Antique Maps of North Africa This is a selection of our historic maps of North Africa. Please contact us if you are searching for a special map. Maps are in good condition. Defects are described below. These are antique maps that show light age toning and normal signs of age and use. Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a NORTHAFRICAMAP number on this page! Take 30% off the original price. ! We accept reasonable offers. Visit us at the following sites: |
Egypt. - "Egitto" Copper etching by Stefano Coppa. Map of Egypt along the River Nile from Meroe to the Nile delta. Eastward to the Red Sea and West Coast of Arabia. Westward into Libya to Surthe. Southward well into the Libyan Desert. Please look at scan. Map was published as book illustration in ãSoria romana dal fondazione di Roma Sino alla Battaglia di AzioÉ", a translation from the French. Author of book: Carlo Rollin Publisher: Albizzi. Venice, 1746 To fit small book size (duodecimo) map needed to be folded twice vertically and horizontally. Some folds had broken and are repaired (to be seen from the reverse side of map). Other minor traces of age and use in margins. Map image: 28 x 37 cm (Ca. 11 x 14.5") $ 180.00 - see Discount above. Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA256164 |
"Aegyptus Antiqua" Hand-colored copper etching by Pierre Duval (1618-1683). Slightly changed by adding a little inset map showing Turkey, Cyprus, Near East using the map by Johannes Jansson as model. Showing the run of the River Nile to the Isle of Philae and the Mediterranean coast line well into Libya to Paraetonium and a stretch beyond. Further east of we see the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula and the further coast line up to Ashkelon in Israel. Very nice hand coloring. Published in a
quart-size book, page nr. 260. Right margin has been
professionally widened. 37 x 50 cm ( 14.5 x 19.6 ") $ 480.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA256149 |
"Aegyptus Antiqua" Copper etching slightly altered after the map by Johannes Jansonius (1588-1664) with an added inset map showing Turkey, Cyprus, Crete and the Near East coast line. Map showsthe run of the River Nile to the Isle of Philae and the Mediterranean coast line well into Libya to Paraetonium and a stretch beyond. Further east of we see the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula and the further coast line up to Ashkelon in Israel. It was published in a book 8° (Vol. IV, page 149). Therefore it had been folded several times to fit book size. Narrow margins all around. Left
side tear that reaches in image has been repaired. 37 x 50 cm ( 14.5 x 19.6 ") $ 280.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA256150 |
"Algerien, Marokko und Tunis" Detailed map published 1892 of northern Africa. Vertical centerfold. Very light age toning. 21 x 26 cm ( 8.2 x 10.2 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICAMAP249275 |
"Aegypti Antiquae Tabula a F. Delamarche 1829" Map shows what was known as ancient Egypt with early names of the settlements along the Nile River. Copper engraving by F.
Delamarche, published in Paris 1832. Original outline
coloring. 28 x 28 cm ( 11 x 11 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA242126 |
"Africa ex bello Africano. C. Julii Caesaris". Copper etching by Hermann Moll (died 1732). Published in London ca. 1740.
Shows the coast of northern Africa with emphasis on the area around Carthago at the time of Roman occupation. The inset is titled: "Aegyptus ex Bello Alexandrino C. Julii Caesaris". The mouth of the Nile is shown with the names of the settlements.
Vertical center fold. Light toning and light scattered spotting. Light creases in left margin. Condition is Almost Very Good.
15 x 22.5 cm ( 5.9 x 8.9 ")
"Lybia ad mentem Herodoti". Copper etching by Hermann Moll (died 1732). Published in London ca. 1740.
Shows the area of northern Africa to the east of the map above. It was drawn according to the memory of Herodotus.
Vertical center fold. Light toning and browning on edges. Print from previous page shows lightly in some areas. Condition is Almost Very Good.
15.7 x 22.7 cm ( 6.2 x 8.9 ")
$ 85.00
"Africa Antigua Graecis Libya" Rare copper engraving map by
Joshua Archer (1792-1863) Map image: 14 x 9" (5.5 x 3.5") $ 180.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA255159 |
Libyia" Rare copper engraving map by
Joshua Archer (1792-1863) Map image: 14 x 9" (5.5 x 3.5") $ 180.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA255160 |
"Afrique ancienne a l'usage des Colleges" Hand-colored lithograph showing the Western Mediterranean See with focus on North Africa. Place names and names of political divisions are Antique French. There is a small inset of the area of ancient Cartago. Map does not disclose author. But the publisher was Librairie de Hachette and dated Paris, 1833. Very good condition. Vertical centerfold to fit original book size. Map image: 17 x 21 cm (ca. 6.7 x 8.3") $ 115.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 30% = $ 80.50) Order Nr. MEDITERRANEAN255874 |
"Charte zu den Entdeckungsreisen im Nördlichen und Mittleren Africa von Dr. Oudney, Major Denham und Capit. Clapperton von der Koenig. Marine in den Jahren 1822, 23 und 24" Lithographic map. Published by Geographisches Institut Weimar, 1827 The north of this African discovery map shows the beginning of the expedition the explorers took: Starting from the Gulf of Sidra in Tripoli, the path follows almost straight south to Morzuk, side tracking west to Ghart, then further straight south through the Sahara to Lake Chad, turning south-west to Kalawawa after a trip south and back to Makkaray. Mapping ends in Kalawawa. But it shows other routes taken by others straight to the Gulf of Guinea. Inset map of Lake Chad and surrounding. Very detailed map of an area where little was know about in the early 19th century. Very good condition. Very clean map. A few light creases. A couple of thin paper spots. Map image: 58 x 40,5 cm (ca. 22.8 x 15.9") $ 420.00 Order Nr. AFRICA256160 |
"Carte du Sahara d'apres dernieres explorations 1830-1855" Wood engraving published 1858.
On the reverse side is information about some of the early
explorations of northern Africa. 15 x 24 cm ( 5.9 x 9.4 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA243687 |
"La Mer Mediterranee divise en ses Principales Parties our Mers" Very finely hand-colored copper etching by Gerard Valck (1652-1726). Published in Amsterdam, ca. 1700 The Mediterranean Sea from the Strait of Gibraltar to the eastern shores. Map was printed from two plates. The border line of the right plate not exactly fitting the left. Hand-coloring and condition are very good. 48,5 x 85,5 cm (19 x 33.7") Order Nr. MEDITERRANEAN247139 SOLD |
Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a NORTHAFRICAMAP number on this page! Take 30% off the listed price. ! We accept reasonable offers. |
"Aegyptus Inferior sive Delta" Copper engraving map by Christoph Weigel, 1720. Original hand coloring. Published in "Descriptio Orbis Antiqui in XLIV tabulis....." by Johann David Koehler (1684.1755) This map is of special interest for anthropoligists and toponymists. Notice that there is light spotting in image and margins. Map image; 31 x 39.5 cm ( 12.2 x 15.5 ") $ 210.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA252930 |
"Nieuwe Pascaart voor een Gedeelte van de Zeekusten Van Barbara. Beginnende van C. Mesurata Tot Cap Rufato Als Mede de West-kust van Candia door Vooght Geometra t'Amsterdam by Johannes Van KeulenÉ"South-oriented map of Coast line of the Gulf of Sidra in Libya between Misrata in the West to Benghasi in the East. With the small and larger harbor tows in between: Sorte, Ras Lanouf, Brega, Ajdabiya (all of these places in the old way of spelling). Hand-colored copper etching: Published by Johannes van Keulen (1654-1711) Amsterdam, ca. 1680 Decorative title cartouche.
Crowned coat of arms with three crescents on red ground,
held by an armed soldier and a king. Lower right mileage
indicator in three languages. Map nr. XIX (19). Reverse side
without text. Margins narrow. Map is generally in good
condition with light natural age toning. Map image: 51 x 59 cm (ca. 20 x 23.2") $ 2200.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA256161 |
"Algerie et Tunesie" Wood engraving map published ca
1890. On the reverse side is Overall light age toning. Image: 18 x 25 cm ( 7 x 9.8") $ 30.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA255703 |
"Mauritania, Numidia, Etc." Rare copper engraving map by
Joshua Archer (1792-1863) Map image: 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5") $ 175.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICAMAP255140 |
"Agyptus Antigua" Rare copper engraving map by
Joshua Archer (1792-1863) Map image: 14 x 9" (5.5 x 3.5") $ 175.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA255155 |
"Fessae et Marocchi Regna". Copper etching by J. Hondius, ca 1610. Fine hand coloring. Very decorative map showing northwest Africa. Notice the Canary Islands in the lower left and Madeira to the north. In the upper left is an inset of Peñon de Velez. Historical sailing vessels are sailing the Atlantic.On the backside is text in French describing the area shown on map. Map has wide margins with some light smudging on edges. Small repaired tear on bottom margin edge. Very tiny piece of lower right margin corner is missing. Fine creases on lower part of centerfold. General condition is otherwise Almost Very Goof for a map this old. 35.2 x 48 cm (13.8 x 18.8 ") $600.00 Order Nr. AFRICAMAP1619 |
"Marokko, Algerien und Tunis"
Map of North Africa - Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Sicily, Malta, Portugal, Spain, the Baleares and Sardinia Line lithograph. Printed in color. Publisher: Leo Woerl Verlag, Wuerzburg Map has several vertical and horizontal folds. It was obviously part of a German travel guide book. Penciled in date: 1884 The interesting feature of this map: Sicily and Malta are out of the planned format. Both islands ae shown in the right perspective, but outside the border line on the right margin. Map had a tear within the image (on the border between Algeria and Tunesia). The tear was repaired. A little wrinkly. But the appearance of the map is still good. Printed on quite thin paper. 28,8 x 37,7 cm (ca. 11.3 x 14.8") - Sicily and Malta not included in measurement. $ 90.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICAMAP253955 |
"Egypte et Cyrenaique" Copper engraving map by Jaques
Benigne Bossuet (1627-1704). Very attractive hand coloring.
Two original vertical folds to fit book size. Map image: 20 x 31.5cm (7.8 x 12.4 ") $ 220.00 Order Nr.NORTHAFRICA252928 |
"Chorographia Originis Nili
Sevfontium Ipsius"
"Karte des Nilquellen-Gebietes und arabischer QAuffassung"
"Die Nilquellen entspringen auf den Mondbergen (montes
Interesting map of the origins of the
Nile River. This copy of this ancient
map was published in a German illustrated work in 1902. The image is
on a
page of text about very early African map making that continues on
reverse side of the page.
Image: 11 x 9.5 cm ( 4.3 x 3.7")
$ 35.00
Order Nr. MAPCURIOSITY254838
"Carte d'une partie de L'Afrique Occidentale dressee sous la direction De Mr. L'Admiral Fleuriot Langle" Wood engraving by Erhard after Bauer in 1872. Published 1877. Map shows the routes taken by Fleuriot de Langle on his expeditions in eastern Africa. Reverse side is printed with a partial article of Fleuriot de Langle. 24 x 16 cm ( 9.4 x 6.2 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. MAPAFRICA242307 |
"Aegyptus et Cyrene" Hand-colored copper etching Originally designed by Philip Cluever (1697) this map was published by John Nicholson London, 1711 Good condition. Nice hand color. Vertical centerfold to make map fit book size. Map Tunesien (Carthago to the
Red Sea, from Sicily to Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean). 12,9 x 21,5 cm (ca. 5 x 8.5") $ 160.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 30% = $ 112.00). Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA254766 |
ãTabula Aphricae II" Copper etching by Girolamo Porro (ca. 1520-1604) after Claudius Ptolemy Published in ãGeographiae Universae" by Giovanni Antonio Nagini Venice, 1597 to 1610 Shows the Mediterranean coast
line of Tunesia and Libya in this Reverse side with text print and repair of tear in lower right map margin corner 13,1 x 17,4 cm (ca. 5.1 x 6.8") $ 280.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 30% = $ 196.00) Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA254697 |
"Landtaffel Africe" In inset cartouche: "Beschreibung des Landes Mauretanien" (Deskription of Mauritania) Type print: Woodcut Published in: "Roemische Historien" (Roman Histories) Author: Polybius (ca. 200 BC - ca. 118 BC) Translated by: Wilhelm Xylander (1532-1576) His name latinized from: Holtzman) Published by: Sebastian Henricpetri (1546-1627) Published in: Basel, 1574 Size of print: 25,5 x 28 / 33 cm (ca. 10 x 11 / 11.8") Trapezoid like most Ptolomean maps Page size: 31 x 38,8 cm (ca. 12.2 x 15.3") Reverse side has text print as described in German. Beautiful type setting! Condition: Very good. Rarity: Extremely rare! $ 800.00 Order Nr. AFRICA239952 Map has little to do with the modern "Islamic Republic of Mauretania". It actually shows only the very northern part of this state. The title refers to ancient historic understanding of the "Maghreb" It really shows, by modern geography, Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia and the westernmost part of Libya. In outlines we see southern and eastern Spain up to the Balearics. Interesting in the extreme west off the Atlantic coast the map shows "Erythia" (Erytheia) one suspected island of the Canary Island group. Erytheia was the island where, according to Greek mythology, Hercules had the task to fetch the Golden Apples, which were supposed to be held hidden in the Hesperides' garden in the most western part of the then known world. Erytheia was one of the Hesperides. The "Roman Histories" by Polybius were among the most important writings about Hellenistic history and the upcoming importance of the Roman Empire. Xylander, an all-round intellectual scholar, translated the book from the original Greek rather than reproducing the existing Latin translation. The entire work comprised originally 40 volumes, of which most are lost. The ones preserved contain maps of the Mediteranian countries: Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Mauretania, Italy and a few others. Polybius used the maps of Ptolomy. |
ãDe Cust van Barbaryen van C. Blanco tot C. de Geer" MOrocco - Atlantic coastline from Cape Blanco to Cape Geer. Map centers on Safi and Essauoira ãDe zuydhoek van't Eylandt Fayal" Faial - Azores ãDe Reede voor de Stadt Angra in't eylandt Tercera" Angra Azores ãDe Eylanden van Madera en Porto Santo" Madeira and Porto Santo - Azores 5 copper etchings in original hand coloring one one large map. by Pieter Goos.(1616-1675) Published in Zee Spiegel - (Mirror of the Sea) with nr. ã57" Amsterdam, 1666 The original hand coloring is very attractive! However the map has some remarkable traces of use. There are ink marks, which we show for you to see. The map had once been mounted. There are remnants of paste on reverse side. Map had been folded. These folds are a bit visible. General age toning. Some spotting. Small reapired tear in lower margin on centerfold. Although this map has the mentioned faults, it is still quite attractive, especially because of its beautiful original hand coloring. 41,5 x 51 cm (ca. 16.3 x 20") $ 1100.00 Order Nr.NORTHAFRICAMAP238101 |
"Mittel- und Nord- Africa (oestl. Theil) und Arabien." Steel engraving by W. Behrens
and F. Baumgarten after F. von Stuelpnagel. Dated 1871. Very detailed map of Egypt, Somalia, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and including part of Iran and Afghanistan in the upper right corner. The map extends as far south as Lake victoria. In the lower right is a detailed inset of Habesch (Amhara) in Ethiopia. Map is clean and in good condition. There are two small repaired tears in the margins on the centerfold. 32 x 38 cm ( 12.5 x 14.9 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA237852 SOLD |
No title. Mediterranean Sea: Southern Calabria (Stilo and surrounding), Ionian Islands of Lefkas, Ithaka, Kefalonia, Zakynthos and the East Coast of Central Greece, Peloponnes, Island of Kithira, Libyan coast line of the Gulf of Great Sirte from Cape Mesurat to Sallum (Border with Egypt). Type of print: Copper etching Publisher: Joseph Roux (1725-1793) Published in: Folio of 12 Mediterranean charts. (This being Nr. 8 of this set) Published: Paris, 1764 Condition: Near Excellent. There are some thin spots in this very thick laid paper. Watermark. Very clean. Hardly any traces of age and use. RARE! Very desirable and very collectible! Map size: 76,4 x 55,4 cm (ca. 31,8 x 21.8") Sheet size: 88,5 x 64,7 cm (ca. 34.8 x 25.5") $ 650.00 Order Nr. GREECE242200 |
No title. Mediterranean Sea: Part of South Coast of Crete (Kreta) Province of Chania and the Island of Gavdos (Gozzo). East-most Libyan coastline at the Egyptian border to Alexandria (Egypt) Type of print: Copper etching Publisher: Joseph Roux (1725-1793) Published in: Folio of 12 Mediterranean charts. (This being Nr. 9 of this set) Published: Paris, 1764 Condition: Near Excellent. There are some thin spots in this very thick laid paper. Watermark. Very clean. Hardly any traces of age and use. RARE! Very desirable and very collectible! Map size: 54,7 x 71 cm (ca. 21,5 x 28") Sheet size: 64,4 x 88,8 cm (ca. 25.4 x 35") $ 650.00 Order Nr. GREECE242199 |
"Nordost Afrika und Arabien" Steel engraving by Kuehn and Kramer dated 1875. Original hand outline coloring. In the lower right is a detailed inset of Abyssinia and Sudan. Very good condition. Vertical centerfold. 33 x 39 cm ( 12.9 x 15.3 ") $ 130.00 Order Nr. MIDDLEEASTMAP249250 |
"Abyssinie" Steel engraving map by Th. Duvotenay, published 1846. Map has vertical folds to fit original book size. Upper and right margins are narrow. 18 x 22.5 cm ( 7 x 8.8 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICAMAP253079 |
"Geogr. Verbreitung des
Mohammedanischen Staaten-Systems." Lithograph published by C. Flemming 1848. Original outline coloring. This map shows the area of
Muslim states with Lybia in the center of the map. In the
lower right is a list Clean image. Left margin is narrow. A few minor signs of age and use in margins. 30 x 42cm (11.8 x 16.5 ") $ 75.00 Order Nr. ISLAMICCULTURE242223 |
"Sahara" Map of the Sahara region of North Africa published 1895. 13.5 x 22 cm ( 5.3 x 8.6 ") $25.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA244454 |
"Reich Alexanders des Grossen" Map printed in color 1896 shows
the Empire of Alexander the Great with many of the antique
names Map has a vertical fold. 22.5 x 29 cm ( 8.8 x 11.4 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. MIDDLEASTMAP245778 |
"Esquisse d'un itineraire de Massaoua a Adoua"
Very detailed wood engraving map
published 1867 in a French book.
In the upper right on the Red Sea is Massaouwa ( Massawa ).
A line shows the intinerary of the expedition to Adoua (Adwa).
On the reverse side is a small image of P. Stella and text about the
Map size: 23 x 16 cm ( 9 x 6.2 ")
$ 25.00
Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA244095
Egypte Ancienne Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. Map shows the ancient sites of Egypt with their old names. 18.4 x 11.3 cm ( 7.2 x 4.4 ") $ 50.00 Order nr. NORTHAFRICA234925 |
"Das alte Aegypten" Interesting map with the old names of peoples and places. Wood engraving printed in color 1881.Reverse side has text. Light natural age browning in margins. Map image: 17 x 10.5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.1") $ 50.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA255380 |
Isthme de Suez Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. Upper margin is narrow. 14.2 x 18 cm ( 4.4 x 7.1"9 $ 55.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA234924 |
"Marokko, Algier ind Tunis" Morocco, Algeria and Tunesia With city plans of Marrakech, Algiers and Constantine. Type of print: Steel engraving Color: Original outline hand coloring Supervision: Kleinknecht Published by: Bibliographic Institute Published in: Hildburghausen, Amsterdam, Paris and Philadelphia When: Ca. 1850 Condition: Light general age toning. In general: Good 21 x 26 cm (ca. 8.3 x 10.2") $ 65.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA238961 |
ãDas Reich der Kalifen in seiner groessten Ausdehnung". (The caliphs empire. Largest extension.) Steel etching by W. Behrens. 1846. Faint borderline coloring. Clean, except for traces of age and use in margins. Two tiny repaired tears in margins. Page size: 37 x 43.8 cm (14.6 x 17.2"). $ 80.00 Order Nr. MEDITERRANEAN1363 |
"Nordoestliches Afrika". Lithograph by G. Marx for A Scobel and K. Taenzler, ca 1860. Printed in color. Very detailed map of northeastern Africa. In the upper right is an inset of Somalia and the island of Socotra. A colored key shows the various colonial domains of Europe. Map extends as far south as the Congo and Lake Victoria. Map has a horizontal fold as issued. Small repair in right margin on fold. Small repaired tear on lower margin edge. 46.7 x 38.5 cm ( 18.3 x 15.1 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1636 |
"Carte Des Côtes De Barbarie ou les Royaumes, de Maroc, de Fez, d'Alger, de Tunis, et de Tripoli avec les Pays Circonvoisins". Copper engraving by M. Bonne, ca 1765. Hand outline coloring. Detailed map of northern Africa showing the areas that had been explored at the time. Map has a vertical centerfold. Bottom margin is narrow. A few light spots. Light browning in margins. 30.7 x 44 cm ( 12 x 17.3 ") $ 130.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1631 |
Egypte Lithograph for the "Geographe" by Th. Duvotenay ca 1860. Map extends south to the Tropic of Cancer. In the upper right corner is part of Isreal with Jaffa and Nablous. Map has horizontal centerfold. Upper margin has been repaired. A few minor creases. 22.8 x 18 cm ( 8.9 x 7 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA236483 |
"Egyptus Hondierna. Ex itinerario Celeberrimi Viri, Pauli Lucae Franci......." Copper engraving by Johann Baptista Homann c 1740. Original hand coloring. Fine historical map of Eygpt with the Nile River helping focus on the location of the settlement of the area. In the lower left are interesting details of Eygptian civilization such as the pyramids, the caves for mummies, the cataracts of the Nile and a special place where chickens are kept to sell in Cairo. Upper margin has been widened. A few creases. A few minimal spots and signs of age and use. 55 x 46.7 cm ( 21.6 x 18.3 ") $ 600.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA256148 |
"Carte De L Empire De Maroc" Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1880. The names used on the map are French and North African. Interesting map showing the detailed waterways. Reverse side is printed. Vertical centerfold. 22.2 x 33 cm ( 8.7 x 12.9 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1639 |
"Tunis u. westl. theil von Tripoli". Steel engraving map from Flemming in Glogau, ca 1870. Original outline coloring. Detailed map of northern Tunesia and its many islands. In the lower right is part of Lybia. In the upper right corner is the soutwest part of Sicily. Malta is on the right margin edge near the center. Very clean map in good condition. 35.5 x 31.7 cm ( 13.9 x 12.4 ") $ 75.00 Order nr. NORTHAFRICA1638 |
"Aegypten" Very detailed map published 1904. Horizontal centerfold. 27 x 21 cm ( 10.6 x 8.2 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA246731 |
"Egypte, Nubie et Abissinie". Copper etching by Rigobert Bonne (1729-ca 1795). Published ca 1770. Modern hand coloring. In the upper left is the Mediterranean and the Nile Delta. The map reaches as far north as Beirut and Damascus. In the east is the Red Sea and Saudia Arabia as far south as the Golf of Aden. At the bottom of the map is the Awash river. Light browning above centerfold on right side. Very minimal spotting in margins. Light water stain in upper left and lower left margin corners. General condition is Almost Very Good. 34.3 x 23 cm ( 13.5 x 9 ") $ 120.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1599SOLD |
"Mittel - und Nord-Africa. Westl. Theil" Steel engraving by F. von Stuelpnagel. Published 1871 by Stieler. Original outline hand coloring. Detailed map with outline coloring showing the colonial possesions of various European countries at the time. On the far left are the Cape Verde Islands. At the bottom of the map is a diagram showing the mountain heights from Tripoli to the Tschad Lake from an exploration trip by E. Vogel in 1853. In the upper left is a height profil of the Sahara from Tripoli to Bagzen by the exploration trip of Richardson, Barth and Overweg. Map is in good condition. Vertical centerfold. 32 x 38 cm ( 12.5 x 14.9 ") $ 135.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA237979 |
"Tavola Terza dell'Africa" Shows Eastern part of Libya and Northern Egypt. General age toning. Some soiling from turning pages. Other minor traces of age and use. Reverse side has text print. Sheet size ca. 28 x 18 cm (11 x 7.1") Map size: 12.5 x 17.5 cm (4.9 x 6.9") on either side $ 320.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA235811SOLD REVERSE SIDE: "Tavola Seconda dell'Africa" Copper etching after Claudius Ptolemaeus. Published in ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra" Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli. Venice, 1598 First edition in Italian of Ptolemy prepared by Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Shows Eastern part of Algeria, Tunesia, Libya. Outlined are Sardinia and Sicily |
"Tavola Prima dell'Africa" Copper etching after Claudius Ptolemaeus. Published in ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra" Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli. Venice, 1598 First edition in Italian of Ptolemy prepared by Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Shows north-west corner of Africa, Marocco, Algeria. Also shown more or less as outlines: Southern Spain up to the Baleres Islands. Light general age toning. Some minor traces of agen and use. Reverse side has text print. Sheet size ca. 28 x 18 cm (11 x 7.1") Map size: 12.5 x 17.5 cm (4.9 x 6.9") $ 280.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA235812 |
"Descittione dell'Egitto con quella della Troglodlitica sua vicina". Lower Egypt Copper etching after Abraham Ortelius. Published in ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra" Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli. Venice, 1598 First edition in Italian of Ptolemy prepared by Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Map shows Nile delta north from Assuan. General age toning. Some soiling from turning pages in corner. Sheet size ca. 28 x 18 cm (11 x 7.1") Map size: 12.5 x 17.5 cm (4.9 x 6.9") $ 280.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA235813 |
"Tavola Prima Dell'Asia" (First Ptolemy map of Asia) Copper etching after Claudius Ptolemaeus published in ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra" Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli. Venice, 1598 First edition in Italian prepared by Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Map shows Turkey, northern Cyprus, Armenia and the Syrian coastline. Reverse side: North Africa. Reverse side: "Tavola Quarta dell'Africa" (Fourth Ptolemy map of Asia) Northern Africa to a suspected Equator. The entire supposed run of the Nile. In the west: The Fortunate Islands (Canary Islands and possibly the Capverde Islands. Southern Europe and of Asia: Trkey, the Near East and Felix Arabia. General age toning. Minor traces of age and use. A small spot inthe middle of Turkey has a small black spot on account of excessive use of printing ink. Sheet: 28.5 x 19 cm (11.2 x 7.5") Map: 12.4 x 17 (4.9 x 6.7") $ 460.00 Order Nr. ASIAMINOR235652 |
"Die Meerenge von Gibraltar" Steel engraving by L. Debes for Stieler. Dated 1870. Original outline coloring. Very interesting map of the Gibraltar Strait with the dephs of the sea in many places. At the top of the map is an inset showing a very detailed map of Spanish Ceuta in northern Africa. On the right is a very detailed map of Gibraltar with sea depths. In the lower right is a profile image of Gibraltar. Map has a small repair on the centerfold in the lower margin. Otherwise very good condition. 33.3 x 41.2 cm ( 13.1 x 16.2 ") $ 160.00 Order Nr. ESPAÑAMAPA235797 |
"Afrika gezeichnet von F. von Stuelpnagel" Steel engraving after F. von Sturlpnagel for Stieler dated 1871. Original hand outline coloring. In the lower left is a detailed inset of part of Algeria. In the lower right is a color chart identifying the colonial parts of Africa under European rule at the time. to the left of this little chart is an altitude chart of African mountains - also of the Pik von Teneriffa. In the upper left is a small piece of Canada. Tiny repaired tear on lower margin edge on the centerfold. Very minor signs of age and use in margins. 31 x 35.5 cm ( 12.2 x 13.9 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. AFRICAMAP237265 |
Pharao's Island. - "Plan de l'Isle de Graie (Mer Rouge)" Lithograph by Desmadryl after the drawing by Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph de Laborde (1807-1869) Few islands of this minute size (ca. 4 ha. = ca. 9.6 acres) have received such cartographic attention as this one. Located at the northernmost top the Gulf of Aquaba, 200 meters off the shore of Egypt's east coast of the Sinai Peninsula, and a hop, skip and a jump away from Israel's Elat and Jordan's portion of the Red Sea at Aquaba, the island, called by the Crusaders "Ile de Graye" and Aila in the Arabic language, was basically a fortress of the Crusaders until, in 1170, Saldin conquered it, rebuilt the citadel and staffed it with a garrison of soldiers. Raynald of Chatillon failed, in 1182/83, at setting up a blockade against the Moslem troops. This island lost all strategic importance in the 14th century. But in modern times the coral reefs of it have become a major attraction to diving tourists in Israel and Jordan. Because of its history and the remnants of the fort, the island is visited by many tourists. The citadel was accepted in the list of UNESCO World Heritage. In the lower left and right corners of the map we see of the island's cistern. De Laborde, as a young man, traveled widely in the area. One of his many publications was "Journey through Arabia Petraea, to Mount Sinai and the excavated city of Petra, the Edom of the prophecies" Published in Paris, 1830 This map was in the atlas accompanying this publication. Very clean. Minimal traces of age and use. A few creases in right margin. Map: 27 x 34,4 cm (ca. 10.6 x 13.5") Sheet size: 42 x 56 cm (ca. 16.5 x 22") $ 380.00 Order Nr. EGYPT1775 |
Nordoestl. Afrika Steel engraving by F. Handtke ca 1860. A small amount of original hand outline coloring. In the upper right area of this detailed map is part of Jemen with Saana and the southern part of the Red Sea. On the right side further south is part of Somalia. In the upper right is Dafur and Kordofan. A bit further south on the left side is the Djebel al Komri (Mountains of the Moon). In the lower left corn is Bomba with the towns of Lofaz and Cotulaz. In the center are the regions of Dar el Berta and Enarea. Map is in Good condition. 33.5 x 40 cm ( 13.1 x 15.7 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA235003 |
Karte von Aegypten Map reaches as far south as the Congo river in the lower left and the Indian Ocean in the lower right. Wood engraving, ca 1875. Backside is printed. Narrow margins. 18.5 x 12.4 cm ( 7.2 x 4.8 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA 1604 |
"Karte der Provinzen Oran and Constantine" Pen lithograph with original hand outline coloring (very light green). Published by Flemming in Glogau ca 1860. The very detailed upper image shows Oran in the center of the coastal area shown. In the upper left is an inset with a plan of Oran. The scan did not take in the upper line right above the inset. The bottom image shows Constantine and the surrounding area in great deatail. In the Upper right is an inset with a plan of Bona and on the left an inset with a plan of Constantine. The detail on this map makes it very special! Map is very clean with a clear impression. There are four tiny pin holes in upper margin and a miniscule repaired tear in left margin. Two small almost invisible creases in image. Condition is Almost Very Good. 42 x 32.4 cm (16.5 x 12.7 ") $ 120.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1600 |
ãNoerdliche Afrika". (Northern Africa.) Steel engraving. 1846. Some faint borderline coloring. ) Map shows Egypt and, LIbya, Nubia (Ethiopia), a large portion of the Red Sea and the western part of Saudi Arabia including Mekka and Medina in great detail! Clean, except for traces of age and use in margins. Page size: 37 x 43.8 cm (14.6 x 17.2"). $ 70.00 Order Nr NORTHAFRICA1637 |
ãCharte von Nord-Africa Nach den neuesten Entdeckungen". Map of the Sahara desert. Anonymous copper etching. Prag, 1810. Some original hand outline coloring. Map of the Sahara desert. from Autadal Hadschi to Wangara (Ungara) and from the North African coast to Kafaba and Melli Lamlem. A very detailted map! Clean. Several nearly invisible vertical and horizontal folds (ironed out) to make map fit small book size. 29.8 x 40.9 cm (11.7 x 16.12"). $ 190.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1640 |
"Africum Pelagus. Aphrica Minor" Wood cut by Sebastian Muenster after Mela, 1574. This very early map of North Africa shows part of the northern coast with Tunisia in the center. At the top of the image are Sardinia and Sicily. Malta is shown as Melita. The map image is on a page of text (Old German) . On the backside is more text. there are some small repairs that are visible only on backside. Light creasing in left margin. Light fraying on upper margin edge. Image: 12.5 x 14.7 cm ( 4.9 x 5.7 ") $ 190.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1632 SOLD |
"Carthaginis Celeberrimisinus Typus" Copper etching by Abraham Ortelius Hand coloring. Dated 1585. Detailed map of the coast from Bona on the left to Aphrica ol. Aphrodiseum on the right. In the upper right is the Italian island of Pantelleria. Part of the aquaduct of Cartago is shown. In the lower center is Arsenale Tunis. Notice the historical sailing vessels in the sea. The upper and left margins have been added very professionally. A few minor spots in margins. 14.1 x 23 cm ( 5.5 x 9 ") $ 140.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1633 |
"Egitto Nvova Tavola".
Copper etching from: "Geographia" by
Claudio Ptolemy. Originally edited and published by
Willibald Pirckheimer. This map concentrates on the area of the Nile Delta. In the lower right is part of the Red Sea. Italian text on backside describes Eygpt. Map impression is not strong. Print shows
through a bit in right margin. Browning along centerfold.
Map is otherwise clean. Overall condition is 17.5 x 24.4 cm ( 6.8 x 9.6 ") $ 220.00 Order Nr. North Africa 1595 |
"Marmarica Nvova Tavola". Copper etching from: "Geographia" by Claudio Ptolemy. Originally edited and published by Willibald Pirckheimer. This edition, which comprises all 64 maps of the "B" edition, including the "New World", was published by Josephus
Meletius 1562 in Venice.Like the maps above, this map is full of interesting ancient names. To the right is Eygpt with most of the course of the Nile river.
The map reaches in the west to include Cyrenaica and part of Nubia. Italian text on part of backside describes the area shown.Browning along centerfold. Very minor repairs on centerfold. Map impression is medium. Overall condition is Better than Good
considering the age of the map.17.7 x 24.5 cm ( 6.9 x 9.6 ")
$ 220.00
Order Nr. North Africa 1597
"Tabula Arfricae III".Copper etching from: "Geographia" by Claudio Ptolemy. Originally edited and published by Willibald Pirckheimer. This edition, which comprises all 64 maps of the "B" edition, including the "New World", was published by Josephus
Meletius 1562 in Venice.This map shows about the same area as the previous map, from Cyrenaica in the west to the Red Sea in the East. This map shows the antique geography with older names. On the back side is location information in Italian about the most important places shown. By looking at the course of the Nile, one can see that the map does not reach as far south as the previous map.
This map is very clean and except for hardly visible browning along the centerfold, the condition is Very Good.Map has strong, clear impression.
17.5 x 24.5 cm ( 6.9 x 9.6 ")
$ 265.00
Order Nr. North Africa 1598
"Tabvla Aphricæ II". Copper etching from: "Geographia" by Claudio Ptolemy. Originally edited and published by Willibald Pirckheimer. This edition, which comprises all 64 maps of the "B" edition, including the "New World", was published by Josephus Meletius 1562 in Venice.
Northern Africa from Numidia in the west to the Gulf of Sirte in the east. Malta and other islands are shown to the north of the coast. On the backside is a description in Italian of the area shown on the map.
Light browning along centerfold. Minor repairs on centerfold that are hardly visible. Lower border is lightly printed. General condition is otherwise Better than Good for a map this age.
17.7 x 24.4 cm ( 6.9 x 9.6 ")
$ 220.00
Order Nr. North Africa 1599 SOLD
"Mauritania Nvova Tavola" Copper etching from: "Geographia" by Claudio Ptolemy. Originally edited and published by Willibald Pirckheimer. This edition, which comprises all 64 maps of the "B" edition, including the "New World", was published by Josephus Meletius 1562 in Venice.
The area of Mauritania was once larger than today. It reached as far east as to include part of Libya. The southern part of the map reaches as far east as present-day Nigeria. Notice the Canary Islands and Madeira in the upper left. Backside has text in Italian about the region shown on the map.
The map has light browning and repaired holes along centerfold. Upper margin is narrow. General condition is Good for a map of this age.
17.7 x 24.2 cm ( 6.9 x 9.5 ")
$ 240.00
Order Nr. North Africa 1601
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"Africa Minor Nvova Tavola". Copper etching from: "Geographia" by Claudio Ptolemy. Originally edited and published by Willibald Pirckheimer. This edition, which comprises all 64 maps of the "B" edition, including the "New World", was published by Josephus Meletius 1562 in Venice.
Algeria, Tunisia and Libya are shown on this map of the ancient world. Notice that it reaches south almost to the Equator. In the Mediterranean are Panteleria, Linosa and Lampedusa and Malta. Djerba and other small islands are shown off the coast of Tunisia. On the backside is an article in Italian about this area.
Map has clear strong print. Light browning and hardly visible repairs along centerfold. One spot on lower left edge. Condition is Better than Good for a map of this age.
17.5 x 24.2 cm (6.8 x 9.5 ")
$ 220.00
Order Nr. North Africa 1602 SOLD
"Tavla Apricae I". Copper etching from: "Geographia" by Claudio Ptolemy. Originally edited and published by Willibald Pirckheimer. This edition, which comprises all 64 maps of the "B" edition, including the "New World", was published by Josephus Meletius 1562 in Venice.
Northwestern Africa is shown on this historical map which reaches a bit further east than Algiers. In the upper left is part of Spain with some of the Balearic islands. Text in Italian on the backside gives historical and topographical data of the region shown.
Light browning and small repaired wormholes along centerfold. Otherwise the condition is Better than Good.
17.7 x 24.5 cm ( 6.9 x 9.6 ")
$ 220.00
Order Nr. North Africa 1603
" Landtaffel Africe". Inset: "Beschreibung des Landts Mauritanien". " Woodcut from the "Cosmographia" acording to Ptolomy by Sebastian Münster. Published in Basel 1574. The original map was drawn by Pomponius Mela, a Roman geographer born in Tingentera, Spain. In 43 A.D. he finished a geographical work first known as "De situ orbis" and later "De chorographia". After bookprinting became possible this work was widely known.
This map shows Northwest Africa from Marocco to Algeria. A decorative ship is in the Mediterranean north of Ceasarea.
Verso: Text in German. Condition is almost Very Good.
25.5 x 28 (top) 33 (bottom) cm. (10 x 11" ( 13").
$ 260.00
"Africae Tabula Nova edita Antwerpiae 1570" Copper etching from "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" by Abraham Ortelius. Very fine original hand coloring. Text on reverse side: Latin. Original hand coloring. One of the first maps of all of Africa with great detail for such an early age. In the lower left isthe northeast coast of Brazil. General age toning. Margins have some traces of age and use. Some small areals of thin paper along centerfold (only seen when held agains light) In general very nice condition of this very beautiful map of Africa. 37.2 x 50.4 cm (14.6 x 19.8") $ 2500.00 Order Nr. AFRICAMAP1667 |
"Du Tacazze a Gondar" Wood engraving published 1867.
On the reverse side is a small image of Quelda
Ghiorghis, In the center of the map is the
Kolla Voggara, in the upper area is Chire and in the los
area is Map image: 23.5 x 15.5 cm ( 9.2 x 6.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA244092 |
Die Saharabahnen (The Sahara Railways) Wood engraving 1884 printed with blue. Map shows the planned railways in the Sahara by Duponchel, Beau de Rochas and C. Rohlfs as well as the existing railways. 13.3 x 17.7 cm ( 5.2 x 6.9 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1641 |
Barbarie Tripoli Copper engraving by Joseph Roux from "Recueil des principaux plans des ports et rades de la Mer Mediterranée", ca 1780. Binding holes in left margin. 13.4 x 19.3 cm ( 5.2 x 7.5 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1627 |
Barbarie - Ginieni, Monestierm Sousse Copper engraving by Joseph Roux from "Recueil des principaux plans des ports et rades de la Mer Mediterranée", ca 1780. Binding holes in left margin. 13.2 x 20 cm ( 5.1 x 7.8 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1628 |
Baye de Tanger Copper engraving by Joseph Roux from "Recueil des principaux plans des ports et rades de la Mer Mediterranée", ca 1780. Binding holes in left margin. 12.6 x 19.7 cm ( 4.9 x 7.7 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1629 |
"Barbarie Baye De Marza Quiver" Copper etching by Hermann Moll (died 1732). Published in London ca. 1740. Map has binding holes in left margin. Image: 12.5 x 19.5 cm ( 4.9 x 7.6") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1939 |
"Boug" Copper etching by Hermann Moll (died 1732). Published in London ca. 1740. Map has binding holes in left
margin. Light natural age toning. Image: 13 x 19.5 cm ( 5.1 x 7.6") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1943 |
"View du Golfe d' Arzon ou Arzem Nord et Sud avec luy distant Sept Lieues" Copper etching by Hermann Moll (died 1732). Published in London ca. 1740. Map has binding holes in left
margin. Light natural age toning. Image: 13 x 19.5 cm ( 5.1 x 7.6") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1941 |
"Bone Port Geneves" Copper etching by Hermann Moll (died 1732). Published in London ca. 1740. Map has binding holes in left
margin. Light natural age toning. Image: 12.5 x 19 cm ( 4.9 x 7.4") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1942 |
"Barbarie Gerbi, Nesara, Sidy, Facs....." Copper etching by Hermann Moll (died 1732). Published in London ca. 1740. Map has binding holes in left
margin. Light natural age toning. Image: 13 x 19.5 cm ( 5.1 x 7.6") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1940 |
"Africae Propiae Tabula In qua Punica regna uides; Tyrios, et Agenoris urbem." Copper etching by Abraham Ortelius in original hand coloring. Dated 1590. This map was one of the "historical maps" of Abraham Ortelius. Toward the end of his life he worked more on maps showing Classical history rather than geography of the time. He combined modern geographical knowledge with the historical knowledge and nomenclature of Ptolemy's maps. This map shows northern Africa from Mostaganem in Algeria to Bengasi in Libyia. Part of Sicly and the Aeolian Islands are in the north. Malta and the Pelagie Islands are shown east of Tunesia. Mountains and seasonal rivers are shown. The names of the various tribes shown are Classical names. In the lower left corner is a decorative inset with a plan of Carthage. At the bottom are the sources used for positioning the various towns. Notice the very decotative title cartouche in the upper right with relaxed cherubs. Below the cartouche is a dedication. Verso: Text in Latin. Very minimal spotting in margins. There is a brown area over most of the title. Along the centerfold is browning. On the bottom margin near the centerfold are two stained lines and two small spots. General condition is Almost Very Good. 33.4 x 48.5 cm (13.1 x 19 ") $ 490.00 Order Nr. North Africa 1593 SOLD |
"Carte du territoire des Kroumirs pour suivre les opérations de notre corps d'expedition en Tunisie".,Wood engraving by Morieu in Paris for "Le Monde Illustré", ca 1885. Very detailed map of northern Tunisia. The seacoast reaches from La Calle in the upper left to Cap Golma in the upper right. In the south is Beni Mazen. Map has light vertical center crease. A few very light spots in margins. Backside is printed. 21 x 32 cm ( 8.2 x 12.5 ") $35.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1618 |
"Die Barbaresken Staaten: Marokko, Algerien, Tunis, Tripoli" Wood engraving from "Orbis
Pictus" by Otto Spamer, 1870. 9.3 x 25.5 cm ( 3.6 x 10 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA 1592 |
Upper image: "Partie
Occidentale De La Turquie D'Afrique......." Copper engraving dated 1748 by Robert de Vagondy Original hand coloring. The upper image shows the coast from the kingdom of Fez on the left to the Kingdom of Tripoli on the right. The lower image reaches from Smeida and Sbica on the Golf of Sidra to Jerusalem on the right. A few very minor spots. Lower margin is a bit frayed. 16 x 15.5 cm (6.3 x 6.1") $ 95.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1634 |
"Die Laender des Pascha von Aegypten Nubien Arabien Syrien.....1849." Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1855. Original outline coloring. Map shows the area ruled by the Pascha of Eygpt in 1849. The map reaches as far south as Kaffa, Ajan and the Mountains of the Moon. Map has some light scattered spotting in margins and some very minor spotting in map image. Light age toning.Overall conditon is otherwise Good. 26.3 x 21.2 cm ( 10.2 x 8.3 ") $ 75.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1613 |
"Die Laender des Pascha von Aegypten Nubien Arabien Syrien.....1855." Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1855. Original outline coloring. Map shows the area ruled by the Pascha of Eygpt in 1849. The map reaches as far south as Kaffa, Ajan and the Mountains of the Moon. Map has horizontal centerfold. Overall light age toning. Light browning on outer margin edges. 26.4 x 21.5 cm ( 10.3 x 8.4 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1635 |
"Marocco, Algier und Tunis, 1849". Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1855. Original outline coloring. Map shows the norther coast of africa from Cape Noun in the west to Tripolis. In the lower left is a detailed inset showing the layout of the town of Morocco. In the center is a detailed plan of the city of algiers and the surrounding area. In the lower right is a detailed plan of Constantine. Map has a few very minor spots in margins. General condition is Better than Good. 20.8 x 26.8 cm ( 8.1 x 10.5 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1614 |
Views of Towns and Cities of North Africa
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