Illuminated Manuscripts From a ãcalendarium" (calender). Part of a ãBook of Hours" Ad beatam virginem Mariam. Manuscript on vellum. Rouen, Northern France. Ca. 1450/ 80. These pages are typical of Northern France and/or Flanders. The days gilded Some Saints in blue color , some in red color, some in leaf gold. On the sides decorative flower bodure typical for this area. The velims are well preserved and show, as usual, some use, especially in the corner from turning the pages. These pages were scanned on both sides. Page size 15 x 10.5 cm (5.9 x 4.1")
Illuminated Manuscript, Evangelists No general title. - The four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John 4 pages on parchment: Bust portraits on four pages of evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Pages from a Latin language Book of Hours on parchment. France, ca. 1460 / 70 4 Seiten Buchmalerei auf Pergament: Die vier Evangelisten Matthäus, Markus, Lukas und Johannes Aus einem lateinischen Stundenbuch Frankreich, ca. 1460 / 70 Page size: 13,5 x 9 cm (ca. 5.3 x 3.5") Text area: 7,2 x 4,3 cm (ca. 2.8 x 1.7") 15 text lines in brown ink. Accentuations in red. Each page with a small miniature within a gold leaf initial. To the left of miniature and text a gold leaf and colors (mauve and blue) strip connecting acanthus, fruit, leaf decor in colors and gold at tops and bottoms of the four pages. - Reverse sides text only. 15 Zeilen in brauner Tinte. Heraushebenden in Rot. Jede Seite mit einer kleinen Miniaturmalerei innerhalb eines Blattgold-Initials.Linksseitig eine Blattgoldleiste mit den Farben Malve oder blau, die bei allen vier Blättern eine Verbindung herstellt zwischen den dekorativen Akanthus-, Fruchte und Blattwerk-Ranken ober- und unterhalb des Textblocks. - Die Rückseiten haben ausschliesslich Text. Normal signs of age and use. Price for the 4 Evangelists:$ 3800.00 Order Nr. LLUMINATEDMANUSCRIPT256363 |
Illuminated Manuscript - the capital letter "E" (Initial) Reverse side: Individual sheet from a liturgical manuscript - antiphonary - on parchment. Bologna, 1320-40 Writing in red and sepia brown / black Music notation neumes script with brown / black sepia Leaf of a large choir book with a magnificent "E"-initial marking the beginning of the Introitus (Ecce advenit dominator Dominus et regnum in manu eius et potestas et imperium). The ornate, tall initial ends in curved foliage below and outside the actual initial. The "E" sits on a blue field with white tracery. The center of the initial is decorated with intricately curving stems ending in foliage. The decorative "E" is very ornate with its real gold applications and white tracery in the beige of the actual letter. There is a smaller initial "D" on the front page and, verso, also two smaller initials "O" and "S", adorned with pen work in their centers and along their outlines, initiate new verses. Four-line staff as red lines with music notation in neumes script. Condition: Parchment shows traces of age and use. The real gold slightly rubbed as it touched opposite book page as the pages were turned while the book was used. Smudging in lower corner from turning pages. Missing upper left corner was replaced expertly with parchment. Considering age of ca. 700 years condition is very good. Sheet size 53,3 x 37,3 cm (ca. 21 x 14.7") $ 2800.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT251843 |
Domine labia mea aperies et os meum annunciabit laudem tuam Thou, o Lord, wilt open my lips and my mouth shall declare thy praise Herr, öffne meine Lippen, und mein Mund wird Dein Lob verkünden Psalm 50, Vers 17 Page from a Book of Hours Horae Beatus Virginis Mariae Illuminated and partially gilded metal cut The Book of Hours by Philippe Pigouchet (active 1488-1518) and published by Simon Vostre Paris, ca. 1508 The image is from the Gospel of Lucas: Angel Gabriel announces Mary her pregnancy through the Holy Spirit. Above Angel Gabriel we see a small inset with the depiction of a Pope. If the artist wanted to refer to the ruling Pope of the time it would be Julius II. Reverse side has text of Psalm 69: Éad adiuvandum me festina gloria partyi et fileo et spiritui sanctoÉ Further down text of Psam 95: Venite exultemus dominoÉ The Initials on their page are also illuminated. Left side and below text
vignette decorations. Above text and to the right:
Decorative bordure. Page size: 21 x 13 cm (ca. 8.3 x 5.1") $ 1200.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATEDMANUSCRIPT256361 |
Jacobs Traum Gen. 28, 10-22 Jacob's Dream. Page from a Book of Hours Horae Beatus Virginis Mariae Illuminated and partially gilded metal cut The Book of Hours by Philippe Pigouchet (active 1488-1518) and published by Simon Vostre Paris, ca. 1508 Text below image: Hore intemerate sive virginis Marie secundum ecclesie romane We are not sure if we interpret this image correctly. It seems to refer to Gen. 28. 10-22 Jacob's Dream (Jacob's Ladder) - the ladder as ascent to God. But here the artist has a tree growing out of Jacob's chest rising way high to the Virgin Mary. With kings and princes on its branches on the clime to Mary. Not being Biblical experts we would appreciate any correction and better interpretation. Reverse side has text and, on the right side and at bottom, ornamental vignettes, among them, Baptism of Jesus and the biblical story of Caleb's Grape. Page size: 21 x 13 cm (ca. 8.3 x 5.1") $ 1200.00 The black around the edge is background material and not part of image. Page size: 21 x 13 cm (ca. 8.3 x 5.1") $ 1200.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATEDMANUSCRIPT256362 |
Book of Hours A Book of Hours contains prayers, readings and psalms. The word "hours" refers to 'The Hours of the Virgin'. These prayers were to be recited (or sung) daily at eight set 'hours' in the day to Mary, the Mother of God, as an intercessor between man and God. The origin of a "Book of Hours" is the Psalter, the Book of Psalms. The word "hour" refers to canonical hours or the Breviary, prayers that were prayed or sung at intervals of three hours each day beginning at 6 a.m. with "Prim", at 9 a.m."Terz", then, at noon, "Sext" , then at 3. p.m. "Non", then at 6 p.m. "Vesper" and finally at 9 p.m. "Complet". Originally there were also prayers at midnight "Matutin" and at 3 a.m. "Laudes". Those two night prayers were later prayed together at 3 a.m. Here are pages of such a "Book of Hours", done on parchment In the tradition of Northern France and Flanders. This Book of Hours was written ca. 1500. Every page is a unique page. The manuscript is in brown and red ink. The initial letter of each psalm verse is illuminated with color and real gold. On each of these pages there are several illuminated initials. In order to to identify them we name the pages after the adorned large Initial. In all Books of Hours there are common and habitual abbreviations used,so that not every Latin word is spelled out completely. ********** Reverse side; Initial "B": Beatus, qui intelligit super egenum, & pauperemÉ English translation: Blessed is he who shows understanding for the needy and the poor On this page are also smaller initials. There are also illuminated initials on the reverse side of the manuscript Ca 1480 - 1500. Manuscript is in very good condition. Page size: 19,5 x 13,5 cm (ca. 7.7 x 5.3") $ 220.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATEDMANUSCRIPT101 ********* Reverse side: Initial "L": Lauda anima mea Dominum: laudabo Dominum in vita mea : Englisch Translation: Preise the Lord, o my soulÉ On this page are also smaller initials. There are also illuminated initials on the reverse side of the manuscript Manuscript is in very good condition. Ca 1480 - 1500. Page size: 19,5 x 13,5 cm (ca. 7.7 x 5.3") $ 220.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT92 ********** Reverse:
Initial "P": Parce mihi, Domine, nihil enim sunt dies mei... English: Spare me, Lord, for my days are as nothing Deutsch: Verschone mich, Herr, denn meine Tage zählen nichts. On this page are also smaller initials. There is also one illuminated initial on the reverse side of the manuscript Manuscript is in very good condition. Page size: 19,5 x 13,5 cm (ca. 7.7 x 5.3") Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT100 SOLD ******* Reverse:
Initial "S": Spiritus meus attenuabitur; dies mei breviabunturÉ English: My spirit is broken, my days are extinguished... Deutsch: Mein Geist ist gebrochen, meine Tage sind ausgelöschtÉ On this page are also smaller initials. Ca 1480 - 1500. Manuscript is in very good condition. Page size: 19,5 x 13,5 cm (ca. 7.7 x 5.3") $ 220.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT82 |
Illuminated Manuscript - Antiphonary - the capital letter "I" (Initial) Ornamental Initial " I ": Reverse: Ornamental Initial " I ": Individual sheet from a liturgical manuscript - antiphonary - on parchment. Bologna, 1320-40 Writing in red and sepia brown / black Music notation in brown / black sepia Leaf of a large choir book with a magnificent "I"-initialmarking the beginning of the Introitus of St. John Apostle. The ornate, tall initial "I" sits on a blue field with white tracery. The center of the initial is decorated entwining ribbons also adorned with white tracery. The leaf gold applied to the initial emphasizes its high value. Verso two smaller initials "B" and "E", adorned with pen work in their centers and along their outlines, initiate new verses. Four-line staff as red lines with music notation in neumes script. Condition: Parchment shows traces of age and use. The real gold slightly rubbed as it touched opposite book page as the pages were turned while the book was used. Smudging in lower corner from turning pages. Missing upper left corner was replaced expertly with parchment. Considering age of ca. 700 years condition is very good. Sheet size 53,3 x 37,3 cm (ca. 21 x 14.7") $ 2800.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT251836 |
Individual pages from a daily missal (Roman rites) Published ca 1450. Reverse side: On parchment Origin: France Christian prayer, the Incipit (beginning) of the oration during mass on Easter Sunday Book size: Duodez - Page size: ca. 12 x 9 cm (ca. 4.7 x 3.5") This page's prayer begins with the hymn "Pascha nostrumÉ" which is used in the Easter liturgy (Roman rites) We have chosen one prayer on the reverse side for translation: Deus, qui hodierna die, per Unigenitum tuum, æternitatis nobis aditum, evicta morte, reserasti, da nobis, quæsumus, ut, qui resurrectionis dominicæ sollemnia colimus, per innovationem tui Spiritus in lumine vitæ resurgamus. English translation: Lord, you have unlocked today the gate of eternity by your only begotten Son's defeat of death; we entreat you, that the prayer which you have put into our hearts may be brought to fruition by your continual help. Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever. German text translation as published in the official German missal Allmächtiger, ewiger Gott, am heutigen Tag hast Du durch Deinen Sohn den Tod besiegt und uns den Zugang zum ewigen Leben erschlossen. Darum begehen wir in Freude das Fest seiner Auferstehung. Schaffe uns neu durch Deinen Geist, damit auch wir auferstehen und im Licht des Lebens wandeln. This text sample is just one part of this page's prayers. It is followed by the "Kyrie eleison" - Lord have mercy, the formal invocation prayed even today unchanged in the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Anglican Church We have here hand-written text in sepia color (sepia color was obtained from the fluid of the octopus). The introduction to the prayers always are held in red ink. The initial letter of each prayer is illuminated with blue color and heightened with real gold. Illuminated large initials Front side: P(ascha without gold) - D(eus) - K(trie eleison) Reverse side: D(eus) and again D(eus) Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT168SOLD ************
Reverse side: Individual page from a daily missal (Roman rites) On parchment Origin: France Book size: Duodez - Page size: ca. 12 x 9 cm (ca. 4.7 x 3.5") We have chosen the important translation of the Consecration of the bread. It is indeed the most important part in the Catholic mass! Initial "D" illuminated: Latin text. Dominus lauda in qua nocte tradebatur, accepit panem et gratias agens fregit et dixit: accipite et manducate, hoc est corpus meum English: The Lord Jesus on the night before he was betrayed, took bread, and, giving thanks, broke it and said: Take and eat, this is my body which is handed over for you Deutsch: Der Herr Jesus nahm in der Nacht, in der er verraten wurde, Brot brach es dankend und sagte: Dies ist mein Leib, der für Euch hingegeben wird Illuminated large initials: Ca 1450 - 1480 Front page : "S"acerdos - "D"ominus - Reverse side: "P"ante lingua gloriosi $150.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT 183 **********
Reverse side: Individual page from a daily missal (Roman rites). All Saints Litany On parchment Origin: France Book size: Duodez - Page size: ca. 12 x 9 cm (ca. 4.7 x 3.5") We have here one page of a breviary (or Divine Office) with the "All Saints Litany" (Lauretanian Litany, or, in Latin: Litania de Beata Maria Virgine) It is prayed or sung at the beginning of the Holy Mass with the "Kyrie eleison". After the "Salvator mundi adiuva nos" follows the invocation of the Virgin Mary: Sancta Dei GenetrixÉ) and the invocation of saints: Saints, Maria, Gabriel, Raphael, Cherubim, Seraphin, John the baptist, Peter, Paul, Andrew, Jacob, John, the evangelist, Thomas, etc. etc. Each invocation begins with an illuminated "S", whilst every invocation is answered "Ora pro nobis" (Pray for us). A very ornate page with that many illuminated initials. Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT172 SOLD |
Illuminated Manuscript - the capital letter "S" (Initial) Reverse side: Large - Initial "S" Individual sheet from a liturgical manuscript - antiphonary - on parchment. Bologna, 1320-40 Writing in red and sepia brown / black Music notation neumes script with brown / black sepia Sheet size 53,3 x 37,3 cm (ca. 21 x 14.7") Leaf of a large choir book with a magnificent "S"-initial marking the beginning of the Introitus of St. Paul Apostle. The ornate, tall initial ends in curved foliage at two of the corners. The "S" sits on a blue field with white tracery. The center of the initial is decorated with intricately curving stems ending in foliage. The decorative "S" is very ornate with its real gold applications. Verso two smaller initials "D" and "Q", adorned with pen work in their centers and along their outlines, initiate new verses. Four-line staff as red lines with music notation in neumes script. Condition: Parchment shows traces of age and use. The real gold slightly rubbed as it touched opposite book page as the pages were turned while the book was used. Smudging in lower corner from turning pages. Missing upper left corner was replaced expertly with parchment. Considering age of ca. 700 years condition is very good. $ 2800.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT251842 |
"Miniaturen" Chromolithograph published 1895. Fine details from illuminated manuscripts. Page size: 24 x 15.5 cm ( 9.4 x 6.1 ") $ 25.00 Order Nr. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT250843 |
EXCLUSIVE - remarkable, extraordinary, exceptional