Antique Maps of North America

A selection of historical maps of North America that is sure to please you. Each map is illustrated and carefully described. Please contact us if you are looking for special maps.

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"Karte von Nord America und den dazu gehoerigen Inseln"

Steel engraving map by A. H. Dufour after Alcides d'Orbigny. Dated 1836.
Map shows North America before the borders were established permanently.

Map has folds to fit original atlas size. Repairs on left side and lower left part
of map that are hardly visible from the front side.

Map image: 31 x 49.5 cm ( 12.2 19.4")

$ 110.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA254495

"Flusskarte von Nord u. Sued-America" ( River Map of North and South America )

Steel engraving map ca 1850. Original hand outline coloring.

The maphas no right margin. Small worm hole in upper right corner margin.

Map image: 21 x 27.5 cm ( 8.2 x 10.8 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICA250858

"Landwirtschaftskultur von Nord-Amerika Nach E. Deckert"

Chromolithograph showing the agriculture regions of North America such as
sugar, grapes hops, tobacco, rice and other crops. A colored key in the
lower left corresponds to the colors on the map. Published 1904.

Image: 21.5 x 15 cm ( 8.2 x 5.9")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA254018

"Neuste Karte von Lower Canada (Unter Canada) Nach d. besten Quellen entworfen und gezeichnet." Steel engraving for "Meyer´s Handatlas" published by the Bibliographischen Instituts of Hildburghausen, 1844. Original hand outline coloring.

Detailed map with the St. Lawrence River flowing diagonally across the map. In the lower right is a detailed inset of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick with umbered key to the important towns. In the upper middle is Lake John.

Map has a few minor creases and light browning on margin edges.

30 x 37 cm ( 11.8 x 14.5 ")

$ 90.00



The English Empire in America,
Newfound-land. Canada. Hudsons Bay

Copper etching by Hermann Moll (1678 - 1732)
Published ca 1710.

Map shows Canada as far north as Davis Strait,
Mill Island, and Nottingham Island in Hudsons Bay.
In the lower left is Cuba and surrounding islands.

Text below map image and on backside is in
English. Map image is clean and strong. Light
browning and fraying of margin edges. Overall
light age toning. General condition is Good.

Map image: 21.3 x 17.7 cm ( 8.3 x 6.9 ")
Page size:31.5 x 20.5 cm ( 12.4 x 8 ")

$ 240.00


"Osmannisches Reich. Nordamerika"

The upper half of this map shows the Ottoman Empire up to 1683. The lower part of the map shows North America
with the English, French and Spanish Colonies on the left. The upper map on the right is the situation during the Civil War.
The map in he lower right shows the US since 1776. The various colored areas show the origins of each area.

This map was printed 1894. Horizontal centerfold.

29 x 22 cm ( 11.4 x 8.6 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. TURKEYMAP248105

"Kopie einer amerikanischen Bilderswchrift, nac A. v. Humbolt"

Wood engraving made after a copy of picture writing by Alexader von Humbolt.

Published 1876. Below the image and on the reverse side is text about Humbolt and

Picture writing. Text continues on the reverse side where there is a small image

made by the Chippewa Indians as picture writing for the President.

Image: 11.5 x 11.5 cm ( 4.5 x 4.5")

$25.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 17,50

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA257138

No title.

Wood engraving by Erhard, 1877.
Two vertical folds to fit original book size. Minor signs of age and use.

16 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.2 ")

$ 50.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA249794

"Carta Della Baja Di Hudson"

Copper etching by Bellin. From the Italian edition published ca 1775. Modern hand coloring.

Here one sees that the area above Hudson's Bay was not yet fully explored. To the left of the cartouche is the Cumberland Sound and two
islands which are actually part of Baffin Island. The horseshoe-shaped soun at the top towards the left is Frozen Sound with Isle Barren in
green which is Southhampton Island today.

The vertical fold is hardly visible and the others have been flattened.Minor creases.
A piece has been added to the lower left margin edge where the map was bound in the atlas.

21.5 x 30 cm ( 8.4 x 11.8 ")

$ 160.00



"Carte du golphe de St. Laurant et Pays Voisins.". Copper etching by Bellin. Ca. 1755. Modern Hand coloring.

The Gulf of St. Lawrence is shown in careful detail. Newfoundland with its many bays that were already named has a slightly different
shape then we see in a modern atlas. In the lower left is the Bay of Fundy. In the northwest are some of the many lakes of Quebec.

This map has two vertical folds to fit atlas and is in Very Good condition.

22 x 36.2 cm ( 8.7 x 14.3 ")

$ 160.00


"Carta del Golfo di S. Lorenzo e Paesi Vicini". Copper etching from the Italian edition of the Bellin atlas, ca 1755. Modern hand coloring.

The Gulf of St. Lawrence is shown in careful detail. Newfoundland with its many bays that were already named has a slightly different
shape then we see in a modern atlas. In the lower left is the Bay of Fundy. In the northwest are some of the many lakes of Quebec.

Map has several folds to fit book size. Tiny creases in margins. Small piece of margin added in lower right corner. Overall condition is Better than Good.

21.6 x 35.4 cm ( 8.5 x 13.9 ")

$ 160.00


"Carta Dell' Acadia Isola Reale. "Copper etching from the Italian edition of the Bellin atlas, ca 1755. Modern hand coloring.

Map shows Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and part of New Brunswick. To the left of the cartouche are dotted lines showing some of the offshore bankes.

Map has several folds to fit book size. Overall condition is Better than Good.

20.5 x 32.5 cm ( 8 x 12.8 ")

$ 160.00


The St. Lawrence river

"Carte du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent". Copper etching by Bellin in modern hand coloring. Dated 1757.

The mouth of the St. Lawrence River is attractively shown with the Île Anticosti and the bordering countryside. In the southwest the course of the St. Lawrence reaches somewhat beyond the mouth of the St. Anne river. In the northwest is part of Quebec with the Saquenay River flowing into the St. Lawrence and the many lakes with their rivers as tributaries of the St. Lawrence. To the south is part of New Brunswick, Maine and Quebec with their many lakes and rivers.

This map has very light toning and is in Very Good condition.

19 x 30 cm ( 7.5 x 11.8 ")

$ 160.00


"Nord-Amerika Politische Uebersicht" ( political overview )

Chromolithograph published in Leipzig, 1804.
Horizontal centerfold. Fine condition.

Map image: 26 x 20.5 cm ( 10.2 x 8")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA254003

Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River

"Suite du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurant, depuis Quebec jusqu an Lac Ontario".Copper etching by Bellin in modern hand
coloring. Dated 1757.

This map is a continuation of the course of the St. Lawrence River from Quebec to Lake Ontario. To the north is western Quebec, the Ottawa
River and part of Ontario. To the left of the cartouche is Lake Champlain which forms part of the borderline between Vermont and New York.

Map has very light toning. The condition is Very Good.

19 x 28.6 cm ( 7.5 x 11.3 ")

$ 160.00



Steel engraving map of Newfoundland at the top and the Channel Islands
of Guernsey, Jersey and Douglas in the lower part.
Published 1840. Very good condition.

Image: 17.5 x 10.5 cm ( 6.8 x 4.1")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA255116

"Etats Unis"

This map of the United States shws the major rivers and early roads.
On the reverse side is French text about early American history.

Wood engraving map published ca 1890. Printed in color.
Overall light natural age toning. Upper margin is very narrow.

Image: 18 x 24.5 cm ( 7 x 9.6")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA255370

No Title

This steel engraving map is part of a 4-part map engraved by Eberhardt, Kuehn, Metzeroth
and Wellner after Habenicht. Published in Gotha. Dated 1876. Original hand outline coloring.
Tiny piece of lower left corner is missing. Very minor signs of age and use.

Map image: 33 x 40.5 cm ( 12.9 x 15.9")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA254474

"Isthmus of Chignecto". Wood engraving from "The Earth and its Inhabitants, Vol. 1, British North America." published in 1890.

In the lower left are the Bay of Chignecto and Bay of Shepody. In the upper left is Green Bay with Port Elgin. In the lower right is the town of Oxford and the Black River.

Map has print on backside.

8.2 x 11 cm ( 3.2 x 4.3 ")

$ 45.00


"Florenkarte von Nord-Amerika"

Chromolithograph frm the Bibliographischesinstitut in Leipzig, 1900.

21 x 14.5 cm ( 8.2 x 5.7")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA253866

"Septemtrionaliora America a Groenlandia per Freta Davidis et Hudson a Terra Novam" "De Noordelyckste Zee kusten van America van Groenland door de Straet Davis ende Straet Hudson tot Terra Neuf" Copper etching by Frederik. De Wit from the sea atlas ãOrbis Maritimus ofte Zee Atlas". Published in Amsterdam ca1680.

Map shows the northern coast of Acadia and the western coast of Greenland.

Sea chart with two decorative boroque title cartouches and sailing vessels shows Hudson Bay, Butons Bay, Green Bay, James Bay, Isle de Jaques, Hudson Straight, Baffin Bay, Comberlants Bay, Mouth of St. Lorence river, north end of New Fundland, and the west coast of Greenland..

Very nice condition. Original middle fold as issued. Only very minor signs of age and use.

48 x 56 cm (18.9 x 22")

$ 1300.00


"Karte der Isothrmen und Isobaren von America"

Isotherms and Isobars are shown for January and July.

Chromolithograph from the Bibliographisches Institut in Leipzig. Published ca 1900.

Horizontal centerfold.

29 x 22 cm ( 11.4 x 8.6")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA253865

" Amerique du Sud Amerique du Nord"

Map of South and North America printed in color ca 1890. Of special interest
is the small map in the lower center of France. It shows the size of these two
very large continents in comparison to France. In the lower left is a small
map inset of the Galapagos Islands. In the upper right is Iceland.

The map has two vertical folds and one horizonal fold to fit original book size.
In the lower left is a part of the margins missing that was bound in the book.
Light natural age toning.

Image: 27 x 40 cm (10.6 x 15.7")

$ 55.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 38.50

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA256128

Southeastern USA

"Carte de la Louisiane, et de la Floride". Anonymous copper etching, most certainly from the hand of Monsieur Bonne, royal
French cartographer, ca 1780. Recent coloring.

In the southeast is Florida and the eastern Atlantic coast reaching as far north as Charleston, South Carolina. In the northeast is part of
Virginia. In the northwest corner is the Missouri river with several tributaries, including the Osage. The western part of the map is dominated
by the Mississsippi river and it tributaries. The inset in the lower left shows the area of Jefferson City, Missouri where the Osage and Grand
rivers flow into the Missouri.

Map has horizontal fold to fit book size and light toning. Overall condition is Very good.

32 x 21 cm ( 12.5 x 8.2 ")


Great Lakes and Surrounding Area

"Partie Occidentale du Canada contenant les cinq Grands Lac, avec les Pays Criconcoisins". Anonymous copper etching,
most certainly from the hand of Monsieur Bonne, royal French cartographer, ca 1780. Recent coloring.

The area surrounding the Great Lakes is the theme of this map. In the northeast is part of Lake Mistassini in Quebec. A little further west is
the southern tip of St. James Bay. In the lower right corner is the northern part of the Susquehanna river with tributaries. In the west is the
Lake of the Woods. In the lower left corner is part of the Missouri river and its tributaries.

Map has vertical fold to fit book size and is in Very good condition.

20.6 x 31.5 cm ( 8.1 x 12.4 ")

$ 160.00


"Le Nouveau Mexique Avec la Partie Septrionnale de L'Ancien ou de la Nouvelle Espagne"

Detailed copper engraving map of northern Mexico, Baja California, Texas, New Mexico Louisiana and part of Florida.

On the map are names of some of the resident Indian tribes as well as Indian names of towns and topography.

The map is by Bonne and Raynal, published ca 1780.

Pleasant hand coloring. Vertical centerfold.

Copper engraving. Light age toning. Minor spotting in margins.Age toning.

Image: 31.5 x 21 cm ( 12.4 x 8.2 ")"



"Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika". Lithograph von E. Serth after Tr. Bromme for "Tr. Bromme's Hand Atlas", 1862. Original hand coloring.

Map shows the eastern part of the USA with major towns and cities as well as railroad lines and canals of the time.

Map has a horizontal fold with a repaired tear in right margin on fold line. Light brown stain in upper and lower margins and reaching slightly into map image. Condition is Better than Good.

37.5 x 28.5 cm (14.7 x 11.2 ")

$ 100.00


Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1688-1766) was heir to the cartographic material of his uncle Pierre Moulard Sanson, (grandson of Nicolas Sanson d'Abbéville) whose maps were considered to be geographically the best of their time. Robert bought the cartographic estate of Charles-Hubert-Alexis Jaillot (1640-1712) and published, together with his son Didier (1726-1786) first a small atlas in 1748 and a large folio-size atlas in 1752. The following maps stem from the small atlas. The maps have recent coloring and are in Good Condition. In the left margin are stitch holes from bookbinding.

" Bayes d' Hudson et de Baffins, et Terre de Labrador"


Recent color


16.5 x 16.1 cm ( 6.5 x 6.3 " )

$ 80.00


"Golfe de St. Laurent, Isles et Bancs de Terre Neuve"

St. Lawrence Bay and Newfundland

16.3 x 17.7 cm ( 6.4 x 7 ")

$ 80.00


"Southern States"
"Western Section"

Wood engraving map printed in color ca 1900. On the reverse side is text and images
about the Southern and Central States.

Image: 22 x 28 cm ( 8.6 x 11")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA254390

"Geological Map of the Route explored by Capt. J. Pope Corps of Top Eng. near the 32nd Parallel
of North Latitude 1854 from the Red River to the Rio Grande......."

Map image: 25 x 58 cm ( 9.8 x 22.8 " )

Geological Section along the Route explored by Capt Pope Corps of Top Eng near the 32nd Parallel of North Latitude 1854 from the Red River to the Rio Grande.......

"Geological Section along the Route explored by Capt Pope Corps of Top Eng near the 32nd Parallel
of North Latitude 1854 from the Red River to the Rio Grande......."

Map image: 22.5 x 98 cm ( 8.8 x 38.5 ")

These two very detailed geological maps are lithographs with original hand coloring. They were prepared by
John Pope and William Blake in the Office of the Pacific Railroad Exploration & Survey War Department 1861.

Both maps have vertical folds to fit original book size. Clean images with only minor signs of age and use.

Price for the two maps: $ 320.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA248997

"Flusskarte von Nord u. Sued-America" (River map of North and South America)

Steel engraving map publish 1859. Original outline coloring.
Below the map image are tables of the major rivers of the world with statistics
showing length and other information.
Hardly visible vertical centerfold. Small repair in left margin.

Image size including information tables: 20,5 x 28 cm ( 8 x 11")

$ 80.00

Order Nr. SOUTHAMERICA254788

Northwest America Vancouver

"Cote Nord Ouest de L'Amerique Reconnue Par le Capne Vancouver 3 Partie"

Copper engraving published in Paris, 1800. Captain Vancouver was one of the first explorers of
of Northwest America who made early accurate and detailed maps of the coastal area,

This map extends from Cape Swain in the north to the Columbia River in the south.

Map is in fine condition. Map has folds to fit original book size.

27 x 22 cm ( 10.6 x 8.6 ")


États-Unis par Th. Duvotenay

"États-Unis par Th. Duvotenay". Steel engraving by Ch. Smith, published in Paris by Maison Basset ca 1850. Modern hand coloring.

A decorative map of the United States and southern Canada showing the various early territories and states of the USA.

Lower right corner has a bend. Otherwise the condition is Very Good.

22.4 x 30.6 cm ( 8.8 x 12 ")

$ 340.00


Grossbritannien's saemmtliche Besitzungen mit Angabe ihrer Erwerbungszeit

ãGrossbritannien's saemmtliche Besitzungen mit Angabe ihrer Erwerbungszeit". Great Britain with all of its possessions with indication of the year of acquisition. Anonymous steel etching. 1846. Faint borderline coloring.

Insets: North America up to 1783. India ca. 1760.

Clean. Light crease in lower left margin corner.

Page size: 37 x 43.8 cm (14.6 x 17.2").

$ 180.00


"Nord - Amerika Fluss und Gerbirgssysteme"

Chromolithograph published 1904.
Map shows the rivers and mountain ranges of North America.

Horizontal centerfold.

25.5 x 19 cm ( 10 x 7.4")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA253850

Die Pacific Bahnen Nordamerika's

"Die Pacific Bahnen Nordamerika's." Wood engraving from A. Harlebens Verlag, ca 1880. Printed in color.

Map shows the early rail routes with the names of the rail companies on each route.

Map has folds to fit book size. A few light spots in margins. Small crease in lower map.

21.2 x 28.8 cm ( 8.3 x 11.3 ")

$ 45.00


History of the Americas

"Geschichtliche Entwicklung Der Staaten Amerikas"

Wood engraving printed in color 1894. Map shows the historical development of the Americas.

Horizontal centerfold to fit original book size..

28 x 21.5 cm ( 11 x 8.4 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA246784

"Voelker und Kulturkarte von Nordamerika"

Chromolithograph frm the Bibliographischesinstitut in Leipzig, 1900.

Left margin is narrow.

19 x 16 cm ( 7.4 x 6.2")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA253868

"Verein-Staaten von Nord-America, Mexico, Yucatan u. A."

Steel engraving map by C. Metzeroth after Fr. von Stuelpnagel. Dated 1876.

Map of North American with a special inset of Mexico D.F. and surrounding area.
The horizontal red line in the US is the railroad. Smaller sections of the railroad are shown
with special black lines. In the center is a light brown spot, See scan above.
The image of the map is otherwise in very good condition.
A few minor signs of age and use in margins.

Map mage: 32 x 39.5 cm ( 12.5 x 15.5")

$ 70.00

Order Nr. NORDAMERICA254488

ãBritisches Nordamerika". Canada. Steel engraving with original outline coloring. From ãZeitungs-Atlas fuer alte und neue Erdkunde". Published by J. Meyer. Hildburghausen, Amsterdam and New York. 1849. After a drawing by the Hudsons Bay-Company (Parry, Franklion, Beechey, Graab, J. Ross& Back. Commander of the expedition: Captain Radefeld.

Map shows all of Canada, Greenland and the northern belt of the United States of America. Most of Alaska is seen. Interesting: South of Oregon the map states ãmexico".

Generral age toning. Some traces of use, especially on margin edges.

21 x 26 cm (8.3 x 10.2")

$ 80.00



"Horn of Alaska"

Wood engraving ca 1890. On the reverse side is text about Alaska.

10 x 10.5 cm ( 3.9 x 4,1 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA249637

"Map XXVIII Canada"

Wood engraving map of northeast Canada by Fisk and See in New York, printed in color1884.
In the lower right is an inset showing New Foundland. Map has vertical centerfold to fit original atlas size.
Crease in upper left margin corner.

21 x 28.5 cm ( 8.2 x 11.2 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA246144

"Nordamerica" Steel engraving by J.L. von Baehr in Halle after Ph. Weber in Carlsruhe, ca 1850.

Interesting map that shows where the various Indian tribes live as well as topographical details. In the lower left corner is a detailed plan of New York City and surrounding area.

Clean map in good condition.

21 x 25.5 cm ( 8.2 x 10 ")

$ 75.00


"Montreal And Its Environs". Wood engraving printed in color in New York ca 1880.

Detailed map of Montreal and surrounding area.

Vertical centerfold. Three small repaired tears on margin edges.

20 x 27.7 cm ( 7.8 x 10.9 " )

$ 60.00


Map of the Coast
from Charleston to Savannah,

Wood engraving by Rae Smith after J. Wells.
Printed in color. Dated 1866.

Map shows details of the Carolina Coast.
Lower inset shows details of the area from Charleston
to Savannah. Upper inset shows Albemarle, Roanoke
and Palmic Sounds.

One light spot in upper right area.
Minor spotting in margins.

23.6 x 17 cm (9.2 x 6.6 ")

$ 65.00


"Die Staaten N & S Carolina Georgia & Florida 1850". Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1855. Original outline coloring.

Map shows the Atlantic Coast as far north as Norfolk, Virgina and the Gulf of Mexico as far west as Pensacola, Florida. In the lower left corner is an inset of Anastasia Island with St. Augustine. On the right side are insets of the Gold region of the Carolinas. In the center the inset shows Newberne and surrounding area. The lower inset is Charleston and surrounding area.

The map is very clean with only a few very trivial spots in margins.

25.2 x 18.8 cm ( 9.9 x 7.4 ")

$ 90.00


"Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika". Lithograph von E. Serth after Tr. Bromme for "Tr. Bromme's Hand Atlas", 1862. Original hand coloring.

Map shows the western part of the USA with major towns and cities as well as railroad lines and canals of the time. Notice that much of the West was still divided into territories.

Map has a horizontal fold. Light brown stain in upper and lower margins reaching slightly into map image. Condition is Better than Good.

37.5 x 28.5 cm (14.7 x 11.2 ")

$ 130.00


"Campaigns of 1775-1776"

Wood engraving ca 1885.
Backside is printed.

14 x 9 cm ( 5.5 x 3.5 ")

$ 45.00


"Carte des États-Unis d'Amerique indiquant les États à esclaves et les États qui veulent séparar de l'Union"

Wood engraving from "Le Monde Illustré" ca 1880. Backside is printed.

11.7 x 22 cm ( 4.6 x 8.6 ")

$ 50.00


"Hawaian Islands" Wood engraving ca 1860.

Detailed map of the Hawaian Islans with major settlements shown. In the lower left is an inset with kauai, Lehua, Nihau and Kaula.

On the backside is a map of China.

10.2 x 18.3 cm ( 4 x 7.2 ")

$ 55.00


Niagra Falls" Wood engraving printed in color in New York ca 1880.

Very detailed plan of the area surrounding Niagra Falls.

Map has vertical centerfold and light age toning in margins.

20.5 x 28.3 cm ( 8 x 11.1 ")

$ 60.00


"Orientierungskaertchen ueber die Fahrten von Frobisher und Davis"

Wood engraving showing the routes of the explorers Frobish and Davis.
Published 1885. On the reverse side is text about this exploration.

17 x 10 cm ( 6.6 x 3.9 ")

$ 30.00


"Nordweslicher Abschnitt einer Weltkarte"
"Nach den Vorstellungen Frobisher's und seiner Zeitgenossen ums Jahr 1576"

Wood engraving showing the routes of the explorer Frobish.Published 1885.
On the reverse side is text about this exploration.

9 x 15 cm ( 3.5 x 5.9 ")

$ 30.00


"Quebec And Its Environs" Wood engraving printed in color in New York ca 1880.

Very detailed area map of Quebec showing some of the many islands in the St. Lawsrence River.

Map has vertical centerfold. Two small repaired tears on lower margin edge.

18.5 x 27.7 cm ( 7.2 x 10.8 ")

$ 60.00


"Nord Amerika" copper engraving ca 1780. A bit of original hand coloring.

Map shows many topographical details, especially mountain ranges and rivers.

Left margin has been widened because part of Alaska reaches over yellow borderline. Bottom margin has been widened. Map has a vertical and horizontal fold to fit book size.

26.2 x 21.2 cm ( 10.3 x 8.3 ")



"North West America" Wood engraving printed in color ca 1870.

Interesting map of the west coast of North America reaching as far south as Salt Lake City in the lower left and Sioux City in the lower right.

Horizontal centerfold. Narrow upper and lower margins.

32.7 x 23.8 cm ( 12.8 x 9.4 ")

$ 90.00


"Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-Amerika und Mexico." Steel engraving ca 1880. Original hand outline coloring.

Map has vertical centerfold and a few scattered spots.

20.3 x 26 cm ( 7.9 x 10.2 ")

$ 50.00


"Carte de la Californie det des Pays Nord-Ouest separés de L'Asie par le Détroit d'Anian". Copper etching by Robert de Vaugondy , dated 1772.

Map shows the Pacific coastline from Escondido, California in the north to The southern tip of Baja California. The inset at the top is a smaller version reaching to the North Pole and showing more of the inland of the continent.

Map has folds to fit book size. Tiny repaired tear on bottom margin edge. Very light stain in upper part of map. Overall condition is Better than just Good.

29.2 x 36.2 cm ( 11.4 x 14.2 ")

$ 580.00


"Verkehrskarte von Amerika"

Chromolithograph mapping the various routes of transportaion in
the Americas. A color key on the left side shows the railway, cabel and telegraph,
roads, shipping and the connecting roads of Eskimo tribes. The various colors of
the lines identify the countries using these routes. The inset in the lower left
shows the trade routes between Cuba, Haiti ad other islands.
Published 1904. Horizontal centerfold.

Image: 29 x 22 cm ( 11.4 x 8.6")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA254004

Nord America Central Amerika

"Nord Amerika. Central Amerika"

Steel engraving ca 1860. Original hand coloring. Published in Gotha by Justus Perthes.

Small repair on lower margin edge on centerfold. Fine, clean image.

19.5 x 25 cm ( 7.6 x 9.8 ")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA246143

Arkansas, Mississippi, Loisiana and Alabama

"Die Staaten von Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana & Alabama 1850". Steel engraving from the Bibliographischen Institut in Hildburghausen, ca 1855. Original hand outline coloring.

Map shows the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The circular inset is of New Orleans and the surrounding area.

The map has some light, scattered spotting. There is minor smudging in margins. Overall condition is Better than Good.

19.8 x 26.7 cm ( 7.7 x 10.5 ")

$ 50.00


Chimsian Island

"Chimsian Island"

10.5 x 10.5 cm ( 4.1 x 4.1 ")


Reverse side:

"Mouth of the Fraser"

12.5 x 11 cm ( 4.9 x 4.3 ")

Wood engravings on two sides of a page ca 1890.

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA249638

Relief Map of North America

"Relief Map of North America"

Wood engraving ca 1880.On the reverse side is text about the people
of the United States and an image of Washington, D.C.. Minor crease.

26 x 20.5 cm (10.2 x 8 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA249706

"Carte De L'Ille De Vancouver Du Groupe San Juan et de la côte adjacente"

Wood engraving from "Le Monde Illustré" ca 1880.
Backside is printed. Includes text about Vancouver Island.

Map reaches south into the Washington Territory to Nisqually (location of Seattle).
In the upper left is the Queen Charlotte Straits and Fitzhugh Bay.The Strait of Juan de Fuca
and the Islands of Pugent Sound are shown in detail.

Print has a few hardly noticeable spots. Light age toning. Narrow lower margin.

21.6 x 22 cm ( 8.5 x 8.6 ")

$ 130.00


"Etats Unis"

Steel engraving map of the United States and Canada. By Th. Duvotenay, 1840.

Two original vertical folds.

18 x 22.5 cm ( 7 x 8.8 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA250498

North America

"North America"

Wood engraving printed in color ca 1880. On the reverse side is text about the Rocky Mountains.

27 x 22 cm ( 10.8 x 8.6 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA249707

"Die Staaten von Missouri Illinois, Indiana, Ohio Kentucky & Tennesee 1850" Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1855. Original outline coloring.

The states of Illinois and Indiana are in the center of this map. The circle inset on the left shows Cinncinnati and surrounding area. In the lower left is an inset showing Nashville and surrounding towns. The inset in the lower right is a detail of the area Lexington, Kentucky, Georget and Franke..

Good condtion. In the lower right margin is ink handwriting "93".

26.5 x 19.7 cm ( 10.4 x 7.7 ")

$ 130.00

Order Nr. NORTHAMERICA250437

"Plan de l'Entree de Nootka". Copper engraving by Bernard for Captain Cook's travel report, 1785. This map is from the first French edition.

Map shows in careful topographical detail the entrance to Nootka Sound on the coast of British Columbia.

A horizontal and a vertical fold to fit original book size. Repaired tear in left margin reaching ca 2.5 cm into map. Visible on scan.

26.8 x 21 cm ( 10.5 x 8.2 ")

$ 140.00


"Plan du Harvre de Samganoodha dans l'Isle de Oonalaska". Copper engraving by Bernard for Captain Cook's travel report, 1785. This map is from the first French edition.

This print shows the island's harbor in great topographical detail.

19.2 x 16.8 cm ( 7.5 x 6.6 ")

$ 140.00


"Carte de la Riviere De Cook, dans la partie L'Amerique". Copper engraving by Bernard for Captain Cook's travel report, 1785. This map is from the first French edition.

This map was drawn on Cook's third voyage in 1776-1780. Dotted lines show the route taken by Cook's ships along the Alaskan coast and then in to Prince William Sound whose entrance is on the right side of the map. The map is topographically very detailed. On the left side is the Bayde de la fumee and Cape de la Pentecote.

Map has vertical fold to fit book size. Very minimal spotting.

23.3 x 30.1 cm ( 9.1 x 11.8 ")

$ 290.00


"Vues des Terres de la Côte Occidentale de L'Amerique, à L'Ouest de a Riviere de Cook". Copper engraving by Bernard for Captain Cook's travel report, 1785. This print is from the first French edition.

This print shows the landmarks along Cook's River. some of the landmarks are: Cap à Pic Mountain, Isle de la Colline, Tete Halibut, Detroit de Schumagin and Pointe de Tours.

Print has two vertical folds to fit original book size. Light creasing on right side of image. Minor scattered spotting.

23 x 46 cm ( 9 x 18.1 ")

$ 135.00


"Vues de la Côte Occidentale d'Amerique" Copper engraving by Bernard for Captain Cook's travel report, 1785. This print is from the first French edition.

This print shows some of the prominent landmarks along the Northwest Coast of North America. Some of the landmarks shown are: Mount Edgecoumbe. Isle de Kaye, Mount St. Elie and the entrance to Prince William Sound.

Print has 3 vertical folds to fit original book size. . Very light creasinbg on two left folds. A few very minimal spots.

23.5 x 43.5 cm ( 9.2 x 17.1 ")

$ 150.00


"A New Map of North america agreeable to the latest Discoveries." Copper engraving ca 1765.

Map has early names of the various areas.

Map has folds to fit book size. small brown spot on lower image border. Creasing in lower right margin corner.

21.5 x 22.8 cm (8.5 x 9 ")

$ 80.00


"Lake of Brador" Wood engraving from "The Earth and its Inhabitants, Vol. 1, British North America." published in 1890.

At the top center of the map is Boulard Island. At the bottom left is part of Madame Island and Port des Habitants. On the right side is the Bay of Gabarus. Whycocomagh is on the left side. At the bottom of the map are shading indicators for the elevations shown.

Backside of map is printed.

9.5 x 9.7 cm ( 3.7 x 3.8 ")

$ 45.00


"Mines Basin and Land of the Acadians". Wood engraving from "The Earth and its Inhabitants, Vol. 1, British North America." published in 1890.

At the top of the map is Mount Cobequid. In the upper left is Mines Channel. Mahone-by is at the bottom center. Windsor is in the center near the Kennetcook River.

Backside of map is printed.

8.7 x 10.7 cm ( 3.4 x 4.2 ")

$ 45.00


"Shippegan Peninsula and Island". Wood engraving from "The Earth and its Inhabitants, Vol. 1, British North America." published in 1890.

At the top of the map is Miscou island with Point Wilson. In the lower left is Tracadie.

Backside is printed.

9.9 x 10.7 cm ( 3.9 x 4.2 ")

$ 45.00


"Thousand Islands". Wood engraving from "The Earth and its Inhabitants, Vol. 1, British North America." published in 1890.

In the upper left corner is Loughbore Lake and in the lower left; Wolf Island between Cape Vincent and Kingston.

Backside is printed.

8.9 x 10.8 cm ( 3.5 x 4.2 ")

$ 45.00


"Lake St. Peter". Wood engraving from "The Earth and its Inhabitants, Vol. 1, British North America." published in 1890.

Lake St. Peter is easily seen in the center of the map. In the upper right is Trois Rivieres and Doucet. In the lower left is Sorel and Berthier.

Backside is printed with a map showing the sources of the Ottowa and Gatineau.

$ 45.00


"Das Beringsmeer"

Wood engraving published 1885. On the reverse side is partial text about
early exploration of the area.

Map image: 10 x 17 cm ( 3.9 x 6.6")

$ 25.00


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