Antique Maps of Turkey View our selection of historical maps of Turkey and the surrounding area. Each description is illustrated. Please contact us if you are looking for a special map. There are maps showing Turkey with Maps of the Mediterranean and Maps of Caucasia. Maps have normal age toning and wider margins than shown on these images. Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a TURKEYMAP number on this page! Take 30% off the listed price. ! Visit us at the following sites: |
Turkey. "Asiae Minoris Tabula Descripta Conatibus" Copper etching from:"Atlas de la Geographie ancienne, du moyen-age et moderne". By Felix Delamarche, who followed his father Charles Francois Demarche (1740-1817) in his cartographic business. Original green and red border line hand coloring. Paris, dated 1829 Map shows mainly Asia Minor (Turkey and Cyprus), the Black Sea in ancient times. Regions and tribes are named and localized by red border lines. Except for very minor traces of age and use: Good condition. Centerfold has little repairs. 27,8 x 40,5 cm (ca. 10.9 x 15.9") $ 240.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP241750 |
ãTurcicum Imperium" (Osman Empire / Osmanisches Reich) Hand-colored copper etching by Joannes L'Huilier Published by Frederic de Wit Amsterdam, ca. 1680 General age toning. Lower left and lower right spotty. Lower centerfold and fragil sections left and right secured by restaurative paper. Very good hand-coloring probably 19th century. Reverse side has no print. In general: Still good condition. Map shows extension of the Osman Empire versus the end of the 17th century. Center of map is Turkey, Irak, the Levant, northern Egypt, the Libyan coast, Greece, The Black and the Caspean Sea. Very colorful cartouche shows three sultans and two captives. Ca. 45 x 55 cm (ca. 17.7 x 21.6") Order Nr. NEAREASTMAP237379SOLD |
"Tabula Geographica qua Pars Russiae Magnae Pontus Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor cum finitimis Bulgariae, Romaniae, et Natoliae Provinciis exhibetur" Map of the Ukraine in the extensions of mid 18th century, and neighboring geographical regions of countries. Map of the Black Sea and neighboring shores. Nowadays the Ukraine has much larger extensions, especially westward. Copper etching with very fine original hand coloring. This vertical map has horizontal center fold and an additional fold on either side of it. It his in very good condition, but has a repair on lower left margin. Publisher: Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724) Nuremberg, 1723 57 x 48 cm (ca. 22.4 x 18.9") $ 590.00 Order Nr.RUSSIAMAP252895 |
"Dardanellen und Umgebung" ****** Reverse side: "Konstantinopel und der Bosphorus" Detailed maps on each side of a
page of the Bosphorus and Istanbul. Map has folds to fit original
book size. Map images: 29 x 22 cm ( 11.4 x 8.6") $ 40.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 28.00 Order Nr. TURKEY255784 |
"Karte zur Geschichte der
Europaeischen Tuerkei" Map published ca 1890 showing
the extension of Turkey's European Map has a horizontal centerfold to fit original book size. Map image: 26 x 20 cm ( 10.2 x 7,8") $ 45,00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP255293 |
ãTurquie d'Europe" Copper etching by Jean Jeanvier. His first name is open to debate. Some say it was Robert. Life span unknown. Active in Paris between 1746 and 1776. Map was published by Jean Lattre in his ãAtlas Moderne". Published in Paris, 1772. Map shows Ottoman Turkey and Ottoman occupied Europe as far north-west as the Croatian island of Pag.. Cyprus is well shown, all of Greece. Baroque cartouche. Hand coloring. Map shows some few traces of age and use mostly in margins. A few spots. General age toning. Strong paper.Condition is near Very Good. Ca. 48 x 63 cm (ca. 19 x 25") $ 590.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP238196 |
"Carte De L'Anadoli et autres Provinces de la Turquie Asiatique; dont une partie portoit jadis le nom D'Asie Mineure" Copper engraving map by Louis
Brion de la Tour. Published ca 1780. Map has fold to fit original
atlas size. The margin piece missing in the upper corner is
in the atlas binding. Map Image: 23 x 34 cm (9 x 13.3") $ 190.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP255217 |
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East-Roman Empire - Greece - East Balkan - Turkey - Cyprus - Asia Minor - Palestine - North Africa, Egypt - Libya - Medirearranean Sea. "Orbis Romani Pars Orientalis Auspiciis Serenissimi Principis Ludovici Philippi Aurelianorum Ducis Publici Juris Facta" Copper etching by D'Anville. But this map was actually printed and published by Weigel and Schneider in Nuremberg. With original borderline hand coloring Nuremberg, 1782 Historic map of the East-Roman Empire with its Capital, here described as "Byzantinum ubi postea Constantinopolis". Place names of all sorts are in the Latin language all around the Mediterranean Sea. On the center of this map we look at Cyprus and Turkey. Map was larger than the atlas it was published in. Therefore the map has several horizontal and vertical folds.. It has general age toning and normal signs of age and use. But it is in good condition. 86 x 54,3 cm (ca. 33.9 x 21.4") $ 320.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP252410 |
"Turquie D'Europe" Steel engraving map, 1862. Shows Balkan and Greee at the time of Turkish domination. Vertical folds to fit original
book size. Right and lower margins have ben added. 17.5 x 23 cm ( 6.8 x 9 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP255101 |
"Asie Mineure. Pour l'Histore Romaine.." Copper engraving map after Crevier by Rollin in Paris. Published ca 1757. From "Histoire Romaine despuis la Fondation de Rome..." Map has folds to fit original
book size. The lower left margin was bound in a book. Attractive hand coloring. Map image: 22 x 34 cm ( 8.6 x 13.3") Order Nr. TURKEYMAP252962SOLD |
"Die Asiatische Tuerkei 1854" Steel engraving map by W. Issleib with original hand outsline coloring, 1854. The inset in the lwer left shows part of Syria with Palestine. Some light browning and a few spots in margins. 19.5 x 27 cm ( 7.6 x 10.8 ") $ 75.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP249922 |
Reverse side: "Armenia and Part of Asia
Minor" Wood engraving. Printed by Schoenberg, New York City. 1867 Front side shows coast line of the Turkish side of the Black Sea from Sinop in the west to Batumi in Georgia and south to the Van Lake Reverse side shows the border region between Turkey and Syria, the northeastern Mediterranean Sea, the run of river Euphrates from its sources to Syria 12 x 20,5 cm (ca. 4.7 x 8.1") 11,2 x 20,2 cm (ca. 4.4 x 8") $ 60.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP239984 |
"New Griechen lande mit andern anstossenden laendern wie es zu unsern zeiten beschriben ist" Woodcut. Published in "Cosmographia" by Seabastian Muenster (1488-1552) Basel, 1553 Shows Greece to the East Balkan, the Black Sea, Constantinople (Istambul), West Anatolia, the immense world of Greek islands south to Crete. Early map of Greece and Western Turkey Light general age toning. Lower margin more intensely toned. Lower left margin partially with reeforcement. Map: 25,5 x 34,4 cm (ca. 10 x 13.5") $ 800.00 Order Nr. GREECE252936 |
ãTabula itineris Decies Mille Graecorum sub Cyro contra fratrem suum Artaxerxem Regem Persarum..." Copper etching by Pierre Duval (1619 - 1683). Ca1665. Recent hand coloring. Historical map relating to ãAnabais" a collection of war stories about Greek antique times written by Xenophon. The story of this map pertains to the Ten Thousand Greek mercinaries (whom Xenophon accompanied) who had been hired by Cyrus the younger, who intended to seize the throne of Persia form his brother ArtaxerxesIn the battle of Cunaxa in Babylonia these troops beat their enemy, but Cyrus was killed in battle. The expedition therefore was in vain. After all generals and leaders of the army had been killed or captured the headless army was stranded deep in enemy territory. The 10000 then marched togerther to the Black Sea. All this according to Xenophon in his ãAnabis" (The March North). Map shows Turky, Cyprus, Armenia and the Near East to Bagdad. Has three decorative cartouches. Map has very wide margins with some light browning on margin edges. There are some fine parallel creases along the vertical centerfold. A few light creases in image. 41.3 x 49 cm (16.3 x 19.3") $ 620.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP1840 |
"La Mer Mediterranee divise en ses Principales Parties our Mers" Very finely hand-colored copper etching by Gerard Valck (1652-1726). Published in Amsterdam, ca. 1700 The Mediterranean Sea from the Strait of Gibraltar to the eastern shores. Map was printed from two plates. The border line of the right plate not exactly fitting the left. Hand-coloring and condition are very good. 48,5 x 85,5 cm (19 x 33.7") Order Nr. MEDITERRANEAN247139 SOLD |
Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a TURKEYMAP number on this page! Take 30% off the listed price. ! |
"Reich Alexanders des Grossen" (Empire of Alexander the Great) Map printed in color 1896 shows
the Empire of Alexander the Great with many of the antique
names Map has a vertical fold. 22.5 x 29 cm ( 8.8 x 11.4 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. MIDDLEASTMAP245778 |
"Asie Mineure sous la domination Romaine D'Auguste a Diocletien" Steel engraving map, 1862. Shows Asia Minor at the time of Roman domination. Good condition. Vertical folds to fit original book size. 17 x 21.7 cm ( 6.6 x 8.5 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP241765 |
"Asie Mineure au temps D'Heraclius" Steel engraving map, 1862. Shows Asia Minor at the time of the rule of Heraclius. Good condition. Vertical folds to fit original book size. 16.8 x 21.7 cm ( 6.5 x 8.5 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP241766 |
"Turkey in Europe" Steel engraving dated from " Colton's Atlas of the World Illustrating Physical and Political Geography" dated 1855. This is from the first edition of the atlas by Joseph Hutchins Colton ( 1800 - 1893 ). Colton was an American atlas publisher. Original hand coloring. Map extends from the Adriatic Sea on the left to the Black Sea on the right. Turkey is shown as "Asia Minor" in the lower right. Also in the lower right is an inset of the island of Crete. In the lower left is a detailed inset of the Bosphorus.A decorative border adds a pleasant artistic aspect to this historical map that includes parts of Greece, Albania, Serbis, Croatia, Moldavia, Bulgaria, etc. Map has overall light age toning. Minor signs of age and use in margins. 33 x 39.5 cm ( 12.9 x 15.5 ") $ 125.00 Order Nr. TURKEY239861 |
"Kuestenlaender des Schwarzen Meeres 1850" Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1850. Original hand coloring. Very detailed map of the countries around the Black Sea. Very clean map with a tiny bit of light toning on margin edges. 18.5 x 24.5 cm ( 7.2 x 9.6 ") $ 135.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP249817 |
"Kuestenlaender des Schwarzen Meeres 1849" Steel etching from "Neuster
Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by Very detailed map of the countries around the Black Sea. Map image is clean. Minor signs
of age and use in margins. 18.5 x 24.5 cm ( 7.2 x 9.6 ") $ 80.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP255252 |
"Map to Illustrate St.
Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey Representing the Roman
Provinces" Steel engraving map by W. Hughes in London. Published 1854. Map image: 17.5 x 24 cm ( 6.8 x 9.4") $ 45.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP253254 |
ãCarta Maritima del Golfo di Smirne com'anche l'Isola Scio e come fra essa e la terra forma di Calaber si possa veleggiare" The Gulf of Izmir (Smyrna) with the east coast of the Greek island of Chios and the little islands in the strait between the island and the Turkish peninsula of Karaburun Copper etching by Pieter Goos (1616-1675). Hand coloring. Published in the Italian edition ãLo Specchio del Mare" by Francesco Levanto. Map nr. ã22" Genova, 1664 Map has some repairs along the narrow upper margin, slightly into image. Some minor traces of age and use. Basically much better than good condition. 39,7 x 50,8 cm (ca. 15.6 x 20") $ 1600.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP238099 |
"Turchia Nell Asia Antica E Moderna". Copper etching ca 1720. Modern hand coloring. This is an Italian edition of the above map. It concentrates on eastern Turkey and the surrounding countries. In the upper left is the southern tip of the Crimea in the Black Sea. In the upper right is part of the Caspian sean. In the lower left is the northern tip of the Red sea and in the lower right is the northern tip of the Persian Gulf. To the left of the Holy Land is Cyprus. Map image is clean. Light creasing in lower left image area. Left margin has been added. Hardly visible folds to fit book size. Right margin is a bit frayed with some creasing. General condition is Much Better than Good. 17 x 13.5 cm ( 6.7 x 5.3 ") $140.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP1822 |
"Tableau de la Retraite des Dix Milles" Copper etching from:"Atlas de la Geographie ancienne, du moyen-age et moderne". By Felix Delamarche, who followed his father Charles Francois Demarche (1740-1817) in his cartographic business. Dated 1828 This maps shows the provinces in Asia Minor (Turkey), the Near East and Babylonia during the Pelopennesian War 460 B.C to 404 B.C. The "10000" refers to the Greek, mostly Spartan mercenary survivors after the battle between Cyrus II and Artaxeres II at Cuxana. Under new leadership the 10000 Greeks retreated under harsh conditions during the course of one year through Asia Minor back to Greece. Map shows some traces of age and use. But its general condition is Good! 28,8 x 42 cm (ca. 11.3 x 16.5") $ 90.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP241748 |
"Die Uferlaender des Schwarzen Meeres. Reliefkarte des Kriegsschauplatzes" The Black Sea with surrounding neighbor states: Ukraine . Russia - Georgia - Armenia - Turkey - Bulgaria - Romania Detailed wood engraving. Published in a German periodical. Ca. 1900 Light general age toning.
Vertical centerfold. Reverse side is printed. 29,5 x 50 cm (ca. 11.6 x 19.7")
Order Nr. TURKEYMAP254771SOLD |
"Osmannisches Reich. Nordamerika" The upper half of this map
shows the Ottoman Empire up to 1683. The lower part of the
map shows North America This map was printed 1894. Horizontal centerfold. 29 x 22 cm ( 11.4 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP248105 |
"Turquie D'Europe par F. Delamarche 1828" Copper engraving published
1832. Original outline coloring. 27.5 x 25.5 cm ( 10.8 x 10 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. GREECEMAP242174 |
"Kleinasien" ( Asia Minor ) Atlas map published 1896.
Interesting historical map showing the various expansions of
Turkey. In the Map has horizontal centerfold to fit atlas size. 29 x 22.5 cm ( 11.4 x 8.8 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP243974 |
ãTabula itineris Decies Mille Graecorum Cyro merentium contra fratrem Artaxerxem Regem Persarum..." Copper etching from the atlas by Pierre Mortier (1661- 1711). Amsterdam. Ca 1700. Historical map relating to ãAnabais" a collection of war stories about Greek antique times written by Xenophon. The story of this map pertains to the Ten Thousand Greek mercinaries (whom Xenophon accompanied) who had been hired by Cyrus the younger, who intended to seize the throne of Persia form his brother ArtaxerxesIn the battle of Cunaxa in Babylonia these troups beat their enemy, but Cyrus was killed in battle. The expedition therefore was in vain. After all generals and leaders of the army had been killed or captured the headless army was stranded deep in enemy territory. The 10000 then marched togerther to the Black Sea. All this according to Xenophon in his ãAnabis" (The March North). Map shows Turky, Cyprus, Armenia and the Near East to Bagdad. Map has wide margins with light bowning on margin edges. Light browning along vertical centerfold. Small repair in upper margin on centerfold. A few scattered spots in margins. Small repaired tear on lower margin edge. Tiny repaired hole on upper centerfold.A few hardly noticeable creases. 40 x 47 cm (15.7 x 18.5") $ 620.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP1841 |
Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a TURKEYMAP number on this page! Take 30% off the listed price. ! |
"Schweden. Russland. Polen. Orientalsche Frage" Map printed in color 1896. In
the upper left is a map showing the various stages of
expansion of Sweden. Vertical centerfold to fit original book size. 22.5 x 29 cm ( 8.8 x 11.4 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. EUROPEMAP245805 |
"Asie Mineure au temps des Croisades" Map shows the region of Asia Minor at the time of the Crusades with many early names and political regions. Steel engraving, 1869. Vertical folds to fit original book size. 17 x 22 cm ( 6.6 x 8.6 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP241621 |
"Asie Mineure au temps
D'Alexandre Le Grand et de Ses Successeurs avec
l'intineraire d'Alexandre" Map has the ancient names of the various towns and regions of present-day Turkey and northwestern Syria. Steel engraving, 1869. Vertical folds to fit original book size. 17 x 22 cm ( 6.6 x 8.6 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP241508 |
"Asie Mineure sous Les Perses avec l'intineraire des dix mille" Map has the ancient names of the various towns and regions of present-day Turkey and northwestern Syria. Steel engraving, 1869. Vertical folds to fit original book size. 17 x 22 cm ( 6.6 x 8.6 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAP244756 |
"Carte de L'Archipel Presentee a Monseignr. le Comte de Maurepas Par le Sr. Grognard Pilote Entretenu au department de Toulon. 1745" Giant folio size map of the Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) showing in great detail the East and North Coasts of Greece, the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmara, the West Coast of Turkey and all the islands south to Crete (Kreta) Type of print: Copper etching Publisher: Nicolas Bellin Published: Toulon, 1745 Condition: Near Excellent. There are some thin spots in this very thick laid paper. Watermark. Very clean. Hardly any traces of age and use. RARE! Very desirable and very collectible! Map size: 76,4 x 53,6 cm (ca. 30 x 21.1") Sheet size: 88 x 61 cm (ca. 34.6 x 24") $ 1650.00 Order Nr. GREECE242201 |
"Klein-Asien & Syrien Nebst den Westlichen Theilen von Armenien, Kurdistan & Mesopotomien " Steel engraving by Eulenstein and Jungmann for Stieler dated 1870. Original outline hand coloring. Very detailed map. Inset in lower left corner shows the region of Smyrna (Izmir). Vertical centerfold. Good condition. 33.5 x 40 cm ( 13.1 x 15.7 ") Order Nr. TURKEYMAP236338 SOLD |
"Alexandri Magni Imperium et Expenditiones" Alexander's the Great Empire. Copper etching from:"Atlas de la Geographie ancienne, du moyen-age et moderne". By Felix Delamarche, who followed his father Charles Francois Demarche (1740-1817) in his cartographic business. Original border line hand coloring. Paris, dated 1829 Map shows some traces of age and use. In General: Good condition. 27,8 x 43 cm (ca.10.9 x 16.9") $ 150.00 Order Nr.MIDDLEEASTMAP241749 |
"Carte de la Dispersion des Peuples après le Deluge" Map of the dispersion of people after the deluge Colonie des Enfents de Japhet - marked in yellow original color Colonie des Enfents de Cham - marked in blue original color Colonie des Enfents de Sem - marked in red original color According to the Old Testatement Noah had three sons: Japhet, Cham and Sem According to Flavius Josephus these three sons moved to different areas after the deluge (ca. 100 A.D.) This maps shows the areas to which people moved. And the map states: Colonie des Enfans de Japhet (yellow coloring), Colonie des Enfans de Cham (blue coloring) and Colonie des Enfans de Sem (reed coloring). Copper engraving from:"Atlas de la Geographie ancienne, du moyen-age et moderne". By Felix Delamarche, who followed his father Charles Francois Demarche (1740-1817) in his cartographic business. Paris, dated 1829 Map has light general age toning and shows some minor traces of age an use 27,5 x 39,8 cm (ca. 10.8 x 15.7") $ 240.00 Order Nr.NEAREASTMAP241751 |
"Desrittione Dell'Asia Minore addimandata volgarmente La Natolia e dell'Isole circongiacenti" Copper etching published in ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra" Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli. Venice, 1598 First edition in Italian prepared by Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617) Map shows Turkey, Cyprus and Greek Islands along Turkish coast south to the Island of Crete (Candia) and the Syrian coast. General age toning. Very minor traces of age and use. Verso: related text. Sheet: 28.5 x 19 cm (11.2 x 7.5") Map: 12.6 x 17.2 cm (5 x 6.8") $ 320.00 Order Nr.TURKEY235650 |
Sale! Discount! 30% Discount on All maps with a TURKEYMAP number on this page! Take 30% off the listed price. ! |
The "Roman Histories" by Polybius were among the most important writings about Hellenistic history and the super cession of world importance by the Roman Empire. Xylander, an all-round intellectual scholar, translated the book from the original Greek rather than reproducing the existing Latin translation. The entire work comprised originally 40 volumes, of which most are lost. The ones preserved contain maps of the Mediteranian countries: Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Mauretania, Italy and a few others. Polybius used the maps of Ptolomy. Some of the maps are used twice in the "Histories": Greece, Turkey, Mauretania. These maps are identical, except for their titles, above maps and inside inset-cartouches. The two maps of Turkey have different reverse side text: One was published as illustration to the 4th book. The text on the reverse side is naturally incomplete. It describes in the most beautiful woodcut type, the Punic Wars (Romans against the Carthaginians. The second map, distinguished only in titles, illustrated book 16 describes on the reverse side as Abydos (Hellespont) was conquered by Philip V of Macedonia in the year 200. Beautiful!!! type setting. Language is German. "Verzeichnis eines teils der Landschaft Asie" Title in Inset cartouche: "Die Landschaften Pontus rund Bithynia mit allen ihren Gelegenheiten" Type print: Woodcut Published in: "Roemische Historien" (Roman Histories) Author: Polybius (ca. 200 BC - ca. 118 BC) Translated by: Wilhelm Xylander (1532-1576) His name latinized from: Holtzman) Published by: Sebastian Henricpetri (1546-1627) Published in: Basel, 1574 Reverse side has text print as described in German. Beautiful type setting! Condition: Very good. Rarity: Extremely rare! "Beschreibung des Landes Asien an allen fuernembsten oerthern und Stetten" Title in inset cartouche: "Das Euxinisch Meer" Type print: Woodcut Published in: "Roemische Historien" (Roman Histories) Author: Polybius (ca. 200 BC - ca. 118 BC) Translated by: Wilhelm Xylander (1532-1576) His name latinized from: Holtzman) Published by: Sebastian Henricpetri (1546-1627) Published in: Basel, 1574 Reverse side has German text print as described (beautiful type setting!) Condition: Very good Rarity: Extremely rare! Set of two maps: $ 1900.00 Order Nr. TURKEYMAPS239814 |
Reverse side: "Part of European Turkey" and side map "The Bosphorus & Constantinople" Reverse side: "Constantinople & Part of Asia Minor" Wood engraving. Printed by Schoenberg, New York City. 1867 Front sideshows Black Sea coast line from Constantinople (Istanbul) north to Varna, Bulgaria and as far west as 25° Eastern Length on the Balkan. Reverse side: Coastline of Black Sea from Constantinople (Istanbul) to Samsun, Sea of Marmara, Smyrna (Ismir) as far east as Tokat Small side map shows the Bosphorus channel from the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea. Very good condition. 11,8 x 15,3 cm (ca. 4.6 x 6") 11,8 x 21 cm (ca. 4.6 x 8.3") 11.8 x 4,5 cm (ca. 4.6 x 1.8") $ 60.00 Order Nr.BULGARIAMAP239985 |
ãDas Byzantinische Reich bis in das XI. Jahrhundert" (Byzantine Empire to the XIth century). Steel engraving by C. Poppey. Published in Spruner's historical atlas ca 1865. Map shows Turkey, Greece, Islamic Bulgaria, Cyprus. Inset lower left bird's eye view of Constantinople. Names all different ãtribes" in this lively geographical area. An interesting historical map. Clean. Right margin narrow. 33 x 43.2 cm (13 x 17") $ 120.00 Order Nr. ASIAMINORMAP1834 |
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