Antique Prints of Fauns

Fauns are mythological creatures in Roman mythology.

They are natural spirits, half human and half goat creature
who love to dance and play the flute.

The name comes from "Faunus", an ancient Italic god
of the forests and fields with herds.

Prints are in Good condition unless otherwise mentioned.

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30% Discount on All Prints with a FAUN number on this page!

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"Bacchantenzug an der Furt"

Wood engraving after a painting by Albert Welti, 1913. Reverse side is printed.
Vertical centerfold. Ligt brownng in margins.

25 x 39.5 cm ( 9.8 x 15.3 ")

$ 65.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 45.50

Order Nr. FAUN245275

"Capripedum Satyrorum acutas"

This title is taken from Horaz Carmina II, 19. Latin text of ode: Bacchus in remotes carmine rupibus vidi docentem, credit poster, nymphasque discentis et auras capripedum satyrorum acutas"

Translation: I saw, believe me descendants, Bacchus teach songs in distant ravines, and I saw learning nymphs and pointed ears of goat-totted satyrs.

Line etching by Simon Watts (1736-1775). After the drawing by Salvator Rosa (1615-1673). Printed in sepia color. London. Dated 1766.

Light general age toning. Edges of margins show little tears on all sides.

Image including border lines: 42,5 x 33,5 cm (ca. 16.7 x 13.2")

Sheet size: 54 x 37 cm (ca. 21.3 x 14.6")

$ 220.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 154.00

Order Nr. FAUN245327

No title. Satyr or faun mesmerizing charmingly a willing^1!°S naked lady.

Lithograph by Ferdinand Piloty (1786-1844)

After the painting by Tiziano Vicellio (artist name: Tizian 1488/90-1576)

Lithographed by Selb. Munich, ca. 1840

Very good condition.

Oval: 29,5 x 25,5 cm (ca. 11.6 x 10")

$ 130.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 91.00

Order Nr. FAUN245326

No title. Bacchanal Parade in antique times.

Lead by a faun-family(mother father child fauns) we see a happy go lucky bacchanal parade on the way to a lustful event.

Hand-colored copper etching printed from two plates (because of size)

By Cornelis Vermeulen (ca. 1644-1709)

After the drawing by Raymond Lafage (1656-1684)

Publisher: Jan van der Bruggen.

Paris, ca. 1690

Light general age toning. Minor spotting. Margins with traces of age and use.

Image:9,7 x 68 cm (ca. 3.8 x 26.7")

$ 750.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 450.00).

Order Nr. MYTHOLOGY254806

Two fauns" recognizable by their tails

Copper etching by Jean Duplessis-Bertaux (1747-1820) and P.G. Langlois

after the drawing by Jean Baptiste Vicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Tableaux, statues, bas-reliefs et camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

Very good condition

13,2 x 20,8 cm (ca. 5.2 x 8.2")

$ 150.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 105.00


No Title

Dancing Faun. Fauno con Cimbali

Copper etching by Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Published in "Signorum veteran Icones (Bisschop)"

Nr. 1 of series

Amsterdam, 1668

Statue in Uffizi Florence

Traces of age and use..

Image: 22,3 x 10,5 cm (ca. 8.8 x 4.1")

Sheet: 30 x 18,5 cm (ca. 11.8 x 7.3")

$ 110.00 - (Discount: 30% = $ 77.00)

Order Nr. BISSCHOP256278

No title

Dancing Faun from behind. Fauno con Cimbali from behind

Copper etching by Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Published in "Signorum veteran Icones (Bisschop)"

Nr. 2 of series

Amsterdam, 1668

Statue in Uffizi Florence

Traces of age and use..

Image: 21 . 9 cm (ca. 8.3 x 3.5")

Sheet: 30 x 18,5 cm (ca. 11.8 x 7.3")

$ 110.00 - (Discount: 30% = $ 77.00)

Order Nr. BISSCHOP256279

No title.

Dancing Faun from another angle. Fauno con Cimbali

Copper etching by Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Published in "Signorum veteran Icones (Bisschop)"

Nr. 3 of series

Amsterdam, 1668

Statue in Uffizi Florence

Traces of age and use..

Image: 21 . 9 cm (ca. 8.3 x 3.5")

Sheet: 30 x 18,5 cm (ca. 11.8 x 7.3")

$ 110.00 - (Discount: 30% = $ 77.00)

Order Nr. BISSCHOP 256280


Copper etching by Francesco Ribagli

Light age toning. Minimal traces of age and use. Wide margins.

Image: 31 x 20 cm (ca. 12.2 x 7.9")

Page: 48 x 35 cm (ca. 18.5 x 13.%")

Order Nr. FAUN245253 SOLD

"Pierres gravées Antiques"

Left:: Faun lifting up little Bacchus. Right: Bacchante feeding her panther

Hand-colored copper etching by Jean Duplessi-Berteaux (1747-1820)

After the drawing by Jean Baptiste Joseph Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti" Paris, 1789

Very good condition

15 x 18 cm (ca. 5.9 x 7.1")

$90 minus 40% Discount = $ 54.00

Order Nr. FAUN245256

"Pierre Gravee Antique"

Bacchus on donkey with his entourage including a trumpeting satyr

Hand-colored copper etching by Jean Duplessi-Berteaux (1747-1820)

After the drawing by Jean Baptiste Joseph Wicar (1762-1834)

Published in "Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti" Paris, 1789

Very good condition

15 x 18 cm (ca. 5.9 x 7.1")

$ 130.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 91.00

Order Nr. FAUN245257

"Satyrs and Nymphs Satyre und Nymphen"

Steel engraving by D. J. Pound after a painting by P.P. Rubens ca 1850.
The satyr shows the nymph a handful of fruits including grapes.

Very good condition.

13.2 x 16.5 cm ( 5.1 6.4 ")

$ 95.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 57.00

Order Nr. WINE255403

"Alter Faun mit Bacchus"

Wood engraving on a page of text about Roman art. Text continues
on the reverse side. On the reverse side is an image of a statue titled "Kuhmelker".
Published 1863.

Image: 9.5 x 4 cm ( 3.7 x 1.5")

$ 20.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 14.00

Order Nr. FAUN255509

"Junger Faun"

Wood engraving on a page of text about Roman art. Text continues
on the reverse side. Published 1863.

Image: 9 x 4 cm ( 3.1 x 1.5")

$ 20.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 14.00

Order Nr. FAUN255510

Pan Faun

No Title. Pan-Faun with his flute.

Copper etching ba Jan de Bisschop ( 1528.1671 )

Published in " signorum veteran icones ( Bisschop )" Amsterdam dated 1699.

Light brownng of paper near margin edges.

27 x 10.5 cm ( 10.6 x 4.1"

Order Nr. FAUN248383 SOLD

"Nympha ex Balneo Exausta"

A satyr lewedly eyes a young nymph combing her long blond hair after having
taken a bath in a pond, from his hiding place in the bushes behind her.

Copper engraving by Agostino Campanella.

After the painting by Raffael Sanzia da Urbino (1483-1520)

Dedicated to Jakob Philipp Hackert, Royal painter to Ferdinand IV of Sicily

The engraving was published in Rome in the year 1779

Excellent condition!

Measurements within plate marks: 33,8 x 20 cm (ca. 13.3 x 7.9")

$ 130.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 91.00

Order Nr. FAUN245224

"Peace and War"

Steel engraving by William Greatbatch (1802-1885)

After the Painting by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

Minerva protecting peace agains war in the person of Mars.

The lady in center representing Pax. The Satyr at left holding a cornucopia.

Rubens by setting children in dresses contemporary to the painter wants to use the antique mythological
legend for a pledge for peace in troublesome times, as Rubens lived right in the middle of the 30-year European religious war.

Published in London, ca. 1850

Only most minimal traces of age and use.

18 x 26,7 cm (ca. 7 x 10.5")

$ 50.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 35.00

Order Nr. FAUN245225

Pair of lithographs:

No titles. Two Young Fauns at base of pillar

Lithograph on China paper, rolled onto watermark paper. Drawing and lithograph

by Gaetana Cenestrelli and Giovanni Battista Frulli

After the wall frescos in "Salone Carracci" in Palazzo Magnani, Bologna

by Ludivico Carracci (1555-1619). Frescos tell the story of Romulus and Remus and were executed in 1591

Lithographs published by Zannoli. Bologna, ca. 1850

Only minimal traces of age and use in margins. Very wide margins

Image each: 36,5 x 30,5 cm (ca. 14.4 x 12")

Sheet each: 50 x 41,5 cm (ca. 19.7 x 16.3")

Pair: $ 450.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 315.00

Order Nr. FAUN245255

No title. Rope dancers - Funamboli - Seiltaenzer

Four fauns with tails dancing on ropes with different attributes. Below the rope dancers a winged mythical figure, its lower body depicted as a bird's.

Wall frescos found in Ercolano (Herculaneum)

Hand-gouached copper etching.

Published in an Italian book, ca. 1800

Right side of print has been widened by adding a strip of paper.

Print is matted with an elegant gray color matting with a gold-frame inner lining. See photo.

20,5 x 14,3 cm (ca. 8 x 5.6")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. ERCOLANO 254007

No title. Faun and Pan as well as other classical statues.

Anonymous copper etching. Published in "Utriusque Thesauri Antiquatum Romanorum Graecarumque nova Supplementa congesta ab Ioanne Poleno (Giovanno Poleni 1683-1761)

(Roman and Greek Antiquities)

Published Venice, 1737

Light general age toning.

Image: 31,5 x 19 cm (ca. 12.4 x 7.4")

Sheet size: 43 x 27,5 cm ( ca. 16.9 x 10.8")

$ 120.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 84.00

Order Nr. CLASSICNUDE 243677

"Un Baccanale con Cimbali Nelle Mani, e col Crupezio sotto il Pie destro"

Fù negl'orti Medidei, oggi in Firenze nel Palazzo del Gran Duca.

Copper engraving from: "Raccolta Di Statue Antiche e Moderne Data In Luce Sotto I Gloriosi Auspici Della Santita Di N.S: Papa Clemente XI" by Domenico de Rossi. Illustrata Colle sposizioni a ciascheduna immagine Di Pávolo Alessandro Maffei Patrizio Volterrano E Cav. Dell'Ordine Di S. Stefano E Della Guardia Pontificia.

Published in Rome 1704. - Minor traces of age and use.

Page: 47 x 35,3 cm (ca. 18.7 x 13.9). Image: 38,8 x 21 cm (ca. 15.3 x 8.3")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ROSSI 3014

"Statua d'un Fauno coronato di Pino Negli Orti Medici"

Copper engraving from: "Raccolta Di Statue Antiche e Moderne Data In Luce Sotto I Gloriosi Auspici Della Santita Di N.S: Papa Clemente XI" by Domenico de Rossi. Illustrata Colle sposizioni a ciascheduna immagine Di Pávolo Alessandro Maffei Patrizio Volterrano E Cav. Dell'Ordine Di S. Stefano E Della Guardia Pontificia.

Published in Rome 1704. - Minor traces of age and use.

Page: 47 x 35,3 cm (ca. 18.7 x 13.9). Image: 31 x 20,5 cm (ca. 12.2 x 8.1")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ROSSI 3008

Statua D´Un Fauno
Negl´ Orti Medicei

Copper engraving from: "Raccolta Di Statue Antiche e Moderne Data In Luce Sotto I Gloriosi Auspici Della Santita Di N.S: Papa Clemente XI" by Domenico de Rossi. Illustrata Colle sposizioni a ciascheduna immagine Di Pávolo Alessandro Maffei Patrizio Volterrano E Cav. Dell'Ordine Di S. Stefano E Della Guardia Pontificia.

Published in Rome 1704. - Minor traces of age and use.

Page size: 47.5 x 35 cm ( 18.7 x 13.7 ")
Image size (black area with figure): 30.5 x 20 cm ( 12 x 7.8 ")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ROSSI 236842

"Statua Di Satiro Dio silvestre Del Gentilesimo nel Palazzo de Sig. Della Valle".

Copper engraving from: "Raccolta Di Statue Antiche e Moderne Data In Luce Sotto I Gloriosi Auspici Della Santita Di N.S: Papa Clemente XI" by Domenico de Rossi. Illustrata Colle sposizioni a ciascheduna immagine Di Pávolo Alessandro Maffei Patrizio Volterrano E Cav. Dell'Ordine Di S. Stefano E Della Guardia Pontificia.

Published in Rome 1704.

Minor traces of age and use. Left margin has been narrowed by 3 cm

Page size: ca. 47.5 x 31 cm ( 18.7 x 12.2 ") Image: 37 x 15.6 cm ( 14.5 x 6.1")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ROSSI 3007


Mezzotint (Schabkunst) by Richard Earlom (1743-1822)

After the painting by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (1609-1664)

Published by John Boydell. London, dated 1781

Title is misleading as Orpheus, the gifted and blessed singer and musician is shown as a miniature figure, sitting on a horse, small and distant in the badkground, while the foreground is dominated by two grown and one boy-satyrs leaning on or against a sarcophagi. They are surrounded by animals of various kinds, many of whom seem charmed by the sounds Orpeus produces on his flute.

An excellent mezzotint print, velvety in its appearance and in very good condition.

Image in clouding title and dedication: 28 x 37 cm (ca. 11 x 14.5")

Sheet size 44 x 49 cm (ca. 17.3 x 19.3")

$ 450.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 315.00

Order Nr. FAUN245324

No title. Two salacious fauns amusing themselves in a pond with nymphs.

Copper etching by Giulio Bonasone (ca. 1510-ca. 1575)

Rom, ca. 1550

Etching has been trimmed round to plate marks with a tiny margin all around.

Age and handling have left their marks. There are vertical creases, a bit of general creasing and
some soiling on the left side and in the corners. Other little blemishes and a spot in the upper right.

20,2 x 28 cm (ca. 8 x 11")

Bonasone counts as Old Master engraver, which justifies our offering this etching even though its condition is less than good.

Order Nr. FAUN245402 SOLD

"Les Satyres"

Copper etching after the drawing by Jaspar Isaac (1585-1654)

Published in "Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide"

Paris, 1609

Text of verse by Ovid in French:

La grâce, avec la melodie,

Charment bien la melancolie,

Aussi ont elles le pouvoir,

De faire oublier le devoir

Marsyas en l'arrogance,

Et ces Satyres l'impudence

Comme Olympe pour sa beaute

Fait dioubter de sa chastete

Flute pülaying Olympia surrounded by lascivious satyrs.

Upper margin widened above title. Otherwise in very good condition.

Image including title and verses 30,5 x 18,7 cm (ca. 12 x 7.4")

Order Nr. FAUN245400 SOLD

"Jeune Faune avec une flute"

Depicting young Hercules as a faun with the hide of the Nemean lion draped over his shoulder.

Crotalistria: Castagnette dancer

Tibicen: Flute player (here with a faunic tail

Lyristis: Lyra Player

Tympanistria Dithryrambos: Tamburin Player

And Hercules with the hide of Nemean lion teasing the Lyra player.

Copper etching by Theodore Richomme (1785-1849)

After the drawing by Jean-Pierre Granger (1779-1840)

Watermark: Musee Napoleon Publie par Henri Laurent - JF.

Very wide margins. Minimal traces of age and use. Very clean!

Image within border lines: 33,8 x 24 cm (ca. 13.3 x 9.4")

Plate mark: 49 x 34,5 cm (ca. 19.3 x 13.6")

Sheet: 60 x 43,5 cm (ca. 23.6 x 17.1")

$ 260.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 182.00

Order Nr. FAUN245387

"Triomphe D'Ariadne"

Copper etching by Hippolyte Lous Pauquet after the drawing by Jean Baptiste Wicar.

Published in ãTableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti". Florence, 1789

Ariadne on her way to become wife of wine God Bacchus (Dionysos). Crowned with vine leaves,

vine leaves and grapes in her left hand, is Ariadne sitting in he wagon, drawn by two lionesses and accompanied by two fauns holding grapes in their hands.

The bas-relief after which this copper etching was done is a part of the bronze portals of the Florence Baptistry.

Very good condition.

16.3 x 21.3 cm (6.4 x 8.4")

$ 160.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 112.00

Order Nr. WINE235582

No title. Pan and a Satyr.

Copper etching by Francois Perrier (1590-1650)

Published in "Icones et Segmenta Nobil. Signorum et Statuarum quae Romae extant". Statues in various famous Roman gardens). Rome, 1638

A maliciously gleeful satyr embraces Pan holding his pan flute in his hand

Some light browning along edges.

21,5 x 12,8 cm (ca. 8.9 x 5")

$ 160.00

Order Nr. PERRIER 3544

No title. Bacchantal entourage with Dionysos holding a torch riding through the night on his donkey followed by a grown and a juvenile Satyrs and servants carrying wine jugs and a torch.

Hand-colored, terra cotta and black, copper etching.

Published i: "Collection of Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities From the Cabinet of the Honourable William Hamilton" (1730-1803)

Author: Francois Hugues d'Hancarville (1719-1805)

Printer: Francois Morel. Napoli, Naples, Neapel 1766/67

A stunning collection!!!

Print has added margins upon which is mounted the surrounding Greek meander bordure.

36,5 x 58,8 cm (ca. 14.4 x 23.1")

$ 1800.00

Order Nr. HAMILTON 4090

No title. Excited faun uncovers sleeping beauty.

Horned, maliciously grinning faun with an erection enjoys the sight of a nude. sleeping woman.

From a wall fresco found in Pompeii.

Copper line etching by Georg Christph Kilian.

Published in "Li contorni delle pitture antique d'ErcolanoÉ"

Augsburg, 1777-1779

Minor traces of age and use.ight spotting in upper corners and in margins.

23 x 21 cm (ca. 9 x 8.3")

$ 90.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 63.00

Order Nr. FAUN245325

No title. Faun with pan flute and dancing goat. On right side: A reading youth.

Copper etching by Lorenzo Mangini. After the drawing by Giovanni Morgan.

Pzblished in "Raccolta di Pitture d'ErcolanoÉ"

Published in Naples: 1752 /1762

Almost very good condition.Only minor traces of age and use.

Image: 23 x 33,5 cm (ca. 9 x 13.1")

Sheet size: 32 x 47 cm (ca. 12.5 x 18.5")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ERCOLANO 240665

No titles. Pair of framed Fauns. Verso printed text: "Deux satires Bronze Antiques"

Copper etchings after two bronze fauns.

Published in "Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Caméés de la Galerie de Florence et du Palazzo Pitti"

Florence, 1789-1807

The two etchings are separately framed in 19th century frames under glass and will be sold only framed. Frames are silver plated on wood and have a pleasant age patina. They are in good condition. Professional framing was obviously done in recent time.

Sizes are the same for each: 29 x 13,5 cm (ca. 11.4 x 5.3")

Order Nr. FAUN253504SOLD

No title. Dionysos with kneeling Satyr.

Copper etching by Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Published in "Signorum veteran Icones (Bisschop)"

Amsterdam, 1668

Statue in Uffizi Florence

Traces of age and use.. Watermark

Image within plate marks: 21,2 x 9,2 cm (ca. 8.3 x 3.6")

Sheet: 30 x 18,5 cm (ca. 11.8 x 4.6")

$ 90.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 63.00

Order Nr.CLASSICNUDE245424

"Triclinium cive Biclinium"
In antique times a three or two places sofa for enjoying meals. The arrival of the poet Icario of Athens with
his faunic comedian entourage welcomed by Bacchus to celebrate poetry and simply the day.

Very few traces of age and use.

Image within plate marks: 24 x 35,5 cm (ca. 9.5 x 14")

Sheet size: 33,5 x 48 cm (ca. 13.2 x 18.8")

Order Nr. FAUN245390 SOLD

"Tibicinia cornicenante Aram É"

Bacchus as a faun surrounded by musicians

Copper etching by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi.

Published in:

Bartoli, Pietro Santi..Admiranda romanarum antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturae vestigia anaglyphico opere elaborata
ex marmoreis exemplaribus quae Romae adhuc extant in Capitolio aedibus hortisque virorum principum
ad antiquam elegantiam / a Petro Sancti Bartolo delineata incisa in quibus plurima ac praeclarissima
ad romanam historiam ac veteres mores dignoscendos ob oculos ponuntur notis Io. Petri Bellorii illustrata ... restituit auxit
Dominicus de Rubeis chalcographus. Romae, 1693.

Very few traces of age and use.

Image within plate marks: 16,5 x 36,5 cm (ca. 6.5 x 14.4")

Sheet size: 33,5 x 48 cm (ca. 13.2 x 18.8")

Order Nr. FAUN245391 SOLD

"Silenorum Chorus unde Silli. Bacchus Lyristi seu Musae eius altrici nititur luduntÉ"

Bacchus entertained by a lyra player, while a faun is celebrating the occasion and another faun is supporting a totally drunk selen.

This is the decoration of a stone vase now in the Louvre in Paris.

Copper etching by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi.

Published in:

Bartoli, Pietro Santi..Admiranda romanarum antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturae vestigia anaglyphico
opere elaborata ex marmoreis exemplaribus quae Romae adhuc extant in Capitolio aedibus hortisque
virorum principum ad antiquam elegantiam / a Petro Sancti Bartolo delineata incisa in quibus plurima ac
praeclarissima ad romanam historiam ac veteres mores dignoscendos ob oculos ponuntur notis
Io. Petri Bellorii illustrata ... restituit auxit Dominicus de Rubeis chalcographus. Romae, 1693.

Hardly any traces of age and use worth mentioning.

Image within plate marks: 18,5 x 36,5 cm (ca. 7.3 x 14.4")

Sheet size: 33,5 x 48 cm (ca. 13.2 x 18.8")

Order Nr. FAUN245392 SOLD


"Dionisiaca Saltatio" Dionysian Dance. The flute player

Copper etching by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi.

Published in:

Bartoli, Pietro Santi..Admiranda romanarum antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturae vestigia anaglyphico
opere elaborata ex marmoreis exemplaribus quae Romae adhuc extant in Capitolio aedibus
hortisque virorum principum ad antiquam elegantiam / a Petro Sancti Bartolo delineata incisa
in quibus plurima ac praeclarissima ad romanam historiam ac veteres mores dignoscendos
ob oculos ponuntur notis Io. Petri Bellorii illustrata ... restituit auxit Dominicus de Rubeis chalcographus. Romae, 1693.

Domenico de Rubeis = Domenico de Rossi was architect. (1659- 1704) He died in an accident
when raising his sculptures to the Colonades in the Vatican.

This book of Roman antiquities was published by Pietro Bartoli. Rome, 1693

Very good condition with only absolutely minimal traces of age and use.

Size within plate marks: 18,5 x 36,5 cm (ca. 7.3 x 14.4")

Sheet size: 33,5 x 48 cm (ca. 13.2 x 18.8")

Order Nr. FAUN245389 SOLD


She was, in Greek mythology, a nymph who brought up Jove (Jupiter) with the milk of a goat.
On the right a panpipes playing faun, draped with the hide of a goat.An eagle his mate
and their nest with young, symbol of Jove (Jupiter).

Copper etching by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi.

Published in:

Bartoli, Pietro Santi..Admiranda romanarum antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturae vestigia anaglyphico
opere elaborata ex marmoreis exemplaribus quae Romae adhuc extant in Capitolio aedibus hortisque
virorum principum ad antiquam elegantiam / a Petro Sancti Bartolo delineata incisa in quibus
plurima ac praeclarissima ad romanam historiam ac veteres mores dignoscendos ob oculos
ponuntur notis Io. Petri Bellorii illustrata ... restituit auxit Dominicus de Rubeis chalcographus. Romae, 1693.

Very few traces of age and use.

Image within plate marks: 36,5 x 26,3 cm (ca. 14.4 x 10.4")

Sheet size: 43 x 34,3 cm (ca. 16.9 x 13.5")

Order Nr. FAUN245388 SOLD

"Le Dieu Faunus, buste imite de l'antique. - Sculpture et gravure de Baudet"

Wood engraving by Baudet showing a sculpture of Faun that he made aft an antique sculpture.
Engraving published 1884. Reverse side is printed.

11.5 x 8.5 cm ( 4.5 x 4.5 ")

$ 20.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 14.00


"Schadenfreude" (Malicious joy)

Two faun lads indulging in wrestling while a young girl induges i malicious joy.

Wood engraving after the painting by Ludwig Knaus (1929-1910)

Published in Berlin, ca. 1900

Minimal traces of age and use.

32,2 x 22,8 cm (ca. 12.7 x 9")

Order Nr. FAUN245228SOLD

"Kämpende Faune" (Fighting fauns)

Wood engraving by Richard Bong (1853-1914)

After the painting by Franz Stuck (1863-1928)

Published in Berlin, 1904

Light general age toning.

20,3 x 32,3 cm (ca. 8 x 12.7")

Order Nr. FAUN245226 SOLD

"Shepard & Shepardess - Hirt und Schäferin"

Steel engraving by A.H. Payne after C. Netscher, ca 1850.

16.5 x 13.7 cm ( 6.5 x 5.4 ")

$ 60.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 42.00

Order Nr. FAUN7819

No title. Dyonisos (Bacchus) finds Ariadne of Naxos.

Copper etching by Giovanni Andrea Podesta (1608 - ca. 1674).

After the painting by Tiziano Vecellio named Tizian (ca. 1477-1576).

Dedicated to the Illustissimo Signore Don Fabio Della Corgna.

Published within a series of mythological scenes, etched by Podesta after Tizian.

Printed by Losi. Rome, dated 1774

Print is missing small portions of its extreme corners

Ariadne, daughter of Cretan king Minos and his wife Pasiphae. Ariadne stands in the Greek mythology for goddess of fertility. She helped theseus defeat the Minotaur and became the bride of Dyonisos (Bacchus). This etching shows the moment, when Dyonisos and his bacchanal entourage arrives in Naxos. And, jumping from his panther-drawn carriage meets Ariadne.

General age toning. This print had obviously been pinned to a wall. The extreme corners, where needles penetrated the paper, are missing. There are other traces of age and use. But the image itself has not lost any of its dramatic moment in Greek mythology.

31,5 x 39,5 cm (ca. 6 x 15.5")

$ 180.00 minus 30% Discount = $ 126.00

Order Nr. FAUN245227

Classical Statues by Perrier

Classic Statues of Rome by Philippe Thomassin

Classic Statues by Giovanni Campiglia

Copper engravings of Roman sculptures by Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Rossi- Classical Statues in Italian Homes and Gardens

Carracci´s Classical Images

Classic Nudes and Centauers

Hamilton Prints


Fontane di Roma -Fountains of Rome


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