Antique Celestial Maps A selection of decorative and historical celestial maps that is sure to please you. Each map is illustrated and carefully described. Please contact us if you are looking for special maps. Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a CELESTIALMAP number on this page! Take 30% off the listed price. ! Visit us at the following sites: |
Terrestial and celestial spheres Attractively hand-colored map. Zodiac globe in center and several detailed globes surrounding it. This map gives us no author. But it is decidedly French. Most likely published ca. 1760/80 in Paris in the style George Louis Le Rouge (1712-1780) published his celestial atlas. This map, however, is much larger (see measurements below). It bears the N° 1, suggesting that it was one of several in a series. And two venders addresses suggest, that this map was individually sold in two book shops in the Quartier Latin of Paris. Legend in the French language flanking the images on left and right side. The titles of paragraphs beginning upper left: "De la Sphere" "L'Equateur" "Des Tropiques" "Le Zodiac" "Les Cercles Polaires" "L'Horson" "Le Meridien" Condition: Very good condition. Very attractive hand coloring. Some spotting in margins and minimal traces of age and use only in margins. Vertical centerfold. Tiny piece of lower right corner is missing. 32 x 55,5 cm (ca. 12.5 x 21.9") $ 650,00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL251484 |
"Der Noerdliche Sternhimmel (Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. ( The northern sky as known in the middle of the 19th Century) Steel engraving by A. Stieler and D.C. Bruhns dated 1870. Printed in light green. This celestial map is very interesting for its great detail in the center circle that reaches as far as the Equator. Around the outside of this circle are the various signs of Zodiac with light drawing of the figures. The map is in very good condition except for a small repair on the centerfold in the lower margin. A few very light spots. 26.5 x 34.8 cm ( 10.4 x 13.7 ") $ 150.00 Order Nr. CELESTIALMAP235794 |
"Sytema Mundi Tychonicum secundum celeberrimorum Astronomorum Tychonis de Brahe et Io. Baptistae Riccioli. S.J. Hypotheses consinnatum a Joh. Gabr. Doppelmajero Math. Prof. Pub. opera Ioh. Bapt. Homanni Norimbergae" Copper etching by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayer (1677-1750) Original hand coloring. Published by Homann Erben. Nuremberg, 1730 System of the sun, based on Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), one of Europe's foremost astronomers. In the center Brahe's solar system surrounded by the 12 symbols of the zodiac. And Apollo driving his horse-pulled chariot across the skies Upper left corner: Solar system according to Brahe Upper right corner: Solar system according to Giovanni Riccioli S.J. Lower right corner: Egyptian solar system Lower left corner: Solar system according to Giovanni Riccioli S.J.Shown differently Map has several tears repaired by backings and parallel to the centerfold an additional vertical fold. There are some minor repairs in margins also. Repair on lower and upper cvenerfold.. But from the front this map looks much better than good. 48,5 x 58 cm (ca. 19 x 22.8") Order Nr. ASTRONOMY 251762SOLD Reverse side:
"Phaenomena Motuum Irregularium quos Planetae inferioresVenus et Mercurius ad annum Salutis MDCCX Directionibus Stationibus et Retrogradationibus suis et Terra spectandos praebent, exemplo singulorum Periodi pro Hypotheseos Copernic. firmamento Geometrice demonstrata A Ioh. Fabriele Doppelmajero Mathem. Prof. Publ. opera Ioh. Baptistae Homanni Noribergae." Copper etching by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayer (1677-1750) Original hand coloring. Published by Homann Erben. Nuremberg, 1730 In the center of the celestial chart we see the Sun as the focal point of our solar system. Fundamental basis for the chart are the orbits of Earth, Venus and Mercury as calculated for the year 1710 by Copernicus and projected transit of the planet Venus as it goes across the sun in the year 1761. - Our earth is pulled through space on clusters of clouds by a chariot with six horses. The wheel of the chariot, visible to the viewer, depicts the south pole of the earth. Above are Venus and Mercury also shown with their insignia on clouds Extreme upper left corner was missing and has been attached. Tiny piece of upper right corner is missing. Margins all around are narrow and show traces of age and use. The original hand coloring is attractive. Centerfold has been smoothed. 48,5 x 57,5 cm (ca. 19 x 22.6") Order Nr.ASTRONOMY251942SOLD |
Planeten-System der Sonne Steel engraving by A. Stieler dated 1871. The map shows the planets of our solar system with special insets showing their sizes and paths around te sun. There are details of the rings of Saturn as well as the 24 hour positions of the sun and earth. Map has a repair on the reverse side on the centerfold. Very minor signs of use and age. 32 x 34 cm ( 12.5 x 13.3 ") $ 150.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL236473 |
Image: 14 x 16.5 cm ( 5.5 x 6.4 ") Transparent Layover: "Faksimilie einer alten Darstellung des Ptolemaeischen Weltsystems" Wood engraving printed in color
after the original by Andreae Cellarii. Published 1900. Map and layover both have a vertical centerfold. $ 40.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL246860 |
No Title. Celestial map shows many
interesting aspects of the solar system such as the star
constellations of This map was published in the Geographischen Institut in Hildburghausen ca 1890. Vertical centerfold to fir original book size. Imprint is light. 21 x 27 cm ( 8.2 x 10.8 ") Order Nr. CELESTIAL248982 SOLD |
"Der Gestirnte Himmel" Lithograph ca 1875 showing the
positions of the stars on the northern sky. The names of the
various Diamater: 33 cm ( 12.9 ") $ 120.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL249056 |
"Sonnensystem: Innere-Planetengruppe" Lithograph by L. Ravenstein, printed in color, 1890. Vertical centerfold. Extra page of text ( in German ) with interesting information and statistics. 15.5 x 22 cm ( 6.1 x 8.6 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL250635 |
"Planeten System der Sonne" Extremely interesting celestial
map showing various aspects of the solar system. The large
circle has the signs of Zodiac Map has a vertical centerfold. 32 x 34 cm ( 12.5 x 13.3 ") $ 145.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL248879 |
"Das Planeten System" This lithograph shows the path of some of the planets in 88 days.Published ca 1875. This lithograph has several creases in the image and upper margin. 31 x 34.5 cm ( 12.2 x 13.5 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL240057 |
"Planiglobii Terrestris cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti Generalis Exhibitio, ......." Copper engraving map by Johann
Baptist Homann, published in Nuermberg 1720. In the upper corners are
decorative putti blowing the breath of life into the world
globes. The vertical centerfold has
been professionaly flattened so as to be invisible Map image: 48 x 56 cm ( 18.8 x 22 ") Order Nr. WORLD251512SOLD |
Image: 22 x 26 cm ( 8.5 x 10.2") Transparent Layover attached to map: "Faksimilie einer alten Darstellung des nördlichen Sternhimmels" Wood engraving printed in color
after the original by Andreae Cellarii, Published 1900. Map and layover both have a
vertical centerfold. Image: 22 x 26 cm ( 8.6 x 10.2") $ 55.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL254483 |
"Planisphere pour les Alignements des principales Etoiles" Copper engraving by Jean
Nicolas Fortin ( 1750-1831 ) after J. Flamsteed ( 1646 -
1719 ). Map of the stars from "Atlas Celeste de Flamsteed" One repair on the lower centerfold and another in the lower right of image. 19 x 24 cm ( 7.4 x 9.4 ") $ 130.00 Order Nr. CELESTIALMAP248628 |
"Der Suedliche Sternhimmel (Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts.) ( The Southern sky as known in the middle of the 19th Century) Steel engraving by J. Baer and D.C. Bruhns dated 1870. Printed in light bluish green. In the center of the map is the South Pole. The outer circle of the concentric circles is the Equator.Around the outside of this circle are the various signs of Zodiac with light drawing of the figures. The map is in very good condition. A few very light spots in margins. 29.5 x 36.2 cm ( 11.6 x 14.2 ") $ 150.00 Order Nr. CELESTIALMAP235869 |
"Tabula Selenographica in
qua Lunarium Macularum exacta Descriptio secundum Copper engraving map by Johann
Baptist Homann in Nuerenberg, ca 1707 after The two maps showng the surface
of the moon are from models by Johannes Hevelius Johannes Hevelius was the first
to publish a treatise entirely about the moon. He founded
the science This map has attractive hand
coloring. Small repair on lower centerfold. 48.5 x 57 cm ( 19 x 22.4 ") $ 2400.00 Order Nr. MOON251485 |
"Verteilung der Nebelflecke und Sternhaufen ueber die suedliche Himmelshaelfte". Wood engraving from Biliographisches Institut in Leipzig, ca 1875. Printed in color. Light browning on margin edges. Centerfold. Diameter of circle: 19 cm ( 7.4 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. CELESTIALMAP2366 |
"Verteilung der Nebelflecke und Sternhaufen ueber die noerdliche Himmelshaelfte". Wood engraving from Biliographisches Institut in Leipzig, ca 1875. Printed in color. Light browning on margin edges. Centerfold. Diameter of circle: 19 cm ( 7.4 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL2367 |
" "Mouvement et Positions de
Mars pendant l'annee 1868" Wood engravings published 1870. On the reverse side is a diagram of the Planet Uranus in 1868. 24 x 15 cm ( 9.4 x 5.9 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL249116 |
"Der Erdball" Image shows the path of the
earth around the sun from a fixed point. Interesting article
( in German ) Page size: 30 x 20 cm ( 11.8 x 7.8 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. CELESTIAL249109 |
No Title. Very lively illustrated
celestial map. Copper engraving by B. Cole. Published
1755. Two vertical folds to fit original book size. Diameter: 16.5 cm ( 6.4 ") Order Nr. CELESTIAL245246 SOLD |
"Hemisphere XVIII Austral" Type of print: Copper etching Engraver / Artist: Anonymous Color: Hand coloring Publisher: John Flamsteed (1646-1719) Published: Atlas Celeste (Plate 23) Where / when: London,1753 View of southern sky star formations Image: 17,5 x 22.4 cm (ca. 6.9 x 8.6") Page size: 17,5 x 22,5 cm (ca. 8.5 x 8.9") The vertical centerfold has
been reinforced. Light browning of margin edges. Order Nr.CELESTIALMAP238835 SOLD |
image: " Noerdlicher Sternhimmel" Two detailed images of the
northern and southern sta constellations published 1899. Page size: 41 x 26 cm ( 16.3 x 10.2") Order Nr. CELESTIAL248843SOLD |
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