Antique Maps of Holland

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"Royaume des Pays - Bas Divise en ses 18 Provinces"

Copper engraving by F. Delamarche. Published 1832. Original hand outline coloring.

Horizontal centerfold. Spot in upper left corner - otherwise clean and in good condition.

41 x 29 cm ( 16.1 x 11.4 ")

$ 55.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 38.50

Order Nr. HOLLANDMAP242651

ãDescrittione del Belgio o della Germania Inferiore"

The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and parts of NW Germany in the shape of an egg.

Type of print: Copper etching

Artist: Girolamo Porro

Published in: ãGeografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra"

Publisher: Gio. Battista & Giorgio Galignani Fratelli

Edition: Italian edition

Editor: Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617)

Text: Italian. Complete on front and reverse side

Published in: Venice

Date: 1598


Map size: Ca. 12,5 x 17 cm (ca. 4.9 x 6.7")

Page size: Ca. 28,5 x 19 cm (ca. 11.2 x 7.5")

Condition: Near perfect. Very minor traces of age.

Price: $ 280.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 196.00

Order Nr. BELGIUM238494

"Niederlande und Belgien"

Steel engraving after C. Vogel for Stieler. Dated 1871. Original outline coloring.

In the lowe left is a detailed inset of Antwerp and surrounding area. Map shows railroad lines that are in use and those that are planned. Map also shows the main roads of the time as well as those canals used for ships.

Map has a horizontal centerfol ad is in good condition.

41 x 32.5 cm ( 16.1 x 12.7 " )

$ 60.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 42.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND238244

"Tabula Comitatus Hollandiae con ipsius Confinijs Domini nimirum Ultraiectini nec non Geldriae et Frisiae

Geografice tradita curis Hoannianorum Heredum"

Map of the Netherlands. Copper etching. Original hand coloring.

Publisher: Homann Ereben

Nuremberg. Dated 1733

Very attractively originally hand-colored and generally attractive map of the Netherlands / Holland.

Nice strong impression.

Alongside centerfold in the North Sea (not touching land) some non disturbing folding.

57,3 x 49 cm (ca. 22.6 x 19.3")


"Les Provinces des Pays Bas scavoir Le Duché de Gueldre, les Comités de Hollande, de Zulande, de Zutphen, les Seigneuries d'Utrecht, d'Ouest-Frise,d'Over-Yssel et de Groningue avec leurs acquisitions dans la Flandre, le Brabant, le Limbourg, et le Lyege."

Copper etching by Nicolas Sanson. Published by Robert de Vaugondy

Paris, dated 1730

Map has two horizontal and several vertical folds, suggesting that it was published in a book rather than in an atlas.

Very good condition.

44 x 57 cm (ca. 17.3 x 22.4")

$ 180.00 (minus discount 30% = $ 126.00

Order Nr. HOLLANDMAP256370

"Belgii Veteris Typus ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrahami OrteliiÉ"

Copper etching by Peter Kaerius. Hand-colored.

The title might suggest that this map was part of "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" by Abraham Ortelius. But this is not the case. This map was produced for Ortelius but not used in his atlas.

Instead it was published by Johannes Jansson (1588-1664)

Pubiished in his "Accuratissima Orbis Antiqui Delineatio" (Atlas with historic maps)

Amsterdam, ca. 1660

Map shows the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg eastwards to the run of the Rhine river and south to Frankfurt on the Main during Roman occupation. Most place names and rivers are in Latin. An interesting flash-back into history! Two hand-colored cartouches: Title and Distances.

Condition: Nice hand coloring. Centerfold has several parallel folds. Wide margins. Verso - No text print.
Normal signs of age and use.

38,5 x 48 cm ( ca. 15.2 x 18.9")

$ 400.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 280.00

Order Nr. BELGIUMMAP252381


Hand-colored copper etching from the pocket atlas

by Abraham Ortelius

Antwerp, 1587

This little jewel map, east-oriented and showing areas beyond its title, is one of Abraham Ortelius'

miniature maps, an attempt by the author to spread the knowledge of the world, so fabulously displayed in his large (and expensive) atlas "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum", which was the first world atlas ever produced, as I just said, to spread this knowledge further into larger groups of buyers who did not have the means to afford the large version. And just look, how pretty and educational even a miniature maps as this one can be!

The River Rhine runs diagonally through this map dividing it into geographicaly  right and left. On its right side, beginning at Cologne, we have the Lower Rhineland and areas well into Wesrphalia and, in the lower left corner of this map, the Zuiderzee, nowadays Ijsselmeer between Friesland and North Holland.

Very good condition. Margins have light scattered spotting.

. Reverse side has text print about Brabant in the French language.

7,6 x 10,7 cm (ca. 3 x 4.2")

$ 90.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 63.00

Order Nr.HOLLANDMAP253367

"La Seignevrie D'Ouest-Frise ou Frise Occidentale, divisee en ses Trois Parties..."

Original hand colored copper engraving map. Published by Pierre Mortier in Amsterdam 1692.
The map is from the atlas of Alexis Hubert Jaillot and based on Sanson's map.

Map has light browing along centerfold. Minor spotting and signs of age and use in margins.

Map image: 43 x 56.5 cm ( 16.9 x 22.2 ")

$ 550.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 385.00

Order Nr. HOLLANDMAP252331

"The Dutch Netherlands or the seven United Provinces commonly called Holland"

Hand-colored copper etching by John Senex (1678-1740)

Published in "New General Atlas" by John Seex. London, 1740

Vertical centerfold. Centerfold has been flattened. Minor creasing along centerfold.

Very good condition.

47 x 54,5 cm (ca. 18.5 x 21.5")

Order Nr. HOLLAND24790 SOLD

Nieueve Diep

Copper engraving by J. Luffman dated 1799.

At the top is part of Texel Island.

15.7 x 12.2 cm ( 6.1 x 4.8 ")

$ 60.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 42.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND1377


Lithograph printed in color 1895. Light age toning in margins.
Horizontal centerfold.

27.5 x 23 cm ( 10.8 x 9 ")

$ 30.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND247532

"Das Koenigreich Holland 1849". Steel etching from "Neuster Zeitungs Atlas. Alter und Neuer Erdkunde" by J. Meyer, ca 1860. Original hand outline coloring.

Map extends from Nordeney in the upper right to Malmedy in the center south. In the upper left is a circular detailed inset of Amsterdam. At the bottom are detailed insets of Breda, Haarlem and Leyden.

Map is very clean with wide margins.

24.7 x 18.4 cm ( 9.7 x 7.2 ")


"Die Niederlande und Belgium" Lithograph by E. Serth after T. Bromme ca 1860. Original hand coloring.

Map shows Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg and parts of the surrounding countries. In the lower left corner is Amiens and Clermont in France. In the lower right corner is Ottweiler and Bexbach in Germany. In the upper right is Norden and Aurich in Germany.

Map has a horizontal centerfold. Light browning on morgin edges. Repaired tear on lower right margin edge. a few light creases in right margin.

37.5 x 28.7 cm ( 14.7 x 11.2 ")

$ 65.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 45.50

Order Nr. HOLLAND1376


"Brabantia. Tabula Castelli ad Sandflitam." Copper etching by Jan Jansson (1588-1664) in original hand coloring. Published ca 1640.

Map shows the region of Brabant. The map is east oriented ( east is at the top). In the upper right is Antwerp and in the lower right is Hulst. In the upper left is information. Backside has text in Latin.

The map has overall browning with some scattered spotting and smudging. There are repairs on left and right margin edges as welll as the lower corners. Vertical centerfold. Condition is otherwise Good.

37 x 49 cm ( 14.6 x 19.3 ")

$ 480.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 336.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND1367


Detailed map published 1892.

Horizontal centerfold.

Image: 26.5 x 21 cm ( 10.4 x 8.2")

$ 25.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 17.50

Order Nr. HOLLANDMAP257027

·"Koenigreich der Niederlande nebst dem Grossherzofthume Luxemburg"

Steel engraving by Carl Ferdinand Weiland dated 1830. Published in Weimar for Verlag des Geographischen Instituts.
Original hand outline coloring.
In the lower left is an inset showing Amsterdam and the surrounding area. Luxemburg is located in the lower pink area.

Map shows signs of age and use. Map has a vertical and horizontal fold. Light creasing and spotting.
Light browning in margins. Several tiny repaired tears on margin edges.

57 x 44 cm ( 22.4 x 17.3 ")

$ 65.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 45.50

Order Nr. HOLLAND238147

"Zelandicarum Insularum Exactissima et Nova Descriptio, Autore Iacobo a Daventria". Copper engraving from "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" von Abraham Ortelius. Antwerpen 1571, the first-edition of the atlas.

This is the oldest map of Zeelandpublished. On the reverse side is half-page text in Latin about Zelandia.

The map has light age toning and a hardly noticeable spot in lower left corner. Vertical centerfold.

33.6 x 46.7 cm (13.2 x 18.3 ")


"France Belgium and the Netherlands" Wood engraving by T.H. Johnson and Son after E.G. Ravenstein ca 1870. Printed in color.

Detailed map showing the geological formations of the area. At the bottom is a color code of the various geological formations.. In the upper right is a list of the French Departments.

Map has a horizontal fold to fit book size.

29 x 24 cm ( 11.4 x 9.4 ")

$ 65.00

Order nr. FRANCE1268

"Secunda Pars Brabantiae cuius urbs primaria Bruxellae.......".

Copper etching by Michaele Florentio a Lagren for Jan Jansson (1588-1664). Published in 1647. Modern hand coloring.

This map is west oriented (west is at the top). Right in the center of this map is Brussels. In the upper right is the Schelde River and Dendermonde. In the lower right is Mechlin right above the milelage chart. In the lower left is the region of Namur with the town Gemblours. Louvan is at the bottom of the map. To the right of the title is Braine-le-Comte.

Map image is very clean. There is some dark spotting on the right side of lower margin. On the margin edges are a few tiny repaired tears.

In the upper left corner is a small gray rectagular spot visible that shows through from the repaired tear on the reverse side.

41.2 x 51.2 cm (16.2 x 20.1 ")

$ 640.00 minus 30% Discount = $448.00

Order Nr. BELGIUMMAP1368

No Title. Copper etching by Jodicus Hondius from the French edition of the atlas. Published in 1632. Original hand coloring.

In the center of the map is the region of Brabant. In the upper right is Borken in Germany and in the lower right Blankenheim in Germany. In the lower left is Flanders. On the backside is text (in French) about Brabant.

Map has repairs on centerfold in upper and lower margins. Margin edges are somewhat frayed. Scattered spotting in margins. Light crease in lower margin reaching slightly in image. General condition is just Good.

34.5 x 46.3 cm ( 13.5 x 18.2 ")

$ 250.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND1369

ãCarte de la Mer d'Allemagne Contenant les Bancs Isles et Costes Comprises depuis Bergen et les Isles Schetland jusques au Pas de Calais". Copper etching by Henri van Loon. Published by ãDepot de la Marine". Paris 1693

This is an extra large sea chart of the North Sea shows the coast lines of Norway from Bergen south to the Skagerrak, of the west coast of Denmark, the North Sea coast of Germany, Holland, Belgium, northern France as well as the east coast of England, Scotland plus all the islands along those coastlines , North, East and West Frisia. Quite detailed: the Orkney and Shetland Islands.

Map has general rather heavy age toning giving it patina. Upper margin has bee widened. Centerfold has been reenforced. Some worm holes along centerfold have been covered up. There are still some small worm holes left. But they are not disturbing.

61 x 86 cm (24 x 33.9")

$ 1250.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 875.00


"Descrittione Dell'Isola D'Hollanda".Copper etching from "L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo" (The Most Famous
Islands of the World) by Thomas Porcacchi (1530 - 1585) and engraved by Girolamo Porro. The first edition of this work
was published in Venice in 1572. This is from the second edition, 1620.

Map showing Holland in the 16th Century. In the south east is Bonn, Germany and in the southwest Calais, France. In the
northeast is Friesland and in the northwest a small corner of England.

The pages are lightly toned with a few spots in the text and margins. A third page is a Xerox copy. The map is very clean.
The overall condition is Almost Very Good.

Page size: 27.7 x 19.8 cm ( 10.9 x 7.8 ")

Map size: 10.2 x 14.2 cm ( 4 x 5.6 ")

$ 170.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 119.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND1361

"Descrittione Dell'Isole Selandie".Copper etching from "L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo" (The most famous islands of
the world by Thomas Porcacchi (1530 - 1585) and engraved by Girolamo Porro. The first edition of this work was published
in Venice in 1572. This is from the second edition, 1620.

A more detailed map showing the Zeeland Islands with an extra text page describing location and history of the islands. A third
page is a Xerox copy. The map is northwest oriented.

Pages show overall light toning and minor spotting. The map image is clean. Condition is Almost Very Good.

Page size: 27.7 x 19.8 cm ( 10.9 x 7.8 ")
Map size: 10.2 x 14.2 cm ( 4 x 5.6 ")

$ 170.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 11.9.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND1362

"Ducatus Brabantiae"

Copper etching by Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724). Published ca 1720. Original hand coloring.

In the center of the map is the region of Brabant and the town of Herentals. Right above the title cartouche is Maastricht. In the lower left is Mons. In the upper right is Ravenstein and Ratenberg. Atwerpen Brussels and Mechelin are on the map.

Map has horizontal centerfold. Left margin is narrower. Light spotting in margins. Good condition.

57.8 x 48.5 cm ( 22.8 x 19.1 ")

$ 320.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 224.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND1370

"Germaniae Cisrhennae ut inter I. Caesaris et Trajani Imperia suit, Scaldis item Mosae ac Rheni ostiorum Antiqua descriptio". Copper etching by Peter Bertius (1565-1629) for Philipp Cluver Philipp (1580 - 1623) , an early author of historic maps. His works were published long beyond his lifespan. The This map comes from a pocket size atlas (duodez): Philippi Cluverii. Introductionis in Universam Geographiam tam veterem quam novam Libri. Amsterdam, 1661. Originally colored.Centerfold. Size: ca.12 x 12,5 cm (ca.4.72 x 4.92"). Narrow margins all around, especially on right side. General toning. Minimal foxing.

This map shows a large portion of the course of the Rhine River. In the southeast of this map the Rhine enters near Breisach in southwestern Germany. The pink area comprises the countries of Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, part of Germany and northern France. The yellow area of the northeast is part of present-day Holland and Germany. Across the English Channel is part of England.

$ 120.00

Order Nr. HOLLAND1185

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