Antique Prints of Horses Take a look at these historical horse prints. All prints are in good condition unless otherwise mentioned. Liquidation Sale! Discount! At 86 years old I am selling my stock! 40% Discount on All Prints with a HORSE number on this page! We accept reasoable offers. |
"Lord Yarborough's Huntsmen, in 1792" Hand-colored wood engraving dated 1856. Reverse side is printed. 15 x 22 cm ( 5.9 x 8.6 ") $ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00 Order Nr. HORSE246129 |
"L'hospitalite sous la tente. La jument noire de Mohamed" ( the black mare of Mohamed ) Wood engraving, 1852. Reverse side is printed. 11.5 x 15 cm ( 4.5 x 5.9 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. HORSE245943 |
"Steeplechasing at Aldershot" Upper
images: "There They Go" "The
Finish" Wood engraving, 1871. The reverse side is printed with some information on Aldershot. Image size: 22 x 30 cm ( 8.6 x 11.8 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. HORSE239580 |
"Horse Racing" Handkolorierter Kupferstich ( hand-colored copper engraving ) Aus: "A Gentleman's Recreation" (Eines Herren Zeitvertreibb) Von Richard Blome (1635-1705) London, 1685 Unterhalb Darstellung Widmung des Autors an Baron Capell of Hadham ( below the image is a dedication to Baron Capell of Hadham ) Toned, especially in margins. Otherweise good condition. 40 x 25 cm (ca. 15.7 x 9.8" $ 190.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 114.00 Order Nr. HORSE250890 |
"Stall - Stalla - Ecurie - Stable - Stal" Bäuerlicher Stall mit 2 Pferden, 4 Milchkühen, 1 Kalb, Hahn und Henne und 1 Kaninchen sowie mit der Bäuerin und dem Bauern. A farmer's stable with horses, cows, calf, duster and hen as well as a rabbit. Farb-Lithographie. Um 1900 ( Chromolithograph ca 1900 ) In den Margen leicht gebräunt. Mittelfalte. Ansonsten sehr schön und wohlerhalten. ( light browning in margins, vertical centerfold, otherwise in good condition ) 28 x 35,5 cm (ca. 11 x 14") $ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00 Order Nr. HORSE250894 |
"Prize Cattle, ETC. from the Royal Agricultural Show at Warwick" Below the images are the names of the owners, their twons and the amount of prize money for each animal. Wood engraving dated 1859. Two spots in right margin. Reverse side is printed. 23 x 35 cm ( 9 x 13.7 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. HORSE246999 |
"L'Abeuvoir Au Bord Du Chemin" Wood engraving made after Peter Moran. Published 1878. On the reverse side is unrelated text. Image: 25 x 20 cm (9.8 x 7.8") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. HORSE257000 |
No title. Lithograph by Delpech after
Carle Vernet ca 1850. Fine, original hand coloring. Image size: 25.5 x 35.5 cm (10
x 13.9 ") $ 140.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 84.00 Order Nr. HORSE8433 ********** |
"The Hunter" Hand-colored stipple copper engraving by Samuel Howitt (1756-1822) A Hunting horse Published in London, dated 1799 Clean. Very good condition. 12,4 x 17 cm (ca. 4.9 x 6.7") Order Nr. HORSE253262 SOLD |
"The Racing Stallion" Hand-colored stipple copper engraving by Samuel Howitt (1756-1822) Published in London, dated 1799 Clean. Very good condition. 12,4 x 17 cm (ca. 4.9 x 6.7") Order Nr. HORSE253261 SOLD |
"Ein Spazierritt und seine Folgen" ( a horse ride and its consequenses ) Humorous wood engraving published c 1875. The reverse side is printede with unrelated text. Overall light natural age toning. Page size: 34 x 26.5 cm ( 13.3 x 10.4") $ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00 Order Nr. HORSE257136 |
"Monitor - Cheval d'une force et vivacité etonnantes appartenant au Rois George IV" "Monitor - Pferd von besonderer Staerke und Lebhaftigkeit, so Koenig Georg IV gehoert" Large folio print. Hand colored, heightened with gum arabic lithograph by Gottfried Engelmann (1788-1839) After the painting by Victor Adam (1801-1866) Nr. 6 in a series of horses by Victor Adam Two minor pleats above horse and to its side. Minor traces of age and use. Paris, ca. 1830 Sheet size: 37,5 x 49,5 cm (ca. 14.7 x 19.5") $ 1200.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 720.00 Order Nr. HORSE251794 |
"Constance - The property of Mr. J.G.Schickler" "Constance" with jockey mounted. In the background other race horses Large folio size hand-colored lithograph by Francois Seraphin Delpech (1778-1825) After the painting by Carle Vernet (1758-1736) General light and pleasant age patina. On left side a restored tear, well away from image (see scan). Some other minor traces of age and use. Sheet size: 38 x 50 cm (ca. 15 x 19.7") $ 1200.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 720.00 Order Nr. HORSE251795 |
"Doctor Syntax loses his money at the Race-Ground at York" Aquatinta by Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827) after his own drawing. Original hand-coloring. Dated 1819. Margins show some diffuse spotting. Image itself in very good condition. 10.8 x 19.4 cm (4.3 x 7.6") $ 80.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00 Order Nr. HORSES235477 |
"An Ancient Obelisk At
Matarea, Formerly Heliopolis, $ 240.00 Order Nr. EGYPT235743 |
"Phantom" "Phantom - LCheval de course celebre apartement Sir John Schelle" "Beruehmter Renner Sir John Schelle gehoerig" Large folio print. Hand colored, heightened with gum arabic lithograph by Gottfried Engelmann (1788-1839) After the painting by Victor Adam (1801-1866) Nr. 10 in a series of horses by Victor Adam In the upper left is a water stain that is visible when held up to light. Paris, ca. 1830 Sheet size: 39 x 52.5 cm (ca. 15.3 x 20.6") $ 1200.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 720.00 Order Nr. HORSE252291 |
Engraved by P. Campana after Gio. Morgen. Copper etching from "Raccolta di Pitture d'Ercolano", a collection of prints which was published between the years 1752 - 1762. A very attractive series, decorative and impressive! The prints were made from frescos and artifacts excavated in Herculaneum. Below most images are the words "Palmo Romano" and "Palmo Napolitano" with a measurement shown for each size of the palm of the hand. This was an antique Italian measurement system These prints show frescoes and archeologicl treasures found in the ruins of Herculaneum. Herculaneum was totally buried in superheated pyroclastic ash and lava during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79AD. The town was forgotten until 1710 when the first remains were found. In 1738 Carl von Bourbon, the king of Naples, started a systematic excavation of the area which has continued until the present day. Much of the area cannot be excavated because it lies under the modern town of Ercolano. Except for light browning on
lower margin edge, this engraving is in fine condition. Image size: 23 x 32 cm ( 9 x 12.5 ")Page size: 32 x 47 cm ( 12.5 x 18.5 ")" $ 120.00 Order Nr. ERCOLANO250375 |
"The Young Cavalier" "Painted by William Salter. Engraved by John Cochran," A child with traditional Scottish dress sits on a well-cared for Shetland pony. Very fine steel engraving published 1846 by George Virtue in London. Image: 25 x 19 cm ( 9.8 x 7.4") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. HORSE253518 |
"Cheval de Prusse - Preuss - Equis Borussicus" Kupferradierung von Martin Elias Ridinger (1730-1781) Copper etching by Martin Elias Ridinger (1730-1781). Nach der Zeichnung seines Vaters Johann Elias Ridinger (1698-1767) Aus der Serie von Pferderassen das Preussische Pferd: Einzelne Pferde nach ihren verschiedenen Rassen. In Thienemanns Ridinger-Werkverzeichnis die Nr. 573 Augsburg, ca. 1750 Dünnwandiges Papier entlang Plattenrand links unten, wohl schon von vornherein vorhandener kaum ohne Gegenlicht erkennbarer Papierfehler. Strong, clean impression. Thin areas in lower left margin that are visible against the light. Bild mit Titel ( image with title ): 26,5 x 32,5 cm (ca. 10.4 x 12.8") Blattgrösse ( Page size ): 32 x 40,7 cm (ca. 12.5 x 16") Order Nr. HORSE250891 SOLD |
"Auf dem Reitwege" Chromolithograph by Angelo Jank
dated 1912. Overall light natural age toning. Image: 24 x 20 cm ( 9.4 x 7.8") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00. Order Nr. HORSE255600 |
No Title An interesting Lithograph
showing a rider being attacked by a crocodile??? 9.5 x 15.5 cm ( 3.7 x 6.1") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. HORSE255558 |
"Wandering Arabs Wandernde Araber" Fine steel engraving by A.H.
Payne after A. Frisch ca 1850. Image size: 13 x 17 cm ( 5.1 x 6.6") Order Nr. HORSE253080 SOLD |
"Non laudis amor non gloria cessit" "Marcia de Giudici d'Armi" Entry of the referees of the weapons (for a joust) on horseback and on foot. In from of entry march fanfare players. Copper etching by Antonio Baratti after the drawing by Domenico Muzzi and the painting by Ennemond Alexandre Petitot (1727-1801) Parma, 1769 Left, top and right margins were added. There is a repaired tear in the lower margin 27,8 x 42,7 cm (ca. 10.9 x 16.8") $ 140.00 Order Nr. FESTIVAL253978 |
Bleistiftzeichnung auf Papier, ein Arbeitspferd und einen Esel darstellend. Das Pferd, ein landwirtschaftlich eingesetztes Zugtier, trägt ein Kummet (Zuggeschirr) aus Holz. Der gesattelte Esel trägt ebenfalls ein Kummet. Beide Tiere machen gerade eine Arbeitspause Signiert unten rechts: H. Straßberger, datiert unter der Signatur: 1871 Das Ackergerät trägt zusätzlich folgendes Monogramm: H.S. 1871 Künstler: Bruno Heinrich Straßberger (1832-1910) Der Künstler war Sohn des Malers Ernst Wilhelm Straßberger (1796-1866) und Enkel des Malers Christian Gotthelf Straßberger (1770-1841) Papier mit grauem Grundton Blatt ist auf grösserem Papierbogen in den vier Ecken montiert. Gelegentliche Stockflecken fallen nicht übermässig auf. Vernachlässigbare Altersspuren. ***** Pencil drawing of a work horse and a donkey taking a pause from work. In the lower right corner is
the signature H. Strassburger with te date 1871 Artist: Bruno Heinrich Straßberger (1832-1910) The artist was the son of the
painter Ernst Wilhelm Straßberger (1796-1866) This drawing is on heavy gray
paper and mounted on larger paper. $210.00 Discount - 40% = $126.00 Order Nr. HORSE254544 |
"Pferderassen" Line etching published 1890 of
13 races of horses. Image: 14.5 x 8.5 cm ( 5.7 x 3.3") Order Nr. HORSE253335SOLD |
"Princess Royal - La propriete de Sir Thomas Mostyn Baronet" "Princess Royal - Sir Thomas Mostyn Baronet gehoerig" Large folio print. Hand colored, heightened with gum arabic lithograph by Gottfried Engelmann (1788-1839) After the painting by Victor Adam (1801-1866) Nr. 4 in a series of horses by Victor Adam Minor traces of age and use in margins. Lower right margin corner has a restored tear well away from image. Paris, ca. 1830 Sheet size: 37,5 x 52 cm (ca. 14.7 x 20") $ 1200.00 (minus discount - see top of page ) Order Nr. HORSE251796 |
Liquidation Sale! Discount! At 85 years old I am selling my stock! 40% Discount on All Prints with a HORSE number on this page! We accept reasoable offers. |
Hunting lions in the Sahara Löwenjagd in der Sahara Chromo-Lithograph after the painting by Emile Jean Horace Vernet (1789-1863) Ca 1870 Lion Hunt with Arabian horses and a camel. Lithograph in brilliant printed color. Mounted on black backing. Two pin holes in the utmost upper left and right corners. Insignificant creases. Image: 42.2 x 58.2 cm ( 16.6 x 22.9 ") $ 880.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page) Order Nr. HORSE250847 |
"1. Arabian Horse, - 2. English Hunter, - 3. English Race Horse" Copper engraving by J. Boyd, 1823. Good condition. Image without title: 16 x 9 cm ( 6.2 x 3.5") Order Nr. HORSE253229 SOLD |
Berlin - Tattersall. - "Im Tattersall in Berlin" Wood engraving after the drawing by Richard Knoetel (1857-1914) Published in Stuttgart, ca. 1885 Very good impression. Light general age toning. Reverse side has unrelated text print 22,5 x 32 cm (ca. 8.9 x 12.6") $ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page) Order Nr. HORSE253019 |
"Tattersall's From An Original Sketch" A Horse auction at Tattersall's Wood engraving by William James Linton (1812-1897) Published in London, 1856 Very good impression. Reverse side has unrelated text print. 23,5 x 33,6 cm (ca. 9.3 x 13.2") $ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00 Order Nr. HORSE252020 |
Tattersall. - "The First Sale At Messrs. Tattersall's New Buildings" Wood engraving of a Horse Auction at Tattersall's Published in London, 1865 Very good impression. A minimal paper damage at bottom. Reverse side has unrelated text print. 23,8 x 34,3 cm (ca. 9.4 x 12.5") $ 110.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00 Order Nr. HORSE252998 |
Tattersall. - "Christfest im Tattersall" Christmas in Tattersall. Wood engraving after the painting by Heinrich Binde (1862-1929) Published in Berlin, ca.1904 Very good condition. Reverse side is blank. 21 x 32 cm (ca. 8.3 x 12.6") $ 110.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00 Order Nr. HORSE252999 |
"Exposition Universelle. La Fantasis Arabe a "L'Espanade des Invalides" Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. A few horizontal creases. 26 x 20 cm ( 10.2 x 7.8 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. HORSE249809 |
" Der Renner, die Insignien und Attribute des Sport" Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. 19 x 14.5 cm ( 7.4 x 5.7 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. HORSE246127 |
"Auf einer Tanya" ( on a farm ) Image: 17 x 35 cm ( 6.6 x 13.7 ") *********** Reverse side: "Dreschverfahren auf dem Lande" ( thrashing in the country ) Image: 23 x 35 cm ( 9 x 13.7 ") Page with wood engravings on both sides. Published 1880. Page size: 27 x 41 cm ( 10.6 x 16.1 ") $ 60.00 Order Nr. HUNGARY246682 |
Rast in der Wueste (Rest in the Desert) Wood engraving made after the
photograph of a painting by A. Schreyer ca 1890. 22 x 32 cm ( 8.6 x 12.5 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00 Order Nr. HORSE8496 ********** |
"The Lion Hunt. Die Loewenjagd" Fine steel engraving by A. Carse after a painting by Rubens, ca 1850. 13 x 17 cm ( 5.1 x 6.6 ") $ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00 Order Nr. HORSE246126 |
"Die Loewenjagd" ( Hunting the lion. ) Lithograph on laid down China paper. By Franz Hanfstaengl (1804-1877) After the painting (1577-1640. Painting is owned by Dresden Gemaeldegalerie Alter Meister. Printed by Hanfstaengl in Munich ca. 1850 This absolutely great Arabian stallion in a battle between man and lion. What a demonstration of force in high art!!! 38,5 x 29,5 cm (ca. 15.2 x 19.5") Order Nr.HORSE237716SOLD |
"Spahi senagalais" Wood engraving by Bayard after
a photograph. Published 1872. 15 x 12 cm ( 5.9 x 4.7 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. HORSE242303 |
"Prairiepferde, von Woelfen angegriffen" ( prarie horses attacked by wolves ) Wood engraving after Albert Richter ca 1895. Very minimal signs of age and use. 23 x 34 cm ( 9 x 13.3 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. HORSE242669 |
No Title ( Blacksmith, Hufschmid, Farrier, Horseshoer ) No Title. Copper engraving made after the
painting in the collection of Image size:12.7 x 12.2 cm ( 5 x
4.8 ") Some minor signs of age and use in margins. $ 80.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00 Order Nr. HORSE242271 |
Liquidation Sale! Discount! At 85 years old I am selling my stock! 40% Discount on All Prints with a HORSE number on this page! We accept reasoable offers. |
No title. Type of print: Copper etching Engraver: Carlo Nolli After the drawing by Francesco Giuseppe Casanova (1727-1803) Coolor: Hand-coloring Published in: "Le Antichita di Ercolano" Naples, 1757-1792 This very classical, expressive portrait of a horse goes back to Greek examples. The copper etching depicts a bronze statue. Very good condition. Only most minimal traces of age and use. Image: 33,5 x 27,5 cm (ca. 13.2 x10.8") Sheet: 45 x 33 cm (ca. 17.7 x 13") Order Nr.ERCOLANO243253SOLD |
No title. Wood engraving published ca
1870. It was engraved after the famous work by Crispin de
Passe that was published in 1649. Image size: 17 x 26.5 cm ( 6.6 x 10.4 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. HORSE245713 |
No title. Wood engraving published ca
1870. It was engraved after the famous work by Crispin de
Passe that was published in 1649. Image size: 17 x 26.5 cm ( 6.6 x 10.4 ") $ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00 Order Nr. HORSE245712 |
Image 17.5 x 27 cm ( 6.8 x 10.6 ") Reverse side: "Ludovicus XIII Christianissimus Rex Francia et Navarrae" Image size: 24 x 18.5 cm ( 9.4 x 7.2 ") Wood engravings published ca
1870. It was engraved after the famous work by Crispin de
Passe that was published in 1649. $ 25.00 Order Nr. HORSE245 |
"Zwei Lieblinge" ( two dear ones - Hungary ) Wood engraving after a painting by J. Oesin dated 1889. Reverse side is printed. 15 x 23 cm ( 5.9 x 9 ") Order Nr. HORSE245710 SOLD |
Cavalerie Reguliere D'Abd El Kader. Steel engraving by Ramur after
Guerin, ca 1850. Page size: 20.5 x 13.2 cm ( 8 x 5.1 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. HORSE8462 ********** |
"Weighing the Jockey" It was engraved by C.A. Powell after Urrabieta y Vierge. Attractive hand coloring. It has unrelated text print on reverse side. Good condition. 9 x 13.2 cm (ca. 3.5 x 5.2") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE250826250826 |
"Au Courses. - La Salle des Balancespour le Pesage des Jockeys" Hand-colored wood engraving by Vierge (1851-1904). Published in Paris, ca. 1895 Light general age toning,
especially around image. Vertical centerfold. 20.2 x 30.2 cm (8 x 11.9")* $ 75.00 Order Nr. HORSE250827 |
"Vor dem Rennen" ( before the race ) Wood engraving ca 1890. Reverse side is printed. 17 x 23.5 cm ( 6.6 x 9.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE251241 |
"Die letzte Runde " ( the last round ) Chromolithograph after the
painting by Angelo Jank dated 1912. 24.5 x 20 cm ( 9.6 x 7.8 ") Order Nr. HORSE241505SOLD |
"Course de Chars" ( wagon racing in Rome ) Wood engraving by Rousseau after a painting by Ulpiano Cheka 1890. 13.5 x 21 cm ( 5.3 x 8.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. ROMA252048 |
"An Arab Encampment" Arabian horses - the pride of the owners. Wood engraving after a painting
by Eugene Fromentin. 16.5 x 22.5 cm ( 6.4 x 8.8 ") $ 30.00 Order Nr. HORSE252387 |
Cock Robin Steel engraving by J. Webler after A. Cooper, dated 1825. Contemporary hand coloring. 9.8 x 13.2 cm ( 3.8 x 5.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE84270 ********** |
Im Hofgestuet Lipizza Wood engraving after a painting
by Franz Stueckenberg. 23.4 x 16.9 cm ( 9.2 x 6.6 ") Order Nr. HORSE8423 SOLD ********** |
"Dream - Drowsy" Mare and stallion and two foals alongside gentleman rider and horse caretaker. Anonymous lithograph. Original hand coloring. Near excellent condition. IMage: 37 x 50,5 cm (ca. 14.5 x 19.9") Sheet: 51 x 67,5 cm (ca. 20 x 26.5") $ 980.00 Order Nr. HORSE243282 |
"Le Cheval de Caligula" Toned lithograph after Viktor Adam. Published 1884. Image: 13.5 x 8.5 cm ( 5.3 x 3.3 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE253380 |
"Maniera di montare a cavalle" Line lithograph ca 1860. Hand coloring. No upper margin. 12 x 17 cm ( 4.7 x 6.6 ") Order Nr. HORSE252046SOLD |
"Opening of the Racing
Season at Jerome Park. The Finish of the First Race" Wood engraving published 1875. Reverse side is printed. N margins. 28 x 23.5 cm ( 11 x 9.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE251239 |
" Cavesson de cordes" - "Posteau de l'academieÉ" - "Selle à la Pluvinelle"- Facon de la Chambriere ou foiret" - Dernier figure de la 1 partie. Kappzaum - Wenepfahl - Sattel - Peitsche Kupferradierung aus "Le Manege royal" von Antoine de Pluvinel (1555-1620) Posthum erschienen. Paris, 1623 Untere Marge angesetzt. Sehr guter Abdruck. Interessant an dieser Radierung: Die Umrahmung war auf eine eigene Kupferplatte geätzt. Das heisst: Sie wurde von zwei verschiedenen Kuferplatten gedruckt. Der Grund dafür: Die Umrahmungen wurden für verschiedene Bilder der Reitschule benutzt. Man sparte sich eine eigene Umrahmung für jedes Blatt anzufertigen. The lower margin has been
added. Good impression. The border framing was done on Vertical centerfold. Minor signs of age and use. 31,3 x 41 cm (ca. 12.3 x 16.1") $ 145.00 Order Nr. HORSE250893 |
___________ Reverse side: "Von den Pferden so nach eines jeden Landesart gefallen". Edles Pferd aus Kaiserlichem Stall ( noble horse from a royal stable ) Holzschnitt ( woodcut ) aus "Della Cavalleria" Von Georg Engelhard Löhneysen (1552-1622) Gut Reimlingen (bei Braunschweig), 1609. Dort hatte Löhneysen seine eigene Druckerei eingerichtet "Della Cavalleria" war ein reich mit Holzschnitten und Kupferstichen illustriertes grossformatiges Buch über alle Belange des Reit-Tourniersports, der Pferderassen, Pferdekunde und -pflege und Pferdemedizin. "Della
Cavalleria" was a famous work full
of woodcuts and copper engravings Aus diesem Werk dieser eine Holzschnitt mit diesem edeln Pferd. Auf der Rückseite Text: "Von den Türkischen Pferden" ( Of Turkish Horses ) Drei Wurmlöcher im Text. Die Margen teils fleckig. Der umsignierte Holzschnitt selber sehr schön. Three worm holes in text. Some
smudging in margins. Image of horse:18,5 x 21,3 cm (ca. 7.3 x 8.4") Die volle Seite / Full page: 43 x 30,5 cm (ca. 16.9 x 12") $ 270.00 Order Nr. HORSE250892 |
The Stable Steel engraving by C. E. Lewis
after a drawing by Sir Edwin. Landseer ca 1850. Image size: 17.3 x 24.7 cm (
6.8 x 9.7 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE236255 |
"Gewichtsverminderung eines Jockey durch Schwitzbäder in der Sonne" Gewaltkur eines Jockey, um sein Gewicht durch Schwitzen zu reduzieren. A jockey trying to sweat as much as possible to loose weight, Lithograph Leipzig, 1846 $ 40.00 6 x 8,5 cm ( 2.3 x 3.3 ") Order Nr. HORSE251152 |
"E. Zimmer. Ein Kuehne Amazone" Attractive wood engraving after E. Zimmer printed in color ca 1900. On the reverse side is part of the article by F. Freiherr von Dincklage with the title"Wie er aufs Pferd und zur Frau kam" with some horse images. Page size: 40.5 x 28.5 cm ( 15.9 x 11.2 ") Order Nr. HORSE240946SOLD |
"Trachener" Wood engraving ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. 9.5 x 13.2 cm ( 3.7 x 5.1 ") $ 15.00 Order Nr. HORSE239339 |
Der Sporer (Spur Maker) Making all Horse-riding accesories made of metal such as spurs, stirrups, etc. Copper etching by Christoph
Weigel, published in Nuremberg in 1699. Page size: 16.5 x 10 cm ( 6.4 x 3.9 ") $ 65.00 Order Nr. HORSE8449 ********** |
Liquidation Sale! Discount! At 83 years old I am selling my stock! 40% Discount on All Prints with a HORSE number on this page! Take 40% off the listed price. We accept reasoable offers. |
ãPiqueur de la Venerie Imperiale". (Whipper-in of the Imperial Hunt). Lithograph by Andre Durand (1807 - 1867) after a painting by Alfred de Dreux (1810 - 1860). Printed by Lemercier in Paris. Published by Knoedler in New York, Goupil in Paris, London and Den Haag in the year 1862. Undertitle above image: ãChevaux de Selle et d'Attelage" Important very fine lithograph. Image in perfect condition and in fine original color. Wide marginswith some visible foxing. 59 x 46.7 cm (23.2 x 18.4") $ 780.00 Nr. HORSE8456 ********** |
Quatrieme Suite de Chevaux
d'apres Carle & Horace Vernet". Aquatint by Carrée after the drawing by Carle and Horace Vernet. Nr. 42 (4th suite) of Vernet's series ãRecueil de Chevaux Tous, Genres, Cessines". Paris ca. 1820. Illegal doping of a race horse! Lower left corner has repaired tear. Otherwise clean and good. 24.6 x 34.5 cm (9.7 x 13.6") $ 320.00 Order Nr. HORSE8444 ********** |
"Chevaux chasses au lazzo, dans l'Amerique du Sud" ( horse hunting with a lasso in South America ) Wood engraving published 1878. On the reverse side is an article ( in French ) about Gauchos. 15 x 23 cm ( 5.9 x 9 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. HORSE249865 |
"Das Einfangen der Pferde mit dem Lasso" Wood engraving showing South
Americans using the lasso to catch horses. Image: 15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2") $ 35.00 Order Nr. HORSE254432 |
(Horses) __________ On the reverse side is a
numbered diagram of a horse with its body parts listed. Wood engraving ca 1880. Page size: 29.5 x 27 cm (11.6 x 10.6 ") Order Nr. HORSE234913SOLD ********** |
ãA Hunter and a Pony". Aquatint by Charles
François Gabriel Levachez after the drawing by Carle
Vernet (1758 - 1836) and Horace Nr. 42 from Vernet's series ãRecueil de Chevaux Tous, Genres, Cessines". Paris. Ca. 1820. Some insignificant spotting (very light foxing) in wide margins. Otherwise clean. 24 x 31.5 cm (9.4 x 12.4") $ 280.00 Order Nr. HORSE8442 ********* |
ãTroisieme suite de Chevaux d'apres Carle & Horace Vernet". (Bird Hunter). Aquatint by Charles François Gabriel Levachez after the drawing by Carle Vernet (1758 - 1836) and Horace Vernet (1789 - 1863). Very fine modern hand coloring. Nr. 26 from Vernet's series ãRecueil de Chevaux Tous, Genres, Cessines". Paris. Ca 1820. Lower margin is missing some paper. Otherwise fine. 24.8 x 34.3 cm ( 9.8 x 13.5") $ 380.00 Order Nr. HORSE8443 *********** |
"Waiting to Start (1814 )" Wood engraving after a drawing
by E. Landseer at the age of 12, Published 1844. 12.5 x 15 cm ( 4.9 x 5.9 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE249807 |
"Le Cheval de Napoleon" Toned lithgraph after Viktor Adam. Published 1884. Very minor signs of age in margins. Image: 13.5 x 8.5 cm ( 5.3 x 3.3") $ 45.00 Order Nr. NAPOLEAON252377 |
"Paris. - "Little Duck", de
la Cuadra del Duque de Castries, Vencedor en la Carrera del
"Grand Prix" Wood engraving published 1884. Reverse side is printed. 11.5 x 23 cm ( 4.5 x 9 ") $ 25.00 Order nr. HORSE250529 |
"Madrid. - Carreras de Caballos en el Hipodromo: "Reunion fr Primavera" en 1884" Wood engraving showing scenes
at the racetrack. Published 1884. 33 x 23 cm ( 12.9 x 9 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE251059 |
"Cochinchine. - Courses de
chevaux a Saigon a la occasion a Saigon a l'occasion de Wood engraving published 1866.
On the reverse side is a short article about 15.5 x 22 cm ( 6.1 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. HORSE251418 |
"The Imperial Stables at the New Louvre, Paris" Wood engraving dated 1860. Reverse side is printed. 24 x 34 cm ( 9.4 x 13.3 ") $ 45-00 Order Nr. HORSE249810 |
"Franzoesisches Pferd" (French Horse) Lithograph by Schinz, published
1827 in Zurich. Original hand coloring. Page: 23.5 x 32 cm ( 9.2 x 12.6 ") $ 90.00 Order Nr. HORSE8418 ********** |
"Meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society at Salisbury" Upper image: "Herefords. - No 136. First prize cow, £20. Lord Berwick. Nr. 111 First Prize Bull £30, Mr. Edward Williams" Lower image: "No. 281. Horse for Agricultural Purposes, First Prize £30, the Property of T.D. Hildyard" Wood engravings and article
dated 1857. Article continues on reverse side. Page size: 36 x 24 cm 14.1 x 9.4 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE248022 |
"Meeting of the Royal Agicultural Society of England, at Carkisle" Upper image: "Mr. R. Booth's
ShorthornedBull ( Class I, No. 8), First Prize £30" Wood engravings and article dated 1855. Article continues on reverse side. Page size: 36 x 24 cm 14.1 x 9.4 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE248023 |
The Kiang, Or Wild Horse of Thibet ( Equs Kiang) Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 15.4 x 24.3 cm ( 6 x 9.5 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. HORSE236157 |
"Sketch from "The Horse Fair" painted by Rosa Bonheur" Wood engraving after a painting
by Rosa Bonheur, published 1855. 17.5 x 22 cm ( 6.8 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. HORSE249808 |
"Alte Freunde" ( Old Friends ) Wood engraving ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning. 26 x 20 cm ( 10.2 x 7.8 ") $ 15.00 Order Nr. HORSE242810 |
"Tarpan" Wood engraving ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. 10.5 x 12.5 cm ( 4.1 x 4.9 ") $ 15.00 Order Nr. HORSE239335 |
"Arabisches Pferd" Wood engraving after Camphausen dated 1877. Very light spotting in right margin. 13 x 19.8 cm ( 5.1 x 7.7 ") Order Nr. HORSE239332 SOLD |
"Tetes de cheveaux de courses appartenant a M. A. Schickler" Wood engraving of race horses
drinking after a painting by M. Schenck" Published 1869. 18.5 x 31.5 cm ( 7.2 x 12.4") Order Nr. HORSE247192SOLD |
""Malaca", the Winner of the Cambridgeshire Stakes, 1856" Hand-colored wood engraving ca
1856. Reverse side is printed. 15 x 23 cm ( 5.9 x 9 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE246128 |
images: "In einer Pusktaschule.
Comitats Husaren und Gensdarmen im Kampf mit Betyaren" ********* Reverse side: Upper images: "Das
Koenigliche Luftschloss Godollo bei Pest. Sommernacht auf
der Puszta." Wood engravings on both sides of a double page published 1880. Vertical centerfold. 41 x 54 cm ( 16.1 x 21.2 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. HUNGARY246681 |
"Cattle Show at Halifax" Wood engraving published 1859. On the reverse side is an article about the Cattle Fair in Barnet. 34 x 24 cm ( 13.3 x 9.4 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE247558 |
"Temps d'arret" Wood engraving after the
painting by Landseer,1880. Below the image is an article
titled "Temps d'Arret" about 10.2 x 14.5 cm ( 4 x 5.7 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. HORSE244744 |
Liquidation Sale! Discount! At 83 years old I am selling my stock! 40% Discount on All Prints with a HORSE number on this page! Take 40% off the listed price. We accept reasoable offers. |
"Wilde Pferde" Wood engraving 1887. Reverse side is printed. 9 x 11.4 cm ( 3.5 x 4.3 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. HORSE24655 |
ãNo Title". Stallion with erection before mounting bucking mare). Copper etching by Gilles Demarteau (1722 - 1766) after the drawing by Philippe Wouverman (1619 -1668). Original toning with brown color. Ca. 1760. Print bears Nr. 3 of a series. Print is trimmed to image and originally mounted on contemporary paper. The print is surrounded by several decorative black lines in various thickness. Lower margin narrow, at bottom some miniscule loss of writing (Wouverman>'s name). Print is clean. Underlieing paper a bit soiled with no damage done to the actual print. 27.2 x 34.5 cm 10.7 x 13.6") $ 320.00 Order Nr. HORSE8441 ********** |
"Blutigelfang im Kopais See" ( collecting medicinal leeches using horses and humans in Lake Kopais ) 15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ") Reverse side: "Strasse in Livadia" 11.5 x 15.7 cm ( 4.5 x 6.1 ") Wood engravings published 1877. Order Nr. GREECE243462 SOLD |
"Plafond execute par M. Couverchel-dans le kiosque du marechal Pelissier a Mustapha (Algerie)" Wood engraving by C. Maurand
after A Couverchel ca 1875. 15.7 x 15.7 cm ( 6.1 x 6.1 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. HORSE8447 ********** |
ãDiego - Abukir" Arabian horses. Outstanding lithograph by Charles-Louis Constans after Friedrich Leopold Buerde (1792 - 1849). In superb hand coloring! Ca. 1825 Buerde was commissioned to paint portraits of the noblest stud horses of the Royal Prussian Stud Farm. He began this work in 1821. By 1823 he had completed 18 plates done as copper etchings. In 1825 he continued the series by making use of the then young technique of lithography. All in all this horse series comprised 44 plates. Flawless - Mounted on stronger papaer. Sheet size: 43.2 x 59 cm (17 x 23.2") Order Nr. ARABIANHORSE234987SOLD |
ãBucephalus - Aegisth" Arabian Horses in superb hand coloring! Bucephalos was the name of Alexander the Great's horse and Aegistos belonged, according to the Greek mythology, to the Tantalides and was the son Thyestes and his daughter Pelopeia. Lithograph by Charles-Louis Constans after Friedrich Leopold Buerde (1792 - 1849). Ca. 1825 Buerde was commissioned to paint portraits of the noblest stud horses of the Royal Prussian Stud Farm. He began this work in 1821. By 1823 he had completed 18 plates done as copper etchings. In 1825 he continued the series by making use of the then young technique of lithography. All in all this horse series comprised 44 plates. .Titles impression a tiny bit weak . Otherwise flawless. Sheet size: 43.7 x 60.2 cm (17.2 x 23.7") Order Nr. ARABIANHORSE234988 SOLD |
"Hasfoura. Silber-Schimmel / Gris-argenté"
Arabian horse in superb hand coloring! Lithograph by Lorenz Ekemann Allesson (1791 - 1828) after the drawing by Rudolf Kuntz. (1797 - 1848). Published by Ebner (dry stamp), Stuttgart, 1824 Set in a landscape along the river Nile. Kuntz had been commissioned by the Württemberg the director of the Royal Württemberg Stud Farm to paint portraits of their noble stud horses. He painted 18 horses. They were lithographed by a master of lithography: Lorenz Ekemann Allisson and published in three folders containing six lithographs each. Publishing house was Ebner in Stuttgart. The year: 1824. The quality is simply superb! A couple of very minor spots in paper. Some faint foxing only seen when held against a light. Repaired tear in left margin, hardly visible from front. 49.5 x 57.5 cm (19.5 x 22.6") Order Nr. ARABIANHORSE234990 SOLD ********** |
"Geiran. Kastanienbraun / Chatain"
Arabian horse in superb hand coloring! Lithograph by LorenzEkemann Allesson (1791 - 1828) after the drawing by Rudolf Kuntz. (1797 - 1848). Published by Ebner (dry stamp), Stuttgart, 1824 Set in a landscape along the river Nile. Kuntz had been commissioned by the Württemberg the director of the Royal Württemberg Stud Farm to paint portraits of their noble stud horses. He painted 18 horses. They were lithographed by a master of lithography: Lorenz Ekemann Allisson and published in three folders containing six lithographs each. Publishing house was Ebner in Stuttgart. The year: 1824. The quality is simply superb! A couple of very minor spots in paper. Otherwise flawless. Mounted on stronger papaer. Sheet size: 49.7 x 58 cm (19.6 x 22.8 Order Nr. ARABIANHORSE234991SOLD ********** |
"Bordeaux. - Le concours hippique. - Le carrousel miitaire. " Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning. 31 x 21.5 cm ( 12.2 x 8.4 ") Order Nr. HORSE238910 SOLD |
"The Marquis of Granby" ( John Manners, Marquess of Granby 1721-1770 ) Fine steel engraving by S.W. Reynolds after the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds, ca 1850. Image: 14.5 x 12 cm ( 5.7 x 4.7
") $ 55.00 Order Nr. PORTRAITGRANBY241856 |
"Le Marechal Ferrant" ( Blacksmith, Ferrier, Hufschmid ) Wood engraving by Carbonneau
after Vivant Bauce, 1880.Below the image is an article ( in
French ) 11.2 x 16.2 cm ( 4.4 x 6.3 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. HORSE241708 |
Auf dem Ritt zur Preisverteilung (Riding to the prize presentation) Wood engraving made from a
photograph of the painting by Julius von Blaas, dated
1895. 17.5 x 25.4 cm ( 6.8 x 10 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. HORSE8432 ********** |
"Gladiateur, the Winner of the Two Thousand Guineas Stakes at Newmarket" Wood engraving 1865. No upper margin. Reverse side is printed. 16.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.4 x 9.2 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. HORSE247295 |
Percheron - Pferd des Herrn Nathusius Wood engraving by Roth after H. Leutemann ca 1870. Reverse side is printed. 19.5 x 28.3 cm ( 7.6 x 11.1 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. HORSE8431 |
"Reasonable Request" "Scene - Hounds running; men
pulling up, and hesitating at stone wall." Wood engraving dated 1873. Reverse side is printed. 11.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.8 ") Order Nr. HORSE240802SOLD |
"COME A CROPPER!" This is a play on words of the famous English phrase! Wood engraving dated 1873. Vertical centerfold. 23.5 x 39 cm ( 9.2 x 15.3 ") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. HORSE240801 |
"Saint-Cyr. _Carrousel annuel. - La defense du drapeau." Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. 16 x 22.4 cm ( 6.3 x 8.8 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. HORSE8491 ********** |
The Races at Cannes South of France. Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. 12.6 x 23.7 cm (5 x 9.3 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. HORSE8493 ********** |
Racing From "The British Sportsman", by Samuel Howitt. Originally published in 1798
and 1799 (each print is dated !) Very fine, modern hand coloring. Image size ca: 12.3 x 17 cm (
4.8 x 6.7 ") Price for the set of three prints : $500.00 Order Nr. HORSE8503 SOLD -------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- |
Retard De Chasse Tableau qui est dans lqa
Galerie de S.E. Mgr. le Comte de Bruehl Chevalier de l'Ordre
de l'Aigle Blanc Ministre dEtat Copper engraving by Beaumont
after P. Wouvermens, ca 1745. Attractive hand coloring. Printed on the heavy paper of
the time. Light age toning, with a few light, scattered
spots in margins. Image size: 30.8 x 42.7 cm (
12.1 x 16.8 ") $ 480.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 288.00 Order Nr.HUNTING238745 |
Gardes de Cavalerie Grave d'Apres le Tableau Original de P. Woouvermans, de dix neuf pouces six Aignes de large, sur quinze pouces six lignes de haut. Copper etching by J. Moyteaux
after P. Wouvermans, dated 1742. Printed on heavy paper of
the time. Image size:32.8 x 45.5 cm (
12.9 x 17.9 ") $ 320.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 192.00 Order Nr. HORSE8422 ********** |
"Das In-See-Bringen eines neuen Fischerschiffes in Holland" Wood engraving by H. Merte
after G. Arnould ca 1885. 15.7 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. HOLLAND239924 |
Native Officers And soldiers
in the East India Company`s Service. Wood engraving after a drawing
by W. Carpenter for the "Illustrated London News" dated
1858. 23.5 x 34.5 cm ( 9.2 x 13.5 ") $ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00 Order Nr. HORSE8448 ********** |
(Ventre affame n'a pas d'oreilles) (A hungry belly has no ears) Eh l'ancien pas si vite !!!
y m'intend pas l'moricaud dire que si javais etudie la
langue Anglaise, y j'pourais faire sompredre a c't'arabe la
que j'voudrais m'arreter un peu.....que j'ai des
besoins.....quoi!!!!! Original hand-colored
lithograph by Charles G. Nanteuil (1837-1901). Published by
Hautcouer Martinet, rue de Coq, ca 1870. 21 x 26 cm ( 8.2 x 10.2 ") $ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00 Order Nr. HORSE8465 ********** |
Theod. Ajdukiewicz. Pferdemarkt in Kairo. (Horse market in Cairo) Photogravure after a painting
by Theod. Ajdukiewicz from an illustrated work ca 1890. 23.2 x 38.8 cm ( 9.1 x 15.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE8463 ********** |
Liquidation Sale! Discount! At 86 years old I am selling my stock! 40% Discount on All Prints with a HORSE number on this page! We accept reasoable offers. |
Courses de Fontainebleau. - Enceinte du pesage. ( weighing a jockey ) Wood engraving 1864. Reverse side is printed. Light browning in margins. 10.2 x 15.8 cm (4 x 6.2 ") Order Nr. HORSE8453SOLD ********** |
Am Totalisator auf dem Rennplatze zu Charlottenburg. Wood engraving after H.
Albrecht published in an illustrated work ca 1875. 13.4 x 18 cm ( 5.2 x 7 ") $ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00 Order Nr. HORSE8452 ********** |
Le Grand-Prix de Paris. 1. Le signal du starter. 2. Avant le course. 3. Le champignon du betting. 4. Les poules: "Voila un tableau a e fr.!. 5. Les parieurs. 6. Le marchand de cigares de la pelouse. 7. Un vraie Parisienne. 8 Le tableau de partants. 9. Partis! 10. Du jockey. 11. Y aspire. 12. V la l a Jockey l programme et l pronestl des courses. 13. L arrivee. 14. allons, l erayon. 15. Dans la file du retour. Wood engraving 1882. Vertical centerfold. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 29.7 x 44 cm ( 11.6 x 17.3 ") $ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00 Order Nr. HORSE8475 ********** |
"Pferdewettrennen im Banat" (Horse race in Banat) Wood engraving after the drawing by U. Schramm Published in a German periodical. Dated 1900 Light general age toning. Reverse side has unrelated text print. 25 x 17 cm (ca. 9.8 x 6.7") $ 45.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 27.00) Order Nr. ROMANIA255091 |
No title. Copper etching by J.C. Zeitter,
published in London by R. Ackermann. Dated 1837. Original
hand coloring. 21 x 25.5 cm ( 8.2 x 8.8 ") $ 50.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 30.00 Order Nr. HORSE8461 ********** |
"Having the Best of It" Wood engraving dated 1873. Reverse side is printed. 11.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.8 ") $ 15.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 9.00 Order Nr. HORSE239872 |
"Military Athletic Sports at Lillie-Bridge, West Brompton." Wood engraving dated 1876. Reverse side is printed.Overall light age toning. 21 x 31.3 cm 8.2 x 12.3 ") $ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00 Order Nr. FENCING238912 |
"The Old Jock Up Again" Wood engraving dated 1880. Reverse side is printed. 18.5 x 25 cm ( 7.2 x 9.8 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. HORSE239305 |
"Le Cheval de Mazappa" Mazappa was caught in a secret
love afair with a noble woman. Her husband caught Toned lithograph after Viktor Adam. Published 1884. Image: 13.5 x 8.5 cm ( 5.3 x 3.3 ") $ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00 Order Nr. HORSE25412 |
Rennpferd (Racing horse) Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. 12.2 x 13.2 cm ( 4.8 x 5.1 ") $ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00 Order Nr. HORSE8423 ********** |
Salvator, vainquer du grand prix de Paris, cheval francais appartenant a M. Lupin. Wood engraving from an illustrated work published 1875. Reverse side is printed. 14.8 x 21.7 cm ( 5.8 x 8.5 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. HORSE8425 ********** |
Am Hinterpfoertchen. (At the back door) Photogravure after a painting by R. Boesselberger, ca 1890. Backside is printed. 17.2 x 23.7 cm ( 6.7 x 9.3 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. HORSE8428 ********** |
"Durch die Elbe" (Crossing the Elbe River) Wood engraving after a painting by E. Adam.
ca 1880. Modern hand coloring. 17.4 x 32.2 cm ( 6.8 x 12.6 ") $ 190.00 Order Nr. HORSE8407 |
Frank Calderon: Wieder Daheim. (Home again) Wood engraving after a painting by Frank Calderon, 1900. 22.8 x 31.8 cm ( 8.9 x 12.5 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. DOG9737 ********** |
Fantasia Wood engraving made from a painting vy Chr. Speyer ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. 16.8 x 24.7 cm ( 6.6 x 9.7 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE8498 ********** |
FANTASIA Line lithograph printed in Paris by Charaire ca 1850. Original hand coloring. 17.7 x 13.2 cm ( 6.9 x 5.1 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. HORSE235459 |
ãMoscowittisch Pferd - Cheval de Russie Equs Moscoviticus" (Russian Horse) Copper etching by M. Elias Ridinger ca. 1750. Thienemann Nr. 591 After the drawing by Johann Elias Ridinger (1698-1767) This engraving is part of Ridinger's series: International Breeds of Horses Condition: Very good 24,2 x 32,5 cm (ca. 9.5 x 12.8") Order Nr. HORSE237765SOLD |
ãL'Attaque. Aquatinta by Eugène Jazet (1815 - 1856) after thepainting by Léon Cogniet (August 29, 1794 - November 20, 1880). Ca. 1850/60 Very wide margins. Image clean with only very few fox spots. Margins with foxing. Edges frayed. One tearvery far from image. Image 41 x 34 cm (16 x 13.3
") $880.00 Order Nr. HORSE8457 ********** |
ãLa chasse au mouflon". Aquatinta by Jean-Pierre Mrie Jazet (1788 - 1871) after the painting by Émile Jean Horace Vernet (June 30,1789 - January 17, 1863).Ca. 1850/60. Extremely wide margins. Image clean. Margins have some spotting. Image: 64 x 46 cm ( 25.1 x 18.1
") Order Nr. HORSE8458SOLD ********** |
Arabisches Pferd. 7.5 x 9.8 cm ( 2.9 x 3.8 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. HORSE8460 ********** |
ãThe Arab Pony Charger of General Sir Hope Grant, G.C.B." In the Indian mutiny of 1859 and Chinese campaign of 1860. Chromo-Lithograph. Lithoghraphed by Vincent Brooks Day & Son, 1877 Published in ãCassel's Book of the Horse" Clean print. General age toning. Some tiny spots. Red print is not on lithograph! 17 x 22.2 cm (6.7 x 8.7") $ 85.00 Order Nr. HORSE-2-8437SOLD ********** |
ãPerser" (Persian Horse). Lithograph by Brodtmann. Published by Heinrich Rudolf Schinzin ãNaturgeschichte und Abbildungen... der Säugetiere..." Zürich, 1827. General age toning. Some spotting. Wide margins. Red print is not on lithograph! Image: 16.5 x 26.5 cm (6.5 x 10.4") $ 125.00 Order Nr. HORSE - 3 - 8439 SOLD ********** |
ãTürke". (Turkish horse) Lithograph by Carle Vernet. Published by Heinrich Rudolf Schinz in ãNaturgeschichte und Abblidungen ... der Säugetiere..." Zurich, 1827. General age toning some spotting. Wide margins. Red print is not on lithograph! Image: 16 x 23 cm (6.3 x 9.0"9 $125.00 Order Nr. HORSE - 5 -8438 SOLD ********** |
"Le Cheval Blanc" (The white horse) Copper etching by Gustave Greux after the painting by Philip Wouverman. Published in "L'Art". Paris, 1878. Excellent condition. Wide Margins. Red print is not on etching. 12.1 x 14.7 cm (4.8 x 5.8") $ 75.00 Order Nr. HORSE - 6- 8440 SOLD ********** |
ãDongola". Lithopgraph by Ekeman Allesson after the drawing by Rudolph Kuntz. 1823 Dongola was one of 18 foundation Arabian imports to the Court of the King of Wuerttemberg who founded a stud farm in Weil (near Stuttgart) in 1817. The other seven mares were: ãHasfoura", ãDscheran Bassan" , ãGeiran", ãBedko" ãDerbendisch", ãSchakra", ãSaridan". The King also imported ten stallions: ãGumusch Bournou", ãCheraky", ãTayar", ãAchwerdow", ãMameluck", ãAli Bey", ãEmir", ãMirza", ãDahman" and ãHurschid" (spelling is typically German).All of these legendary horses were drawn by Rudolph Kuntz and lithographed. Nearly impecable lithograph. Clean, wide margins. A joy to look at. Whatever little faults there may be, they are not worth mentioning. Red print is not on lithograph! Image: 34 x 42 cm (13.4 x 16.5"). Full page: 52.7 x 62.3 cm (20.7 x 24.5") Order Nr. HORSE -8-8436 SOLD ********** |
"Fantasia der Jemrasi-Turkmenen Wood engraving ca 1885. Surrounded by text. Reverse side is printed. Diameter: 9.8 cm ( 3.8 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE8446 ********** |
Ibraham Paschas Steel engraving by A. Carse, ca 1845. 10.7 x 17 cm (4.2 x 6.7 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. HORSE8445 ********** |
"Renz und sin folgamster Zoegling Danielo" Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. 17 x 18 cm ( 6.6 x 7 ") $ 25.00 Orde Nr. HORSE247768 |
Shetland-Pony Wood engraving ca 1870. Light browning on margin edges. Light spotting in lower left margin corner. 11 x 18.7 cm ( 4.3 x 7.3 ") Order Nr. HORSE8455SOLD ********** |
Le lieutenant Zubowitsch et son cheval Caradoc. Wood engraving after a photograph by Fontaine et Hamand ca 1885. Reverse side is printed. 18 x 20 cm ( 7 x 7.8 ") $ 20.00 Order Nr. HORSE235458 |
"Der Rennplatz in Weil bei
Esslingen waehrend der diesjaehrigen Fruehjahrsrennen" In the upper left image are Prince Schaumburg, King Wilhelm and Duke Albrecht. Wood engraving after Julius
Stoess in Stuttgart, ca 1890. Modern hand coloring. 30.5 x 22 cm ( 12 x 8.6 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. HORSE 8408 ********** |
"Russische u. Polnische Pferde" (Russian and Polish Horses) Lithograph by Schinz, published 1827 in Zurich. Original hand coloring. Page: 23.5 x 32 cm ( 9.2 x 12.6 ") $ 120.00 Order Nr. HORSE8417 ********** |
Markt in Tunis Wood engraving made after the
photograph of a painting by A. Schoenn dated 1881. 23 x 32.2 cm ( 9 x 12.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. HORSE8497 ********** |
Mirandola Copper engraving by J. Webb after B. Marschall dated 1824. 10 x 13.2 cm ( 3.9 x 5.2 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE8488 ********** |
Canteen Copper engraving by J.C. Zeittier dated 1829. Hand coloring. 10.1 x 13.9 cm ( 4 x 5.5 ") $ 30.00 HORSE8489 *********** |
Maroc. - Arivee a Mequinez De L'Ambassade Belge. Wood engraving from an
illustrated work after M. Maurice Romberg and M. Vierge,
1888. 19.2 x 30 cm ( 7.5 x 11.8 ") $ 85.00 Order Nr. HORSE8459 *********** |
Bonaparte Copper engraving by H.R. Cook
after G.H. LaPorte. Dated 1834. Hand coloring. 10.3 x 13.3 cm ( 4 x 5.2 ") $ 50.00 Order Nr. HORSE8487 ********** |
Sketch from "The Horse Fair" Painted by Rosa Bonheur. Wood engraving after a painting
by Rosa Bonheur, ca 1875. 17.5 x 22 cm ( 6.8 x 8.6 ") $ 25.00 Order nr. HORSE8425 ********** |
Dur und Moll: Reithausfreuden Wood engraving by A. Schuler
after a drawing by W. Plinzner ca 1885. 16.2 x 24 cm ( 6.4 x 9.4 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. HORSE8495 ********** |
Die Rennbahn in Scharnhausen Wood engraving after Otto Fikentscher ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. 19.5 x 28.2 cm ( 7.6 x 11.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. HORSE3478 ********** |
Horse Prints by Sir Henry Alken (1785-1851) Sir Henry alken is known for his often humorous prints of horses and hunting. He liked to portray the follies of British aristocrats who did not have the necessary riding and hunting talents. Many of his prints are a form of caricature of British society that was popular in the firt half of the 19th century. Henry Alkan was a talented painter who engraved some of his best paintings and drawings for sporting magazines and books. The following prints are originally hand-colored aquatints from "Henry AlkenÔs Scrap Book." Each is dated. Prints are in good condition with the usual, pleasant patina characteric of prints this age. Special faults are mentioned. Dated 1821. Image:12.2 x 20 cm (4.8 x 7.9
") $ 55.00 HORSE8480 ------------ Dated 1824 Image:13.4 x 21 cm ( 5.3 x 8.3
") $ 55.00 HORSE8482 ----------- Dated 1824. Light spots in upper right image and in lower left margin corner. Image:13.5 x 21 cm ( (5.3 x 8.3
") HORSE8479SOLD ---------------- Dated 1824. Image:13.3 x 21 cm (5.2 x 8.3
") $ 55.00 HORSE8481 ---------- Dated 1824. Image:13.5 x 21 cm (5.3 x 8.3
") HORSE8483SOLD ------------- Dated 1824. These are all Arabian horses. Image:12.2 x 19.9 cm (4.8 x 7.8
") $ 125.00 minus 40% DISCOUNT = $ 75.00 HORSE8484 |
Les Bookmakers A Auteuil Avant La Suppression des "Piquets". Wood engraving after M. Chelmonski ca 1885. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text.. 19.9 x 30 cm ( 7.8 x 11.8 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE8471 ********** |
Aux Course D Auteuil. - Arrestation De Bookmakers Sur La Pelouse. Wood engraving after M. Vierge ca 1890. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 19.8 x 29.5 cm ( 7.7 x 11.6 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE8472 ********** |
Paris. _ Le grand prix de Paris gagne par Glaneur, cheval francaise, a M. Lupin. - Episode de la course. - Les parieurs et les voitures des poules sur le champ de course. Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. 23 x 32 cm ( 9 x 12.5 ") $ 45.00 Order Nr. HORSE8474 ********** |
Auf dem Weg zur Fantasia ( On the way to Fantasia) Wood engraving after a painted
by H. Regnault. Published in an illustrated work ca
1865. 22.2 x 18.5 cm ( 8.7 x 7.2 ") $ 40.00 Order Nr. HORSE8466 ********** |
Fantasia Executee: Le 20
Septembre Devant Leurs Majestes, Dans La Plaine De
l'Arrach, Wood engraving H. Linton after
Alph Honet and Moulin. Published 1860. 31.7 x 48 cm ( 12.4 x 18.8 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr. HORSE8460 ********** |
Der Renner, die Insignien und Attribute des Sport. (Racer, the Insignia and Attributes of the Sport) Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed. 18.8 x 14.7 cm ( 7.4 x 5.8 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. HORSE8490 ********** |
Fantasia de cavaliers kurdes a Merdj-Rihan. Wood engraving after Pranishnikoff after a photograph ca 1890. Reverse side is printed. 16 x 23.9 cm ( 6.2 x 9.4 ") Order Nr. HORSE8467 SOLD ********** |
Liquidation Sale! Discount! At 83 years old I am selling my stock! 40% Discount on All Prints with a HORSE number on this page! Take 40% off the listed price. We accept reasoable offers. |
"The Smithy" Steel engraving by A.H. Payne
after C. Perlberg, ca 1840. 20.9 x 16 cm ( 8.2 x 6.3 ") $ 55.00 Order Nr. HORSE8409 ********** |
"Mounted Sports of the Woolwich Garrison" Jousting Attack. Defeat. Wiping off old scores. Lemon Cutting. Tent Pegging. Wood engraving 1878. Backside is printed. 21.2 x 31.2 cm ( 8.3 x 12.2 ") $ 70.00 Order Nr.HORSE8470 ********** |
"Course de chevaux a Schleithal-Wissembourg ( bas Rhin ) le 16 Mai 1864" Wood engraving 1864. Reverse side is printed. 16 x 22 cm ( 6.2 x 8.6 ") $ 35.00 Order Nr. HORSE251240 |
Antique Prints of Donkeys, Zebras, Llamas. Mules, etc. Links to our various Animal Prints
PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views. Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen © Rainer Rauhut