Antique Prints of Bavaria

Here is a small selection of views from Bavaria; steel etchings, lithographs, and copper etchings in alphabetical order. You can look at views of Bavarian Swabia, Allgaeu, Lake Constance , Franken, (Franconia), Lower Bavaria Andechs and Munich views separately. If you don't find what you are looking for, please ask us. Our selection for Bavaria is especially well sorted.

Ansichten von Bayern

Hier folgt eine kleine Auswahl von Ansichten von Bayern, Stahlstiche, Lithographien, und Kupferstiche. Falls Sie hier nicht finden, was Sie suchen, fragen Sie uns. Unsere Bayern Abteilung ist um ein Vielfaches grösser als hier erscheint. Ansichten von Schwaben, Allgaeu, Bodensee , Franken, Niederbayern, Andechs und München sind separat.


Ordering and Payment

Antique prints may show some signs of age and use. Special faults are mentioned below.

Liquidation Sale! Discount!

At 86 years old I am selling my stock!

40% Discount on All Prints with a BAYERN number on this page!

Take 40% off the listed price. !

We accept reasonable offers.

ăVon dem Baier land: unnd zum ersten wo der nam haerkommen sey"

Small east-oriented map of Bavaria. 


Published in ăCosmographia"

By Sebastian Muenster (1488-1552)

Published in Basel, 1553

On the whole page. Very good condition. Light general age toning.
Reverse side has text print and two little woodcuts, one of wild boar, the other showing a castle.

Map size: 7 x 13,5 cm (ca. 2.8 x 5.3")

Page size: 31 x 20,5 cm (ca. 12.2 x 8")

$ 80.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 30% = $ 56.00).

Order Nr. DEUTSCHLAND254704

"Bayern II. Baden 1777."

Map published 1896 showing historical changes in Bavaria and Baden from 1324 to 1803.

Vertical centerfold.

22.5 x 30 cm ( 8.8x 11.8 ")

$ 80.00

Order Nr. BAYERN248777

"Bayern I: Bayern 1777"

Historical map of Bavaria published 1896. In the upper left is a colored key corresponding to the varios regions on the map.
In the lower left is an inset showing Tyrol and northern Italy.
In the upper right is an inset showing the Rhein Province with Cologne in the center.

Vertical centerfold to fit original book size.

23 x 29 cm ( 9 x 11.4 ")

$ 80.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00

Order Nr. BAYERN248776


Bleistiftzeichnung einer Holzfällerei im Ortsteil Abwinkl (Ortsteil Bad Wiessee am Tegernseer.

Monogrammiert: B W oder P W Datiert 17. Juli (19)02

Bezeichnet: Awwinkel (Falsch für Abwinkl)

Papier leicht gebräunt. Links unten leicht fleckig. Rechte untere Ecke geknickt.

Blatt maß: 24 x 32 cm

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. BAYERN251119


Bezirksamt Aichach

Very attractive view of Aichach. Hand-colored wood engraving ca 1870 from an illustrated work.
Reverse side is printed. Some reverse print lightly visible in lower margin.

7.5 x 12.6 cm ( 2.5 x 4.9 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3611

Altenmarkt mit Baumberg

Altenmarkt mit Baumberg.

Wood engraving after Dietrich, 1896. Contemporary hand coloring. Reverse side is printed.

9.4 x 12.5 cm ( 3.7 x 4.9 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3609

Scene on the Altmuhl-thal

Scene on the Altmuhl-thal

With Riedenburg and the ruins of Rabenstein, Rosenburg and Tagenstein.

Steel etching by J.C. Bentley after W.H. Bartlett. Ca. 1850.

12 x 18.2 cm ( 4.7 x 7.2 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3501

"Sommertag am Ammersee"

Wood engraving by Richard Pietzsch, published 1907.
Reverse side is printed. Vertical centerfold.

Image: 25.5 x 35 cm ( 10 x 13.7 ")

$ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00

Order Nr. BAYERN242685

Kreuzspitze  Geierkopf Adlerbruennl Ammergebirge

"Aus dem Ammergebirge: Das Adlerbruennl an der Kreuzspitze mit blick auf dem Geierkopf"

Wood engraving after M Zeno Diemer, dated 1897. Reverse side is printed.

31 x 23 cm 12.2 x 9 ")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. BAYERN244885


"Heilige Berg Andechs"

Copper etching by M. Merian, 1646.
Upper, left and lower margins are narrow. Overall light age toning.

12 x 17.5 cm ( 4.7 x 6.8 ")

$ 70.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3547

More Prints of Andechs


Brustkreuz der hl. Elizabeth.

Wood engraving of from an illustrated
work ca 1880. Reverse side is printed.
Lower margin has been added.

17 x 12.8 cm ( 6.7 x 5 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3608

Bad aibling

Aybling ( Bad Aibling )

Copper engraving by M. Merian, 1645.

6.8 x 9.1 cm ( 2.6 x 3.5 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3610

Reichenhall (Bad Reichenhall)

Wood engraving ca 1860. Recent hand coloring. Reverse side is printed.

8.3 x 12.4 cm ( 3.3 x 4.9 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3707

Bad Reichenhall: Kirche in St. Zeno.

Wood engraving ca 1895. Recent hand coloring. Reverse side is printed.

8.2 x 12.7 cm ( 3.2 x 5 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3706

"Wintertag im Hochmoor bei Toelz" ( peat bogs near Bad Toelz )

Wood engraving made after a photograph, 1905. One sees the area where peat was once taken for

heating. In some areas of Bavaria, peat was used to heat whole villages until ca 1970.

Print has some glue residue in right margin.

28 x 23 cm ( 11 x 9 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN249544



Steel engraving by I. Beyer after L. Richter, ca 1850.
Light age toning and very light browning on margin edges. Small creases in margin corners.

10.3 x 15.5 cm ( 4 x 6.1 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3558



Steel etching drawn and engraved by Poppel. Ca. 1850.

10 x 15.2 cm ( 3.9 x 6 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr . BAYERN 3506



Steel etching by Leop Beyer after L. Richter, ca 1850.

10 x 15.5 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3568

"Closter Baumburg" (in Altenmarkrt an der Alz - Landkreis Traunstein,)

Copper engraving from the "Chur-Bayerischer Atlas" from Ertl, 1690.

Image is in good condition with natural age patina.
Some light spotting in margins and on lower margind edge.

Image: 7.8 x 14 cm ( 3 x 5.5"

$ 120.00 minus $0% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. Bayern255632

"B. Beuren" (Benediktbeuren)

Copper engraving by Matthaeus Merian (1593-1650).

Published 1650. Strong imprint. Light natural age toning.

Image: 7 x 8 cm (2.7 x 3.1")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. BAYERN256825



Steel etching drawn and engraved by J. Poppel. Ca. 1850.

10.5 x 16.4 cm ( 4.1 x 6.5 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order NR. BAYERN 3507



Steel engraving by J. Riegel after a drawing by F. Würthle. Ca. 1850.

10.2 x 15.8 ( 4 x 6.2 ")

$ 50.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 30.00

Order Nr. BAYERN 3508



Steel etching ca. 1845. Anonym. In the upper margin is the word "Watzmann",
referrning to th highest mountain of the area.

Condition is excellent.
6.5 x 8.6 cm ( 2.6 x 3.4 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN 3537



Chromolithograph published by Wenzel and Naumann in Leipzig, ca 1895.
Print has its original mounting on stiff beige backing. Light creasing on margin corners of backing.

18.1 x 24.8 cm ( 7.1 x 9.7 ")


Order Nr. BAYERN3659

"Berchtesgaden Mit Dem Watzmann"

Attractive hand-colored lithograph from the album "Alpenroeslein" by Gustav Kraus.

Published 1836 in Munich. Very good condition.

Image: 12.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.9 x 6.8")
Page size: 23 x 27 cm ( 9 x 10.6")

 $ 170.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250331


Lithograph by Gustav Kraus ca 1840.

Image: 5.5 x 8.5 cm ( 2.1 x 3.3")

$ 50.00 minus 40% discount = $ 30.00

Order Nr. BAYERN256826

"Berchtesgaden "

Steel engraving by Alexander Marx.

Published ca 1840. Pleasant hand coloring.

 Image: 9 x 14.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7")

$ 100.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250361

Bertchtesgaden. - "Der grosse Watzmann Platz"

Kupferradierung von Franz Seraph Güntherr (1787-?). Nach der Zeichnung von Ferdinand Runk (1764-1834)

Aus dem Album "Ansichten von Berchtesgaden und dem Koenigsee"

Salzburg. Bei B. Hacker, 1821


Sauber. Untere Marge hat verwaschene Tintenschrift: Erinnerung an Salzburg.
Rechte untere Margenecke hat ebenfalls verwaschene Tintenschrift (nicht identifizierbar)

Zwei von der Rückseite erkennbar Querfalten. Von vorne sind sie kaum zu erkennen.


Copper etching. Watzmann is the main Mountain near Berchtesgaden.

Copper etching by Franz Seraph Güntherr (1787-?). After the drawing by Ferdinand Runk (1764-1834)

Published in the album "Ansichten von Berchtesgaden und dem Königsee" (Views of Berchtesgaden and Koenigsee"
On the reverse side are two visible light creases hardly visible on the front side.
In the right and lower margns is some washed out inktext. Not legible.

Salzburg, 1821


14,8 x 21,7 cm (ca. 5.8 x 8.5")

$ 120.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 72.00).

Order Nr. BAVARIA255126



Steel engraving by S. Cholet after Leonie Lacoste Cholet. Printed in Paris ca 1850.
Very decorative contempory hand coloring.

10.4 x 14.4 cm ( 4.1 x 5.7 ")

Order Nr. BAYERN3655SOLD

Steel engraving by S. Cholet after Leonie Lacoste Cholet.
Printed in Paris ca 1850.
Clean Print with wide margins.

10.2 x 14.4 cm ( 4 x 5.7 ")

Order Nr. BAYERN250362 SOLD

Berg - Starnberg

Koenigliches Lustschloss am Wuerm-See
Landgerichts Starnberg in Oberbayern.

Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.

8.8 x 11.2 cm ( 3.5 x 4.4 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3623

"Very charming original ink drawing dated Bernried Juni u Juli 1845.

Light age toning. Binding tape on left side.

Page size: 15 x 22 cm ( 5.9 x 8.6 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. BAYERN244005

"Closter Bernriedt"

Copper engraving by Ulrich Kraus from "Curbayerischer Atlas" by Anton Wilhelm Ertl.
Published 1687. The print is clean with a weak imprint that gives a pale quality.

Image: 8 x 14.5 cm ( 3.1 x 5.7")

$ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 33.00

Order Nr. BAYERN256824

"Jagdpause" (a pause from hunting)

Pleasant scene on Chiemsee with the Fraueninsel in the background.
Chromolithograph made after a painting by Karl Raupp (1837-1918).
Published ca 1900. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text.

Image: 16.5 x 23 cm ( 6.4 x 9")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250065

Eurasburg. - Ohne Titel. Kloster Beuerberg in der Gemeinde Eurasburg

Ehemaliges Augustiner-Chorherrenstift mit der ehemalig en Klosterkirche St. Peter und Paul

Kupferradierung von Joseph  Anton Zimmernann
(Copper engraving by Joseph  Anton Zimmernann)
Aus "Monuments Boica" Vol. IX
(From "Monuments Boica" Vol. IX)

Quellensammlung zur Bayerischen Geschichte
(Source collection of Bavarian History)

München, 1766

Einwandfrei erhaltene Kupferradierung. Die vertikalen
Falten sind ursprünglich, um das Blatt an das Buchformat anzupassen
Kleine Fleck obere Rand.

(The copper engraving in good condition. The folds were originally
made to fit book size. Small spot in upper margin)

Image: 16 x 26 cm (6.2 x10.2"):


Order Nr. BAYERN253995

Liquidation Sale! Discount!

At 85 years old I am selling my stock!

40% Discount on All Prints with a BAYERN number on this page!

Take 40% off the listed price. !

We accept reasonable offers.

Closter Beuerberg

Copper engraving by Johann Kraus for Anton Ertl's "Churbayerischer Atlas" ca 1690.

7.8 x 14.1 cm ( 3.1 x 5.6 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3653

Althmuehl - Brunn Castle

Brunn - Castle

Valley of the Altmühl

Steel etching by C. Cousen after W.H. Bartlett. Ca. 1850.

11.9 x 18.1 ( 4.7 x 7.1 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN 3509

"Die Zugspitze mit dem Eibsee"

Wood engraving ca 1880. Reverse side is printed.

11 x 17 cm ( 4.3 x 6.6 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN251689


Die Walburgis - Kapelle auf der Ehrenburg.

Wood engraving ca 1865. Reverse side is printed.

8.3 x 11 cm (3.3 x 4.3 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3613

"A Haul of Fish - Chiemsee"

Hand-colored wood engraving ca 1875.

Image: 18 x 23 cm ( 7 x 9 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN246056

"Um die Wette" ( racing against each other-Chiemsee )

Wood engraving printed in color after a painting by Hans Dahl ca 1895.
A few spots in margins. Vertical centerfold to fit original book size.

23 x 36 cm ( 9 x 14.1 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. BAYERN246058

Herreninsel Chiemsee

"Der Herreninsel im Chiemsee"

Wood engravins after E. Thiel ca 1875.
Two small repairs on margin edges. Overall light age toning. Reverse side is printed.

28 x 22 cm ( 11 x 8.6 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN246054


Fine steel eengraving by J. Riegel after W. Scheucher. Ca. 1850.

10.2 x 14.2 cm ( 4 x 5.6 ")

$ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00


"Entree a la Ville" ( Dachau )

Wood engraving dated 1878. Reverse side is printed.

17.5 x 14.5 cm ( 6.8 x 5.7 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250997

Dingelfing (Dingolfing)

Copper engraving by Johann Kraus for Anton Ertl's "Churbayerischer Atlas" ca 1690.

8.2 x 14.2 cm ( 3.2 x 5.6 ")

$ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3652

Closter Ebersberg
(Jesuit Residence)

Copper engraving by Johann Kraus for Anton Ertl's "Churbayerischer Atlas" ca 1690.

7.8 x 14.2 cm ( 3.1 x 5.6 ")

$ 50.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 30.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3651

"Der Eib See in Ober Bayern"

Steel engraving by W. French after a. Geyer ca 1850.

Attractive hand coloring. Good condition.

11.5 x 17 cm ( 4.5 x 6.6 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN251196



Steel etching by J. Poppel after Henr. Adam. Ca. 1850.

10.2 x 16.2 cm ( 4 x 6.4 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3513

"Aichstaedt." (Eichstaedtt)

Copper engraving by Gabriel Bodenehr. Published ca 1720.

Interesting text that explains the various highlights on the map.

Small repair on upper margin edge. Minor signs of age and use in
left margin. Fold to fit original book size.Image size without text:

16 x 37 cm ( 6.2 x 14.5 ")"

$ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250293

Eichstadt - Rebdorf

Das ehemal. Collegiatsift Rebdorf bei Eichstatt.

Wood engraving after Link, 1860. Contemporary hand coloring.
Below the print is text (in German) about the monastery.

8 x 11.4 cm ( 3.1 x 4.6 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3606



" Eigentliche Verzeichnung der Gegend und Prospecten der Hochfürst: Biscöfflich: haupt- u: Residentz
Stadt Aichstaedt".
Copper etching by Homann's heirs in original coloring. Nuremberg, 1730.

The upper part of this decorative map shows a bird´s-eye view of Eichstätt and the surrounding farms and villages. The city
lies in a curve of the Altmühl river at the foot of the St. Willibald's Castle. At the bottom are three views of the city. The framed
center view shows Eichstätt with castle and the coat of arms. To the left is a view of the royal residence and cathedral, to the
right are the administration buildings of Eichstätt. The title cartouche is in the upper part of the map, somewhat towards the middle.

The map has some browning along the centerfold. Condition is otherwise Almost Excellent.

49 x 57.5 cm ( 19.3 x 22.6 ")

$ 920.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 552.00

Order Nr. BAYERN 1203



Steel engraving by J. Poppel, ca 1850.

10.7 x 15.3 cm ( 4.2 x 6 ")

Order Nr. BAYERN3644 SOLD

Schloss Eurasburg

Wood engraving ca 1880.
Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.
Lower margin has been extended.

11.9 x 7.7 cm ( 4.7 x 7.7 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. 3650

Freising. - "Frisingensis Episcopalis civitatis icon."

Wunderschön handkolorierte Ansicht der Stadt Freising

Kupferradierung aus: "Civitates Orbis Terrarium" von Georg Braun und Frans Hogenberg

Köln, 1572

Die Ansicht von Freising erschien in dem genannten Städtebuch zusammen mit München, Ingolstadt, Nördlingen, Regensburg und Straubing. Die 6 Ansichten stossen unmittelbar aneinander. Die Ansicht von Freising ist aus dem Verbund gelöst und, da es keine Margen gibt, hat man ihr professionell Margen angerändert. Der Zustand der Ansicht ist ausgezeichnet. Das Handkolorit sehr ansprechend.

Rückseitig: Text in lateinischer Sprache.

Image: 10 x 23,5 cm (3.9 x 9.8")

$200.00 MINUS 40% DISCOUNT = $ 120.00

Order Nr. BAYERN253689

"Unmittelbare Stadt"

Hand-colored wood engraving on a page of text about Freising.
Text continues on the reverse side. Published ca 1885.

Image: 7.3 x 12.5 cm ( 2.7 x 4.9")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN256823


Hochaltar mit dem neuen Bild "Himmelfahrt Marias" von Ludwig von Loefftz

Photogravure ca 1895. On the reverse side is a photogravure of the Lukasbild in the cathedral.

23.5 x 18.3 cm ( 9.2 x 7.2 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3718




Drawn and engraved by J. Poppel. Ca. 1850.

9.8 x 15.3 cm ( 3.6 x 6 ")

$ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 33.00

Order Nr. BAYERN 3515



Wood engraving ca 1880. Modern hand coloring. Backside is printed.

9.5 x 9.3 cm ( 3.7 x 3.6 x ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3585

Gmund - Tegernsee

Dorf Gmund am Tegernsee

Steel engraving by J. Poppel ca 1850, Upper margin has been widened.

7.2 x 11.2 cm ( 2.8 x 4.4 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3620

"Aus den bayrischen Alpen: Die Teufelsbruecke im Hoellengraben an dem neuen ionierweg nach dem Herzogstand"

Fine wood engraving after Robert Assmus ca 1895.

32.5 x 22.8 cm ( 12.7 x 8.9 ")

Order Nr. BAYERN237548 SOLD


"Der Hundskogl am Hintersee"

Steel engraving from Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen, ca 1850.
Modern hand coloring. A few very minor spots in margins.

10.8 x 15.4 cm ( 4.2 x 6 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3584

"Der Hundskogl am Hintersee"

Steel engraving from Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen, ca 1850.
Modern hand coloring. A few very minor spots in margins.

10.8 x 15.4 cm ( 4.2 x 6 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN236813

Liquidation Sale! Discount!

At 85 years old I am selling my stock!

40% Discount on All Prints with a BAYERN number on this page!

Take 40% off the listed price. !

We accept reasonable offers.

"Hohenaschau und Schloss Wildenwart"

Wood engraving by W. Goetz, 1894.
Modern hand coloring. Backside is printed.

13 x 9 cm ( 5.1 x 3.5 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3583

Hohen und Niederaschau

"Hohen und Niederaschau"

Very attractive print with the Prien River in the foreground and the Kampenwand to the left.

Lithograph published by Sauer in Munich, 1837. Modern hand coloring.

Image size: 12 x 17 cm ( 4.7 x 6.6 ")

Order Nr. BAYERN243678SOLD

Schloss Hohenaschau.

Wood engraving ca 1890. Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.

9.4 x 14 cm ( 3.7 x 5.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3645


View over the Danube.

Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printd.

8,5 x 10,7 cm ( 3.3 x 4.2 "

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00


Ingolstadt. - "Ingolstadium"

Teilansicht der Stadt mit Blick über die Stadtmauer in Richtung Osten. Links die Donau.

Handkolorierte Kupferradierung

Aus: "Civitates Orbis Terrarium" von GHeorg Braun und Frans Hogenberg

Köln, 1572

Die Ansicht von Ingolstadt erschien in dem genannten Städtebuch zusammen mit München, Freiosing, Nördlingen, Regensburg und Straubing. Die 6 Ansichten stossen unmittelbar aneinander. Die Ansicht von Ingolstadt ist aus dem Verbund gelöst und, da es keine Margen gibt, hat man ihr professionell Margen angerändert. Der Zustand der Ansicht ist ausgezeichnet. Das Handkolorit sehr ansprechend.

Image:14 x 23,5 cm

$110.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 66.00

Order Nr. BAYERN253690


Steel engraving by Conrad Wiessner (1796-1865) after Jakob Alt (1789-1872).

Published ca 1850.

10 x 15,6 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00



Wood engraving ca 1880. Handcolored. Reverse side is printed.

4.5 x 8.4 cm ( 1.7 x 3.3 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN239016

"Kipfenberg und die Teufelsmauer"

Wood engraving after Zeno Diemer, dated 1897. Reverse side is printed.

23.5 x 16.5 cm ( 9.3 x 6 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN237538



Wood engraving ca 1875. Modern hand coloring. Backside is printed.

9.2 x 14 cm ( 3.6 x 5.5 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3581

Der Kochelsee mit Schledorf

Steel etching by J. Riegel after Scheuchzer. Ca. 1850.

9.7 x 14.1 ( 3.8 x 5.6")

$ 90.00 MINUS 40% DISCOUNT = $ 54.00



Der Kochelsee mit dem Herzogstand
At the bottom right is "Kochel" and "Schledorf" to show location of towns.

Steel etching ca. 1850.

6.5 x 8.5 cm ( 2.6 x 3.3 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr.BAYERN3539

Kochel. - "Vue de la village de Kochel"

Aquatintaradierung in  Sepiafarbe nach der Zeichnung  von Christoph Roesel
Aus "Voyage pittoresque dans le Tyrol" by Francois Graf von Bray.

Um 1820

Zustandsbeschreibung: Sehr gut erhalten.
Breite Margen mit ein Paar leichte Flecken.

13.5 x 20.5 cm ( 5.3 x 8")

"Vue Du Village de Kochel"

Attactive aquatint printed with sepia ink after Christoph Roesel.
From: "Voyage pittoresque dans le Tyrol" by Francois Graf von Bray.

Published in Paris, 1825.

Fine, clean image.Margins are wide with minor scattered spots.

13.5 x 20.5 cm ( 5.3 x 8")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. BAYERN242111

"Gegend am Kochel-See"

Lithographie (Inkunabel) von Simon Warnberger

Bei Winkler die Nr. 9 des Künstlers auf Seite 314.

Bei Winkler datiert: 1807

Die Margen etwas schmal, aber noch in Ordnung. Leichte Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren.

Darstellung mit Titel: 23,5 x 30,3 cm (9.8 X 11.8")

$ 350,00

Order Nr. BAYERN252409

"Der Koenigsee mit St. Bartholomae und den Watzmann."

Wood engraving made after a photograph ca 1895. Vertical centerfold.

31.5 x 47 cm ( 10.4 x 18.5 ")

$ 60.00



"La Bataliere du Koenigsee" ( the rowing girl of Koenigsee )

Wood engraving published 1870. Below the mage and on the reverse side is text ( in French ) about
a journey to Koenigsee and the rowing girl.

Image: 16 x 14.5 cm ( 6.2 x 5.7 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. BAYERN249860


Der Koenigsee

Steel engraving by H. Winkles after Alt ca 1850. Hand coloring.

10 x 16 cm ( 3.9 x 6.3 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3642



Steel etching drawn and engraved by Poppel. Ca. 1850.

Very light toning. Condition is excellent.

10.7 x 16.3 cm ( 4.2 x 6.4 ")

$ 50.00


Landsberg am Lech

Landsberg am Lech

Wood engraving by W. Goetz, 1894. Modern hand coloring. Backside is printed.

8.2 x 12.4 cm ( 3.2 x 4.8 ")


"Landsberg a. Lech"

Wood engraving by W. Goetz, 1894.Above and below the image is text about
Landsber that continues on the reverse side.
Attractive hand coloring.

6 x 12.5 cm ( 2.3 x 4.9")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. BAYERN255652

Landsberg a. Lech

Wood engraving by W. Goetz, 1894.Above and below the image is text about
Landsber that continues on the reverse side.

8.2 x 12.4 cm ( 3.2 x 4.8 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. BAYERN244725

"Landtsperg" (Landsberg am Lech)

Copper engraving by Anton Wilhelm Ertl 1687.

Strong image. Minor signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 8 x 14 cm ( 3.1 x 5.5")

$ 85.00 minus 40% Dscount = $ 54.00

Order Nr. BAYERN255651


Wood engraving of Landsberg am Lech ca 1885.
Decorative hand coloring. Reverse side is printed with text.

Image: 9 x 12 cm ( 3.5 x 4.7")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21,00

Order Nr. BAYERN255650


Wood engraving from Stumpf, 1853. Reverse side is printed.

6.5 x 7 cm ( 2.5 x 2.7")

$ 25.00 MINUS 40% DISCOUNT = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN255649

"Umgebungen von Landshut"
"Piflas Schoenbrunn"
"Balz´s Keller Draxelmeir´s Keller"

Steel engraving ca 1850. Fine print with wide margins.

Page size: 20 x 28.5 cm ( 7.8 x 11.2 ")

$ 55.00


"Otto M. Com: P. Witelsbac: Boioariae Dux Landeshutam Civitatem, et Arcem in Monte Adiacente sedem Ducalem aedificat An: MLXXXII"

Kupferradierung von Karl Gustav Amling nach eigener Zeichnung und nach dem Gemälde von Peter Candid (um 1548-1628)

Aus der Gobelinserie ăZwölf Monate" die im Residenzmuseum in München hängt.

Stich ist datiert 1697

Das Blatt wurde in allen vier Margenecken ergänzt. Die Darstellung ist von der Restaurierung nicht betroffen. Es ist vollständig.

Die Art der Restaurierung läßt vermuten, dass sie schon vor Jahrhunderten ausgeführt wurde. Weitere kleine unbedeutende Randrestaurierungen.

(Kleine Einrisse ebenfalls vor Jahrhunderten hinterlegt). Blatt nur unwesentlich altersgetönt. Margen altersbedingt leicht beschmutzt. Druckqualität sehr gut.


$ 480.00 MINUS 40% DISCOUNT = $ 288.00

Order Nr. BAYERN256775


Totalansicht von Landshut

Steel etching by Emil Höfer after Ludwig Lange. Published by G.G.Lange ca. 1850.

Very light overall toning. Condition is excellent.

10.4 x 15.7 cm ( 4.1 x 6.2 ")

$ 40.00



"Alberto D.G. Com. Pal. Rheni Utriusque Bavariae Duci..."

Copper engraving published in "Civitates Orbis Terrarum" by G. Braun and F. Hogenberg.

Beautiful origiinal hand coloring. Published 1581 in Cologne.

Panoramic view of Landshut on the Isar River.

In the upper right is the Trausnitz Castle. The castle was the home of the Wittelsbach family.

On the reverse side is Latin text about Landshut. Vertical centerfold.

Fine image. Some signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 32.5 x 42 cm ( 12.7 x 16.5")
Page size: 41 x 52.5 cm (16.1 x 20.6")

$ 960.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 576.00

Order Nr. BAYERN253941


Die St. Jodokskirche In Landshut Das Schloss Traunsnitz

Steel etchings published by G.G.Lange ca. 1850

Each image is 10.3 x 7.3 cm ( 4.1 x 2.9 ") Page size:14 x 21.5 cm (5.5 x 8.5 ")

$ 35.00



Wood engraving published ca 1880.
Hand coloring. Reverse side is printed.

Image: 8 x 11 cm ( 3.1 x 4.3")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN255648



Lauingen. - "Laugingen" - "Laubinga Svevie Opp. Alberti Magni Patria"

Copper etching with splendid original hand coloring.

Published in "Civitates Orbis Terrarum"

By author and publisher Georg Braun (1541-1622) and engraver and publisher

Frans Hogenberg (1535-1590)

Cologne, 1588

A beautiful general view of this old city on the river Danube in northern Bavaria (Svevian Bavaria)

On the full page of the book we find three city views. Lauingen being the lowest of the three. Since there is hardly any in-between room, the upper margin had to be added. On reverse side description of Lauingen in the French language.

Condition of print is excellent

13 x 49,2 cm (ca. 5.1 x 19.4")

$ 550.00 ((Please look for discount at top of this page)

Order Nr. BAYERN253925


Kupferradierung von Nicolas Tassin (also known by the name Christophe Tassin).

Sein Geburtstag ist unbekannt. Er starb 1660

Aus "Cartes générales des royaumes et provinces de la haute et basse Allemagne"

Paris, 1634

Daraus das Blatt mit der laufenden Nummer 34.

Sehr seltene Ansicht von Lindau!

Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand.

10,5 x 15,3 cm (ca. 4.3 x 6")

$ 320,00

Order Nr. BAYERN252171

Liquidation Sale! Discount!

At 85 years old I am selling my stock!

40% Discount on All Prints with a BAYERN number on this page!

Take 40% off the listed price. !

We accept reasonable offers.

No Title (Schloss Linderhof)

Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1875. Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed. Lower margin widened.

19.5 x 12.9 cm (7.7 x 5.1")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3638

"Schloss Linderhof"

"Nach einer fuer Koenig Ludwig II ausgefuehrten Aquarelle von Professor H. Breling."

Wood engraving publish 1886. Pleasant hand coloring.

Reverse side is printed. Very minor signs of age and use.

Image: 22 x 31 cm ( 8.6 x 12.2 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250295

"Schloss Leidtetten" (Schloss Leutstetten, in the possession of House Wittelsbach)

Type of print: copper etching

Engraver: Michael Wening (1645-1718)

Published in: ăHistorico-topographica descriptio..."

Where published: Muenchen, 1701 (first edition)

Condition: Light general age toning. Minor signs of age and use.

12 x 17 cm (ca. 4.7 x 6.7")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. BAYERN238501

Leutstetten Kraus 1837

"am Starnberger See"

View from the heights looking to Starnberger Lake with the mountains in the background.
The castle of Leutstetten is on the right.

Lithograph from Gustav Kraus "Alpenblumen", 1837. Hand coloring.
One small spot near lower left margin.

12.5 x 19.5 cm ( 4.9 x 7.6 ")


"Paysanne de la Mangfall en Tirol"

Original hand-colored lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after H. Lecomte, 1817.
Two very light spots in the sky. One light spot near title.
The side margins have been widened.

Image: 19 x 14 cm ( 7.4 x 5.5")

$ 250.00 minus 40% Discount = $150.00

Order Nr. BAYERN255523


Wood engraving after Dietrich, 1896. Contemporary hand coloring. Reverse side is printed.

6.4 x 8 cm ( 2.5 x 3.5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3603

Mittenwald mit dem Karwendel

Wood engraving ca 1875. Modern hand coloring.
Lower margin has been widened.

12 x 16.1 ( 4.7 x 6.3 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3636



Wood engraving ca 1870. Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.

7.3 x 9.3 ( 2.9 x 3.7 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3635

"Strasse in Mittenwald"

Wood engraving after Puettner ca 1880. Attractive hand coloring. Reverse side is printed.

25 x 17.5 cm ( 9.8 x 6.8")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. BAYERN244725


Copper engraving by Ertl ca 1690.

Lower margin has been extended.

8.1 x 14.3 cm ( 3.2 x 5.6 ")

$ 90.00


Moosburg an der Isar. -

"Vera Delineatio Castrorum utriusqu. Exercitus foederati ad Mospurgum Anno 1648"

Lage der Stadt Moosburg an der Isar im 30järigen Krieg.
Das Gebiet zwischen Isar und Amber (Amper) auf ihren letzten
Kilometern vor der Mündung in die Isar. Die Stellungen der schwedischen
Armee während der Belagerung vor der Eroberung der Stadt. durch die Schweden.
Rechts unten Legende in Kartusche.

(The situation of Moosburg on the Isar durging the 30 Year's War.
This copper engraving shows the formations and position of the Swedes)

In te lower right is a legend cartouch describing the Swedish infantry.

Kupferstich aus "Theatrum Europaeum" von Matthäus Merian (1593-1650). Band 2.
(copper engraving from "Theatrum Europaeum" by Matthäus Merian (1593-1650). Band 2.

Nach Zeichnung von Carl Heinrich von Osten
(after a drawing by Carl Heinrich von Osten)

Frankfurt am Main, 1633

Mittelfalz (vertical centerfold)

Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand. Margenränder mit leichten Anzeichen von Alter und Gebrauch.
Good condition except for some browning on margin edges and minor signs of age and use.

Image: 24.8 x 34.4 cm  (9.7 x 13.3")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. BAYERN254619



Wood engraving after Dietrich, 1896. Contemporary hand coloring. Reverse side is printed.

4.5 x 12.6 cm ( 1.8 x 5 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3602


Wood engraving ca 1875.

23.5 x 18.5 cm ( 9.2 x 7.2 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. BAYERN245492


Kloster Neuburg

Steel engraving by E. Willmann, ca 1850.
Wide margins. Small tear on left margin edge.

8.9 x 14.7 cm ( 3.5 x 5.6 ")


Order Nr. BAYERN3562



" Geometrischer Grundris der des Heiligen Römischen Reichs Freyen Stadt NÜRNBERG". Copper etching by Matthias Seutter in original coloring. Augsburg, ca. 1750.

The layout plan of Nuremberg shows the various sections of the city in different colors. The churches and administration buildings are emphasized in a perspective manner. In the upper left hand corner is the map legend, in the center the title cartouche and to the right is a crowned eagle with scepter, sword the empire's apple and coat-of-arms. In the bottom left corner is Mercury sitting on a mileage marker with a genre scene in the background.

Map has a fold parallel to the lower margin ( 4.5 cm from the lower edge), 3 creases in the upper margin and one in the lower ( between 5 and 7 cm lang reaching in the text); old, original green spots by the coat-of arms ( on the uppermost spot the paper is thin) and a brown spot by "Korn Marckt". Overall condition is Almost Very Good.

52.8 x 58.2 cm ( 20.8 x 22.9 ")

$ 1260.00

Order Nr. BAYERN 1205

"Oberammergau mit dem Kofel"

Wood engraving after R. Puettner ca 1885. Reverse side is printed.

12.9 x 17.4 cm ( 5.1 x 6.8 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. BAYERN237603



Wood engraving from an illustrated work ca 1875. Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.

13.2 x 14.4 cm (5.2 x 5.7 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3633

Ober Ammergauer Typen

1. Amalia Lang, 2. Bededikt Schelle, 3. Anna Zwink, 4. Jakob Krach, 5. Anna Gastl, 6. Alois bierling, 7. Joseph Uhl, 8. Alphonse Zwink, 9. Josepha Flunger, 10. Johann Ullinger, 11. Anton Zwink, 12. Albin Rendl, 13. Xaver Froeschl, 14. Viktor Deschler, 15. Josepha Kummer, 16. Alois Daisenberger, 17. Fransika flunger, 18. Josepha Fischer.

Wood engraving 1881. Reverse side is printed. Overall light age toning.
Small, repaired tear in left margin.

32 x 21.5 cm ( 12.5 x 8.4 ")

$ 45.00

Order Nr. BAYERN237834


Der Weber an der Wand bei Oberaudorf

Steel engraving by Poppel after W. Scheuzer, ca 1850.

10.7 x 14.1 cm ( 4.2 x 5.6 ")

$ 25.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3632

Oberaudorf - Kaisergebirge

Das Kaisergebuerge vom Weber an der Wand aus..

Steel engraving by J. Poppel after W. Scheuzer ca 1850.

10.6 x 14.2 cm ( 4.2 x 5.6 ")

Order Nr. BAYERN3643 SOLD

Schloss Ober Dolling (by Vohburg)

Copper etching by Michael Wening. ca 1720.

11.9 x 16.7 cm ( 4.7 x 6.6 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3710

"Die Partnachklamm"

Wood engraving ca 1900. Reverse side is printed.

17 x 11 cm ( 6.6 x 4.3 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. BAYERN245584


Steel engraving published by Lindauer in Munich ca 1830.

Seldom! Very pleasant hand coloring.

8.4 x 12.7 cm ( 3.3 x 5 ")


"Partenkirchen before the fire"

Hand-colored wood engraving by Gustav Adolf Closs

Very good condition.

18,2 x 23,7 cm (ca. 7.2 x 9.3")

$ 60.00

Order Nr.BAYERN242637

Sale! Discount!

40% Discount on All Prints with a BAYERN number on this page!

Take 40% off the listed price. !

We accept reasonable offers.


Wood engraving ca 1895. Hand coloring. Text below image continues on reverse side of page.

5 x 9 cm ( 1.9 x 3.5 ")

$ 30.00

Order Nr. BAYERN244727

Partenkirchen Floriansplatz

Ohne Titel. Partenkirchen -

In der Eremitage in St. Petersburg hängt das Ölgemälde, das unter dem Namen "Der Morgen" Partenkirchen darstellt. Der Maler ist Peter Heinrich Lambert Hess (1792-1871). Er wurde 1861 in den persönlichen bayerischen Adelsstand erhoben und durfte sich ab dann Ritter von Hess nennen. 1839 lud Zar Nikolaus von Hess nach St. Petersburg (und Moskau) ein. das Gemälde "Der Morgen" war aber schon 1819 in den Besitz des Zaren gelangt.

Der Lithograph Friedrich Hohe (1802-1870) lithographierte das Gemälde "Der Morgen" von Peter Hess.

Die vorliegende Bleistiftzeichnung ist unsigniert und undatiert. Die künstlerische Genauigkeit und Übereinstimmung mit dem Gemälde wie auch mit der Lithographie lassen den Schluss zu, dass es sich um die Vorzeichnung für beide, das Gemälde wie für die Lithographie handeln könnte. Das Papier, auf dem die Bleistiftzeichnung entstand, stammt deutlich aus dem 19. Jahrhundert.

Das Blatt zeigt auf der Rückseite Spuren nicht wertmindernder, aber professionell ausgeführter Restaurierung, ein Umstand, der auf die Wertschätzung der Zeichnung eines Vorbesitzers schliessen lässt.

Wir wagen keine Expertise mit einer klaren Entscheidung für die eine oder die andere Möglichkeit. Die Zeichnung ist jedoch so oder so wegen ihrer künstlerisch hochwertigen Ausführung von erheblicher Bedeutung.

Wir haben die Zeichnung vor ca. 25 Jahren in Italien erworben. Der Vorbesitzer hatte sie auf einer italienischen Auktion ersteigert. Seither befand sich die Zeichnung in unserem Privatbesitz.

45,8 x 40,9 cm ( 18 x 16.1")

$1200.00 ( (with 40% discount now $720.00) - or make a reasonable offer!

Order Nr. BAYERN252905


"Das Dorf Partenkirch u. die Zugspitze im bair.: Hochlande".

Lithograph von Theodor Schuhmann (Bad Tölz 1812 - 1875 Karlsruhe)

After the painting by Peter von Hess.

Dated 1838

The lithograph shows the page number XVI in the upper right margin corner.

It was published in a book or folder.

Image size: 21.1 x 17. 3 cm ( 8.3 x 6.8 ")

Good condition. The upper margin is narrow. Very minor spots in margins.

$ 250.00 (with 40% discount now $150.00)

Order Nr. BAYERN243379.


Hand-colored wood engraving after the drawing by Josef Sommer,1890.

Related text (description) on reverse side.

General light (pleasant) age toning

21 x 30,5 cm (ca. 8.3 x 12")

$ 80.00

Order Nr.BAYERN242645


Wood engraving after the drawing by Josef Sommer. 1890.

Article on reverse side about Partenkirchen.

General light (pleasant) age toning

21 x 30,5 cm (ca. 8.3 x 12")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr.BAYERN247956

Pfaffenhofen. - "Wahrhaffte verzeichnuß des Treffens so zwischen den Schwedischen und Lotharingischen Armeen den 31. Julli 1633 bei Pfaffenhoven geschechen und die Schwedische das feld erhalten"
( Meeting of the Swedish and Lotharingen armies in Pfaffenhfen 1633)

Kupferstich aus "Theatrum Europaeum" Band III von Matthäus Merian (1593-1650)

Frankfurt am Main, 1639
(Copper engraving from "Theatrum Europaeum" Band III by Matthäus Merian (1593-1650)

Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand. Untere Marge hat, entfernt
von der Darstellung, schwach erkennbaren Wasserrand. Zwei Reparaturen obere Marge.
( Very good contion. Lower margin has hardly visible light waterstain not in image,)
( Two small repairs in upper margin)

Image:26,5 x 34 cm (10.4 x 13.3")

$ 80.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00

Order Nr. BAYERN254620

Schloss Pischelsdorf

Copper etching by Michael Wening. 1701. Narrow margins.

12.5 x 17.6 cm ( 4.0 x 6.9 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3709

Kloster Poering

Copper engraving by Ertl ca 1680. Light spotting in margins.

8 x 14.2 cm ( 3.1 x 5.6 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3711

Possenhofen. - Pöcking - "Schloss Possenhofen am Würmsee"

In dieser umfangreichen Schlossanlage am Westufer des Starnberger Sees (dessen Name früher "Würmsee" war) wuchs einst Prinzessin Elisabeth, genannt Sissi, auf, die spätere Kaiserin von Österreich und Apostolische Königin von Ungarn.

Die Geschichte von Schloss Possenhofen geht auf das Jahr 1536 zurück, als Jakob Rosenbusch das nach dem Dorf benannte Schloss baute. Es hatte eine bewegte Geschichte mit etlichen Eigentümern, eine Geschichte, die im 20. Jahrhundert mit fast vollständigem Verfall vorläufig endete. 1981 erwarb Franz Eckehard Schilke die heruntergekommene Schlossanlage. Ihm und noch anderen Investoren gelang die Sanierung und der Ausbau zu einer herrlich gelegenen Eingentumswohnanlage.

Kupferradierung publiziert in "Historico-topographica descriptio Bavariae" von Michael Wening (1645-1718)

Wenings Monumentalwerk über Bayern erschien in München von 1701-1726.

Die Texte zu den Stichen verfasste der Jesuitenpater Ferdinand Schönwetter.

Zustandsbeschreibung. Die Kupferradierung aus der ersten Auflage des Werkes grossformatig. Sie hat einen Mittelfalz sowie links und rechts zwei weitere vertikale Faltungen, um den Stich in das Buchformat zu passen. Der etwas faltige Mittelfalz ist mit einem Papierstreifen hinterlegt. Linke und rechte Marge angesetzt. Untere und obere Marge im Bereich der Faltungen hinterlegt. Verso: an oberer Marge Reste von Klebestreifen von Passepartoutierung. Andere kleinere Spuren von Alter und Gebrauch.

Grossformat - Darstellung 25,8 x 71,5 cm

Order Nr. BAYERN252731 SOLD

"Deutschlands merkwuerdige Baeume: 2. Die Tausendjaehrige Linde in Puch bei Fuerstenfeld"

Wood engraving ca 1875. Reverse side is printed. Overal light age toning.

12.5 x 18.7 cm ( 4.9 x 7.3 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. TREE237713

"Schloss Puech"

Copper engraving by Michael Wening. 

This work was published between 1701 - 1726.

Wening made over 1000 engravings. The is a very strong, clear imprint

of the church by Fuerstenfeldbruck.

Copper engraving. Left and lower margins are narrow.

Image: 12 x 17 cm ( 4.7 x 6.6

$25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250063


Attractive hand-colored lithograph from the album "Alpenroeslein" by Gustav Kraus.

Published 1836 in Munich."Fine lithograph.

Image: 12.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.9 x 6.8 ")"

Order Nr. BAYERN250056SOLD

Schloss Rapperszell

Copper engraving by Michael Wening, 1701. Right margin has been widened,

12 x 16.8 cm ( 4.7 x 6.6 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3708

Schnaitzlreut near Bad Reichenhall

Schnaitzlreut bei Reichenhall

Steel etching in original coloring. Published by G. Baldi in Salzburg, ca. 1850.

10.4 x 16 cm ( 4.1 x 6.3 ")

Order Nr. BAYERN 3529SOLD

"The Holy Well, in the Cathedral, Ratisbon"

Toned lithograph by Louis Haghe. Published by Henry graves ] Co., London 1845.

Fine print on heavy paper of one of the famous holy wells. Light age toning on margin edges.

Image: 39.5 x 27 cm ( 15.5 x 10.6 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. BAYERN252035

Chaussekarte Regensburg - Schärding in Österreich

3 Wegekarten, die von Regensburg nach Schärding in Oberösterreich führen.

Altkolorierte Kupferstich-Karten aus dem Reise-Atlas von Adrian von Riedl (1746-1809)

"Reise Atlas von Bajern oder Geographisch-geometrische Darstellung aller bajrischen Haupt- und Landstrassen mit den daranliegenden Ortschaften und Gegenden : nebst Kurzen Beschreibungen alles dessen, was auf und an einer jeden der gezeichneten Strassen für den Reisenden merkwürdig seyn kann"

München, 1796&endash;1805

Karte A: Titel: "Chaussee von Regensburg nach Straubing". 

In zwei nebeneinder angeorneten Wegführungen:

Links: Regensburg entlang der Donau bis Seppenhausen. Rechts: Von Seppenhausen weiter entlang der Donau bis gerade östlich Straubing

Karte B: Titel: "Chaussee von Regensburg nach Schärding" 

Beginnt, wo Karte A aufgehört hat: In Straubing 

In zwei nebeneinder angeorneten Wegführungen:

Links: Straubing  via Aiterhofen, Staatskirchen bis Sautorn

Rechts: Von Saturn, Plattling, Langenisarhofen, Münchsdorf, Osterhasen, bis etwa Künzing

Karte C: Titel: "Chaussee von Regensburg nach Schärding"

Beginnt, wo Karte B aufgehört hat: Künzing

Links: Künzing, Pleinting, wieder entlang der Donau nach Vilshofen. Weg verlässt jetzt die Donau und führt nach Ortenburg

Rechts: Von etwa Ortenburg entlang Sulzbach nach Sulzbach nach Schärding, wo die Rott in den Inn mündet.

Unterhalb jeder Karte Entfernungsanzeiger in deutschen Meilen und Wegstunden.

Diese sehr attraktiv und sehr sorgfältig handkolorierten Karten sind alle sehr gut erhalten. Sie sind breitrandig, haben eine durchaus angenehme Alterspatina. 

Die Margen haben vereinzelt kleine, kaum nennenswerte Spuren von Alter und Gebrauch.

Jeweils 22 x 14,3 cm 

Sehr geeignet nebeneinander für einem Rahmen.

Der Preis für die drei Karten: $ 140.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 84.00

Order Nr. BAYERN251121

"At Ratisbonne"

Lithograph by Charles Joseph Hullmandel (1789-1850 ) after Samuel Prout ( 1783-1852 )

Representation of the fountain in the Regensburg Cathedral. Published 1833.

Fine image. Minor signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 41.5 x 27.5 cm ( 16.3 x 10.8 ")

Page size: 54,5 x 37 cm ( 21,4 x 14.5 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. BAYERN252036

Reit im Winkel

Wood engraving ca 1890. Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.

5.1 x 8 cm (2 x 3.1 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3629

Reit im Winkel

Wood engraving ca 1890. Reverse side is printed.

5.1 x 8 cm (2 x 3.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3705

"Der Rheinthaler Bauer"

Lithograph printed in color with original hand-colred finish.

The lithograph was made by Albert Kappis (1836-1914) in 1882

Very good condition.

Image size: 14.7 x 23 cm ( 5.7 x 9 ")
Page size: 26.7 x 34.4 cm ( 10.5 x 113.5 ").

Order Nr. BAYERN242654SOLD

Schloss Riedthaim (by Rain am Lech)

Copper engraving by Michael Wening ca 1720. Right and lower margins are narrow.

12.5 x 17 cm ( 4.9 x 6.7 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order nr. BAYERN3704

Schloss Ritzing (by Julbach)

Copper engraving by Michael Wening ca 1720. Right and upper margins are narrow.

11.9 x 16.1 cm ( 4.7 x 6.3 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order nr. BAYERN3703

Rothenburg a. d. Tauber

Rothenburg A. D. Tauber

Steel engraving by Steinicken after Lebsché, ca 1850.
Print has very wide margins. One spot in lower margin far from image. Overall light age toning.

9.4 x 15.5 cm ( 3.7 x 6.1 ")

$45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ $ 27.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3566

"Schloss Rain" ( Oberrain by Rosenheim )

Copper engraving by Michael Wening, 1701. From " Historico
topographica descriptio Bavariae"

The upper margin has been added. Minr signs of age.

11.5 x 16 cm ( 4.5 x 6.2 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN252129


"Raitenbuch" ( Rottenbuch )

Copper engraving by Matthaeus Merian, 1644.

Clean print with a strong impression. Vertical centerfold.

8 x 17.5 cm ( 3.1 x 6.8 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN247183

"Schloss Rapperszell" ( by Aichach )

Copper engraving by Michael Wening. Published between 1701-1726.

Image: 11.5 x 16.5 cm ( 4.5 x 6.4 cm )

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250061

"Schloss Sadlberg"

Copper engraving of Schloss Sadlberg that is near to Poettmes, Petersdorf.
Aichach Aresing. Notice that this is a "water castle" with a water ditch
for protection. Published ca 1750.

Lower and right margins are narrow.

Image: 12 x 17 cm ( 4.7 x 6.6 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250060

Schlehdorf. - "Closter Schlehdorff" am Kochelsee

Kupferradierung von Joseph  Anton Zimmernann
(Copper engraving by Joseph  Anton Zimmernann)
Aus "Monuments Boica" Vol. IX
(From "Monuments Boica" Vol. IX)

Quellensammlung zur Bayerischen Geschichte
(Source collection of Bavarian History)

München, 1767

Einwandfrei erhaltene Kupferradierung. Die vertikalen
Falten sind ursprünglich, um das Blatt an das Buchformat anzupassen

(The copper engraving in good condition. The folds were originally
made to fit book size.)

Image: 18,5 x 25 cm (7.2 x 9.8"):


Order Nr. BAYERN253996


Kloster Schlehdprf.

Umsignierte Bleistiftzeichnung

Unten rechts betitelt: "Schlehdorf"

Pencil drawing titled lower right: written in pencil, "Schlehdorf"

Unsigned Pencil drawing of the monastery of Schlehdorf on the Kochelsee.

Aus dem Zeichenblock eines Amateurmalers.

From the sketch book of an amateur artist

Ca. 1880

Die volle Seite: 19,8 x 30,5 cm The full page: 7.8 x 9.4"

$ 45,00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. BAYERN253956

"Schleedorf am Kochelsee"   ( Schlehdorf )

Lithograph by J. C. Ettinger from "Ansichten des bayrischen Hochlandes".

Published in Munich 1822- 1825.

Margins are in poor condition. Small repair in lake area that is only
visible when held against light. Upper left corner of image has
minor spotting. Otherwise image is fine.

Image: 20 x 29.5 cm ( 7.8 x 11.6 ")"

$ 90.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250066


Copper engraving by Ertl ca 1690. No margins.

8.2 x 14.1 cm (3.2 x 5.5 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3702

"Holzdiebe am Schliersee" ( Wood thieves by Schliersee )

Wood engraving after the drawing by A. Greil, ca 1880. Reverse side is printed.
Overall age toning.

32 x 23.5 cm ( 12.5 x 9.2 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN237284

"Schonga" Schongau

Copper engraving from Ertl, " Churbayrischer Atlas".

Published 1687.

Print is in good condition. Mounted in passepartout.

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

 Order Nr. BAYERN205059

Liquidation Sale! Discount!

At 85 years old I am selling my stock!

40% Discount on All Prints with a BAYERN number on this page!

Take 40% off the listed price. !

We accept reasonable offers.


Steel engraving by J. Poppel ca 1850.

10 x 15.4 cm ( 3.9 x 6.1 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3627



Copper engraving by Ertl ca 1690. Overall light age toning.

8.2 x 14.3 cm (3.2 x 5.6 ")

$ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 33.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3626

Schongau und die Kirche in Altenstadt

Wood engraving ca 1890. Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.

9.4 x 13.1 cm ( 3.7 x 5.2 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3712

Schongau und die Kirche in Altenstadt

Wood engraving ca 1890. Above and below the image is an article about Schongau that continues on the reverse side.

Image: 9.4 x 13.1 cm ( 3.7 x 5.2 ")
Page size: 24 x 15.5 cm ( 9.4 x 6.1 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN236432


Copper engraving by Johann Kraus for Anton Ertl's "Churbayerischer Atlas" ca 1690.

8.1 x 14.1 cm ( 3.2 x 5.6 ")

$ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3625


Ansicht des Schlosses vom See aus. (Seefeld)

Wood engraving ca 1880. Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.

6.4 x 11.7 cm ( 2.5 x 4.6 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3628

"Schloss Seehaus an der Salzburger Grenze" (Petting in Oberbayern)

Lithograph from "Alpenroeslein oder Erinnerung an die sueddeutsche Gebirgswelt"

by Gustav Kraus ( 1804-1852 )

Published in Munich 1836.

Lithograph. Very minor creases in lower margin.

Image: 12.5 x 17.5 cm ( 4.7 x 6.6 ")"

Order Nr. BAYERN250100SOLD

"Villa Bachmayer am Starnberger See" (Poecking)

"Von Claus u. Gross"

Etching by Heinrich Bueltemeyer. Published in Allgemeinebauzeitung 1877.

Minor signs of age and use in margins. Fine image.

Image: 21 x 35 cm (8.2 x 13.7")

$ 120.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 72.00

Order Nr. BAYERN255804



Steel engraving by J. Poppel after C. Lebschee, ca 1850.

10.3 x 15.1 cm ( 4 x 5.9 ")

$ 50.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 30.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3621

Schloss Allmannshausen (Starnberger See)

Wood engraving ca 1880. Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed with image of Rottmannshoehe.

8.4 x 13.4 cm ( 3.3 x 5.3 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3622

Berg Castle - Lake Starnberg

Schloss Berg und Blick auf die Alpen
(Lake Starnberg)

Wood engraving ca 1880.
Modern hand coloring.
Reverse side is printed.

13.3 x 8.2 cm ( 5.2 x 3.2 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3624


Wallfahrtskirche Wies bei Steingaden
in Oberbayern

Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed.

7.9 x 11 ( 3.1 x 4.3 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3612

Staingaden (Steingaden)

Copper engraving by Ertl ca 1680. Overall light age toning.

9.4 x 17.6 cm ( 3.7 x 6.9 ")

$ 95.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3701

"Der Starnberger See von Petersbrunn aus"

Lithograph by Albert Kappis ( 1836 - 1914 ) printed in color ca 1860.

Rare! In the background is an Alpine panorama with the Zugspitz

Published by Mey and Widmayer in Munich.

Fine condition. Very wide margins.

Image: 15 x 23 cm (5.9 x 9")
Page: 29.5 x 40 cm ( 11.6 x 15.7")

$ 480.00 (see discount above)

Order Nr. BAYERN250337



Steel etching by the Kunsanstalt d. Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen. Ca. 1850.

10.7 x 15.2 cm ( 4.2 x 6 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN 3534



Steel etching by the Kunsanstalt d. Bibliograph. Institut in Hildburghausen. Ca. 1850.

10.7 x 15.2 cm ( 4.2 x 6 ")

$ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 33.00

Order Nr. BAYERN 3535

"Tegernsee von Westernhof"

Attractive postcard published by Wuerthle & Sohn ( Salzburg - Wien ) ca 1910.

Very minor signs of age.

9 x 14 cm ( 3.5 x 5.5 ")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250998

No Title ( Tegernsee )

Nice view of Rottach Egern after a painting by Tauggenberger ( ? ? ? ) ca 1900.

Very minor signs of age. The writing in the lower left is not readable.

9 x 13.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.3 )

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250999

"Koenigs-Alpe bei Tegernsee".

Lithographi by Gustav Kraus.

From"Alpenblumen oder Erinnerung an die südbayerische Gebirgswelt" . München, 1837

Very attractive hand coloring.

Imgage: 12.2 x 17 cm (4.8 x 6.7").

$ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00

Order Nr. BAYERN243349

ăTegernsee von der Nordost-Seite".

Kloster und Ort Tegensee. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite Bad Wiessee.

Lithographie von Gustav Kraus. Handkoloriert. Aus:"Alpenblumen oder Erinnerung an die südbayerische Gebirgswelt" . München, 1837

12 x 17 cm (4.7 x 6.7")

$ 180.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 108.00

Order Nr. BAYERN247177

Tegernsee Eiszeit

"Vergletcherung des Tegernsee Gebiets Waehrend der Eiszeit"

Print shows the glacial formations of the Ice Age in the region of Lake Tegern (Tegernsee).
On the left side is the Walchensee. In the lower right is Rattenberg in Austria.

Wood engraving printed in color 1890.

13 x 20 cm ( 5.1 x 7.8 ")

$ 55.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 33.00

Order Nr. BAYERN245645

ăDer Tegernsee"

Anonymer Stahlstich. Erschienen im Bibliographischen Institut Hildburghausen. Um 1850

Blick von Gmund. Unterhalb Titel knapp.

9,5 x 14,8 cm (3.7 x 5.8")

$ 30.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 18.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3713

Die Wallfahrts - Kapelle Maria Einsiedeln in Teising
bei Neumarkt an der Rott in Oberbayern.

Wood engraving ca 1880.

Below image is the title and related text that continues on the reverse side.

5.8 x 9.6 cm (2.3 x 3.8 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3618



Steel engraving by F. Wuerthle ca 1870. Fine print with wide margins.

10.8 x 18.9 cm (4.2 x 7.4 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3616

Castle of Trostberg
the German Alps

Steel engraving by I.G. Martini dated 1836.

14 x 9.5 cm ( 5.5 x 3.7 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN236446

"Der Unterberg van der Salzburger Seite aus gesehen" ( by Berchtesgaden )

Wood engraving after F. Hellmair ca 1880. Reverse side is printed.
Overall light age toning.

17 x 24.8 cm (6,6 x 9.7 ")

$ 20.00

Order Nr. BAYERN237539

"Roemergrab bei Wartaweil" ( Roman grave by Wartaweil near Ammersee )

Wood engraving ca 1880. Hand coloring. Reverse side is printed.

6.3 x 20 cm ( 2.4 x 7.8 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN239015


Banks of the Inn at Wasserburg

Steel engraving by W. Radclyffe after Capt. Batty. Dated 1822.
Overall very light age toning. Extra page of text included.

12.5 x 20.7 cm ( 4.9 x 8.1 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3615


Ansicht des Watzmann

Steel engraving ca 1850.
Attractive modern hand coloring.

17.4 x 14.4 cm ( 6.8 x 5.7 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. BAYERN3654



Wood engraving ca 1893. Reverse side is printed. Hand coloring.
The image is on a page surrounded by text about Wegscheid. The text continues on the reverse side.

12.7 x 6 cm ( 5 x 2.3 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00


Ansicht der Zugspitze
( Ober-Bayern)

Steel engraving by T. Heawood after A. Geyer ca 1850.
Small crease in lower right margin corner.

12.2 x 17.8 cm ( 4.8 x 7 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN236647

"Die Nachbaren der Zugspitz"

Toned wood engraving after Otto Struezel ca 1880.

16 x 22 cm ( 6.2 x 8.6 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN241023

Carl Ludwig August

Carl Ludwig August

Kronprinz von Baiern

Pen lithograph ca 1850.
Two small binding holes on left margin edge.

Page size: 21.2 x 12.5 cm ( 8.3 x 4.9 ")

$ 50.00

Order Nr. PORTRAIT9644

"Dame de la Suite D'Isabeau de Baviere. Charles VI."

Altkolorierte Lithographie von Lemercier  nach Zeichnung von  Achille Jacques Jean Marie Deveria (1800-1857). Paris, ca. 1850.

Isabeau e Abviere, geboren als Elisabeth von Bayern (1370? - 1435) aus dem Hause Wittelsbach. Gattin von Charles VI und als seine Frau Königin von Frankreich.

Die sehr hübsch altkolorierte Lithographie zeigt ein typisches Kleid der gehobenen Gesellschaft jener Zeit.

Leichte generelle Altersbräunung. In den vier Margenecken ein wenig bestossen. Die Darstellung selber in sehr gutem Zustand.

Image: 34 x 23,5 cm (ca. 13.4 x 9.3")

$ 90.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250453

Maximilian Kronprinz von Bayern

ăMaximilian Kronprinz von Bayern". Later, from 1848 to 1864, King Maximilian II: of Bavaria (1811 - 1864).

Lithograph by A. Gatterer. Printed on China paper and rolled onto sturdier paper. Published by J. Lacroix in Munich. Ca. 1845.

General age toning. A bit wrinkly in margins. Otherwise good.

24 x 19.3 cm (9.4 x 7.6")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. PORTRAIT9693

"Eva vom Lande"

Wood engraving made from a photograph of Hugo Kauffmann's painting dated 1890.

23.5 x 16.5 cm ( 9.2 x 6.4 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN239204

Parody-Singing in Bavaria

Wood engraving after Hugo Kauffmann ca 1880. Modern hand coloring.
Backside is printed.

18.2 x 24.5 cm ( 7.1 x 9.6 ")

$ 65.00

Order Nr. MUSIC9234

"Lotharius Anselmus L. B. a. Gebsattel"
"Archiepicopus Monachii & Frisinga"

Lithograph from F. Hanfstaengel after a painting by Moritz Kellerhoven, ca 150.

37 x 27.5 cm ( 14.5 x 10.8 ")


"Die Zugspitze"

Wood engraving after a painting by W. von Kameke ca 1885.
Vertical centerfold. Two repaired tears on lower margin edge. Overall light age toning.

22 x 30.5 cm ( 8.6 x 12 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN239868

"Gang zur Christ-Mette im bairischen Hochgebirge"

Going to the Christmas Mass in the Bavarian mountains.

Wood engraving by Kollarz after Stauber, 1879.
On the reverse side is unrelated text. Overall light natural age toning.

Image: 32 x 23.5 cm ( 12.5 x 9.2")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. BAYERN255136

Rathardus, Rathard, Rathardo

"De B. Rathardo Presbytero"
"B. Rathardus Presbyter"

Saint Rathard is especially venerated in Diessen on Ammersee, Grafrath and Andechs.

Extra page of text in Latin about Rathardus, Tassilo and religous happening of the time.

Copper engraving by Raphael Sadeler, 1614 with Latin text.

Good condition.

Image without text:18.5 x 14.5 cm ( 7.2 x 5.7 ")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. SANTO241807

"Der wunderbare Vogel"

Chromolithograph after Rudolph Schuster (auch Heinrich Rudolf Schuster) ca 1890.
Light natural age toning in margins.

Image: 15 x 10.5 cm ( 5.9 x 4.1")

$ 35.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 21.00

Order Nr. BAYERN256305

"Ein Erntebittgang in Oberbayern"

A Bittgang is a pilgrimage procession praying along the way. In this case for a good harvest.

Wood engraving by Stauber after Franz Kollarz. Published 1879.
On the reverse side is unrelated text.

Image: 23 x 32.5 cm (9 x 12.7")

$ 70.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 42.00

Order Nr. BAYERN254755

Upper imges: Left: "Kuchelwagoen mit der Mitgift vor dem Hause des Brautigams"
Right image: "Das Salzen der Suppe"

Lower image: "Eine Hochzeit im Bayerischen Oberlande"

Wood engraving showing Bavarian wedding traditions. Published 1879.
On the reverse side is unrelated text. Overall light natural age toning.

Image: 32 x 24 cm ( 12.5 x 9.4")

$ 70.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 42.00

Order Nr. BAYERN255014

Steingaden - Schongau - Landsberg - Kaufering - Kaltenberg, etc bis Rain am Lech

Im 2. Abschnitt schreibt vor, wie bei Tag und Nacht eine Zoll-"Visitation" zu gewährleisten ist, "damit ie Contrabandierer in steter Forscht erhalten werden".

5 weitere Punkte mit diversen Anordnungen.

Unterschrieben: Ex Commissione Serenissimi Domino Duces Electoris speciali.

Und addiert: München den 30. Octobris Anno 1699.

Beiliegt: Ein Zettel mit handschriftlicher Auflistung.

In diesem Zusammenhang musst daran gedacht werden, dass der Lech Bayerns Aussengrenze nach Westen war, denn noch war Bayern kein Königreich und noch gehörte Schwaben nicht zu Bayern. Der Lech war also 1699 noch eine Zollgrenze.

4 bedruckte Seiten. Zwei Leerseiten. Rückwärts handschriftliche Anmerkunggen in Tinte mit dem Datum.

Sauber. Sehr gut erhalten.

Blattgrösse: 32,5 x 21,5 cm (12.7 X 8.4")

4 Seiten: $ 75.00

Order Nr. BAYERN252228


Very detailed map of Bavaria published 1892.

The map reaches as far north as Erfurt. In the upper right is an inset of the
Palatinate region ( Pfalz ),

Some signs of age and use in margins. Natural age toning.
Horizontal centerfold.

26 x 21 cm ( 10.2 x 8.2 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN250918


Chromolithograph after the painting by Paul Wagner. Published 1907.

23 x 17 cm ( 9 x 6.6 ")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 12.00

Order Nr. BAYERN251482

Liquidation Sale! Discount!

At 85 years old I am selling my stock!

40% Discount on All Prints with a BAYERN number on this page!

Take 40% off the listed price. !

We accept reasonable offers.

Ansichten von München-Views of Munich

Ansichten von Andechs - Views of Andechs

Ansichten von Franken - Prints of Franconia

Ansichten von Niederbayern - Prints of Lower Bavaria

Ansichten von Schwaben, Allgaeu und Bodensee - Views of Bavarian Swabia, Allgaeu and Lake Constance

Landkarten von Deutschland-Maps of Germany

Trachten aus Bayern - Bavarian Costumes

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