Oil Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings Enjoy these original works of art from several generations. Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen We accept reasonable offers. |
No title. Except a pencil line, probably by artist, along upper edge saying: Berühmte Courtisanen (famous courtesans): Jekaterina Iwanowa, Njelidowa. Watercolor over ink by Franz Christophe. Signed lower center: Christophe. Circa 1910. Christophe was born in Vienna 1875 and died in Berlin 1946. He devoted himself almost exclusively to erotic illustrations, many of which were used in various publications. His art is full of open and hidden erotic hints. Here he obviously hints to Katharina the Great of Russia. Paper is age-toned with some light spotting. Lower right corner was torn off (not into image), corner restored. There is a repaired tear on the right side. 31 x 20.7 cm ( 12.2 x 8.1 ") $ 320.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL9711 |
View of Gaza-City from the roof of Al-Shifa-Hospital. Also: A-Shifa-Clinic The large building complex was built in Rimal (Gaza-City) originally as barracks for the British Army in the 1920ies. It became a medical institution for quarantine and fiever-patients in 1946. The view is water color over pencil on paper. Lower right corner unfinished. Lower left in German language in pencil: Gaza vom Dach der Quarantäne aufgenommen (Gaza seen from the roof of the quarantine) Lower right corner: Signature in pencil: Grothe Minimal age toning. Some very minor traces of age and use. 22,2 x 30,8 cm (8.7 x 12.1") $ 120.00 (no discount) Order Nr. ORIGINAL257097 |
Bleistiftzeichnung auf Papier, ein Arbeitspferd und einen Esel darstellend. Das Pferd, ein landwirtschaftlich eingesetztes Zugtier, trägt ein Kummet (Zuggeschirr) aus Holz. Der gesattelte Esel trägt ebenfalls ein Kummet. Beide Tiere machen gerade eine Arbeitspause Signiert unten rechts: H. Straßberger, datiert unter der Signatur: 1871 Das Ackergerät trägt zusätzlich folgendes Monogramm: H.S. 1871 Künstler: Bruno Heinrich Straßberger (1832-1910) Der Künstler war Sohn des Malers Ernst Wilhelm Straßberger (1796-1866) und Enkel des Malers Christian Gotthelf Straßberger (1770-1841) Papier mit grauem Grundton Blatt ist auf grösserem Papierbogen in den vier Ecken montiert. Gelegentliche Stockflecken fallen nicht übermässig auf. Vernachlässigbare Altersspuren. ***** Pencil drawing of a work horse and a donkey taking a pause from work. In the lower right corner is
the signature H. Strassburger with te date 1871 Artist: Bruno Heinrich Straßberger (1832-1910) The artist was the son of the
painter Ernst Wilhelm Straßberger (1796-1866) This drawing is on heavy gray
paper and mounted on larger paper. $210.00 Discount - 40% = $126.00 Order Nr. HORSE 254544 |
"Segretario Ambulante" Ambulant scrivener Watercolor ( Aquarell ) by : M. de Vito Ca. 1830 Title and signature in ink. Very good condition. Under matting. An ambulant literate waiting for his clientele in a time when few people in Naples could read or write. These ambulant writers helped with form letters for authorities as much as they helped write love letters. This water color is typical for Neapolitan street venders and providers of services such as this. His tolls were quill pen, paper, ink and intellect. 22 x 14,2 cm (Ca. 8.7 x 5.6") $ 260.00 Order Nr. NAPOLI243529 |
Partenkirchen Floriansplatz Ohne Titel. Partenkirchen - In der Eremitage in St. Petersburg hängt das Ölgemälde, das unter dem Namen "Der Morgen" Partenkirchen darstellt. Der Maler ist Peter Heinrich Lambert Hess (1792-1871). Er wurde 1861 in den persönlichen bayerischen Adelsstand erhoben und durfte sich ab dann Ritter von Hess nennen. 1839 lud Zar Nikolaus von Hess nach St. Petersburg (und Moskau) ein. das Gemälde "Der Morgen" war aber schon 1819 in den Besitz des Zaren gelangt. Der Lithograph Friedrich Hohe (1802-1870) lithographierte das Gemälde "Der Morgen" von Peter Hess. Die vorliegende Bleistiftzeichnung ist unsigniert und undatiert. Die künstlerische Genauigkeit und Übereinstimmung mit dem Gemälde wie auch mit der Lithographie lassen den Schluss zu, dass es sich um die Vorzeichnung für beide, das Gemälde wie für die Lithographie handeln könnte. Das Papier, auf dem die Bleistiftzeichnung entstand, stammt deutlich aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Das Blatt zeigt auf der Rückseite Spuren nicht wertmindernder, aber professionell ausgeführter Restaurierung, ein Umstand, der auf die Wertschätzung der Zeichnung eines Vorbesitzers schliessen lässt. Wir wagen keine Expertise mit einer klaren Entscheidung für die eine oder die andere Möglichkeit. Die Zeichnung ist jedoch so oder so wegen ihrer künstlerisch hochwertigen Ausführung von erheblicher Bedeutung. Wir haben die Zeichnung vor ca. 25 Jahren in Italien erworben. Der Vorbesitzer hatte sie auf einer italienischen Auktion ersteigert. Seither befand sich die Zeichnung in unserem Privatbesitz. 45,8 x 40,9 cm ( 18 x 16.1") $ 720.00 or make a reasonable offer! Order Nr. BAYERN252905 |
Bacchanalian scene. Grape-crowned Silenus with a prankish smile offering a basket full of grapes and fruit to bare-bosomed Venus, who, Amor's arrow in hand, looks puzzled, but smiling at admonishing Amor, who, with index finger raised, holds a torch in the other hand. The torch light gives this painting the intense light effects, leaving all except this intimite bacchantalian scene in the dark, from which the vibrant and the subdued colors glow with flashy intensity. The oil painting on canvas is by an anonymous artist. Time of painting: Ca. 1850/60. The stretcher frame is the original one. The black color of the extreme left corner has been redone. Otherwise the painting has exactly the kind of patina one wishes for, including the desirable craquelure. The gold-colored frame is 20th century. Measurements: Painting without frame: 46 x 56.7 cm (18.1 x 22.3") Including frame: 60 x 72 cm (23.6 x 28.3") $5000.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 3000.00 Order Nr. WINE8651 |
Max A. Kuhn (1895 Landshut - 1976 Landshut) Country Road, pastel on cardboard Kuhn moved to Rosenheim, Upper Bavaria in 1938. He was a painter of landscapes. He became known through many exhibitions: Munich, Regensburg, Dresden, Duesseldorf, Cologne and Linz. His very personal style is timeless, his colors are bold, yet 11.5 x 18.7 cm ( 4.5 x 7.3 ") $ 155.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL9718 |
Koneck, Albert Weiblicher Akt Stehender weiblicher Akt Bleistiftskizze. Signiert und datiert: A. Korneck Düsseldorf 1839 Albert Korneck (1813-1905), gebürtiger Breslauer war ein Genre- Historien- und Porträtmaler. Ab 1833 Student unter A. v. Klöbet an der Berliner Akademie. Ab 1836 unter K. Sohn in Düsseldorf. Ab 1840 lebte Korneck ständig in Berlin, beschickte zwischen 1834 und 1890 die Ausstellungen der Berliner Akademie , vorwiegend mit Genrebildern und biblischen Themen. Im Auftrag des preussischen Königs porträtierte Korneck malte Korneck viele Mitglieder des Königshauses. Seine Werke wurden von zahlreichen Museen erworben. Bleistift auf Papier. Gebräunt. Die Signatur wegen der Papierbräunung schwach, aber gut lesbar. Zeichnung an Karton in oberen Ecken befestigt. Blattmaß: 19 x 12 cm $ 90.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL251118 |
Bleistiftzeichnung Les Exilés Statue von Bildhauer Mathurin Moreau (1822-1912) Die Statue steht im Museum d'Orsay in Paris. Bleistiftzeichnung von Hans Kuhn Signiert: HKuhn Datiert: 15.1. (18)89 Vom Künstler in Bleistift bezeichnet: Les Exilés Moreau sculp. Sehr gut exekutierte Bleistiftstudie der Marmor-Skulptur, die Moreau auf dem Pariser Salon 1884 ausstellte. Sie wurde von der französischen Regierung erworben und im Musée d'Orsay in Paris aufgestellt. Akademisch genaue Bleistiftzeichnung auf getöntem Zeichenkarton. ***** Pencil drawing by Hans Kuhn of the Les Exilés Statue von Bildhauer Mathurin Moreau (1822-1912). The statue is in the Museum d'Orsay in Paris. Signed HKuhn and dated 15.1. (18)89 Fine drrawing of the marble
statue by Moreau that was displayed in Paris in 1884. Blattgrösse/ page size: 21,4 x 14,8 cm (8.3 5.8") $ 110.00 minus 40% discount = $ 66.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL251231 |
Title written in pencil on passpartout: "Chioggia (suedl. Venedig)" Very pleasant original watercolor painting of a picturesque part of Chioggia. Nicely painted. Good condition. The signature in the lower right corner is not readable. 23 x 16.5 cm ( 9 x 6.4 ") $ 130.00 Order Nr. VENEZIA238687 |
No Title. Original drawing made with sepia ink probably 19th Century (?). Anonymous. The finely executed drawing is
mounted on a dark background that is framed Image: 34.5 x 12.5 cm (13.7 x 4.9") With frame: 43.5 x 20 cm (17.1 x 7.8") The drawing shows some signs of age and use on upper edge. The frame has a few signs of wear and age on edges. $ 450.00 Order Nr. Original 256873 |
Attractive painting of the Montmartre part of Paris. It shows a street on Montmartre. In the background: two of the cupolas of Sacre Coeur. Oil on canvas. Signed lower left corner: J. Brasak????. Framed in a pleasant wooden frame. The painting is not dated but is probably from the early 1960s. The painting allows a glimpse into a typical Montmartre street. Visible within the frame: 59 x 48 cm (23.2 x 18.9") Painting is in good condition. $ 380.00 Order Nr. PAINTING234568 |
Fruit still life. Water color over pencil on paper by Wilhelm Schmid. Signed W. Schmid. Dedication by the artist's hand to Herr und Frau Dr. Sollop ( Gollop ?), dated 13 XII 21. Paper has general age toning. Colors are fresh. Leaf size: 22 x 28.8 cm ( 8.66 x 11.33"). EURO 650.00 Order Nr. PAINTING9721 Schmid was a Swiss painter (born 1892 in Remingen near Brugg in Aargau - died 1971 in Bré sopra Lugano (near Lugano). Schmid belonged to the avangarde in the field of New Objectivity (Neue Sac hlichkeit). He lived in Berlin from 1917 - 1938. When his work was judges as Degenerate Art by the Nazis, he left Germany and returned to Switzerland. His art work was incorporated in the stream of Magic Realism. Some 40 of his paintings belong to prestigious Swiss Federal Art Collection (Bundeskunstsammlung - BKS). During the Nazi Regime all of Schmid's work in German museums was destroyed. When he left his home in Potsdam, Germany in a rush, he left his art work behind. All of that is considered missing. His later work was bought by private collectors, by the Museo Wilhelm Schmid in Bré sopra Lugano, in ãArgauer Kunsthaus Aarau" and in the Swiss ãBundeskunstsammlung" (BKS) Bern, Switzerland. Just recently the BKS organized an exhibition of Wilhelm Schmid's work in its possession at the Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek in Bern (May 15 - August 2, 2008).
No title. Most likely Lago Maggiore Ink drawing in sepia color. On reverse side with pencil: Mathilde Mutins. Ca. 1820 Mathilde von Mutius was married to Freiherr Johann August Friedrich Hiller von Gärtringen Unfortunately we are unable to clearly state the point of view. Locally acquainted people will be able to help. Very finely done sepia ink drawing. No margins. 6.5 x 22.2 cm (6.5 x 8.7") $ 280.00 Order Nr. ITALIA235530 |
No title. Norway. View of a small Norwegian harbor with fishing boats. Anyone who knows where this is, please inform us! Very fine gouache, a so-called ãGrisaille", on light green cardbord. Signed H. Kiekebusch. The painter Herman Kiekebusch was born in Berlin in 1857. He worked in Berlin, Norway and in the Alpine countries. Further dates of his life are not available. 20 x 34.5 cm (7.9 x 13.6"). $480.00 Order Nr. NORWAY1082 |
Oil painting (on laminated beaver board) A cluster of red, rose and white grapes among other fruit i(Apples, peaches, figs, pears, cherries)s surrounded, in a setting of antique ruins, by a bunch of exotic tropical birds, among them an ara and a cockatoo having a palaver over their unexpected discovery. Well executed bizarre and whimsical painting in wonderfully bright colors and great artistic mastership. This scurrile painting is not signed or dated. Our estimate is that it dates back to the nineteen sxties when the type of beaver board, (Hartfaser) used here, came on the market. Colors are fresh, bright and clean. Birds and fruit are realistically depicted. The fact, that this painting is even 12 x 16" allows for the assumption, that the artist was British or American or at least worked where inch-measuremnets are used. Condition: Without the least of blemish! 30.5 x 40.7 cm (12 x 16") $ 380.00 Order Nr. WINE235725 |
Persian miniature painting. In a Persian harem seven young women, accompanied by an elder chaperone, approach the Persian Shah, who receives them graciously. Persian miniature painting in fabulous metallic colorrs, gold-lined and partially guilded. Reverse side: Book text in hand-written black ink with red underlines. The painting is framed with hand-written text on either side and imbedded into ornamental gulded bordures. Repeatedly we seen the bordure images of peacocks. The peacock was the imperial bird symbol of the Persian Shah, which might be an indication, that the scene is actually happening in the Golestan Palace, the palace of Persian Monarchy in the 19th century. The absolutely royal aura of the chamber we are looking at, seems to emphasize this impression.. Frayed along edges, especially along the binding side of miniature. Bordure has a few tiny book worm holes, none, however, in the image. The image in excellent condition with beautiful strong metallic colors. 19th century. Image: 10,8 x 20 cm (ca. 4.2 x 7.8") Overall measurements: 18 x 30 cm (ca. 7 x 11.8") $ 750.00 Order Nr. ORIGINALPAINTING255050 |
Portrait einer Italienerin - Kreide-Zeichnung Portrait einer vornehmen italienischen Dame Kreide-Zeichnung auf braunem Ppaier. rechts unten monogrammiert: A.L. Dresde ( sic ) und datiert 1822 Auf italienisch heisst Dresden - DresdaAuf französisch: Dresde Somit lässt sich
schliessen, dass der Maler dieser Zeichnung ein
französisch Nur oben auf Kartonunterlage
montiert. Erhaltungszustand sehr gut. 21 x 14 cm (8.2 x5.5") $ 55.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL251117 |
"Je ne cous cacherai pas que mont client est un coquin" Attorney in his summation (final speech) I won't conceal from you, that my client is a Pascal - Ich werde ihnen nicht verheimlichen, dass mein Mandant ein Spitzbube ist Black ink drawing with spare use of color Monogram at bottom right: AD On grayish paper. Laid down on cardboard Possibly executed in style of an exiting paragon. Minimal traces of age and use. Ca. 1960 49 x 31,5 cm (ca. 19.3 x 12.4") $ 750.00 Oreder Nr. LEGAL252136 |
Verona - ãDuomo a Verona" Water color in sepia on paper. By Vaclav Koutsky (Czeck artsist 1907 - 1980) Signed lower right: ãV. Koutsky (19)69. Named lower left: ãDuomo a Verona" Front view of the Cathedral of Verona Mounted on upper left and right to a cardboard. Minimal crinkling. 47.8 x 59.2 cm (18.8 x 23.3") Order Nr. ITALIAVERONA235004SOLD |
No title. Hercules (standing Nude) -
Artist's copy of "Ercole Farnese". Statue in the National Archeological Museum in Naples
Hercules with the skin of the Nemean lion, his club and, in his hand held in back of himself, one golden apple of the Hersperides.
Unsigned pencil drawing. Quite well executed artist's study of the famous marble statue in Naples.
Watermark. Ca. 1840-1860
Condition: Paper shows various traces of
age and use: some wrinkles and spotting especially along paper
Small repaired tear on lower edge. A crease in each upper corner.
Small crease on right leg belwo knee.
44 x 24 cm (ca. 17.3 x 9.4")
$ 240.00
Order Nr. ORIGINAL253687
"Blick auf Gargnano" Very fine watercolor dated and signed 1827 by Jakob Hellmann ( 1877-1953 ). Jakob Hellman was a well-known
painter in Garmisch Partenkirchen. This attractive aquarell
shows the The painting is mounted on gray heavy paper. Painting is in fine condition. A few signs of age and use in gray paper. 48 x 39.5 cm ( 18.8 x 15.5 ") $ 250.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL249666 |
Tuschzeichnung Jurist. Fliegende Blätter Ohne Titel. Angeklagter, sich mit Zahnschmerzen entschuldigender Angeklagter vor dem Richter. Lavierte Tusche. Teilweise weiss gehöht. Auf Pappe. Künstler: Hans Rudolf Käser-Rueff (1870-1932) Leider fehlt der Text, der wohl in dem freien Feld unten rechts eingefügt wurde. Rechts monogrammiert: HRK und datiert (18)91. Da der Wiener Künstler
Mitarbeiter der Zeitschrift "Jugend" in
München Leichte Altersbräunung.
Obere Kartonecken mit Kleberesten von Montage. Kartonmaß: 38 x 27 cm (14.9 x 10.6") $160.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL251160 |
Hercules. Anonymous pencil drawing. The rendering is drawn on the basis of Hercules Farnese. The statue once belonged to the Farnese Antique Art Collection in Rome. The statue of Hercules is now part of the permanent exhibition in the Archeologigal NationalMuseum in Naples. Hercules here shown in half profile leaning against a column over which is draped the skin of the Nemean Lion. In the palm his right hand Hercules is holding an apple of the Hesperides, exemplary for love, fertility and eternal youth. The awkward appearance of his left hand (larger than it should be) is a part of the original statue and thus depicted correctly. The well executed pencil drawing has some blemishes caused by age and handling. There are some folds and spots, which wet trying to show enlarged and detailed in scans for the inspection of the viewer. Sheet size: 44 x 23,8 cm (ca. .3 x 9.4") $ 580.00 Order Nr. ORIGINALHERCULES |
Bust of the head of a young woman. In the style of a classical marble bust. Charcoal drawing by Gustav Holzapfel (1881-??? possibly deported, murdered or he emigrated. Holzapfel became an interior designer. There are traces of him till about 1930. Paper used is off-white. It has accumulated some patica. Few blemishes caused by age and handling, such as minor wrinkling. Signature: G. Holzapfel The drawing is not dated. But we found it in a series of Holzapfel drawings, some of which bore the date 1899. So Holzapfel, at age 18, probably went to academical practice drawing. Figure size: Ca. 44 x ca. 25 cm (ca. 13 x 9.8") Sheet size: 58 x 43 cm (ca. 22.8 x 17") $ 450.00 Order Nr. CHARCOAL DRAWING BUST OF YOUNG WOMAN |
Young female nude. In the style of a classical statue Charcoal drawing by Gustav Holzapfel (1881- ??? possibly deported, murdered or he emigrated. Holzapfel became an interior designer. There are traces of him till about 1930. This drawing of the classical young nude woman is not dated. But we found it in a series of Holzapfel drawings, some of which bore the date 1899. So Holzapfel, at age 18, probably went to academical practice drawing. The base under the left foot of the nude bears the artist's monogram "G.H." The paper used was off white. It has a warm beige tone. Passing time has caused some blemishes along the upper and the lower edge. In the middle of the upper edge is a little hole, obviously for pinning the pretty girl on a wall. There is a horizontal center fold. There is minor wrinkling with no disturbance to image. Sheet size: 66,4 x 33 cm (ca. 26 x 13") $ 450,00 Order Nr. CHARCOAL DRAWING NUDE GIRL |
No Title Numbered and signed lithograph by Gerard Cochet (1888-1969). Very pleasing pastoral scene in a small village ca 1950??? The lithograph is in very good
condition. It is mounted on Japan paper Image: 27.5 x 34 cm ( 10.6 x 13.3") $ 280.00 minus 40% = $ 168.00 Order Nr. COW256615 |
Maennlicher Akt sitzend. Junger Mann sitzenend. Gut ausgearbeitete, stimmige Aktzeichnung in sepiafarbener Kreide. Das Blatt is umsigniert und
undatiert. Wahrscheilich Akademiearbeit Blattmass: 26.7 x 19 cm ( 10,5 x 7.4 ") - - - - Male Act sitting. Sepia-colored drawing. Not signed or dated. Possibly from an art student ca 1900. 26.7 x 19 cm ( 10,5 x 7.4 ") Order Nr. ORIGINAL251090SOLD |
Garda Very attractive watercolor by Hans-Peter Kirchpfening, (1928-1996). Dated 1955. Kirchpfening painted watercolors and oil paintings with Italian themes from the 1950s to 1970s. He painted on the Island of Ischia for a time. This pleasant watercolor shows a small harbor on Lake Garda. The frame has a few signs of age and use. Watercolor: 34 x 25.5 cm ( 13.3 x 10 ") Framed: 55 x 42 cm ( 21.6 x 16.5 ") Order Nr. ORIGINAL237420 SOLD |
No title. Five Polo players. Oil painting on woodboard. Unknown artist. Ca 1960-1980. Not signed or dated. Attractive painting in a slight Impressionistic style that leaves a good impression when you look at it from a short distance. Not framed. 40,7 x 66,3 cm ( 16. x 25.9 ") $ 380.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 228.00 Order Nr. POLO237447 |
Rouen Very fine original pencil
drawing of the Rouen cathedral probably ca 1860-1870. There are signs of age and use and small repairs. 21.5 x 17.5 cm ( 8.4 x 6.8 ") $ 280.00 Order Nr. FRANCE242854 |
No Title. Fine original pencil drawing with the swans accented in white. In the lower left corner are the initials LM. In the lower right are a few letters that are not readable. 18.3 x 23.4 cm ( 7.2 x 9.2 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. DUCKSGEESE6324 |
Sketch. Nude young man, helmet, two puttos, lyra playing woman. Anonymous pencil drawing. Ca. 1800 Creasing in right margin. Page size: 19 x 11.9 cm ( 7.4 x 4.6 ") $ 125.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL9719SOLD |
Sketch. Unidentified male figure Anonymous pencil drawing. 18th century
A few light spots, mostly in upper right corner. 25 x 10.3 cm ( 9.8 x 4 ") $ 250.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL 9720SOLD |
Erich Schilling, born 1885, was one of the talented illustrators "Simplicissimus" like Olaf Gulbransson, Th.Th. Heine, Karl Arnold, Eduard Thoeny, Max Slevogt, Käthe Kollwitz and many others He contributed many cartoons to this famous satirical German weekly. While he was successful as an artist his personality was ambivalent. Starting out in his younger years as a staunch opponent to Natinal Socialism in Germany he became an avid supporter of the Nazis as soon as Hitler came to power. With the political twist "Simplicissimus" was ordered to take after Machtergreifung (the famous dog lost his teeth), Schilling followed suit and produced propagandous cartoons, such as you can see one below. He comitted suicide in 1945 when he, much too late, realized that he had followed a criminal regime. "Im Bierstueberl" Text by artist's hand: "Na, Kleiner, so schnell schon ausgerissen?" "Ja mei, allweil kannst a net sinnlich sein!" This unpolitical early cartoon refers to "Fasching" in Munich, the Bavarian form of Carnival. Ink on paper. Monogrammed upper left. 36 x 26 cm ( 14.1 x 10.2 ") $ 550.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL9715SOLD *************
"Der neue Orpheus". Ink on cartboard by Erich Schilling. Monogrammed lower right. Title in pencil on reverse side. Flawless condition. 33.5 x 34.5 cm ( 13.1 x 13.5 ") $ 550.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL9716SOLD |
No title. Portrait of a young woman. Waterclor in the shade of light brown over pencil on paper., by Fritz Erler (1870 - 1940). Paper has light overall age toning and is slightly wrinkly. Erler was one of the artists like Eduard Thoeny, Walter Georgi, Adolf Münzer and many others who discovered a small village, Holzhausen, on the westbank of Ammersee, not all that far from Munich. Erler belonged to the founders of this artist colony and was also a member of the artist group "Scholle" who prefrred to paint outside their studios. Erler was a leading representative of this group. Height of image: 29.5 cm ( 11.6
") $ 380.00 Order Nr. ORIGINAL9717 |
Silouettes, Paper Cuts, Scissors Cuts Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen ©Rainer Rauhut