Enjoy Viewing Our Botanical Prints
Arena - Exquiste blooms published in Sicily, 1768.
Besler - From " Hortus Eystettensis"(The Garden of Eichstaedt), 1613.
Bits and pieces of "Botany" The individual parts of flowers and plants strewn loosely over a page in a very decorative manner.
Bonelli - Antique Botanicals from "Hortus Romanus" by Georgio Bonelli
Bouquets - Decorative floral bouquets to enhance your home.
Citrus Prints by Risso From "Histoire Naturelle des Orangers" after Poiteau.
Curtis - Antique Botanical Prints from the "Botanical Magazine" by William Curtis.
DeBry - From the famous "Florilegium Novum", a comprehensive flower book first published between 1612 and 1618
Edwards - Decorative prints of many familiar and exotic plants from "The Botanical Register" by Sydenham Edwards.
Farming and Agriculture - View these historical and documentary prints
Flowers (especially orchids),Butterflies and Moths
Antique Fruit Prints by Alexandre Bivort and Séraph Bavay. Lithographs from "Album of Pomologie", Brussels, 1847-1850.
Fruits -Decorative fruit prints.
Gardening and Horticulture - Growing, Planting and Harvesting
Gerard - Antique woodcuts by John Gerard from his "Herball" published in 1597.
Green - Fine hand-colored botanical prints from "The Universal Herbal" by Thomas Green, 1816-1820.
Hartinger Flowers - Rare lithographs by Anton Hartinger from "Paradisus Vindobonensis"
(Viennese Paradise). Important Filiacae, Amaryllidae and other flowersHartinger Orchids - Exquisite lithographs of Orchids by Anton Hartinger"Paradisus Vindobonensis" (Viennese Paradise)
John Hill - Prints from "The Garden of Eden".
L'Admiral - This work is generally considered as being of very high entomological and botanical quality. RARE, BEAUTIFUL and DECORATIVE!
Le Verger - Fine Pomological Lithographs from "La Verger" by G. Masson.
Lithographs of Various Common Flowers from 1854 - various flowers such as amaryllis, fuchsias, petunias, zinnias and azaleas from a German botanical.
Loudon - Lithographs by Jane Webb Loudon, published by Day and Haghe, London, 1840-1844
Matthaeus Merian - Botanical gems from "Die Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft", published in Frankfurt on the Main in 1646
Maria Sibylla Merian - Engravings are from her "European insects" and "Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium"
Medicinal Plants - Botanical prints by Pierre Jean FrançoiseTurpin.
du Monceau, Henri Louis Duhamel : Traité des arbres fruitiers. Exquisite fruit prints engraved by Bouquet after Poiteau.
Nees von Esenbeck-Sinning - Fine botanical lithographs from "Sammlung Schoenbluehender Gewaechse....des Kgl. Botanischen Gartens zu Bonn......" by Nees von Esenbeck, Theodor Friedrich Ludwig & Sinning, Wilhelm.
Paxton's Flowering Plants Orchids and other well-known prints by Paxton.
Redouté - Exquisite rose prints from Redouté's octavo editions between 1828 and 1837
Redouté Varia - Various prints by Redouté
Regnault - Prints by N. Regnault published in Paris, 1774 - 1780 as "La Botanique....."
Schmidt Botanicals -Lithographs by C.F. Schmidt ca 1860.
"Transactions of the Royal Horticultural Society of London". Highly decorative prints by famous botanical artists, ca 1820.
Tree Prints - Wood engravings of trees such as Sophora, Sequoia, Elm and others.
Tropical Plants Plants Used for Food and Medicine
Various Botanicals - A selection of decorative botanical prints by various artists.
Vegetables - A selection of historical vegetable prints.
Volckamer (also Volkamer)-Nuremberg and Veronese Hesperides; 1708-1714 by Johann Volckamer. Extraordinarily decorative prints of citrus fruits.
Weinmann - The plates are copper etchings, printed in basic color and hand-finished. The plants shown come from all over the world.
© Rainer Rauhut