Antique Maps of France - Page 2 Take a look at our historical maps of France. Each map is illustrated. Maps have wider margins than shown on these images. All have normal age toning. Please contact us if you are looking for a special map of France. Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a FRANCE number on this page! Take 30% off the listed price. ! |
"Beauvaises Comitatus Belovaicum" Copper engraving map by Hondius
- Mercator. Map has a few very light spots
in margins. Light crease in lower right area. 37.5 x 50 cm ( 14.7 x 19.8 ") $ 440.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP251040 |
ãAlsatia Landgraviatus cum Suntgoia et Brisgoia". Map shows Alsace, Black Forest (Germany) and a small section of Switzerland near Basel. Copper etching by Gerard Mercator, Published by Willem Blaeu. Amsterdam, ca. 1640.. Original hand coloring. Reverse side has Dutch explanitory text. West-oriented map shows the French as well as the German side bordering the river Rhine from Basel to Seltz. One decorative title cartouche and two mileage cartouches. Since this is a very large map it came as a fold-out map in the atlas with several vertical folds, along which there is some minor creasing to detect. Wide margins all around. General age toning and the very attractive original hand coloring give this map the desired patina and beauty. 39.5 x 80.0 cm (15.6 x 31.5") $ 820.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1271 |
"Normannia Galliae celebris Provincia in terra suas et Ballisiatus ........" Copper engraving by Homann Heirs in Nurembrg, ca 1755. Original hand coloring. Very detailed map of Normandy. On the left side is a bit of the Atlantic Ocean. In the lower right is Chartres. In the upper right is a small part of Picardie. At the bottom center is Alencon. Map has very light browning along vertical centerfold. Lower right margin edge is a bit frayed and has been repaired. Creasing on right part of map. ASome browing on margin edges and minor spotting in margins. 48 x 57 cm ( 18.8 x 22.4 ") $ 420.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1227 |
"Die Reiche der Franken in Gallien unter den Merovingern" Copper engraving by C. Poppey, published 1853. In the upper left is an inset
titled "Pagus Parisiacus" showing Paris and its
environs. Original hand outline colorimg. Very good condition. Image size: 30 x 40 cm ( 11.8 x 15.7 ")" $ 150.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP250159 |
La Partie Septentrionale du Languedoc". Northern part of the Languedoc. Copper etching. Hand coloring. Published by Jodocus junior and
brother Heinrich Hondius. Amsterdam, 1632. A royal title cartouche, a
mileage meter and a windrose certainly add to this
attractive map. Light natural age toning. Small repairs on lower margin edge. Vertical centerfold. Map image: 37 x 49.8 cm (14.6 x 19.6")" $380.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP250171 |
" L'Archevesche de Cambray " Copper etching by Jodocus
Hondius the elder 1563 - 1612. This map published by In the center of the map is
Cambray with Bouchain and Thun a bit to the north
center. Map has some light creasing
along vertical centerfold. Repair in lower margin near
centerfold. Image: 37 x 50 cm ( 14.5 x 19.6 ")" $ 340.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP250168 |
Cameracensis" Copper engraving map by Joan Bleau ca 1650. Original hand coloring when the map was published. Text on the reverse side in German. A beutiful and decorative map of northern France. Very good condition with only minor signs of age and use. Map image 38 x 50 cm ( 14.9 x 19.6 ") $ 240.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP252501 |
"Tabula Delphinatus Vulgo le Gouvernment General Du Dauphine" Copper engraving map by Johann
Baptist Homann. Original hand coloring. Very detailed map of the French
Alps. In the upper left is Lyon. On the left is the Rhone
River. A few signs of age and use. 48 x 57 cm ( 18.8 x 22.4 ") $ 185.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP251875 |
"Elsass-Lothringen" Detailed map published 1890.
Horizontal centerfold. Image: 28 x 21 cm ( 11 x 8.2") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP256458 |
"Reise Cart aus Provence in Italien" Copper engraving by Gabriel Bodenehr ca 1705. Hand coloring. In the lower right is the
Mediterranean with Nice and Monaco. The vertical centerfold has been flattened and hardly visible. Map image: 15.5 x 19.5 cm ( 6 x 7.6") $ 160.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP254024 |
"Le Pais de Brie" Map shows the region southeast of Paris. Copper etching by W.Blaeu ( 1596 . 1673 ) Published ca 1645 in Amsterdam. Original hand coloring. Reverse side is not printed.
Centerfold has been flattened. One small repair below cartouche that is only visible on reverse side. Map image 39 x 49 cm ( 15.3 x 19.2 ") $ 385.00 Order FRANCEMAP251682 |
"L'Isle de France. Parisiensis Agri de Script." Copper engraving map from the "Theatrum..." by Abraham Ortelius. Drawn by Francois de la Guilloterus and dedicated to Petrus Pithoeus. Published in Brabant 1598. On
half of the reverse side is text in Italian Original hand coloring. Map has a small repair on lower
margin edge on centerfold. 33.5 x 46 cm ( 13.1 x 18.1") Order Nr. FRANCEMAP251600SOLD |
"Description du Gouvernement de la Cappelle Par P. Petetit Bourbon" Copper engraving map by H.
Hondius ca 1640. Published in Amsterdam. Hand coloring. The centerfold has been flattened. Light parallel creases along centerfold. Crease in lower left area. Very minor signs of age and use. 37 x 49.5 cm ( 14.5 x 19.5 ") $ 460.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP251039 |
"Bourbonois, Borbonium Ducatus" Copper engraving map by G. Mercator and J. Jondius. Published in Amsterdam ca 1630. Hand coloring at a later time. On the reverse side is text in French. In the upper right is the decorative coat of arms of the House of Bourbon. Bourbon is in the center of the map. The map extends as far as Rendan in the south. At the top of the map is Nevers. Map has a few signs of age and use. There are two repairs on lower margin edge near centerfold. Overall a nice condition for a map this age. Map image: 37.5 x 49.5 cm ( 14.7 x 19.5 ") $ 620.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP250913 |
"Gallia Transalpina in suas quatuor Provincias Narbonensem, Aquitaniam, Lugdunensem, et Belgicam descriptaÉ" This historic map shows mainly France. But it includes Roman conquests of Belgium (then a large area of land under the Latin name of "Belgica", the Netherlands, Germany west of the River Rhine, and Switzerland. Antique coins and medals lower left around title cartouche and upper right. Type of print. Copper etching Color: Original hand coloring Author: Samuel Faber (1657-1716) Publisher: Christoph Weigel (1654-1725) Published: Nuremberg, 1720 Edition: Weigel reissued "Atlas ScholastichodoeporicusÉ" which Faber originally published in 1716. Condition: Beautifully bright original hand coloring. Wide margins spotty and a bit wrinkly. Margins have traces of age and use. In general: Good. 31 x 38,5 cm (ca. 12.2 x 15.1") $ 140.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP239208 |
"Gallia Vetus ex Iulii Caesaris Comentariis descriptaÉ" This historic map shows France, Belgium and the Netherlands as well as Germany west of the River Rhine and Switzerland as it was described by Julius Cesar in his "Cometarii de Bello Gallico" Type of print. Copper etching Color: Original hand coloring Author: Samuel Faber (1657-1716) Publisher: Christoph Weigel (1654-1725) Published: Nuremberg, 1720 Edition: Weigel reissued "Atlas ScholastichodoeporicusÉ" which Faber originally published in 1716. Condition: Beautifully bright original hand coloring. Wide margins spotty and a bit wrinkly. Margins have traces of age and use. n general: Good. 30,8 x 38,5 cm (ca. 12.1 x 15.1") $ 140.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP239209 |
"Sabaudia Ducatus La Savoie" Copper engraving map by G. Mercator and Jodocus Hondius ca 1630. In the lower right is the signature of Jodocus Hondius. Hand coloring. Engraved by A. Goos. On the reverse side is text ( in Old German ) about Savoie. In the lower right is part of the Piemont- Zhe map shows some of the famous ski region of France as well as Geneva at the top of the map. The map has some browning on
margin edges as well as light natural age toning. Map image: 37 x 49.5 cm ( 14.5 x 19.4 ") $ 720.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP250886 |
"Canal Royal de Longuedoc. Le Gouverment General de Languedoc. Divise en Haut et bas Languedoc et Sevennes." Copper engraving by P. Starkman for Nicolas De Fer (1646-1720). Published1712 in Paris. Original hand coloring. This interesting map is in two parts. The lower part of the map shows the area of Laguedoc with the horseshoe-shaped part of the Mediterranean Sea at the bottom. In the lower right is part of the Rhone River with Avignon at the bottom to the left of the cartouche. The coastal part of the tourquise area shows Agde, Sette and Leucate. In the lower left is Perpignon On the left white area is part of Armagnac and on the right white area part of Lyon. At the top of the map is a detail of the lower map showing some Mediterranean coast. on the right and the Canal Royal. The coast reaches from Narbonne to Sette which is in the upper right corner by the information about the canal. Carcassone is to the upper left of the title cartouche. In the upper left corner is Toulouse. Map has vertical centerfold and a second vertical fold parallel to centerfold. There is a third vertical fold on the right side that is hardly visible.A bit of scattered spotting, especially in margins. Two small bits of upper margin edge are missing. 45 x 60 cm ( 17.7 x 23.6 ") Order Nr. FRANCEMAP248066SOLD |
"Umgebung von Bagnères - De - Bigorre & Barèges mit dem Cirque De Gavarnie und der Gruppe des Mont Perdu." Wood engraving by Wagner & Debes in Leipzig ca 1890. Printed in color. In the center of the map is Bareges. The map reaches as far north as Lourdes. In the south is Mont Perdu in northern Spain. 20 x 14.5 cm ( 7.8 x 5.7 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1220 |
"Nivernium Ducatus Gallicè Duche De Nevers" Copper engraving by Wilhelm and Johannes Blaeu, Amsterdam ca 1650. Original hand coloring.. In the lower center of this map is Nevers to the right of the Loire River. In the upper left is the "Parthie De La Sovlogne" with the towns of Argenton and Chantillon sur Loire. In the lower left is "Parthie Du Bourbon Nois" with the towns of S. Amand and Charenton on the Cher River. To the left of the small mileage chart in the lower right-hand corner is Toulon on the Arou River. Under the title cartouche is "Parthie De La Bourgogne" and the towns S. Columbe, Chatenay and Vigne. On half the backside is text (in German) about Nevers. Map image is clean with a strong impression on strong paper. Vertical centerfold. There are a few scattered spots in the wide margins. Repaired tear in upper margin. Light crease in lower margin. Generally a map in good condition for its age. 38 x 50 cm ( 14.9 x 19.6 ") $ 390.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1215 |
Left image: "Blaisois. Blesiensis Territorii hanc tabulam, describe hat Ionnes Temporius Blesis, anno Messiae nati 1592 epoche Christianae 1590 Mundi 5610." Right image: "Lemovicum Totius Et Confunium Provunciarum Quantum Ad Dioecesim Lemovicensem Spectant Novissima Et Fidissima Descriptio." At the bottom of the map is the name of the author: Iochin Blanchon. Copper etching from the atlas " Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" by Abraham Ortelius dated on the left side 1592. Original hand coloring. Left image: In the upper center of the left map is Blois on the Loire River. Further up the Loire is Orleans on the right side of the map. On the left side of the map on the Loire is Amboise. At the top of the map is Brou. On the backside is text (in Italian) about the area shown on the map. Right image: Almost in the center of this map is Limonges. The map reaches as far north as Argenton on the Creuse River. In the upper tight under the artouche is the Petit Creuse River and the towns of Boussac, Noziers and Roziers. In the lower left above the mileage chart is Périgueux. In the lower right is a section of the Dordogne River with Mauriac ( Murat) on the right edge of the map. Vertical centerfold. Area along centerfold is lighter. Map has wide margins. Overall light age toning and a few minor spots, especially in lower text of right image. Hardly noticeable creasing in lower right margins. Left image: 33.2 x 22 cm ( 13 x 8.6 ") Right image: 33 x 23 cm ( 12.9 x 9 ") $ 390.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1214 |
"Gallae Antiquae Tabul In Septem et Decem Provinciis Divisa......) Copper engraving by F. Delamarche in 1829 and published 1832. Original hand outline coloring. In the upper right is a list
with the Latin names of the provinces in France and
Belgium. Clean image. Very minor signs of age and use in margins. Repair in upper margin on centerfold. Map image: 27.5 x 36 cm ( 10.8 x 14.1 ") $ 80.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP242654 |
"Gallia Antiqua" Copper engraving by P.E. Hamm from " Dr. Butler's Ancient Atlas " published 1839. Original hand coloring. Interesting map with the place names of Celtic tribes and Roman settlements. In the upper left is an inset showing the area ( Batavia) between the Mosel and Rhine Rivers where they flow into the sea. Good condition. Original vertical centerfold to fit atlas size. 18 x 23.2 cm ( 7 x 9.1 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCE239575 |
ãArtesia comit." Le Comte D'Artois ( France - northernmost province âArtois') Copper etching by Gerard Mercator (1512 - 1594). Hand-colored. Duisburg, ca. 1600 Map extends from the Atlantic Ocean (river mouths of Canche, Authie and Somme in the west to Berlaimont sur Sambre and Guise sur Oise in the east and from the Belgian border to the inflow of the Somme into the Oise. Minor traces of age and use in Margins and along centerfold 34.7 x 44.8 cm (13.7 x 17.6") $ 300.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP238904 |
"Carte du Pais de Xaintonge" Saintonge Saintes, Saint-Jean-d'Angély, Département Charente-Maritime. Copper etching by Jodocus Hondius the elder (1563 - 1612). This map published by Jodocus junior and brother Heinrich Hondius. Amsterdam, ca 1650. Verso: Text in German! Seldom. Maps extends from the Atlantic Ocean (La Rochelle, Ile Oleron) to the RiverTardoire in the Department Poitou. Some traces of age and use. Repaired tears on upper mrgin edge. Natural age toning. Vertical centerfold. 37.5 x 50 cm (14.8 x 19.7") $ 430.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP251043 |
ãDescrittione del Regno della Gallia" Map of France Type of print: Copper etching Artist: Girolamo Porro Published in: ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra" Publisher: Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli Edition: Italian edition Editor: Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Text: Italian. Complete on front and reverse side Published in: Venice Date: 1598 Measurements: Map size: Ca. 12,5 x 17 cm (ca. 4.9 x 6.7") Page size: Ca. 28,5 x 19 cm (ca. 11.2 x 7.5") Condition: Near perfect. Very minor traces of age. Price: $ 180.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP238491 |
ãNovissima et Accuratissima Canalis inter Angliae et Galliae Tabula cum omnibus suis Portibus Arenis et Profundis..." Copper etching by Theodor Danckerts (1633-1727). Original hand coloring. Published in Amsterdam, ca. 1695 Sea chart of the British Channel. Portolan showing in detail Southern coastline of Great Britain as well as coastlines of Belgium and France (Normandie and Bretagne (Brittany). Shallows and depths are marked as well as sea battles (1666 - Four Day Battle - 1690 Beachy Head - 1692 Barfleur) Very nice original outline hand coloring. Pleasant title cartouche in original hand coloring. Margins all around have been added. The paper used for the margins is 17th century paper. There is a vertical crease running around Bristol to Quimperlay in the Britagne. There is some very minor creasing here and there on the map, but hardly visible and to be considered as patina on a more than 300 year map. Interesting is the portolan approach and the unusual portolan image and the quite unusual section shown, with the detailed south coast of England and the equally detailed coast and hinterland of Normandy and Britagne. What makes this map so intriguingly fascinating is the playful and very handsomely hand colored title cartouche with Francia (Gallia, later on, after the French Revolution: Marianne) and four cherubs, two of them winged, holding a rod of Asclepius, a shield, and two of them each with a cornucopia. 50,5 x 58 cm (ca. 19.9 x 22.8") $ 420.00 Order Nr.BRITISHISLESMAP238177 |
ãLa plus grande Partie de la Manche qui contient Les Cotes d'Angleterre et celles de France les Bords Maritimes de Picardie..." Copper etching by Matthaeus Seutter. Original hand coloring. Augsburg, ca. 1730 Map shows both sides of British Channel. Beautiful baroque title cartouche with gods Neptune and Mercator Very strong impression. Some minor creasing. Margins spotty in parts. VERTICAL CENTERFOLD. 49 x 57 cm (ca. 19.3 x 22.4") $ 350.00 Order Nr.BRITISHISLESMAP238192 |
"Royaume de France Divisee en 86 Departmens" Copper engraving by F. Delmarche in 1829 and published 1832. Original hand outline coloring. Vertical centerfold with small repairs, Map image: 27.5 x 36 cm ( 10.8 x 14.1 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP242653 |
"Royaume de France Divisee en 32 Gouvernemens" Copper engraving by F. Delmarche in 1829 and published 1832. Original hand outline coloring. Some repairs on vertical centerfold. A few creases along centerfold. Map image: 25 x 29.5 cm ( 9.8 x 11.6 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP242652 |
"Carte du Pais et Duche de Nivernois" Copper engraving map published by Henricus Hondius ca 1636. In the lower right is "Amstelodami Sumptibus Ioannis Ianssoni". Original hand coloring. On the reverse side is half-page of text in German about Nevers. Map is in good condition. A few signs of age and use. Wide margins. Repair in lower margin on the centerfold. Map image 37.5 x 49.5 cm ( 14.7 x 19.4 ") Page size: 50 x 59.5 cm ( 19.6 x 23.4 ") $ 520.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP250889 |
Corsicae Antiquae Tabula. Sardiniae Antiquae Tabula "Nova Totius Germaniae Descriptio". Copper etching by Peter Bertius (1565-1629) for Philipp Cluver Philipp (1580 - 1623) , an early author of historic maps. His works were published long beyond his lifespan. The This map comes from a pocket size atlas (duodez): Philippi Cluverii. Introductionis in Universam Geographiam tam veterem quam novam Libri. Amsterdam, 1661. Original outline color. Hardly visible centerfold. Narrow margins all around. Right margin has been widened. General toning. Minimal foxing. Size: ca.12 x 12,3 cm (ca.4.7 x 4.8"). $ 140.00 Order Nr. MEDITERRANEAN1365 |
"La Francia Moderna...." Copper engraving from an Italian source, ca 1720. Modern hand coloring. The coats-of-arms on both sides of this French map catch our eye at once. They represent the various regions of France. The map shows the old regions of France as well as the major towns and cities of the time. Map has a repair in bottom margin on centerfold reaching into image. Fraying on margin edges. Spots in upper margin corners. Left side has been widened and the general condition is Good. 14.1 x 20.3 cm ( 5.5 x 8 ") Order Nr. FRANCEMAP253067SOLD |
"Le Maine". (Le Mans). Copper etching. Recent hand coloring. Published by Jodocus junior and brother Heinrich Hondius. Amsterdam, 1632.Verso: Text in French The Province of Le Mans. Forests and rivers are pleasantly detailed giving this map an extra beautiful appearance. Royal title cartouche and just as royal mileage cartouche General age toning. Margins have small, repaired tears. 37.4 x 49.4 cm (14.7 x 19.4") Order Nr. FRANCEMAP250916 SOLD |
"Totius Regn. Galliae sive Franciae Tabula." Copper etching by Tobias Conrad Lotter ( (1717-1777) after Tobias Lobeck for the "Atlas Geographicus portabilis" (Pocket-size atlas) published 1760-1762. Original hand coloring. Interesting map of France showing the various regions of the time. Map has a fine crease reaching from right margin into image. Binding marks on left margin edge. Condition is otherwise Better than Good. 9.4 x 12.3 cm ( 3.7 x 4.8 ") Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1186SOLD |
ãArgentoratensis Agri Descriptio". Hand colored copper etching by Daniel Speckel from the atlas ãTheatrum Orbis Terrarum" (the first atlas ever printed!) by Abraham Ortelius. Antwerp, 1576. The river Rhine splitting this attractive map vertically into the French and the German side: Alsace left, the Black Forest right. Cities, especially Strasbourg, nicely depicted as well as mauntains and forests. Renaissance title cartouche. General age toning. Narrow left margin has been widened. 30 x 23.8 cm (11.8 x 9.4"). $ 360.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1235 |
ãXaintonge et Angovmois". Copper etching by Willem Blaeu (1571 - 1638). Amsterdam, 1635. Original hand coloring. Reverse text in German. Title and mileage cartouches, also in attractive original hand coloring. Wide margins. Clean and in very good condition. Shows Saintonge et Angoumois from La Rochelle to the mouth of the Garonne and from the Atlantic to Angoulesme. Very nicely depicted: ãIle de Ré" and ãIle L'Oleron" 38.7 x 50 cm (15.2 x 19.7") $ 420.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1229 |
ãPoitov. Pictonum Vicinarum que Regionum Fidiss Descriptio". Copper etching by Petro
Rogiero.- Original hand coloring. Verso: Text in
Italian. Beautiful antique map of the
former French province of Poitou.with the city of Poitiers
in the center, reaching from the Very attractive original hand coloring of this map. Wide margins (Small piece of lower right corner of margin missing far away from image). Very good impression. Three decorative cartouches. In general a very nice, attractive antique map allover age toning! 36 x 50.5 cm (14.2 x 19.9") $ 550.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1228 |
"Frankreich in IV Blaettern" "Nordwestliche Frankreich" Steel engraving by C. Poppey after Friedrich von Stuelpnagel for Stieler. Dated 1871. Very detailed map of
northwestern France. Original hand outline coloring.
Vertical centerfold. 34 x 40.2 cm ( 13.3 x 15.8 ") $ 75.00 Orde4r Nr. FRANCEMAP238007 |
"Der Suedliched Theil von Frankreich nebst einem Theile von Spanien." Steel engraving by Friedrich von Stuelpnagel 1825. Published by Stieler ca 1870. Very detailed map of southern
France and northern Spain. The map extends as far south
as Clean map with minor signs of age in margins. 31 x 40.5 cm ( 12.2 x 40.5 ") $ 75.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP241843 |
"Der Nordoestliche Theil von Frankreich" Steel engraving after the
original by F. von Stuelpnagel in 1836. Published 1845. Map has a light age toning. Signs of age and use in margins. 36 x 30.5 cm ( 14.1 x 12 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP242675 |
"Der Nord-westliche Theil von Frankreich" Steel engraving after the
original by F. von Stuelpnagel in 1824. Published 1850. Map has a light age toning. SSpotting in margins. Small creases in lower left margin corner. 36 x 31 cm ( 14.1 x 12.1 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP242843 |
"Messin. Nova Territorii Metensis Descriptio". The area around Metz (Lorraine). West-oriented copper etching by Abraham Fabert, consul of Metz. Hand coloring. Published by Jodocus junior and brother Heinrich Hondius. Amsterdam, 1632. Verso: Text in French Map of Metz, Lorraine's capital, and its surrounding area. Title cartouche, mileage cartouche and two decorative coats of arms. Rivers (especially the Moselle, mountains, forests decoratively detailed Light natural age toning. Lower margin has minor repaired tear. Traces of use. 37.4 x 47.5 cm (14.7 x 18.7") Order Nr. FRANCEMAP250917SOLD |
"Comitatus Bellovacum Vernacule Beauvais".Originally hand colored copper etching from the atlas by Joan Blaeu. Amsterdam, ca. 1660. Very nice 17th century map of the county of Beauvais. Verso: Text in German. Well kept map with very pleasant original hand coloring. Wide margins, some smudging in margins. General age toning, but basically clean. Decorative title cartouche. And a "mileage man" in the lower left corner. 38.0 x 50.0 cm (15 x 19.7") $ 380.00 Order Nr.FRANCEMAP1224 |
"Suedoestliches Frankreich" Steel engraving for Stieler dated 1871. Original hand outline coloring. At the bottom of the map is an inset showing Marseille and surrounding area. This map is very detailed. Good condition except for a small repaired teat in lower margin on centerfold. Minor signs of age. 33.5 x 40.5 cm ( 13.1 x 15.9 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP237235 |
"Suedwestliches Frankreich" Map for the Stieler Atlas dated 1871. Original hand outline coloring. The map reaches as far north as Olonneand the Ille de Re. In the upper right corner is la Chatre. The upper inset on the left side shows Lyon and the surrounding area. The large lower inset shows Paris and the surrounding area. In the lower right corner is Barcelona. Map has a vertical centerfold. Tiny repair on centerfold in lower margin. Overall very light age toning. Clean. 33.5 x 40 cm ( 13.1 x 15.7 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP237681 |
Map of Southwestern France. In the lower left corner is a list of the major mountains of Southwestern France with the elevations. Steel engraving map from Stieler published ca 1870. Fine, clean map with only very minor signs of age and use. 32.5 x 39 cm ( 12.7 x 15.3 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP240886 |
ãCarte Generale des Costes de L'Europe sur L'Ocean Comprises depuis Drontheim en Norvege jusques au Detroit de Gibraltar! Copper etching by Pierre Mortier. Published by ãDepot de la Marine". Paris, 1693 This extra large sea chart shows The North Sea and the eastern partof the North Atlantic. Portolan chart of Western Europe showing the coast lines of Norway, Denmark, the North Sea coast of Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, the Atlantic coast of Span, Portugal, Great Britain, Ireland and all the islands along the mentioned coastlines. Also shown: Madera, Porto Sancto, the Azore Islands, the Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, the Faroese Islands, the Hebrides, St. Kilda, Rokol Island and the west coast of Iceland. Map has general age toning. Upper margin is narrow. 60 x 85.5 cm (23.6 x 33.7"). $ 1800.00 Order Nr. BRIT ISHISLESMAP1154 |
"France Belgium and the Netherlands" Wood engraving by T.H. Johnson and Son after E.G. Ravenstein ca 1870. Printed in color. Detailed map showing the geological formations of the area. At the bottom is a color code of the various geological formations.. In the upper right is a list of the French Departments. Map has a horizontal fold to fit book size. 29 x 24 cm ( 11.4 x 9.4 ") $ 35.00 Order nr. FRANCEMAP1268 |
La Ciotat (Sette?) Copper engraving by Joseph Roux from "Recueil des principaux plans des ports et rades de la Mer Mediterranée", ca 1780. Small binding holes in left margin. 12.9 x 19.2 cm ( 5 x 7.5 ") Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1212SOLD |
Augusta - Fanal Copper engraving by Joseph Roux from "Recueil des principaux plans des ports et rades de la Mer Mediterranée", ca 1780. Small binding holes in left margin. 12.5 x 19.4 cm ( 4.9 x 7.6 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1213 |
The Road of Marseilles Copper engraving by J. Luffman
dated 1801. 11.8 x 16 cm ( 4.6 x 6.3 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1259map |
Marseilles Copper engraving by J. Luffman
dated 1801. 11.2 x 16.5 cm ( 4.4 x 6.5 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1264map |
Fort Louis Copper engraving by J. Luffman
dated 1799. 15 x 13.1 cm ( 5.9 x 5.1 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1262map |
Boulogne Copper engraving by J. Luffman
dated 1801. 16.2 x 13.2 cm ( 6.4 x 5.2 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1263map |
Brest Harbour. Copper engraving by J. Luffman
dated 1801. 12 x 14.8 cm ( 4.7 x 5.8 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1261map |
Hunningen Copper engraving by J. Luffman
dated 1801. 13.6 x 11.5 cm ( 5.3 x 4.5 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1265map |
Harvre Copper engraving by J. Luffman
dated 1801. 11.4 x 15.2 cm ( 4.5 x 6 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1258map |
Harvre de Grace Copper engraving by J. Luffman
dated 1801. 14.8 x 11.3 cm ( 5.8 x 4.4 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1260map |
"Sabaudia Ducatus Savoye" Copper engraving by Wilhelm Bleau ca 1620 in Amsterdam. Original hand coloring. The Savoy region is the theme of this detailed map. At the top of th map is Lake Geneva. In the lower left is Grenoble. In the upper right is part of Wallis with the rhone River. In the lower right is 0part of Piemonte in Italy with the Doria River. On the backside is text (in German) Map has some light scattered spotting, especially in the margins. Vertical centerfold. Some minor creasing. 38 x 49.5 cm ( 14.9 x 19.4 ") Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1197 SOLD |
"The Strait of Dover " Copper engraving by J. Luffman, dated 1801. Interesting map with the mouth of the Thames in the upper left and a dotted line showing the shorest distance between England and France of 23 miles Dover-Calais. The French coast extends from Monteuil in the south to Ostend in the north. Clean map. 12.2 x 16.2 cm (4.8 x 6.3 ") $ 120.00 Order Nr. BRITISHISLESMAP1152 |
Left image: "Lemouicum, Auctore Jo. Faiano M.L. Lymosin" Right image: "Topographia Limaniae Auctore Gabriele Simeoneo" Copper engraving by Wilhelm Blaeu, Amsterdam ca 1670. Fine, modern hand coloring. Left side: Near the center of this map is Limoges on the Vienne River. In the lower right is a section of the Dordogne River. At the top of the map is part of the Petite Creuse River. Right side: The Allier River and its tributaries form a focal point of this map. The cities of Clermont-Ferrand and Beauregard are both highlighted in red. On the backside is text (in German) describing the region shown. Map has very wide margins. A few, light, scattered spots in margins. Vertical centerfold. Small, rubbed area in lower margin. 38 x 49.5 cm ( 14.9 x 19.4 ") $ 420.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1219 |
"Bourbonois Borbonium Ducatus. Copper etching. Recent hand coloring. Published by Jodocus junior and brother Heinrich Hondius. Amsterdam, 1632. Verso: Text in French. Right in the center of this attractive map is thr region in central France known as "Bourbonais". At the top centzer of the map is Nevers and on the right is Marsigny. The map extends as far south as Brulles and Rendan. On the left side is Partie du Berry. The map has repaired tears in the lower margin near the fold line. Vertical centerfold. Map is very decorative. 37.5 x 49.5 cm ( 14.7 x 19.4 ") $ 420.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1237 |
"Limania Descriptio". Copper etching in modern coloring from the pocket atlas by A. Ortelius. Antwerp, ca 1580. This west-oriented map shows part of the
course of the Aller River. Upper margin has been widened.
Verso: text in French. 7.8 x 10.7 cm ( 3.07 x 4.2 ") $ 100.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP253068 |
"Caletum et Bononia". Copper etching in modern coloring from the pocket atlas by A. Ortelius. Antwerp, ca 1580. This map is east oriented. (East is at the top, north on the left side.) In the upper left is a bit of Flanders. Near the decorative sailing vessel in the lower left is Calais. At the top of the map is La Vernol and Lobingen. On the backside is text in French about the region of Vermandois. Light spotting in margins. Upper marger is a bit narrow. Condition Better than Good. 7.7 x 10.5 cm ( 3 x 4.1 ") $90.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1174 |
"Poictou". Copper etching in modern coloring from the pocket atlas by A. Ortelius. Antwerp, ca 1580. In the upper left is Nantes and a bit of Normandy. On the left side jalf-way down is La Rochelle and in the lower right is the region of Berri. Text on backside about Bretagne. Map has light browning in upper right margin corner. Upper margin is a bit narrow. Otherwise Better than Good condition for a map this age. 7.8 x 10.2 cm ( 2.8 x 4 ") Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1175 SOLD |
"Artois". Copper etching in modern coloring from the pocket atlas by A. Ortelius. Antwerp, ca 1580. In the center of the map is Pernes and St. Paul with Arras towards the lower right. In the upper left is Calais and in the lower right Chambray. Text on backside in French about Namur. Map has a narrow upper margin and very light browning in lower margin. General condition is Better than Good for a map this age. 7.7 x 10.2 cm ( 3 x 4 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr.FRANCEMAP1176 |
"Picardia". Copper etching in modern coloring from the pocket atlas by A. Ortelius. Antwerp, ca 1580. In the upper right is Chambry and near the center is Amiens. On the backside is text (in French) about Germany. Upper margin is narrow as shown above. Light browning in margins. Condition is otherwise Good. 7.8 x 10.2 cm ( 3 x 4 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1177 |
"Gasconia". Copper etching in modern coloring from the pocket atlas by A. Ortelius. Antwerp, ca 1580. Map shows the region of southwestern France with Tour and Agen in the center. In the lower right is a bit of the Mediterranean. In the upper right is a bit of the region of Quercy. In the upper left is a bit of the Perigord region. On the backside is text about Poictou. Light browning in margins. Overall condition is Better than Good for a map of this age. 7.5 x 10.5 cm ( 2.9 x 4.1 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1178 |
" Henault". Copper etching in modern coloring from the pocket atlas by A. Ortelius. Antwerp, ca 1580. The center of this map Maubauge in the
northernmost area of France bordering Belgium. Upper margin
has been widened. 8 x 10.5 cm ( 3.2 x 4.1") $ 90.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1142 |
Left side: "Cenomanorum Galliae regionis, typus". Right side: "Britaniae et Normandiae Typus". Copper engraving by Matteo Ogerio for Abraham Ortelius. Dated 1594. Original hand coloring. These two maps are east-oriented (east is at the top) and "north" is on the left side. The backside of the left map has a text (in Latin) about the area shown. Almost in the center of the left map "Cenomanorum" is Le Mans. In the upper right of this map is part of the Loir River and its tributaries. At the bottom of the map, which borders on Brittany is the Comte de Domfront and the Comte de la Val. The right map clearly shows the coast of Brittany. At the top left of this map is Amiensl Notice the historical sailing vessel at the bottom and the decorative cartouche. Map has scattered spotting, especially in margins and especially on the lower edge of the bottom margin. Small repaired tear on lower margin edge.Overall age toning. Some light creasing along vertical centerfold. 37.2 x 50.5 cm ( 14.6 x 19.8 ") Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1209 SOLD |
"Frankreich 1849" Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1855. Original outline coloring. Map shows France with its politcal boundaries of 1849. The circular inset on the left shows details of Paris and the surrounding area. In the lower right is the island of Corsica. Map has overall light age-toning and a few very minor spots in margins. 19.6 x 26 cm ( 7.7 x 10.2 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1187 |
"Corsica Insvla". Copper etching. Joan Blaeu published it in his appendix below the title (outside plate mark): "Isle de Corse" in 1644. This map is part of a larger map.Some former owner had added marigins left and right obviously to fit book size. There are visible marks on the left extended from binding. The etching is black and white. This Corsican map is east-oriented. The north end is on the left side. On the right side is the northern tip of Sardinia. Very detailed map showing not only towns and cities, but also mountains and rivers. Map has folds to fit book size. A few light creases. Left and right margins have been extended. Strong, clear print and clean. 17.8 x 24 cm ( 7 x 9.4 ") $ 280.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1191 |
"Carta Geografica Del Ducato Di Savoja". Copper etching by J. Cassini de Thiery, ca 1750. Modern hand coloring. Savoy is the theme of this map with the decorative hunting scene around the title. At the top is Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Above the tree is part of the Rhône river. At the middle of the right edge is Aosta. Susa is in the lower right. Map image is very clean. Left margin has been widened. Folds to fit book size. Some spotting on right and lower magins. Light creases on lower margin edge. Condition is Much Better than Good. 32.7 x 42.2 cm ( 12.8 x 16.6 cm) $ 290.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1168 |
ãFrankreich von 1610 bis 1790". ( France from 1610 to 1790). Steel etching by C. Poppey. 1846. Original hand coloring. Insets: Surrounding of Paris. Plan of Paris at the end of the XVIIIth century. Some light spotting in margins. Page size: 37 x 43.8 cm (14.6 x 17.2"). $ 100.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1233 |
ãFrankreich von 1180 bis 1461". ( France between 1180 to 1461 (from Albigensian to English wars.) Anonymous steel etching. 1846. Original borderline coloring. Historical map. Side maps: Battes of Bouvines 1214. Crecy 1346. Maupertius 1356. Azincourt 1415. Large side map: Aquitania, Gascogne and Languedoc. Clean. Traces of age and use. A few insignificant repaired tears in margins. Page size: 37 x 43.8 cm (14.6 x 17.2") $ 100.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1231 |
ãFrankreich von 1461 bis 1610". (France from 1461 to 1610). Steel etching by W. Alt. 1846. Original borderline coloring. Insets: France after the Peace of Bretigny 1360. Plan of Paris at the end of the XVIth century. Some light spotting in margins. Page size: 37 x 43.8 cm (14.6 x 17.2"). $ 100.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1234 |
ãFrankreich aeltere kirchliche Einteilung bis zum Jahre 1322". (France Church provinces up to the year 1322.) Steel etching by W. Alt. 1846 Original hand coloring. Inset: France: church provinces up to the revolution. Some light spotting in margins. Page size: 37 x 43.8 cm (14.6 x 17.2"). $ 100.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1232 |
"Aniou" (Angers) Copper etching in modern coloring from the pocket atlas by A. Ortelius. Antwerp, ca 1580. Map centered around Angers on the Loire River. Some spotting on margin, otherwise good condition. Verso: text in French. 7.8 x 10.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.2 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1139 |
"Regionis Biturgium exactif descriptio".
Copper etching in modern coloring
from the pocket atlas by A.
Ortelius. Shows Nevers in the east, Bourges in the
center of the map and the region of Tourain in the
southwest. Very good condition. 7.7 x 10.7 cm ( 3.03 x 4.2 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1140 |
"Carte De L'Isle De Corse." Copper engraving by Robert de Vaugondy fils ca 1770. Original outline coloring. From the Italian edition of the atlas. Nice map of Corsica showing great detail along the coastline. A light brwn spot in upper right margin, otherwise fine. 21 x 16.3 cm ( 8.2 x 6.4 ") $ 170.00 Order nr. FRANCEMAP1230. |
"Das Department des Flusses Ardêche". Copper etching in original coloring from the "Postal Atlas", Reilly, Vienna, 1791. This map is west oriented which shows the Rhône at the top of the map flowing from east to west. The Rhône is shown from La Pahud at the right to Serriere on the left. At the bottom is part of the Barme river. In the center are Rivas, Aurenas and La Chailard. Image is clean with wide margins. Small creases in lower margin corners. General condition is Almost Very Good. 20.2 x 26.3 cm ( 7.9 x 10.3 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1159 |
"Cadurcium Vernaculé Querci". Copper etching by Wilhelm Janssonius and Johannes Blaeu, Amsterdam ca 1660. Original hand coloring. The exquisite cartouches in original hand coloring make this a very decorative map. In the center of the map (in red) is Quercy and in the west Limousin. In the south is Gascogne and in the east the Garonne river. Map has wide margins. There is overall age toning and some light smudging in margins. A few scattered light spots are hardly disturbing. General condition is Much Better than Good. 38.5 x 50 cm ( 15.2 x 19.7 ") $ 420.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1161 |
"La France par Géneralités". Copper etching by Rigobert Bonne (1729-1795) for "Atlas de toutes les parties connues du globe terrestre" by Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal (1713-1796). Published 1780 in Geneva. Modern hand coloring. A detailed map of France with major cities and towns as well as regional divisions. Map has some minor spotting in margins. Condition is otherwise Almost Very Good. 21 x 31.8 cm ( 8.2 x 12.5 ") $ 125.00 Order Nr. FRANCE MAP 1154 |
"La France suivant les dernieres obserations de l'aca<demie Royalle des Sciences". Copper engraving 1780. Map shows the political divisions of the time. Map has vertical fold. A few very trivial spots.13.8 x 17.4 cm ( 5.4 x 6.8 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. FRANCEMAP1226 |
"Die Reich der Karolinger Theilung zu Verdun August 845". Copper engraving from Dr. Karl von Spruner's "Historisch-Geographischer Hand Atlas". Published in Gotha, 1846. Original hand outline coloring. This map shows the area ruled by the Caroliner at the time of 845. In the lower left corner is an inset of Lothringen reaching from Hamaland in the north to Portensis in the south. At the lower center is a small inset of the Battlefield of Fontanetum on the 25th of July 841. The names on the map are those of the period. Map image is clean in the beige outline and margins are scattered spots. Browning on outer margin edges. 31 x 39 cm ( 12.2 x 15.3 ") $ 250.00 Order Nr. DEUTSCHLANDMAP1394 |
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