
Any student of architecture, anyone travelling around the world, is delightfully confronted with a wide variety of ruins , remnants and, luckily, also some intact samples of classical architecture. Often all we can see are the shambles left after destruction through warfare, through natural catastrophy such as earthquakes and volcano eruptions and through the normal decay passing time has caused over many centuries. But even these remnants show the architectural grandeur of times past. We anticipate the harmonic beauty when the buildings were complete.

We realize that architecture follows two main laws, one essential, the other deliberate: static and aesthetic. And we observe in awe and admiration what our long time ancestors have created.

Architecture in "modern times", i.e. after the classical periods, has continued along these lines. And we see on this page samples of both. Please enjoy it!

Ordering and Payment


40% Discount on All Architecture Prints!

We accept reasonable offers.

"No Title"

A fountain in Rome?

Anonymous. Copper engraving published by Pierre Marielle in Paris 1662.

Some minor creasing.

Image: 22.5 x 15.5 cm ( 8.8 x 6.1")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE256845


"Denderah, Edfu, Phila, Elephantine, Benihassan, Karnak, Esneh...."

Steel engraving published in Leipzig, 1870.
Normal, light natural age toning.

Image: 21.5 x 29 cm ( 8.4 x 11.4")

$ 85.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 51.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE256839

"Architecture Romane. - Chapelle de Beaucaire (Gard.)"

Beaucaire liegt im Département Gard in Okzitanien

Römischer Name: Ugernum an der Via Domitia, eine Römerrstrasse, die Italien mit Spanien verband.

Chapelle Saint Louis

Stahlstich von Adolphe Chappui 

Nach der Zeichnung von Henri Antoine Revoil (1820-1900)

Erschienen in einem Architekturbuch. Paris, bei Lemercier. Ca. 1880

Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand. Nur minimale Spuren von Alter und Gebrauch.

"Architecture Romane. - Chapelle de Beaucaire (Gard.)" (Chapelle Saint Louis)

Beaucaire is located in Departement Gard in Occitanie.

The Roman name is Ugernum on the Via Domita, a Roman road that connects To Spain and Italy.

Steel engraving by Adolphe Chappui after Antoine Revoil (1820-1900).

Published in an architecture book by Lemercier in Paris ca 1880.

Very good condition. Minor signs of age and use.

Abmessungen: beider Bilder zusammen/ Size of both images:: 29.4 x 19.7 cm (11-5 x 7.6")

Volle/ Seite/ Page size: 44,5 x 30,5 cm

$ 90.00 minus 40% discount = $54.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251132

"Architecture Romane. Eglise et Cloitre de Vaison Siege Episcopal"

Vaison-la-Romaine in Department Vaucluse - Provence-Alpes c^te d'Azur

Canton Vaison-la-Romaine. Arrondissement Carpentras.

Römischer Name: Vasio Vocontiorum. Lag an einer Kreuzung römischer Strassen.

Schon Ende des 3. Jahrhunderts gab es eine christliche Gemeinde dort.

Bedeutende römische Ausgrabungen

Stahlstich von Eduard Obermayer (1831-1916)

nach der Zeichnung von Henri Antoine Revoil (1820-1900)

Erschienen in einem Architekturbuch. Paris, bei Lemercier. Ca. 1880

Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand. Nur minimale Spuren von Alter und Gebrauch.


"Architecture Romane. Eglise et Cloitre de Vaison Siege Episcopal"

Vaison-la-Romaine in Department Vaucluse - Provence-Alpes c^te d'Azur

Canton Vaison-la-Romaine. Arrondissement Carpentras.

Roman name was Vasio Vocontiorum at the crossing of Roman roads.

A Christian community was there at the end of the 3rd Century.

Important excavations of Roman archeology.

Steel engraving by Adolphe Chappui after Antoine Revoil (1820-1900).

Published in an architecture book by Lemercier in Paris ca 1880.

Very good condition. Minor signs of age and use.

Abmessungen: beider Bilder zusammen/ Size of both images:: 29.4 x 19.7 cm (11-5 x 7.6")

Volle/ Seite/ Page size: 44,5 x 30,5 cm

$ 90.00 minus 40% discount = $54.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251133

"Neptuntempel zu Paestum"
"Durchschnitt und Seitenschnitt des Thesentempels in Athen"
"Restauration des noerdlichen Fluegels am Palaste von Khorsabad"

Reverse side:

"Innere Ansicht des Pantheon in Rom mit der spaeteren Ausschmueckung der Waende"
"Porta nigra in Trier"

Wood engraving on two side of a page ca 1875. Two tiny repaired tears on left margin edge.

Page size: 28 x 21 cm ( 11 x 8.2 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE242127

"Pelasgisch. Etruskisch. Roemisch"

Wood engravings published ca 1875. On the reverse side are images of Byzantine architecture.

Page size: 24 x 15 cm ( 9.4 x 5.9")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE257177

"Arcus triumphalis"

Copper engraving by J. Berka ca 1800.

Interesting print showing a Classical triumphal arch. On top of the arch are chariots being pulled by elephants.
The chariot drivers are being guarded by angels. This is not a specific arch but rather a design.

Height of arch: 14 cm. ( 5.5 ")
Page size: ca 24 x 31 cm ( 9.4 x 12.2 ")

$ 125.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE237527

"Inneres des Tadsch-Mehal" (Taj Mahal)

Wood engraving published 1876. Below the image and on the reverse side is text about

architecture. Also on the reverse side is a detailed image of the wall of the cathedral in Monreale.

Overall light, natural age toning.

Image: 14 x 10.5 cm ( 5.5 x 4.1")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE257172

"Der hoechste Thurm der Erde" ( the world's highest tower )

Wood engraving published 1883. Overall age toning.

Image including pink border: 25 x 19.5 cm ( 9.8 x 7.6 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE249125

Klassische Baukunst

"Klassische Baukunst"

Wood engraving showing various ground plans. Published 1876.
On the reverse side is text about architecture and construction ( in German ).
Natural age toning.

21.5 x 13.5 cm ( 8.4 x 5.3 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250731


No Title. ( Japanese-style architectural study )

Very interesting copper engraving by Th. Glassbrenner, 1833.
Very god condition except for a thin crease in the left margin.

21.5 x 28 cm ( 8.4 x 11 ")

$ 75.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 45.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE249803

Japanese House

"Maison Japonaise"

Steel engraving ca 1850. Narrow upper margin.

10 x 15.5 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE249804

"Architecture, Maconerie"

Copper etching. Published in the octave edition of "Encyclopedie"

by Denis Diderot (1713-1784) and Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert (1717-1783)

Kupferradierung / fopper etching aus "Encyclopedie" von Denis Diderot (1713-1784) und Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert (1717-1783)

Herausgegeben / Publishes as "Encyclopédie methodique"

von / by Charles Joseph Panckoucke (1736-1798)

Oktav-Format / Octavo. Paris, 1782-1832 (206 volumes!)

Winkeleisen, Zirkel und Hammer, drei der Insignien der Freimaurerei sind auf diesem Kupferstich dargestellt.

The insignia of freemasonry, hammer, compass and angle iron are on this copper etching.

Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand / Very good condition

17 x 12,6 cm (ca. 6.7 x 5")

$ 65.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 39.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE252114

Engraved by F. Morghen after G. Morghen.

Copper etching from "Raccolta di Pitture d'Ercolano", a collection of prints which was published between the years 1752 - 1762. A very attractive series, decorative and impressive! The prints were made from frescos and artifacts
excavated in Herculaneum. The empty area on the right side of the image shows that the fresco was not complete.

Very good condition. Wide margins.

Image size: 22.5 x 37.5 cm ( 8.8 x 14.7 ")

$ 180.00

Order Nr. ERCOLANO240674

Engraved by Gautier after Franco la Vega.

Copper etching from "Raccolta di Pitture d'Ercolano", a collection of prints which was published between the years 1752 - 1762. A very attractive series, decorative and impressive! The prints were made from frescos and artifacts
excavated in Herculaneum. The empty area on the right side of the image shows that the fresco was not complete.

Below most images are the words "Palmo Romano" and "Palmo Napolitano" with a measurement shown
for each size of the palm of the hand. This was an antique Italian measurement system

Very good condition. Wide margins.

Image size: 33.5 x 23 cm ( 13 x 9 ")

$ 160.00

Order Nr. ERCOLANO240661

Engraved by Nolli after G. Morghen.

Copper etching from "Raccolta di Pitture d'Ercolano", a collection of prints which was published between the years 1752 - 1762. A very attractive series, decorative and impressive! The prints were made from frescos and artifacts
excavated in Herculaneum. The empty area on the right side of the image shows that the fresco was not complete.

Below most images are the words "Palmo Romano" and "Palmo Napolitano" with a measurement shown
for each size of the palm of the hand. This was an antique Italian measurement system

Very good condition. Wide margins.

Image size: 33.5 x 23 cm ( 13 x 9 ")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ERCOLANO240659

Engraved by Nicolas Vanni Rom after Fran. Lauega Ispan.

Copper etching from "Raccolta di Pitture d'Ercolano", a collection of prints which was published between the years 1752 - 1762. A very attractive series, decorative and impressive! The prints were made from frescos and artifacts
excavated in Herculaneum. The empty area on the right side of the image shows that the fresco was not complete.

Below most images are the words "Palmo Romano" and "Palmo Napolitano" with a measurement shown
for each size of the palm of the hand. This was an antique Italian measurement system

A few very light spots in margins, otherwise good condition. Wide margins.

Image size: 31.5 x 22 cm ( 12.4 x 8.6 ")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ERCOLANO240662

Engraved by Nolli after G. Morghen.

Copper etching from "Raccolta di Pitture d'Ercolano", a collection of prints which was published between the years 1752 - 1762. A very attractive series, decorative and impressive! The prints were made from frescos and artifacts
excavated in Herculaneum. The empty area on the right side of the image shows that the fresco was not complete.

Below most images are the words "Palmo Romano" and "Palmo Napolitano" with a measurement shown
for each size of the palm of the hand. This was an antique Italian measurement system

Very good condition. Wide margins.

Image size: 32.5 x 23.5 cm ( 12.7 x 9.2 ")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ERCOLANO240658

"Baukunst. Griechische u. Römische" (Page 11 of an unknown to me German architecture book)

Anonymous copper etching. Ca. 1820

Condition: very good

19,5 x 23,7 cm (ca. 7.7 x 9.3")


"Polidoro da Caravaggio inve. Nr. 1"

Copper etching by Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi (1615 0r 1618- after 1669)

Galestruzzi was a master copper etcher. Here are three masterful etchings of the moulding frescoes by Caravaggio in the Palazzo Milese in Rome. Published 1656.

Light general age toning. One ink spot in lower margin. Very minor traces of age and use.

11 x 15,5 cm (ca. 4.3 x 6.1)

"Polidoro da Caravaggio inve. Nr. 2"

Copper etching by Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi (1615 0r 1618- after 1669)

Galestruzzi was a master copper etcher. Here are three masterful etchings of the moulding frescoes by Caravaggio in the Palazzo Milese in Rome. Published 1656.

Light general age toning. Very minor traces of age and use.

11 x 15,5 cm (ca. 4.3 x 6.1)

"Polidoro da Caravaggio inve. Nr. 3 in roma 1656"

Copper etching by Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi (1615 0r 1618- after 1669)

Galestruzzi was a master copper etcher. Here are three masterful etchings of the moulding frescoes by Caravaggio in the Palazzo Milese in Rome. Published 1656.

Light general age toning. Very minor traces of age and use.

11 x 15,5 cm (ca. 4.3 x 6.1)

Price for the three prints: $ 300.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 180.00


"Architecture Hydraulique II Partie"
"Plusieurs dessins de differentes Machines pour enfoncer les Pilots"

Copper etching. Published in the "Encyclopedie" ca 1775

by Denis Diderot (1713-1784) and Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert (1717-1783)

Print has two vertical folds to fit original book size.
A few signs of age and use.

Image: 23.5 x 35.5 cm ( 9,2 x 13.9")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE255187

"Piedestal et Base Toscane"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Babel

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ettude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Baroquely adorned title cartouche with putti

Minor traces of age and handling. Wide margins. Light crease at bottom right barely touching.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Piedestal et Base Ionique avec son Plan"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Babel

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ãttude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Lady with fan conversing with gentleman. Decorative title cartouche  with putti

Minor traces of age and handling. Wide margins. Light crease at bottom right barely touching.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Chapiteau Ionique, avec leurs Plans et Profils"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Chedel

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ãttude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Two ladies are courtly greeted by two gentlemen.

Below image title with rural scene

Minor traces of age and handling. Wide margins.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Portique Toscan avec Piedestal"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Babel

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ãttude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

In the center: A Tuscan family at dinner. The garlanded title cartouche adorned with putti with attributes of garden and architecture

Minor traces of age and handling. Wide margins.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"The Great Exhibition Building. - View, Showing the Ribs of the Transept"

Wood engraving printed 1851. Reverse side is printed.

23 x 23 cm ( 9 x 9 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE242086

No title. Classical architecture capriccio.

Copper etching by Giuseppe Galli da Bibiena (1696 - 1757)

A diversely talented artist, Bibiena produced theater stage design and classical architecture design of the highest quality. He also planned weddings, obsequies, festivities for the noble and for the Empirial and Royal courts of Vienna and Berlin.

This copper etching has been trimmed to the edge of image, thereby loosing title and artists credits. The wide margins have been masterfully added, so that the engravings have the appearance of completeness

Except for the described faults and very minor traces of age the images are in very good condition.

29 x 49.7 cm (11.3 x 19.6")

$ 420.00 minus 40% Dicount = $ 252.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE234608

No title. Classical architecture capriccio.

Copper etching by Giuseppe Galli da Bibiena (1696 - 1757)

A diversely talented artist, Bibiena produced theater stage design and classical architecture design of the highest quality. He also planned weddings, obsequies, festivities for the noble and for the Empirial and Royal courts of Vienna and Berlin.

This copper etching has been trimmed to the edge of image, thereby loosing title and artists credits. The wide margins have been masterfully added, so that the engravings have the appearance of completeness

Except for the described faults and very minor traces of age the images are in very good condition.

28.2 x 49.7 cm (11.1 x 19.6")

$ 420.00 40% Dicount = $ 252.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE234609

No title. Mosaic (wall or pavement)

Copper etching.

Published in Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum, in quo continentur effigies virorum ac foeminarum illustrium ... , adjecta brevi descriptione singulorum ..., Bde. 1&endash;3, Leiden 1697&endash;1698.

Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum, continens libros erudite & operose per varias aetates scriptos .... Bde. 4&endash;12/2, Leiden 1699&endash;1702.

By Jakob Gronovius (1645-1716)

Well preserved with only negligent traces of age and use. Wide margins

30,8 x 39,4 cm (ca. 12 x 15.5")

With the large copper etching comes a page on which this particular image is presented as sample for classical mosaics.

The title of this additional copper etching: "Musiva et Lithostrota Pavimenta"

(Wall and pavement samples of mosaics)

Narrow margins.

31,8 x 19,2 cm (ca. 12.5 x 7.5")

Price for the two prints. $ 195.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page - Here 40%. Net: $ 117,00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE254148

"Blocus de Platee par Deux Lignes Environants de Maconerie"

Blockade of Platee by two lines of masonry. Copper engraving by M. Pool 1774.
Fine original hand coloring. From "Polybius" by DomVincent Thuillier, a Benedictine monk and Jean Charles
Folard. The book was translated from Greek to French. From Band 2.

The print shows the "Schlacht von Patai" (Bataille de Platees) in 479 B.C. In the lower left are
the enemy troops climbing the first wall.

Two vertical folds to fit book size. Very good condition.

19.5 x 30 cm ( 7.6 x 11.8 ")

$ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00

Order Nr. GREECE253104

"Architecture Facade d'une Fontaine Publique"
(Facade of a public fountain)

Copper etching published ca 1775.

Image: 16 x 12.2 cm ( 6.2 x 4.8")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $18.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE255997

"Gothische Baukunst"

Wood engravings with details of the Cathedral of Cologne and Sienna.
On the reverse side are images of St. Denis, Marburg, Freiburg and Amiens.

Published 1876. A few signs of age.

14 x 21.5 cm ( 5.5 x 8.4 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order nr. ARCHITECTURE250975

"Scheme For Arrangement And Decoration Of A Room"

Wood engraving published ca 1890. On the reverse side is
text about arranging the furniture and decration in a room.

Image: 22 x 16 cm ( 8.6 x 6.2")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE256065

No title. - 2 quite similar korinthian half columns with almost identical acanthus decor

Anonymous hand-colored copper etching.

Very nicely hand-colored with black surrounding.

Reverse side has large diagonal repaired crease, not recognizable from the front.

Ca. 1780

Page size: 44 x 32 cm

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253669

40% Discount on All Architecture Prints!

We accept reasonable offers.

No title. - Architecture. Antique classical columns.

For identification purposes: This copper etching bears Nr. 3 left corner.

Copper etching by Hans Vredeman de Vries (1527-1607)

Published in "Variae Architecturae formae" by de Vries

Published by Theodor Galle

Antwerp, 1601

De Vries was fascinated with architecture. He studied extensively every book on architecture available in the Netherlands. Especially the works of Sebastiano Serlio. His fascination specialized in the De Vries became a master in the depiction of architectural perspective, Ornamentic and garden architecture.

This etching shows the individual parts of a contain column including samples of architrave and frieze

Condition of print: Trimmed along the black bordering line. There is no margin beyond. Lightly age-toned. Very strong, excellent impression. Mounted in the corners on light cardboard.

30 x 23,5 cm (ca. 11.8 x 9.2")

$ 480.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 288.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253595

No title. - Architecture. Antique classical columns.

Left side: "Corinthia", right side "Composita"

For identification purposes: This copper etching bears letter "Z" at bottom center.

Ornate Renaissance columns

Copper etching by Hans Vredeman de Vries (1527-1607)

Published in "Variae Architecturae formae" by de Vries

Published by Theodor Galle

Antwerp, 1601

De Vries was fascinated with architecture. He studied extensively every book on architecture available in the Netherlands. Especially the works of Sebastiano Serlio. His fascination specialized in the De Vries became a master in the depiction of architectural perspective, Ornamentic and garden architecture.


Condition of print: Trimmed along the black bordering line. There is no margin beyond. Lightly age-toned. Very strong, excellent impression. Mounted in the corners on light cardboard.

30 x 23,5 cm (ca. 11.8 x 9.2")

$ 480.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 288.00


No title. - Architecture. Antique classical columns.

Left side: "Ionica", right side "dorica"

For identification purposes: This copper etching bears letter "H" at bottom left corner.

Ornate Renaissance columns

Copper etching by Hans Vredeman de Vries (1527-1607)

Published in "Variae Architecturae formae" by de Vries

Published by Theodor Galle

Antwerp, 1601

De Vries was fascinated with architecture. He studied extensively every book on architecture available in the Netherlands. Especially the works of Sebastiano Serlio. His fascination specialized in the De Vries became a master in the depiction of architectural perspective, Ornamentic and garden architecture.

Condition of print: Light general age toning with browning on paper edges. Lower left corner of margin has tear. Small tear in upper margin not reaching image.Reverse side: Remnants of former mounting in a matting. Excellent impression!

23,5 x 30 cm (ca. 9.2 x 11.8")

$ 480.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 288.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253596

Here is an interesting triptychon of St. Peter Basilica in Rome: The outside lateral view, secondly the architectural vertical length section of the same and, thirdly, the architectural vertical section across St. Peter through the cupola.

Exterior Latus Vaticanae Basilicae Cum Suis Pilis, et Loculamentis Ac Hemisphaerio Magno
Ex Tiburtino Lapide Michaele Angelo Bonarota Architecto.

Strong impression. Print has a repair in lower left margin corner. Two original paper creases in right margin.

28.1 x 40.7 cm ( 11 x 16 ")

- - - - -

Interioris Templi Transversa Brachia A Meride Ad Boream Atque Hemisphaerium Magnum Quatuor
Ingentib. Pilis Arcuato Opere Impositum Michaeli Angelo Bonaroto Architecto.

Print has repair on lower margin edge. Spotting in lower right margin corner. Light soiling in upper right margin corner.

26 x 27.7 cm ( 10.2 x 10.9 ")

- - - - -

Interioris Templi Latus Iuxta Suam Longitidinem Ab Ortu as Occasum cum Hemisphaerio
Magno Ex Architectuare Modulis Michaelis Angeli Bonarotae Quib Duo Utrinque Addita
Sunt Sacella Cum Porticu Ac Vestibulo Carolo Maderno Architecto


Copper engraving by Gio. Colin after Franc. Bufalinos Urbinas, printed in 1684, Io Iacob de rubeis Formis Romae as Rempl. S. M. de Pace.

28.3 x 41 cm ( 11.1 x 16.1 ")

The price for the set of three is $ 820.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 328.00


Two further architectural views of St. Peter in Rome, both of them on the same page:

Entrance to the vestibule of St. Peter and the entrance from the vestibule to the actual church. The left portal marked with a cross is the portal which was opened last during the Holy Year 2000 and has since beennasoned shut.

Upper image: 1. Aspectus Interior Porticus Inferioris In Vestibulo Qua Datur Introitus Ad Basilicum.
2. Aspectus Interior Porticus Superioris in !uo Summi Pontificies Populum Benedicere Solent.

Copper engraving by Gio. Colin after Franc. Bufalinos Urbinas, printed in 1684, Io Iacob de rubeis Formis Romae as Rempl. S. M. de Pace.

Lower image: Aspectus Interior Qua Datur Egressus A Basilica In Porticum.

Print has a few light, scattered spots. Small repaired tear on right margin edge.

26.4 x 26 cm ( 10.2 x 10.2 ")

$ 200.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 120.00


"Architektur III. Griechische Baukunst"

11 views of Greek archietcture. Among them: Parthenon Temple, Erechtheion, inside temple in Paestum, Theater der Segesta

Minor trace of age and use. Vertical centerfold.

20 x 26 cm (ca. 7.8 x 10.2")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE 237508


1. Idealegrundriss des Homerischen Anaktenhauses (Ideal plan of Homer's house)

2. Ueberreste des alten Koenigshauses zu Ithaka (Remnants of King's building)

3. Grundriss des spaetern griechischen Hauses (Plan of later Greek house)

4. Hof des griechischen Hauses zu Refadi, Syria (Courtyrad of Greek house Refadi)

5. Eingang eines solchen zu Mudleja (Entrance of a Greek house in Moudleja)

6. Restauriertes griechisches Landhaus zu El-Barah (Restored Greek home in Al-barah)

7. and 8. Restaurierte Haeusergruppe zu Moudleja nebst Grundriss (Restored group of houses in Moudleja with plan)

9. Theil eines griechischen Stadtanlage zu El-Barah (Part of the Greek city of Al-Barah)

Anonymous steel engraving. Published by Brockhaus. Leipzig, ca. 1850/60

Clean. Good condition

Page size: 25,5 x 33 cm (ca. 10 x 13")

$ 80.00

Order Nr. GREECE237715

"1 &2. Durchschnitt und Grundriss des Muensters zu Aachen, 3. Grundriss vonS. Stefano rotondo in Rom,
4. von San Vitale in Ravenna, 5. von San Sergios zu Konstantinopel, 6. Acussere, 7. Innere Ansicht,
8. Grundriss der Sophienkirche zu Konstantinopel, 9. Grundriss der Taufkapelle von S. Giovanni auf dem Lateran zu Rom,
10. von S. Fosca auf Torcello bei Venedig, 11. von San Lorenzo zu Mailand"

Anonymous steel engraving ca 1850. Upper margin is narrow.

20.2 x 29 cm ( 7.9 x 11.4 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE244762

"Christliche Baukunst"

Mariakirche in Bethlehem, Grabkirche der heilige Constsntia, San Vitaale in Ravenna,
Basilika, Baptisterium zu Asti, Hagia Sofia, San Lorenzo in Mailand.

Wood engravings of famous sacral buildings published 1895. On the reverse side
is text about various Christian chirches. Light natural age toning.

Page size: 24 x 15.5 cm (9.4 x 6.1")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE255955

No title

Inv. F. W. Jochem, Darmstadt

Offset print from "Moderne Bauformen, Eine Sammlung von Details, Interieurs,
und Facaden fuer Architekten und Bauhandwerker" published 1903.

Print is mounted on strong, brown paper.

Image size of print: 25 x 18 cm ( 9.8 x 7 ")

$ 80.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE249805

"Arbeiterwohnungen I" ( workers' appartments )

Reverse side:

Workers' Appartments

"Arbeiterwohnungen II"

Wood engravings showing various models of appartments for workers.

Wood engraving 1895. Light age toning.

Page size: 25 x 14.5 cm ( 9.8 x 5.7 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE246823

"Un Cornet Acoustique"
"D'apres Kircher"

Wood engraving published 1858 showing an architectural plan made after an idea by
Athanasius Kircher ( 1602 - 1680 ), a German Jesuit and polymath. He published more than 40
works which included an encyclopedia of China. He was especially interested in geology,
medicine and Egypt.

There is an article ( in French ) above and below the image describing the use of this concept in
building and practice.. On the reverse side of the page is unrelated text.

Image size: 10.2 x 15.5 cm ( 4 x 6.1 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. JESUIT243966

"Templi Societatis Iesus Interius Latus Iacobo Barotio Aviniola Arch. (Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola)"

Copper engraving by Io. Franciscus Venturinus, 1684.

Print has light spotting and browning in outer margins. Original paper crease and thin spot on upper right margin edge.

This is the architectural vertical section of the Jesuit church "Il Gesù" in Rome of the architect Jacobus Barotio Aviniola

31 x 38.5 cm ( 12.2 ")

$ 320.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE238685

No title.

Copper engraving by Wolff after a painting by Francisque ca 1780.

This image was inspired by the "Capriccio" school of art which had
fantasy architecture set in an artistic setting.

Fine, original hand coloring.

The margins are spotty. In the lower left margin is a repaired tear reaching
1.5 cm into image. It is hardly visible in the image.
Hand written page number in upper right corner.

Image: 17.5 x 25 cm ( 6.8 x 9.8 ")

$ 95.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE252592

No title. - Architectural details of antique Corinthian or Ionian Column

Copper etching by J. Basire

Published by: Society of Antiquaries. London, cam. 1770

Pag. Chapter III, Pl. VI

Size within plate marks: 25,5 x 23,3 cm (ca. 10 x 9")

Sheet size: 52 x 36 cm (ca. 20 x 14"

Condition: Light general age toning. Minor traces of age and use.


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253668

"Ichnographia Sev Vestigium Templi Nomini Jesu Dicatii Jacobo Baronio a Viniola Architecto"

Copper engraving by Io. Franciscus Venturinus, 1684.

Print has light scattered spotting. Light browing on lower edges, especially in lower right margin corner.

This is the architectural plan of the Jesuit church "Il Gesù" in Rome of the architect Jacobus Barotio Aviniola

31 x 38.5 cm ( 12.2 ")

$ 170.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE238684

40% Discount on All Architecture Prints!

Take 40% off the marked price of all prints with an ARCHITECTURE number.

We accept reasonable offers.

"Architecture de Julian Mauclerc - Gentilehome - Poeteuin - Signeur - DV - Ligneron - Mauclerc "

Copper engraving by Pierre Daret after a design by Julien Mauclerc.

Published ca 1670.

A few light creases in paper.

Page size: 42 x 27 cm ( 16.5 x 10.6 ")"


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250176  

"Bautechnik und Gebaeudearten"

Wood engraving on a page of text about architecture and construction.
Text continues on reverse side. Published 1876.
In the lower right is part of the poem "Glocke" by Friedrich Schiller.
In the lower left is the saying in German " Der Stein nach dem Senkel
und nicht der Senkel nach dem Stein"

11.5 x 12 cm ( 4.5 x 4.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250735

No Title.

Copper engraving by Johann Georg Hertel after Franz Xav. Haberman ca 1750.

Fine image. A few signs of age and use in margins. Upper left margin corn has a repair.

Image: 18 x ( 7 x 11.4")

$ 95.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 57.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE256836

Titles of images left side: Plan of a Decastle Portico ( University College), Plan of Portico (Fitzwilliam Museum), Plan of Portico ( Cathedral of St. Petersburg), Plan of Portico ( Pantheon at Paris), Plan of Octastyle Portico ( Glptothek at Munich), Plan of Portico ( Church of Possagno)

Titles of images right side: Ionic Column and Ruins: on the coast of Tyre, Upper part of the Monument of Thrasyllus, Athens, Temple of Diana at Evora.

Wood engravings ca 1875. Tiny repaired tears on tight margin edge. Light age toning. Crease in upper right margin corner. Reverse side is printed with information ( incomplete) about the images.

35 x 25 cm ( 13.7 x 9.8 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE237503

Architektur - Klassische Säulen 

"Order above Orders"

Left: "The Tonic over the Doric" Figure 1 

"The  Corinthian over the Ionic"Figure 2

Anonymes Aquatinta 

Herausgegeben George Richardson (1736 ? - 1817 ?) Die Lebensdaten sind
bei Thieme / Becker als ungewiss mit Fragezeichen versehen.

Datiert: London, 1787

Richardson gab etliche Architektur-Lehr- und Beispielbücher heraus, die
er in Aquatintamanier zumeist selber und mit seinem Sohn William vorzüglich radierte.

In den Margen einige Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren. Ein winziges Wurmloch in Figur 2

Decorative, finely executed copper aquatinta etching. Samples of mixed column orders. 

Abmessungen an den schwarzen Einfassungslinien:/ Image (black line) size: 25,5 x 40,7cm (10 x 16")


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251201


"Doors to the Doric Ionic and Corinthian Orders"

Die klassischen Säulentypen Dorisch, Ionisch und Korinthisch am Beispiel von Türen.

Darunter Pläne der jeweiligen Säulen von oben gesehen.

AnonymUs Aquatinta 

Herausgegeben George Richardson (1736 ? - 1817 ?) Die Lebensdaten sind bei
Thieme / Becker als ungewiss mit Fragezeichen versehen.

Datiert: London, 1787

Richardson gab etliche Architektur-Lehr- und Beispielbücher heraus, die er
in Aquatintamanier zumeist selber und mit seinem Sohn William vorzüglich radierte.

Zwei kleine Papierbrüche des Plattenrandabdrucks von alter hinterlegt. Ansonsten nur minimale Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren

Ein dekoratives Blatt.

Decorative, finely executed copper aquatinta etching. Samples shown of three doors with Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns

Abmessungen an den schwarzen Einfassungslinien/ Image (black line): 25,8 x 40,8 cm (10 x 16")


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251203

Anonymes Aquatinta 

Herausgegeben George Richardson (1736 ? - 1817 ?) Die Lebensdaten sind bei
Thieme / Becker als ungewiss mit Fragezeichen versehen.

Datiert: London, 1787

Richardson gab etliche Architektur-Lehr- und Beispielbücher heraus, die er
in Aquatintamanier zumeist selber und mit seinem Sohn William vorzüglich radierte.

In den Margen einige Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren. 

Dekoratives Blatt.

Decorative, finely executed copper aquatinta etching. Samples of mixed column orders. 

Abmessungen an den schwarzen Einfassungslinien (Image (black line): 29,3 x 23,8 cm


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251202

No Title.

Copper engraving of a house design ca 1780. In the upper left is an alphabetizd key
to the floor plan and the rooms of the house. Each room and closet is listed.

Print is mounted onpaper backing. Very minor signs of age and use.

Image: 19 x 13.5 cm ( 7.4 x 5.3")
Page size: 24 x 19 cm ( 9.4 x 7.4")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE263833


"Mailand, Florenz, Orvieto, Verona"

Steel engraving published in Leipzig, 1870.
Normal, light natural age toning.

Image: 21 x 29 cm ( 8.1 x 11.4")

$ 85.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 51.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE256838

Ohne Titel.- Architektur-Zeichnung (No Title. Architecture Drawing)

Klassische Architektur. Säulen. Halbsäulen gegen Gebäude. Unten Grundriss der Halbsäule

Dient zur Gliederung der Hausfassade und als Stützpfeiler.

Lavierte Tuschfederzeichnung. Bogen in rosa Aquarellfarbe ausgemalt.

Unsigniert. Aber aus dem Nachlass eines Camillo Sordevolo, der einige seiner Zeichnungen signiert und datiert hat: 1824

Auf Architekturbüttenpapier. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Rechts unten kleiner Einriss in Marge hinterlegt.

Rechts unten Diagonal eine nicht sehr auffällige Falte.


Washed ink drawing with light pink watercolor background.
Not signed. From the inheritance of Camilo Sordevolo who signed some of his drawings and dated them 1824.

Done on fine architecture paper. A few signs of age and use. In the lower right margin is a repaired tear.
In the lower right part is a light diagonal crease.

Zeichnung/Drawing:: 37 x 23,3 cm (ca. 14.5 x 9.2")

Blattmass/Page:: 42 x 27,2 cm (ca. 16.5 x 10.7")

$ 160.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE254382

Ohne Titel. - Architekturzeichnung einer antiken dorischen Halbsäule.

Lavierte Tuschfederzeichnung des Grundrisses der Halbsäule, sowie des Sockels und dem unteren Teil der Halbsäule.

Mittig Aufsicht des Säulenkörpers mit Sockel. Darüber Sockel der Halbsäule und unterer Teil der Halbsäule im dorischen Stil . Rechts architektonische Details mit Abmessungen sowie die Andeutung des zu tragenden Bogens.

Lavierte Tuschfederzeichnung

Unsigniert. Aber aus dem Nachlass eines Camillo Sordevolo, der einige seiner Zeichnungen signiert und datiert  hat: 1824

Auf Architekturbüttenpapier.

Zustandsbeschreibung: Linke und rechte Einfassungslinie bis zum Papierrand ohne Marge. Links mittig ein wenig verlaufene Tusche. Minimalspuren von Alter und handling (z.B. links kleine Knitterfalten).


Washed ink drawing.
Not signed. From the inheritance of Camilo Sordevolo who signed some of his drawings and dated them 1824.

Done on fine architecture paper. A few signs of age and use. No side margins.
On left edge small creases.

Blatt/Page: 42.5 x 25 cm (ca. 16.7 x 9.8")


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE254385

Ohne Titel. - Architekturzeichnung einer glatten Halbsäule ohne Kannelierung

Lavierte Tuschfederzeichnung  einer einfachen Halbsäule ohne Kannelierung

Links der architektonische Aufriss mit Maßangaben

Unten links Tuscherklärungen der Säulenteile in italienischer Sprache.

Unsigniert. Aber aus dem Nachlass eines Camillo Sordevolo, der einige seiner Zeichnungen signiert und datiert  hat: 1824

Auf Architekturbüttenpapier

Sehr leichte gleichmässige Altersbräunung. Untere Marge etwas fingerfleckig.
Jenseits der schwarzen Einfassungslinie ein knapper cm Marge


Washed ink drawing.
Not signed. From the inheritance of Camilo Sordevolo who signed some of his drawings and dated them 1824.

In the left are architectural details with measurements..
In the lower left corner is hand-written explanation in Italian.

Done on fine architecture paper. A few signs of age and use. Lower margn has smudging from fingering.

Zeichnung/Drawing: 40,7 x 25 cm (ca. 16 x 9.8")


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE254386

Ohne Titel. - Klassische Säulenarchitektur.

Lavierte Tuschfederzeichnung. des Sockels und unteren Teils einer dorischen Halbsäule, die sehr schön die Kannelierung zeigt: Die Kanneluren stossen unmittelbar ohne Übergang aneinander. Links und rechts im Blatt schematische Zeichnungen mit Maßangaben der einzelnen Säulenteile, sowie Andeutung des Bogens, den die Säule stützen soll. Rechts handschriftliche Erklärungen in Tusche, in italienischer Sprache.

Unsigniert. Aber aus dem Nachlass eines Camillo Sordevolo, der einige seiner Zeichnungen signiert und datiert hat: 1824

Auf Architekturbüttenpapier.

Leichte gleichmässige Altersbräuning. Minimal fleckig. Rechts unten einige kleine Tuschflecken.

Die äusserste rechte untere Ecke fehlt. Die schwarze Einfassungslinie geht bis nahe dem Papiermaß. Blattmarge ausserhalb Zeichneng nur jeweils 2-3 mm.


Washed ink drawing.
Not signed. From the inheritance of Camilo Sordevolo who signed some of his drawings and dated them 1824.

In the lower right corner is hand-written explanation in Italian.

Done on fine architecture paper. A few signs of age and use.Tiny piece of lower right corner is missing.
Black outlie goes almost to edge of paper. Margin is 2-3mm.

Zeichnung/drawing: 43,3 x 31,3 cm (ca. 17 x 12.3")

$ 160.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE254383

Ohne Titel. - Architekturzeichnung eine ionischen bzw. korinthischen Halbsäule

Lavierte Tuschfederzeichnung des Säulengrundrisses, des Sockels und des unteren Teils der Halbsäule.

Umsigniert. Aber aus dem Nachlass eines Camillo Sordevolo, der einige seiner Zeichnungen signiert und datiert  hat: 1824

Auf Architekturbüttenpapier

Sehr leichte gleichmässige Altersbräunung. Unten etwas fingerfleckig. Entlang der Einfassungslinie beschnitten. Einige kleine Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren. Unten kleiner hinterlegter Einriss.


Washed ink drawing.
Not signed. From the inheritance of Camilo Sordevolo who signed some of his drawings and dated them 1824.

Light natural age toning. Small repaired tear on lower edge. Crease in lower left corner.

Done on fine architecture paper. A few signs of age and use.

Image: 45,3 x 29,4 cm (ca. 17.8 x 11.5")

$ 160.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE254387

Ohne Titel. - Architekturzeichnung einer ionischen bzw. korinthischen Halbsäule.

Lavierte Tuschfederzeichnung des Säulengrundrisses, des Sockels und des unteren Teils der Halbsäule.

Unsigniert. Aber aus dem Nachlass eines Camillo Sordevolo, der einige seiner Zeichnungen signiert und datiert  hat: 1824

Auf Architekturbüttenpapier mit Wasserzeichen: Fabrica di Fossano 1792 mit Monogram

Sehr leichte gleichmässige Altersbräunung. Untere Marge angesetzt. Kleine Einrisse in oberer Marge. Einige kleine Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren. Untere Marge fingerfleckig

Lavierung in Grau und Schwarz. Der freie Raum zwischen Säule und Einfassungslinie pfirsichafarben laviert.


Washed ink drawing.
Not signed. From the inheritance of Camilo Sordevolo who signed some of his drawings and dated them 1824.

Watermark: Fabrica di Fossano 1792 with monogram.

Light natural age toning. Lower margin has been added. Small repaire tear on upper margin edge.
Minor signs of age and use. Lower margind smudgy from fingering.

Lavage in gray and black with peach-coloed lavage background.

Done on fine architecture paper. A few signs of age and use.

Maße der Einfassungslinie/Image: 47,4 x 27,8 cm (ca. 18.6 x 10.9")


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE254388

"Entwurf für einen öffentlichen Brunnen als Denkmal der Ereignisse in den Jahren 1813, 1814, 1815"

Kupferradierung von Ferdinand Berger nach Entwurf und Zeichnung von Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841)

Das Gebäude im Hintergrund leicht aquarelliert

Entwurf für ein Denkmal für die Gefallenen der Befreiungskriege

Publiziert in "Sammlungen architektonischer Entwürfe teils Werke, welche ausgeführt sind teils
Gegenstände deren Ausführung beabsichtigt wurde bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Schinkel & Berger"

In 28 Heften publiziert von Duncker & Humboldt, bzw. G. Gropius

Berlin, 1819-1838

Leichte Altersbräunung in den Margen. Minimale Gebrauchsspuren.

Bildmaß: 28,5 x 40,5 cm

Bogenmaß: 40,5 x 51 cm

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251081

"Situationsplan aller durch den Bau des Neuen Museums herbeigeführten Veränderungen in der Stadt, und Derails der inneren Säulenanordnungen"

Kupferradierung von Johann Friedrich Jügel (1772-1833)

Nach der Zeichnung vonKarl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841)

Publiziert in "Sammlungen architektonischer Entwürfe teils Werke, welche ausgeführt sind teils Gegenstände deren Ausführung beabsichtigt wurde bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Schinkel & Berger"

In 28 Heften publiziert von Duncker & Humboldt, bzw. G. Gropius

Berlin, 1819-1838

Text links oben: "Säule und Deckenwerk aus Stein von der Gallerie in der Rotunde
und Ansicht von der Hälfte einer der unter der Gallerie befindlichen Thüren"

Text links unten: "Untere Ansicht des Deckenwerks"

Der Plan zeigt die Museumsinsel bis zum Schlossplatz. Text:

"Situations-Plan von den durch den Bau des Neuen Museums veranlassten Veränderungen in Berlin"

Text rechts oben: "Säule und Deckenwerk in den langen Sälen des ersten Geschosses"

Text rechts unten: "Untere Ansicht des Deckenwerks.

An den Margenrändern leichte Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren. Ganz leicht Altersbräunung.

Plattenmass 37 x 50,6 cm

Bogenmass: 41,5 x 54,5 cm

$ 190.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251115

Blätter nr. 2 und 3

"Entwurf zur Kirche auf dem Werderschen Markt zu Berlin. N° 2"

Fig. I. Grundriss der Kirche

Fig. II. Durchschnitt nach der Laenge"

Figur II. Zart von Hand koloriert

"Entwurf zur Kirche auf dem Werderschen Markt zu Berlin. N° 3"

Fig. I. Seitenansicht der Kirche

Fig. II. Links: Vordere Ansicht der Kanzel und des Altars

Rechts: Seiten-Ansicht von Kanzel und Altar

Kupferradierungen von G.F. Thiele

nach der Zeichnungen von Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841)

Publiziert in "Sammlungen architektonischer Entwürfe teils Werke, welche ausgeführt sind teils Gegenstände deren Ausführung beabsichtigt wurde bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Schinkel & Berger"

In 28 Heften publiziert von Duncker & Humboldt, bzw. G. Gropius

Berlin, 1819-1838

Eine von etlichen entworfenen Kirchen Schinkels, die tatsächlich gebaut wurden:
Die Friedrichwerdersche Kirche im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte.

Zunaechst von Schinkel im Stil eines römischen Tempels konzipiert, hat er schliesslich die Kirche im neogotischen Stil des Mittelalters umgezeichnet. Die den baufälligen Vorgänger am Werderschen Markt in Berlin ersetzt. In unverputztem Backstein errichtet (Bauleitung hatte Ludwig Ferdinand Hesse), typisch für die märkische Gotik, entstand die Kirche von 1824-1831. Im II. Weltkrieg wurde sie zerstört und blieb als Ruine stehen. 1982- 1987 wurde sie wieder hergestellt und als Ausstelltungsraum für die Klassizismus-Skulpturensammlung des Museums genutzt.

Seit 2012 ist die Friedrichwerdersche Kirche geschlossen. Sie erlitt Schaeden durch einen benachbarten Neubau.

Leichte Spuren von Alter und Gebrauch. Linke Marge hat Wasserfleck bis innerhalb des Plattenrandes, jedoch nicht bis zur schwarzen Einfassungslinie

Plattenrandmasse: 39,5 x 52,2 cm bzw. 39,7 x 52 cm

Bogen: 43,2 x 53,8 cm bzw. 42,7 x 54,2 cm

Preis für beide Blaetter zusammen:$380.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251108

"Plafond-Verzierung des Zuschauerraumes in dem Schauspielhause zu Berlin"

Kupferradierung von Ferdinand Berger nach der Zeichnung von

Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841)

Publiziert in "Sammlungen architektonischer Entwürfe teils Werke, welche ausgeführt sind teils Gegenstände deren Ausführung beabsichtigt wurde bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Schinkel & Berger"

In 28 Heften publiziert von Duncker & Humboldt, bzw. G. Gropius

Berlin, 1819-1838

Leichte Quetschfalte quer. Minimale Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren

Plattenrandmass: 39,3 x 37,7 cm

Bogenmass: 56,3 x 54 cm

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251116


Copper engraving ca 1800 shwing various plans for churches.
Maybe some of our customers know which church plans are shown.

Image: 24 x 19.5 cm ( 9.4 x 7.6")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. ARCHITCTURE253832

No Title

Examples of stone-wall architecture from Greece and Italy.
Wood engravings publshed about 1880. On the reverse side is
an article about Stone-Quarries and Masonary with descriptions
ov various stone walls.

A few minor signs of age ans use.

Page size: 33x 24 cm ( 12,8 x 9,4")

$ 65.00

Order Br. ARCHITECTURE255186

40% Discount on All Architecture Prints!

Take 40% off the marked price of all prints with an ARCHITECTURE number.

We accept reasonable offers.


"Mailand, Venedig, Calergi...."

Steel engraving published in Leipzig, 1870.
Normal, light natural age toning.

Image: 21 x 29 cm ( 8.1 x 11.4")

$ 85.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 51.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE256837


ARCHITECTURTE - Objects of wrought iron - Design Ideas, Samples

No title. Wrought Iron Gates - Capitals

Copper etching

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou étude des cinq ordres"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are from the French edition. Paris, 1767

Page 88 from this work.

Some traces of age and handling in margins

34 x 21,5 cm (13.4 x 8")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253772


No title. Wrought Iron Gates and Grids

Copper etching

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou étude des cinq ordres"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are from the French edition. Paris, 1767

Page 89 from this work.

Some minor traces of age and handling

34 x 21,5 cm (13.4 x 8")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253784


No title. Wrought Iron balcony railings and samples for bits and pieces

Copper etching

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou étude des cinq ordres"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are from the French edition. Paris, 1767

Page 100 from this work.

Some traces of age and handling: Upper left teases. Margins a bt soiled

34 x 21,5 cm (13.4 x 8")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253773


No title. Wrought Iron Staiway railings and bits and pieces

Copper etching

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou étude des cinq ordres"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are from the French edition. Paris, 1767

Page 96 from this work.

Some traces of age and handling. Upper left creases. Margins a bit soiled

34 x 21,5 cm (13.4 x 8")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253774


No title. Wrought Iron Stairway Railings and other samples

Copper etching

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou étude des cinq ordres"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are from the French edition. Paris, 1767

Page 95 from this work.

Some traces of age and handling  in upper left corner (light creases) and in margins

34 x 21,5 cm (13.4 x 8")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253775


No title. Wrought Iron Stairway railings and other samples of wrought iron

Copper etching

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou étude des cinq ordres"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are from the French edition. Paris, 1767

Page 94 from this work.

Some traces of age and handling in upper left corner (light creases) and in margins

34 x 21,5 cm (13.4 x 8")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE253776

"Church Fonts" ( Baptismal Fonts )

3-page article with 6 images of baptismal fonts in English churches.

Article by C. F. Yonge. Published 1895.

Page size: 26 x 19 cm ( 10.2 x 7.4 ")

Price for the three pages: $ 45.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE252420

"Griechische Baukunst" On the reverse side is Egyptian architecture.


Second Page:

Griechische Baukunst" On the reverse side is Roman architecture.

Page size: 24 x 15 cm ( 9.4 x 5.9")

Price for the two pages: $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE257175

"Studie zu einem Theesalon" (Tea Salon)

Architekt Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867-1908)

Österreichischer Designer der Wiener Schule
)Austrian designer of the Vienna School)

Auf kartoniertem Papier als Kunst- und Farbendruck in dem 2-bändigen Werk:
"Joseph M. Olbrich Architektur" in Mappen erschienen. Bei E. Wismut. Berlin, 1901 und 1902

On carton paper. From the 2-volume work "Joseph M. Olbrich Architektur"
published in portfolios by E. Wismut. Berlin, 1901 und 1902

Seite/Page size: 30 x 41,5 cm (11.8 x 16.3")

Leichte Alterstönung. Minimale Gebrauchsspuren. Die rechte Marge beschnitten.
Very light natural age toning. Minor signs of age and use.
Right margin has been cut.

$ 110.00 ( minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250854

Ohne Titel. Einfamilienhaus mit Dekorelementen des Jugendstils. (Single-family house with Liberty decor)

Architekten: Henri Sauvage & Sarrazin, Paris

Henri Sauvage (1873-1932)

Aus/From: "Moderne Bauformen. Eine Sammlung von Details, Interieurs und Façaden für
Architekten und Bauhandwerker.".Band 1. Stuttgart : Julius Hoffmann Verlag, 1903

Leichte Alterspatina. Verso kleine Reste von Montage-Befestigung
Light age patina. On the reverse side small rests of mounting material.

Darstellung/Image: 20.7 x 27,1 cm ( 8 x10.6")

Blattgrösse/Page size: 27 x 34,3 cm (10.6 x 13.4")

$ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250852

Architektur - Leopold Bauer Wien Jugendstil

Ohne Titel. Hausentwurf im Jugendstil

Architekt: Leopold Bauer (1872-1938)

Erschienen in "Moderne Bauformen" bei Julius Hoffmann. Stuttgart.

In der Umrahmung von Bauer monogrammiert "B" und datiert 1901

Leichte gebrauchsspuren in den Margen


House design in Liberty style by architect Leopold Bauer (1872-1938).

Published in "Moderne Bauformen" by Julius Hoffmann. Stuttgart.
In the lower left coner is the monogram "B" and the date 1901.
A few signs of age and use in margins.

Blattgrösse/Page size:: 33,5 x 26 cm (ca. 13.2 x 10.2")

$ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251520

Ohne Titel. Kaminzimmer.

Architekt: Leopold Bauer, (1872-1938), Wien 

Aus: "Moderne Bauformen. Eine Sammlung von Details, Interieurs und Façaden für
Architekten und Bauhandwerker.".Band 1. Stuttgart : Julius Hoffmann Verlag, 1903

Leichte Alterspatina und leichte Alters und Gebrauchsspuren.


No title. Fireplace room. Living room. By the architect Leopold Bauer, (1872-1938), Vienna
Published in "Moderne Bauformen. Eine Sammlung von Details, Interieurs und Façaden für
Architekten und Bauhandwerker.".Band 1. Stuttgart : Julius Hoffmann Verlag, 1903

Light signs of age and use. 

Image: 19.7 x 27 cm ( 7.6 x 10.6")

Blattgrösse: 27,5 x 34,3 cm (10.8 x 13,3")

$ 110.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250853

Ohne Titel. Küche.  ( Kitchen )

Architekt: Richard Mueller, Wien 

Aus: "Moderne Bauformen. Eine Sammlung von Details, Interieurs und Façaden für
Architekten und Bauhandwerker.".Band 1. Stuttgart : Julius Hoffmann Verlag, 1903

Leichte Alterstönung. Rechte Marge hat drei kleine Randeinrisse. 

Darstellung/Image: 18,2 x 27 cm (7 x 10.6")

Blattgrösse/Page size: 27,5 x 33 cm (10.8 x 12.9")

$ 110.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250849

Ohne Titel. Grosszügiges Entree über zwei Etagen mit Flügel in mutiger Farbgebung
Entry hallway with grand piano.

Entwurf: Alfons Scholl, Stuttgart

Aus: "Moderne Bauformen. Eine Sammlung von Details, Interieurs und Façaden für
Architekten und Bauhandwerker.".Band 1. Stuttgart : Julius Hoffmann Verlag, 1903

Leichte Alterspatina. In den Margen leicht knittrig
Light natural age toning. Light creasing in margins.

Darstellung/Image: 21,5 x 23,3 cm (8.4 x 9.1")

Blattgrösse/Page size: 27,5 x 35 cm (10.8 x 13.7")

$ 110.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250850

Architektur Olbrich

Ohne Titel. Privates Wohnen. Triplex mit ganz unterschiedlicher architektonischer Eigenständigkeit.

Farblitho. Auf der Rückseite mit Bleistift notiert:  Joseph Olbrich, 1901

Rechts unten in Marge Trockenstempel

Minimale Altersspuren. Die Farben frisch

Darstellung: 14,4 x 19,3 cm (ca. 5.7 x 7.6")

Blattgrösse: 20 x 28,7 cm (ca. 7.9 x 11.3")

$120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE251521

40% Discount on All Architecture Prints!

Take 40% off the marked price of all prints with an ARCHITECTURE number.

We accept reasonable offers.

Amphiteatrum Tauri Statilii

L'Amphitheatre de Statilus Taurus amis D'Auguste a Rome.
Interesting coat-of-arms in upper right corner with baskets.

Anonymous copper etching. Published by Pierre Mortier (1661-1711). Mortier bought the plates
from the Bleau family. Amsterdam 1705.

Vertical centerfold to fit book size. Very light browning along centerfold.
Tiny crease in upper left margin corner. Light browning on margin edges.

38.2 x 49.7 cm ( 15 x 19.6 ")

$ 670.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 402.00

Order Nr. ROMA1200

Theatrum Marcelli

nunc Palatium Sabellorum

Anonymous copper etching published by Pierre Mortier (1661-1711).
Mortier bought the plates from the Bleau Family. Amsterdam 1705.

Very wide margins. Vertical centerfold to fit original book size.
Very light browning along centerfold. Very light age toning not caught on this photo.

37.6 x 52.3 cm ( 14.8 x 20.6 ")

$ 670.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 402.00

Order Nr. ROMA 1201

"Portique Toscan avec Piedestal"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Babel

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ãttude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

In the center: A Tuscan family at dinner. The garlanded title cartouche adorned with putti with attributes of garden and architecture

Minor traces of age and handling. Wide margins.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Portique Corinthien avec Piedestal"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Babel

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ãttude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

In the columnar arch: putti playing with a compass. Title cartouche adorned with baroque garden elements

Minor traces of age and handling. Wide margins. Light crease at bottom right barely touching.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Plan et Profil du Chapiteau Corinthien"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Cochin

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ãttude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Minor traces of age and handling. Wide margins. Light crease at bottom right barely touching.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Maniere De Dimiuer Et Torser Les Colomnes"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Cochin

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ettude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Baroquely adorned title cartouche with putti

Minor traces of age and handling. Wide margins. Light crease at bottom right barely touching.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")


"Elevation Du Maitre Autel De Saint Sauver
Fait sur les desscins de Monsieur Blondel Architeccte du Roy"

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ettude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are from the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Very good condition.

Measurements within plate marks:

35 x 21 cm (ca. 13.7 x 8.2")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Plan et Elevation d'une Maison de Plaisance situe dans un Parc"

Copper engraving.

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ettude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Baroquely adorned title cartouche.

Good condition. Wide margins.

Measurements within plate marks:

34 x 18,5 cm (ca. 13.3 x 7.2")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Plan et Elevation d'une Chair a Precher, vue de face cintre en plein,
pose sur une Colomne Corinthien"

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing by Canuc.

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ettude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are fro the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Very good condition.

Measurements within plate marks:

34,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 13.5 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


"Divers Desseins de Sphinx, de Cartel, de Vase, et d'Amortissenment, propre
a orner les Terrasses et les Frontons pour la Decoration des Batiments."

Copper etching by Charpentier

After drawing byBlondel

Published in "Traite elementary pratique d'architecture ou Ettude des cinq ordres"
"Livre nouveau, ou Regles des cinque ordres d'architecture"

- Regula delle cinque ordini d'architettura

By Barozzi da Vignola (1507-1573

Original Italian edition was printed in 1562. Our prints are from the French edition. Paris, 1767

The French edition of this classic architecture work is playfully adorned in baroque style.

Tiny repaired tear on upper margin edge, otherwise very good condition.

Measurements within plate marks:

35,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 14 x 8")

$ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00


40% Discount on All Architecture Prints!

Take 40% off the marked price of all prints with an ARCHITECTURE number.

We accept reasonable offers.

"Exterior Facies Tholi Ecclesiae S. Ivonis in Gymnasio Romanae Sapientiae" ( Sant Ivo alla Sapienza )

Copper engraving by Vincenzo Mariotti ( ca 1675 - 1738 ) after the architect Francesco Borromini ( 1599-1667).
Published ca 1684.

Minor traces of age and use.

Image size: 33.5 x 26.5 cm ( 13.1 x 10.4 ")

$ 280.00

Order Nr. ROMA240851

"Facies Interior CV Altarii Ecclesiae S Ivonis in GIIMNA Romanae Sapienti"

Copper engraving after the architect Francesco Borromini ( 1599-1667).
Published ca 1684.

Traces of age and use. Light browning in lower right corner.
Repaired hole in left margin.

Image size: 39 x 26 cm ( 15.3 x 10.2 ")

$ 280.00

Order Nr. ROMA240858

No title. Temple of Apollo in Rome.

Page VIII architectural detail with griffins

Copper etching by J. White

Published by: Society of Antiquaries. London, cam. 1770

Size within plate marks: 25,5 x 23,3 cm (ca. 10 x 9")

Sheet size: 52 x 36 cm (ca. 20 x 14"

Condition: Light general age toning. Minor traces of age and use.

$125.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 75.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE 238681

No title. Temple of Apollo in Rome.

Page VII architectural detail with griffins

Copper etching by J. White

Published by: Society of Antiquaries. London, cam. 1770

Size within plate marks: 25,5 x 23,3 cm (ca. 10 x 9")

Sheet size: 52 x 36 cm (ca. 20 x 14"

Condition: Light general age toning. Minor traces of age and use.

$ 125.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 75.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE 238680

No title. Temple of Apollo in Rome.

Page IX architectural detail with griffins

Copper etching by J. White

Published by: Society of Antiquaries. London, cam. 1770

Size within plate marks: 25,5 x 23,3 cm (ca. 10 x 9")

Sheet size: 52 x 36 cm (ca. 20 x 14"

Condition: Light general age toning and light spotting. Minor traces of age and use.

$ 125.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 75.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE 238682

"Cahier des Deseins"
"a l Usage des Artisans d Architecture en general
et des Macons specialmente"

Notice the symbols related to Freemasonry.

Copper engraving designed and engraved by J. Hauer in Paris ca 1770.

17 x 12.5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.9 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. FREEMASONRY239064

"Livre Nouveau ou Regles des cinq Ordres d'Architecture" Freemasonry - Freimaurerei

Title page of the above book on the five orders of Architecture.

Author: Jacques Barozzio de Vignole (Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola 1507-1573)

Engraver: Jean Charles Le Vasseur (1734-1816)

Drawing: Charles-Nicolas Cochin (1715-1790)

Published i Paris, dated 1767

Architecture with the symbols of Freemasonry (Freimaurerei)

Minimal traces of age and use. Wide margins

33,7 x 20 cm (ca. 13.3 x 7.9")

$ 240.00

Order Nr. FREEMASON240567

"Baukunst. Griechische u. Römische" (Page 13 of an unknown to me German architecture book)

Anonymous copper etching. Ca. 1820

Condition: very good



Plate 6 of an unknown to me German architecture book.

Anonymous copper etching. Ca. 1820. Very minor signs of age and use.

20 x 25 cm ( 8.2 x 9.8 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250205

Copper engraving published 1751.

Published in "Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres" by Diderot and D'Alembert. 

Good condition.

Image size: 34 x 23 cm ( 13.3 x 9 ")
Page size: 40 x 26 cm ( 15.7 x 10.2 ")


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250244

Copper engraving published 1751.

Published in "Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres" by Diderot and D'Alembert. 

Good condition.

Image size: 33 x 23 cm ( 12.9 x 9 ")
Page size: 40 x 26 cm ( 15.7 x 10.2 ")"


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250245

Copper engraving published 1751.

Published in "Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres" by Diderot and D'Alembert. 

Good condition.

Image: 23 x 34 cm ( 13.3 x 9 ")
Page size: 26 x 40 cm ( 10.2 x 15.7 ")


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250246

Copper engraving published 1751.

Published in "Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres" by Diderot and D'Alembert. 

Good condition.

Image size: 34 x 22.5 cm ( 13.3 x 8.8 ")
Page size: 40 x 26 cm ( 15.7 x 10.2 ")"


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250247

Copper engraving published 1751.

Published in "Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres" by Diderot and D'Alembert. 

Good condition except that it is not printed straight on paper.

Image size: 34 x 22.5 cm ( 13.3 x 8.8 ")
Page size: 40 x 26 cm ( 15.7 x 10.2 ")


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250248

Copper engraving published 1751.

Published in "Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres" by Diderot and D'Alembert. 

Good condition except for minor spotting in lower margin.

Image size: 34 x 22.5 cm ( 13.3 x 8.8 ")
Page size: 40 x 26 cm ( 15.7 x 10.2 ")"


Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250249

40% Discount on All Architecture Prints!

Take 40% off the marked price of all prints with an ARCHITECTURE number.

We accept reasonable offers.

ăRemains of the Temple of Jupiter - Constantines Column - St. Pauls Gate - Mausoleum of one of Jupeters Priests - Temple of Pace" (All titles in Latin, German, French, English)

Copper etching of very high quality by Georg Christoph Kilian (1709 - 1781). Augsburg, ca. 1750

Kilian, a master of etching copperplates in an extremely high quality style has united ito a capriccio n harmonious union well known architectural antiquities to form a capriccio to which he adds a group of people marvelling at the noble remnant and ruins of highly cultural times past.

Very pleasant general age toning. Strong, flawless impression. A smal repaired tear in lower right margin corner does not disturb the overall appearance of a fine condition.

30.5 x 44.4 cm (12 x 17.5")

$ 780.00

Order Nr. ROMA234607

ăThe Basilica of Antoni - The Arch of Constantine - Ruins of an ancient Temple near Pozzuoli - The Obelisk of Augustus - The Pantheon". (All titles in Latin, German, French, English)

Copper etching of very high quality by Georg Christoph Kilian (1709 - 1781). Augsburg, ca. 1750

Kilian, a master of etching copperplates in an extremely high quality style has united ito a capriccio n harmonious union well known architectural antiquities to form a capriccio to which he adds a group of people marvelling at the noble remnant and ruins of highly cultural times past.

Very pleasant general age toning. Strong, flawless impression. Lower centerfold has been supported.

30.2 x 44.5 cm (11.9 x 17.5")

$ 780.00

Order Nr. ROMA 23406

"Orientalische und islamische Baukunst"

Wood engraving published 1876 showing details of mosques in Toledo, Tabris and Cordoba.

Light natural age toning. Revere side is printed.

21 x 13 cm ( 8.2 x 5.1 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250976

"Les Restaurants Etablis a la Premiere Plate-Forme de la Tour Eiffel"

Wood engraving made after a photograph, printed 1881. Reverse side is printed.

12 x 15 cm ( 4.7 x 5.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE241948

"Von Austheilungen der Fuß-Böden" Samples and description of ornaments for classical mosaic floor design.

Anonymous copper etching. Most likely published in Augsburg. Ca. 1700

General age toning. Traces af age and use. Lower right has collector's stamp (AMA?).

Remnants of mounting paper reverse side upper left and right corner.

36,5 x 25 cm (ca. 14.4 x 9.8")

$ 90.00



Wood engraving on a page of text published 1876. Reverse side is printed.

8 x 12.5 xm ( 3.1 x 4.9 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. ARCHITECTURE250978


Prints of Rome

Antique Prints of Architecture ( from around the world )

Aquatint Etchings by J. Maina - Etchings of Ferarra, Florence, Piacenza, Rome, Verona and Venice.

Architectural Prints by D'Aviler - Copper etchings of Roman monuments.

Classical Rome - Copper etchings by Iacobo Lauro Romano 1615

Classical Statues

Classic Statues by Campiglia

Antique Statue Prints published by Rossi, 1704

Series of Copper Engravings of Florence after Giuseppe Zocchi.

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© Rainer Rauhut