Antique Shellfish Prints Enjoy our selection of historical shellfish prints. If you are looking for particular prints, please contact us. All prints have normal age toning and wider margins than shown. A few signs of age and use are characteristic of old prints. The condition is good unless otherwise noted. Special section on oysters at the bottom of this page. Sale! Discount! 40% Discount on All Prints with a SHELLFISH number on this page! We accept offers. |
"Das Frühstück - Le Dejeuner" OYSTERS served for breakfast. Lithograph by Johann Woelfle after the painting by Frans van Mieris. Very good condition. Wide margins. Measurements including bordure and title: 44 x 31 cm (ca. 17.3 x 12.2") $ 140.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 84.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH246977 |
strigillata." Wood engraving published 1901. Image: 17 x 12 cm ( 6.6 x 4.7") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH256779 |
"Cornua amonis" "Ammonshoerner" Wood engraving of fossiled
shells. Published 1895. 14 x 9 cm ( 5.5 x 3.5 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH251618 |
"Marini Pisces &
Conchae" Very old woodcut ca 1590 from a
book. The sea animals are numbered in the image. Print shows signs of age and use as shown above in the scan. Page size: 16 x 10 cm (6.2 x 3.9") $ 75.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 45.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH256601 |
image: "Depart pour le peche des
Huitres" ***** Second page: Upper image:
"Triage des huitres" Wood engravings on two pages published 1844. Part of the text about fishing oysters is on the reverse side. Page size: 34 x 24.5 cm ( 13.3 x 9.6 ") Price for the two pages: $ 75.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 45.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH248774 |
"Le Marchand de Moules" ( Shellfish vendor ) Wood engraving after M. La Boulaye, 1883. Reverse side is printed. 22 x 17 cm ( 8.6 x 6.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH247760 |
"Naulius eines Entenmuschelkrebses. Entenmuschel Lepas anatifera." Wood engravings of goose
barnacles on a page of text about the special barnacles. Image: 7 x 11 cm ( 2.7 x 4.3") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH256759 |
"Schulter - Muscheln" Steel engraving by Schleich and
Schach for "Okens Allgemeine Naturgeschichte " ca 1845.
Original hand coloring. Image size: 29.5 x 22.5 cm ( 11.6 x 8.8 ") $ 75.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 45.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH241145 |
"Huft - Muscheln" Steel engraving by Schleich and
Schach for "Okens Allgemeine Naturgeschichte " ca 1845.
Original hand coloring. Image size: 29.5 x 22.5 cm ( 11.6 x 8.8 ") Order Nr. SHELLFISH241146SOLD |
"Schulter Muscheln" Arytoene, Teredo, Fistulana, Pholas, Mya, Solen, Macha, Tellina, Cyclas, Calliste Steel engraving by C. Loeffler
and Conr. Kull for "Okens Allgemeine Naturgeschichte " ca
1845. Image size: 29.5 x 22.5 cm ( 11.6 x 8.8 ") $ 75.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 45.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH241188 |
"Twisted Triton. - Triton distortus. Sea Trumpet. - Triton variegatus. Wrinkled Triton. - Triton anus." Wood engraving ca 1885. Modern hand coloring. Backside is printed. 9.8 x 12.2 cm ( 3.8 x 4.8 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. SHELL9236 |
No title. Wood engraving dated 1852. Very
fine original hand coloring. Page size: 25.9 x 22.2 cm ( 10.1 x 8.7 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. SHELL9239 |
"Raking for Clams, Prince's Bay" Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 17.5 x 23 cm ( 6.8 x 9 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. NEWYORK249632 |
"1. Halioude 3.
Tridaone" Steel engraving 1837. 12 x 9 cm ( 4.7 x 3.5 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $15.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH243262 |
Conchology - Genus Spondylus Copper etching published in
London. Dated 1814. Modern hand coloring. 27 x 21 cm ( 10.6 x 8.2 ") $80.00 Order Nr. SHELL 9226 |
"Moules. Avicules". Zoologie Coquilles Shells. Muscheln Watermark: Egypte Ancienne et Moderne Copper etching, aquatinta of the absolute highest quality by Louis-Charles Route (1754-1816) Published in "Description de l'Egypte ou Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Egypte pendant l'expédition de l'armée française, Histoire naturelle" By Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844) Paris, 1809-1829. This print dated 1810 / 11 The longer title: La Description de l'Égypte, ou Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition de l'Armée française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand est un ouvrage monumental, issu de la campagne d'Égypte de Bonaparte. This print was published in the monumental, elephant-size collection of findings during the invasion and occupation of Egypt by Napoleon's army in 1798-1801. Very good condition. Some fraying along margin edges.
Page size: 68.8 x 50.5 cm (27 x 19.8 ") $ 2200.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 1320.00) Order Nr. SHELLFISH255847 |
Cornets Copper etching by Vangelisty
after De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751
in Paris. 23 x 16 cm ( 9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9216SOLD |
Limaçons Copper etching by Robert after
De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 23.1 x 16 cm ( 9 x 6.3 ") $ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00 Order Nr. SHELL9217 |
Limaçons Copper etching by Robert after
De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 22.8 x 16 cm ( 8.9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9218SOLD |
Porcelains Copper etching by Le Roy after
De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 23 x 16.2 cm ( 9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9219SOLD |
Pourpres Copper etching by Bradel after
De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 23.2 x 16.5 cm ( 9.1 x 6.4 ") Order Nr. SHELL9221SOLD |
Rochers Copper etching by Bradel after
De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 22.8 x 16 cm ( 8.9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9222SOLD |
Rochers Copper etching by Germain after
De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 23 x 16.3 cm ( 9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9223SOLD |
Tonnes Copper etching by Vangelisty
after De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751
in Paris. 23.2 x 16 cm ( 9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9224SOLD |
Vis Copper etching by Le Roy after
De Favavanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 23.3 x 16 cm ( 9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9225SOLD |
Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer Copper etching by Benard after
Martinet for "Histoire Naturelle", published in 1751 in
Paris. 32 x 20.5 cm ( 12.5 x 8 ") Order Nr. SHELL253191SOLD |
Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer Copper etching by Benard after
Martinet for "Histoire Naturelle", published in 1751 in
Paris. 33 x 20.5 cm ( 13 x 8 ") $ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00 Order Nr. SHELL9203 |
Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer Copper etching by Bart for
"Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. 31.3 x 20.2 cm ( 12.2 x 7.9 ") $ 80.00 Order Nr. SHELL9204 |
"Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer" Copper etching by Bart for
"Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. 31 x 20. cm ( 12.1 x 7.8 ") $ 65.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 39.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH251377 |
"Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer Multivalves" Copper etching for "Histoire
Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. 31.5 x 20. cm ( 12.4 x 7.8 ") $ 65.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 39.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH257156 |
Buccins Copper etching by Breant after
De Favanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 23 x 16 cm ( 9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9210SOLD |
Buccins Copper etching by Vangelisty
after DE Favanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 23 x 15.5 cm ( 9 x 6.1 ") Order Nr. SHELL9211SOLD |
Buccins Copper etching by Bradel after
De Favanne for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. 23 x 16.1 cm ( 9 x 6.3 ") Order Nr. SHELL9212SOLD |
"Mineralogie Collection Corps estrangers au Regne Mineral qui se trouvent dans la terre" " Histoire Naturell, Coquilles Fossiles" ( fossilized shells ) Copper engraving by Bart.
Nerici for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in
Paris. Image; 31.5 x 21cm ( 12.4 x 8.2 ") $ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00 Order Nr SHELLFISH252003 |
"Schnecken" Chromolithograph ca 1880. Minor signs of age and use. Crease in lower margin. 26.3 x 17.5 cm ( 10.3 x 6.8 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH240975 |
Common Woodcock Shell Murex erinaceus Thorny Woodcock Murextenuispinus Wood engraving ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. 10 x 12.5 cm ( 3.9 x 4.9 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH235231 |
Apple Tun Shell (Dolium Pomum Wood engraving ca 1885. Reverse side is printed with an image of a Helmet Shell and a Black Olive Creature. 8 x 11.7 cm ( 3.1 x 4.6 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH235232 |
Musculus aquae dulcis.....
Conchae longae..... On the revere side is an image of a houseless snail ( slug ). Wood cuts from "Historiae
Animalim" by Conrad Gesner ( or Gessner ). Spot in upper right margin and
text. Some creasing. Light stain on upper edge. Page size: 34 x 22 cm ( 13.3 x 8.6 ") $ 145.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH252220 |
"Pinna magna Rondeletij." **** Reverse side: "Pinna minor. Pinna maioris, ut uidetur, alia pictura" Wood cuts from "Historiae
Animalim" by Conrad Gesner ( or Gessner ). A few minor signs of age and use. Page size: 34 x 22 cm ( 13.3 x 8.6") $ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH256588 |
Upper image:
"Alia Solenis icon, Venetijs olim
nobis depicta" On the reverse side are two images of "Solen". Wood cuts from "Historiae
Animalim" by Conrad Gesner ( or Gessner ). A few minor signs of age and use. Page size: 34 x 22 cm ( 13.3 x 8.6") $ 125.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 75.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH256587 |
"Alia Lepadis icon, Venetijs expressa" ***** Reverse side: "Icon a Rondelerio
posita" Wood cuts from "Historiae
Animalim" by Conrad Gesner ( or Gessner ). A few minor signs of age and use. Page size: 34 x 22 cm ( 13.3 x 8.6") $ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH256586 |
"Wuermer XI Vers XI Worms XI Vermi XI" Very illustrative copper etching in bold original color. Publihed 1807. In the center and lower area is very old hand-written text in German. A few minor signs of age and use. Page size: 25 x 18.5 cm ( 9.8 x 7.2") $ 95.00 Order Nr. SHELL253308 |
"Les Pecheures de Crevettes a Nieuport" ( shrimp fishermen in Belgium ) Wood engraving after Hirth du Frenes, 1879. Reverse side is printed. 18 x 22 cm ( 7 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH247923 |
No title. Wood engravings of the shell
family Venus and Cytherea ca 1875. Page size: 34.5 x 22 cm ( 13.5 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. SHEL245185. |
No title. Wood engravings of the shell
family Mussels ca 1875. Page size: 34.5 x 22 cm ( 13.5 x 8.6 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. SHEL245186 |
"Concha fasciata Concha galas Concha rugata" The names of the shells are also given in Old Fench and Old German. ***** Reverse side: "Concha Rugatum Concha Pictorum....... Names are also in Old German, Spanish Italian and French. Wood cuts from "Historiae
Animalim" by Conrad Gesner ( or Gessner ). Strong, clean images. Some
minor signs of age and use Page size: 34 x 22 cm ( 13.3 x 8.6 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH252151 |
***** Reverse side: "Petrefakten der Mesozoischen Formationsgruppe" Wood engravings of fossilized shells from the Mesozoic Era. Below the images are the names in German and Latin. Vertical centerfold Published ca 1900. Light natural age browning. Page size: 25 x 32 cm ( 9.8 x 12.5") $ 40.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH254110 |
Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer Copper etching by Danioto for
"Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. 32.2 x 20 cm ( 12.6 x 7.8 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. SHELL9243 |
Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer Copper etching from "Histoire
Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. 32 x 20 cm ( 12.5 x 7.8 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. SHELL9241 |
Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer Copper etching by G. Monaco for
"Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. 31.7 x 20 cm ( 12.4 x 7.8 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. SHELL9242 |
Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles de Mer Copper etching by Ant. Gregor
for "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. 31.7 x 20 cm ( 12.5 x 7.8 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. SHELL9201 |
Histoire Naturelle, Coquilles Fluviatiles Copper etching by Benard for
"Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. 32.7 x 21 cm ( 12.8 x 8.2 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. SHELL9202 |
"Hastingerina Murrayi, ein
Polythalam, dessen Kaltschale ueberall mit Wood engraving published
1901. Image: 14 x 10 cm ( 5.5 x 3.9") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH256780 |
Poached Egg. -
Ovulum ovum. Wood engraving ca 1885. Backside is printed. Modern hand coloring. 17 x 13.2 cm ( 6.7 x 5.2 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. SHELL9237 |
Antique Prints of Oyster Culture
and Degustion
Advertisement Prunier Restaurant London - SEAFOOD "Huitres Prunier 9, rue Duphot" The Prunier family had several First Class Seafood Restaurants in Paris and in London. There is an explicit Wikepedia entry about the story and history of the famous restaurants. This unused lithographic
postcard was designed by SEM, a well known French
caricaturist Reverse side has imprinted two Paris Prunier restaurant addresses and on London Prunier restaurant address. Very good condition. Postcard size: 13,5 x 8,5 cm (ca. 5.3 x 3.3") $ 80.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH254326 |
"The First Day of Oysters" Hand-colored steel engraving by William Greatbach after the painting by Francis Arthur Fraser (1846-1924). Very good condition. Very wide margins! 22 x 29,5 cm (ca. 8.7 x 11.6") $380.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH247234 |
"The First Day of Oysters" Hand-colored steel engraving by G. Greatbach after the painting by G. Smith Very pleasantly hand-colored engraving. Published ca. 1860. Very good condition. 17,8 x 24,3 cm (ca. 7 x 9.5") $290.00 Order Nr.SHELLFISH247235 |
"Oyster Culture at
Arachon" Wood engraving dated 1882. Backside is printed. 29.7 x 22.5 cm ( 11.6 x 8.8 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. SHELL9228 |
Austernfischerei an der französischen Küste. Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. 11 x 16.3 cm ( 4.3 x 6.6 ") $ 25.00 Order nr. SHELL9250 |
"Maryland. - Austernfang in der Chesapeake Bai nahe Annapolis" Catching oysters in Chesepeake Bay near Annapololis. "Ausfahrt der Austernfangbote in die Chesapeake Bai" Oyster catching boats leaving for Chesapeake Bay. "Auf dem Austernfang by Tally's Point Reef" -Near Tally's Point Catching oysters in a storm Three wood engravings on one page Centerfold binding holes have been closed. Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use. Measurements over all three prints: 50 x 35,3 cm (ca. 19.7 x 13.9") $ 120.00 Order Nr.SHELLFISH246978 |
Austern con verschiedenem Alter: A. 10 Monate und darueber; B. 6-10 Monate; C 3-4 Monate; D 2 Monate; E. I Monat. Wood engraving ca 1875 showing the various ages of oysters. Reverse side is printed. 11.4 x 7.4 cm ( 4.5 x 2.9 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH9251 |
"Peche aux huitres dans la Baie Whitstable (Angleterre)" Fishing for oysters in the Bay of Whitstable. Hand-colored wood engraving by Linton Light general age toning. Good condition. Nice colors. 22.8 x 32,5 cm (ca. 9 x 12.8") Order Nr.SHELLFISH246976SOLD |
"Die Austernbaenke an der Themse-Muendung. Die Austernbassins der Hayling Insel" This map with diagrams shows
the oyster culture on Hayling Island and the Isles of Thanet
at the mouth of the Themse. Wood engraving ca 1890. Light brown spot in upper right corner and small spot on left edge. 16.5 x 23 cm ( 6.4 x 9 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. SHELL9229 |
Various oysters Wood engraving. Published in Museum of Animated Nature. Ca. 1860 Minimal signs of age and use. Ca. 30 x 20 cm (ca. 11.8 x 7.9") $ 35.00 Order Nr.SHELLFISH247236 |
Various oysters - Oytser boats and oyster dredger Wood engraving. Published in Museum of Animated Nature. Ca. 1860 Good condition. Ca. 30 x 20 cm (ca. 11.8 x 7.9") $ 35.00 Order Nr.SHELLFISH247237 |
No title. Line etching by George
Cruikshank (1792-1878 ). Published ca 1850. 9 x 8 cm ( 3.5 x 3.1 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH247004 |
Two-Page Article (in German) about Oyster Culture. Two pages with wood engravings from "Orbis Pictus" by Otto Spamer, 1871. Page size: 29.5 x 20.5 cm (
11.6 x 8 ") Order Nr. SHELL9236SOLD Page 1: "Eine Vollwuechsige
schleswig-holsteinische Auster, ungefaehr 10 Jahre alt,
stark eiertraechtig" -------------------- Page 2: "Einige
Entwicklungsstufen des Austerkeimes" ------------------- Below. Backside of above page: "Austernfang bein Tally's Point Reef in der Chesapeake Bay (Maryland)"
"Das Frühstück - Le Dejeuner" OYSTERS served for breakfast. Lithograph by Johann Woelfle after the painting by Frans van Mieris. Very good condition. Wide margins. Measurements including bordure and title: 44 x 31 cm (ca. 17.3 x 12.2") $ 140.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 84.00 Order Nr. SHELLFISH246977 |
"Types Anglais- Écailleur d'hu1itres en plein vent, à Greenwich" Wood engraving 1865. Backside is printed. Hardly visible horizontal centerfold. 23 x 15.7 cm ( 9 x 6.1 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. SHELL9233 |
"Oyster Dredging" Wood engraving after a painting
by E. Duncan. Attractive hand coloring. 22 x 34 cm ( 8.6 x 13.3 ") Order Nr. SHELLFISH247233SOLD |
"EUPHEMISTIC" Tomkyns (who has swallowed a
bad Oyster). "Hallo! What kind of Oyster D'Ye call
that?" Wood engraving from "Punch, or the London Charivari", dated 1874. Backside is printed. 13.5 x 10.5 cm ( 5.3 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 ORDER NR. SHELL9232 |
"Les Huitres de Cancale" The famous oysters of Cancale. in the Bay of Mont Saint Michel, Bretagne, France. Harvesting oysters by low tide. Wood engraving after the painting by Scott. Vertical center fold. REVERSE SIDE IS PRINTED. 19,4 x 30,5 cm (ca. 7.6 x 12") $ 40.00 Order Nr.SHELLFISH247238 |
Crustaceans ( Crabs Krabben Granchi Crabes )
PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views. Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen © Rainer Rauhut