Antique Maps of Russia View this historical selection of maps. Please ask us if you are looking for a special map. Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a RUSSIAMAP number on this page! Take 30% off the listed price. ! Visit us at the following sites: |
"Tabula Asiae II." Copper etching by Girolamo Porro (1520-1604) After Claudius Ptolemy Published in "Geographia Universa" Publisher Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Venice, 1596 Area shown: Sea of Azov, A bit of northern coast of Black Sea, the northern most part of the Caspian Sea. Part of the Ukraine, Southern part of Russia, as seen by Ptolemy. There is a worm hole upper right margin not touching map.. Reverse side has text in Latin. 13,3 x 17 cm (ca. 5.2 x 6.7") $ 95.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA253877 |
"Tabula Geographica qua Pars Russiae Magnae Pontus Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor cum finitimis Bulgariae, Romaniae, et Natoliae Provinciis exhibetur" Map of the Ukraine in the extensions of mid 18th century, and neighboring geographical regions of countries. Map of the Black Sea and neighboring shores. Nowadays the Ukraine has much larger extensions, especially westward. Copper etching with very fine original hand coloring. This vertical map has horizontal center fold and an additional fold on either side of it. It his in very good condition, but has a repair on lower left margin. Publisher: Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724) Nuremberg, 1723 57 x 48 cm (ca. 22.4 x 18.9") Order Nr.RUSSIAMAP252895SOLD |
"Imperii Moscovitici pars Australis in lucem". Copper etching by M. Seutter after Guillaume de l'Isle, ca 1740. Original hand coloring. Map shows southern Russia with part of Ukrania. 49.8 x 57.9 cm (19.6 x 22.8 ") The upper corners and area on upper centerfold have been reinforced. Light browning along upper part of centerfold. Parallel crease to centerfold. $ 530.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA MAP1449 |
"Carte Des Pais Habites par les Samojedes et Ostiacs". Copper engraving after Bellin, ca 1760. Map shows the area of norther Russia that was inhabited by the Samoyeds and Ostiacs. Map has two vertical folds.In the lower left image is a light spot. Some very minimal spots in margins. 16 x 24 cm ( 6.3 x 9.4 ") $ 100.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1468 |
ãCarte du Kamtchatka" (Kamchatka) Copper etching by Laurent. Published by by Jacques-Nicolas Bellin in his ãPetit Atlas". Paris 1764. Very good recent hand coloring. Map shows in detail the Kamchatka peninsula together with the northernmost Kuril islands with both, their Russian and their Japanese names. Map is in very good condition. It has several barely visible folds, needed to fit atlas size. 51.4 x 29.2 cm (20.2 x 11.5"). Order Nr. RUSSIA MAP 1498 SOLD |
"La Russie Blanche ou Moscovie Divisée Suivant l'Entendue des Royaumes, Duchés, Principautés, Provinces et Peuples qui sont Presentement soubs la Domination Du Czar de la RussieÉ" Copper etching by Nicolas Sanson. Published by Peter Schenk senior (1660-1718) Amsterdam, ca. 1700 Original hand coloring Condition: Map is clean with attractive original hand coloring. Centerfold has been repaired at the very bottom of map. There are some repairs on oxidized lines along original hand coloring. Size: 58.7 x 49.6 cm (ca. 23.1 x 19.5") Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP249835SOLD |
"Siberien. I Uebersichtskarte" Detailed map of Siberia
published 1894. Vertical centerfold 21.5 x 27.5 cm ( 8.4 x 10.6 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA248795 |
"Nuov Carta della Tartaria Secondo l'ultime Oservationi fatta in Amsterdam per Isac Tirion" Very detailed copper engraving of Asia ca 1740. The map extends from the Caspian Sea in the lower left to Japan in the lower right. The map shows many topographical details such as mountains and deserts. On the right side is a repaired
tear shown in the detailed image of the map. The map has
several folds to fit the original 27.5 x 34 cm ( 10.8 x 13.3 ") $ 180.00 Order Nr. ASIA246133 |
"Russie D'Europe Partie Meridionale" Copper engraving dated 1829 from:"Atlas de la Geographie ancienne, du moyen-age et moderne" published 1832. By Felix Delamarche, who followed his father Charles Francois Demarche (1740-1817) in his cartographic business. Interesting map showing the early political divisions of Russia. The map extends as far west as Stettin and to the Ural mountains in the east. Vertical centerfold. Minor signs of age and use. 24.5 x 37 cm ( 9.6 x 14.5 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP241835 |
"Russie D'Europe Partie Septrionale Par F. Delamarche 1828" Copper engraving dated 1828 from:"Atlas de la Geographie ancienne, du moyen-age et moderne" published 1832. By Felix Delamarche, who followed his father Charles Francois Demarche (1740-1817) in his cartographic business. Map shows the northwestern part of Russia, Finland and the Baltic States. Original hand outline coloring. Vertical centerfold.. Good condition. 27.5 x 37 cm ( 10.8 x 14.5 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP242282 |
ãLa Lapponia Russa, coi Governi di Olonechoi, Carelia, Bielozero ed Ingria nella Russia Europea Di nuova Projezione" Russian Lapland, Finland and the area east of St. Petersburg. Copper etching byG. Pitteri after G. Zuliani for Antonio Zatta. Original hand coloring Venise (Venezia, Venedig). Dated 1782 Condition: Very good. Wide margins ca. 40,5 x 31 cm (ca.16 x 12") $ 350.00 Order Nr. SCANDINAVIA238066 |
"Russia cum Condinijs. Russia, Sive Moscovia" Copper etching by Peter Kaerius (1571-1646). Amsterdam, ca 1620. Fine, modern hand coloring. Moscow is in the lower center of this detailed map reaching from the black and Caspian Seas in the south to Lapland in the north.On the middle left edge is Hamburg. On the right is the Toboll River. Latin text on reverse side. Map has overall light age toning and a few spots. Crease in upper left and lower left. 14 x 18.5 cm (5.5 x 7.2 ") $ 130.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1479 |
"Siberian II. Altai Baikalsee" Detailed map of Siberia
published 1894. Light age toning in margins. 14.5 x 22 cm ( 5.7 x 8.6 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA248797 |
"Siberien III. Amurgebiet" Detailed map of Siberia
published 1894. Light age toning in margins. 14.5 x 22 cm ( 5.7 x 8.6 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA248796 |
"Europaeisches Russland nach
Ad. St's Entwerf in zwey Blatt gez von Pr. L. v. Stlpn
1825. Moscow is in the lower center of this map. The map shows the railroad line between Moscow and St. Petersburg. On the left side of the mp is Riga with Estonia, part of Lithuania and Latvia. Map is in good condition with very light age toning. 32.5 x 39 cm ( 12.7 x 15.3 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP239955 |
"Suedliches Blatt vom Europ. Russland" ( this is the southern area of the map above Nr. 239955.) "Europaeisches Russland nach
Ad. St's Entwerf in zwey Blatt gez von Pr. L. v. Stlpn
1825. In the upper left of this map is Minsk and Pensa is in the upper right corner. In the lower lft is the Danube Delta and Black Sea. In the lower right is part of Caucasia. In the center of the map is Charkow and Poltawa, Map is in good condition with very light age toning. 31 x 38 cm ( 12.2 x 14.9 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP239956 |
ãGoverno di Arcangelo e sue Provincie Nella Russia Europea Di nuova Projezione" Arkhangelsk and Karelia Copper etching by G. Pitteri after G. Zuliani for Antonio Zatta. Original hand coloring Venise (Venezia, Venedig). Dated 1782 Condition: Very good. Wide margins ca. 42,3 x 33 cm (ca. 16.7 x 13") $ 300.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP238159 |
ãLa Russia Europea divisa ne suoi Governi e Provincie" Tratta dell'Atlante Russo European Russia, which nowadays includes Belo Russia, parts of the Ukraine and Moldavia Copper etching by G. Pitteri after G. Zuluani for Antonio Zatta. Original hand coloring Venise (Venezia, Venedig). Dated 1781 Condition: Very good. Wide margins ca. 40,7 x 31,5 cm (ca.16 x 12.4") $ 320.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP238048 |
ãGoverno di Arcangelo e sue Provincie Nella Russia Europea Di nuova Projezione" Arkhangelsk and Karelia Copper etching by G. Pitteri after G. Zuluai for Antonio Zatta. Original hand coloring Venise (Venezia, Venedig). Dated 1782 Condition: Very good. Wide margins ca. 42,3 x 33 cm (ca. 16.7 x 13") $ 300.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP238047 |
" Herbersteins Karte von Russland" Wood engraving published 1902. Reverse side is printed. This shows an early map from 1549 of Russia. Very early names are used. At the bottom is the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Wood engraving. Natural age toning. Reverse side is printed. Image: 13 x 19 cm ( 5.1 x 7.4 ")" $ 40.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP249996 |
ãDes Russischen Reiches Stathalterschaften Pleskow, Polozk, Mohilew, Twer, Moskau, Koluga, Wolodimer, Iaroslaw, Tula, Smolensko und Nischgorod". Copper etching by Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly. Vienna 1799. Reilly's atlas was a postal/coach travel service atlas. He states: Thge postal services on this map are truly correct, but heavily idealistic! Original hand coloring. Clean. Wide margins. Excellent. 20.8 x 30.5 cm (8.2 x 12"). $ 170.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1490 |
ãDes Russischen Reiches Stadthalterschaft Archangel". This map gives Sweden as neighboring country. But it became Norway lateon. Very detailed map showing the Kola peninsula and the land running up against the European / Asian border. Copper etching by Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly. Vienna 1799. Reilly's atlas was a postal/coach travel service atlas. He states: in this part of Russia there is no postal service. General age toning. Otherwise oerfect with wide margins. 20.5 x 27.5 cm (8.1 x 10.8"). $ 170.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1489 |
ãSarmatia Asiatica" (Tabula II Asiae) Crimea peninsula (Krim), Sea of Azov (Asowsches Meer), South Russia (Dagestan), On left side the Black Sea. Lower right corner of map has Northwest corner of Caspean Sea. The geographical description is easiest to say: the land between the rivers Don and Volga (Wolga) in the area of the Caucasus Very early map! Type of print: Woodcut Color: Hand coloring Authors: Claudius Ptolemy by Martin Waldseemueller and Laurent Fries. Reverse side: Text in Latin and several woodcuts including compass and angle iron with the capital letter G in its center (symbol of freemasonry?) Where: Strasbourg When: 1522 (repeat print of 1513) Watermark: Yes. Glove with three flowers on top in the form of a cross Condition: Very Good, although there are traces of age and use along margin edges. Light general age toning. Sheet size: 41 x 55,5 cm (ca. 16.1 x 21.8") $ 1800.00 Order Nr.UKRANIAMAP238449 Reverse side:
ãDescrittione Dell'Imperio della MOSCOVIA". Map includes Latvia, Livonia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Northern Part of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, Siberia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan Type of print: Copper etching Artist: Girolamo Porro Published in: ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra" Publisher: Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli Edition: Italian edition Editor: Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Text: Italian. Complete on front and reverse side Published in: Venice. Date: 1598 Measurements: Map size: Ca. 12,5 x 17 cm (ca. 4.9 x 6.7") Page size: Ca. 28,5 x 19 cm (ca. 11.2 x 7.5") Condition: Near perfect. Very minor traces of age. Price: $ 280.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP238495 |
Ost-Europa Bl. 2: Nordost Russland Steel engraving by H. Alt and A. Hanemann after A. Petermann for Stieler Dated 1871. Some original hand outline coloring. Vertical centerfold. Nice condition. On the right are the Ural Mountains. In the lower leftis the Onega Lake and Petrosawodsk. The major roads and railroad system are shown. 33.5 x 40 cm ( 13.1 x 15.7 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP237140 |
![]() "Schweden. Russland. Polen. Orientalsche Frage" Map printed in color 1896. In
the upper left is a map showing the various stages of
expansion of Sweden. Vertical centerfold to fit original book size. 22.5 x 29 cm ( 8.8 x 11.4 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. EUROPEMAP245805 |
" Ost-Europa Nr. 4: Central Russland." Steel engraving after A. Petermann for Stieler Dated 1870. Some original hand outline coloring. Vertical centerfold. Nice condition. In the upper left is Tichwirn, Sozkon..........and in the lower left are the towns Priluki, Kronotop, Borsna, Pinjatin..... In the upper right are the towns Perm. Jugowski, Kungur.... In the lower right is Uralsk, and Kirgiztan. The major roads and railroad system are shown. 33.5 x 40 cm ( 13.1 x 15.7 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP237140 |
Ost-Europa Nr. 5: Sued-West Russland & die Tuerkei. Steel engraving by H. Habenicht after A. Petermann for Stieler Dated 1871. Some original hand outline coloring. Repair on lower centerfold. In the upper left is Salzburg, Austria and in the upper center are the Tatra Mountains. Tscherkasy on the Dnieper River is in the upper right. Belgrad and Semendria are near the center of the map. In the lower right is Odessa. The island of Corfu is i the lower left near the map key. The major roads and railroad system are shown. 33 x 40.5 cm ( 12.9 x 15.9 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP237473 |
ãPolen und Westrussland" (Poland and Lithuania, Belo Russia). Published in Meyers Kleiner Handatlas. Leipzig, 1892 Very few minor traces of age and use. Vertical centerfold. 20.7 x 26.5 cm (8.1 " x 10.4") $ 60.00 Order Nr. POLANDMAP237907 |
"Carte de Moscovie Dressee par G. de L'Isle a Amsterdam chez Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier". (Map of the European part of
northern Russia). Copper etching by d L'isle and Mortier. Amsterdam, 1742. Shows Lake Ladoga, Lake Onega and, quite detailed, the White Sea Map has pleasant general age toning. Left and right margins have some repairs. 48 x 62 cm (18.9 x 24.4"). Order Number RUSSIAMAP235348SOLD |
"Russisch-Centralasien und Turkestan" Detailed map showing the
borders of 1895. Published in Leipzig. Image:22 x 26 cm ( 8.6 x 10.2 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. CENTRALASIAMAP244434 |
"Historische Karte von Russland" Historical map showing the
various territories of Russia during the reigns of the
rulers listed in the lower right corner.. Published 1895 in
Leipzig. Image:22 x 28 cm ( 8.6 x 11 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP244451 |
"Tabula II. Asiae" Sarmatie Europae Pars - Sarmatia Asiatica" Woodcut of this map after Ptolemy by Martin Waldseemueller (ca. 1572 - ca. 1522) and Laurent (Lorenz) Fries (ca. 1590 - ?). This map was originally published in Strasbourg in the year 1513. The prining of the 1513-Ptolemy atlas was repeated in Strasbourg in the year 1522. The map we offer here for purchase stems from the repeat edition of 1522. Map is hand colored, probably 20th century.. Text on reverse side. Latin. Sarmatia was, to the Greek and Romans in antique times, a geographical area between the rivers Weichsel / Vistula (polish: Wisla) in the west and Wolga in the east and between the Baltic Sea in the north and the Black Sea and Caspian Sea in the south. The geographical area circumfenses areas of Poland, the Ukraine, Russia, the ancient Kingdom of Colchis (Georgia), caucasian Albania (nowadays: Azerbaijan) Map shows run of river Don down to the Sea of Asov. Shown also the Krim peninsula. Very minor traces of age. Map is in very good condition. Sheet size: 41 x 55.5 cm (16.1 x 21.9") $ 1500.00 Order Nr. POLANDMAP14274 |
"Tavola Della Sarmatia Asiatica, La Seconda Dell'Asia" (Second Ptolemy map of Asia" Copper etching after Claudius Ptolemaeus published in ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra" Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli. Venice, 1598 First edition in Italian prepared by Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Map shows Caucasus region north of the the Black Sea and east of the Sea of Asov which is Southern Russia a small part of Georgia. Reverse side: Unrelated text print. Light general age toning. Condition very good. Sheet: 28.5 x 19 cm (11.2 x 7.5") Map: 12.4 x 17 (4.9 x 6.7") $ 350.00 Order Nr.RUSSIAMAP235653 |
"Das Caspische Meer wie solches auf Ihre Gros-Czaar durch einen See-Capitain abgezeichnet ..." (Caspian Sea) "Das Land Kamtzadalie sonst Jedso..." (Kamchatka) Copper etching in original borderline hand coloring. Published by Johann Baptist Homann. Nuremberg, 1723 This two-tier map shows in great detail on the left the Caspian Sea and on the right Kamchatka peninsula with the kurile Islands. Map is divided by central part with the title cartouche allegories looked upon by the eye of God. Flawless. 48.5 x 57.5 cm (19 x 22.6") $ 560.00 Order Nr.CENTRALASIAMAP235371 |
"Peninsola di Kamczatka" Copper engraving by Jean Baptiste d`Anville a 1750. Attractive hand coloring. Map is in good condition. Original hardly visible folds to fit atlas size. 21.2 x 17.2 cm ( 8.3 x 6.8 ") $ 125.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP237599 |
Russland und Skandinavien Steel engraving by H. Habenicht for Stieler, dated 1871. Original outline coloring. Detailed map with an inset in the lower left corner of St. Petersbur and surrounding area. In the lower right is an inset of Moscow and surrounding area. Map has a repair on lower centerfold. 33 x 40 cm ( 12.9 x 15.7 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP236676 |
Tafel zur Zusammensetzung der Carte von Russland von Danielow. Tableau d'Assemblage à la Carte de la Russie par Danielow Copper etching by Ivan Danielow. Published in Friedrich Justin Bertuch:Allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden. Published by T. Mollo, Vienna, 1812 Sectional map of the rivers in Russia, Ukraine, Belo Russia, the Baltic States, parts of Poland Bulgaria, Romania, Armenia... Trimmed to border line. Light general age toning. 19.2 x 16.7 cm (7.6 x 6.6") $ 80.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA MAP 1504 |
Die russische
Suedwestgrenze, Ihre Armee und deren Aufstellung
dasellst. Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 17.8 x 14 cm ( 7 x 5.5 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1502 |
"Moschovia Nvova Tavola". Copper etching from "L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo" (The most famous islands of the world by Thomas Porcacchi (1530 - 1585) and engraved by Girolamo Porro. The first edition of this work was published in Venice in 1572. This is from the second edition, 1620. This map shows Moscow and the surrounding area. It reaches as far as to the Caspian Sea in the lower right and the Black Sea in the lower left. On the left side is Riga. In the north is a bit of the Arctic Sea to be seen. The Ural mountains are on the right side. On one backside is a short text in Italian about the area shown. Map has a rather weak imprint in the upper left part. Along the centerfold are several small repairs. Some text showing lightly from backside on leftfront. Overall condition is Better than Good. 17.7 x 23.7 cm ( 6.9 x 9.3 ") $ 240.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA MAP 1444 |
"Mittelrussland" Detailed map of Middle Russia
as it was in 1895. Published in Leipzig. 21 x 27 cm ( 8.2 x 10.6 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP244430 |
"Suedrussland, Krim und Taurien" Map os southern Russia
published in Leipzig, 1895. 21.5 x 28 cm ( 8.4 x 11 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP244429 |
"Europaeisches Russland" Map of 1895 showing the part of
Europe belonging to Russia. 27.5 x 21 cm ( 10.8 x 8.2 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP244432 |
ãPartie de la Mer Glaciale Contenant la Nouvelle Zenble et le Pais et le Pais des Samoides". Copper etching by Nicolas Bellin. Dated 1758. Detailed area of the Russian Arctic Sea. Kara Sea and Obi Gulf. Clean. 21 x 34.5 cm (8.3 x 13.6") $ 170.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1493 |
ãGeneral Karte vom Europaeischen Russland und den kaukasischen Ländern nach den neuesten und besten Quellen entworfen und gezeichnet von F. Handtke." Steel etching ca 1855. Some original hand outline coloring. Map consists of four single sheets (not yet united). There is some minor creasing and spotting in margins. The first sheet has some light browning and a repaired tear in upper left margin corner. The second sheet has a repaired tear in lower right corner. Each sheet measures: 43.5 x 37 cm (17.1 x 14.6") Price for all four sheets: $ 320.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1494 |
ãEsthland und Ingermanland oder St. Petersburg". Estonia and the area around St. Petersburg. Steel engraving by C. Stier. Original borderline coloring. Dated 1856. Detailed map of Estonia. Southern Finland. St. Petersburg district. Side map: Surrounding of St. Petersburg. 31 x 40 cm (12.2 x 15.7"). $ 90.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1487 |
"Die Uferlaender des Schwarzen Meeres. Reliefkarte des Kriegsschauplatzes" The Black Sea with surrounding neighbor states: Ukraine . Russia - Georgia - Armenia - Turkey - Bulgaria - Romania Detailed wood engraving. Published in a German periodical. Ca. 1900 Light general age toning.
Vertical centerfold. Reverse side is printed. 29,5 x 50 cm (ca. 11.6 x 19.7") $ 160.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here: 30% = $ 112.00). Order Nr. TURKEYMAP254771 |
"Imperium Russicum omnisque Tartaria." Copper etching by Tobias Conrad Lotter ( (1717-1777) after Tobias Lobeck for the "Atlas Geographicus portabilis" (Pocket-size atlas) published 1760-1762. Original hand coloring. Interesting map of Russia including Tartaria, Japan, part of China and Persia. Map has a small spot and binding marks on left margin edge, otherwise Better than Good condition. 9.4 x 12.3 cm ( 3.7 x 4.8 ") $ 150.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1466 |
Title: Das Mitternaechtliche grosse Meer. - Isle Des Etats ou Staten Eyland. - Isle Maurice. Copper engraving by Allain
Mallet, 1719. Shows the islands to the north of Lapland and
Russia. 14.5 x 10 cm ( 5.7 x 3.9 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP253063 |
"Nouvelle Zemble" Nova Zembla is a double island
between the Barent Sea and the Kara Sea. Copper engraving by Allain
Mallet, 1719. Minor signs of age and use. Strong image. Map image; 14.5 x 10.5 cm (5.5 x 4.1") $ 60.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP253062 |
"Detraoit de Waigats" Waigatsch is an island of the
100 Nenzen peoples who live from herds of reindeer. Very minor signs of age. Copper engraving by Allain Mallet, 1719. Map image; 14.5 x 10.5 cm (5.5 x 4.1") $ 60.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP253064 |
"Kriegs- und Spezialkarte vom finnischen Meerbusen von Kronstadt bis St. Petersburg 1856" Steel etching by J. Adam for"Neuester Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1856. Some original hand outline coloring. Interesting and detailed map with Kronstadt on the left and St. Petersburg on the right. In the center is information about the war and the listing of some major monuments in St. Petersburg. Map has vertical centerfold and a few minor spots. Left margin has been added. 20.5 x 29.5 cm ( 8 x 11.6 ") Order Nr.RUSSIAMAP1483 SOLD |
"SVECIA, DANIA, ET NORVEGIA, REGNA EUROPAE SEPTENTRIONALIA". Copper engraving by Andreas Bureus ( Anders Bure (1571-1646),founder and developer Swedish land surveying and cartography). This map was published ca 1640. Later hand coloring. Very detailed map of Scandinavia and the Baltic region. Notice the very decorative cartouche with the three coats-of-arms of the three countries. Map has a few minor spots. Vertical centerfold. Minor creases in lower margin. 42 x 52.5 cm ( 16.5 x 20 ") $ 1400.00 Order Nr. SCANDINAVIAMAP1510 |
"Karte von Russland" Copper engraving ca 1780. Some outline coloring. In the center of the map is Moscow. In the lower right is the Caspian Sea. In the lower left is part of Bulgaria. In the upper left is Finland. Map has a horizontal centerfold. Some creasing in margins, especially in lower margin. Repaired tear in right margin on centerfold. 35 x 28 cm ( 13.7 x 11 ") $ 190.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1471 |
"Plan De La Baye De Awatska, Sur la Côte Oriental du Kamtschatka". Copper engraving by Bernard for Captain Cook's travel report, 1785. This map is from the first French edition. Very detailed map of the Bay of Awatska on the east coast of Kamtschatka with the harbors of Tareinska and Peter and Paul. In the upper left is a detailed inset of the harbor of St. Peter and St. Paul (Harvre de St. Pierre et St. Paul). Map has folds to fit original book size. Repair on upper left margin and on lower right margin corner. Repaired tear in lower margin reaching to edge of map border. Very small repairs on right margin edge. 25.5 x 19.5 cm ( 10 x 7.6 ") $ 80.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA1473 |
"Vues De La Côte D'Asie". Copper engraving by Bernard for Captain Cook's travel report, 1785. This map is from the first French edition. Interesting topographical landmarks on the coast of Kamtschatka, the coast of Asia with Cape Serdze Kamen, Mount Paratoonka and Cheepoonskoi. Map has two vertical folds to fit original book size. Right fold is hardly visible. The paper along the left fold has a thin area giving graying along the fold. A few very minor spots. 22 x 38 cm ( 8.6 x 14.9 ") $80.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1474 |
"Vues De La Côte Du Kamtchatka" Copper engraving by Bernard for Captain Cook's travel report, 1785. This map is from the first French edition. Fine images of the mountains around the Bay of Awatska. At the bottom is the entry into the bay with Fanal on the right side. Print has vertical folds to fit original book size. 22.5 x 38.5 cm ( 8.8 x 15.1 ") $ 100.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1475 |
"Carte De La Tartarie Occidentale Pour servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages." Copper etching by Bellin dated 1749. In the center of the map is Lake Kurahan Ulan, the scene of the siege of Karakum ou Kuran. In the north is part of Siberia. In the lower right is part of China with Peking and the Golfe of Lyau-tong. Map has vertical centerfold. Light browning on margin edges. 22 x 30.7 cm ( 8.6 x 12.0 ") $ 135.00 Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1478 |
"Karte von West Russland". Copper etching by the Lotter Brothers in Augsburg dated 1812. Original hand outline coloring. This large map shows the Baltic countries and surrounding neighbors. In the upper left is the Baltic Sea and southern Finland. On the left side is part of Prussia with Koenigsberg and further south is part of Poland with Warsaw. At the bottom left is Moldavia and Rumania and the last portion of the Danube River flowing into the Black Sea. Moscow is on the upper right side of the map as a large red point. Map has a vertical and horizontal fold crossing in the center of the map. Folds are visible only close-up. Small reapirs(visible only on backside) on the horizontal fold. In the margins of the map are creases and light graying on margin edges. Small repaired tears on upper and right margin edges.Overall condition is otherwise Good. 68.8 x 47.2 cm ( 27 x 18.5 ") $ 415.00 Order Nr. BALTIC1068 |
Muscovy or Russia Muscovia, aut Alba Russia Copper etching by Hermann Moll
( 1678-1732). At the bottom are bits of the Black and Caspian Seas. Text below map and on backside
is in English. Map size: 16.3 x 17.7 cm ( 6.4
x 6.9 ") $ 190.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA MAP 1463 |
"Moscovia" Copper etching by the Royal Academy of Science in Paris, 1714. This map is from the Italien edition. Moscow is almost in the center of this map that reaches from the Gulf of finland to Siberia and the former Gran Tartaria in the east. In the lower right corner is the northern tip of the Caspian Sea. In the lower left is part of Poland and the Dniper river. The Baltic coutries are on the left side of the map. Map has overall toning and some browning on margin edges. Very minimal spotting in margins. Condition is Better than Good. 13.3 x 16.2 cm ( 5.2 x 6.3 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. RUSSIA MAP 1443 |
"Moesiae et Daciae, Tabula Contiens una Poloniam, Russiam nigram, etc.". Copper etching by Peter Bertius (1565-1629) for Philipp Cluver Philipp (1580 - 1623) , an early author of historic maps. His works were published long beyond his lifespan. The This map comes from a pocket size atlas (duodez): Philippi Cluverii. Introductionis in Universam Geographiam tam veterem quam novam Libri. Amsterdam, 1661. Originally colored.Centerfold. Size: ca.12 x 12,5 cm (ca.4.72 x 4.92"). Narrow margins all around, especially on right side. General toning. Minimal foxing.
This map concentrates on the ancient regions of Moesia and Daccia. In the northwest is Cassubia and Pomerania. To the southwest is then Poland, Hungary,Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia and ancient Illyris. The green area in the north is Black Russia. Further south is Romania and Bulgaria with a small bit of the Black Sea to be seen in the southeast.
$ 145.00
" Carte du Detroit de Waeigats, ou de Nassua ". Copper etching by M. Bellin in recent coloring. Dated 1758.
A decorative map of a remote and almost unknown area. On each side of the island of Novaya Zemlya is a windrose in the Arctic Sea. In the southwest is Cape Russkly Zavarot and the area shown as Nouvelle Hollande is the Yugorskiy Penninsula.
Condition of map is Very Good.
19.5 x 30.8 cm ( 7.7 x 12.1 ")
$ 140.00
Order Nr. RUSSIAMAP1434
No Title
Map showing the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia.Copper etching ca 1770. Anonymous.
Map shows the Chukchi Peninsula of Siberia and the Seward Peninsula of Alaska with the
Bering Strait in between. In the inset are details of the Kuril Islands.The left margin has rust brown (from binding glue?). There is a noticeable spot on the right side under
"America". There is some spotting in right margin and some miniscule scattered spots on image.
Margins are 1-2cm wide. Folds to fit book size.21.8 x 38 cm ( 8.6 x 14.9 ")
$ 350.00
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