Antique Prints of Rome View this selection of
historical prints of Rome. If you are looking for a
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contact us. Sale! Discount! 40% Discount on All Prints with a ROMA number on this page! We accept reasonable offers. |
No Title. Roman scene preparing for sacrifices of animals. Toned aquatint by Fumagalli after Bramati, published 1820. Published in "Le Costume ancien et moderne ou histoire...." Band 12 "Etrusques et Romains...." Very good condition. Small blind stamp in lower right corner. Image: 15.5 x 31 cm ( 6.1x 12.4") $ 95.00 Order Nr. ROMA254030 |
"Palazzo Borghese zu Rom." Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 8.5 x 12 cm ( 3.3 x 4.7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA248161 |
"Pyramide funeraire de Cestius" Steel engraving 1851. 9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ") Order Nr. ROMA249295 SOLD |
"Laengenschnitt der Kirche del Gesu" Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 9 x 11 cm ( 3.5 x 4.3 ") Order Nr. ROMA240435 SOLD |
"Forum Romanum" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. Image:29 x 10.3 cm ( 11.4 x 4 ") $ 110.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00 Order Nr. ROMA244805 |
"A View of Rome From the Monte Mario" Aquatinta by Matthew Dubourg (1786-1838) After the drawing by J. J. Middleton Published in: "Grecian Remains in Italy, a description of Cyclopean Walls , and of Roman Antiquities with Topographical and Picturesque Views of Ancient Latium" By Edward Orme London, 1812 One of altogether 4 originally hand-colored views The "Eternal City" - Rome - in the distance, seen from Monte Mario, located in the N.W. of Rome. Below the image, in the margin, we find a few of the most famous and most prominent buildings named. The panoramic view begins on the left with a loop of the river Tiber and Villa Borghese and sweeps all over the city to St. Peter in the Vatican. Finely executed aquatinta in large folio size. Left and right of centerfold a strip of darkening. Margins left and right are narrow. Margins are have pleasant age toning. Some traces of age and use in margins. Nice original hand coloring. Image: ca. 39 x 64 (ça. 15.4 x 25.2") Sheet: 47.3 x 65.5" $ 1800.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 1080.00 Order Nr. ROMA251805 |
"Alaric in Rome" Photogravure after the painting by Wilhelm von Lindenschmit (1829-1895). London, ca. 1890 After having ransacked Constantinople, Corinth, Sparta an other places in Greece, Alaric, first king of the Visigoths (370-410), moved on to Rome battling down places he happened to pass. A wild, incredibly active life. Lindenschmit envisioned Alaric's entrance into Rome in the year 410. Although Rome was no longer the capital of the West Roman Empire, having lost out to Milan and then to Ravenna, the "eternal city" had begun to be the center of Christianity, the spiritual center of the Roman Empire. For Rome Alaric's sacking may well be seen as the beginning of the end of the glorious Roman Empire. Alaric I. Visigoths - Born in Romania - Rome - Roman Empirer Clean print. Some neglectable traces of age and use in margins Image 20 x 30 cm (ca. 7.9 x 11.8") Order Nr. ROMA252614SOLD |
"Altroemische Taverne" Attractive steel engraving by W. Hecht after a painting by Arnold Boecklin ca 1870. Pleasant hand coloring. Wide margis. Minor signs of age and use in outer margins. Image: 15.5 x 24.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.6") $ 170.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 102.00 Order Nr. ROMA256711 |
Rome. - Three copper etchings together: No title. Forum Romanum. Partial view. Copper etching by Carl Ferdinand Sprosse ( 1819-1874) Dated 1846 Published in ãVedute del Foro Romano designate e intagliate in Rame" By Carlo Sprosse Rome, 1857 Printed on China paper and laid down on heavier paper. Very good condition. Images: Each ca. 23 x 18,5 cm (ca. 9 x 7.3") Sheet size: Each 48 x 34 cm (ca. 19 x 13.3") All three prints together: $ 400.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 240.00) ORDER NR. ROMA255581 |
"Rome, View San Onofrio" Wood engraving published ca 1890. On the reverse side is text about Campagna. Image: 10 x 15.5 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1") $ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00 Order Nr. RMA256232 |
"Inneres des Jupiter-Stator-Tempels zu Rom" Wood engraving on a page
published 1876. Below the image and on the Image: 11 x 14.5 cm ( 4.3 x 5.7") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA255956. |
"Rom und Umgebung" ( Rome and Surroundings) Upper
map: " Rom zur Kaiserzeit"
(ca 30 BC until 280 AD) Chromolithograph published 1913. Two folds to fit book size. Map image: 38 x 22 cm ( 14.9 x 8.6 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. ROMA254187 |
"Italie Ancienne, (Empire Romain)" "Monnais d'argent, le denier et ses divisions" Steel engraving published 1851. Image: 9 x 16 cm ( 3.5 x 6.2") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA255082 |
"Italie Ancienne, (Empire Romain)" The title of this print was not
printed correctly at the bottom of the page. On the left edge is a bit of glue rests from the binding. Image: 18 x 10.5 cm ( 7 x 4.1") $ 40.00 Order Nr. ROMA255083 |
"Veduta dell' Arco di Gallieno" Copper etching by Luigi Rossini (1790-1857) Published in "Le Antiquita Romane" von Luigi Rossini Rome, dated 1821 Very good condition. Wide Margins 37,5 x 45 cm (ca. 14.8 x 17.7") Order Nr. ROMA254353SOLD |
"Palazzo Madama, Rom ( Beispiel des Barockstiles.)" Wood engraving published 1887.
On the reverse side is text about Renaissance Image: 17.5 x 12 cm (6.8 x 4.7") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA256725 |
"Italie Ancienne. ( Empire Romain ) Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1851 Left and lower margins are narrow. 17.5 x 10.5 cm ( 6.8 x 4.1 ") $ 40.00 ( See discount at top of page. Take an additional 40% off this price!! ) Order Nr. ROMA249294 |
"The Church of St. Peter at Rome - L'Eglise de St. Pierre a Rome" Vue d'optique - Perspective view. Anonymous copper etching. Pub lished by Bowles and Carver. London, ca. 1780 Very attractive, spectacular view of St. Peter with the impressive Colonades of the St. Peter Plaza planned by Gian Lorenzo Bernini Margins have been professionally widened. Very good condition. See page Vue d'Optique. 25 x 40.5 cm (9.8 x 16") $ 450.00 Order Nr. VUEDOPTIQUE234614 |
"L'Eglise, et la place de St. Andre de la Valle, a Rome" (Church of Sant'Andrea della Valle) Copper etching by Huquier. Paris, ca. 1780. Very good original hand coloring. Tite above image in reverse writing for use in peep box. Minimal traces of age in margin edges. Image in excellent condition. See page Vue d'Optique. 24 x 41 cm (9.4 x 16.1") $ 420.00 Order Nr. VUEDOPTIQUE234623 |
"Michelangelos Deckengemaelde in der Sixtinischen Kapelle" Zincograph made after a photograph by Braun, Clement and Cie. Published 1913. Two vertical folds to fit original book size. Image: 16 x 37 cm ( 6.2 x
14.5") Order Nr. ROMA254207SOLD |
Rome. - ãRom Taf.V." Anonymous copper etching depicting the Forum Romanum in the state of ca. 1830 It is a half bird's eye view, finely executed and an impressive look into Rome's most important antique parts. Plate nr. V indicates, that this etching is one from a series. Unfortunately in all these four decades before I never came across another one. Clean engraving with hardly any traces of age an use. Rome lovers will love this portrait of the Eternal City! Very nice condition Plate marke size: 28,5 x 37 cm (ca. 11 x 14.5") $ 180.00 Order Nr. ROM238411 |
"Fontana Di Trevi" Fine steel engraving by A.H. Payne ca 1850. Attractive hand coloring. 11.3 x 17.5 cm ( 4.4 x 6.8 ") Order Nr. ROMA236123SOLD |
No title. Carneval in Rome (Rom, Roma) Type of print: Copper line etching Color: The finest original hand coloring thinkable. Has quality of a painting or water color! Artist: Not known Time printed: Ca. 1830 Measurments: 20 x 28,7 cm (ca. 7.9 x 12.3") Condition: While the etching has been trimmed to black bordering line and glued into what seems to have been travel memory album (remnants of album page visible on reverse side), this is truly a wonderful piece of art. The color is in superb condition. The typical Roman carnival. We are looking into the via del Corso with the 14 meter high Obelisco Sallustiano in the background. Order Nr. ROMA238476SOLD |
"Ecole d Athens par Raphael Die Schule zu Athen von Raphael" Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1835. 9.8 x 15 cm ( 3.8 x 5.9 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. ROMA239482 |
"Villa Medici zu Rom. Gartenansicht" Wood engraving by Lambrecht & Stahl. Published 1887. On the reverse side of the page is text about architects and architecture in Rome. Image: 9 x 12 cm ( 3.5 x 4.7") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. ROMA256973 |
"Hof des Palazzo Borghese, Rom. ( Beispiel der Spaetrenaissance)" Wood engraving by Lambert & Stahl published 1887. The image is on a page of text about architecture in the Renaissance that continues on the reverse side.. Image.9.5 x 8 cm ( 3.7 x 3.1") $ 15.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 9.00 Order Nr. ROMA256914 |
Rome. - "Die statt Rom in aller weldt bekant contrafhetung nach ietziger gelegenheyt" View of Rome from a half bird's
eye position. Early depiction of the Eternal City, Published in "Cosmographia" by Sebastian Muenster (1488-1552) German edition. Basel, 1553 First edition of this print, still with misspelling in title: ãcontrafhetung" instead of ãcontrafehtung" This 470 year old woodcut is
very well preserved. There are some traces of Reverse side has text print and key for marked buildings on the view. Image: 33,8 x 35,7 cm (ca. 13.3 x 14") Sheet size: 29,5 x 39,5 cm (ca. 11.6 x 15.5") $ 900.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 540.00). Order Nr. ROMA254777 |
"Ansicht von Rom Vue de Rome" Line engraving on copper, ca
1830. Original hand coloring. 8.4 x 14 cm ( 3.3 x 5.5 ") $ 150.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 90.00 Order Nr. ROMA0754 |
"Tarquinus Prisccus, fremde
Metallarbeiter in ihrer Werkstaette aufsuchend" Wood engraving 1862. Below the
image and on the reverse side is text 7 x 10.5 cm ( 2.7 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA244476 |
"Naumachie d'Auguste a Rome" Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1851. 9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ") $ 75.00 ( See discount at top of page. Take an additional 40% off this price!! ) Order Nr. ROMA249289 |
"S. Luigi de' Francesi zu Rom. Facade" Wood engraving published 1887.
On the reverse side is Image: 14 x 11 cm ( 5.5 x 4.3") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA256795 |
"Pianta Del Palazzo De Sig. D'Asti" (now Palazzo Bonaparte on the Piazza Venezia) Copper engraving by Giovanni Battista Falda. Published by Giovanni.Giacomo.De Rossi in Rome. ca 1700.. From the series: "Nuovi disegni dell'archittetture e piante de palazzi di Roma" Clean image. Signs of age and
use in margins. Plate mark image: 22 x 40 cm ( 8.6 x 15.7") $ 110.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00 Order Nr. ROMA256459 |
Rome. - "Palazzo dell' Illmo. et Eccmo. Sig. Senatore di Roma nel mezzo la Piazza di Campidoglio cominciato da M. Angelo Buonarota et e sua Architettura la scala con la fonte et ornamenti di statue il primo ordine delle fenestre con la porta di mezzo e di Giacomo della Porta il secondo ordine di Girolamo Rainaldi" Front des Palazzo die Conservatori, Piazza del Campidoglio - Conservator's Palace - Konservatorenpalast in Rome, begun by Michelangelo and finished by star architect Girolamo Rainaldi The "Conservatori" were, between the 13th century and the year 1870, the worldly members of Rome's City Government The construction of the Palazzo was begun by Michelangeo Buonarotti and finished by Girolamo Rainaldi (1570-1655) Copper etching by Giovanni Battista Falda (1643-1678) Published by Giovanni Giacomo Rossi Rome, 1684 Light general age toning. Ample margins are spotty and soiled along the edges. 25,7 x 42 cm (ca. 10.1 x 16.5") $ 180.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 108.00) Order Nr. ROMA254026 |
Rome. - ãRoma" Copper etching Published in "Topographia Italiae". Publisher: Matthaeus Merian heirs Frankfurt on the Main, 1688. An impressive extra large bird's eye view of the Eternal City of Rome in the 17th century. Clean. Very good, strong impression. All margins expertly widened by paper fibration . 30 x 69.8 cm (11.8 x 27"). $ 3600.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 40 % = $ 2160.00). Order Nr. ROMA0658 |
"Wurfmaschinen der alten Roemer" (catapults) Wood engraving published ca 1875, Reverse side printed with unrelated text. Image: 8 x 10 cm ( 3.1 x 3,9") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA256275 |
"Vita et Mors Hominis ex Fabulis et Mystica Antiquorum Philosophia" Plate Nr. 66 - Left of a pair of copper etchings after the sculpture decorating the Column of Antoninus-Pius in Rome. Allegorical scene of life and death. We see Minerva on the far left, Ceres with a cornucopia, Vulcan in his forge. Adam and Eve on the far right This image was printed with a slant on the paper. "Seguitur Mors Hominis ex Fabulis Mystica Antiquorum Philosophia" Plate Nr. 67. Right side of a pair of copper etchings after the sculpture decorating the Column of Antoninus-Pius in Rome. Allegorical scene of life and death (continuation of the former plate). We see Hercules with bow and arrow (at left the skin of the Nemean lion), Prometheus, Mercury Copper etchings by Pietro Santo Bartoli (1635-1700) Published by Publishing and Printing Company Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi (1627-1691) The name of the series: "Admiranda Romanorum Antiquitatum" Published after de' Rossi's death in Rome, 1693 Same measurements for both images of the prints 16,7 x 46 cm (6.4 x 18.1") The equal measurements would, if desired, make possible the juncture of the two prints PAIR: $ 490.00 (Look for discount marked at top of page. Here 40% = $ 294.00 Order Nr. ROME256031 |
"Vestal Virgins at the Circus Maximus - Reign of Elagabalus" Elagabalus (nick name) for Marcus Aurelius Antonius (who was born as Sextus Varius Avituus Bassianus) was Emperor of Rome from the year 218 - 222. His reign happened in his teen age years and was notorious for sex scandals and religious controversy (Wikipedia). Vestal Virgins were priestesses of Vesta, virgin goddess in Ancient Rome. Photo gravure after the painting by Hector La Roux (1829-1884) Published by Gebbie & Husson. London, ca. 1890 Very good condition Image:18,4 x 30,4 cm (ca. 7.2 x 12") $ 90.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 54.00) Order Nr. ROMA255974 |
"Effigies Ant (quae) Romae Ex Vestigiis Aedificior Ruin Testimonio Vet. Autorum Fide Numis. Monumentis Aeneis Plumb. Sax. Figulinisq. Collecta Atque In Hanc Tabellam Redacta Atque De Scripta A. P. Ligorio Rom. Per XIIII Regiones Inquas Urbem Divisit Imp. Caesar Augustus" Type of print: Copper etching Color: Original hand coloring. Coloring is faint. Published: Nuremberg, 1720 This absolutely rare bird's eye view of Rome shows the location of the reconstructed antique buildings, sites etc of antique Rome within and beyond the walls. But it includes for example St. Peter on Mons Vaticanus. Condition: Scattered light
spotting, especially in margins. Vertical centerfold that
has been partially reinforced on reverse side. 30 x 43 cm (ca. 11.8 x 16.9") Order Nr. ROME239231SOLD |
"Academia Española De Roma. - Llegada De S. M. La Reina Doña Margarita De Saboya......." Wood engraving after D. E.
Oliva. Published 1884. Image: 15.5 x 20 cm ( 6.1 x 7.8") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. ROMA256187 |
"St. Peter zu Rom mit den Kolonaden Bernini's" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 12.5 x 17 cm ( 4.9 x 6.6 ") Order Nr. ROMA244045SOLD |
""Flavisches Amphitheater (Colliseum) von Aussen" Wod engraving on a page of text
with and article about Vespasian. The article Image: 6 x 11 cm ( 2.3 x 4.3") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA255502 |
Rome. - "Guiochi Gladiatorrici nell' Anfiteatro" Mezzotinta and copper etching in warm sepia color. There is no credit for artist, nor name of publisher. We have checked the internet up and down, also the publicized inventory of the British Library, usually a sure source of knowledge. But we could not find a single hint for this beautiful print. So we have to stay vague - unless a reader of this can help. Any hint is very welcome. The print had been trimmed to its plate marks, then mounted on underlaying 18th century paper. The title (see above) was cut out and mounted in the center and below the print onto the support paper. Traces of age and use on print and support paper. The scene takes place in the Colosseum in Rome. It refers to the Roman Imperial period, when the public enjoyed dubious "games", such as slave gladiators fighting for life in the Colosseum with thousands of cheering people. We are looking through the main gate of the arena, where several gladiator fights had just finished. Outside the next fighters are getting ready to enter the arena, whiles others care for a wounded gladiator. Artistically well composed engraving, masterfully executed. 42 x 52 cm (ca. 16.5 x 20.5") Order Nr. ROMA252974 SOLD |
Rome. - "Primo Giorno del Anno" Mezzotinta and copper etching in warm sepia color. There is no credit for artist, nor name of publisher. We have checked the internet up and down, also the publicized inventory of the British Library, usually a sure source of knowledge. But we could not find a single hint for this beautiful print. So we have to stay vague - unless a reader of this can help. Any hint is very welcome. The print had been trimmed to its plate marks, then mounted on underlaying 18th century paper. The title (see above) was cut out and mounted in the center and below the print onto the support paper. Traces of age and use on print and on support paper. Lively scene of a "New Year's Day" celebration in Rome during the Roman Empire. A holiday in ancient Rome brings out people to unite for the New Year's Day happenings. Our nowadays New Year's Day on January 1 actually began to be a holiday in the year 153 BC, when the Roman Imperial Council changed the beginning of each new year from March 1 to January 1. This became official only when Caesar confirmed the "Julian Calendar". Here we see the populous romanus enjoying the holiday densely crowded in front of this Roman classical architecture, which the artist created as a recosntruction. 41,5x 52 cm (ca. 16.3 x 20.5") $ 280 (Minus 40% discount = $ 168.00)) Order Nr. ROMA252075 |
Rome. - "Giuochi Equestri in Campo Marzio" Mezzotinta and copper etching in warm sepia color. There is no credit for artist, nor name of publisher. We have checked the internet up and down, also the publicized inventory of the British Library, usually a sure source of knowledge. But we could not find a single hint for this beautiful print. So we have to stay vague - unless a reader of this can help. Any hint is very welcome. The print had been trimmed to its plate marks, then mounted on underlaying 18th century paper. The title (see above) was cut out and mounted in the center and below the print onto the support paper. Traces of age and use on print and on support paper. The artist, rendering a fine idea of reconstruction, gives us a feeling for the noble classical architecture on the Campo Marzio during the Roman Empire. Equestrial games belonged to the "bread and circuses" policy to keep The Roman people happy. Here we see man to man fights on horseback as well as lance throwing at targets, while a cheering crowd watches the goings on. 42 x 52 cm (ca. 16.5 x 20.5") $ 350,00 (Minus 40% discount = $ 210.00)) Order Nr. ROMA252076 |
"Paysans Napolitains Devant le Palais Farnese, A Rome" Wood engraving after a painting
by Bonnat that he painted in 1865, This engraving was
published1876. 15.5 x 23.2 ( 6.1 x 9.1 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. ROMA241958 |
"Statue des Aelius Hadrianus" Wood engraving 1862. Image is
on a page printed with information about Rome and
Hadrianus 9 x 5 cm ( 3.5 x 1.9 ") $ 25.00 $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA237923 |
"Untergang der Fabier" ( Downfall of the Fabia ) Wood engraving 1862. Below the
image and on the reverse side is text 11 x 10.5 cm ( 4.3 x 4.1 " $ 25.00 $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. ROMA244478 |
"Le Vatican Vu A Vol D'Oiseau" Wood engraving published 1878.
On the reverse side is unrelated text. Image: 15 x 22 cm ( 5.9 x 8.6 ") $ 65.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 39.00 Order Nr. ROMA256505 |
"Vue de la place du Peuple, a Rome" Wood engraving 1844. Reverse side is printed. 14.8 x 12.5 cm ( 5.8 x 4.9 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA240890 |
"Maison de la Mission a Rome" ( Saint Vincent de Paul Mission in Rome ) Wood engraving 1883. Reverse side is printed. 9 x 10.5 cm ( 3.5 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA244567 |
"Grundriss der St. Peterkirche in Rom" Wood engraving 1886. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning. 17 x 11.5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.5 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA244558 |
"St. Maria della Pace zu Rom. Facade" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 15.5 x 12 cm ( 6.1 x 4.7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA244534 |
"Das Haus des Sallust" Wood engraving of a room in the
house of Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus). Image: 6.5 x 10.5 cm ( 2.5 x 3.9") $ 25.00 minus 40% Dicount = $15.00 Order Nr. ROMA255508 |
No Title Pilgrims assembled in front of St. Peter's c 1800. Fine etching printed on light paper that is laid down on heavier paper. One small spot in upper sky area. Minor signs of age and use. Image: 16.5 x 21.5 cm ( 6.4 x 8.4") Order Nr. ROMA253532SOLD |
"Easter in Rome - Illumination of St. Peter's and Flght of Rockets" Wood engraving published ca 1875. Partial artcle about the Easter celebration in Rome. Print has very minor spotting in lower margin. Image: 19 x 14 cm ( 7.4 x 5.5") Order Nr. ROMA253530 SOLD |
Rome. - "Le Pantheon" Rare anonymous copper etching. Published in a French book of duodez (very small) format. Therefore the print has three vertical folds to make it fit the book size. The Pantheon is the only building from antique Roman times, that is altogether in its origin architectural state. For more than 1700 years the Pantheon had the largest cupola on earth. The building was built between 114 AD and 128 AD, and it is assumed that it was consecrated to all the Roman Gods. The black background is not part of the print. Upper margin very narrow. Light general age toning. 13 x 25,7 cm (ca. 5.1 x 10.1") Order Nr. ROMA253881SOLD |
"Triclinio" Copper etching by Giuseppe Guzzi Very attractive original hand coloring Published ca. 1820 Triclinium was the name of the antique Roman dining room. It was also the name of a sofa in the dining room, where Romans used to take their meals in a reclined physical position (nicely depicted here). Dinner took place as Roman men were attended by their wife's (or slaves) while musicians played softly played music. A very classical Roman scene. Very good condition. 16 x 25,7 cm (ca. 6.3 x 10.1") $ 120.00 (Look for discount at top of this page) Order Nr.ROMA252616 |
"Faustulus apportant Remus et Romulus" (Faustulus carries Remus and Romulus to his wife) Fautulus is a figure in Roman Mythology. He was a pigman of King Amulius who reigned in Alba Longa (ca. 20 Km southwest of Rome). Faustulus. Rhea Silvia gave birth to the twins. But the king ordered them exposed. Faustulus took the twins, who were nursed by a woolfe, home and gave them to his wife, who had had a miscarriage a short while hence. She and Faustulus brought the twins up Copper etching by Philippe Triere (1756-1815), finished by Le Petit. Drawing for creating the etching: Gianni. After the painting by Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini da Cortona 1596-1669 Printed by Felix Hermet and published by Musée du Louvre. Paris, ca. 1815 Copper etching printed on China paper and rolled onto stronger paper. Very good condition. 29,4 x 31,4 cm (ca. 11.6 x 12.4") Order Nr. ROME252172SOLD |
"Veduta dell'Arco di Settimio Severo nel Foro Boario erretogli dagli Orefici" Kupferradierung von / Copper etching by Luigi Rossini (1790-1857) Datiert in der Platte /Dated inside plate mark: Roma, 18221. Aus "Le Antiquita Romane" von Luigi Rossini Plattenrand-Messung / Plate mark measurements: 40,9 x 48,5 cm (ca. 16.1 x 19.1") Blattgrösse / Sheet size: 53 x 71 cm (ca. 20.9 x 28") Zustand / condition: Excellent
deep impression. Wide margins. $ 530.00 minus 40% = 318.00 Order Nr. ROMA252126 |
"Veduta del Prospetto dell' Arco di Giano" " Ingresso alla Cloaca Massima " Kupferradierung von / Copper etching by Luigi Rossini (1790-1857) Datiert in der Platte /Dated inside plate mark: Roma, 18221. Aus "Le Antiquita Romane" von Luigi Rossini Zustand / condition: Excellent
deep impression. Wide margins. Image: 50.5 x 44 cm ( 19.8 x
17.3 ") Order Nr. ROMA252127 SOLD |
Rome. - "Le Capitole" The pedestri bridge "Ponte Fabricio", or else "Ponte dei Quattro Capi" across the Tiber is leading to the "Campidoglio" Rare anonymous copper etching. Published in a French book of duodez (very small) format. Therefore the print has several vertical folds and one horizontal fold to make it fit the book size. The black background is not
part of the print. Probably Paris, ca. 1740 21x 35,3 cm (ca. 8.3 x 13.9") $ 130.00 Order Nr. ROMA253889 |
Rome. - "Casino sul Gianicolo alla Longara di Givanni Giacomo de Rossi, Archiettura di Giovanni Maria Baratta" The Gianicolo is a hill alongside the Tiber river in Trastevere. This building, The Casino, was constructed by architect Giovanni Maria Baratta (1617-1675) Copper etching by Giovanni Battista Falda (1643-1678) and published by Giovanni Giacomo Rossi Rome, 1684 Left and right margins very
ample. Top and bottom margins narrow. Image: 33,2 x 24,7 cm (ca. 13 x 9.7") Order Nr. ROMA254025 SOLD |
Copper engraving after a painting by Hubert Robert ( 1733-1808 ). Published ca 1770. 13.5 x 19.5 cm ( 5.3 x 7.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. ROMA242301 |
Plan des Forum Romanum Wood engraving by Franz Reber ca 1880. 12 x 20 cm ( 4.7 x 7.8 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA0606 |
"Rom" Steel engraving ca 1850. Lower margin has been added. Two small spots on image edge. 12.5 x 19.7 cm ( 4.9 x 7.7 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. ROMA1066 |
"Colysee. Coloseum. Coloseeum" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. Image: 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. ROMA244801 |
Rom. Color lithograph with hand
coloring by F. Sala in Berlin ca 1875. 27.5 x 37.7 cm ( 10.8 x 14.8 ") $ 520.00 Order Nr. ROMA0609 |
"Mons Janiculus Tiberinsel
mit dem Tempel des Aesculap. Theatrum Balbi" Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning. 12,5 x 16.6 cm ( 4.9 x 2.5 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA238294 |
"Römerin aus Albano" / "Une Romaine d'Albano" Name of the depicted woman: Felice Berardi from Albano Lithograph by Jakob Melcher (1816-1882) After the painting by August Riedel (1799-1883) Painting was part of the art collection King Ludwig II of Bavaria. The King knew Rieder personally and bought the painting directly from him. The painting is now in the possession of Munich Pinakothek Printed by Piloty & Loehle. Munich, ca. 1840 Very good impression. Clean except for some foxing in margins.Printer's mark as dry stamp at bottom center. Image: 37.2 x 29.7 cm (ca. 14.6 x 11.7") $ 320.00 Order Nr.ROMA248762 |
"The Emperor Julian, (the Apostate) Swearing the Roman Soldiers to the Ancient Gods" Scene in ancient Rome after a
painting by L. Pogliaghi. Photogravure printed in a sepia ton by Debbie and Husson ca 1885. Image: 21.5 x 30 cm ( 8.4 x 11.8") $75.00 Order Nr. ROMA250220 |
"Kolosseum" Wood engraving published 1889. Light natural age toning. Image: 10.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.8") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA254253 |
"Casino antique, di Minerva Medica (exterieur)" Wood engraving by Celestine
Nanteuil and Hubert Robert, 1869. Reverse side is
printed. 11.7 x 15.5 cm ( 4.6 x 6.1 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr.ROMA240591 |
"Urbis Romae veteris ac Modernae Accurata DelineatioÉ" Copper etching, superb original hand coloring. Published by Johann Baptist Homann. Nuremberg, ca. 1830 One tear parallel and at a slight angle to centerfold at bottom of map, reaching 3" into image, has been expertly restored. Left margin is narrow. Otherwise extra fine condition with masterful original hand coloring. This map focuses on Rome being the center of one of the major sources of our Western culture as well as of Christianity. Two allegorical cartouches show, upper left: The Pope and Justitia, the Goddess of justice. On the upper right: The Papal tiara (crown) and the coat of arms of the Vatican district held by cherubs. On the right an inset with a brief history of Rome (in German language). Bottom right an inset with the coats of arms of the 14 city district of Rome. Next to it to the left: an inset map with the seven classical hills upon which Rome was built. To its left a mileage cartouche. Along left side an inset with the names and principal churches and buildings within the 14 city districts. The bird eye's view is done in relief style. The city blocks are not just plain squares but each of the prominent buildings are shown as architecturally individuals. A very decorative city map of
Rome, large, impressive, highly attractive and meaningful to
all of us of Western Culture. 48 x 58 cm (ca. 19 x 22.8") Order Nr. ROME246166 SOLD |
Thermal Bath of Titus, Rome, Thermen des Titus, Terme di Tito No title. Wall fresco. Decoration from the thermal baths of Titus in Rome. Hand-gouached copper etching by Marco Carlone (17142-1796) After the drawing by Franciszek Smugliewicz and Vincenzo Brenna Published in ãVestigia delle terme di Tito e loro interni pitture", Rome: Ludovico Mirri, 1776. Very attractive hand-coloring in gouache style. Paper lightly age toned.age-toned. Minor creasing in margins. Image: 48,7x 53 cm (ca. 11.3 x 20.9") $ 450.00 Order Nr. EXCLUSIVE257085 NO DISCOUNT |
"St. Agnese zu Rom. Facade." Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 10.5 x 12 cm ( 4.1 x 4.7 ") $ 25.00 ( See discount at top of page. Take an additional 40% off this price!! ) Order Nr. ROMA244063 |
"Basilique d'Albe" Steel engraving by Lemaitre 1851. 13.5 x 9 cm ( 5.3 x 3.5 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA247243 |
"Palais de Neron" - Villa "Domus Aurea" Anonymous copper etching, A reconstruction of Domus Aurea, a huge palace complex of altogether some 80 ha (almost 200 acres) built by Nero after the fire in Rome. A sure sign of megalomania Domus Aurea was nevertheless an architectural and masterpiece and its wall and ceiling paintings beautiful samples of 4th Roman style wall decorations, which inspired Raphael's Stanze in Vaticano (Vatican stanze wall paintings and Loggie di Raffaele bel Vaticano) 2 centerfolds to fit book size. One repaired ear at bottom right, reaching into the trees. 24,6 x 38,2 cm $ 160.00 ( See discount at top of page. Take an additional 40% off this price!! ) Order Nr. ROMA243717 |
"Hahnenkampf im alten Rom" Wood engraving after the painting by E. Forli, 1899. Vertical centerfold. 29 x 47 cm ( 11.4 x 18.5 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. POULTRY246050 |
Amphiteatrum Tauri Statilii L'Amphitheatre de Statilus
Taurus amis D'Auguste a Rome. Anonymous copper etching.
Published by Pierre Mortier (1661-1711). Mortier bought the
plates Vertical centerfold to fit book
size. Very light browning along centerfold. 38.2 x 49.7 cm ( 15 x 19.6 ") $ 600.00 Order Nr. ROMA1200 |
Facies Panthei Interna (Vertical section of the Pantheon in Rome) Anonymous copper etching.
Published by Pierre Mortier (1661-1711). Mortier bought
the Print has a tiny bit more age
toning than photo shows. Vertical centerfold to fit book
size. 39.2 x 49.8 cm (15.4 x 19.6 ") Order Nr. ROMA236893 SOLD |
"Tribuna et chaire de Saint-Pierre" Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed.. 15.8 x 12 cm ( 6.2 x 4.7 ") Order Nr. ROMA242706 SOLD |
"Das Forum, der Mittelpunkt des alten Rom, in seiner jetzigen Gestalt" Text photograph by Kuhn in
Paris, ca 1900. On the reverse side is a photograph of 14.3 x 21 cm ( 5.6 x 8.2 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA241469 |
"Effigies Ant (quae) Romae Ex Vestigiis Aedificior Ruin Testimonio Vet. Autorum Fide Numis. Monumentis Aeneis Plumb. Sax. Figulinisq. Collecta Atque In Hanc Tabellam Redacta Atque De Scripta A. P. Ligorio Rom. Per XIIII Regiones Inquas Urbem Divisit Imp. Caesar Augustus" Type of print: Copper etching Color: Very attractive hand coloring Author: Samuel Faber (1657-1716) Published in: Atlas Scholastichodoeporicus oder immer stärcker anwachsender Schul- und Reisen-Atlas Published: Nuremberg, 1716 This absolutely rare and very attractive bird's eye view of Rome shows the location of the reconstructed antique buildings, sites etc of antique Rome within and beyond the walls. But it includes for example St. Peter on Mons Vaticanus. This is the first state of this map. Christoph Weigel used it as model for his similar map, which he published in his Atlas Scholasticus in Nuremberg, 1720 Condition: Excellent. Wide margins. Two vertical folds to fit book size. 30 x 43 cm (ca. 11.8 x 16.9") Order Nr. ROME239544 SOLD |
"S. Andrea della Valle zu Rom. Laengsschnitt." Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 12 x 15.5 cm ( 4.7 x 6.1 ") Order Nr. ROMA248160 SOLD |
"Vue du Colisee (Musee du Louvre)" Wood engraving made after a
painting by Granet ca 1880. Above and below the image
and 10 x 13 cm ( 3.9 x 5.1 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA241493 |
ãRemains of the Temple of Jupiter - Constantines Column - St. Pauls Gate - Mausoleum of one of Jupeters Priests - Temple of Pace" (All titles in Latin, German, French, English) Copper etching of very high quality by Georg Christoph Kilian (1709 - 1781). Augsburg, ca. 1750 Kilian, a master of etching copperplates in an extremely high quality style has united ito a capriccio n harmonious union well known architectural antiquities to form a capriccio to which he adds a group of people marvelling at the noble remnant and ruins of highly cultural times past. Very pleasant general age toning. Strong, flawless impression. A smal repaired tear in lower right margin corner does not disturb the overall appearance of a fine condition. 30.5 x 44.4 cm (12 x 17.5") $ 780.00 Order Nr. ROMA234607 |
"Wreath of Oak (Life Saving)" The wreath made of oak leaves
was known as the Civic Crown. It was a Wood engraving published ca
1885. On the reverse side is text about Image: 18.5 x 12.5 cm ( 7.2 x 4.9") $ 40.00 Order Nr. ROMA254230 |
"Triumphbogen des Titus" Wood engraving published 1889. Light natural age toning. 14.5 x 9.5 cm ( 5.7 x 3.7") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA254254 |
"Auspiciis D. Joseph Smith Angli" Copper engraving about 1780
showing fresco fragments from Rome. These fragments were in
the A few very minor signs of age and use. Light ink smear from original printing in the center. Left margin is narrower. Image: 34 x 20.5 cm ( 13.3 x 8 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. ROMA243677 |
"Palazzo de la Consulta zu Rom. Seitenthor" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 16 x 12 cm ( 6.2 x 4.7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA246287 |
Rome. ãRom vom Berg Avventino. Sr. Majestaet, dem Koenig Wilhelm von Wuerttemberg seinem allergnaedigsten Landesvater in allertiefster Ehrfurcht zugeeignet von dem Herausgeber" General view of Rome from the Avventin mountain. Lithograph by Eberhard Emminger. Printed by G.Kuestner. Published on a subscriptionbasis by J.A. Treu in Mittelbuch, near Biberach. Printed on fine China paper and rolled onto title-bearing carton. This spectacular Imperial folio sized view of Rome is in very good condition. Upper, left and right margins have been added. The ãE" in the artist's name Emminger is missing. 67.5 x 99.8 cm (26.6 x 39"). Order Nr.ROMA0669 SOLD |
"Interieur de Saint-Pierre ( vue prise du transsept de gauche )" Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. 15.5 x 23 cm ( 6.1 x 9 ") Order Nr. ROMA242707 SOLD |
"Der Petersplatz mit der Peterskirche und dem Vatikan" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 10 x 15.5 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1 ") Order Nr. ROMA246990 SOLD |
"Il Gesu in Rom. Vignola's Facaden Entwurf" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 17 x 11.5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.5 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA246246 |
"Il Gesu zu Rom, Laengstschnitt" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 12 x 15 cm ( 4.7 x 5.9 ") Order Nr. ROMA246245 SOLD |
"Italie Ancienne Empire Romain" Steel engravng after Leval, 1851. Right and lower margins are narrow. 17.5 x 10 cm ( 6.8 x 3.9 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA247376 |
"Aqueduc et Port Majeure a Rome" Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Leval, 1851. 9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ") Order Nr. ROMA247377 SOLD |
"Arc de Triomphe de
Constantin Triumphal Arch of Constantine" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. Image: 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") Order Nr. ROMA244803 SOLD |
"Camp des Pretoriens" Steel engraving 1851. 9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. ROMA249290 |
"Italienne Anienne ( Empire Romain )" Steel engraving 1851. Lower and right margins are narrow. 17 x 10. 5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.1 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. ROMA249297 |
"Einstellung germanischer Juenglinge in die roemische Armee" Wood engraving ca 1900. On the reverse side is an image of alexander the Great fighting white lions. 9 x 12.5 cm ( 3.5 x 4.9 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. ROMA249040 |
"Villa Albani zu Rom" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 9 x 12 cm ( 3.5 x 4.7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA246285 |
"Plan des fouilles du Palatin" Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. Page size: 29 x 20 cm ( 11.4 x 7.8 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. ROMA242705 |
The School of Athens - Scuola di Atene - Die Schule der Philosophen This was the second of a series of wall frescos, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, more colloquially known simply as Raphael (1483-1520), painted in the library / study of Pope Julius II. called "Stanza della Segnatura". Raphael placed this wall fresco opposite "La Disputa". It is, without doubt, the most celebrated work by this famous artist. It represents the fictional gathering of the heads of Greek Philosophy. The most important philosophers are here depicted. Mixed in are some of the protagonists of Greek Philosophy in Renaissance times. (Wikipedia has a very detailed identification of the shown personalities. Please Google: The School of Athens). Type of print: Copper etching Color: Hand coloring heightened with eggwhite Engraver: Giuseppe Mochetti Painter: Raphael (1483-1520) Lettering: Upper left and upper right: Raphael Santius Pinx - In Aedibus Vaticanis Below image: Pio Septimo Pontifici Opt. Maximo. Haeredes Franzetti D.D.D. The series of copper etchings was commissioned by Pope Pius VII (1742-1823) Published: Rome, ca. 1820 "Scuola di Atene" is one of three major fresco paintings in "Stanza della Segnatura". The other ones: "La Disputa" and "Parnassus". Condition: The superb hand coloring is EXACTLY corresponding to the original fresco painting by Raphael. This distinguishes the engraving profoundly from modern hand coloring done by colorists often without regard to the original. The hand coloring moreover is extremely professionally executed. It is highlighted with eggwhite for it's stunning appearance. The image is flawless. Margins are wide on all sides. Only in margins are traces of age and use: some spotting and a faint stain along the lower margin edge. In general: The condition of this print may be considered as being Very Good! Measurements - Image: 34,7 x 49 cm (ca.13.7 x 19.3") Plate mark: 39,5 x 51,5 cm (ca. 15.5 x 20.3") Sheet: 50 x 62 cm (19.7 x 24.5") Order Nr. ROMA241781SOLD |
Disputation of the Holy Sacrament - La Disputa del Sacramento - Disput über die Euchristie This was the first of a series of wall frescos, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, more colloquially known simply as Raphael (1483-1520), painted in the library / study of Pope Julius II. called "Stanza della Segnatura". Raphael brings together and harmonizes the worldly and the spiritual in a veritable adoration of the Holy Sacrament. Type of print: Copper etching Color: Hand coloring heightened with eggwhite Engraver: Giuseppe Mochetti Painter: Raphael (1483-1520) Lettering: Upper left and upper right: Raphael Santius Pinx - In Aedibus Vaticanis Below image: Pio Septimo Pontifici Opt. Maximo. Haeredes Franzetti D.D.D. The series of copper etchings was commissioned by Pope Pius VII (1742-1823) Published: Rome, ca. 1820 La Disputa is one of three major fresco paintings in "Stanza della Segnatura". The other ones: "School of Athens" and "Parnassus". Condition: The superb hand coloring is EXACTLY corresponding to the original fresco painting by Raphael. This distinguishes the engraving profoundly from modern hand coloring done by colorists often without regard to the original. The hand coloring moreover is extremely professionally executed. It is highlighted with eggwhite for it's stunning appearance. The image is flawless. Margins are wide on all sides. Only in margins are minor traces of age. In general: The condition of this print may be considered as being Very Good! Measurements - Image: 35 x 49,5 cm (ca.13.8 x 19.5") Plate mark: 40 x 52,5 cm (ca. 15.7 x 20.7") Sheet: 50 x 62 cm (19.7 x 24.5") Order Nr. ROMA241782 SOLD |
"Interieur de la Minerve Medica" Wood engraving by Celestin
Nanteuil and Hubert Robert published 1869. Image: 15.5 x 12 cm ( 6.1 x 4.7 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA241943 |
"Das Caldarium der Thermen Des Caracalla in Rom" Wood engraving published 1881. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning. 24 x 15.7 cm ( 9.4 x 6.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA242056 |
"St. Croce in Gerusalemme zu Rom" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 12 x 12 cm ( 4.7 x 4.7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA246286 |
"Hera Ludovisi. Im Palazzo Buoncompangni zu Rom." Large ( height 116 cm ) marmor
bust of Juno Ludovisi ( also Hera Ludovisi ) was part of the
collection of Cardinal Ludovisi. Text photograph ca 1900. No left margin. 24 x 17 cm ( 9.4 x 6.6 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA245515 |
"Tarquinius Superbus
entledigt sich seines Schwiegervaters Severius Tullius" Wood engraving 1862. Below the
image and on the reverse side is text about Lucius Tarquinus
Superbus. 10.5 x 10.5 cm ( 4.1 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA244477 |
"Saint-Clement a Rome S. Clemente in Rom. St. Clemente, Rome" Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. Light natural age patina in margins. Image: 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") $ 85.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 51.00 Order Nr. ROMA257086 |
"Ruines de Rome" Fine aquatint titlepage from
the book "Ruines of Rome" published ca 1815. The image of this aquatint is
in fine condition. The margins show signs of Image: 24 x 17.5 cm ( 9.4 x 6.8") Order Nr. ROMA252742 SOLD |
( Le petite temple du Bramante, a Rome) Wood engraving published 1844. Reverse side is printed. Minor creases in margins. 15 x 12 cm ( 5.9 x 4.7 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. ROMA240446 |
"Die Raumachie des Augustus" Wood engraving 1864, Reverse side is printed. 10.4 x 16.2 cm ( 4 x 6,3 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA237700 |
"Die Aedicula Vestae" Chromolithograph after Curt Agthe (1862-1943). Published 1913. Image: 16 x 12.5 cm ( 6.2 x 4.9") $ 40.00 Order Nr. ROMA254190 |
"Das kaiserliche Rom" ( Rome of the Ceasers) Wood engraving 1864. Reverse side is printed. 7.4 x 10.7 cm ( 2.9 x 4.2 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA237702 |
Antique Prints of Rome Giovanni Battista Falda was an
artist and copper engraver who died in Rome in 1678. Prints have a few scattered
spots, mostly in margins. All prints are in good condition
unless otherwise noted. Page size: ca 23.5 x 36.5 cm ( 9.2 x 14.3 ") - - - - - -
![]() PIAZZA È PALAZZO SUL'QVIRINALE DETTO MONTE CAVALLO 1. Palazzo Pontificio. 2. Strada che uà alle quatro Fontane. 3. Habitatione della Famiglia fatta da N.S. Papa Alesandro Sett. Scattered spotting in margins and very minor spotting in image. Creases in lower margin and title. 14.7 x 28.2 cm ( 5.7 x 11.1 ") $ 180.00 Order Nr. ROMAFALDA0935 ![]() "PIAZZA E CHIESA DI S. CARLO
ALLI CANTINARI" 17 x 28.5 cm ( 6.7 x 11.2 ") $ 180.00 Order Nr. ROMA FALDA 0752 - - - - - - -
"Saint-Paul hore les mure a
Rome. St. Paul before the Walls of Rome." Anonymous lithograph printed in
a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889. Image: 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ") Order Nr. ROMA244795 SOLD |
"Oratorio S. Filippo Neri zu Rom" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 15.5 x 12 cm ( 6.1 x 4.7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA246284 |
"Rome" Wood engraving ca 1870. Overall light age toning. 11.1 x 18.6 cm ( 4.3 x 7.3 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA1078 |
"Das Colosseum" Text photograph ca 1900. On the reverse side is text and small photograph of the Via Appia. 14.2 x 21 cm ( 5.5 x 8.2 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. R0MA240642 |
Die Goethe-Kneipe in Rom Wood engraving after Ludwig
Hans Fischer, ca1880. 21.2 x 15 cm ( 8.3 x 5.9 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. ROMA252503 |
Palazzo Quirinale Toned Lithograph by Bordoni ca
1870. 27.5 x 37 cm ( 10.8 x 14.5 ") $ 145.00 Order Nr. ROMA1166 |
"Kampf zwischen Römern
und Markomannen" (War between Romans
and Marcomans) Wood engraving 1864. Reverse side is printed. 7.5 x 16 cm (2.9 x 6.2 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA237699 |
"S. Giovanni in Laterano zu Rom" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 12 x 18 cm ( 4.7 x 7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA246288 |
"Panorama: Brand Roms unter Nero" ( The fire of Rome under Nero ) Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. 12.5 x 16.7 cm ( 4.9 x 6.5 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. ROMA238295 |
No Title. Engraving showing various
articles of Roman culture. Below the image and on the 7 x 10.5 cm ( 2.7 x 4.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ROMA240789 |
"Vitelius" Wood engraving 1883. Below the
image, on the reverse side and on a separate page is 18 x 12.5 cm ( 7 x 4.9 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. PORTRAIT244530 |
"Antikes Stiergefecht" (antique bull fight) Wood engraving made after an
oil paint by A. Wagner. Published 1878. Image: 27 x 40 cm ( 10.8 x 15.7") Order Nr. ROMA254359 SOLD |
"Palazzo Laterano und Loggia von S. giavanni in Laterano zu Rom" Wood engraving, 1887. Reverse side is printed. 9.5 x 12 cm ( 3.7 x 4,7 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. ROMA240095 |
"Palazzo Odescalchi zu Rom. Ursprungliche Facade." ( original facade ) Wood engraving, 1887. Reverse side is printed. 11 x 17 cm ( 4.3 x 6.6 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. ROMA240098 |
"Palazzo Sciarra di Carbognano zu Rom" Wood engraving, 1887. Reverse side is printed. 10 x 12 cm ( 3.8 x 4,7 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. ROMA240096 |
Palazzo Barberini zu Rom. Treppe" Wood engraving, 1887. Reverse side is printed. 14.2 5.5 x 12 cm ( 3.7 x 4,7 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. ROMA240097 |