very minor traces of age and use. Reverse is printed with a boat image.

35,5 x 23 cm (ca. 14 x 9")

$ 75.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. HERALDRY253344

"The Flags of All Nations"

Lithograph. Printed in color.

Published in London, 1858

Very minor traces of age and use. Reverse side is printed.

35,5 x 23 cm (ca. 14 x 9")

$ 75.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. HERALDRY253338


Lithograph in original hand coloring, ca 1850.

Page size: 24.5 x 18.5 cm ( 9.6 x 7.2 ")
Image size: 11.7 x 11 cm ( 4.6 x 4.3 ")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY8826


Lithograph in original hand coloring, ca 1850.

Page size: 24.5 x 18.5 cm ( 9.6 x 7.2 ")
Image size: 12.5 x 10.7 cm (4.9 x 4.2 ")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8827


Lithograph in original hand coloring, ca 1850.

A few light, scattered spots, especially in lower left corner.

Page size: 24.5 x 18.5 cm ( 9.6 x 7.2 ")
Image size: 11.7 x 12 cm ( 4.6 x 4.7 ")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8828



Lithograph in original hand coloring, ca 1850.

Page size: 24.5 x 18.5 cm ( 9.6 x 7.2 ")
Image size: 12 x 11 cm ( 4.7 x 4.3")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8829

"Carte Genealogique de la Maison de Brunuick-Lunebourg, ses différentes Branches, ses Titres et ses Pretentions"

Copper etching in fabulous original hand coloring (gouache style with real gold for gold colors)

Published in "Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A l'Histoire, à la Chronologie & à la Géographie Ancienne & Moderne: Représentée dans de Nouvelles Cartes, Où l'on remarque l'établissement des Etats & empires du Monde, leur durée, leur chûte, & leurs differens Gouvernemens"

Amsterdam, 1720

Author: Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684-1743)

Coat of Arms Electorat von Hannover and Coat of Arms Herzogtum Dutchy of)  Braunschweig-Wolfebüttel

Very good condition. Brilliant original and correct gouache colors. Centerfold has a browning.

36 x 47,5 cm (ca, 14.2 x 18.7")

$ 480.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr.  HERALDRY253363

"Genealogie  de la Maispn de Hesse Cassel avec ses différentes Branches, ses Titres, ses Etats, et ses Allicances"

Copper etching, the coats of arms of Hesse Cassel and Hesse Darmstadt exquisitely and correctly hand-colored, in gouache and gold-hightened.

The genealogical branches on the left side of print beginning in the year 485 and on the right with Charlemagne. The family trees ending briefly before publishing.

Published in "Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A l'Histoire, à la Chronologie & à la Géographie Ancienne & Moderne: Représentée dans de Nouvelles Cartes, Où l'on remarque l'établissement des Etats & empires du Monde, leur durée, leur chûte, & leurs differens Gouvernemens"

Amsterdam, 1720

Author: Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684-1743)

Coats of Arms in absolutely splendid original and correct hand coloring in gouache style with raised real gold where applicable.

Print is in very good condition with wide margins. Only minimal traces of age and use.

34,5 x 45,4 cm (ca. 13.6 x 17.9")

$ 480.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. HERALDRY253379

"Sceptres et Trone de differentes epoques"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845.

14 x 8.8 cm ( 5.5 x 3.4 ")

$ 15.00

Order Nr. HERALDRY241653

Antique Heraldry Prints

Franz II Joseph Karl (crowned Roman Emperor on July 14 1792) , published the names and the Coats of Armes of the gentlemen serving as judges and attorneys at the bar of His Cammer=Gericht (Court Chamber) together with an Almanach-type calendar for the year 1805. Within the flower bordure of the copper etchings: Name including nobility rank, title and date of taking his oath of office.

All prints have holes from binding on left margin edge. Each print has one small worm hole in the lower right area of the name. Some prints have two worm holes. Minimal spotting and light browning on outer edges.

Page size: 14.6 x 8.3 cm ( 5.7 x 3.2 ")
Image: ca 11.4 x 6.8 cm ( 4.4 x 2.7")

Price: $ 90.00 EACH


Coat of Arms of Franz II Roman Emperor (Habsburg Dynasty) Vienna, Austria.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8812 SOLD

Herr Friedrich Ioseph Freiherr von Schmitz zu Grollenburg

von wegem dem Oberrheinschen Crays praesentirter Assessor juravit den 5. Febr. 1774.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8802 SOLD

Herr Iohann Albrecht Freiherr von Cramer

von wegen den Oberrheinuschen Crays praesentirtir Assessor juravit 8 Jan 1787.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8804

Herr Carl Georg von Riedesel Freyherr zu Eisenbach

von Sr. Koenigl. Preuss. Mayest: von wegen des Ober Sachsische Crayses praesent: Assessor juravit den 19 Decemb. 1778.

Order Nr.HERALDRY8805

Herr Franz Ioseph Freiherr von Stein

wegen des Burgunduschen Kreises praesentirter Assessor juravit 17. Oct. 1799.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8806

Herr Ioseph Ullheimer

von wegen des Fraenkischen Crayses praesentirtit Assessor juravit 20 April 1789.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8807 SOLD

Herr Constantin Franz Fuerchtegott von Neurath, der jungerer

von wegen des Obersaechschen Crayses prentirter Assessor juravit 6 Iul. 1804.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8801

Herr Iohann Friedrich Albrecht Constant von Neurath

von Sr Koenigl. Preuss. Majestaet von wegen des Nieder Rheinischen
Westphaelischen Crayses praesentirter Assessor juravit 1 Juni 1782.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8803

Herr Karl Ludwig Freyherr von Branca

von wegen des Bayerisschen Crayses paesentirter Assessor juravit 21 Jun. 1791.

Small fold in lower right margin corner.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8809

Herr Carl August Iohann Maximilian Freyherr von Seckendorff

von Sr Koenigl. Majest. in Preussen als Churfuersten zu Brandenburg vermoeg Vergleichs vom 28 Nov. 1781 praesent Assessor jurav. 24 Oct. 1800.

Small fold in lower right margin corner.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8810

Herr Franz Paul Christoph Freyherr von Seckendorff

Sr. Roemisch-Kaiserlichen Majestaet wirklicher Geheimer Rath und Kammergerichts Praesident juravit 18 Septemb. 1800.


Herr Alois Ioseph Freyherr Maurer von Kronegg

von des Kaysers Majestaet als Kayserl. Praesentiter Assessor juravit 11 April 1783.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8811

Herr Maximilian Freiherr von Martini

von Ihro Roemis. Kayserl. Maystats Ertzhertzog zu Oestereich wegen des Oestereichischen Kreises praesentirter Assessor juravit 26 August 1784.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8813

Herr Carl Caspar von Hertwich

von wegen des Schaebischen Crayses praesentirter Assessor juravit 1 Juni 1782.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8814

Herr Levin Georg Carl von Hohnhorst

von wegen des Churfuerstenthum Braunschweig-Lueneburg praesentirter Assessor juravit 14 Iunius 1802.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8815

Herr Clemens von Hueber von der Wiltau

von Sr. Churfst. Durchlaucht zu Pfalz praesentirter Assessor juravit 1 Iunii 1782.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8816

Herr Friedrich August von Leutsch

von Sr. Churfst. Durchlaucht zu Sachsen praesentirter Assessor juravit October 1791.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8817

Herr Christian Franz von Weidenfeind

von St. Churfuerstlich Durchl. zu Coeln praesentirter Assessor juravit den 16 November 1796.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8818

Herr Franz Ioseph Ignatz Freyherr von Linden

von Ihr Roemis Kayserl Mayestaet als Koenig und Churfuersten von Boehmen praesentirter Assessor juravit 19 Nov 1796.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8819

Herr Peter Melchior von Hommer

von Sr. Churfuerstl. Durchl zu Trier praesentirter Assessor juravit den 8 November 1796.

Order Nr. HER8820 SOLD

Herr Franz Dietrich von Ditfurth

von seiten des NiederSaechsichen Kreises praesentirter Assessor juravit 28 Iunii 1773.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8821

Her Georg Gottlob Balemann

ex parte Circulorum Augustanae Confessionis in sequelam Articouli quinti 57 Pacis Westphalicae praesentaus Assessor juravit 1 Iunni 1782.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8822

Herr Friederich Ignatz von Gruben

von Sr. Churfuerstl. Gnaden zu Mainz praesentirter Assessor juravit 22 Martii 1793.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8823

Herr Heinrich Reichsgraf von Reigersberg

Sr Roem Kayserl Majestaet wirklicher Geheimer Rath und Camerrichter juravit 3 Octob 1803.

Order Nr. HERALDRY 8824

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