Decorative Botanicals by N. Regnault Browsing the world in search of rare as well as decorative antique prints, prints one does not see every day, prints which are not to be found easily in most antique print shops, we came upon this very delightful, highly decorative and botanically as well as medicinally interesting collection of original color-printed and hand-finished-colored copper etchings of plants and their descriptions of use in medicine and cuisine, stemming from a rare French herbal written by Nicolas Francois Regnault after the drawings by Geneviève de Nangis-Regnault, published in Paris, 1774 - 1780 as "La Botanique..." We are absolutely certain that you will enjoy the delicacy of design. Have a look at the one - of four - title pages which we were able to secure. And then go on to the finely etched plants. You will certainly notice that you have probably not seen much alike. So we are happy to present a fine selection of this famous collection. Prints have hand-written
numbers in lower margin. Page size: 48.5 x 33 cm (19 x
12.9 ") Margins are much wider than
shown. Sale! Discount! 25% Discount on All Prints with a REGNAULT number on this page! Take 25% off the listed price. |
l'Amandier Order Nr. REGNAULT 6410SOLD |
"La Pomme de Merveile" Momordica Balsamina Ital. Viticella pomoigierusalem Allem. Balsam Kraut A tiny piece of the lower right corner is missing. $ 180.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT250349 |
"Le Cresson de Fontaine" Sisymbrium Sylvestre Ital. Cressione, Esp. Berros et agriois, Allem. Wasser Kresse $ 180.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT250353 |
"Le Tacamahaca" Populus Balsamifera Ital. Balsamino. Angl. Tacahamal tree. Extra page of text included. $ 240.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT249823 |
Lóeillet $220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6462 |
Le Fenouil de porc Peucedanum officiale. $220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6463 |
Le Genevrier Juniperus communis. $ 180.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6465 |
Le Prunelier Prunus Spinosa. $ 180.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6466 |
L'Acajou $260.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6407 |
Le Pistachier Order Nr. REGNAULT 6408 SOLD |
Le Marronier d'Inde Aesculus hippocastanum. (Chestnut) A few miniscule scattered spots. Order Nr. REGNAULT 6458SOLD |
Le Rhubarbe Angl. Rhubarbe, Allem. Rabarber $ 180.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6519 |
Le Chataignier $220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6409 |
Le Mâcre ou
Chattaîgne d'Eau. Order Nr. REGNAULT 6412SOLD |
Le Mouron mâle et
femelle $130.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6418 |
"L'Acante ou la Brancursine" Acanthus Mollis Ital. Acanto, Brancorsina, Angl. Brank ursine Allem Baerenklau Extra page of text included. $ 260.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT249824 |
"Le Cassis ou Groseriller a
Fruit noir" Angl. Black-Currant Allem. Johannis-beer-Strauch-mit Schwartzen trauben. $ 260.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT236137 |
"Le Lierre" Ital. Edera Esp. ira. Allem Epheuu Angl. Ivy $ 180.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT236135 |
"Le Coqueret ou
Alkekenge" Ital. Alcachengio Angl. Winter-cherry Allem. Iudenkirschen-kraut $ 240.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT236134 |
"La Vigne" Ital. Vite Vinifera Angl. Vine Allem. Lynen ou Waldreben $ 280.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 236136 |
"La Buglose vivace" Ital. Buglossa Angl. Buglosse Allem. Ochsenzunge Very light crease in lower left corner. $ 180.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT236133 |
Le Chevrefeuille Ital. Caprifolio. Angl. honey-Suckle, Wood-Bind. Allem. Vualgilgen. Order Nr. REGNAULT 6474 SOLD |
Le Satyrion Ital. Satirio. Angl. Satyrion. Allem. Vueiblein. $ 220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6475 |
L'eupatoire Davicenne Eupatorium Cannabinum Ital. Luptoris, Angl. Hemp- Agrimony, Allem. Hanf-Odermennig $ 280.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6504 |
Le Chanvre mâle et le
Chanvre femmelle. Ital. Canape. Esp. Canambo. Angl. hemp. Allem. Zanterhanff. $ 280.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6476SOLD |
Le Petit Liseron $140.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6482 |
La grande Cigue $ 180.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6483 |
La Bistorte $ 180.00 Order Nr.REGNAULT6484 |
Le Mille-Pertius $ 220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6485 |
La Grande Consoude $ 220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6487 |
La Rose Tremiere ou Doutremer Alcea Rosea llam. Stock Rosen, Allem. Pappel oder Angl. holly hocks. $280.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT6508 |
Le Cyclamen ou Pain de Pourceau Cyclamen European Ital. Pane Porcino, Esp. Pan de Puerco, Angl. Sovvbrede, Allem. Schweinbrodt $ 220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT6510 |
Le Baguenaudier ou Faux
Sene $220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT6413 |
Le Millet Panicum miliaceum. $ 220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6468 |
Le Seigle Secale Cereale $ 220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6469 |
Le Froment Triticum hybernum. $ 220.00 Order Nr. REGNAULT 6472 |
More Botanicals from Regnault - Page 3 Return to page 1 of Regnault Prints
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