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historical maps of South America.
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"Carte de la Riviere de la Plata". Copper etching. Hand coloring. By a French marine engineer and engraver whose initials are given on this map as M B. Possibly the M. stands for "Monsieur" and B. most likely for "Bellin". The map was published in "L'Histoire Générale des Voyages". Paris, 1746. Map has a decorative title cartouche. Hardly visible folds to fit original book size. 18.8 x 28.3 cm (7.4 x 11.1") $ 140.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP244854 |
"Amerique Meridionale" Copper engraving by F.
Delamarche dated 1829. Published 1832. Map Image: 27.5 x 33 cm ( 10.8 x 12.9 ") $ 75.00 Order nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP242672 |
"Map of the Republic of Chile" Compiled by the U.S. Astron(mica)l Expedition from the surveys of Messrs. Pissis & Allan Campbell, the Maps of Claude Gay & unpublished Originals from the Archives of Santiago and from Astronomical Determinations by the Expedition. The here-named expediten to the Southern Hemisphere took place from 1849 to 1852. It was published in Washington D.C. in 1855. The maps of Chile from latitude 24 to latitude 44 were published on three sheets. Sheet 1 from "La Chimba" to ""Serena" Sheet 2 from "Tongoy" to "Concepción" Sheet 3 from north of "Arauco" to the archipelago "Islas Guaitecas". Explanitory keys show: Copper, gold and silver resources and mines as well as provincial border lines, roads railroads The maps were drawn by F. Herbst and engraved by Selmar Siebert. All three sheets show, in their margins, traces of age and use, such as wrinkling, small missing pieces, repaired tears, none of them reaching into the maps themselves. They have pleasant light general age toning. All three sheets have horizontal folds to make them fit into the intended book size. each map measures: Ca. 41,5 x 24,5 cm (ca. 16.3 x 9.6") Price for the complete set of three maps: $ 375.00 Order Nr.SOUTHAMERICA242220 |
" Provinces Unies Du Rio de la Plata, Paraguay, Uruguay, et Chili" Detailed steel engraving map by Th. Duvotenay, 1840. The maps extends as far nor as
Potosi and Soropalca in Bolivia. In the lower Map has two horizontal folds from original publishing. 23 x 18 cm ( 9 x 7 ") $ 80.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP249719 |
"Patagonie Terre du Feu et des Malouines" Steel engraving map by Jenotte showing Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and Malvinas. Two horizontal folds to fit original book size. 22.5 x 17.5 cm ( 8.8 x 6.8 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICA250499 |
"America noviter delineata" Copper etching by Matthaeus Merian (1593-1650) Map shows North- and South-America based on the world map by Willem Blaeu. Map has a small inset map at top showing Greenland and Iceland. Notice the Azores and Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Published by Matthaeus Merian in Frankfurt, 1638 Natural age toning. Light
spotting in margins. Centerfold has some parallel folds. Map image: 27.5 x 35.5 cm ( 10.8 x 13.9 ")" Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA250042SOLD |
"Suedlicher Theil von America enthaltened Bolivia, das suedliche Brasilien, Paraguay, Chile, La Plata, Cisplatina und Patagonien, 1850. Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1860. Original outline coloring. Very detailed map with a special inset of Patagonia and the Falkland Islands. Map is clean and in fine condition. 21.2 x 26.2 cm ( 8.3 x 10.3 ") $ 80.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP2124 |
"Teil einer Karte von
America in einem spanischen Atlas aus dem Jahre 1582." Wood engraving printed in color
ca 1900. This colorful map color windroses, mountains, Vertical centerfold. Map image: 21 x 30 cm ( 8.2 x 11.8 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP248790 |
"Peru, Ecuador, Kolumbien u. Venezuela" Map published in Leipzig, 1892. Horizontal centerfold. Light natural age toning. 25.5 x 21 cm ( 10 x 8.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP251617 |
"Colombie et Guyanes" Steel engraving for Th. Duvotenay ca 1845. Map has folds to fit original book size. 18 x 23 cm ( 7 x 9 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP239946 |
"Sued-Amerika". Steel engraving by L. Thiel after Pr. Lt. Stuelpnagel, dated 1831. Original hand coloring. Interesting map that shows the political divisions of the time in South America. Map has vertical centerfold. A few very light spots in image. Light, scattered spotting in margins. 29.2 x 36.2 cm (11.4 x 14.2 ") $ 160.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP2111 |
"Argentinien, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay" Lithographed map published 1892
by the Bibliographisches Horizontal centerfold. Very light natural age toning in margins. Image: 26 x 20.5 cm (10.2 x 8") $ 35.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 24.50 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP256444 |
"Amerique Méridionale" Copper engraving by Rigoberto Bonne. Published by Guillaume Thomas Raynal 1780. Map has names of native American tribes. Some no longer exist. Horizontal centerfold to fit
original atlas size. Very clean print. Map image: 31 x 20.5 cm ( 12.2 x 8 ")" $ 110.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP250298 |
" Entwicklung des Kartenbildes von Amerika I." Wood engraving printed in color
1903. This print shows the development of map making in
South America. 27.5 x 21.5 cm ( 10.8 x 8.4 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP245748 |
"America" Copper engraving map published
by Calografia Vignozzi in Livorno ca 1770. Map has vertical and horizontal
folds to fit original atlas size. Map image. 34.5 x 27 cm ( 13.5 x 10.8") $ 240.00 Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA254475 |
"Grundriss von der Conceptions Bay oder Empfaengniss Bay" Copper engraving with
attractive hand coloring. Published 1751 in Lepzig. Small repair on lower margin edge and lower right margin corner. Image: 22.2 x 36.5 cm ( 8.74 x 14.3") $ 150.00 Order Nr. CHILE253354 |
" Détroit de Magellan". Copper etching by Bellin. Dated 1753. Modern hand coloring. A very detailed map for its time showing the Strait of Magellen between the mainland of Argentina and Chile and Tierra del Fuego. Below the title of the map is a lettered list giving names corresponding to the letters located in the strait. Map has overall very light toning and two almost invisible folds to fit atlas. General condition is Very Good. 19 x 34.7 cm ( 7.4 x 13.7 ") $ 160.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP2062 |
"Peru" An uncommon copper engraving
map of Peru by Pierre Duval. On th reverse side is a very
old collection stamp. Map image with border: 10 x 12.3 cm ( 3.9 x 4.7") $ 90.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP254103 |
"America" Steel engraving by W. Behrens after F. von Stuelpnagel. Dated 1871. Original outline coloring. Fine map of the american Hemisphere. Many topographical details. Map is in very good condition. Horizontal centerfold. 40.5 x 30.8 cm ( 15.9 x 12.1 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP237980 |
"Novus Brasiliae Typus". Copper etching by Blaeu in original coloring. Amsterdam, ca. 1635. A very decorative map of the Brazilian coast and part of the known inland. The map is west-oriented at the top. Several decorative and documentary depictions of Native Americans and wildlife are shown scattered on the map. Two windoses and two sea monsters decorate the ocean. The inset shows "Baya de todos os sanctos" and the island of Fernaõ de Noronho. Very clearly shown are the major rivers flowing into the Atlantic. To the side of the left windrose is the Tropic of Capricorn close to the city of Rio de Janeiro. The cartouche is held by a native woman and man. Verso: Text in German. Some light spotting on the map. Some graying caused by extra ink from the copper plate was left on the image at the time of printing which does not substantially devalue the map. A small hole has been repaired close to the right windrose. Slight creasing on center fold. Condition is otherwise Better than Good. 34.5 x 45.5 cm. ( 13 x 18 " ) $ 1800.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 2037 |
„Partie Orientale de La Terre Ferme ou l'on trouve la Guiane" The three Guyanas in South America: British Guyana, Dutch Guyana (Surinam), French Guyana Maps shows very much unexplored land from the border to Venezuela to Brazil. Much of the Amazonas river with its contrbutors Hand-colored copper etching by Robert de Vaugondy after the map by de la Condamine. Paris, dated 1749 Light age toning. Left margin has holes from stitches of binding. 16 x 22 cm (ca. 6.3 x 8.7") $ 90.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP238497 |
„America noviter delincata" Copper etching by Henricus Hondius (1597-1651) Hand colored. Dated 1631 Reverse side text in German „E" published in Amsterdam 1633. North and South America. Renaissance cartouche. Inset maps of North and South Pole and a very rich sea staffage with sailing ships and sea monsters. Reverse side text in German. This Hondius-Janssonius map of the Americas was first published in 1618. California as peninsula and the West Coast as well the East Coast quite detailed for the first half of the 17th century. South America, a bit oversized, shows native people, animals and some more details. Reference: Burden 192 Condition is very good. Some minor spotting. Centerfold has thin paper in parts.and some minor parallel creasing. 37,5 x 49,8 cm (ca. 14.8 x 19.6 $ 3950.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP238424 |
"America 1841" From "Zeitungs-Atlas fuer alte
und neue Erdkunde". Published by J. Meyer. Hildburghausen,
Amsterdam and New York. 1849. Interesting map showing the political divisions of the time. Map has folds to fit original atlas size.Small repair on lower left margin. 26 x 21 cm (10.2 x 8.2 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA242287 |
"Provinces - Unies" Steel engraving map by Duvotenay published 1840. In the Lower left is the Chiloe Island. In the upper left is the town of Tarapaca. No upper margin. Two folds to fit original book size. Image: 22.5 x 18 cm ( 8.8 x 7") Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICA253736SOLD |
"Typus Geographicus Chili a Paraguay Freti Magellanici". Copper etching for the Homann Heirs by de Brouwer, Narbouroug and de Beauchesnec. Published in Nuremberg in 1733. Original hand coloring. Historically, this map is very interesting. Several notes in Latin about the history of Chile and Paraguay are written to the left of the map in the Pacific Ocean. The information for this map is credited to Alfonso d'Ovalle and Nicol. Techo. Notice that Argentina is named Terra Magellanique. The East coast reaches slightly north of Rio de Janeiro and the Chilean Coast reaches to Arica. The orange area is Paraguay. The inset shows a plan of Santiago de Chile with Río Mapocho. In the upper left is the mileage chart. There is some light spotting in the margins and a few creases along the vertical centerfold. Strong papaer. 47.7 x 55.8 cm (18.8 x 22 ") Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 244114 SOLD |
"La Guyane Francoise avec Partie de la Guayane Hollandoise suivante les operations et les Cartes récentes des Ingenieurs Géographes Francois" Copper engraving by Rigoberto Bonne. Published by Guillaume Thomas Raynal 1780. Detailed map of French and Dutch Guyana. Horizontal centerfold to fit
original atlas size. Very clean print. The paper used
for Map image: 31 x 21 cm ( 12.2 x 8.2 ")" $110.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP250300 |
"Totius Americae Septrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex finguilis......" Copper etching by Johannes Baptista Homann ( 1663-1724). Published in 1723. Original hand coloring. Fine map of the American hemisphere of the time. Notice that much of North America is not yet explored. In the upper right is part of France, Spain and Africa. Notice that many of the Atlantic and Pacific islands are also included. The decorative catouche is supported by Native Americans. A few signs of age and use in margins. The
vertical centerfold has been reinforced with paper
repairs. Map Image: 48 x 57 cm ( 18.8 x 22.4 ") $1400.00 Order Nr. NORTHAMERICAMAP253822 |
"Entwicklung des Kartenbildes von Amerika II" Wood engraving printed in color
showing the development of American maps from J. B. Homann
(1716 ) 13.5 x 21 cm ( 5.3 x 8.2 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP245747 |
"Brasilien, die Argentinischen Republiken, Bolivia, Peru u. Ecuador" Wood engraving by L. Salziger after L. Ravenstein, ca 1875. Printed in color. Map has vertical centerfold. A few minor, scattered spots. 20.5 x 26.7 cm ( 8 x 10.5 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP2112 |
"Suedamerica". Steel engraving by H. Eberhardt in Eisenach, ca 1850. Very detailed topographical map of South America with dotted lines showing the boundaries of the various countries. 25.7 x 20.7 cm ( 10.1 x 8.1 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP2113 |
"Carte Du Detroit De La Maire" Copper engraving by Bellin, dated 1753. Map shows Tierra Del Fuego on the right and Isla Del Estado (Staten Island) on the right. Map has vertical centerfold. 19.4 x 27.5 cm ( 7.6 x 10.8 ") $ 95.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP2114 |
"Süd-America.". Steel etching in recent coloring. Atlas printed and published by C. Flemming in Glogau, ca. 1840. The northeastern part of South America with Brazil, the Guianas, Surinam and parts of Venezuela, Bolivia and Paraguay are shown on this map of South America. The map has some vertical creasing. Otherwise the condition is Very Good. 36.5 x 27.1 cm (14.4 x 10.7") $ 230.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 2046 Also available are two other maps from the same atlas with the other regions of South America. |
" America Meriondale" Lithograph by G. Bonatti in
Turin for the Fratelli Doyen in Turin. Michele Doyen (died
in 1871) The entire South American
Continent is shown on this map. To the southeast are the Light natural age toning. There
is a horizonal fold in the middle and Map image: 37.8 x 25.2 cm ( 14.9 x 9.9 ") $ 110.00 Oeder Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP250132 |
"Paraguayo,o Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum regionibus adiacentibus Tucuman et S.ta Cruz de la Sierra." Copper etching in original coloring. By Johann Janssonius (+1660). Amsterdam, ca. 1650. The beutiful original coloring of this map outlines the region of South America showing Paraquay, and parts of Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia. Much of the area was still "Terra Incognita" so there are few towns and cities shown. The Andes are clearly shown to the west as well as the river systems. The Renaissance cartouche adds a special decorative accent to the map. The small cartouche in the lower right gives the name of the cartograph. The middle fold has vertical folds which are reinforced in the lower margin. Between the title cartouche and margin is an area of 9x4 cm. that is reinforced because the map is very thin in this area. Some spotting on the margins. Conditon is Good. 37.7 x 48.5 cm (14.8 x 19.1") $ 1100.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 2047 |
"Sued-Brasilien" Map shows Brazilian coast and hinterland from Cap S. Thome - Rio de Janeiro - S. Paulo - Porto Allegre - Rio Grande. Nicely detailed Lithograph. Printed in color Leipzig, 1892 Light age toning. 21,3 x 13,3 cm (ca. 8.4 x 5.2") $ 40.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP239303 |
"Carte des Etats-Unis de la Nouvelle Grenade...." Two pages showing Colombia, Venezuela and Panama at the time the region was known as "New Ganada" Maps are very detailed especially showing the many rivers and mountais. The early settlements are shown. The left map extends as far south as Quito. Wood engravings by R. Duguay-Trouin, published 1872. Both pages have print on the reverse side. Image size of each map: 23 x 15.5 cm ( 9 x 6.1 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP240238 |
"Florenkarte von Sued- u. Mittel-Amerika" Wood engraving printed in color
showing the various botanical regions of South America and
Central America. 20 x 14.5 cm ( 7.8 x 5.7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP245742 |
"Karte der Forschungsreisen in sued und Mittel-Amerika" Wood engraving map printed in
color 1903. Map shows the may exploration routes of the 21.5 x 15 cm ( 8.4 x 5.9 ") Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP245750 SOLD |
"Neu und verbesserter Plan des Hafen von Cartagena" Copper engraving by Homann Heirs in Nuremberg, ca 1750. Original hand coloring. Detailed print of the harbor of
Cartagena and the surrounding area. Upper margin is the pink area. Other margins wide. A few scattered spots in margins. 22.7 x 28 cm ( 8.9 x 11 ") $ 350.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 2550 |
"Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan". Copper etching by Johannes Janssonius ( 1588-1664) - also known as Jan Jansson, published in Amsterdam ca 1640. Original hand coloring. This map shows Panama and the northwest part of South America as far south as the Equator. In the upper right is Lake Maracaibo and the Golf of Venezuela. Notice the windroses in the Carribean and Pacific Ocean. Verso: Text in Latin. Map has light toning and some browning along the lower part of centerfold. Margins are a bit smudged with water stains in the upper corners. There is a small spot over the map legend and a crease to the right of centerfold. Condition is Almost Very Good. 37.5 x 48.5 cm ( 14.8 x 19.1 ") $ 840.00 Order Nr. CARIBBEANMAP2003 |
"South America" In the lower right is an inset
of Panama showing the Canal region. Wood engraving printed in color
ca 1890. On the reverse side is text and images of
Argentina. 27 x 22 cm ( 10.6 x 8.6 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP238855 |
"La partie Meridionale de l'Amerique appelée Terre Ferme ou se trouve les Provinces ou Grands Gouvernemens de La Guiane et de La Nouvelle Grenade ..." Copper etching in original coloring. By Nicolas de Fer (1646-1720), Paris 1719. This map shows the northern region of the South-American Continent with special emphasis on the Amazon River and its many tributaries. This map has three vertical folds parallel to the center fold, one to the left and two to the right that allowed the map to be folded in an atlas. The is one crease between the middle folds. The margins have some dirt spotting. The condition is otherwise Very Good. 47.8 x 63 cm (18.8 x 24.8") $ 820.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 2045 |
"Brasilien" Historical map of Brazil
published 1895. In the upper right is a detailed inset
showing Rio de Janiero Map has a horizontal centerfold. 27.5 x 21.5 cm ( 10.8 x 8.4 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICA244688 |
"Flusskarte von Nord- u. Sued-America" Rivers in North and South America Anonymous steel engraving Original border line hand-coloring Probably Leipzig, Germany, ca. 1850 Text below map gives all important rivers on earth in the order of their length. Two vertical folds to fit book size. Condition is very good. 21 x 27,5 cm (ca. 8.3 x 10.8") $ 70.00 Order Nr: SOUTHAMERICA240822 |
"Bresil" Engraved map by Th. Duvotenay, 1837. Detailed map of the early settlements of the time. The many Brazilian rivers are shown with their tributaries. Clean map. Two original horizontal folds to fit book size. Very minor signs of age and use. 23 x 18 cm ( 9 x 7 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICA240841 |
"Partie Orientale de la Terre Ferme ou l'on trouve la Guiane". Copper etching. Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1688-1766) was heir to the cartographic material of his uncle Pierre Moulard Sanson, (grandson of Nicolas Sanson d'Abbéville) whose maps were considered to be geographically the best of their time. Robert bought the cartographic estate of Charles-Hubert-Alexis Jaillot (1640-1712) and published, together with his son Didier (1726-1786) first a small atlas in 1748 and a large folio-size atlas in 1752. This map stems from the small atlas. The map has recent coloring and is in Good Condition. In the left margin are stitch holes from bookbinding. 16 x 22.4 cm ( 6.3 x 8.8 ") $ 95.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 2035
" Amerique du Sud Amerique du Nord" Map of South and North America
printed in color ca 1890. Of special interest The map has two vertical folds
and one horizonal fold to fit original book size. Image: 27 x 40 cm (10.6 x 15.7") $ 55.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 38.50 Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA256128 |
"Physical Map of South America". Wood engraving printed in color. Dated 1875. Physical map with emphasis on topographical features. Light overall age toning. Backside is printed. 27.2 x 21 cm ( 10.7 x 8.2 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP2105 |
"Political Map of South America". Wood engraving printed in color. Dated 1875. Political map with emphasis on political divisions of the time. Light overall age toning. Backside is printed. Tiny repaired tear on lower margin edge. 27.2 x 21 cm ( 10.7 x 8.2 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP2106 |
"Brasil, Divided into its Capitainships.". Copper etching by Hermann Moll (1678-1732). Published ca 1710. Not only is the map shown interesting, but also the text on both sides of the page is very informative with a description (in English) of the land and Brazilian peoples of the time. At the top of the map is the mouth of the Amazon. In the lower part of the map is the Tropic of Capricorn. Map image has been printed very close to left edge. Margin edges are somewhat browned. Light staining on right margin edge. Brown spot by the Bay of Todos Os Santos. General condition is just Good. Map size: 16.2 x 18.7 cm ( 6.3 x 7.3 ") $ 130.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 2082 |
"Pascaarte vande Zee custen van Guinea, en Brasilia; Van Cabo de Verde, tot C. de vona EsperançA: en van R. de Amazones tot Rio de la Plata, alles op wassende graaden gestelt. t Amsterdam." Copper etching von Johannes van Keulen (1654-1711) for "De Groote Nieuwe Vermeerderde Zee Atlas ofte Water-werelt". Published ca 1710. Original hand coloring. This interesting map was made primarily for sailors. Notice the many windroses and ships in the Atlantic. On the right side is part of Africa and on the left this map shows the eastern part of Brazil with French Guiana and the mouth of the Amazon in the north. The coastline reaches as far south as Río de la Plata. A decorative cartouche adds to the attraction of this map. Map is shown photographed against a light background. Margins are narrow. Map has been mounted on stronger paper. There is a 5 cm repaired tear on left edge. Along the upper edge is a dark spot. General condition is Much Better than Good. 51.5 x 59.3 cm ( 20.2 x 23.3 ") $1670.00 Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICAMAP 2080 |
"America 1849" Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1855. Original outline coloring. Nice map of the Americas and part of Polynesia. 25.5 x 21.2 cm ( 10 x 8.3 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. NORTHAMERICAMAP2103 |
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