Antique Prints with Mythological and Classic Themes

Take a look at these decorative historical prints of various artists. All prints are in Very Good condition unless otherwise mentioned.

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"Hercule Terrassant L'Hydre de Lerne"

Wood engraving by A. Gelee, made after the painting by Nicolas Poussin .
Dated 1882. Reverse side is printed.

21.2 x 15.7 cm ( 8.3 x 6.1 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY240727



The abduction of Ganymed.
Zeus, who fell in love with the beautiful younster, came in a storm, disguised as an
eagle and abducted Ganymed to serve him on Mt. Olympus.

Copper etching by J. de Frey after a painting by Titian ( 1490-1576 )

Clean and in good condition.

Page size: 21.5 x 14.5 cm ( 8.5 x 5.7 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY246903

"Der Aeol schaffet Wind, die Winde Wolkengüsse und aus dem harten Fels entspringen Brunnenflüsse"

In Latin: "Aeolus ventos sic venti cogere nubes, Sic miros fontes fundere faxasolent"

In English: Aeolos creates the winds, the winds create downpours and from the rocks emerge waterfalls

Anonymous copper etching. Original hand coloring.

A perfect example for wind power and hydro (water) power Windenergie ind Wasserkraft.

Aeolos (Aeolus) God and ruler of winds in Greek mythology. Married to Eos (Goddess of Aurora, he was assigned to be the Lord over all winds: Boreas (North Wind), Euros (South-East Wind), Zephyros (West Wind) and Notos (South Wind)

Light general age toning. One crease parallel to centerfold not very visible.

Some spotting and signs of age in margins.

Image: 22,5 x 32 cm (ca.8.8 x 12.6")

$ 180.00

Order Nr.MYTHOLOGY243212

We were are happy and proud to have been lucky to find a few copper etchings from a very rare and sought-after work: ãLes Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture des deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs Et Les Statues de Callistrate" by Flavius Philostratus. This important work was published in Paris in the year 1615 in the French translation of Blaise de Viginere. The copper etchings all have classical greek mythological themes. The numbers we give here, are the page numbers. The copper etchings are by Leonard Gaultier and Thomas de Leu after the designs by Jaspar Isac and Antoine Caron.

"Les Amours" (41)

Copper etching

16 cherubs, partially playfully engaged others busy with the harvest of (Hesperide) apples

Strong impression. Extreme upper right hand corner has an insignificant crease

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")

$ 190.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY236085


"Neptune et Amymone" (61)

Copper etching by Thomas de Leu after Antoine Caron.

Poseidon (Neptune) himself in pursuit of Amymone (the blameless Danaid), whom he had just saved from being raped by a satyr when fetching water. The fruit of this amorous encounter was Nauplius, later an arcadic king.

Almost flawless

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")

$ 190.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY236087


"Ariadne" (119)

Copper etching after Jaspar Isac

Ariadne on the island of Naxos is left by Theseus and approached by inarmoured Dionysos (here, in the translation, called Bacchus)

Almost flawless

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")



"Les Satyres" (175)

Copper etching by Leonard Gaultier

The satyrs dancing around a "belle" representing music. (Ovid 6 of the Metamorphoses)

Upper margin has been widened. Image in fine condition.

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")

$ 220.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY236088


"Les Andriens" (205)

Copper etching after Jaspar Isac

Bachanale with Dionysos (Bacchus) on a pile of grapes

Upper margin has been widened. Image very good

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY236089 SOLD


"Meles" (344)

Copper etching after Jaspar Isac

Meles, God of the river Meles near Smyrna (Izmir). The saying goes that the river god Meles was the father of Homer

Near flawless

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")

$ 220.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY236090


"Athlas" (463)

Copper etching after Jaspar Isac

This is the moment in mythology when Hercules, on his way to search the hesperides, asked atlas in passing for the fastest path. Atlas tells him, he would get the golden apples for him, if he, Hercules, would hold the earth for him while he was gone. On his return with the apples Atlas, mocking Hercukes for taking the earth on his shoulder, cocked a snook and turned to leave, when Hercules said: Just one little favor, Atlas, please. The earth is awfully heavy. I need to put a pillow on my shoulder. Please hold the earth for just one moment. Atlas did and was spoofed. Hercules bade him good buy and left with the golden apples.

Left margin has a foxing spot a bit smaller than a cent coin. Image in very good condition

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")

$ 190.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY236091


"Les Heures Ou" (552)

Copper etching by Leonard Gaultier

The Horae. Here shown both the hours of the day: Twelve elves in a dance and the Four Seasons in the forground.

Minor traces af age and use and creasing in margins. Light general age toning. Image very good.

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY236092 SOLD


"Les Cupidons" (873)

Copper etching by Leonard Gaultier (dated 1609) after Antoine Caron.

Putti engaged in a fight among each other

Condition very good.

Page size with text: 35 x 23.5 cm (13.8 x 9.3")

$ 220.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY236093


Monster, Acephale, Beast-like creatures, Dog heads, Headless people, Fabulous people

No title. Wondrous monster people assumed to live in Africa and India.

And a second woodcut on the same page:

People with ears long enough to reach to their feet. And, shown without explanation, a man with black skin, wearing a loin cloth reaching to below his knees! The man with long ears pointing with an outstretched arm to this wondrous anticipation!

A lot more about fabulous people in unknown distances on the planet, headless people, people with dog heads, beast-like creatures, acephales, etc are described in this early German language edition of Muenster's Cosmographia.

Reverse side of print: 3 woodcuts: People on on foot and on goats attacking gigantic fabulous birds, and two more woodcuts with fabulous birds. All with incredible descriptions living in India and Africa along with fantastic stories about the finding of gold and treasures.

Woodcuts. Published in "Cosmographia"

By Sebastian Muenster (1488-1552)

Basel, 1553

Age-toned paper. Some traces of age and use.

Full page measurements: 31 x 19,5 cm (ca. 12.2 x 7.7")

$ 120.00 minus 30% discount ­ $ 84.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY256887

Pluto Proserpina Dementer  Hestia

"Pluto und Proserpina"
"Dementer, or Ceres Hestia, or Vesta"

Toned wood engraving, 1873.

Image with outline: 16 x 9.5 cm ( 6.2 x 3.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248200

"Apollon Terrassant L Hydre"

Wood engraving by d Edlinger after Halle , printed 1883.
Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

7 x 14.5 cm ( 2.7 x 5.7 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY239979

"MInerve Terrassant La Discorde"

Wood engraving by d Edlinger after Halle , printed 1883.
Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

7 x 14.5 cm ( 2.7 x 5.7 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY239978

No title. Apollo, Olympian Greek mythological deity, among many attributed responsibilities, is the also God of music and dance. He is often depicted with his Lyra or playing it. Here is sitting on a rock, reaching out to a winged putto handing him a gift.

Copper etching hand-colored and gouached with Pompeian red, surrounded by velvety black gouache color.

The etching was published in "Abbildungen der Gemälde und Alterthümer, welche seit 1738 sowohl in der verschütteten Stadt Herkulaneum, als auch in den umliegenden Gegenden an das Licht gebracht worden".

(Wall frescos and antiquities found in the excavations of Heruculaneum and vicinity after 1738)

Augsburg, 1793-1797

Author: Georg Christoph Kilian (1709-1781)

Only very minor traces of age and use.

Image: 18,5 x 18 cm (ca. 7.3 x 7.1")

Sheet: 25,3 cm square ( 10" square)

$ 130.00 (40% discount: $ 78.00)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY256440


"Zetus et Amphion qui Dircem ad Tauri cornua crinbus alligatam in fontem proiecerunt [...]

Gruesome mythological legend. The twin brothers, sons of Zeus and his lover Antipode, were exposed as babies. Grow up, they were enticed by evil-minded Dirke, to tie Antipode with a rope to a bull, in order to drag her to death. As the twins, unwitting that they were doing this to their mother, were about to perform as the were told by Dirke, Zeus intervened on behalf of his former lover and unveiled the truth to the twins (and to their mother, who did not know the grown twins). Dirke was tied to the bull instead of Antipode and dragged to death.

We are looking at the described scene, an anonymous copper etching after a marble sculpture standing in the Palazzo Farnese in Rome.

Published in "Antiquarum statuarum urbis Romae"

By Giovanni Battista Cavalieri (1525-1601)

Rome, 1562-1570

Very good condition.

Image: 22 x 13 cm (ca. 8.7 x 5.1")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY255807

"Deucalion & Pyrrha"

Fine copper engraving by Franz Stöber ( 1795-1843 ) after K. Russ, 1837,

Page size: 25 x 19.5 cm ( 9.8 x 7.6 ")
Image size: 13.7 x 9.5 cm ( 5.5 x 3.7 ")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY241810

Oedipus And the Sphinx

Copper etching by Goupil after a painting by J.D. A. Ingres found
in the Gallery of Madame The Countess Duchatel. Ca 1870.

Print has light brownin on margin edges, otherwise fine. Small creases on upper margin edge.

25 x 18.9 cm ( 9.8 x 7.4 ")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY1063

"Providentia" - Providence.

Below title: "Providit ills maximus Mundi Parens, Cum tam rap aces cerneret Fati minas, Ut damna semper sobole repararet nova." Seneca / Hippolytus

Copper etching by Domenico Cunego (1724-1803)

After the painting by Lodovico Carracci (1555-1619)

Printed in Rome, dated 1772

Providentia is the Latin name for providence. Right away Providence, the capital of Rhode Island comes to mind. The founder of the City of Providence, Roger Williams (1603-1683), gave the city of Providence its name after "God's merciful providence". It was exactly this time period, when the city of Providence was founded and named and Carracci painted his "Providentia". And what should be more unifying than the simultaneous happening of these two events!?

Needless to say that I believe that this print should find its way to the city archives of Providence, RI. I tried to convince the mayor of Providence, RI of this. But he did not even answer my suggestion. Maybe a city council woman or city council man has better access to such cultural approach of thinking.

This large and very well preserved copper etching has a strong even imprint. It has very wide margins and hardly any traces of age and use. There are two little round foxing spots above the image (within the plate mark). The margins, far away from image, are a bit wrinkly. Overall condition is very good.

Image including title: 40,5 x 27,5 cm (ca. 16 x 11")

Sheet size: 62 x 42 cm (ca. 24 x 16.5")

$ 600,00

Order Nr. USAEAST251496

"Didon se donne la mort apres l abandon et le depart d Enee"

Wood engraving by Duchange after a painting by Antoine Coydel, 1884.
Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

25 x 13.5 cm ( 9.8 x 5.3 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY240732

"Ossianische Landschaft"

Wood engraving after a sketch by Gottfried Keller ( 1819-1890 ).
Keller later painted this motive named from Celtic mythology in oil on canvas.
The oil painting is in the Zurich Library reading room.

14.8 x 21.8 cm ( 5.8 x 8.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLGY241073


Wood engraving after the painting by Henri Levi dated 1874. Below the image is text about
Sarpedon. The reverse side is printed with unrelated text.

18 x 13.5 cm ( 7 x 5.3 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY245724

Gemmen Pine cone - Cembra nut, mythology - Freemasons - Pinienzapfen

No title. No artist or publisher's address.

Originally hand-colored copper etching.

Framed in elm-wood root

On the reverse side it states on a seller's sticker: "From the Mendelssohn-Bartholdy collection".  And is it dated "ca. 1825".

In spite of great endeavor  I was unable to verify these statement, nor did I find any other conclusion regarding this copper etching.

Fact is, that the etching has original hand coloring. The plate marks are visible in the frame and that it shows cameos of various sorts and antique subject matters. 

Most interesting is the centerpiece: A cameo depicting (most likely) a menace holding a Thyrsos staff (also called Bacchus or Dionysos rod), typically decorated with a bow and with cembra nuts on both ends. This staff is usually carried by Menads or Satyrs.

The cembra nut is an ancient symbol for various things among which are: Fertility, wealth and carnal lov and widow (background is the many seeds a cembra nut holds).

It would carry me too far to go into much detail: Just let me give some hints of the cultures the cembra nut (pine cone) had impact and meaning:









Popes Paul II., Benedict XVI and Franciscus used and use a ferula with a pine cone.

The German City of Augsburg  has a pine cone in its city coat of arms.

If you google any of these in connection with "Thyrsos", you'll find plenty of information.

Print is clean  (a tiny water stain on th edge of center piece). Very good condition


Visible print within frame: 25 x 25 cm (ca. 9.8" square)

Frame outside: 33,7 x 33,7 cm (ca. 13.3" square)

Width of frame: 4 cm (ca. 1.6")



Wood engraving after the painting by W. B. Richmond, 1886.

23 x 14.5 cm ( 9 x 5.7 ")


"Raub der Ganymed"

Copper engraving by Franz Eissner after Antonio Coreggio ca 1840.

Image: 16.5 x 7 cm ( 6.4 x 2.7 ")
Page size: 29 x 22 cm ( 11.4 x 8.6 ")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252092

"The Wise an foolish virgns. Die klugen und thoerichten Jungfrauen"

Steel engraving by Schroeder after a painting by Schalken ca 1850.

14 x 17.5 cm ( 5.5 x 6.8 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252047

Creusa appearing to Aeneas

Rare mezzotint engraved by Valentine Green after Maria Cosway.

Aeneas tries to put his arms around Cerusa.

In the lower left are the flames of Troy burning.

Published 1781 in London.

This mezzotint shows signs of age and use. In the lower left and upper right are long creases.

In the lower margin is smudging and creases. Tiny piece of upper left corner is missing.

Even though the condition is lacking, this is an extraordinary theme for a mezzotint.

Image: 48.5 x 43 cm ( 19 x 16.9 ")

$ 185.00 minus 30% Discount = $129.50.

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY251890

Paris and the three Grazie

"Paris Voluptatenem sequens, Sapientia, Diuitysque posthabitus, Veneren coelesti munere dignatur, Sic Libido Troiam euertit"

Paris and the three Grazie. Paris giving the Golden Apple to Aphrodite, Hera and Athena at left.

Copper etching by Geronimo Frezza after the drawing by Pietro Antonio de Pietri ( 1663-1716).
Original painting by Sisto Badalocchio ( 1585 after 1619 )
Published in the series "Picturae Francisci Albani in aede Verospia" Rome, dated 1704.

Minimal traces of age and use. Vertical centerfoldthat is not exactly centered.

36 x 38.5 cm ( 14.2 x 15.2 ")

$ 330.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY246884.

Ohne Titel. Leda und der Schwan

Handkolorierter Kupferstich von Georg Christian Kilian (1709-1781)

Nach der Zeichnung von Giovanni Morghen, die er von einem Wandfresko in Pompeii kopierte.

Augsburg, 1793-1799

Zustand Gut Rechte Marge ist eng (1 cm)


No Title - Leda and the Swan

Hand-colored copper engraving by Georg Christian Kilian (1709-1781).
Made after a drawing by Giovanni Morghen, who copied a fresco in Pompeii.
Good condition. Right margin is narrow. (1cm).

Image: 25,7 x 15,7 cm (10x6.1")

$ 90.00

Order Nr . MYTHOLOGY253204

"Proserpinae Raptus"

Copper etching of sculptured frieze

Published in ãAdmiranda Romanarum Antiquitatum ac Veteris Skulptural VestigiaÉ"

Plate 53 of this collection

Author: Pietro Santi Bartoli (1635-1700)

Editor / Publisher: Giacomo Giovanni de Rossi (1627-1691)

Rome, after Rossi's death 1693

Subject matter of sculpture is the rape of Proserpina by Pluto on his chariot.

Image in very good condition. Margins show some age toning, especially alongside edges.

Image: 16 x 42,5 cm (ca. 6.3 x 16.7")

Sheet: 33 x 47 cm (ca. 13x 18.5")

$ 250.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 30% = $ 175.00)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254860

"Nuptiae" (wedding)

Copper etching of sculptured frieze

Published in ãAdmiranda Romanarum Antiquitatum ac Veteris Skulptural VestigiaÉ"

Plate 53 of this collection

Author: Pietro Santi Bartoli (1635-1700)

Editor / Publisher: Giacomo Giovanni de Rossi (1627-1691)

Rome, after Rossi's death 1693

Subject matter of frieze is a classical Roman wedding.

Image in very good condition. Margins show some age toning, especially alongside edges.

Image: 17,2 x 42 cm (ca. 6.7 x 16.5")

Sheet: 33 x 47 cm (ca. 13 x 18.5")

$ 350.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 30% = $ 245.00)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254859

"Terga dedit Galatea fugae, dedit impiger Acis - Dum furitinsano Polyphemus percitus igneÉ"

This copper etching after the wall fresco painted by Annibale Carracci in the Galleria Farnese in Rome is not signed by an engraver. It was executed ca. 1750 and published as plate nr. 5 in an album about the wall frescos by Carracci (1560-1609) in the Villa Farnese.

Cyclope Polyphemis, who was the lover of Galatea was enraged when he found out that Galatea had another lover: Acis. He picked up a rock and threw it after the two escaping love birds.

Above the scene: Ganymed being attacked by an eagle. Flanked by two fauns.

Age toned paper. Minimal soiling in margins.

22,5 x 32 cm (ca. 8.9 x 12.5")

$ 180.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here: 30% = $ 126.00)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254321


Mezzotint by Bernard Lens II (1659-1725)

After the painting by Anthony van Dyck

London, ca. 1690

Bacchus, as a child, riding insecurely on a leopard. He is accompanied by three companions,
one guiding the leopard by least, one holding a jug of wine and the third supporting Bacchus on the leopard.

Print is trimmed to its edges. Lower margin with title and artists' names and
printing address has water stain and is creased to an extend.

Overall measurements: 31,3 x 22,5 cm (ca. 12.3 x 8.9")

$ 160.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 30% = $ 112.00)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254597

"Amphitrite portes sur les eaux" (Amphitrite carried across the waters)

Copper etching by Marais after the painting by Lucas Giordano (1634 - 1705

Amphitrite was the Sea Goddess for calm sea and safe voyage in Greek Mythology. She was Poseidon's (Neptune's) wife.

Copper etching by Marais after the drawing by Jean Baptiste Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palazzo Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

Very good condition

Image: 27 x 24 cm (ca. 10,6 x 9.5")

$ 130.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252878

"Shepards Discovering the Head of Orpheus"

Wood engraving made after a Bas-Relief by M. Cordonnier. Published 1885.
On the reverse side is an article about the bas-relief.

23.5 x 17 cm ( 9.2 x 6.6 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252574

No title. Neptune and Venus

Copper etching by Franz Cleyn (1582-1658)

After the drawing by Wenzel Hollar (1607-1677)

Neptune in a shell-chariot drawn by four sea horses. A triton blowing his horn. Nereids dancing in background and two sailships in distance. Venus in her chariot drawn by two doves with Cupid as coachman

Original state, London, 1654.

This, with the dedication to Edmond Waller of Beaconfield in the County of Bucks, is state III.

Published in London, 1658

Description: Light general age toning. Left side trimmed to borderline. Lowest four cms cut one mm into print. The entire left side has added margin (look at scan front and back). Left borderline partially interrupted and traced with black ink. Watermarked paper.

Image: 25,8 x 19,2 cm (ca.10.1 x 7.5")

$ 380.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY241802

No title. Bacchanal Parade in antique times.

Lead by a faun-family(mother father child fauns) we see a happy go lucky bacchanal parade on the way to a lustful event.

Hand-colored copper etching printed from two plates (because of size)

By Cornelis Vermeulen (ca. 1644-1709)

After the drawing by Raymond Lafage (1656-1684)

Publisher: Jan van der Bruggen.

Paris, ca. 1690

Light general age toning. Minor spotting. Margins with traces of age and use.

Image:9,7 x 68 cm (ca. 3.8 x 26.7")

$ 750.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 450.00).

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254806


"Dura repercusso subiecit ab aere tellus In vultus Hyacinthe tuos"

( Metamoephoses of Ovid 184 and 185 )

Published in "Ovids Verwandlungen in Kupfern vorgestellt" in Vienna, 1790.

Anonymous copper engravin in fine condition.

Image size: 16.5 x 11 cm ( 6.4 x 4.3 ")
Page size: 21.3 x 16.4 cm ( 8.3 x 6.4 ")

$ 70.00

Order MYTHOLOGY245903

"Achilles und Memnon"
"Rotfiguriges griechishes Vasenbild"

Part of a Greek vase painting.

Chromolithograph published 1904 in Stuttgart.

Image: 21 x 10 cm ( 8.2 x 3.9")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY250033


No title. - Classic garden party. Three young girls (women) have gathered in classic times near a fountain for a happy garden party. Neptune is holding a dolphin spewing water. Two men are mere staffage, while the girls are surrounded by  putti Baroque style. On the left, in the distance, we have an Egyptian pyramid.

Lovely playful line copper etching (obviously nr. 2 of a series). Ca. 1730.

No title, no artist engraved. Only a penciled in "Roettiers" (repeated on reverse side of print), justifiably pointing toward Francois Roettiers (1685-1742). Comparing this print with this artist's art, convinces us, that this remark (assumption) is correct.

Light general age toning. Reverse side has remnants of former mounting in a matting.  Wide Margins
The small black spot in the upper left of the image is an ink spot from the original printing.

14 x 16,9 cm (ca. 5.5 x 6.7")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr.MYTHOLOGY253485

"Hoher Hauepter Vermahlungs Festin"
"Magnatum Hymenaeos Deoru Celebrat"

Copper engraving by Martin Engelbret ca 1750. Fine original hand coloring.
Marings show signs of age and use. Minor repairs on lower bottom edge.
Hand-written number "69" in upper right corner.

17.5 x 29.5 cm ( 6.8 x 11.6 ")

$ 160.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248186

No title. Mercury left with Hermes staff, right with head of a ram.

Hand-colored (gouache) copper etching by Marais after J. B. Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, statues, bas-reliefs et camees de la Galerie de Florece et du Palais Pitti"

Published 1789-187.

Lower right margin corner (inside image) repaired.

Image: 13.5 x 20 cm ( 5.3 x 7.8")

$ 125.00


No Title. Ariadne conduit au ciel.

Hand-colored (gouache) copper etching by Marais after J. B. Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, statues, bas-reliefs et camees de la Galerie de Florece et du Palais Pitti"

Published 1789-187.

Image: 12 x 15 cm ( 4.7 x 5.9")

$ 125.00


"Clio Apollo delphicus Apollo Musagetes Calliope"

Copper engraving after Leopold August Friese ( 1793-1842 ).

Published in Prague 1822. Very minor signs of age and use.

Page size: 25 x 31.5 cm ( 9.8 x 12.4 ")


"Lucerna in forma Hercules e due tripodes"

Copper engraving by Ribiczka after Leopold August Friese ( 1793-1842 ).

Published in Prague 1822. Very minor signs of age and use.

Page size: 25 x 32 cm ( 9.8 x 12.2 " )


"Venus et l'Amour"

Venus o a cushion, holding the arrow, which  winged Amor putto had fired at her..

To her left: Her Chariot with doves

Etched by Ribert Delauney (1749-1814)

Paris, ca. 1790

Very good condition. Wide margins.

Image: 9,1 x 11,5 cm (ca. 3.6 x 4.5")

$ 80.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254016

Sale! Discount!

30% Discount on All Prints with a MYTHOLOGY number on this page!

Take 30% off the listed price. !

We accept reasonable offers.

"Les Gorgones, d'apres un vase peint du Musee fu Louvre"

Image: 10 x 14.5 cm ( 3.9 x 5.7 ")

"Tete du Meduse de la coupe Farnese, au Musee de Naples"

Image: 13.5 x 13.5 cm ( 5.1 x 5.1 ")

Two pages with wood engravings by Sellier ca 1875. The article ( in French ) about Medusa begins in the
upper right of the first page. and continues on the next page. Very light age toning.

Price for the two pages: $ 45.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY246196

"Basrelief Etrusque". - Death of Polites - Son of Trojan King Priamos. Der Tod des Polites)

Copper etching by Johann Conrad Ulmer after the drawing by Jean Baptiste Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palazzo Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

Very good condition

Image: 27 x 24 cm (ca. 10,6 x 9.5")

$ 90.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252880

"The Cyclops at their Forge"

Velvety mezzotint copper print of the highest quality.

Engraver: John Murphy (ca. 1740-ca. 1820)

after the painting by Luca Giordano (1634-1705)

Publisher: John & Josua Boydell

London, dated 1788

In Greek mythology cyclopes were three sons of Uranus and Gaea. Their names were Arges, Brontes and Steropes. They had to forge the thunderbolts for Zeus. And that is the scene we are looking at. Three immensely muscular males at work.

Mezzotinta engraving is a very attractive sort of printing. The setting of light and dark against each other can be superbly executed as seen on this print.

The condition is very good. Wide margins show traces of age and use.

50 x 35 cm (ca. 19.7 x 13.8")

$ 1500.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY253452

"Spes et Patientia" (Hoffnung und Geduld) (Hope and Patience)

The Roman godesses in the clouds. Spes has th attribute of an anchor and
Patience is chained to a wall.

Copper engraving by Samuel Bottschild (1641-1706) Published ca 1680.

Print has a vertical centerfold. Clean print in good condition.

Image: 18 x 24.5 cm ( 7 x 9.6")
Page size; 28.5 x 35.5 cm ( 11.2 x 13.9")

$ 170.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY253405

No title. Apollo, with bow and arrows, prepared to kill the fierce dragon.

This narrative of Greek / Roman mythology is described by Homer and, in variation, by Ovid.

Stipple copper etching by Salomon Gessner (1730-1788) after his own drawing.

Dated 1771

Only minimal traces of age and use. Margins have some scattered light foxing.

19,8 x 15,3 cm (ca. 7.8 x 6")

$ 90.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY253128

Mythology - Leda and the swan

"Jupiter and Leda"

Copper (stipple in most part) etching by Francesco Bartolozzi (1728-1815) figures

and Benjamin Charles Comte (landscape).

After the painting by F. Viera

Printed by McQueen. London, 1814

This is, in brief, the Greek mythological story: Jupiter fell in love with Leda, pretty young daughter of Zhestios and Eurythemis. He approached her disguised as a swan and, lo and behold, impregnated her. But Leda's husband, Tyndareos, mated with her in the same night. As a consequence Leda laid two eggs, two from Jupiter and two from Tyndareos. Jupiter's offspring was immortal, the other two were human, i.e. mortal.

This is the most recited mythological story. There are, however, variations told as well.

Leda and the Swan has inspired many artists. This is a lovely rendering, we find!

Image is in good condition. The margins show traces of age and use. They are a bit soiled and show, in upper and lower margins, some little repaired tears.

47,5 x 58,5 cm (ca. 18.7 x 23")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252974 SOLD

"Danae and the Golden Rain Danae und der goldene Regen"

Fine steel engraving by D. J. Pound after A. Vandyke ca 1850.

In the upper left is the shower of gold falling upon Danae.

This is the moment in which the old matchmaker and cherub
try to collect some of the golden droplets.

Very good condition.

Image: 12,5 x 17,5 cm ( 4.9 x 6.8")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY253087

"Statues Antiques"

Psyche and Amor

One of the most touching stories in Greek Mytholgy, many times thematized in fine arts, in the art of music and in literature.

Copper etching by Noel de Mires

After the drawing by Jean Baptiste Wicar (also Vicar 1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palazzo Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

Very good condition

Image: 23,4 x 21 cm (ca. 9.2 x 8.3")


No title. Antique ball play competition

Copper etching in sepia color by Santi Pacini (1735-1800).

After Antonio Domenico Gabbiani (1652-1726)

Name of the painting: "Atlante corre con Melpomene" (Melpomene is one of the nine muses in Greek Mythology)

Published in "Collection de cent Pensees" in this collection the nr. 95.

Rome, 1786

Very good condition. Wide margins.

Image (Plate marks): 20,7 x 37,5 cm (ca. 8 x 14.8")

$ 180.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252859

"Priapus Etruscorum Multiformis"

(Depiction of "Priapu(o)s in the Etruscan culture)

Priapos was - in Greek mythology - the son of Aphrodite and  Dionysos and the God of Fertility. In Greek, Roman and, as we can show here, also in Etruscan mythology Priapus was always depicted with an oversize penis.

Copper etching by Jacques Barbie. Ca. 1780

Clean print. Wide margins.

Image: 23 x 13,7cm (ca. 9 x 5.4")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY253761

"Statues Antiques". - Muse Urania (Astronomy) - Vestal virgin

Copper etching by Duval after drawing by ean Baptiste Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palazzo Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

Very good condition

Image: 25 x 24 cm (ca. 9.8 x 9.5")

$ 90.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252884

"L'Aigle de Jupiter" ( the eagle of Jupter )

Toned lithograph after Victor Adam. Published 1884.

Image: 13 x 9 cm ( 5.1 x 3.5 ")

$ 55.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252353

"Le Feu"

Copper engraving by Louis Jacob (1712-?)

After the painting by

One of the four elements: Fire

Narrow margins. Verso: remnants of mounting. Collector's stamp

Image: 9,4 x 12,3 cm (ca. 3.7 x 4.8")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254014


Copper engraving by Louis Jacob (1712-?)

After the painting by Jacques-Antoine-Marie Lemaoine (1751-1824)

One of the four elements: Air

Narrow margins. Verso: remnants of mounting. Collector's stamp

9,4 x 12,6 cm (ca. 3.7 x 4.9")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254015

"Die Zerstörung des Götzenbildes Credo" Destruction of statue of Krodo (Crodo)

In the Saxon Chronicle (Sassenchronik) 1492 by Konrad Botho Krodo was the pagan God of the Saxons. During the Saxon Wars Charlelemagne (Karl der Grosse) had Krodo's pagan temple destroyed which stood near the Harzburg castle (Bad Harzburg).

Very good condition

Lithograph. Published in "Saxonia" . Dresden, 1837

11,6 x 16,7 cm (ca. 4.6 x 6.6")

$ 75.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY240546

"Statues Antiques"

Left: Ganymede (the most beautiful among humans - loved by Zeus). Right Asclepius (God of Medicine)

Copper etching by Noel le Mire

After the drawing by Jean Baptiste Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti". Florence, 1789

Very good condition. Few very faint foxing spots in margins.

Image: 24,2 x 23,2 cm (ca. 9.5 x 9.1")


"Dionysus Sea Faring"

Wood engraving published 1895. On the reverse side is text about Homer and Dionysus.

Page size: 30 x 22 cm ( 11.8 x 8.6 ")


No title.

An allegorical print. End of a chapter in Abraham Munting's "Waare Oeffening Der Planten, Waar In De rechte Aart, Natuire, en verborgene eigenschappen der Boomen, Heesteren, Kruiden, ende Bloemen"

Abraham Munting (1626-1683)

Amsterdam 1672

Copper etching by Jan Goeree (1670-1731).

This print is full of hints referring to Astronomy, Horticulture, Medicine, etc. I'll try try to mention a few details:

Above the well composed allegorical print we see the shining sun, surrounded by stars and topped by the moon. We look like through a window into a formal garden, a palace in the distance. Three female figures play the main roll. On the left a maiden carrying a rod of Asclepius (with the snake) symbolizing the mddcical use of plants. Opposite her a sitting maiden holding fruit in her lap symbolizing harvest. and in between a kneeling (working) maiden holding a spade and a wheel with the zodiac symbolizing garden work and the interaction of the course of the year. Garden tools are spread. And on the left we have see a signal for using chemistry to gain medicine from plants.

Below four maidens in circles symbolize the seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Copper etching is on the complete page, above the image: text in the Dutch language

There are minor traces of age and use. Some not so important spotting. But basically the print is in good condition.

Image: 19 x 20 cm (ca. 7.5 x 7.9")

Sheet size: 38,5 x 24 cm (ca. 15.2 x 9.5")

$ 125.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. GARDEN252273

No title.

Andromeda, chained to a rock, is abandoned to a sea monster, while Persus riding Pegasus holding Medusas severed head towards the monster, thus petrifying it, receives Andromeds for his wife

(Greek Mythology)

Copper etching by Carlo Cesio (1626-1686)

Design by Arnold van Westerhout (1651-1725)

After the fresco in Galeria Farnese in Rome by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609)


Publisher: Venanzio Monaldini.

Rome, Roma, Rom, 1657

Annibale Carracci, commissioned by Cardinal Odoardo Farnese, created the frescos in Galeria Farnese in the year 1597.

Wide margins. Centerfold because of book size. Traces of age and use, like minor darkening of paper, in margins.
Image in very good condition.

Image: 27 x 53 cm (ca.10.6 x 20.9")

Sheet size: 48,5 x 70,5 cm (ca. 19 x 27.8")

$ 700.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr.CARRACCI252778

No title.

Aurora enamored with Kephalos is trying to hold him in her chariot while her husband Tithonus is sleeping in the lower right corner.

Copper etching by Carlo Cesio (1626-1686)

Design by Arnold van Westerhout (1651-1725)

After the fresco in Galeria Farnese in Rome by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609)


Publisher: Venanzio Monaldini.

Rome, Roma, Rom, 1657

Annibale Carracci, commissioned by Cardinal Odoardo Farnese, created the frescos in Galeria Farnese in the year 1597.

Wide margins. Centerfold because of book size. Traces of age and use, like darkening of paper, in margins. Image in very good condition.

Image: 25 x 45,2 cm (ca.9.8 x 17.8")

Sheet size: 48,5 x 70,5 cm (ca. 19 x 27.8")

$ 750.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. CARRACCI 252779

No title

A naked female, carried by sea monsters, is embraced by Triton

There are various interpretations of this ceiling fresco in Galleria Farnese.

Copper etching by Carlo Cesio (1626-1686)

Design by Arnold van Westerhout (1651-1725)

After the fresco in Galeria Farnese in Rome by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609)


Publisher: Venanzio Monaldini.

Rome, Roma, Rom, 1657

Annibale Carracci, commissioned by Cardinal Odoardo Farnese, created the frescos in Galeria Farnese in the year 1597.

Wide margins. Centerfold because of book size. Traces of age and use, like light creasing, in margins, some reaching slightly into image. Image in near very good condition.

Image: 25 x 45,2 cm (ca.9.8 x 17.8")

Sheet size: 48,5 x 70,5 cm (ca. 19 x 27.8")

$ 750.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. CARRACCI 252780

No title.

Perseus fighting against Phineus

Copper etching by Carlo Cesio (1626-1686)

Design by Arnold van Westerhout (1651-1725)

After the fresco in Galeria Farnese in Rome by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609)


Publisher: Venanzio Monaldini.

Rome, Roma, Rom, 1657

Annibale Carracci, commissioned by Cardinal Odoardo Farnese, created the frescos in Galeria Farnese in the year 1597.

In a jealousy drama Perseus shows Phineus the severed head of Medusa, petrifying him thereby (Greek Mythology).

Wide margins. Centerfold because of book size. Minor traces of age and use in margins. Very good condition.

Image: 26,8 x 52,8 cm (ca. 10.5 x 20.8")

Sheet size: 48,5 x 70,5 cm (ca. 19 x 27.8")

$ 850.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. CARRACCI 252781

"Bronzes Antiques"

Bacchus - Hercules

Two statues, Bacchus crowned with grapes and vine leaves on the left, and Hercules with the skin of the lion draped around his shoulder.

Copper etching by Triere and Forster

After the drawing by Jean Baptiste Joseph Wicar

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palazzo Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

Very good condition

Image: 25 x 24,5 cm (ca. 9.8 x 10")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)


"Diana Cacciatrice"

Copper etching by Carlo Carloni

After the drawing by Vincenzo Dolcibene

Piublished in: "Il Museo Pio ClementinoÉ"

Rome, 1782

Diana - Roman Goddess of Hunting (Greek mythology: Artemis), patroness also of countryside and of the Moon.

This statue shows clearly, that Diana had a bow and an arrow on the taut tendant. An adequate and delightful possession for any passionate hunter with a classical mind.

Very good condition. Wide margins.

Image within plate marks: 49 x 32 cm (ca. 19.3 x 12.5")

$ 350.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)



Copper etching by Baquoy

After the drawing by Bouillon

Published in "Musee Royal" by Henri Laurent

Paris, 1816

Roman Goddess of the Hunt ( Greek mythology: Artemis)

This statue, in the possession of the Louvre in Paris, has various names:

Diane of Versailles - Diana Huntress - Diana with a Doe - Diane a la biche.

It is a Roman marble copy (1st or 2nd century AD) of the lost Greek bronze statue of ca. 325 BC

A desirable, attractive and impressive piece of art for any hunter with classical ambition

Very good condition. Wide margins. Lower right margin corner repaired - far away from image.

Image: 35 x 28 cm (ca. 13.8 x 11")

$ 350.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252909

"Dedalo che attacca le ali ad Icaro"

Daidalos fastening the wings to Icarus

Copper line etching after a sculpture by Innocenzo Fraccaroli (Kastelruth 1805 - 1882 Milano)

"Daedalus und Ikarus"(Daedalo e Icaro) won the first price at the Brera art exhibition 1829.

Some mild general age toning. A few light creases. Margins have a few repaired tears.

Plate size measures: 48 x 36 cm (ca. 18.9 x 14.2")



Toned wood engraving, 1873.

Image with outline: 16 x 9.5 cm ( 6.2 x 3.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248198

"Menelaos Paris Diomedes Odysseus Nestor Achill Agamemnon"

"Helden von Troja"

Wood engraving 1867. Reverse side is printed.

7 x 15 cm ( 2.7 x 5.9 ")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248208 SOLD

"Bas-Relief Antique" Elektra (Daughter of Agamemnon) - Clytemnestra (wife of Agamemnon) - Chrysothemis (Daughter of Agamemnon, sixte of Elektra" Three women of Greek Mythology entangled in tragedy.

Copper etching by L.J. Masquelier after the drawing by Jean Baptiste Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palazzo Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

Very good condition

Image: 17 x 23,7 cm (ca. 6.7 x 9.3")

$ 90.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252879

"Statues Antiques". - Femme sortant de bain - Genie de faune

Young woman coming from the bath - Composite creature (angel)

Copper etching by Marais after the drawing by Jean Baptiste Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palazzo Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

Very good condition

Image: 27 x 24 cm (ca. 10,6 x 9.5")

$ 90.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252881



Copper etching ca 1700. Light creasing and a few signs of age and use.
No margins.

15.5 x 8 cm ( 6.1 x 3.1 ")


Aneas and Dido

"Aneas and Dido"

Steel engraving made after a painting by Guerin. Ca 1860. Ther is a tiny paper blotch
that was in the paper before printing in upper left. Not disturbing.

Image: 16 x 21.5 cm ( 6.2 x 8.4 ")

$ 70.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248269

"Les Trois Graces"

Copper etching by Jean Massard (1740-1822)

After the painting Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti". Florence, 1789

Very good condition.

Image: 21 x 15,3 cm (ca. 8.3 x 6")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY252860 SOLD

"Amazone vestita di finissima Veste succinta legata sotto il petto, armata d'arco, e Faretra con Pelta, Bipenne, e Celata e col legame dello Sprone al sinistro PiedeÉ"

Greek mythology. Warrior woman from a mythological "tribe" living in Asia Minor (Turkey). Details about Amazons please google "Amazons". The statue is symbol of feminist fight against patriarchy.

Copper etching by Francesco Piranesi (1756-1810), son of the famous Giovanni Battista Piranesi.

After the drawing by Tommaso Piroli (1752-1824)

The antique statue in possession of Museo Capitolino in Rome.

A tiny bit spotty (foxy) and age toned. Otherwise in very good condition.

Image within plate marks: 49 x 33,5 cm (ca, 19.3 x 13.2 ")

Sheet size: 71 x 51 cm (ca. 28 x 20")

$ 680.00


"The Judgment of Paris "

At the Drawing Room at Houghton. Published Augt 3, 1778 by John Boydell Engraver in Cheapside London"

Mezzotint (in German: Schabkunst) by Richard Earlom (1743 - 1822)

After the painting by Luca Giordano (1632 - 1705). Painting in Berliner Museum.

Print has the typical velvety appearance, which is characteristic for mezzotints. It has wide margins with some stains and minor creasing. These traces of age and use do not pertain to the image itself, however.

Image: 35,4 x 46,2 cm (13.9 x 18.2")

Sheet size: 50,5 x 63,7 cm (20 x 25")

$ 560.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY235074

The Greek mythological story of a ãbeauty contest" was often related by Greek and Roman authors. Homer, Over, Apollodorus and others told it. And artists have rendered their version of this judgement over the centuries.


The story briefly: Zeus held a banquet but did not invite Eris, the goddess of discord. Angered by this snub, she nevertheless showed up and tossed a golden apple into the celebration with the inscription: For the most beautiful! The fight was on, because goddesses Hera, Aphrodite and Athena all claimed the apple. The goddesses thought to be the most beautiful were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, and each one claimed the apple. They started a quarrel so they asked Zeus to choose one of them. Knowing that choosing any of them would bring him the hatred of the other two, Zeus did not want to take part in the decision. He thus appointed Paris to select the most beautiful. Escorted by Hermes, the three goddesses approached Paris as he herded his cattle on Mount Garagarus. They immediately attempted to bribe him to choose among them - Hera offered ownership of all of Europe and Asia; Athena offered skill in battle, wisdom and the abilities of the greatest

warriors; and Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman on Earth, Helena of Sparta. As if further convincing arguments were needed, Aphrodite then let her robe fall, exposing her nudity. Paris chose Aphrodite&emdash;and Helena.

But Helena was already married to King Menelaus of Sparta, so Paris had to raid Menelaus's house to steal Helena from him. (According to some accounts, she fell in love with Paris and left willingly.) The Greeks' expedition to retrieve Helena from Paris in Troy is the mythological basis of the Trojan War. This triggered the war because Helena was famous for her beauty throughout classical Greece.

We see Paris as herdsman holding the golden apple in his lap, while watching the three goddesses trying to persuade him in their favor. Mercury is watching out of hidingwhile Eros (Cupid) shoots his inescapable arrow at Paris.


"Das Urteil des Paris"

Zincograph made after a painting by Hans Dahl (1939-1937-Norwegian). Published 1894.

Please read the story of the "Judgement of Paris" for the above print.
Many variations of this mythological story have been created and painted.
This print shows a young farmer admiring the three girls with the background of
a Norwegian Fjord.

Vertical centerfold.

Image: 23.5 x 38 cm ( 9.2 x 14.9")

$ 60.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY255088

The Greek mythological story of a ãbeauty contest" was often related by Greek and Roman authors. Homer, Over, Apollodorus and others told it. And artists have rendered their version of this judgement over the centuries.


The story briefly: Zeus held a banquet but did not invite Eris, the goddess of discord. Angered by this snub, she nevertheless showed up and tossed a golden apple into the celebration with the inscription: For the most beautiful! The fight was on, because goddesses Hera, Aphrodite and Athena all claimed the apple. The goddesses thought to be the most beautiful were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, and each one claimed the apple. They started a quarrel so they asked Zeus to choose one of them. Knowing that choosing any of them would bring him the hatred of the other two, Zeus did not want to take part in the decision. He thus appointed Paris to select the most beautiful. Escorted by Hermes, the three goddesses approached Paris as he herded his cattle on Mount Garagarus. They immediately attempted to bribe him to choose among them - Hera offered ownership of all of Europe and Asia; Athena offered skill in battle, wisdom and the abilities of the greatest

warriors; and Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman on Earth, Helena of Sparta. As if further convincing arguments were needed, Aphrodite then let her robe fall, exposing her nudity. Paris chose Aphrodite&emdash;and Helena.

But Helena was already married to King Menelaus of Sparta, so Paris had to raid Menelaus's house to steal Helena from him. (According to some accounts, she fell in love with Paris and left willingly.) The Greeks' expedition to retrieve Helena from Paris in Troy is the mythological basis of the Trojan War. This triggered the war because Helena was famous for her beauty throughout classical Greece.

We see Paris as herdsman holding the golden apple in his lap, while watching the three goddesses trying to persuade him in their favor. Mercury is watching out of hidingwhile Eros (Cupid) shoots his inescapable arrow at Paris.

"Persee, par Benvenuto Cellini"

Wood engraving after a photograph by Giorgio Sommer dated 1871.
Below the image is text in French that continues on the reverse side about Perseus and Benvenuto Cellini.

19.5 x 14.5 cm ( 7.6 x 5.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY245065


Hand-colored Copper etching by Carlo Lasinio (1759-1838)

After a wall fresco by Raphael Sanzio or Raffael d'Urbino (1483-1520)

Below image a line from Ovid's Metamorphosis:

"Orta Salo Suscepta, Patre Edita Caelo, Alma Venus, noctem tremula quae luce Serenas"

Traces of age and use in margins. Image very nice!

31 x 37 cm (ca. 12.2 x 14.5")

Order Nr. CLASSIC243505SOLD



Copper engraving by Bernieri after Rafaello ( Raphael Sanzio ) ca 1780.

After a wall fresco by Raphael Sanzio or Raffael d'Urbino (1483-1520)

Minor signs of age and use.

Page size: 14.5 x 21.5 cm ( 5.7 x 8.4 ")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY249843

Pallas Athene

"Pallas Athene by Pheidias"

Toned wood engraving, 1873.

Image with outline: 16 x 9.5 cm ( 6.2 x 3.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248199

"Triomphe D'Ariadne"

Copper etching by Hippolyte Lous Pauquet after the drawing by Jean Baptiste Wicar.

Published in ãTableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti". Florence, 1789

Ariadne on her way to become wife of wine God Bacchus (Dionysos). Crowned with vine leaves,

vine leaves and grapes in her left hand, is Ariadne sitting in he wagon, drawn by two lionesses and accompanied by two fauns holding grapes in their hands.

The bas-relief after which this copper etching was done is a part of the bronze portals of the Florence Baptistry.

Very good condition.

16.3 x 21.3 cm (6.4 x 8.4")

$ 160.00

Order Nr. WINE235582

Die Heidengoettin

"Die Heidengoettin" ( the pagan goddess )

Steel engraving by A. Rordorf after Pitner ca 1850.

Good condition.

Image 17 x 12.5 cm ( 6.6 x 4.9 ")

$ 55.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243399



Copper engraving by Bernieri after Rafaello ca 1780.

Some light age patina and very light imprint of previous page.

Page size: 14.5 x 21.5 cm ( 5.5 x 8.4 ")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY249844

Odysseus bei Kirke

"Odysseus bei Kirke"

Wood engraving 1867. Below the image and on the reverse side is text about the
travels of Odysseus.

Image: 8.5 x 7.5 cm ( 3.3 x 2.9 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248206

"Someil d'Endymion" Endymion sleeping.

Endymion was, in the Greek Mythology, the beautiful and eternally youthful lover of Selene, goddess of the moon.

Copper etching by Alexandre Pierre Jean-Baptise Massard (1812-1889)

After the painting by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, named Le Guerchin (1591-1666)

Published in "Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti". By Antoine Mongez.

There are minimal traces of age and use.

Paris, 1789-1792)

Image including title: 19,3 x 15,2 cm (ca. 7.6 x 6")

$ 50.00

Order Nr. SLEEP243176


Narcissus (Narkissos)

Narcissus (Narkissos), son of river God Kephissos and Leiriope, who fell in love with his own reflection. Narcissos, because of his beauty, wooed and courted equally by young women and men was punished with insatiable self-love. When he sat down next to a spring of water he looked at his own reflection and fell in love with himself.

No title. Narcissus. Looking lovingly at his own reflection in a spring of water. A winged putto at his side.

Above two figures

Hand-colored copper etching. Ca. 1850. This was

Very good condition.

Sheet size: 23,5 x 15

$ 60.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243185

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

No title. Narcissus. Looking lovingly at his own reflection in a spring of water.

A winged putto at his left side

After a wall fresco in Pompei.

Hand-colored copper etching by Philippo Morghen

after the drawing by Camillo Paderni

Published in "Le Antichita di Ercolano esposte"

Naples, 1760

This extensive (8 volumes) work shows magnificently the discoveries of Herculaneum and Pompei which had been covered by ashes and lava since the gigantic Vesuvius-erruption in the year 79.

Good condition. Minor blemishes and traces of age and use. In a matting.


Image, including black border: 28 x 28 cm (ca. 11 x 11")

$ 650.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243187

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

No title. Narcissus. Looking lovingly at his own reflection in a spring of water.

A winged putto at his right side

After a wall fresco in Pompei.

Hand-colored copper etching by Philippo Morghen

after the drawing by Camillo Paderni

Published in "Le Antichita di Ercolano esposte"

Naples, 1760

This extensive (8 volumes) work shows magnificently the discoveries of Herculaneum and Pompei which had been covered by ashes and lava since the gigantic Vesuvius-erruption in the year 79.

Good condition. Minor blemishes. In a matting.

Image, including surrounding black: 28 x 27,5 cm (ca. 11 x 10.8")


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

No title. Narcissus. Looking pensively into the distance, his own reflection in a spring of water.

copper etching by Nicola Fiorillo

after the drawing by Ferdinando Campana

Published in "Le Antichita di Ercolano esposte"

Naples, 1760

This extensive (8 volumes) work shows magnificently the discoveries of Herculaneum and Pompei which had been covered by ashes and lava since the gigantic Vesuvius-erruption in the year 79.

Good condition. Very minor blemishes and traces of age and use.In a matting.

Image: 32,5 x 27,5 cm (ca. 12.8 x 10.8")


Das Schiff des Menelaos

"Das Schiff des Menelaos"

Small wood engraving made after painting in Delphi after Pausanias.
Published 1867. Reverse side is printed.

7 x 11.5 cm ( 2.7 x 4.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248210


"Hera, or Juno"

Toned wood engraving, 1873.

Image with outline: 16 x 9.5 cm ( 6.2 x 3.7 "


Hettor - Achilleus

"Hettor's Leichnam geschleift von Archilleus"
( Hettor's corpse pulled by Achilleus )

Wood engraving published 1867.
Reverse side is printed. Left margin is narrow.

10.5 x 15.5 cm ( 4.1 x 6.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243802

"Enee Arrache a L'incendie de Troie son pere Anchise, son espouse Creuse et son fils Ascagne"

Wood engraving by Duchange after a painting by Antoine Coydel, 1884.
Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

24.5 x 13.5 cm ( 9.6 x 5.3 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY240733

"Votum Solutum Ioviac Iunoni DM Sedentibus in Throno Neptuno et Mercurio Iovi Nunciante Adstantib"

Copper engraving by Petrus Sanctus Bartolus, 1703.

Minor signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 15.5 x 31 cm ( 6.1 x 12.2 ")

$ 190.00

Order Nr. MYTHLOGY248187

Odysseus gegen die Freier

"Odysseus gegen die Freier"

Wood engraving 1867. Reverse side is printed.

8.5 x 11 cm ( 3.3 x 4.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248204

"Les trois Déesses se préparant pour le jugement de Paris." (The three godesses prepare themselves for the judgement of Paris)

Copper stipple etching by Philippe Simonneau (born 1685, death date unknown) after the painting by Perin del Vago (sic). The painter's corredct name is: Pietro Buonaccorsi, who called himself and was named: Perino del Vaga. ( he assumed the name ãVaga" from a Florence painter who was his teacher). Dates of his life: 1501 Florence - Rom 1547). The engraving was published in Paris, ca. 1720.

Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, the three godly beauties from Greek mythology are getting ready for the judgement of Paris who had to decide who of the three was the most beautiful. The godesses are assisted and jubilated by servants and an assembly of putti.

Narrow margins. Printed on very thick paper. One repaired blemish of minor importance.

37 x 29 cm (14.6 x 11.4")

$ 600.00

Order Nr. GALLANTRY235541

Diomedes beschuetzt von Pallas Athene

"Diomedes beschuetzt von Pallas Athene"

Wood engraving 1867.

14 x 10.5 cm ( 5.5 x 4.1 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248209

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Odysseus by Polyphem

"Odysseus by Polyphem"

Wood engraving published 1867. Reverse side is printed.

9 x 10.7 cm ( 3.5 x 4.2 ")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243801 SOLD

"Phaedrae et Hippolyti sta. vet. marin."

Fine copper engraving showing a statue group of Phaedrae and Hippolit. Ca. 1770.

13.8 x 7.8 cm ( 5.4 x 3 ")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY239063 SOLD

"V. Checa: Bacchanal"

Wood engraving by Richard Bong after a painting by V. Checca ca 1895.

Very lively Bacchus festive scene. Bacchus rides in from the right on a donkey with an amphora of wine!
Vertical centerfold. Good condition.

27.5 x 49 cm ( 10.8 x 19.2 ")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY237512 SOLD

"The Nymphs Die Nymphen"

Fine steel engraving by Alboth after a painting by W. E. C. Dietrich ca 1850.

Image: 13.2 x 17.5 cm ( 5.1 x 6.8 ")



"Hera, or Juno"
"Poseidon, or Neptune"

Toned wood engraving, 1873.

Image with outline: 16 x 9.5 cm ( 6.2 x 3.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248201

"Chiron und Jason" ( also Cheiron )

Wood engraving 1867. Reverse side is printed.

11 x 7.5 cm ( 4.3 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243800



Fine copper engraving by Franz Stöber ( 1795-1843 ) after K. Russ, 1837,

Page size: 25 x 19.5 cm ( 9.8 x 7.6 ")
Image size: 14 x 9.5 cm ( 5.5 x 3.7 ")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY241812



Fine copper engraving by Franz Stöber ( 1795-1843 ) after K. Russ, 1837,

Page size: 25 x 19.5 cm ( 9.8 x 7.6 ")
Image size: 14 x 9.5 cm ( 5.5 x 3.7 ")

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY241811 SOLD

Telemachos, Menelaos und Helene

"Telemachos, Menelaos und Helene"

Wood engraving 1867. Reverse side is printed.

4 x 10 cm ( 1.5 x 3.9 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248205

Le Pritemps, panneau decoratif de M. Gabriel Ferrier

"La Mythologie au Mois de Mai"
"Le Pritemps, panneau decoratif de M. Gabriel Ferrier"

Notice the faun in the lower right corner!

Wood engraving 1884. Horizontal denterfold. Minor signs of age.

Image: 29.5 x 19.5 cm 11.6 x 7.6 ")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY242132

"Kampf der Kentauren und Lapithen" ( Battle of the Centaurrs and Lapiths )

Wood engraving published 1867. Light age toning.

16 x 10.5 cm ( 6.2 x 4.1 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243059

"Goetterversammlumg in Olymp" ( meeting of the god in Olymp )

Wood engraving published 1867. Light age toning.
Below the image and on the reverse side is an article ( in German)
of the sagas of the early Greek gods.

8 x 10.7 cm ( 3.1 x 4.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243057

Pluton Persephone

"Pluton und Persephone"

Wood engraving 1867. The image is surrounded by text ( in German ) and on the reverse
side about the sagas of several Greek gods.

Image size: 5 x 5 cm ( 1.9 x 1.9 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243056

"La Char du Soleil"

Wood engraving by Sebastian Le Clerc, 1884, for the "Tapisseries du Roi". (Tapestry design for the king).
Reverse side is printed.

14 x 14 cm ( 5.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY241298


"Perseus auf dem gefluegelten Pegasus"

Wood engraving published 1867. Reverse side is printed.

10 x 11 cm ( 3.9 x 4.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY242938

Mercury, Mercure

"Mercure, statue par Jacopo Sansovino"

Wood engraving after a photograph, published 1881. Reverse side is printed.

18 x 11.5 cm ( 7 x 4.5 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY245376

"Pallas, statue, par Jacopo Sansovino"

Wood engraving after a photograph, published 1881. Reverse side is printed.

18 x 11.5 cm ( 7 x 4.5 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY245377

Herakles    Heracles


"Herakles und die Pigmaeen"

Wood engraving published 1867. Reverse side is printed.

8.5 x 10 cm ( 3.3 x 3.9 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY242937


"Herakles befreit den Prometheus" ( Heracles frees Prometheus )

Wood engraving published 1867. Reverse side is printed.

9.2 x 10.7 cm ( 3.6 x 4.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY242936

Kalydonian Hunt

"Erlegung des Kalydonischen Ebers (nach einer Antike von Kapitol)"

Wood engraving 1867. Below the image and on the reverse side is text ( in German ) about the Kalydonian hunting.

6 x 9 cm ( 2.3 x 3.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. GREECE244224

Bellerophon mit der Chimera

"Kampf des Bellerophon mit der Chimera in Gegenwart des Iytischen Koenigs und der Athene"

Wood engraving 1867. Below the image and on the reverse side is text ( in German ) about the Aeolean mythology.
Spot in upper right.

6.5 x 11 cm ( 2.5 x 4.3 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. GREECE244223


"Der blinde Oedipos im Haine der Eumeniden"

Wood engraving 1867. Below the image and on the reverse side is text ( in German ) about the Kadmea ( Cadmea)
and its heroes. Small spot in lower left corner.

8 x 10.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.1 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. GREECE244225

Sturz des Tantalos von seiner Burg Syphylos

"Sturz des Tantalos von seiner Burg Syphylos"

Wood engraving after H. Heidel, 1867. On the reverse side is text ( in German)
about the castle Siplos, Micene, Ate, Hermes Atreus and other mythological heroes.

9 x 16 cm ( 3.5 x 6.2 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. GREECE244226

"La Galerie de Ruzbens au Palis Medicis"
"Le Temps Decouvre la Verite, peinture allegorique de Rubens"
( Reconciliation de HenriIV et de Marie de Medicis)

Wood engraving dated 1884. Reverse side is printed.

24.7 x 12.5 cm ( 9.7 x 4.9 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY241762

"Hercule Terrasse Le Lion de Nemee"

Wood engraving by Paul Pesne after Poussin, dated 1884.
Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

16.7 x 16.7 cm ( 6.5 c 6.5 ")


"Hercule Aide Atlas a Soutenir Le Monde"

Wood engraving by Paul Pesne after Poussin, dated 1884.
Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

16.7 x 16.7 cm ( 6.5 c 6.5 ")


Ceres ( or Demeter, from Pompeii Wall Painting)

Wood engraving ca 1885. Reverse side is printed.

12 x 9.7 cm ( 4.7 x 3.8 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. POMPEII235915

Priamos - Achilleus - Hettor

Priamos erfleht von Achilleus den Leichnam des Hettor"
( Priamos begs Achilleus for the body of Hettor )

Wood engraving published 1867. Reverse side is printed.

6.5 x 10 cm ( 2.5 x 3.9 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243799


Copper engraving after a painting by P. Caliari detto il Veronese, ca 1750.
A few light spots in margins.

12.3 x 17.3 cm ( 4.8 x 6.8 ")

$ 120.00



Copper engraving by Schleich ca 1750. Mounted on heavier backing.

11 x 18 cm ( 4.3 x 7 ")



"Der Eingang zu Schatzkammer des Atreus"

Wood engraving 1867. Reverse side is printed.

9.5 x 9 cm ( 3.7 x 3.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248203

"No Title"

Three putti impersonating the arts: Sculpture, Painting, Architecture

Typical symbols of Freemasonry.

This hand-colored copper etching (book text verso) is not signed. But it can clearly be attributed to Carlo Gregori (1719-1759) who engraved, after the drawings by Giovanno Domenico Campiglia (1692-1762) the collection of paintings in the Florence Musuem "Museo Fiorentina", ca. 1760

9.1 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 ")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY1019

"Mythologie Printaniere"

" Les amours Frogerons"

Wood engraving made after a pinting by Antoine Coypel and the engraver Desplaces.
Printed 1884. Below the image and on the reverse side is an article ( in French) titled: "Les Amours Forgerons".
Overall light age toning.

20 x 16.5 cm ( 7.8 x 6.4 ")

Order Nr. MYTHOL0GY240529 SOLD

Thetis bringt dem Achill Helm und Ruestung

"Thetis bringt dem Achill Helm und Ruestung"

Wood engraving 1867. Reverse side is printed.

8 x 10.5 cm ( 3.1 x 4.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY248207

Minerva in der Werkstatte des Vulkan. (Minerva in the workshop of Volcano)

Fine stee engraving by J. Axmann after a painting by Ant. Van Dyck ca 1840.

11.7 x 16 cm ( 4.6 x 6.2 ")

$ 55.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY235256

"Götze Krodo - Krodo's Opferaltar"

In the Saxon Chronicle (Sassenchronik) 1492 by Konrad Botho Krodo was the pagan God of the Saxons. During the Saxon Wars Charlelemagne (Karl der Grosse) had Krodo's pagan temple destroyed which stood near the Harzburg castle (Bad Harzburg). The Krodo altar stood newr Goslar Cathedral and was transferred by King Heinrich III to the Kaiserpfalz in Goslar.

Lithograph. Published in "Vaterlaendische GeschichtenÉ" by Wilhelm Goerges. Braunschweig, 1843

Good condition

10 x 14,5 cm (ca. 3.9 x 5.7")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY240545


"Der olympische Zeus"

Wood engraving 1867. Below the image and on the reverse side is text ( in German ) about Zeus.

Image size: 11 x 8.5 cm ( 4.3 x 3.3 " )

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243058

Battle of the amazons

"Amazonen Schlacht" ( Battle of the Amazons )

Wood engraving, 1867. Light age toning.

16 x 11.5 cm ( 6.2 x 4.5 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243064


"Tod des Herakles"

Wood engraving 1867. Below the image is text ( in German ) about Heracles.
On the reverse side is an article about Theseus with image.

Image size:9 x 8 cm ( 3.5 x 3.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY243054

"Ancien Autel près d'Albersdorf" Altar of Nordic Mythology

Albersdorf, Ditmarschen (North German State of Schleswig-Holstein)

Steel engraving. Published in Paris, ca. 1840

Print shows some traces of age and use in margins.

14,5 x 9,7 cm (ca. 5.7 x 3.8")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY240544

"Lions et Faucon du chateau de Konich" ( Konik )

Steel engraving by Lemaitre after Texier, ca 1845.

17 x 10.5 cm ( 6.7 x 4.1 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. TURKEY241136

"Legati, Tribuni, duces exercitus"

Copper engraving by C. Kotterba, ca 1800.

Print has wide margins. Lower left margin corner is creased.

Plate size: 21 x 25 cm (8.2 x 9.8 ")

$ 90.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY1027


Stipple engraving by G. Doebler after Tizian ca 1850. This is one of the famous "Danae" themes of corruption through money.

Image: 10 x 13 cm ( 3.9 x 5.1 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY239435


The Amazons were female warriors in Greek mythology.

Very fine lithograph by Aubry Lecomte after a painting by Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson (1767-1824)..

Lithograph is printed on China paper and laid down on heavier paper. Published by Bonnemaison in Paris ca 1830.

Very fine impression. Background paper has a few light spots and minor creases. .

Image: 27.5 x 22.5 cm ( 10.8 x 8.8 ")

Page size: 46.7 x 33.5 cm ( 18.3 x 13.1 ")

$ 130.00

Order Nr MYTHOLOGY239582

"Il Caresse Avant De Blesser" ( the caress before the injury )

Wood engraving by Dujardin and Cabasson after a painting by Prud'hon..
Published 1874. Reverse side is printed. Light age toning.

13 x 9.5 cm ( 5.1 x 3.7 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY241342

Numa Pompilus Visiting the Nymph Egeria

Wood engraving ca 1885. Reverse side is printed.

15 x 12.4 cm ( 5.9 x 4.8 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY235917

M. Pietschmann: Polyphems Fischzug.

Wood engraving after a painting by M. Pietschmann ca 1890.

32.7 x 21.5 cm ( 12.8 x 8.4 ")


Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY1067

MYTHOLOGY - Gems? Cameos?

No titles. No artists. No publisher. No exact date of printing.

Collection of 7 anonymous copper etchings. The form of their depiction suggests, that he images are pictures of gems (cameos).

The depictions are all mythological scenes

Prints have various little traces of age and use.  But they are clean.
Upper margin beyond plate mark consistently very narrow.
Two have missing lower corners. (see images) Some have binding holes near left edge.

Platemark measurements: ca. 20,5 x 15,5 cm (ca. 8 x 6")

Lot: Set of 7 prints: $160.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 30% discount = $ 112.00)

Order Nrt. MYTHOLOGY254132

Horticulture and Husbandry

Copper engraving by J. Chapman after H. Courbould, ca 1780.
Print has narrow margins. Some minimal browning in margins.

22.5 x 17.5 cm ( 8.8 x 6.8 ")

$ 130.00


"Daphnis und Chloe. Gemaelde von J. L. Gérome"

Wood engraving by Schluler after a painting by J. L. Gerome, 1898.
Reverse side is printed. A few minimal spots in margins.

15 x 24 cm ( 5.9 x 9.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY237201

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