Copper Engravings of Florence after Giuseppe Zocchi A very attractive series of copper etchings was published in Florence in the year 1760. Different engravers used the drawings by Giuseppe Zocchi, Giovanni Battista Cecchi, Matteo Carboni, Cosimo Rossi and Lorenzo Bardi. Lorenzo Bardi published with these copper etchings wonderful set of "Vedute di Firenze" (Views of Florence). These were published ca 1785. Giusseppe Zocchi is known as the " Piranesi of Florence" We offer here some of these views of Florence. They all have a very light pleasant age patina and are in very good condition. Page size: 23 x 34 cm ( 9 x 13.3 ") At the bottom of this page are some of the large luxury folio prints. Sale! Discount! 40% Discount on All Prints with a ZOCCHI number on this page! Take 40% off the listed price. ! We accept reasonable offers! |
"Veduta dei Palazzi Corsi e Viviani Vue des Palais Corsi e Viviani" Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Pleasant hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29 cm ( 7 x 11.3 ") $ 220.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI243780 |
"Veduta Del Palazzo Strozzi Vue Du Palais Strozzi" Engraved by Gio. Cecchi. Attractive hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 28.5 cm ( 7 x 11.2 ") Order Nr. ZOCCHI238763 SOLD |
"Veduta Della Piazza Di S. Maria Novella Vue De La Place De S. Marie Nouvelle." Engraved by Gio. Cecchi. Attractive hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm (7 x 11.7 ") Order Nr. ZOCCHI238761 SOLD |
"Veduta Del Ponte Di S. Trinita Vue Du Pont De La Sainte Trinite" Engraved by Gio. Cecchi. Pleasant hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm (7 x 11.7 ") $ 190.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI238762 |
"Veduta Del Ponte, E Chiesa Di S. Trinita Vue Du Pont, et De L Rglise De La Sainte Trinite" Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Attractive hand coloring. Image size: 17.5 x 29 cm ( 6.8 x 11.4 ") Order Nr. ZOCCHI238760 SOLD |
"Veduta Della Piazza, E Chiesa Di S. Gaetano Vue De La Place Et De L Eglise De S. Gaetano" Attractive hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm (7 x 11.7 ") $ 270.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI238759 |
"Veduta Del Real Palazzo Pitti Vue Du R. Palais Pitti." Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Pleasant hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 28.5 cm (7 x 11.2 ") Order Nr. ZOCCHI238758SOLD |
"Veduta Della Piazza, E Chiesa Di Santa Croce. Vue De La Place, Et L Eglise De Sainte Croix." Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Attractive hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 28.5 cm (7 x 11.2 ") Order Nr. ZOCCHI238771 SOLD |
"Veduta del R. Giardino Di
Boboli Vue du R. Jardin de Boboli" Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Pleasant hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm (7 x 11.7 ") Order Nr. ZOCCHI238769SOLD |
"Veduta Del Caffeaus Nel Giardino Di Boboli Vue Du Caffe - Haus, Dans Le Jardin Boboli" Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Pleasant hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm (7 x 11.7 ") $ 180.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI238768 |
"Veduta del Ponte di S. Trinita
Vue du Pont de la Sainte Trinite" Engraved by G. Batta Cecchi. Attractive hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm ( 7 x 11.7 ") Order Nr. ZOCCHI238772SOLD |
" Veduta Dell Arno Fuori La Porta S. Niccolo Vue De L Arno Hors De La Porte S. Niccolas" Engraved by G. Batta Cecchi. Attractive hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm ( 7 x 11.7 ") Order Nr. ZOCCHI238770 SOLD |
"Veduta Della Porta Romana
Vue De La Porte Romaine" Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Pleasant hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm ( 7 x 11.7 ") $ 180.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI238767 |
"Veduta Del Palzzo Corsini
Lungo Arno Vue Du Palais Corsini De Loug De Larno" Attractive hand coloring. Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm ( 7 x 11.7 ") $ 300.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI238766 |
"Veduta Della Piazza, E Chiesa Della SS. Annunziata View De La Place, Et De L Eglise De La Tres-Sainte Annonciation" Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Pleasant hand coloring. Image size: 17.8 x 29.2 cm ( 6.8 x 11.4 ") $ 220.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI238765 |
"Veduta Della Chiesa, E Piazza Di S. Marco Vue De L Eglise, Et De La Place De Saint Marc" Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Pleasant hand coloring Image size: 18 x 29.5 cm ( 7 x 11.7 ") $ 220.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI238764 |
"The Place & Church of St. John belonging to the Jesuits, & the Paces of the Marquises Riccardi and Panciatichi" Copper engraving by John Bowles after Guiseppe Zocchi ca 1780. Attractive hand coloring. Image: 17.5 x 24.5 cm ( 6.8 x 9.6 ") Order Nr. FIRENZE243781SOLD |
"The Hospital and the Place of St. Maria Nuova at Florence" Very fine copper engraving by
Bowles after Zocchi ca 1780. 18 x 24.5 cm ( 7 x 9.6 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. FIRENZE244819 |
Large Folio Copper Engravings of Florence after Giuseppe Zocchi Here we offer some of the large luxury folio edition published 1754. Very impressive prints of Florence. Different engravers used the drawings by Giuseppe Zocchi, Giovanni Battista Cecchi, Matteo Carboni, Cosimo Rossi and Lorenzo Bardi. . These prints were published in
"Scelta de XXIV vedute delle Principali Contrade,
Piazze, "Veduta di una parte di Lung. Arno dalla parte opposta al Palazzo del Sig. P. Corsini" Engraved by P. A. Pazzi Firenze. Image: 46 x 66 cm ( 18.1 x
25.9" ) Fine image. Heavy Paper. Tiny repair on right lower
margin corner. $ 1400.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI255066 *************** "Veduta de Palazzi de Sig. March. Corsi, e Viviani" ( Via Tournabuoni ) Engraved by Michele. Marieschi. Image: 47 x 67 cm ( 18.5 x 26.4") Page size: 59 x 80 cm (ca. 23.2 x 31.5") Image is in excellent condition. Strong impression. Small repaired tear on lower margin edge on centerfold.A few minor spots in margins. $ 1200.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI243783 "Veduta della Piazza, e Chiesa di S. Giovannino de PP. Gesuiti, e de Palazzi dei SS. Marchese Riccardi, e Panciatichi" Engraved by Marco Antonio Corsi. Image: 46 x 66 cm ( 18.1 x
25.9" ) Image is in excellent condition. Strong impression. Repair in lower margin on centerfold. Two small repairs on eight margin edge. $ 1200.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI243782 ------------------- "Veduta della Chiesa e Piazza Ognissanti" Engraved by Jos. Papini.. Image: 46 x 66 cm ( 18.1 x
25.9" ) Image is in excellent condition. Strong impression. Heavy Paper. In the lower area light creases parallel to centerfold. Minor signs of age and use in margins. $ 900.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI246311 ******** "Veduta del Palazzo del Sig. Principe Strozzi, e della Strada che conduce al Ponte a S. Trinita" Engraved by Gabuggiani. Image: 46 x 66 cm ( 18.1 x
25.9" ) Fine image. In the lower margin are
repairs on the centerfold. Minor signs of age and use in margins. $ 900.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI3212 ****** "Veduta del Palazzo del Sig.
March Strozzi, del Centauro, e della Engraved by J. Grilli. Image: 46 x 66 cm ( 18.1 x
25.9" ) Fine image. Heavy Paper. In the lower margin near the
centerfold are two repaired tears on the margin edge.. $ 900.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI255057 ********* "Veduta della Chiesa di S. Michele Bertelde de P.P. Teatini" Engraved by Giuseppe Vasu Scol. Roma. Image: 46 x 66 cm ( 18.1 x
25.9" ) Fine image. Heavy Paper. In the lower margin near the
centerfold are repaired tears. $ 1200.00 Order Nr. ZOCCHI255056 |
Aquatint Etchings by J. Maina - Etchings of Ferarra, Florence, Piacenza, Rome, Verona and Venice.
Architectural Prints by D'Aviler - Copper etchings of Roman monuments.
Classical Rome - Copper etchings by Iacobo Lauro Romano
Classic Statues of Rome by Philippe Thomassin
Antique Statue Prints published by Rossi, 1704
Fontane di Roma -Fountains of Rome
Piranesi: Classical views of Rome.
Rossi- Classical Statues in Italian Homes and Gardens
Prints of Alto Adige - South Tyrol
Vedute di Venezia - Prints of Venice
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©Rainer Rauhut