Antique Prints of Munich
Here is a selection of views from Munich; steel etchings, lithographs, and copper etchings. If you don't find what you are looking for, please ask us. Our selection for Munich is especially well sorted.
Alte Ansichten von München
Hier folgt eine Auswahl von Ansichten von München, Stahlstiche, Lithographien, und Kupferstiche. Falls Sie nicht finden, was Sie suchen, fragen Sie uns bitte oder besuchen uns. Unsere München Abteilung ist um ein Vielfaches grösser als hier erscheint.
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Ludwigstrasse in Muenchen"
Steel engraving by A. Meermann after C.A. Lebsche ca 1870.
On the lower margin edge is a small dry stamp of G.F. Franz in Munich, the publisher.Very exquisite hand coloring.
11.5 x 19 cm ( 4.5 x 7.4 ")
$ 180.00
Order Nr. MUNICH239554
"Prostestanische Kirche zu Muenchen"
Steel engraving by J. Poppel ca 1870.
On the lower margin edge is a small dry stamp of G.F. Franz in Munich, the publisher.Very exquisite hand coloring.
10.2 x 16 cm ( 4 x 6.2 ")
$ 70.00
Order Nr. MUNICH239550
. "In der Staatsbibliothek"
Wood engraving after the painting by Emanuel Spitzer
Light general age toning. Vertical centerfold.
31 x 42 cm (ca. 12.2 x 16.5")
$ 140.00
Order Nr. MUNICH249099
"Ansicht der Pranner-Strasse in Muenchen"
Hand-colored lithograph by Gustav Kraus (1804-1852)
From the last original edition. Munich, 1904
Printed on lightly yellowish paper. The print had been matted and framed, which shows in the
light darkening of the paper.
Blick in die Prannerstrasse Richtung Maximiliansplatz
Aus der letzen Original-Auflage, die 1904 auf etwas gelblichem Papier gedruckt wurde
Das Blatt war mit Passepartout gerahmt, so dass Papierbräunung erkennbar ist.
Einige minimale Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren.
23,5 x 39,4 cm (ca. 9.3 x 15.5")
$ 250.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page
Order Nr. MUNICH252896
"Postgebaeude zu Muenchen"
Wood engraving ca 1870. Spot in lower right margin corner.
Image: 7.5 x 9.8 cm ( 2.9 x 3.8 ")
$ 50.00
Order Nr. MUNIICH223
München. - "Prospekt des Churfrt. Bairischen Lust Schloses Nymphenbourg wie solches gegen Morgen von seiten des gartens anzusehen"
"Vue de Nymphenbourg du Cote des Jardins"
Kupferradierung von (copper etching by) Franz Xaver Jungwirth (1720-1790)
nach dem Gemälde von (after the painting by) Bernardo Bellotto (1722-1780) genannt Canaletto
Das 1761 von Canaletto geschaffene Gemälde wurde 1766 von Jungwirth in Kupfer gestochen.
Painiting is dated 1761, copper etching dated 1766
Die seltene Ansicht von Schloss Nymphenburg vom Schlosspark aus. Im Vordergrund das Ende des Schlossgarten-Kanals mit hochherrschaftlichen Booten.This rare etching sees the chateau from Nyphenburg Park. In the foreground: End of park canal with boats.
Im Hintergrund die Stadt München. Deutlich erkennbar die Türme von der Frauenkirche, Theatinerkirche und Rathaus, sowie Sendling und Pasing vor der Bergkette der Alpen.
In the background the City of Munich with steeples of churches and town hall recognizable. Way in back the mountain chain of the Alps.
Canaletto-Radierungen sind sehr selten. Diese Kupferradierung hatte beträchtliche Schäden: Sie war links, oben und rechts bis zur Einfassungslinie beschnitten. Mehrere Einrisse bis in die Darstellung. Das Blatt wurde aufgezogen und angefasert, so dass es, von vorne betrachtet, wieder eine angemessene Marge aufweist. Im Gegenlicht erkennt man die Risse, die durch das Aufziehen kaschiert wurden. Der untere Teil der Radierung mit dem ausführlichen Titel in deutsch und französisch sowie den Künstlerbezeichnungen voll erhalten, aber ebenfalls mit dem gesamten Blatt aufgezogen.
Canaletto etchings are very rare. This etching had multiple damages. It was trimmed to the edges (with no loss of image) on left, upper and right sides. Several tears reaching into image. The etching was professionally layer down on China paper, this way giving the etching ample margins. Seen from its front side, the tears are invisible, but against the source of light they appear to the eye. The lower part of the etching with title in German and French and the artists credits is complete.
Diese Ansicht von Schloss Nymphenburg von Canaletto ist trotz der umfangreichen Restaurierung ein wünschenswertes Blatt, nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer Seltenheit.
This view of Nymphenburg by Canaletto is desirable in spite of the heavy restoration that was need done not least because of its rarity.
Image including title: 43 x 64,3 cm (ca. 16.9 x 25.3")
$ 3200.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page)
Order Nr. MUNICH252685
"Errichtet aus Dankbarkeit von der Stadt Muenchen am XXV August MDCCCLXII"
Steel engraving by H. Bruch, ca 1890.
The staue is a monument to Ludwig I, King of Bavaria.Image: 16.2 x 10.2 cm ( 6.3 x 4 ")
$ 25.00
Order Nr. MUNICH243426
"Fruehling im Muenchener Hofgarten"
Wood engraving published ca 1860. On the reverse isde is unrelated text and image.
Overall light natural age toning. Ting repaired tear in right margin.Image: 9 x 17 cm ( 3.5 x 6.6 cm )
$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00
Order Nr. MUNICH256421
"Ubersichts-Karte herausgegeben von der Befehlsstelle des Gauleiters"
Wood engraving published ca 1870. On the reverse side is unrelated text.
Margins narrow. Right margin uneven. Small piece of lower margin is missing,
Overall light natural age toning. Vertical centerfold.Image: 23 x 27 cm (9 x 10.6")
$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00
Order Nr. MUNICH256445
"Tuerken, den Tuerkengraben in Muenchen bauend"
Wood engraving made after the painting by E. Zimmermann. Published ca 1870.
Overall normall age toning.Image: 15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.8")
$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $27.00
Order MUNICH256387
Munich. - "Place Maximilien a Munich" The title is misleading. The real name of the plaza in front of the Royal Palace and the National Theater is: "Max-Joseph-Platz"
Beautifully hand-colored lithograph by F. Clerman
Published in Paris. Ca. 1840
Condition: Very good
14,3 x 21,3 cm (ca. 5.6 x 8.4")
$ 400.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240173
"National Galleries For The Fine Arts At Munich"
"The Pinacothek"
"Picture Gallery Munich"Wood engraving published 1836. Below the image and on the reverse side
is text that continues on a second page. On the second page is an image of
the floor plan of the Pinacothek.Image: 11.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.5 x 5.7")
Price for the two pages: $ 35.00
Order Nr. MUNICH254819
"Muenchen" Munich
Woodcut. Published in "Cosmographia" by Sebastian Muenster (1488-1552)
Basel, ca. 1565
Very good condition. Nice impression. Practically flawless. On the full page. With text print above and on reverse side in the German language.
12 x 15,3 cm (ca. 4.7 x 6")
$ 275.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240151
"Muenchen" General view from the east across the Isar river.
The general view is surrounded by 12 small engraveings of city details and nearby sites.
Clockwise from top left: Neue evangelische Kirche protestant church) - Neue steinerne Isarbrücke - (new bridge across Isar) - Maximilians-Platz - Biederstein - St. Emeram - Neuhofen - Schleissheim - Neuberghausen - Nymphenburg - Blutenburg bei Nymphenburg - Magdalenen-Capelle bei Nymphenburg - Palais des Prinzen Carl.
Anonymous lithograph. RARE!
Published by Joseph Lindauer'sche Buchhandlung. Munich. Ca. 1840
Hardly any traces of age and use.
15,7 x 19,8 cm (ca. 6.2 x 7.8")
$ 320.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240157
"Porte de l'Isar a Munich" Isar Gate. Isartor
Lithograph. Superb original hand-coloring, heightened with eggwhite. Wide margins
Only minimal traces of age and use.
Artist: F. Clerman
Published in Paris. Ca. 1840
14,5 x 21,5 cm (ca. 17.7 x 8.5")
$ 340.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240152
"Residenz-Stadt Muenchen" Royal Residence City Munich.
Panoramic view of the Bavarian capital across the Isar (from the east). Left hand is Prater Island.
Copper etching by J. L. Deisel
Published by Riedel. Nuremberg, ca. 1820. Very RARE!
Condition: Light general age toning. One little hole in sky has been almost invisibly repaired, probably shortly after printing time. The rare image of Munich otherwise in very good condition.
17,8 x 26,4 cm (ca. 7 x 10")
$ 480.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240155
"Muenchen von der Westseite"
Anonymous lithograph.
Published by Fr. Sauer publishing house. Munich, ca. 1840. RARE!
This lithograph is not signed by an artist. But style, time of printing and the publishing house suggest, that Gustav Kraus was the artist. His hand-writing is indicative both for the style of the panoramic city view and the people shown in foreground.
Condition: Light overall age toning. Margins have two very small nicks.
15 x 24,5 cm (ca. 5.9 x 9.6")
$ 380,00
Order Nr. MUNICH240156
"Der Koenigsbauu. das K. Hof u Nationaltheater in Muenchen"
Royal Palace and National Theater in Munich
Finely hand-colored steel engraving by G.H. Mueller
After the drawing by Ludwig Lange.
Very good condition
9,3 x 16 cm (ca. 3.7 x 6.3")
$ 120.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240553
"Kunst-Ausstellungs-Gebaeude" Building now called "Antikensammlung" with Egyptian, Etrucan and Roman art (vases, jewelry, etc.)
Type of print: Lithograph
Color: Very attractive hand coloring heightened with eggwhite.
From: "Souvenir de Munich - Ansichten von Muenchen"
Artist: Gustav Kraus (1804-1852)
Published by: Sauer. Munich, edition from ca. 1880
Condition: Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use. Small eggwhite drop in sky.
13 x 18,7 cm (ca. 5.1 x 7.4")
$ 180.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240144
"Place Sainte-Marie, A Munich"
Zincograph published ca 1890. On the reverse side is unrelated text.
Overall light, natural age toning.Image: 15 x 20 cm ( 5.9 x 7.8")
$ 90.00 minus 40% = $ 54.00
Order Nr. MUNICH256157
"Panorama von Muenchen vom Frauenthurm herab" ( Panorama of the city of Munich from the tower of the Frauenkirche )
Steel engraving printed on two sheets / Stahlstich auf zwei Bögen gedruckt
Magnificent panoramic bird's eye view of the Bavarian capital.
Drawn, engraved and published by Johann Poppel (1807-1882)
Printed by and sold as an individual print combining page I and page II by Mey & Widmayer. Munich, ca. 1850
On upper margin printed the following orientation points - from left: Zugspitze - Sendlinger Thor Sendling Gate) - Kreuzkirche (Church of the Holy Cross) - Protestant. Kirche (Protestant Church) - Karsthor (Stachus) - Michaelskirche (St. Michael's Church) - Botanischer Garten - Basilica - Dreifaltigkeitskirche (Holy Trinity Church) - Glyptothek - Obelisk - Pinakothek - Hotel Bayerischer Hof - Greek Church - Ludwigskiche - Theatinerkirche (St. Kajetan) - Monopteros - Residenz (Royal Palace) - National Theater - Isarthor (Isar Gate) - Rathaus (Town Hall) - Heilig Geist Kirche (Holy Spirit Church) - St. Peter's Kirche (Church St. Peter) - Auer Kirche (Church in the fraction of Au) - Turm St. Marien (Tower of St. Mary's Church)
A spectacular round-about panorama
Light general age toning. Hardly any traces of age and use to mention.
Image: 16,5 x 99,5 cm (ca. 6.5 x 39.2)
Sheet: 32 x 115 cm (ca. 12.5 x 45")
$ 1250.00
Order Nr. MUNICH241180
"Carte hydrographique de l'Isard et de ses bras dans les environs de Munic"
Hydrographic map of the river Isar and its branches within the City of Munich -
Hydrographische Karte des Laufs der Isar und ihrer Nebengewässer im Stadtbereich von München
Charts / Maps / Karten II, III, IV and VI on this folio page all engraved on one single plate in this sequence - from top:
Chart VI - City plan of Munich and the run of the Isar river from Thalkirchen / Harlaching past the city of Munich to the English Garden.
Chart III shows bridges and viaducts
Chart II shows river run with regulation plans from Bogenhausen to Oberföhring
Chart IV shows river run with alternative regulated river run from Bogenhausen to Unterföhring
Copper etching after the drawings by Carl Friedrich von Wiebeking (1762-1842)
Wiebeking, a very famous engineer for waterways, bridges and river regulations
was chief engineer in the Kingdom of Bavaria and designed the regulation plans of southern Bavarian rivers, such as the Isar.
Vertical centerfold. Very few very minor traces of age or use: Very good!
Image: 48 x 64 cm (ca. 19 x 21")
Sheet: 57 x 85 cm (ca. 22.5 x 33.5")
$ 750,00
Order Nr. MUNICH240566
Die Metropolitain u Stadtpfarrkirche
zu UL Frau in MünchenSteel etching by G.A. Müller. Ca. 1850.
14.5 x 9.7 cm ( 5.7 x 3.8 ")
$ 65.00
Order Nr. MUNICH3606
"Muenchen von Sueden"
Steel engraving by A. Meermann, ca 1850. Print has wide margins.
11 x 18.2 cm ( 4.3 x 7.1 ")
Order Nr. MUNICH 3681SOLD
ãMünchen von der Ostseite mit einigen seiner öffentlichen Gebäude und besuchtesten Umgebungen". (General view of Munich adorned with 30 views of the city and its surroundings).
Handkolorierte Lithographie von Ferdinand Stademann. Von ihm König Maximilian Josph von Bayern gewidmet. Gedruckt bei Joseph Selb. München, ca. 1825
Diese sehr seltene Lithographie, die nur in kleinster Stückzahl Verbreitung fand, zeigt München vom Ostufer der Isar aus, etwa von der Haidhauser Höhe aus. Die 30 Randansichten zeigen von links oben im Uhrzeigersinn aus: Portal des Botanischen Gartens; Bogenhausen; Im Englischen Garten; Bei Harlaching; Hoftheater; Bei Föhring; Im Nymphenb. Garten; Biedersatein; Im Englischen Garten (Monopteros); Im Engl. Garten; Im Garten zu Biederstein; Palais royal im engl. Garten (Prinz Carl Palais); im engl. Garten; Im engl. Garten; Eingang zum engl. Garten; Thalkirchen; Nymphenburg; Im Garten zu Nymphenburg; Das Sendlinger Thor; Glyptothek; Das Angerthor (Sendlinger Tor); Im Hofgarten; Schwabing; Sendling; Im Garten des Pav(illon) roy(ale); Denkmal Lord Thomsons; Im engl. Garten; Zu Ismaning; Im Garten zu Biederstein; Im engl. Garten (Chin. Turm).
Lithographie war beschädigt, wurde restauriert und auf feinen Karton aufgezogen. Das Kolorit ist bezaubernd zart
Blattgrösse / Page size: 47,7 x 62,7 cm (18.8 x 24.7")
Darstellung / Image: 34 x 52,5 cm (13.4 x 20.7")
$ 1500.00
Order Nr. MUENCHEN 3715
"St. Michaelskirche, Muenchen. Schnitt durch Kapellen und Querchnitt (n. Ortwein)"
Wood engraving 1886. On the reverse side is a floorplan of the church.
Overall light age toning.16 x 11.4 cm ( 6.2 x 4.4 ")
$ 40.00
Order Nr. MUNICH239639
München. - "Ansicht der Karlstrasse in München"
Lithographie nach Gustave Kraus (1804-1852). Neuauflage der grossartigen
Darstellung Münchener Bauten und Strassenzüge. 1909 auf gelblichen Papier.Was in der Lebenszeit von Gustav Kraus die Karlstrasse war, ist heutzutage die
Neuhauser und ihre Verlängerung, die Kaufinger Strasse. Links die Jesuitenkirche St. Michael und der Vorbau der Augustinerkirche, wo sich heutzutage das Deutsche Jagd- und Fischereimuseum befindet. Rechts Augustiner-Keller.Ausgezeichnetes Handkolorit mit Eiweisshöhung der biedermeierlich gekleideten Menschen-Staffage
Lithograph after Gustav Kraus (1804-1852). This littograph was a late edition of the original issue.
It was printed on yellowish paper 1909 and sold both, in a portfolio of 10 views of Munich, as well
as individually. The hand coloring is excellent. the staffage of people in their typical
Biedermeier dress, is heightened with gum arabicum.Image: 23,3 x 38,6 cm (ca. 9.2 x 15")
$ 450.00
Order Nr. MUNICH252004
"Errichtet von Ludwig I Koenig von Bayern XII October MDCCCXXXX"
Steel engraving by H. Bruch after a photograph by Reulbach, ca 1890.
The staue is a monument to Maximilian I of Bavaria.Image: 16.2 x 10.2 cm ( 6.3 x 4 ")
$ 25.00
Order Nr. MUNICH243427
Environs de Munich
A beer-drinking scene with traditional Bavarian costumes.
Steel etching in recent coloring by Fréres Rouarge. Ca. 1850.
11.3 x 16.8 cm ( 4.4 x 6.6 ")
$ 40.00
Order Nr. MUNICH3608
"Monacum" Muenchen, Munich
Type of print: Woodcut
Color: Superb hand coloring
Author: Harmann Schedel (1440-1514)
Publikation: Nürnberg Chronische / Schedelsche Weltchronik
Printer: Anton Koberger (1440-1513)
Edition: First edition. Latin langue text
Verso left side: Order of the Knights of Jesus Christ (Portugal), Portraits of Augustinus of Ancona, Albertus of Padua.
Verso right side: Ludwig, Duke of Bavaria, and Frediric, Duke of Austria
Verso at bottom: A comet
Date of publication: 1493
Condition: Margins show some traces of age and use., such as repaired tears and some minor soiling. Left margin had a loss of paper, which has been professionally filled in with chronicle paper without even touching the image.
Image: 20,2 x 52,7 cm (ca. 8 x 20.7")
Sheet size: 46,3 x 62,4 cm (ca. 18.2 x 24.6")
$ 2800.00
Order Nr. SCHEDEL242320
Reverse side Verso:
"Eisenbahnhalle in Muenchen" Inside Munich railroad station.
Hand-colored steel engraving by Johann Poppel (1807-1882)
After the drawing by Rudolf wilhelm Gottgetreu (1821-1890)
Published in Munich. Ca. 1850
Condition: Excellent.
9,7 x 15,5 cm (ca.3.8 x 6.1")
$ 75.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240170
"Muenchen" Munich
Woodcut. Published in "Cosmographia" by Sebastian Muenster (1488-1552)
Basel, ca. 1565
Very good condition. Nice impression. Practically flawless. On the full page. With text print above and on reverse side in the German language.
12 x 15,3 cm (ca. 4.7 x 6")
$ 225.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240167
Basilika St. Bonifacii in München
Steel etching in fine recent coloring drawn and engraved by J. Poppel. Ca. 1850.
9.5 x 15.4 cm ( 3.7 x 6.1 ")
Order Nr. MUNICH3603 SOLD
Basilika St. Bonifacii in München
Steel etching drawn and engraved by J. Poppel. Ca. 1850.
Overall light age toning. Repaired tear in lower right margin.9.5 x 15.4 cm ( 3.7 x 6.1 ")
$ 35.00
Order Nr.MUENCHEN3662
"Basilika" St. Bonifaz. Abbey of the Benedictan Order. Also mausoleum of King Ludwig I. and his spouse Therese.
Type of print: Lithograph
Color: Very attractive hand coloring.
From: "Souvenir de Munich - Ansichten von Muenchen"
Artist: Gustav Kraus (1804-1852)
Published by: Sauer. Munich, edition from ca. 1880
Condition: Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use.
13,4 x 18,4 cm (ca. 5.3 x 7.3")
$ 170.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240149
"Neue Pfarrkirche in der Au" Mariahilf-church in Munich
Lithograph. From the album: Souvenirs de Munich" by Gustav Kraus.
Published by Sauer in Munich. Edition ca. 1880
Light general age toning.Very good condition.
14 x 18,5 cm (ca. 5.5 x 7.3")
$ 80.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240550
"Münchens Eisbahnen"
Fun-enjoying crowd at night in various of Munich's ice rinks
Hand-colored wood engraving by G. Fram after the drawing by G. Franz. Dated 1885
Age toned. Reverse side has text print.
18 x 12,8 cm (ca. 7 x 5")
Order Nr. MUNICH240556
"St. Michaelskirche mit der Neuhauserstrasse"
The Jesuit church of Munich.
Published in an album with the title: "Münchner Vergissmeinnicht" (Munich - Forget-me-not )
Publisher: Joseph Lindauer. Munich, 1835. Very good condition.
Image without border: 5.5 x 8.5 cm ( 2.1 x 3.3 ")
$ 90.00
Order Nr. MUNICH245208
Copper etching from Strahlheim's "Wundermappe", 1836.
8.7 x 13.7 cm ( 3.4 x 5.4 ")
$ 120.00
Order Nr. MUNICH3654
"Muenchen" Munich. General panoramic view across the Isar River. In the foreground: Wehrsteig leading to Praterinsel.
Copper etching by C. C. Böhme in very fine hand-coloring, heightened with eggwhite.
Printed by Poenicke & son. Published by G. Schubert in LeipzigRARE!
Wide margins show some minor traces of age and use. Image very good. Nice impression. Beautifully colord.
16 x 24,7 cm (ca. 6.3 x 9.7")
Order Nr. MUNICH240154SOLD
"Dir Vestibule der Universität in Muenchen" Entrance hall of Ludwig-Maximilians University
Anonymous steel engraving.
Published in Hildburghausen, Germany. Ca. 1850
Very good condition
10 x 15,5 cm (ca. 3.9 x 6.1")
$ 120.00
Order Nr. MUNICH240555
Der Marckt zu München
Copper etching by Matthäus Merian, ca 1650. Strong, clear image with wide margins.
Hardly visible spots in lower and right margins. Crease in lower right margin corner.22 x 33 cm ( 8.6 x 13 ")
Order Nr. MUNICH3631SOLD
"Environs de Munich"
Umgebungsplan von Muenchen. Umfasst das Gebiet der heutzutage weitgehend eingemeindeten Ortsteile und darueber hinaus hier die wesentlichen Eckpunkte von links oben im Uhrzeigersinn:
Sulzemoos - Pellheim - Dachau - Schleissheim - Eching - Dietersheim - Kempfing - Neuching - Mauerstetten - Poering (EBE) - Glonn - Sauerlach - Strasslach - Kempfenhausen - Starnberg - Maising - Unter- und Oberpfaffenhofen - Maisach. Sehr detaillierte Umgebungskarte der bayerischen Hauptstadt.
Stich: Kupferradierung / copper etching
Kolorit: Sehr attraktives Altkolorit / Very attractive original hand coloring
Autor: Le Rouge
Wo gedruckt? Paris
Wann gedruckt? 1759
Erhaltungszustand: Sehr gut / Condition: Very Good
20,7 x 27,6 cm (ca. 8.1 x 10.9")
$ 120.00
Order Nr. MUNICH239895
Das physiologisch-zootomische Institut in Muenchen.
Wood engraving ca 1885. Backside is printed.
Spot in upper right image. Narrow margins.16 x 22.5 cm ( 6.2 x 8.8 ")
$ 45.00
Order Nr. STUDENT4804
"Das Politechnikum zu Muenchen"
Wood engraving from "Orbis Pictus" by
Otto Spamer, 1874. Modern hand coloring.
Backside is printed. Upper margin has been extnded.6.4 x 7 cm ( 2.5 x 2.7 ")
$ 40.00
Order Nr. MUNICH3692
"Der Metzgersprung"
Wood engraving ca 1875. Backside is printed.
10.2 x 14.5 cm ( 4 x 5.7 ")
$ 35.00
Order Nr. MUNICH3691
"Die Schmerzhafte Kapelle und das Kapuzinerkloster
vor dem Sendlinger Thore zu Muenchen"Wood engraving ca 1885. Backside is printed.
8.5 x 11.2 cm ( 3.3 x 4.4 ")
$ 45.00
Order Nr. MUNICH3690
"Schloss Fuerstenried, der langjaehrige Aufenhaltsort des Koenigs"
Photogravure 1916. Reverse side is printed.
10.2 x 22.5 cm ( 4 x 8.8 ")
$ 35.00
Order Nr. MUNICH3688
"National Galleries for the Fine Arts at Munich"
"The Glyptothek"
"Sculpture Gallery, Munich"Image: Image: 11.5 x 14.5 cm ( 4.5 x 5.7")
Second page:
"Arabesque from the Room of the Gods in the Glyptothek, Munich"
Image: 19 x 5.5 cm ( 7.4 x 2.1")
Wood engraving published 1836. Below the image and on the reverse side
is text that continues on a second page with more text and an image of the arabesque.Price for the two pages: $ 35.00
Order Nr. MUNICH254912
ãWashrer Grund Riss dess Churfuerstl. Schloss und Lust Gartens zu Fuerstenried"
Next to German title: Title in French
Copper etching by Johann August Corvinus (1683-1738)
Under the supervision of Jeremias Wolff (1663-1724)
After the drawing by Mathias Diesel (1675-1752)
Publication: ãErlustierendce Augenweide"
Where: Augsburg, Germany
When: 1717
Print shows plan of baroque garden of Chateau of Fuerstenried in Munich, Germany
Condition: Clean. One fold running through lower right part without touching image.
21 x 34 cm (ca. 8.3 x 13.4")
$ 140.00
Order Nr. GARDEN238825
More Prints of Munich - Mehr Ansichten von Muenchen>>>>>
Ansichten von Bayern-Views of Bavaria Ansichten von Andechs - Views of Andechs Alte Landkarten von Deutschland-Old Maps of Germany
PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views. Terms of Sale - Lieferbedingungen ©Rainer Rauhut