Antique Prints of Russia

View this selection of historical prints of Russia. All prints are in very good condition unless otherwise mentioned. The measurements are of the image and do not include the margins. Prints are shown in alphabetical order.

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"Bojarentochter" (Daughter of a Boyar)

Chromo-zimcograph after the painting by Konstantin Jegorowitsch Makowski (1846-1920)

A Boyar was member of the highest rank the nobility in Bulgaria, Russia,
Wallachia, Romania, Moldavia, Serbia, Lithuania and the Baltic states

Image in very good condition. Minor traces of age and use in wide margins.

31,7 x 18,2 cm (ca. 12.5 x 7.17")

$ 80.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00)

Order Nr. ROMANIA255203

"Verschiedene Prospekte der vornehmsten Staedten in PersienÉ"

Each row from left to right:

1st row: Astrachan on the Wolga in Russia) - Derbent (southernmost city of Russia) - Tiflis (Capital of Georgia) - Kars (Turkey)

2nd row: Erzerum (Erzurum, Turkey) - Baccu (Baku, Azerbaijan) - Sultania (Sultanieh, Iran) - Shamakhi (Azerbaijan)

3rd row: Erivan (Jerewan, Armenia) - Schiras (Shiras, Iran) - Candahar (Kandahar, Afghanistan) - Ardebil (Azerbaijan) -

4th row: Kachan (Iran) - Isphaham (Iran) - Gamron (Bandar Abbas, Iran)

Copper etching. Original hand coloring.

Published by Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1723)

Nuremberg, ca. 1720

Centerfold has small repaired hole in the middle of map and has been repaired in the lowest part.

There are two pleats parallel to centerfold, on on each side. The impressions are very good.

Signs of age and use in margins.

48,5 x 47,8 cm (ca. 19 x 18.8")


Russian bath

"Bains Russes" ( Russian bath )

Steel engraving by Challot after Vernier, 1838.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA248852

"La Russe et les Russes"
"Saint Petersbourg. - Aspect D'Hiver"

Seven separate pages with various wood engravings published 1852.
Text is French

Page size: 26.5 x 18 cm ( 10.4 x 7 ")

Price for the seven pages: $70.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA246155

"Vue generale d Arkhangel"

Wood engraving by H. Clerget after a photograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

18 x 23.8 cm ( 7 x 9.3 ")

Order Nr. RUSSIA240088 SOLD

"Eglises d Arkangel."

Wood engraving by H. Clerget after a photograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

12 x 16 cm ( 4.7 x 6.2 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240086


Bazar zu Astrachan

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1875. Reverse side is printed.

9.2 x 12.3 cm ( 3.6 x 4.8 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2070

"1. Burjat. 2. Ueber eine Spalte im Baikal"

Wood engravings ca 1875. Reverse side is printed.

Upper image: 10.5 x 6.5 cm ( 4.1 x 2.5 ")
Lower image: 11.7 x 18.5 cm ( 4.6 x 7.2 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242124



Wood engraving by A. de Bar, after a photograph. Published 1872.

Below the image and on the reverse side is text about Russia ( in French )

12 x 15.7 cm ( 4.7 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA243109

"Prams et radeaux sur la Dwina"

Wood engravig by E. Moyet, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

16 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.2 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240427

"Monastere De Dames A Ekaterinbourg"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is historical text about the rivers and lakes of Russia.

Overall light, natural age toning.

Image: 14 x 20 cm ( 5.5 x 7.8")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA257039

"Das Hipathius Kloster"

Steel engraving Published in Hildburghausen ca 1850.
Very light stain on upper left margin corner.

Image: 10 x 15 cm ( 3.9 x 5.9")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA250218


Upper image: "Steppentartaren"
Lower image: "Tartarische Tenne"

Tartars are a Turkic speaking people who live in Russia,
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and in scattered groups in other
parts of Asia.

Lihographie published ca 1880. Good condition.

Image: 22.5 x 13.5 cm ( 8.8 x 5.3")

$ 70.00

Order Nr. CAUCASUS255214

"Vue d'une Partie de la Ville D'Iakoutsk" (Part view of Iakoutsk)

Copper etching by Francois Denis Nee

after the drawing by Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse (1734 - 1808)

Published in the very rare ãHistoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la RussieAncienne" by N.G. Le Clerc. Paris, 1783

Some age toning along margin edges. Otherwise: Condition: Very good

Image: 21.2 x 32 cm (8.3 x 12.6")

Sheet: 33.3 x 49.4 cm (31.1 x 19.4")

$ 850.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA235123


Wood engraving on a page of text published 1895.
On the reverse side of the page is text about Irkutsk and Siberia.

Image: 10 x 13 cm ( 3.9 x 5.1")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA256360



Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1875. Reverse side is printed.

8.8 x 10.9 cm ( 3.5 x 4.3 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2065

"Samojedische Opferstaette auf der Halbinsel Jalmal" ( Samoyeden place of offering on the Jalmal Penninsula)

Wood engraving published 1877. On the reverse side is an image of Walrus hunting in the area.

11.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.1")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244450



Wood engraving from an illustrated work, 1875.
Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

8.8 x 10.8 cm ( 3.5 x 4.2 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA239080

"Tungusen von Jenesei"

Wood engraving made after a photograph. Published 1877.
n the reverse side is an image of Native Dolganen from Jenesei.

15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244470

Ostjaken von Jenisei

"Ostjaken von Jenisei"

Wood engraving made after a photograph, published 1877.
On the reverse side is an image of Gubin Bay in the Matotischkin Schar.

23.5 x 15.5 cm ( 9.2 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order nr. RUSSIA244469

"Des Ostufer des Jenissei, noerdlich fer Waldgrenze"

Wood engraving published 1901. On the reverse side is text about Russia.

Image: 10 x 13 cm ( 3.9 x 5.1")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA256466

"Oestliche Einfahrt in Matotschkin Schar"

Wood engraving 1877. Reverse side is printed.

7.5 x 15.5 cm ( 2.9 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244468

Sarostaw et Kostramma.

"Kaback (auberge ) entre Sarostaw et Kostramma. sur les bords du Volga."

Wood engraving 1867. Reverse side is printed.

16 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.2 '")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA248620

"Die Kirche von Kaborowa" ( The church of Kaborova )

Wood engraving published 1877. Reverse side is printed.

11.5 x 15.5 ( 4.5 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244448

"Schlittenfahrt bei den Samojeden von Kaborowa" ( Samoydens of Kaborova with reindeer sled )

Wood engraving published 1877. On the reverse side is an image of a Samoyden camp being photographed.

15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244449

"Koenigsberg" (Kaliningrad)

Plan der Stadt, links, rechts und unterhalb Strassenregister

City map including street index

Leipzig, 1894

Light age toning - leichte Altersbraenung

15.5 x 19.4 cm ( ca. 6.1 x 7.6")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA239893

Kasan. -

Kasan. - "Cazan 1767" Capital of Tatarstan

Type of print: Copper etching

Engraver: Francois Denis Nee

Artist (drawing): By Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse (1737-1808)

Publication: "Historique physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne"

Author: N.G.Le Clerc

Published: Paris, 1783

A marvellous, spectacular and large panoramic view of Kasan across the river Volga (Wolga).

Condition: Upper right margin (about 1/3) has been added (no loss of image). Right plate mark has been partially repaired. Upper margin has a small repaired tear reaching slightly into sky of image. Left margin has repaired tear (paper edge to plate mark). Vertical fold to make the engraving fit book size. Light general age toning.

Image: 21,5 x 64 cm (ca. 8.5 x 25.2")

Order Nr. RUSSIA238561SOLD

Kasan. -

Kasan. -"Cathedrale de N.D. de Casan"

Lithographed by C. Lang. Printed simultaneously in St. Petersburg and in Karlsruhe
by the publishinghouse ãHofkunsthandlung Johann Velten". Printed with title and credit in Russian (Cyrillic) and in French.

Time of printing: Ca. 1850.

Superb hand-coloring, hightened with eggwhite.

Some minor traces of age and use in margins, not effecting image.

23 x 31.5 cm (9.1 x 12.4")

$ 580.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 348.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234600

"Kazan: Monastiere."

Wood engraving by H. Clerget, after a photograph, 1872.
Small repaired tear in left margin.

15.8 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.2 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240423

Le Kremlin du Kazan

"Le Kremlin du Kazan"

15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")

Reverse side:

Vue de Kazan

"Vue de Kazan"

12 x 15.5 cm ( 4.7 x 6.1 ")

Wood engravings by de Bar, after photographs, 1872.
Small repaired tear in left margin.

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240410



Wood engraving from an illustrated work, 1875.
Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

10.8 x 16 cm ( 4.2 x 6.3")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2066

Eglise des Vieux Croyants, a Kazan

"Eglise des Vieux Croyants, a Kazan"

Wood engraving by Therond after a photograph, published 1872.
Reverse side is printed.

16 x 23.7 cm ( 6,2 x 9.3 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240420

"Kiakta" (Kjachta). General view from a semi bird's eye.

Copper etching by Francois Denis Nee and Claude Niquet

after the drawing by Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse (1734 - 1808)

Published in the very rare ãHistoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la RussieAncienne" by N.G. Le Clerc. Paris, 1783

General age toning. Wide margins show minor spotting

Image: 21.3 x 32 cm (8.4 x 12.6")

Sheet: 32.8 x 49.3 cm (12.9 x 19.4")

$ 580.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 348

Order Nr. RUSSIA235128

Chateau de Kolontia

Chateau de Kolontia, residence du Prince Ghika.

Wood engraving from an illustrated work, 1858.
Reverse side is printed. Light fold in upper image.

16 x 22 cm ( 6.3 x 8.7 ")

Order Nr. RUSSIA2068SOLD


"La Maison de Kant, a Koenigsberg"

Wood engraving published 1858. Above and below the image and on the reverse side is an article
about Kant's stay in Koenigsberg. Also information about his writings.

8 x 12 cm ( 3.1 x 4.7 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA243688



Copper engraving from "France Militaire" ca 1830. Print is very clean with wide margins.

10.6 x 15.4 cm (4.2 x 6.1 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2087

"Pont de Meta"

Wood engraving by Therond after a photograph ca 1880.
Below the image and on the reverse side is text about Russia.

11.7 x 15.7 cm ( 4.6 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA241467

"Die Station Michailow der transkaspischen Bahn"

Wood engraving published 1901. On the reverse side is text about Russia.

Image: 10 x 13 cm ( 3.9 x 5.1")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA256461


Type of print: Aquatint

Color: Finely executed original hand coloring

Publisher: Robert Bowyer (1758-1834)

Where / When: London, aquatints is dated 1814. Publication: 1816

Published in: "An illustrated Record of important Events during the years 1812-1815É"

A very attractive, beautifully hand-colored panoramic view of Moscow. The Kremlin left foreground.

Condition: Light general age toning. Wide margins have some scattered foxing spots.Some other minimal, non disturbing traces of age and use. Vertical centerfold.

Image: 28 x 51,7 cm (ca. 11 x 20"). Wide margins!

$ 980.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA238559

"Vue du Kremlin, a Moscu"

Wood engraving dated 1866. Below the image and on the reverse side is text (in French ) about the Kremlin.

13.8 x 16 cm ( 5.4 x 6.2 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA243784SOLD



Detailed plan of Moscow published 1894. On the reverse side are number names of streets, monuments and churches
shown on the front side. Horizontal centerfold. Very light age toning.

27 x 22 cm ( 10.4 x 8.6 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA246943

"Eglise Edifiee En commemoration de L'Accident de Borki (1889)"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is text about Russia.

Image: 20 x 15 cm ( 7.8 x 5.9")

$ $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA256183

"Der Kremel in Moskau"

Chromolithograph made after a watercolor by E. T. Compton ca 1900.

Image: 13 x 21 cm (5.1 x 8.2")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA253252

Palais Imperiale de Petrovski (near Moscow)

"Palais Imperiale de Petrovski" (near Moscow)

Steel engraving by Lalaisse after Lemaitre ca 1840.

9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234676


"Moscou. - Vue prise de la terrasse du Kremlin"

Wood engraving published 1891. Reverse side is printed. Very light age toning.

18.5 x 25.5 cm ( 7.2 x 10")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA241619

Steel engraving by Cholet after Cadolle 1838. ( Moscow)

9.5 x 13.2 cm ( 3.7 x 5.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234680

Vue de Pont de Pierre ( Moscow )

"Vue de Pont de Pierre" ( Moscow )

Steel engraving by Lalaisse after Lemaitre 1838.

8.9 x 14.1 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234678 SOLD

Vue de Moscou pres de l'Espanade du Kremlin

"Vue de Moscou pres de l'Espanade du Kremlin"

Steel engraving by Lalaisse after Lemaitre 1838.

9.1 x 14.2 cm ( 3.5 x 5.6 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234677


"An der Grenze" ( poem by Serge Vinogradoff, Moscow translated to German by Friedrich Fiedler )

Printed in color after a painting published 1914. On the reverse side is an image of
a painting by Boris Koustodieff ( St. Petersburg ).

23 x 19.5 cm ( 9 x 7.6 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA241595

"Le Kremlin"

Wood engraving 1852. Reverse side is printed.

15 x 22 cm ( 5.9 x 8.6 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244532


"Der Kremel in Moskau"

Chromolithograph after a watercolor by E. T. Compton. Published 1906.

13 x 21 cm ( 5.1 x 8.2 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA245051

"Le monastiere des demoiselles, a Moscou"

Wood engraving by Moynet, published 1867. Reverse side is printed.

13.5 x 16.5 cm ( 9.2 x 6.4 ")

$ 20.00


"College des Armenienes a Moscou"

Steel engraving for Lemaitre, 1838.

9 x 16.5 cm ( 3.5 x 6.4 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242491 SOLD

Wasilij Blagenol ( Moscow )

"Wassilij Blagenol ( Moscou) Wasilij Blagenol ( Moscow )"
"Wassilij Blagenol (Moskau )"

Anonymous lithograph printed in a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889.
Included is an extra page of text in German about the church of Wassilij Blagenol.

14.5 x 10.5 cm ( 5.7 x 4.1 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA248761

"Eglise de Vassili Blagennoi"

Steel engraving for Lemaitre, 1838.

Image size: 13.5 x 8.8 cm ( 5.3 x 3.4 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242946

"Eglise de Refectoire du Monistire de Troika"

Steel engraving by Lalaise after Cadolle, 1838. Lower margin is narrow.

8.6 x 12.6 cm ( 3.3 x 4.9 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242944 SOLD

"Place de Krasnoi et Porte de S. Vladimir"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1838. Lower margin is narrow.

9.4 x 13.8 cm ( 3.7 x 5.4 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242942 SOLD

"Vue de la Maison des Engants houves"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Cadolle, 1838.

9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242948 SOLD

"Eglise de Saint-Vasili, a Moscou"

Wood engraving 1884 Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

15 x 10 cm ( 5.9 x 3.9 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA241295

"Eglise de l'Assumption, a Moscou"

Wood engraving 1884 Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

15 x 10 cm ( 5.9 x 3.9 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA241296


"Le Kremlin ( Moscou ) Kremel in Moskau. Kremlin, Moscow"

Anonymous lithograph printed in a very pleasant sepia tone. Published 1889.
Included is an extra page of text in German about the Kremlin.

10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA248113

"Das Denkmal fuer Kaiser Alexander II im Kreml zu Moskau ( Vorderansicht )"

(Monument for Czar Alexander II in Moscow. Front view.)

Wood engraving ca 1880. On the reverse side is another image of the monument from the rear side.

15 x 14.5 cm ( 5.9 x 5.7 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA238279 SOLD

"Moscou: Vue generale du Kremlin."

Wood engraving by H. Clerget after a photograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

16 x 23.8 cm ( 6.2 x 9.3 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIAMOSCOW240079

"Monastere des femmes, a Moscou."

Wood engraving by J. Moynet, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")


"Appartments du Terem, a Moscou: La Salle d Or"

Wood engraving by J. Moynet 1872. Reverse side is printed.

15.7 x 24 cm ( 6.1 x 9.4 ")

$ 25.00


"Une salle du Tarem, a Moscou"

Wood engraving by J. Moynet 1872. Reverse side is printed.

15.7 x 24 cm ( 6.1 x 9.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIAMOSCOW240089

"Le cimentiere de a Transfiguration pres de Moscou, eglise de Vieux Croyants"

Wood engraving by Kohlt 1872. Reverse side is printed.

16 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.2 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIAMOSCOW240111


View of Moscow, Russia.

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

11.2 x 14.9 cm ( 4.4 x 5.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2062

Moscow -

bei Moskau"

Steel engraving by Bibliograph. Institut in HildburGhausen, ca 1845.
Clean print with wide margins.

10 x 15.6 cm ( 3.9 x 6.2 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr.. RUSSIA2063


Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1875. Reverse side is printed.

10.8 x 17.8 cm ( 4.2 x 7 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2085

"Vue generale de Moscou, Prise du Gue des Crimeens."

Wood engraving 1872. Reverse side is printed.

15.7 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240422

The Kremlin (Imperial Palace)in Moscow

"The Kremlin (Imperial Palace)
in Moscow"

Steel engraving by H. Herzer from the Bibliographisches Institut in Hildburghausen ca 1845.
Wide margins.

9.5 x 16 cm ( 3.7 x 6.3 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2084

Monastere de Simeonof, a Moscou

"Monastere de Simeonof, a Moscou"

Wood engraving after Moyet, published 1872. Reverse side is printed.

12 x 15.8 cm ( 4.7 x 6.2 ")

$ 25.00


Kaiserliches Palais im Kreml zu Moskau

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1875. Reverse side is printed.

8.7 x 10.9 cm ( 3.4 x 4.3 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2083

Vue du pont rouge. ( Moscow)

Steel engraving ca 1840

9.2 x 14.3 cm ( 3.6 x 5.6 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2091 SOLD


Wood engraving 1870. On the reverse side is text about Russia. Light age toning.

13.5 x 16.5 cm ( 5.3 x 6.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA243543

"Eglise Saint-Vassili, sur la place Rouge, a Moscou"

Wood engraving by Therond after a photograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.
Two repaired tears in left margin.

23.7 x 16 cm ( 9.3 x 6.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240428

Moscow - Church of Vaseli Blaginnoi, and the Holy Gate.

"Church of Vaseli Blaginnoi, and the Holy Gate."

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1870.
Reverse side is printed. A few minor spots and creases in margins.

15.1 x 22.7 cm ( 5.9 x 8.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2061

Moscow -

"Moscow. - General View of the Kremlin."

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1875. Reverse side is printed.

12.8 x 23.3 cm ( 5 x 9.2 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2060.


Wood engraving 1875. Reverse side is printed.

12.5 x 17.7 cm ( 4.9 x 6.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA239707


"Ansicht von Nishnij-Nowgorod"

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1870. Reverse side is printed.

10.9 x 17.8 cm ( 4.3 x 7 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2059

"Vue de la Ville de Novogorod" ( View of Nowgorod)

Copper etching by Francois Denis Nee and Claude Niquet

after the drawing by Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse (1734 - 1808)

Published in the very rare ãHistoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la RussieAncienne" by N.G. Le Clerc. Paris, 1783

Print is not entirely squarely placed on sheet. Some foxing, mainly in margins.

Image: 21 x 32 cm (8.3 x 12.6")

Sheet: 33.2 x 49.4 cm (31 x 19.4")

$ 780.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA235124


Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is text about Russia and Ukrania.

Image:15 x 20 cm ( 5.9 x 7.8 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA256181

Nijni Novogorod

"Nijni Novogorod"

Wood engraving by Moyet, published 1872. Reverse side is printed.

Minor spots in margins.

15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")

$ 35.00


St. Petersburg. - "Maison de Plaisance de Sa Majeste Imperiale de toutes les Russies etc. etc. etc" ( St. Petersburg )

Copper etching by Francois Denis Nee (1740 - 1817) after the drawing by

Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse (1734 - 1808). Pleasantly hand-colored. Paris, 1783

Fold-out, folio-size copper etching. Published in the very rare ãHistoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la RussieAncienne" by N.G. Le Clerc.

Print has several vertical folds to fit book size. Very minor traces of age and use. Very nice condition.

Image: 21.5 x 64.5 cm (8.5 x 25.4")

$ 1500.00


"St. Petersburg in 1706"

Wood engraving. Published in London, 1856

This is an interesting view, because usually large cities have along history. Not so St. Petersburg. Czar Peter the Great (1672-1725) founded the city and let it rise to extraordinary architectural beauty.

This is a bird's eye view of the scarcely populated area where St. Petersburg would soon arise.

Condition: Clean wood engraving. reverse side has unrelated text print.

12,5 x 23 cm (ca. 4.9 x 9")


"The Winter Palace" ( Saint Petersburg)

Wood engraving ca 1875. On the reverse side is an image of the Smolni Cathedral.

12 x 19 cm ( 4.7 x 7.4 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242366

"Vue de Chateau des Ingenieurs"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1838.

9 x 13.8 cm 3.5 x 5.4 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242949

"Vue du Pont a trois Arches et de Champ de Mars"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1838.

8.4 x 12.2 cm ( 3.3 x 4.8 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242951

St. Petersburg. - ãIncendie du quartier des ministeres

St. Petersburg. - ãIncendie du quartier des ministeres"

Wood engraving by E. Roevens. Published in Paris, 1892

In the background the fire consuming large parts of the city.

Vertical cednterfold. Condition: Very good.

20,8 x 32 cm (ca. 8.2 x 12.6")

$ 30.00


"Colonne d'Alexandre" ( St. Petersburg )

Steel engraving by Lemaitre, 1838.

12.5 x 8.5 cm ( 4.9 x 3.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242535

"Die Auferstehungskirch in St. Petersburg"
" zu Erinnerung an Alexande II in moscowitischen Stil und mit verschwenderischer Pracht ueber der Stelle erbaut,
an welcher der Kaiser ermordetwuerde."

( The Church of the Resurrection in St. Petersburg. Built in memory of Alexander II in Moscow style on the place where he was murdered.)

Photochrom ca 1900.

20.5 x 15 cm ( 8 x 5.9 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA239411

Alexanderplatz St. Petersburg

"Le palais d'Hiver. - Facade de la place Alexander"

Wood engraving ca 1775. Reverse side is printed.

15.5 x 21.5 cm ( 6.1 x 8.4 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA241494

"Sommerlokal des russischen Kaufmannsklubs in St. Petersburg."

Wood engravings ca 1880. Reverse side is printed.

Page size:33 x 25.5 cm ( 12.9 x 10 ")

$ 75.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA245475

"Saint Petersburg. Vue de la Neva: Saint Issac, le Senat, la statue de Pierre le Grand"

Image: 10 x 14.5 cm ( 3.9 x 5.7 ")

"Saint Petersburg. Place du Palace imperial"

Image: 10.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ")

"Saint Petersburg. Maison de plaisance dans les iles"

Image: 8 x 11.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.5 ")

Four complete pages with images and text ( in French ) on both sides about Saint Petersburg.
A few light spots in margins. Light age toning.

Price for the four pages: $ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA245979

St. Petersburg. - ãDas Winterpalais mit der Alexandersaeule in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg. - ãDas Winterpalais mit der Alexandersaeule in St. Petersburg"

Winter Palace with Alexander Column.

Wood engraving. Published in Leipzig, Ca. 1890

Reverse side has unrelated text print

Condition is good.

15,7 x 23 cm (ca. 6.2 x 9")

$ 20.00


Le Nouvel Ermitage

"Le Nouvel Ermitage"
"Musee de Saint Petersbourg"

Wood engraving after Catenacci published 1881. Belw the image and n the reverse side
is text in French about the Ermitage Museum in St. Pertersburg.

11.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.5 x 5.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA245489

St. Petersburg. - ãDie Alexandersaeule und das Generalstabsgebaeude in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg. - ãDie Alexandersaeule und das Generalstabsgebaeude in St. Petersburg"

Wood engraving. Published in Leipzig. Ca. 1880

Condition: Very good. Reverse side has unrelated German text print.

12,6 x 16 cm (ca. 5 x 6.3")

$ 2O.00


St. Petersburg. - "Campagne de S.E.D. Narischkinn"

Anonymous lithograph ca 1850. Original attractive hand coloring.

In the middle of the left margin is a repaired tear reaching 1 centimeter into the image.
In the lower left margin corner is a repaired tear.

21.5 x 33 cm ( 8.4 x 12.9 ")

$ 380.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2021

St. Petersburg. - "Elévation géométrale de la Colonne Alexandrine"

Type of print: Lithograph

Lithographer:Louis Jules Arnout (1814-1868)

Drawing by:Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786-1858)

Color: No

Published in: "Plans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Plate # 2

Published by: Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836.

History:Large folio documentation of the ãAlexander Column" in St. Petersburg, inaugurated on August 30, 1834

Rarity: Very rare!

Condition: Very minor traces of age and use.

Image: 46,5 x 30,0 cm (ca. 18.3 x 11.8")

Sheet size: 59,5 x 44 cm (ca. 23.4 x 17.3")

Price:$ 750.00


St. Petersburg. - "Vue du plan incliné en charpente et de la manoeuvre pour faire pivoter la colonne"

Type of print: Lithograph

Lithographer: Léon Jean-Baptiste Sabatier (1827-1887)

and Adolphe Jean-Baptiste Bayot (1810- 1866)

Drawing by: Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786-1858)

Color: No

Published in: "Plans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Plate # 20

Published by: Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836.

History: Large folio documentation of the ãAlexander Column"

in St. Petersburg, inaugurated on August 30, 1834

Rarity: Very rare!

Condition: Very minor traces of age and use.

Image: 28,5 x 42,0 cm (ca. 11.2 x 16.5")

Sheet size: 45,7 x 59,2 cm (ca. 18 x 23.3")

Price: $ 920.00


St. Petersburg. - "Vue du monolithe placé sur son chariot nà la partie supérieure du plan incliné"

Type of print: Lithograph

Lithographer: Louis-Pierre-Alphonse Bichebois (1801-1850)

and Adolphe Jean-Baptiste Bayot (1810- 1866)

Drawing by: Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786-1858)

Color: No

Published in: "Plans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Plate # 21

Published by: Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836.

History: Large folio documentation of the ãAlexander Column"

in St. Petersburg, inaugurated on August 30, 1834

Rarity:Very rare!

Condition:Very minor traces of age and use.

Image: 28,5 x 41,6 cm (ca. 11.2 x 16.4")

Sheet size: 46,0 x 57,5 cm (ca. 18.1 x 22.6")

Price: $ 920.00



St. Petersburg. - "Vue générale des Charpentes et du grand Echafaudage"

Type of print: Lithograph

Lithographer: Louis-Pierre-Alphonse Bichebois (1801-1850)

and Adolphe Jean-Baptiste Bayot (1810- 1866)

Drawing by: Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786-1858)

Color: No

Published in: "Plans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Plate # 26

Published by: Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836.

History: Large folio documentation of the ãAlexander Column"

in St. Petersburg, inaugurated on August 30, 1834

Rarity: Very rare!

Condition: Very minor traces of age and use.

Image incl. title: 31,6 x 41,5 cm (ca. 12.4 x 16.4")

Sheet size: 46.0 x 58.3 cm (ca. 18.1 x 23.0")

Price: $ 920.00


St. Petersburg. - "Vue de l'érection de la Colonne"

Type of print: Lithograph

Lithographer: Louis-Pierre-Alphonse Bichebois (1801-1850)

and Adolphe Jean-Baptiste Bayot (1810- 1866)

Drawing by: Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786-1858)

Color: No

Published in: "Plans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Plate # 27

Published by: Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836.

History: Large folio documentation of the ãAlexander Column"

in St. Petersburg, inaugurated on August 30, 1834

Rarity: Very rare!

Condition: Very minor traces of age and use.

Image: 31,6 x 41,7 cm (ca. 12.4 x 16.4")

Sheet size: 48,2 x 57,4 cm (ca. 19.0 x 22.6")

Price: $ 920.00


St. Petersburg. - "Vue Panoramique des charpentes et d'une partie de la ville"

Type of print: Lithograph

Lithographer: Louis-Pierre-Alphonse Bichebois (1801-1850)

and Adolphe Jean-Baptiste Bayot (1810- 1866)

Drawing by: Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786-1858)

Color: No

Published in: "Plans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Plate # 30

Published by: Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836.

History: Large folio documentation of the ãAlexander Column"

in St. Petersburg, inaugurated on August 30, 1834

Rarity: Very rare!

Condition: Repaired tear in right margin. Very minor traces of age and use.

Image: 34,7 x 42,0 cm (ca. 13.7 x 16.5")

Sheet size: 46,9 x 57,3 cm (ca. 18.5 x 22.6")

Price: $ 920.00


"Vue de l'interieur de la fonderie au moment ou l'on coule le chapiteau en bronze."

Type of print: Lithograph

Lithographer: Fragonard

Drawing by: Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786-1858)

Color: No

Published in: "Plans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Plate # 20

Published by: Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836.

History: Large folio documentation of the ãAlexander Column"

in St. Petersburg, inaugurated on August 30, 1834

Rarity: Very rare!

Condition: Fine image. Scattered spotting in margins.

Image: 30.5 x 34 cm ( 12 x 13.3 ")

Sheet size: 45,7 x 59,2 cm ( ca. 18 x 23.3")

Price: $ 580.00


St. Petersburg. -

St. Petersburg. - "Das Fest der Wasserweihe in St. Petersburg: Das Schöpfen des Newa-Wassers"
( The festival of water blessing: Dipping for Neva water)

Wod engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

15 x 21.6 cm ( 5.9 x 8.5 ")

$ 35.00


Le Palais d'Hiver a Saint-Petersbourg

"Le Palais d'Hiver a Saint-Petersbourg"

Wood engraving after Moyet, published 1872. Reverse side is printed.

7.8 x 15.8 cm ( 3 x 6.2 ")

$ 20.00


"Auf dem Heumarkt in St. Petersburg" ( At the Hay Market in St. Petersburg )

Wood engraving made after the painting by A. Baldinger ca 1880.
Reverse side is printed.

22.2 x 31 cm ( 8.7 x 12.2 ")

$ 30.00


"St Petersburg in 1706 and 1856"

Upper image: "St Petersburg in 1706"
Middle images:" St. Petersburg in 1856. - The "Sennaia Ploschad, or Hay Market. The Kazan Cathedral"
Lower image: "St. Petersburg in 1856. - The Colossal Statue of Peter the Great, Admiralty Square."

Page with images and text published 1856. Small repaired tear in lower margin. Reverse side is printed.

Page size: 38 x 26 cm ( 14.9 x 10.2 ")

$ 45.00


St. Petersbourg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vue de la Bourse et d une Partie de la Forteresse.

"St. Petersbourg

Vue de la Bourse et d une Partie de la Forteresse."

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1840. Lower margin is narrow.

8.3 x 14.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ")

$ 30.00


St. Petersbourg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vue d l Etat Major du cote du Canal de la Moika en hiver.

"St. Petersbourg

Vue d l Etat Major du cote du Canal de la Moika en hiver."

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1840.

8.5 x 12.7 cm ( 3.3 x 5 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234687

St. Petersbourg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Place de l Amirante

"St. Petersbourg

Place de l Amirante"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1840.

9.6 x 14.1 cm ( 3.8 x 5.5 ")

$ 30.00


St. Petersbourg

"St. Petersbourg"

Sub-title is missing.

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1840.

9.2 x 14.1 cm ( 3.8 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234685

St. Petersbourg Newski

"St. Petersbourg Newski"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre ca 1840.

9.6 x 14.4 cm ( 3.8 x 5.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234687

"San Petersburgo ( Rusia ). - Monumento conmemorativo de la Guerra Turco-Rusa,
Erigido Frente a la Iglesia de Troizi"

Wood engraving from a Spanish source. Published 1886.
Reverse side is printed. Minor signs of age and use.

17 x 22 cm ( 6.6 x 8.6 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSIA251041

Place de Boutiques ( St. Petersburg)

Steel engraving ca 1840.

9.3 x 14.1 cm ( 3.7 x 5.5 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2092

St. Petersburg. - Vue de la superbe Gallerie de Petersbourg in Russie

View of the Gallery in St. Petersbourg.

Vue d'optique. . Perspective view. Copper etching. Very nice original hand coloring.

Published by Mondhare. Paris, ca. 1760

Only minor traces of age and use in margins. Image very good.

27.5 x 44 cm (10.8 x 17.3")

$ 280.00


St. Petersburg. - Delineatio alicujus Spatii Petersburgi in Russia

ãEntwurff eines Plazes zu Petersburg in Russland" Kapff 283

Concept for a plaza in St. Petersburg.

Vue d'optique. Perspective view. Copper etching. Original hand coloring. Published by Balthasar Probst. Augsburg. Ca. 1770. Title in four languages: Latin, French, Italian, German.

Margins show traces of age and use. Image and original hand coloring very nice, except for some vertical crinkling in the middle.

27 x 40.5 cm (10.6 x 15.9")


St. Petersburg. -  Vue du grand Theatre Imperial

St. Petersburg. - Vue du grand Theatre Imperial

Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Cadole ca 1840.

9 x 13 cm ( 3.5 x 5.1 ")

$ 40.00


Umgebung con St. Petersburg

Wood engraving printed in color ca 1880.

Interesting plan of St. Petersburg and the surrounding area.

13.6 x 21.2 cm ( 5.3 x 8.3 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA235104

St. Petersburg, no doubt, was in empirial times and is again a fascinating city. Founded in 1703 by

Czar Peter the Great, it is wrong to assume the seemingly obvious: that the Czar adulated himself by giving

this city hisown name. On the contrary he baptized the new city on the Newa after his patron saint: the apostle

Simon Petrus. Czar Peter actually named the city Dutch: ãSankt Pieterburch". But soon it was renamed with

the German name ãSankt Petersburg". After the outbreak of World War I the name was russified to


Under Stalin it was renamed ãLeningrad". And after the fall of communism it was renamed ãSankt

Petersburg". Be it as it was and is, from the 18th to the 20thcentury St.Petersburg was Russia's capital.

Czarina Elisabeth (1741-1762) developed St. Petersburg into one of the architecturally most splended

metropolies in Europe.


The splendor of its architecture is reflected by this series of lithographs which we are proud to present here: ãVues de St. Petersbourg" (the French spelling). Edited and published by H.Prévost in Paris. Ca. 1850. The following lithographs in very attractive modern hand coloring of St. Petersburg were executed after the drawings by Wasilj Sadownikow (1800 - 1879). Appealing, especially to our many Russian customers may be, that the titles are bilingual: In Russian (Cyrillic) and in French. Please enjoy this very, very rare series of St. Petersburg views.

Prints are in good condition unless otherwise mentioned. Most prints have a small ink stamp on backside.

La Fortresse

15 x 22.8 cm ( 5.9 x 8.9 ")

$ 320.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234605 SOLD

St. Petersburg. - Le Theatre De L'Hermitage

Light browning on outer margin edges.

14.9 x 22.5 cm ( 5.8 x 8.8 ")

$ 420.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234605

St. Petersburg. - Vue de L Etat Major prise de Canal de la Moika

Repaired tear on lower bottom edge.

15 x 22.8 cm ( 5.9 x 8.9 ")

$ 420.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA235180

St. Petersburg. - Pont a Trois Arcs pres du champ de Mars.

15 x 21.8 cm ( 5.9 x 8.5 ")

$ 420.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA235181



St. Petersburg

L'Hôpital des Pauvres

Hand-colored lithograph, ca 1850. Condition is Almost Very Good.

23 x 34.5 cm (9 x 13.6 ")

$ 420.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2014

Vauschall de Catherinenhoff (St. Petersburg)

Hand-colored lithograph ca 1850. Almost Very Good condition.

23 x 34.5 cm ( 9 x 13.6 ")

$ 420.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2016

St. Petersburg

L´Hôtel de Ville & l'Eglise catholique

Hand-colored lithograph ca 1850. Almost Very good condition.

22.5 x 35.5 cm (8.9 x 14 ")

$ 750.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2018

St. Petersburg

Bibliothèque impériale

Hand-colored lithograph ca 1850. Marks from earlier framing.

23 x 34.5 cm ( 9 x 13.6 ")

$ 750.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2019

St. Petersburg

Le Palais impérial

Hand-colored lithograph ca 1850.

Very good condition,

21.5 x 32.5 cm ( 8.4 x 12.7 ")

$ 580.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA238560

St. Petersburg

L'eglise de la Vierge des Souffrances........

Hand-colored lithograph ca 1850. Condition is Almost Very good.

$ 750.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2022



No Title St. Petersburg

Lithograph in original coloring, ca 1850. Anonymous.

Margins are not complete - but still wide enough.. On the left margin is a spot.

29.5 x 43 cm ( 11.6 x 16.9 ")

$ 750.00

Order Nr. RUSUK2030

No title. St. Petersburg.

Originally hand-colored lithograph ca 1850. Trimmed to edge. Mounted on linen.

27.5 x 49 cm ( 10.8 x 19.3 ")

$ 750.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2023

St. Petersburg

St. Issacs Palace - St. Petersburg.

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1865. Reverse side is printed.

8.2 x 10.2 cm ( 3.2 x 4 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2051

Residence of His Excellency Count de Mornay ( French ambassador Extraordinary), St. Pettersburg.

Wood engraving from "The Illustrated London news" dated 1856.
Reverse side is printed. Light overall age toning.

15.1 x 23.5 cm ( 5.9 x 9.2 ")

$ 50.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2049

"St. Petersburg"

Steel engraving ca 1850. Lower margin has been added.

14 x 19.7 cm ( 5.5 x 7.7 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2034


St. Petersburg.

This toned lithograph ius dated 1853 and was printed in St. Petersburg. It has exclusively Cyrillic desriptions.

The center of this lithograph shows Peter the Great who founded St. Petersburg (named after Simon Petrus, not after himself) in the year 1703. The print was a commerative print: 150 years after the foundation of the city. Surrounding the equestrian statue of Peter are ten numbered partial views of the city. all described on the left side in perpendicular print

Except for some minor traces of age, the lithograph is in very good order.

29 x 40 cm (11.4 x 15.7")

$ 780.00

Order Nr. 234589

ãSt. Petersburg. ãPont de chaines, vis-a-vis le Chateau imperial". (Chain Bridge)

Anonymous lithograph. Ca 1850

Near flawless.

22 x 33.5 cm (8.6 x 13.2")

$ 160.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA237944

St. Petersburg. - "Vue de l'arrivee de la pierre en granit de soubassement
et des deux blocs de l Assise superieure du piedstal"

The arrival of granit base for the column of Czar Alexander to be inaugurated in front of the Emperial Winter Palace in the year 1834.

Lithograph by Felix Achille de Sainte-Aulaire after the drawing by Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786 - 1858).

Published in: ãPlans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Published by Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836. Superb hand coloring! Very rare!

A large folio documentation of the making and erecting the ãAlexander Column" in St. Petersburg

Clean. Superb hand coloring - hightened with eggwhite. Wide margins. Only minimal traces of age in margins.

Sheet size: approximately 46 x 60 cm (18 x 23.5")

Image: approximately 28 x 41.2 cm (11 x 16")

$ 2800.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234602

St. Petersburg. - "Vue de la ceremonie militaire, civile et religieuse de l'inauguration du monument"

The inauguration ceremony of the Alexandre Column in front of the Empirial Winter Palace on August 30, 1834

Lithograph by Louis-Pierre-Alphonse Bichebois (1801 - 1850) after the drawing by Auguste Ricard de Montferrand (1786 - 1858).

Published in: ãPlans et details du monument consacre a la memoire de l'Empereur Alexandre ouvrage dedie a Sa Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas Ier par Auguste Ricard de Montferrand architecte en chef de ce monument". Published by Thierry Freres. Paris, 1836. Superb hand coloring! Very rare!

A large folio documentation of the making and erecting the ãAlexander Column" in St. Petersburg

A little wrinkled in one spot in sky. Minor traces of age in margins. Superb hand coloring - hightened with eggwhite!

Sheet size: approximately 46 x 60 cm (18 x 23.5")

Image: approximately: 33.5 x 48.5 cm (13.5 x 19")

$ 3800.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2345603

We are proud to present for sale a series of fascinating, exceptionally beautiful lithographs, Views of St. Petersburg just as attractive, large and rare is the following. Lithographed by C. Lang they were printed simultaneously in St. Petersburg and in Karlsruhe by the publishinghouse ãHofkunsthandlung Johann Velten". They were printed with titles and credits in Russian (Cyrillic) and in French. Time of printing: Ca. 1850. Superb hand-coloring, hightened with eggwhite.

St. Petersburg. - "Palais D'Anitchof"

Condition: Very good!

23 x 31.5 cm (9.1 x 12.4")

$ 850.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2345601


St. Petersburg. -"Alexandra Theatre".

The theater during the ãWhite Nights" (summer solstice)

Some minor traces of age and use in margins, not effecting image.

23 x 31.5 cm (9.1 x 12.4")

$ 850.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234599


St. Petersburg. -"Palais D'Hiver Imperial"

Some minor traces of age and use in margins, not effecting image.

23.5 x 32 cm (9.3 x 12.6")

$ 850.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234598


"Le Pont de Police"

Lithograph had once been matted. Light age toning within matting window. Margins show traces of age.

23 x 33.2 cm (9.1 x 13.1")

$ 950.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234597


"Rue dite Des Jardins"

Some minor traces of age and use in margins, not affecting image.

23.7 x 31.8 cm (9.3 x 12.5")

$ 850.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234596


St. Petersburg. -"Palais Michel"

Condition: Very good!

23.8 x 32.1 cm (9.3 x 12.6")

$ 950.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234595



The next two lithographs are from the same series, however: Titles and credits in Russian and in the German language.

St. Petersburg. - "Die Alexander Saeule Gezeichnet unter dem Triumpfbogen des Generalstabs"

(The column of Czar Alexander drawn from under the Arch of Triumph of the Generals' Staff)

Some minor traces of age and use in margins, not affecting image.

31.2 x 27.5 cm (12.3 x 10.8")

$ 950.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234594


St. Petersburg. - "Die Alexandeer Saeule Die Admiralitaet und die Isaaks-Kirche"
(Column of Czar Alexander, the Admirality and St. Isaak Church)

Some minor traces of age and use in margins, not effecting image.

31.2 x 27 cm (12.3 x 10.6")

$ 900.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234593


The following three lithographs was artwork published in a different series of views of St. Petersburg. Titles are in Cyrillic and in French

St. Petersburg. - "Vue Prise A Octa"

Lithograph after the drawing by F. Perrot. Published by Lemercier and printed in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Ca. 1850. Stunning hand coloring

Minor traces of age and use in margins edges. Not effecting image.

25.7 x 36.7" (10.1 x 14.4")

$ 780.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234592


St. Petersburg. - "Cathedrale D'Isaac"

Lithograph by Bernoist. Published by Lemercier and printed in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Ca. 1850. Stunning hand coloring

Margins show traces of age and use with no effect on image

24.2 x 32.8 cm (9.5 x 12.9")

$ 900.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234591


St. Petersburg. - "L'Amiraute" (Admirality)

Lithograph by Arnoud the elder. Published by Lemercier and printed in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Ca. 1850. Very good hand coloring.

Margins show traces of age and use with no effect on image

24.7 x 33.6 cm (9.7 x 13.2")

$ 900.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234590

"Eglise et Port de Troitskoi"

Steel engraving by Cholet after Lemaitre, 1838.

9 x 14.2 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242594

St. Petersburg. - Colonne Alexandrine, a St. Petersbourg.

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1860. Reverse side is printed.

9.6 x 14.4 cm ( 3.8 x 5.7 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2050

ãSt. Petersburg und Kronstadt"

Wood engraving by Angerer after sketch by J.J. Kirchner. Ca. 1890

Interesting bird's eye view of St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, showing the fortifications of this not yet dam-connected city. Much detail is shown: Oranienbaum Schloss - Peterhof Schloss - Strielna Kloster - Eremitage - Lachta - Ochla - Lisi Ness - Antowia - Sisterbeck - Kausi - Ruba in the distance.

Overal light age toning. Vertical centerfold.

Reverse side has unrelated text print.

30.3 x 47 cm (12 x 18.5")

$ 130.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 78.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA237942

"La Perspective Newsky, A Saint-Petersbourg"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is text about Russian history.

Image:20 x 15 cm ( 7.8 x 5.9 ")

$ 50.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA256182

"Le Palais D'Hiver a Saint-Petersbourg"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is text about Lithuania.

Image:15 x 20 cm ( 5.9 x 7.8 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA256184

St. Petersbourg, Place di Palais d Hiver.

Wood engraving from a French illustrated source ca 1860. Reverse side is printed.

10.7 x 14.9 cm (4.2 x 5.9 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order RUSSIA2048

St. Petersburg

The Academy of fine Arts, St. Petersburg.

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1870. Recent hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.

8.2 x 11.3 cm ( 3.2 x 4.4 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order nr. RUSSIA 2047

"Das Awatschavulkan bei Petropawkowt"

Wood engraving on a page of text published 1901. Reverse side is printed.

10 x 12.5 cm ( 3.9 x 4.9 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA251974

Siberian Postal Station

"Siberisches Poststation"

Wood engraving 1900. Reverse side is printd.

8 x 15.5 cm ( 3.1 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA246877

"Nikon ( Eleazar d Anzersk)"
( In the background is the monastery of Solovetek)

Wood engraving by E. Therond after a lithograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

15.6 x 12 cm ( 6.1 x 4.7 ")

$ 50.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240081



Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printd. Light age toning.

8.5 x 10.5 cm ( 3.3 x 4.1 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA248711


"Incendie de Smolensk ( 1812 )"

Wood engraving published 1868. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

11.5 x 14.8 cm ( 4.5 x 5.8 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. RUSSIS242630

"Zosine et Savatie, les saints de Solovetsk."

Wood engraving by E. Therond after a lithograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

15.6 x 12 cm ( 6.1 x 4.7 ")

$ 50.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240083

"Le convent de Solovetsk vu de la mer"

Wood engraving by H. Clerget after a lithograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

15.8 x 23.7 cm ( 6.2 x .9.3")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240090

"Le convent de Solovetsk vu de vol d oiseau"

Wood engraving by Therond after a lithograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

12 x 16 cm ( 4.7 x 6.2 "

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240112



Wood engraving 1900. Reverse side is printed.

10.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.1 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA246879

Upper image: "Toboleski The chief City of Siberia"
Lower image: "The Great rocky Waterfall call'd Skamanskoy"

Copper engraving ca 1780.
Right edge is frayed and with some glue marks. Small repaired tear on right margin edge.
Light imprint from previous page is visible.

Upper image: 14.7 x 22.7 cm ( 5.7 x 8.9 ")
Lower image: 16.2 x 22.7 cm ( 6.3 x 8.9 ")

$ 180.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2033

"Vue de la Ville de Tobolsk" View of Tobolsk

Copper etching by Francois Denis Nee and Pierre-Laurent Auvray

after the drawing by Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse (1734 - 1808)

Published in the very rare ãHistoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la RussieAncienne" by N.G. Le Clerc. Paris, 1783

Very good condition.

Image: 20.7 x 32 cm (8.1 x 12.6")

Sheet: 32.8 x 49.3 cm (12.9 x 19.4")

$ 1000.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA235127



Woos engraving published 1900. Reverse side is printed.

9 x 15.5 cm ( 3.5 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA246878

"Vue du couvent de Troitsa"

Wood engraving by E. Therond after a photograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

15.7 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.3 ")

$ 50.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240084

"Vue du Convent de Troitsa"

Wood engraving by E. Therond after a photograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

8 x 16 cm ( 3.1 x 6.2 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240127


Wood engraving 1875. Reverse side is printed.

7.3 x 9.2 cm ( 2.8 x 3.6 ")

$ 35.00

Order nr. RUSSIA235663

"Vue de la Ville de Tuer" (View of Twer)

Copper etching by Francois Denis Nee and Claude Niquet

after the drawing by Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse (1734 - 1808)

Published in the very rare ãHistoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la RussieAncienne" by N.G. Le Clerc. Paris, 1783

Margins spotty (foxing). Print is not squarely placed on sheet. Under a matting it would not show.

Image: 21.2 x 32 cm (8.3 x 12.6")

Sheet: 33.4 x 49.4 cm (13.1 x 19.4")

$ 780.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA235126

Tilsit / Sowetsk ãLa Garde Imperiale manoeuvre en Presence des deux Empereurs a Tilsit, le 28 Juin 1807"

Napoleon and Czar Alexander I. meet in Tilsit (Today: Sowetsk) to sign peace treaty.

Copper etching by Edme Bovinet (1767 - 1832) after painting by J.F. Swebach (1769 - 1823). In the background city of Tilsit. Ca. 1820.

Very minor traces of age and use.

25 x 37.8 cm (9.8 x 14.9")

Order Nr. RUSSIA237932 SOLD

"La grosse cloche et la tour d Ivan Vilikoi"

Wood engraving by E. Therond after a photograph, 1872. Reverse side is printed.

23.5 x 15.5 cm (9.2 x 6.1 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240087


Wood engraving made after a photograph published 1895.
The engraving is on a page of text about Siberia that continues
on the reverse side.

Image: 10 x 13 cm ( 3.9 x 5.1")

Order Nr. RUSSIA256460SOLD


Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is unrelated texr.

Light spot on right side. Overall light natural age toning.

Image: 15 x 20 cm ( 5.9 x 7.8")

$ 70.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 42.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA257135

"Village Russe sur le bord du Volga"

Wood engraving after Moyet. Published 1867. Reverse side is printed. Minor spotting in margins.

15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIAVOLGA240278

"Pecheries su la Volga" ( fishing on the Volga )

Wood engraving after Moynet published 1867. Reverse side is printed.

16 x 23.5 cm ( 6.2 x 9.2 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA243757

"Le Volga: Peche de l'esturgeon"

Wood engraving after Moyet, 1861. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

11.6 x 15.7 cm ( 4.5 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIAVOLGA241329

"General Loris Melikoff, Kommandant des Centrums der russischen Kaukasus-Armee"

Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

12 x 11 cm ( 4.7 x 4.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240790

Volga village

"Village russe sur le bord du Volga"

Wood engraving after Moynet, 1867. Reverse side is printed. Light spot in lower right corner.

15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA248587

Le Basin du Volga

"Le Basin du Volga"

In the lower right corner is the Caspian Sea and in the lower left is the Sea of Azov. In the upper right are the Ural mountains and the border to Siberia.

Wood engraving published 1867. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

19.5 x 16.2 cm ( 7.6 x 6.3 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIAVOLGA240824.

"La Haute Rue A Yeniseisk"

Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side isan image of Nankin in China and text about China.

Overall light natural age toning.

Image: 15 x 20 cm ( 5.9 x 7.8")

$ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA257043

Chuvash and Mordvin

1l Costume des Femmes Tscheremisses. 2. Id. des Filles Mordouanes. (Mordvin) 3. Et. 4. Les Femmes Tschouvaches (Chuvash)

Steel engraving by Toillant after Demoraine, ca 1840.

10.5 x 15.4 cm ( 4.1 x 6 ")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. COSTUME9289



Lithograph by Honegger ca 1860.

16.2 x 14 cm (6.4 x 5.5'')

$ 85.00

Order Nr. PORTRAIT9840

Nicolas et Alexandra

"Nicolas et Alexandra"

Steel engraving after Vernier, 1838.

Page size: 19.5 x 19,5 cm ( 4.1 x 7.6 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242947



Steel engraving after Vernier, 1838.

8.5 x 14 cm ( 3.3 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242950

Upper image: "Tanzunterhaltung russicher Soldaten"
Lower image: " An einer russischen Eisengahnstatin: Zwei Minuten Aufenhalt" ( At a Russian train station: Two minute stop )

Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

32 x 22.5 cm ( 12.5 x 8.8 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA239815

German Colonies in Russia

"Carte de l'emigration Allemande en Russie"

Print shows the German colonies in the area of the Volga and Dnieper Rivers.

Wood engraving after Adrien Martin dated 1882. Reverse side is printed. Horizontal fold.

21.5 x 21 cm ( 8.4 x 8.2 ")


Order Nr. RUSSIA246556

" A German Transport Column Passing Through a Town Destroyed by Fire"
"This Russian town saw hard fighting in the German advance in Russian Poland and was finally burned on the retreat of the Russians."

Text photo ca 1915. On the reverse side is a photo of German soldiers constructing defenses in the drive on Warsaw.
Light spotting in right margin.

22.5 x 32.5 cm ( 8.8 x 12.7 " )

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA239723


Costumes des Habitans des Environs de Moscou (Moscow)

Steel engraving by Danois after Demoraine ca 1840.
Small repaired tear on upper margin edge.

10 x 15 cm ( 3.9 x 5.9 ")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. COSTUME9284

Yakut Woman

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1860. Reverse side is printed.

15.9 x 12 cm (( 6.2 x 4.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order nr. RUSSIA2071

Siberian of the Yakutsk Province.

Wood engraving from an illustrated work by Jahyer after H. Rousseau ca 1880.
Reverse side is printed.

19.1 x 13.3 cm ( 7.5 x 5.2 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2072

"Siberie Oriental. - Voyage de M. Joseph Martin, Notre Correspondent."

"L'Expedition dans les torrents de l'Abate. - Campement au bord du lac amadin. - Enterrement d'un indigene de l'expedition."

Wood engraving after Parys, ca 1880. Reverse side is printed.

Image: 30 x 19.5 cm ( 11.8 x 7.6 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242173

"Tsaritzin ( Rusia Oriental). - Vista General del Puerto y la Pblacion
deposito de petroleo refinado procedente de las minas de Baku"

Wood engraving from a Spanish source published 1884.
Reverse side is printed.

10.5 x 23 cm ( 4.1 x 9 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSIA250529

La Ceremonie du Marriage Religieux en Russie

"La Ceremonie du Marriage Religieux en Russie"

Wood engraving published 1874. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age tonng.

18.5 x 15.8 cm ( 7.2 x 6.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2405488

Pope russe.

"Pope russe."

Wood engraving by Neuville after a photograph. Published 1872.

22.5 x 14 cm ( 8.8 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240722

Vor einem Wirthshause in Ostgalizen

"Vor einem Wirthshause in Ostgalizen."

Wood engraving by T. Ryblowski ca 1880. Reverse side is printed.

12.4 x 18.8 cm ( 4.9 x 7.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2073

"A Country Scene in Russia - Showing the Log-Houses".

Wood engraving ca 1870.

11.5 x 16.8 cm ( 4.5 x 6.6 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2074

Weintraubenverkaeufer in Wolhynien

Weintraubenverkaeufer in Wolhynien (Ukrania)
"Grape Vender in Wolhynien"

Wood engraving after Rhyblowski from an illustrated work ca 1880.
Overall light age toning. Reverse side is printed.

13.9 x 10.5 cm ( 5,4 x 4.1 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. WINE8636

Grosser Refraktor der Sternwarte in Pulkowa

"Grosser Refraktor der Sternwarte in Pulkowa"
( Large Refractor in the Observatory in Pulkowa, Russia)

Wood engraving ca 1885 from Meyers Konv. Lexikon.

20.4 x 12.7 cm ( 8 x 5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. ASTRONOMY237602

Russian Wedding

"Foire aux marriages en Russie".

Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed.

11.3 x 15.8 cm ( 4.4 x 6.2 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2075

Fete dans un Village Russe

Wood engraving by Pouget after Coppin ca 1875. Reverse side is printed.

11.5 x 16.3 cm ( 4.5 x 6.4 ")

$ 20.00

Order nr. RUSSIA2076

Votures Russes.

Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed.

11.4 x 15.2 cm ( 4.5 x 6 ")

$ 25.00

Order nr. RUSSIA2077

"Russia's Fortresses On The Cast of Circassia"

Upper image: "Anapa, Evacuated by the Russians"
Middle image: "Soujak-Kale"
Lower image: "Gitelendjik"

Wood engraving published 1855. On the reverse side is an article about
the war in the Crimea and the Capture of the Mamelon.

Left margin is narrow.

Images: 35 x 23.5 cm ( 13.7 x 9.8")

$ 55.00

Order Nr. CAUCASUS255250


Steel engraving by And. Bernieri ca 1845. Fine, original hand coloring.

8.2 x 16.2 cm ( 3.2 x 6.4 ")

$ 95.00

Order nr. RUSSIA2054

Die Butterwoche in St. Petersburg (The butter week in St. Petersburg)

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1880. Recent hand coloring.

Overall light age toning. Reverse side is printed.

18 x 27.5 cm ( 7 x 10.8 ")

$ 55.00

Order Nr. CIRCUS9809


"St. Petersburg"

" Moujeks au Marche de Grains"

Steel engraving 1838.

10 x 14.5 cm ( 3.9 x 5.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA249501

Grossfuerst Michael von Russland, Hoechstkommandirender der Kaukasus Armee.

Wood engraving , 1877. Reverse side is printed.
Overall light age toning.

25.7 x 20.3 cm ( 10.1 x 7.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA236769

"Grossfuerstin Xenia und Grossfuerst Alexander Michaelowitsch."

Wood engraving ca 1875. Article continues on reverse side.

Image size: 11 x 14.5 cm ( 4.3 x 5.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA237636



Type of print: Copper etching

Codor: Original hand coloring

Engraver: Giovanni Antonio Sasso

Milano, ca. 1820

Good condition except for small spot on upper edge.

Native people living on the Kamchatka Peninsula, far east Russia.

This family belongs to an indigenous people called Itelmene. They live near Koriaki.

The woman shows tattoos on face, arm and leg.

13,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 5.3 x 8.5")

$ 70.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA243351

The Ostlacks

Copper engraving by T. Spendelon ca 1800. dedicated to the Earl of Chesterfield.

11.6 x 13.5 cm ( 4.6 x 5.3 ")

$ 70.00

Order nr. RUSSIA2089


ãEin Tartarenchef" and ãIwanowitsch". A Tartar Chief and Feodor Iwanowitsch, a Kalmyk wo was presented by the Emperess of Russia to the margrave of Baden and, thus, grew up in Karlsruhe, Germany. He became a gifted artist living in Rome in later years).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some minor foxing in margins.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 150.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96029

Alexandre 1er.

Steel engraving by Langlois Vernier ca 1840.

12.5 x 9.5 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA234676



"Prussia nunc germanie provincia"

Type of print: Woodcut

Color: Excellent hand coloring

Published in: Nuremberg Chronicle ("Weltchronik" (Liber Chronicarum)

Author:  Hartmann Schedel.

Published: Nuremberg, 1493 (first edition)

Text: Latin. Relating text print above image.

Verso: Text print in Latin.

This province, also called "East Prussia" by Germans was incorporated in Germany in the year 1466 during the Second Peace of Thorn. It remained the easternmost province of Germany until the end of World War II, when it became a part of Poland.

Condition: Very good. Excellent hand coloring. Image flawless. Margins a bit age toned with some
traces of age and use and a thin crease in left margin.
Overall appearance near excellent!

Image: 23 x 23 cm (ca. 9" square)

Sheet size: 43 x 29,5 cm (ca. 17 x 11.5")

$ 480.00

Order Nr. SCHEDEL254141

ãKleiderreform in Russland"

Wood engraving by C. Koehnlein after the painting by G. von Urlaub.

Czar Nikolaus I. ordered a dress- and hairstyle-reform for Jews in Russia, during which jewish men were forced to adjust their dress and hair style to western standard.

Published in Meisterwerke der Holzschneidekunst. 1904

Minor traces of age and use. Vertical centerfold.

30.8 x 48.7 cm (12.1 x 19.2")

$ 150.00

Order Nr. JUDAICA237933

ãTypes et costumes de l'armee russe"

Wood engraving by Henry de Montaut. 1863

Various Russian military uniforms.

Very good condition. Reverse side has part of related text print.

Sheet size 36.8 x 25 cm (14.5 x 9.8")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA237943

Prince Gortschakoff.

"Le Prince Gortschakoff"

Wood engraving 1880. On the reverse side is an article ( in French ) about Prince Gortschakoff.

21 x 15 cm ( 8.2 x 5.9 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA241705

"Der Entente Palast"

"Die russische Partei hat gekuendigt und zieht aus" ( the Russian Party moves out )

This refers to the Triple Entente whose members were Great Britain, France and Russia,

Wood engraving after the original by Julius Diez in Munich dated 1917.
Reverse side is printed. Minor signs of age and use.

25 x 18.5 cm ( 9.8 x 7.2 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA242906

Das neue grosse russische Staatswappen (The new Russian Coat-of-Arms)

Wood engraving ca 1880. Very decorative. Reverse side is printed.

16.8 x 14.7 cm ( 6.6 x 5.8 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA2086

"Le prisonnier mysterieux de Solovetsk, Nicolas Ilyn."

Wood engraving by Neuville after a photograph, 1867. Below the image and on the
reverse side is text about Nicolas Ilyn.

Image: 16 x 14 cm ( 6.2 x 5.5 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244080

St. John's fire

"Nuit fetee a Pergola le jour de la St. Jean" ( St. John's fire )

Steel engraving 1838.

8.5 x 13.5 cm ( 3.3 x 4.3 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA249504

" M. Samarin, redacteur de la Gazette de Moscou"

Wood engraving by Neuville after a photograph, 1867. Below the image and on the
reverse side is text aboutreligious disidence in Russia.

Image: 13 x 10 cm ( 5.1 x 3.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244079

Montagnes Russes

"Montagnes Russes"

Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Vernier 1838.

Image: 8 x 12.7 cm ( 3.1 x 5 ")

Order Nr. RUSSIA243369SOLD

"Die Rutscheiseberge in Russland"

(The ice slide in Russia)

Interesting copper engraving ca 1820. Good condition.

8.6 x 13.6 cm ( 3.3 x 5.3 ")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA238637

"Carte De La Mer Blanche"

Wood engraving 1872. Reverse side is printed.

12.5 x 16 cm ( 4.9 x 6.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA240418

"Patineurs et Trainau"

Steel engraving 1838.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA249503

"Grossfuerst Nikolai Nikolajewitsch von Russland. Befehlshaber der russischen Sued-Armee"

Wood engraving ca 1885. On the reverse side is unrelated text. Light age toning.

25 x 21.5 cm ( 9.8 x 8.4 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244010

"Familie de paysans russes"

Wood engraving printed 1866. On the reverse side is text titled "Karavod" about Russian villages and peoples.

20 x 15 cm ( 7.8 x 5.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244078

Schumla, Bulgaria

"Schoumla" ( Schumla, Bulgaria )

Russian army near Schumla, Bulgaria. Steel engraving 1838.

8.5 x 13.5 cm ( 3.3 x 5.3 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA249502

Samoyed camp

"Samojeden Lager" ( Samoyed camp )

Wood engraving published 1877. Reverse side is printed.

11.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.1 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244446

Assassins du Czar Alexandre II

"Les Assassins du Czar Alexandre II sur l'Echafaud"

Wood engraving published 1881. Reverse side is printed.

16 x 22 cm ( 6.2 x 8.6 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA246953



Lithograph by Honegger ca 1860.

16.2 x 14 cm (6.4 x 5.5'')

$ 75.00

Order Nr. PORTRAIT9840

"Russische Kunst II"

Engraving shows some of the most important churches and palaces in Russia. Published 1895.
On the reverse side are
Russische Kunst I and Russische Kunst III with images of statues and paintings.
Light age toning.

21 x 26.5 cm ( 8.2 x 10.4 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244433

Alexandre II

"S. M. Alexandre II, empereur de Russie"

Wood engraving published 1877. Reverse side is printed.

15 x 13 cm ( 5.9 x 5.1 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244121

"Professor Nordenskiold"

Wood engraving 1877. Reverse side has text about the expedition of Professor Nordenskiold.

14 y 12 cm ( 5.5 x 4.7 ")

$ 15.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA244445


ãEin Tartarenchef" and ãIwanowitsch". A Tartar Chief and Feodor Iwanowitsch, a Kalmyk wo was presented by the Emperess of Russia to the margrave of Baden and, thus, grew up in Karlsruhe, Germany. He became a gifted artist living in Rome in later years).

Lithograph by J. Honegger from ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidung des Menschen..." by HeinrichRudolf Schinz. Zurich, 1845. (Native people of the world).

Clean. Some minor foxing in margins.

Page size: 26 x 36 cm (10.2 x 14.2")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. ETHNOLOGY96029


"Leon Tolstoi"

Wood engraving by Henri Thiriat (1843-1926)

Published 1898

28,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 11.2 x 8.5")

$ 50,00

Order Nr.PORTRAIT247138

"Cosaque du Don"

Wood engraving published 1878. Reverse side is printed.

21.5 x 14.5 cm ( 8.4 x 5.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. RUSSIA249693

Prints St. Petersburg

Maps of Russia

Antique Maps of the World

PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views.






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