Antique Prints of Egypt View this selection of historical prints of Egypt. If you are looking for particular prints, please contact us. Prints have wider margins than shown on these images and all prints are in very good condition unless otherwise noted. Each print has normal age toning depending on type of paper and age. Sale! Discount! 40% Discount on All Prints with a EGYPT number on this page! EXCEPT the David Roberts Prints and the Schedel ( Nuremberg Chronicle ) prints. We accept reasonable offers. |
Achmim. - "Barbirladen in Achmim" (Title on accompanying text page) Chromo lithograph after the painting by Carl Werner (1808-1894) Published in: "Nilbilder" Views along the river Nile Published by Artistische Anstalt Gustav W. Seitz Wandsbeck bei Hamburg, 1871 Splendid lithograph printed in
beautiful colors. With accompanying German text page. Lithograph: 27,5 x 33,4 cm (ca. 10.8 x 13.1") Cardboard sze: 40 x 60 cm (ca. 15.7 x 23.6") Lithograph was mounted fully on
underlaying cardboard Lower margin center to "His Imperial and Royal Highness, Crown Prince of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm" $ 280.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 196.00) Order Nr. EGYPT254565 |
"Aegyptische Baukunst" Wood engraving published 1876 showing examples of architecture in Egypt. On the reverse side are examples of architecture in East India. Page size: 24 x 15 cm ( 9.4 x 5.9") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT257174 |
Pharao's Island. - "Plan de l'Isle de Graie (Mer Rouge)" Lithograph by Desmadryl after the drawing by Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph de Laborde (1807-1869) Few islands of this minute size (ca. 4 ha. = ca. 9.6 acres) have received such cartographic attention as this one. Located at the northernmost top the Gulf of Aquaba, 200 meters off the shore of Egypt's east coast of the Sinai Peninsula, and a hop, skip and a jump away from Israel's Elat and Jordan's portion of the Red Sea at Aquaba, the island, called by the Crusaders "Ile de Graye" and Aila in the Arabic language, was basically a fortress of the Crusaders until, in 1170, Saldin conquered it, rebuilt the citadel and staffed it with a garrison of soldiers. Raynald of Chatillon failed, in 1182/83, at setting up a blockade against the Moslem troops. This island lost all strategic importance in the 14th century. But in modern times the coral reefs of it have become a major attraction to diving tourists in Israel and Jordan. Because of its history and the remnants of the fort, the island is visited by many tourists. The citadel was accepted in the list of UNESCO World Heritage. In the lower left and right corners of the map we see of the island's cistern. De Laborde, as a young man, traveled widely in the area. One of his many publications was "Journey through Arabia Petraea, to Mount Sinai and the excavated city of Petra, the Edom of the prophecies" Published in Paris, 1830 This map was in the atlas accompanying this publication. Very clean. Minimal traces of age and use. A few creases in right margin. Map: 27 x 34,4 cm (ca. 10.6 x 13.5") Sheet size: 42 x 56 cm (ca. 16.5 x 22") $ 270.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 162.00 Order Nr. EGYPT1775 |
"Caricatures Historiques Historische Carricaturen" Steel engraving 1840. Upper margin is narrow. 9 x 16 cm ( 3.5 x 6.2 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246612 |
"Architektur" "Denderah, Edfu, Phila, Elephantine, Benihassan, Karnak, Esneh...." Steel engraving published in
Leipzig, 1870. Image: 21.5 x 29 cm ( 8.4 x 11.4") $ 85.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 51.00 Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE256839 |
"Un Bourg de la Haute
Egypte Wood engraving 1882. On the reverse side is an article about the excavation of this ruin. 24 x 17 cm ( 9.4 x 6.6 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT240726 |
"Felsentempel bei Absambul (Nubien)" Wood engraving published 1877. Minor spotting in margins. Image: 11 x 16.5 cm ( 4.3 x 5.4") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT254509 |
"Maison de Cheykh-El-Beled a Abou Khalyl" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.1 x 14 cm ( 3.6 x 5.5 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234963 |
"Abu Simmel" Lithograph by A. Meermann published 1861. Fine condition. Image: 13.5 x 20.5 cm ( 5.3 x 8") Order Nr. EGYPT253438 SOLD |
"Ruins of the Temple at Abydos" Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 7 x 10 cm ( 2.7 x 3.9 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order nr. EGYPT240467 |
"Table Genealogique d'Abydos. Geneologische Inschrift zu Abydos" Steel engraving 1845. Upper margin is narrow. 9.5 x 13 cm ( 3.7 x 5.1 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT247542 |
"Alexandria" Steel engraving by B. Young after W.H. Bartlett, ca 1845. 12.5 x 19 cm ( 4.9 x 7.4 " ) $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238882 |
"Egypte. - Les ruines d'Alexandrie, - La maison de Daira" Wood engraving made after a
photograph ca 1880. On the reverse side is unrelated
text. Image: 15.5 x 22 cm ( 6.1 x 8.6") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256112 |
"Ansicht von Alexandrien" wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. 12 x 18.5 cm ( 4.7 x 7.2 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT241507 |
image; "Katakomben in
Alexandrien" Hand-colored copper engraving published 1807. Included is a page of text in German and another in Italian about these archeological sites. Fine coloring. Some signs age age and use in margins. Image; 19.5 x 14.5 cm ( 7.6 x 5.7") Price for the copper engraving and two extra text pages; $ 80.00 Order Nr. ARCHEOLOGY253348 |
" I. Alexandrien Im Ersten
Jahrhundert Vor Und Nach Christus" Map printed in color 1894. On
the reverse side is a very similar map showing
Alexandria 13.5 x 21 cm ( 5.3 x 8.2 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246781 Reverse side:
"Strasse im arabischen Quartier in Alexandria" Chromolithograph after E. Berninger, 1885. 15 x 10.5 cm ( 5.9 x 4.1 ) Order Nr. EGYPT240228 SOLD |
Alexandria. - ãRuines de la Ville D'Alexandrie. Vue d'une Eglise, dediee jadis a St. Athanase, et maintenant convertie en mosquee. Restes des colonnes de granit, qui soutenoient un portique conduisant a la porte de Canope" Copper etching by Mademoiselle Leve. After the drawing by Louis-Francois Cassas (1758-1827) Published in: ãDESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, ou Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été ... artistes qui prirent part à l' expédition de l'Armée française et de Napoléon en Egypte." Paris, 1809-1815 Napoleon Bonaparte's expedition took place from 1798 to 1801. He was accompanied by a large group of scientists and artists. The result was a gigantic encyclopedia of Egypt, published in eleven folio-sized volumes starting in 1809 Condition: Near perfect Image: 21,6 x 40,3 cm (ca. 8.5 x 15.8") Page size: ca. 36 x 53 cm (ca. 14.2 x 20") $ 600.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237826 |
Alexandria. - ãObelisque, dit de Cleopatre, a Alexandrie. Vues des ruines de la Bibliotheque des Ptolemees et du Musee. Aspect de la mer et du petit Pharillon" Copper etching by Le Pagelet Finished by Louis Jacques Cathelin (1738-1804) After the drawing by Louis-Francois Cassas (1758-1827) Published in: ãDESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, ou Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été ... artistes qui prirent part à l' expédition de l'Armée française et de Napoléon en Egypte." Paris, 1809-1815 Napoleon Bonaparte's expedition took place from 1798 to 1801. He was accompanied by a large group of scientists and artists. The result was a gigantic encyclopedia of Egypt, published in eleven folio-sized volumes starting in 1809 The Needle of Cleopatra Obelisk is now standing in Central Park in New York City Condition: Very good. Only very minor traces of age 40 x 27,3 cm (ca. 15.7 x 10.7") Page size: ca. 54 x 37 cm (ca. 21.2 x 14.5") $ 560.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 336.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237827 |
"Dorf bei Alexandrien" ( Village by Alexandria ) Wood engraving, 1875. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning. 11.7 x 17.5 cm ( 4.6 x 6.8 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order nr. EGYPT240186 |
"Phare d'Alexandrie Der Leuchtthurm zu Alexandrien" Steel engraving by Ollivier, 1840. Image: 8.5 x 13 cm ( 3.3 x 5.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT240823 |
ãAlexandria Aegypti emporium...." Copper etching. Original hand-coloring. Published in ãCivitates Orbis Terrarum" By Georg Braun (1541-1622) and Frans Hogenberg (1535 - 1590), Cologne, ca. 1580. A highly decorative bird's eye view of this antique city in the delta of the Nile river. Verso: descriptive text in Latin Reenforced bottom margin and along centerfold. Alongside centerfold are traces of age and use.. Otherwise very nice condition 36 x 48 cm (ca. 14.2 x 19") $ 980.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 588.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237829 |
Okel a Alexandrie, pris le port neuf. Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. 13.5 x 9.8 cm ( 5.3 x 3.9 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234923 |
"Alexandria" Map printed in color 1894. 13 x 21 cm ( 5.1 x 8.2 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246780 |
"Place Mohamet-Ali zu Alexandrien" Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 10.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.8 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238574 |
"Der Grosse Platz in Alexandrien" Steel engraving from the
Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen ca 1845. 11.5 x 16.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.4 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238883 |
Published in: Nuremberg Chronicle ("Weltchronik" (Liber Chronicarum) Author: Hartmann Schedel. Published: Nuremberg, 1493 (first edition) Incredibly beautiful original hand coloring. Condition: This page is more than 500 years old!!!! There are traces of age and use. Some spotting also from fingers turning pages. But considering the age the general condition is nearly very good. Size of the view of Alexandria: 14 x 22,3 cm (ca. 5.5 x 8.8") Geneology of Christ Eliud, son of Achim (ancester of Jesus Christ) Bishop Symon Bishop Eleazarus Bishop Onyas Sohn des Lymonis lineage of the Kings of Syra Antiochus Theos Antiochus Galericus Joseph Jason Menelaus Alchimus Congregation of interpreters (Prophets) ******** Reverse side: Size of the view of Alexandria: 14 x 22,3 cm (ca. 5.5 x 8.8") Published in: Nuremberg Chronicle ("Weltchronik" (Liber Chronicarum) Author: Hartmann Schedel. Published: Nuremberg, 1493 (first edition) Incredibly beautiful original hand coloring. Condition: This page is more than 500 years old!!!! There are traces of age and use. Some spotting also from fingers turning pages. But considering the age the general condition is nearly very good. Size of the view of Alexandria: 14 x 22,3 cm (ca. 5.5 x 8.8") Page size: 42 x 28 cm ( 16.5 x 11") $ 440.00 Order Nr. SCHEDEL 254208 NO DISCOUNT!!
Columbus had already "discovered" America when the Schedel Chronicle appeared on the book market. But no news of this stunning discovery had reached the editors in time to be included in this remarkable book, so that, alas, there is no mention of "The New World" in it. However it remains a fact that the Nuremberg Chronicle is one of the most noted and valuable incunabila. |
"Alexandrie, gestiche vn Alexander der grooten gelegen an den Nyl die in de Mittellandsche see loope." Hand-colored copper etching. Published in ãHecatompolis sive Totius Terrarum Oppida Nobiliora Centrum..." by Peter Schenk (1660-1711) consisting of 100 views of important cities of the world. It wa dedicated to the Prussian crown prince Friedrich-Wilhelm. Published in Amsterdam, 1702 Margins have been added. Print had been trimmed to image. End parts of title are missing. There are other traces of age and use. Image size: 16 x 23 cm ( 6.2 x 9 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237903 |
"Bazar et grand Mosquee a Alexandrie" Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. Narrow upper margin. 9.8 x 13.9 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234946 |
Ansicht des Pharus bey Alexandria in Aegypten Copper engraving ca 1780, Rare! Overall light age toning. 6.9 x 10.8 cm ( 2.7 x 4.2 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA2087 **************************** |
"PompeyÔs Pillar" Wood engraving 1844. Reverse side is printed. 18.8 x 9.6 cm ( 7.4 x 3.8 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA2082 |
"Saeule des Pompejus zu Alexandria" Steel engraving 1840. 14 x 9.5 cm ( 5.5 x 3.7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT245371 |
"Plan D´Alexandrie" Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Prisse ca 1845. 14.7 x 10.1 cm ( 5.8 x 4 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234939 |
"Alexandrien im 17 Jahrhundert. Nach Dapper's Africa") Wood engraving made from an
earlier print by Dapper. Image: 10.5 x 18 cm (4.1 x 7") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT252824 |
"Obelisk und Roemerthurm zu Alexandria" Steel engraving 1840. 9 x 16 cm ( 3.5 x 6.2 ") Order Nr. EGYPT246499 SOLD |
"Alexandria" Steel engraving ca 1850. 9.5 x 14,5 cm ( 3.7 x 5.7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT 251423 |
"Alexandrien" Steel engraving from
Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen ca 1850. 10.6 x 15.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.1 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA1972 **************************** |
"Le Camp du Pacha a Alexandrie" Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.4 x 15.3 cm ( 3.7 x 6.3 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234934 |
"Tour des Romains et Oblelisque a Alexandrie" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. Image size: 8.7 x 15.5 cm ( 3.4 x 6.1 ") Order Nr. EGYPT238460SOLD |
"View of Alexandria, the Capital of Egypt" Steel engraving by R. Campbell after W. M. Craig ca 1840. Wider margins than shown. 14.2 x 21.2 cm ( 5.6 x 8.3 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA2088 **************************** |
"Bilder aus Aegypten I" Photogravures by Schreiber ca 1890. Reverse side is printed- Page size: 31 x 22 cm ( 12.2 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA2092 **************************** |
"Bilder aus Aegypten II" Photogravures by Schreiber ca 1890. Reverse side is printed- Page size: 31 x 22 cm ( 12.2 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA2091 **************************** |
"Alexandrien" Steel engraving by Ahrens ca 1850. Clean print with wide margins. 11.5 x 16.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.5 ") Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA1965 SOLD **************************** |
"Alexandria" Steel engraving from
Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen, ca 1850. 9.7 x 14.7 cm ( 3.8 x 5.7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA1666 **************************** |
"View of Alexandria" Wood engraving 1844. Backside is printed. 7.5 x 10.2 cm ( 2.9 x 4 ") $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA 1960 **************************** |
"Arc de Triomphe a Antinoi" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. Image size: 9 x 16 cm ( 3.5 x 6.2 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238455 |
"Triumph Bogen von Antinoe" Steel engraving 1840. Image size: 9 x 16 cm ( 3.5 x 6.2 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT244606 |
"Anteopolis" "Temple" Steel engraving ca 1840. 8 x 12 cm ( 3.1 x 4.7 x 4.7 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. EGYPT244862 |
"Ruines d Antinoe" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 8.7 x 15.3 cm ( 3.4 x 6 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238704 |
Ruinen von Antinoe" Steel engraving 1840. Image size: 8.5 x 15.2 cm ( 3.3 x 5.9 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT2244603 |
"Antinoe" Steel engraving 1840. Image size:8 x 12 cm ( 3.1 x 4.7 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT2244607 |
"Am Nil bei Assuan" Wood engraving published 1877, Minor signs of age and use in margins. Image: 9.8 x 15.5 cm ( 3.8 x 6.1") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT254511 |
"Vista de Assuan, y Entrada a la Pimera Catarata del Nilo" Wood engraving ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. 8.5 x 23.5 cm ( 3.3 x 9.2 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246270 |
"Eingang zur Cheops Pyramide" ( entry to the Cheops Pyramid ) 16 x 13 cm ( 5.9 x 5.1 ") ********* Reverse side: "Nil Staudamm bei Assuan in Ober Aegypten" Image: 5 x 32 cm ( 2 x 12.5 ") Vertical centerfold. Text images made after photographs ca 1905. $ 50.00 Order Nr. EGYPT251776 |
"Banban" "In Pays de Banban" "Egypte" Wood engraving made after the drawing by J. L. Jerome. Published 1895. Image: 20 x 16.5 cm ( 7.8 x 6.4 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. RGYPT252006 |
"Tombeau dorique a Beni hassan" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 9 x 13.9 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238219 |
Eselsreiterin in Kairo ( Donkey rider in Cairo) Wood engraving made after a painting by F. Giradet ca 1885. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 24.5 x 16.3 cm ( 9.6 x 6.4 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT235871 |
View of Grand Cairo Copper engraving by J.B. Neagle after W.M. Craig ca 1800. Rare! 14.1 x 19.7 cm ( 5.5 x 7.7 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA2090 **************************** |
Upper image:
"Le Caire. - La Mosquee De
Hassan" Two wood engravings on a page
of unrelated text published 1878. Page size: 32 x 24 cm ( 12.5 x 9.4") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256504 |
"Le Bazar du Caire, Costumes
Egyptiens" Wood engraving dated 1859. Below the image and on the reverse side is text ( in French ) about the Khan Kalil Bazar in Cairo. Image: 15 x 11.5 cm ( 5.9 x 4.5 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT252485 |
"Arabischer Universitaet in Kairo" Wood engraving after W. Gentz
published ca 1875. Image: 18.5 x 27 cm ( 7.2 x 10.6") $ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $33.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256073 |
"Le grande Mosquee de Boulaq, ( xvii Siecle de notre ere)" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.2 x 13.8 cm ( 3.6 x 5.4 ") $ 55.00 Order EGYPT234964 |
"Une Rue de Caire" Wood engraving after Weydenbach, 1879. Reverse side is printed. Image: 24.5 x 18 cm ( 9.6 x 7") $ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00 Order Nr. EGYPT247828 |
"La Mosquee du Sultan Hassan
au Caire Mosque of Sultan Hassan, Cairo" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. EGYPT244837 |
"La Mosquee Tulun au Caire.
Mosque Tulun, Cairo" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT244838 |
"Strasse in Kairo." Atrractive print of Cairo
printed in color. Made after the painting by Max Rabes. Image: 31.5 x 20 cm ( 12.4 x 5.8") Order Nr. EGYPT256119 SOLD |
Upper image:
"Part of Cairo from the Citadel" Wood engravings published 1882. On the reverse side is unrelated text. Page size: 36 x 26 cm (14.1 x 10.2") $ 50.00 minus 40% Discount = 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256120 |
"Barbier in Kairo" Wood engraving on a page of
German about Cairo that continues on reverse side. Image: 8 x 10.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.1") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT254584 |
"Le Tombeaux des Califes, Au Caire" Zincograph published ca 1890.
On the reverse side is text about North Image: 15 x 19.5 cm ( 5.9 x 7.6") $ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27,00 Order Nr. EGYPT255734 |
"Cairo" Wood engraving published 1877. A few light spots in margins. Image: 11 x 16 cm (4.3 x 6.2") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. EGYPT255070 |
"Palace of Ibrahim Pasha as seen from the River Nile" Wood engraving published 1836.
Below the image is English Image: 12.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.9 x 5.7") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order nr. EGYPT254781 |
"Arabisches Thor zu Kairo" Steel engraving 1840. 14 x 9.5 cm ( 5.5 x 3.7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT245039 |
Cairo. - ãVue de la Fontaine et de l'Ecole D'Iismayil-Bey sur la Rue Souo-El-Asr" Hand-colored lithograp by Hebon after drawing by Xavier Pascal Coste (1787 - 1879). Published by Courtain / Letronne. in: in: ãArchitecture arabe ou Monuments de Kaire..." Paris, ca. 1870 Ismail-Bey was the second son of Ibrahim Pasha. He was an important educator. Some minor traces of age and use in margins. 30.5 x 44.8 cm (12 x 17.6") $ 480.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 288.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237165 |
"Kairo. Nach Dapper's Africa" Wood engraving made from an
earlier print by Dapper. Image: 10.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.8") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT252828 |
Street in Cairo Wood engraving ca 1870. Modern hand coloring. Backside is printed. 10.8 x 17.2 cm ( 4.2 x 6.7 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPTNORTHAFRICA1969 **************************** |
"Arabische Universität in Kairo" Wood engraving after W. Gentz ca 1880. On the reverse side is part of an article ( in German) about travels and impressions in Egypt. 18.5 x 27 cm ( 7.2 x 10.6 ") $ 95.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 57.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237824 |
"A Street Scene, In Cairo" A very busy scene on a typical street in Cairo. Lightly toned wood engraving published ca 1890. Image: 35 x 23.5 cm ( 13.7 x 9.8") $ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $33.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256111 |
"Un place publique au Caire" Wood engraving published ca
1885. On the reverse side is Image: 32 x 22.5 cm ( 12.5 x 8.8") $ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $33.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256110 |
"Entree de Said Pacha au Caire, le 19 Juillet" Wood engraving 1854. The image
is surrounded by text about this event. Reverse side is
printed. 19 x 15 cm ( 7.4 x 5.9 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT247008 |
"Vor Kairo" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printd. Very light age toning. 12 x 18 cm ( 4.7 x 7 ") Order Nr. EGYPT245802 SOLD |
"Port Arabe du Kaire" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 14 x 9.6 cm ( 5.5 x 3.7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT239254 |
"Die Kalifengraeber bei Kairo" ( graves of the caliphs near Cairo ) Text illustration published 1904. On the reverse side is a wood engraving of Abu Simbel. Overall light age toning. 9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT249069 |
"Alkairo os het Egiptisch Babylon, gelegen aen de riviere den Nyl, war by nog gezien worden de overblistels der oude Priramiden" Hand-colored copper etching. Published in ãHecatompolis sive Totius Terrarum Oppida Nobiliora Centrum..." by Peter Schenk (1660-1711) consisting of 100 views of important cities of the world. It wa dedicated to the Prussian crown prince Friedrich-Wilhelm. Published in Amsterdam, 1702 Margins have been added. Print had been trimmed to image. Ink sptting in upper right corner. Part of title is missing in lower right corner. There are other traces of age and use. Image size: 14 x 20.5 cm ( 5.5 x 8 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237892 |
"Fontaines publiques et Convent de Derwiches" Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.1 x 14.3 cm ( 3.6 x 5.6 ") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234948 |
"Strasse in Kairo" Wood engraving, 1868. Reverse side is printed. 15 x 10 cm ( 5.9 x 3.9 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT242690 |
Egypte Moderne Khazins sur le Khalyg ( Canal du Kaire ) Steel engraveing from Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.2 x 13.9 cm ( 3.6 x 5.5 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234928 |
"Auf dem Markte in Kairo" Wood engraving, 1868. Reverse side is printed. 17.3 x 13.5 cm ( 6.8 x 5.3 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT242689 |
"Plan du Kaire Masr el Qaherah et de ses environs 1845" Steel engraving map 1845. Map has vertical folds to fit original book size. 16 x 22 cm ( 6.2 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234820 |
Fontaine de la rue Souq el asr ( Marche de l ´apres midi ) Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 8.9 x 13.9 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234927 |
Cairo. - ãVue d'un Casin sur le Canal et Khalyg Hors Bab-El_Charyeh" Hand-colored lithograp by Hebon after drawing by Xavier Pascal Coste (1787 - 1879). Published by Courtain / Letronne in: in: ãArchitecture arabe ou Monuments de Kaire..." Paris, ca. 1870 Some minor traces of age and use in margins. 21 x 30 cm (8.3 x 11.8") $ 280.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 168.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237166 |
"Halle der Moschee El Moyed in Kairo" Wood engraving 1875. On the reverse side is an image of Tower of Rose in Kuhdeida. 12 x 9 cm ( 4.7 x 3.5 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT244442 |
"Mosquee d Amrou a Fostatt (Le vieux Kaire)" Steel engaving for Lemaite ca 1845. 9.1 x 13.8 cm ( 3.6 x 5.4 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234958 |
"Mosquee du Sultan Hassan, la porte" Steel engaving for Lemaite ca 1845. 14.5 x 10.3 cm ( 5.7 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234955 |
"Mosquee du Touloun" ( Oldest mosque in Cairo in its original construction) Steel engaving for Lemaite ca 1845. 13.3 x 14.2 cm ( 4.1 x 5..6 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234957 |
"Tombeaux pris du Kaire" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.4 x 14.2 cm ( 3.7 x 5.6 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234960 |
"The Duke of Connaught
Ascending the Pyramid of Cheops, Cairo" Wood engraving after Herbert Johnson, ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. 20 x 22.5 cm ( 7.8 x 8.8 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT240182 |
"Strassenbild in Kairo" Wood engraving 1904. Reverse side is printed. 10 x 13 cm ( 3.9 x 5.1 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT249068 |
Cairo. - "Palmenwald bei Kairo" Palm tree oasis near Cairo. In the background: Al-Azhar Mosque and Mosque of Sultan Hassan Chromo-lithograph by August Loeffler (1822-1866) after his own painting. With dry stamp above title. Printed and published by J. Adam in Munich, 1853 This print was a single sheet print used for a gift by the Albrecht Dürer-Verein in Nuremberg to its members in the year 1853 The Art Association ãAlbrecht Dürer-Gesellschaft & Kunstverein" of Nuremberg was founded in 1792 is the oldest such art association in Germany. Print is consistently lightly foxed, predominantly noticeable in wide margins. Otherwise a very good exemplar with wide margins and very attractive colors. 33 x 47,5 cm ( ca. 8.8 x 18.7") $ 590.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 354.00). Order Nr. EGYPT255145 |
"A Street in Cairo", From the Exhibition of Water-Coulour Drawings by H. Hildebrandt." Wood engraving after the watercolor by H. Hildrebrandt dated 1867. Reverse side is printed. 34.5 x 23.8 cm ( 13.5 x 9.3 ") $ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00 Order Nr. EGYPTCAIRO240187 |
Cairo Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 8.5 x 11.2 cm ( 3.3 x 4.4 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT235972 |
Le divan de Josef ( Yousof Salah-Ed-Dyn ) de la Citadelle du Kaire Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.2 x 14 cm ( 3.6 x 5.5 ") Order Nr. EGYPTCAIRO234930SOLD |
1. Le puits de la citadelle du Kaire. 2. Abreuvoir public. Steel engraving from Lemaite ca 1845. Narrow right margin. 17.2 x 13.6 cm ( 18.6 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPTCAIRO234921 |
View of Cairo from the Citadel Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. 8.3 x 14.7 cm ( 3.2 x 5.7 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT235973 |
Aqueduc que conduit l´eau a la Citadelle du Kaire Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. Upper margin is narrow. 9.2 x 15.1 cm ( 3.6 x 5.3 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234937 |
Port du Kaire, nomme Bab-el-Nasr ( laporte de ka Victoire ) Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 13.2 x 9.1 cm ( 5.2 x 3.6 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234938 |
Cairo. - "Die Chalifengraeber von Cairo" Chromo lithograph after the painting by Carl Werner (1808-1894) Published in: "Nilbilder" Views along the river Nile Published by Artistische Anstalt Gustav W. Seitz Wandsbeck bei Hamburg, 1871 Splendid lithograph printed in
beautiful colors. With accompanying German text page. Image: 27,6 x 39,7 cm (ca. 10.8 x 15.6") Cardboard sze: 40 x 60 cm (ca. 15.7 x 23.6") Lithograph was mounted fully on
underlaying cardboard. Lower right corner to "His Imperial and Royal Highness, Crown Prince of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm" $ 550.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 330.00) Order Nr. EGYPT254564 |
"Mosquee du sultan Barqouq" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 8.7 x 16.3 cm ( 3.4 x 6.4 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234965 |
"Darius officiant selon le culte Egyptien. Cambyse" ( Kambyses ) Steel engraving after Lemaire, 1845. 9 x 16 cm ( 3.5 x 6.2 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT247543 |
"Strasenscene in Kairo" Text illustration published 1904. On the reverse side is a wood engraving of the pyramids. 8 x 11.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.5 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT249070 |
"Das Innere des Tempels in Chargeh" Text illustration 1900. Reverse side is printed. 11.5 x 18 cm ( 4.5 x 7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246913 |
"Die Pyramide des Cheops mit der Sphynx und den Tempelueberesten" Wood engraving made after a photograph ca 1885. 18.5 x 12.5 cm ( 7.2 x 4.9 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT242579 |
"Habitants de L'Ile Elephntine" Wood engraving after F. Lix, published 1882. Reverse side is printed. 16 x 22 cm ( 6.2 x 8.6 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT240828 |
"Im Tempel zu Karnack:
Ansicht einer der just umgestuerten Riesensaeulen" Photogravure ca 1890. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning. 23.7 x 17 cm ( 9.3 x 6.6 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237560 |
"Colosse Colossos" Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Cherubini ca 1845. 9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236650 |
"Les Colosses de Memnon. Memnones-Kolosse, Memnon's Colossi." Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") Order Nr. EGYPT255914SOLD |
Title frontside: "Court of the Colossi" Wood engraving by Meunier after Alexandre de Bar ca 1875. Image: 24 x 16 cm ( 9.4 x 6.2 ")
Reverse side: "Medinet. Temple Palace of RhamsesIII." Image size: 17.5 x 14.5 cm ( 6.8 x 5.7 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236236 |
"Temple of Dendera" Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 11 x 16.5 cm ( 4.3 x 6.4 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236238 |
"Tempel zu Denderah" Steel engraving 1840. Image inner line: 8.5 x 15 cm ( 3.3 x 5.9 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT244615 |
"Temple von Edfu Temple d Edfou" Steel engraving after Lemaitre ca 1845. 7.2 x 12.2 cm ( 2.8 x 4.8 ") Order Nr. EGYPT240386 SOLD |
"Edfou" Steel engraving 1845. 7.5 x 11.5 cm ( 2.9 x 4.5 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order nr. EGYPT241102 |
"Le Temple d'Edfu Tempel von Edfu Temple of Edfou" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. Image: 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") $ 75.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 45.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256328 |
"Allgemain Ansicht von Edfou" Steel engraving by G. Wenng, 1840. 9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246497 |
"Egyptian Feast " Steel engraving by Illman Brothers after a painting by Edwin Long, ca 1845. 12 x 18.2 cm ( 4.7 x 7.1 ") Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA2000SOLD **************************** |
Titles of Images: Pyramide von Moros Sarg des Koenig Ramenka Sandale von Papyrus in Berliner Museum Ein aegyptisches Wohnhaus von aussen. Wasserfaelle des Nil in der Granitregion Der Isistempel auf der Nil Insel Philae Die Nadel der Kleopatra Wood engraving 1875. Reverse side is printed. Minor spotting. 28.5 x 21.2 cm ( 11.2 x 8.3 ") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236237 |
"Die Pyramiden" Wood engraving ca 1840. Reverse side is printed. 12.5 x 19.2 cm ( 4.9 x 7.5 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA2086 **************************** |
"Esni" Steel engraving 1840. Image size:9.2 x 11.7 cm ( 3.6 x 4.6 ") Order Nr. EGYPT244617 SOLD |
"Esneh Steel engraving by W. French after A. Geyer ca 1845. Very light age toning. 13.8 x 20.3 cm ( 5.4 x 7.9 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1970 **************************** |
"The Pillared Hall of Ezneh" Wood engraving 1895. On the reverse side is text about excavations in Egypt. 22.5 x 16 cm ( 8.8 x 6.2 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT252231 |
Aegypten Copper engraving ca 1820. Original hand coloring. Light crease in lower image. Page size: 24.5 x 15.3 cm ( 9.6 x 6 ") Order Nr. EGYPT234835 SOLD |
"The Rock Temple of Girsheh" Wood engraving 1895 on a page
of text about Egypt that continues on Image: 11 x 16 cm ( 4.3 x 6.2 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT252237 |
"Die Pyramiden von Gizeh" Wood engraving published 1877. A few light spots in margins. Image: 10.5 x 15.5" cm (4.3 x 6.2") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT255068 |
"The Pyramids of Gizeh, From the East Bank of the Nile" "The Land of the Pharohs" Wood engraving by Rev. Samuel Manning published 1875. On the reverse side is an image of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Image: 12.5 x 21 cm ( 4.9 x 8.2") $ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00 Order Nr. EGYPT257212 |
"Le Sphinx et les Pysramides
de Gize. Sphinx and the Pyramids of Gizeh" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") $ 80.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00 Order Nr. EGYPT255913 |
"Obelisque d'Heliopolis" Steel engraving 1845, 16.5 x 10 cm ( 6.4 x 3.9 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT247544 |
"The Ruins of Heliopolis, Eygpt" Lithograph printed with toning.
Anonymous, ca 1850. 17.7 x 25.3 cm ( 6.9 x 9.9 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. EGYPT NORTHAFRICA 1923 **************************** |
"Ruinae templi Hermopolitani in Egypto." Fine copper engraving ca 1800. Anonymous. Page size: 24 x 31.5 cm ( 9.4 x
12.4 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236283 |
"Hermonthis" Wood engraving ca 1875. On the reverse side is an image of "Kom-Ombos". 17.5 x 15.5 cm ( 6.8 x 6.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT241175 |
"Tempel von Hermonthis Temple d Hermonthis" Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. 9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236648 |
"Triomphe des Roi Horus" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. Image size: 8.9 x 15.5 cm ( 3.5 x 6.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238457 |
"Les Sepulcree tailles dans les rochers d' Ipsambul. Rock Tombs of Ipsambul" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. EGYPT248292 |
"Temple of Karnac" Steel engraving for "The Museum of Antiquity" ca 1850. Fine, clean print. 12 x 18.2 cm ( 4.7 x 7.1 ") Order nr. EGYPT1998SOLD **************************** |
Titles of images: "Egypte. - Voyage des invites du khedive. - La visite aux obelisques de Karnak." "Arrive a l avenue des Sphinx, a Karnak" "Egypte. - Voyage des invites du khedive. - Le dejeuner au Ramsesseum, a Thebes." Wood engravings from an
illustrated work 1869. Reverse side is printed with
unrelated text. Page size: 36 x 25 cm ( 14.1 x 9.8 ") Price: $ 40.00 Order nr. EGYPT236242 |
"Approach to Karnac" Steel engraving for "The Museum of Antiquity" ca 1850. Fine, clean print. 11.7 x 18.3 cm ( 4.5 x 7.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. EGYPTNORTHAFRICA1999 **************************** |
"Saeuelenhalle in Carnak" Chromolithograph by A. Meermann published 1861. Image: 29 x 14 cm ( 7.8 x 5.5") $ 45.00 Order Nr. EGYPT253424 |
"Vue du Palais de Karnak" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 8.7 x 15.3 cm ( 3.4 x 6 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238705 |
"Ansicht des Palastes von Karnak" Steel engraving 1840. Image size: 8.7 x 15cm ( 3.4 x 5.9 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT2244611 |
"Avenue of the Sphinxes, at Karnak" Wood engraving published 1879. Image: 8 x 12.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.9") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256663 |
" Palast von Karnack Palais de Karnak " ( Title also in Russian) Steel engraving ca 1845. 8.5 x 18 cm ( 3.3 x 3.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238701 |
"Im Tempel zu Karnac:
Ansicht einer der jungst umgesturzten Riesensaeulen." Wood engraving made after a photograph ca 1895. Reverse side is printed. 23.7 x 16.8 cm ( 9.3 x 6.6 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT235927 |
"Gebirgskette by Kenneh" Steel engraving by A.H. Payne after A. Geyer ca 1850. Wide margins. 11.9 x 16.6 cm ( 4.7 x 6.5 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA2089 **************************** |
"Wuestenrand bei Keneh" Wood engraving 1900. Reverse side is printed. 11 x 15.5 cm ( 4.3 x 6.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246914 |
"Khartas" Wood engraving by F. Pierdon after Alexandre de Bar, ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 17.5 x 15.7 cm ( 6.8 x 6.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT242096 |
Porticus templi Latopolitano in Egypto Copper engraving ca 1780. Fine print with wide margins. Page size with margins: 24.5 x 31 cm 9.6 x 12.2 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA2084 |
Title of print: "Excavation of the Great Temple of Luxor, Upper Egypt" Titles of images: Professor Maspero, Director-General or the Museums, Egypt Great courtyard of Amenhotep III Colonnade of Hoeremhebi Great Temple of Luxor (Southern End) Before the Evacuations, With Lady Duff Gordon?s House Excavations Going on in the Courtyard of Amenhotep III Columns of Amenhotep III Wood engraving from an illustrated work. Dated 1885. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. Page size: 40.5 x 28 cm ( 15.9 x 11 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236243 |
"Les Fouilles de Louxor. - Mission de M. Maspero" Wood engraving 1885. Reverse side is printed. 14 x 22 cm ( 5.5 x 8.6 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT241913 |
"Luqsor" Wood engraving 1875. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning. 11.6 x 17.4 cm ( 4.5 x 6.8 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. EGYPT240185 |
"Le Temple de Luxor ( Thebes
). Temple of Luxor ( Thebes )" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. Image: 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") $ 75.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 45.00 Order Nr. EGYPT256329 |
"Die Obelisken von Lougsor Obelisques de Lougsor" Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1839. Image: 12.3 x 8.3 cm ( 4.8 x 3.2 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236233 |
" Pyramiden von Memphis
Piramides de Memphis" Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. Image: 7.4 x 13.3 cm ( 2.9 x 5.2 " ) $ 40.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238453 |
"Interior de la grande
Pyramide de Memphis" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 15.8 x 10 cm ( 6.2 x 3.9 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238706 |
"Pyramiden des alten Memphis" Wood engraving on a page of text about Memphis and the Roman campaign in Egypt. Text continues on reverse side. Published 1887. Light natural age toning. Image: 6 x 11 cm ( 2.3 x 4.3") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT257099 |
Der See Moeris Lac Moeris Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. 9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236653 |
"Palast zu Medinet-Abou Palais a Medinet Abou" Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. 8.4 x 12.9 cm ( 3.3 x 5 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT239197 |
"Transprt de la tete de Memnon Transport des Memnon Kopfes" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. Image size: 7.7 x 15.1 cm ( 3 x 5.9 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238458 |
Der Altertumsforscher Champollion der Juengerer bein den Memnonssaeulen in Aegypten. Wood engraving made after a painting by M. Orange ca 1885. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 17 x 24.3 cm ( 6,6 x 9.5 ") Order Nr. EGYPT235872SOLD |
"Maison du Cheykh el Beled a Nakras" Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.1 x 14 cm ( 3.6 x 5.5 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234962 |
Cataracts du Nil à Assouan. Nilkatarakte bei Assuan. Nile Cataract near Assouan. Chromolithograph from "Hoelzel's geographische Charakterbilder" published in Wien by E. Hoelzel, 1887. Text by Dr. Fr. Umlauft and V. v. Haardt. Extra page of text (in German) included. 14.2 x 20.1 cm ( 5.6 x 7.9 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPTNORTHAFRICA 1946 **************************** |
Cataracte Du Nil Pres De
Syene Copper engraving from Fredrich
Justin Bertuch ca 1790. Original hand coloring. Minor spotting and signs of age in the margins. German text title on separate page is rubbed. Page size: 18.5 x 25 cm ( 7.2 x 9.8 ") Order Nr. EGYPT236595SOLD |
Der Nilfall Cataracte des Nil Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. 9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236649 |
Nil-Katarakte bei Assuan Wood engraving ca 1870. Backside is printed. 12.1 x 18.2 cm ( 4.7 x 7.1 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPTNORTHAFRICA 1952 **************************** |
"Die Niljatarakte" Steel engraving by T. Heawood after A. Geyer ca 1850. 13.5 x 21 cm ( 5.3 x 8.2 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT239410 |
"Nilschleuse des Ebrahim-Kanals" Wood engraving ca 1895. Reverse side is printed. 12 x 18 cm ( 4.7 x 7 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. EGYPT240184 |
"The Prince and Princess of
Wales in Egypt" Wood engraving dated 1869.
Attractive hand coloring. 16.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.4 x 9.2 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT239855 |
"Die Memnons Bild Saeulen
bei Theben" Lithograph ca 1860. 23 x 13.8 cm ( 9 x 5.4 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. EGYPT0598 |
Hyaenen Jagd am Nile ( hunting hyenas on the Nile ) Steel engraving dated 1852. Published by Maer´s in Nuremberg. 20.2 x 15.8 cm ( 7.9 x 6.2 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234837 |
Der erste Katarakt des Nils ( the first cataract of the Nile ) Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse
side is printed. 21.5 x 31 cm ( 8.4 x 12.2 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236397SOLD |
" Ombos " Steel engraving for Lemaite ca 1845. Image size: 8.5 x 13 cm ( 3.3 x 5.1 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238456 |
Egypte Moderne Maison d´Othman Bey Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.1 x 14 cm ( 3.6 x 5.5 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234926 |
Philae Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 11.5 x 18 cm ( 4.5 x 7 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236235 |
"Die Insel Philae Ile de Philae " "Saeulenhalle des grossen Tempels Portique du Grand Temple" ( Titles also in Russian ) Steel engraving for Lemaitre ca 1845. Image size: 8.7 x 12.5 cm ( 3.4 x 4.9 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238461 |
"Carrieres de Philae" Steel engraving by Cholet after Cherubini ca 1845. 8.5 x 14 cm ( 3.3 x 5.5 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238703 |
"Die Insel Philae Ille de Philae" "Zweiter Eingang Seconde Pylone" Steel engraving ca 1845. 7.5 x 12 cm ( 2.9 x 4.7 ") Order Nr. EGYPT239253 SOLD |
"Temple a Philae, vulgairement appele le tombeau de Pharaon" Wood engraving 1877. Reverse side is printed. 15 x 19.5 cm ( 5.9 x 3.7 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPTPHILAE241842 |
Die Insel Philae Ile de Philae Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. 8.4 x 14.3 cm ( 3.3 x 5.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236652 |
Die Insel Philae in Oberaegypten Wood engraving dated 1894. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 13.6 x 18.7 cm ( 5.3 x 7.3 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236240 |
"Steinbrueche zu Silsilis Carrieres de Silsilis" Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Champollion Jeune ca 1845. 9 x 13.2 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238454 |
"Sphinx" Steel engraving after Arnout ca 1845. Image size: 9.5 x 12 cm ( 3.7 x 4.7 ") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238459 |
Suez Steel engraving from Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen ca 1845. 11.2 x 16.2 cm ( 4.4 x 6.3 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. NORTHAFRICA1968 **************************** |
"View of Suez. Taken from the North East" Hand-colored lithograph by W. Walton after a sketch by C. Head. Published by Hullmandel. London, ca. 1840 General view of Suez. Mounting remnants show that print has been loosened from underlaying carton. Some minor traces of age and use. 21.5 x 42.3 cm (8.5 x 16.6") $ 380.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 228.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237164 |
"Suez Canal" Wood engraving dated 1877. 18.5 x 24.5 cm ( 7.2 x 9.6 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. EGYPT241482 |
Suez Wood engraving from an
illustrated work ca 1860. 7.7 x 13.3 cm 8 3 x 5.2 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPTNORTHAFRICA2001 **************************** |
"Thebes" Steel engraving by Cherubini ca 1840. 8.4 x 12.7 cm ( 3.3 x 5 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT238702 |
"Thebes" Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Cherubini ca 1845. Upper margin is narrow. 9 x 14.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT237218 |
"Thebes" Steel engraving after Arnout ca 1845. 11.8 x 8.5 cm ( 4.6 x 3.3 " ) $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. EGYPT239195 |
Thebes and its Ruins. 8 x 16 cm ( 3.1 x 6.2 ") REVERSE SIDE: A Shadoof for Raising Water from the Nile. Image size : 11 x 11.2 cm ( 4.3 x 4.4 ") Page size: 27.5 x 18 cm (10.8 x 7" ) Wood engravings on a page with text ( in English) about an early trip to Egypt. Ca. 1875. $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236234 |
image:Simoom in the Desert. ***** Upper image:
Camel-Drivers' encampment in the
Desert. The Desert Route Two pages with 4 images from an illustrated work dated 1857. Article in Engliah. Reverse sides are printed with text that is partially related to the article on the front side. Very clean pages. Page size: 39.5 x 26 cm ( 15.5 x 10.2 ") $ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234794 **************************** |
"Réception à
Alexandre de Said-Pacha à son retour de la
Mecque" Wood engraving after a
photograph by Gustave Le Gray from "Le Monde
Illustré", ca 1880. 22.2 x 32.2 cm (8.7 x 12.6 ") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. ISLAM3111 **************************** |
"Eygpte - Procession dans les rues du Cire, le premier jour de Ramadan" (Eygpt - Procession through the streets of Cairon on the first day of Ramadan) Wood engraving by M. Jarou from
"Le Monde Illustré", ca 1870. 32.2 x 22.2 cm ( 12.6 x 8.7 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. ISLAM3106 **************************** |
Maison d´Ibrahym Kikhya il Sennary Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 14 x 9.1 cm ( 5.5 x 3.6 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234922 |
Aegyptische Taenzerin (Egyptian Dancer) Wood engraving made from a
painting by L. C. Mueller ca 1880. 14.3 x 23.7 cm ( 5.6 x 9.3 ") Order Nr. EGYPT235229SOLD |
Theod. Ajdukiewicz. Pferdemarkt in Kairo. (Horse market in Cairo) Photogravure after a painting
by Theod. Ajdukiewicz from an illustrated work ca 1890. 23.2 x 38.8 cm ( 9.1 x 15.2 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. HORSE8463 **************************** |
Die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka:
Der Einzug mit dem heiligen Teppich in Kairo. Wood engraving from a German
illustrated work by Smeeton ca 1870. 28.5 x 44 cm ( 11.2 x 17.3 ") $ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00 Order Nr. ISLAMICCULTURE3142 **************************** |
Order Nr.EGYPT8303 **************************** |
Order Nr. ANCIENTWORLD8305 **************************** |
Order Nr. EGYPT8306 **************************** |
Order Nr. EGYPT8307 **************************** |
Beautiful Aquatints of Egypt Luigi Mayer, an Italian painter, created, among other travel descriptions, a wonderful series of drawings of pre-Napoleonic Egypt, commissioned by the British Ambassador to Constantinople (Istanbul), Robert Ainslie, at the turn to the 19th century. Mayer's drawings were supremely implemented as aquatint engravings by Thomas Milton and very handsomely hand colored. The various plates were dated between 1801 and 1803. They were published by R. Bowyer in London in the year 1804 as ãViews in Egypt, Palestine and other parts of the Ottoman Empire". With historic observations, and incidental illustrations of the manners and customs of the natives of that country .
Our series of aquatints are in very nice collectable conditon in superb hand coloring. The all have the desired general age toning, Whatman 1801 watermarks, English and French titles. Some have a tiny bit of wrinkling i the marges and a few minor traces of age and use, including some small repaired tears in margins far away from image. But in general the condition is very nice. Horizontal image size is approximately 22 x 31 cm (8.7 x 12.2") Vertical image size 31 x 22 cm (12.2 x 8.7") Page size 31 x 42.7 cm (12.2 x 16.8") Any larger deviations and in size and condition will be individually mentioned. Prices are noted with each print.
The Gate of Rosetta in AlexandraRosetta near Alexandria, founded by the Kalifs in the 9th century was Egypt's Gate to the Mediterranean Sea until Alexandria took over in importance in the 19th century. The Rosetta granite stone is world -amous. Margins have been trimmed to sheet size of 29 x 37.3 cm (11.4 x 14.7") $ 180.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 108.00 Nr. EGYPT235010 ************ "A Mosque with an Antique Fragment in Old Alexandria near the Gate of Rosetta" $ 180.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 108.00 Order Nr. EGYPT235009 ************
![]() "Pompey's Pillar". In Alexandria. (Arab name: Amoud el-Sawari - Column of the horsemen). Actually a monument built at the end of the fourth century to the honor of Diocleatian. Later travellers believed the capital on top of the 25 meters high pillar contained Pompay's head. Pompey had fled to Egypt after his defeat by Deasar in the year 48 BC. $ 180.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 108.00 Order nr. EGYPT235008 ************
Im Innern der grossen Pyramide. Obelisk der Cleopatra. Modell eines aegyptischen Hauses. Felsenkapelle von Silsils. Grabkammer bei Dschisch. Hieroglyphen. Asteonomische Tafel........etc. Fine steel engraving showing some of the early archeological discoveries in Egypt. Ca 1860. Page size: 25.5 x 33 cm ( 10 x 12.9 ") $ 65.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 39.00 Order Nr. EGYPT235037 |
Titles on page 1: Brick Pyramid at Faloum, Egypt Druidal Temple at Stonehenge Egyptian Pyramid Obelisk at Heliopolis, Egypt Eygptian Obelisk now at Arles Cleopatra´s Needle - Obelisk in Alexandria --------- Titles on page 2: Hieroglyphics on Egyptian Pillar Fragments of Egyptian Obelisks ( British Museum) Obelisk at Axum Abyssinia Egyptian Caryatid Pilaster Pillar of a Portico at Denderah Obelisks and Pillars at Luxor No left margin. ---------- Titles on page 3 Interior of an Egyptian Monument Pillar of Sueno near Forres, Ancient Egyptian Palace Interior of the Portico of the Temple of Denderah, Egypt Front of the Temple of Denderah, Egypt Wood engravings from an illustrated work, 1857. The reverse sides are printed with an article about the architecture of the Egyptians. Some light scattered spotting. Page sizes: ca 35 x 24 cm ( 13.7 x 9.6 ") Price for the three pages: $ 90.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236239 |
"Un Pharaon sur son char" Wood engraving after an
Egyptian bas-relief by Prisse d'Avesnes, 1868. Image 13 x 15 cm ( 5.1 x 5.9 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT242466 |
The Last of the Mamalukes Wood engraving, 1844. The reverse side is printed. 13.5 x 10 cm ( 5.3 x 3.9 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236054 |
"Hausgeraete" ( home furnishings ) Steel engraving 1840. 8 x 15.5 cm ( 3.1 x 6.1 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. EGYPT251158 |
Le Sermient des Drapeaux Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 9.4 x 13.5 cm ( 3.7 x 5.8 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234932 |
"Trachten" ( Costumes ) Steel engraving 1840. 7.8 x 15.8 cm ( 3 x 6.2") $ 20.00 Order Nr. EGYPT244503 |
"Appareil funeraire" Steel engraving 1845. Narrow upper margin. Small spot in lower margin. 10 x 15.5 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1 ") Order Nr. EGYPT244400 SOLD |
Desaix Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1845. 14 x 9.1 cm ( 5.5 x 3.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234931 |
Partes Architectue Aegyptiorum Very fine stipple engraving ca 1750. Anonymous. Clean image. Light spot in upper left out of plate mark. Image size inside plate mark: 24 x 19 cm ( 9.4 x 7.4 ") $ 125.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 75.00 Order Nr. EGYPT236176 |
Egypte Mosquee du Sultan Hassan Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 12.9 x 9.2 cm ( 5.1 x 3.6 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234941 |
"Der Koenig auf dem Schlachtfeld" ( the king on the battlefield ) Steel engraving. Minor signs of age and use near title. 9 x 12.5 cm ( 3.5 x 4.9 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT251159 |
"Obelisk von Heliopolis" Steel engraving 1840. 16.5 x 10 cm ( 6.5 x 3.9 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. EGYPT251157 |
Egypte Steel engraving from Lemaitre ca 1845. 13.9 x 9.1 cm ( 5.5 x 3.6 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. EGYPT234942 |
"Palaquins et Voitures" Steel engraving 1840. 9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246614 |
"Engineering Works for the Irrigation of Egypt" Wood engraving ca 1870. On the reverse side is an image of pyramids and text about Egypt. 14.5 x 23 cm ( 5.7 x 9 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. EGYPT243003 |
"Sphinx und Widder" Steel engraving 1840. 14.5 x 9 cm ( 5.7 x 3.5 ") Order Nr. EGYPT245386 SOLD |
"Begraebnis Zuruestung" ( burial preparation ) Steel engraving 1840. 9 x 14.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ") Order Nr. EGYPT251156 SOLD |
"Palast von Karnak" Steel engraving 1840. 9.5 x 19 cm ( 3.7 x 7.4 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. EGYPT251155 |
"An Egyptian Casement" Wood engraving ca 1875. 9.4 x 10.6 cm ( 4.1 x 4.1 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT240468 |
" 1. Plan d'un Tombeau Royal. 2. Fragment de Papyrus" Steel engraving 1840. Upper margin is not complete. 9.5 x 14.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246611 |
"Ankunft einer asiatischen
Familie in Alt-Aegypten" Wood engraving from a wall painting published 1900. Vertical centerfold. 19.5 x 32 cm ( 7.6 x 12.5 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246896 |
"Transportschiffe in Alt
Aegypten" Wood engraving after R. Lepsus. Published 1900. Image: 14 x 19.4 cm ( 5.5 x 7.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. EGYPT246894 |
"Statva Del Nilo Col
Cornucopia Nella Destra, E Con La Sfinge A Lato Che Ha
La Copper engravings from: "Raccolta Di Statue Antiche e Moderne Data In Luce Sotto I Gloriosi Auspici Della Santita Di N.S: Papa Clemente XI" by Domenico de Rossi. Illustrata Colle sposizioni a ciascheduna immagine Di Pávolo Alessandro Maffei Patrizio Volterrano E Cav. Dell'Ordine Di S. Stefano E Della Guardia Pontificia. Published in Rome 1704. Page size: 47.5 x 35 cm ( 18.7
x 13.7 ") Copper etching depicting antique statues well known to all of us who feel a deep appreciation for our cultural ancestry. We happily meander through mythological terrain, reminiscent of our first encounter with the classics at school, at college or, travelling, at various museums and archiological sites. While we cannot ever possess one of the original statues, we can use to decorate the walls of our homes or offices with the antique copper etchings printed in 1704 to our own and the delight of our friends and guests. The statues in sandstone watercolor surrounded by gouache in velvety black. White paper margins. All prints matted in elegant grey with gold inlay frame. (See sample). Page size: 47,5 x 35,3 cm (18.7 x 13.9"). The measurements under the prints are individual sizes of the gouached parts. Order Nr. ROSSI3009 |
"Gari Gari" "Leben und Abenteuer bei den Negern am Oberen Nil" by Hugo Adolf Bernatzik. Published in Frankfurt am Main, 1951. Book has 151 pages and 80 pages of photos. There is a page-size map of the region of Egypt and Sudan. The book describes the historic
journey with detailed observations of the people living in
the region. Text pages have a very light age toning. Photo pages are in fine condition. $ 9.00 Order Nr. BOOK243471 |
"Zwischen Nil unf Tigris" "Nahost im Brennpunkt der Welt" by Peter Coulmas. Published 1958 by Hoffmann & Campe Verlag in Hamburg. The book has 221 pages with
three maps. The book has many actual themes such as the
unity Many full-page photographs of life in the region. Book is in very good condition. $ 14.00 Order Nr. BOOK 243472 |
Historic Prints of Islamic Architecture David Roberts - Prints of the Near East and Northern Africa
PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views. Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen © Rainer Rauhut