Prints of Themes from the New Testament

and other Christian religious themes.

View these historical prints showing various scenes from the NewTestament.

Prints are in good condition with a few signs of age. Special flaws are mentioned.

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"Ein Blatt aus der Armenbibel" (a page of the Bible for poor people)

Page size: 31 x 24 cm ( 12.2 x 9.4 ") Horizontal centerfold.


Reverse side:

On the left: "Aus einem Todtentanz. In der Heidelberger Bibliothek."

On the right: "Kalender des Magister Johann von Kunsperk"

Page size: 24 x 31 cm ( 9.4 x 12.2 ") Vertical centerfold.

Wood engravings prented with sepia ink 1876.

$ 75.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 45.00

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT267137


"Die Epistel Pauli zu den Galatern"

Woodcut on a page from a Luther Bibel ca 1565. The first chapter continues on the reverse side.
Part of the second chapter is also on the reverse side.
To the right of the image is a very old pencil drawing of St. Paul.

Print is in good condition for its age. Minor signs of age and use.

Page size: 37 x 23.5 cm ( 14.5 x 9.2 ")

$ 60.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 36.00

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT245277

"Map of the Countries adjacent to the Corner of the Mediterranean
to Illustrate the Early Passages of St. Paul's Life and his First Journey"

Steel engraving map by H. Hughes, Aldine Chambers at Paternoster Row. .Published 1854.

Routes of St. Paul's journey are shown in blue. Important stops are red underlined.

The map has horizontal folds to fit original book size.
Some light creasing and minor signs of age and use.

Map image: 31.5 x 24.5 cm ( 12.4 x 9.6")

$ 160.00


Heaven and Hell

"Fantasia Alegorica" ( an allegory of heaven and hell )

Wood engraving by Eiudavets, 1885. Reverse side is printed.

33 x 23 cm ( 12.9 x 9 ")

$ 40.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT247816

Vater Unser, Our Father

"Unser taeglich Brod gieb uns heute" ( Vater Unser, Our Father )

Wood engraving 1880. Light age toning.

Image with border: 19 x 27.5 cm ( 7.4 x 10.8 ")

$ 25.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 15.00

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT247846


Interesting map showing places that are mentioned in the New Testament.
In the lower left is a plan of Jerusalem and in the lower right a detailed inset of Judea
under the rule of Herod the Great. Hand-colored outlines.
Minor signs of age and use in margins. Vertical centerfold.

Map image: 18 x 25 cm ( 7 x 9.8")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. NEAREASTMAP252036


"Bouguereau. - Les Saintes Femmes au Tombeau"

Wood engraving made after the painting by William Adolphe Bouguereau ( 1825-1905 ).
Published ca 1890. Reverse side is printed.

32.5 x 20 cm ( 12.7 x 7.8 ")

$ 45.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 27.00

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT248131

"The Reconciliation - And he arose and came to his Father, and his Father saw him & had compassion & ran & fell on his Neck & kissed him"

Parabel of the prodigal son (Parabel des Verlorenen Sohnes) Lukas Eavangelium

Type of print: Copper etching

Color: Very fine original hand coloring

Artist: Anonymos

Time of print: Ca. 1710

Condition: Beautiful original hand coloring. Two vertical folds to fit small book size.

In general: Very Good!

15,7 x 21,5 cm (ca. 6.2 x 8.5")

Order Nr. ENGLAND243669SOLD

Published as a political parable on the New Union Act of 1706 - reuniting by this act the Kingdom of England with the Kingdom of Scotland, creating thus "Great Britain". On the ribbon a doubtful parliamentarian is stated: Britains best Hope! On the step in background: Queen Anne of England, just becoming Queen of Great Britain joyfully spreading her arms to welcome lost Son Scotland.

The biblical parable told by evangelist Luke, tells the story of the two sons. The younger squanders his heritage, while the older stays home solidly. When the destitute and impoverished brother returns home and their father takes him joyfully to his chest, glad to see him back, the virtuous brother grumbles, expecting his father to chide the prodigal son. But the father celebrates his son's return with a feast.

"St. Jude the Apostle"
"Epist. Genl: of Jude. I."

Copper engraving ca 1800.Very minor signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 30.5 x 18 cm ( 12 x 7 ")

$ 85.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 48.00

Order Nr. SANTO244188

St. Paul -Arepagus speech

"Paulus vor dem Altar des unbekannten Gottes"

St. Paul giving his Areopagus sermon before the altar of the "unknown God".

Bible: Acts 17, 16-34

Stipple engraving by Christian Bernhard Rode (1725-1797)

Berlin, 1787

Trimmed to edges on three sides. Low margin with title is narrow. Print was mounted onto a page of paper or cardboard. Remnants of there mounting on reverse side.

41,5 x 29,8 cm (ca. 16.3 x 11.7")

$ 125.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 75.00

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT254193

"The Apostate Angels reserved as Prisoners in
Chains of Darkness to ye Judgement of the Great Day.
"The Epistle of St. Jude"

Copper engraving ca 1800. Repairs in lower margin and title.

Image: 30.5 x 18 cm ( 12 x 7 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. SANTO244184

"St. Luke the Evangelist"
"St. Luke Chap. I"

Copper engraving ca 1800. Very minor signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 30.5 x 18 cm ( 12 x 7 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. SANTO244186

"The unjust Steward"
"St. Luke Chap. XVI"

Copper engraving ca 1800.Very minor signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 30.5 x 18 cm ( 12 x 7 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. SANTO244187

"The rich Glutton, and Lazarus the beggar"
"S. Luke. Chap. XVI"

Copper engraving ca 1800. Repair in lower margin by the word "and".

Image: 30.5 x 18 cm ( 12 x 7 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. SANTO2441859

"L'Enfant prodigue"

Wood engraving by Trichor after a painting by Teniers dated 1880.
Below the image and on the reverse side is an article in French about the
Prodigal Son. This scene shows the celebration meal after the son's return.

10.2 x 14 cm ( 4 x 5.5 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT244742

Elymas the Sorcerer

"Elymas the Sorcerer struck with Blindness"
"Acts. Chap. XIII"

Copper engraving ca 1800.Very minor signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 30.5 x 18 cm ( 12 x 7 ")

$ 85.00

Order Nr. SANTO244191

Flucht nach Aegypten

"Die heilige Familie auf der Flucht nach Aegypten"
( The Holy Family during the escape to Egypt"

Large lithograph drawn by Franz Hanfstaengl ( 1804-1877 ) after a painting by Ferdinand Bol ( 1616-1680 ).

Published as one of 200 folio lithographs of master works "Dresden Galerie" by Franz Hafstaengl.

Published in Munich 1835-1852.

Condition is Very Good. Printed on China Paper and rolled onto strong, underlaying paper.

Image size: 39.2 x 50 cm ( 15.4 x 19.6 ")

$ 220.00


"Epist: Rom. XII 16" - Epistle to the Romans XII, 16 - Page 16

Copper etching in a German devotional book.

Published in: Heilige Augen- und Gemueths-Lust : vorstellend, alle sonn- fest- und fiebernde nicht nur Evangelien, sondern auch Epistelen und Lektionen, jene historisch : diese auch emblematisch, und mit curieusen Einfassungen : in vielen Kupfer-Stuecken von fremder und gantz neuer Invention : So wohl zur Kunst-Nutzung als Unterhalt Gotteseliger Betrachtungen, wie auch Vermehrung der Kupfer-Bibeln und Ausszierung aller christlichen Postillen dienlich

Author: Johann Ulrich Krauss (1655-1719)

In the tradition of Melchior Kuesel (1626-1684)

Augsburg, 1706

Some traces of age and use. Showing only the emblematic etching of lower half of page.

14,7 x 17 cm (ca. 5.8 x 6.7")

$ 80.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00).

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT254861

"Epist. II Petri I. 13.21" Epistle Petri I. 13.21. Page 70

Copper etching in a German emblematic devotional book.

Published in: Heilige Augen- und Gemueths-Lust : vorstellend, alle sonn- fest- und fiebernde nicht nur Evangelien, sondern auch Epistelen und Lektionen, jene historisch : diese auch emblematisch, und mit curieusen Einfassungen : in vielen Kupfer-Stuecken von fremder und gantz neuer Invention : So wohl zur Kunst-Nutzung als Unterhalt Gotteseliger Betrachtungen, wie auch Vermehrung der Kupfer-Bibeln und Ausszierung aller christlichen Postillen dienlich

Author: Johann Ulrich Krauss (1655-1719)

In the tradition of Melchior Kuesel (1626-1684)

Augsburg, 1706

Some traces of age and use. A dark spot on left side outside image. Showing only the emblematic etching of lower half of page.

14,7 x 16,4 cm (ca. 5.8 x 6.5")

$ 80.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00).

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT254254862

"Epist.Ebre. 13"

Copper etching in a German emblematic devotional book. Page 72

Published in: Heilige Augen- und Gemueths-Lust : vorstellend, alle sonn- fest- und fiebernde nicht nur Evangelien, sondern auch Epistelen und Lektionen, jene historisch : diese auch emblematisch, und mit curieusen Einfassungen : in vielen Kupfer-Stuecken von fremder und gantz neuer Invention : So wohl zur Kunst-Nutzung als Unterhalt Gotteseliger Betrachtungen, wie auch Vermehrung der Kupfer-Bibeln und Ausszierung aller christlichen Postillen dienlich

Author: Johann Ulrich Krauss (1655-1719)

In the tradition of Melchior Kuesel (1626-1684)

Augsburg, 1706

Some traces of age and use. Showing only the emblematic etching of lower half of page.

14,5 x 11,5 cm (ca. 5.7 x 4.5")

$ 80.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00).


"Epist. Esaias IV. 1.5" Epist. Isaiah IV.1.5.

Copper etching in a German emblematic devotional book. Page 90

Published in: Heilige Augen- und Gemueths-Lust : vorstellend, alle sonn- fest- und fiebernde nicht nur Evangelien, sondern auch Epistelen und Lektionen, jene historisch : diese auch emblematisch, und mit curieusen Einfassungen : in vielen Kupfer-Stuecken von fremder und gantz neuer Invention : So wohl zur Kunst-Nutzung als Unterhalt Gotteseliger Betrachtungen, wie auch Vermehrung der Kupfer-Bibeln und Ausszierung aller christlichen Postillen dienlich

Author: Johann Ulrich Krauss (1655-1719)

In the tradition of Melchior Kuesel (1626-1684)

Augsburg, 1706

Some traces of age and use. Showing only the emblematic etching of lower half of page.

14 x 13 cm (ca. 5.5 x 5.1")

$ 80.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00).

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT254864

Last Judgement

Copper etching in a German emblematic devotional book. Page 110

Published in: Heilige Augen- und Gemueths-Lust : vorstellend, alle sonn- fest- und fiebernde nicht nur Evangelien, sondern auch Epistelen und Lektionen, jene historisch : diese auch emblematisch, und mit curieusen Einfassungen : in vielen Kupfer-Stuecken von fremder und gantz neuer Invention : So wohl zur Kunst-Nutzung als Unterhalt Gotteseliger Betrachtungen, wie auch Vermehrung der Kupfer-Bibeln und Ausszierung aller christlichen Postillen dienlich

Author: Johann Ulrich Krauss (1655-1719)

In the tradition of Melchior Kuesel (1626-1684)

Augsburg, 1706

Some traces of age and use. A dark spot on left side outside image. Showing only the emblematic etching of lower half of page.

12,4 x 12,7 cm (ca. 4.8 x 5")

$ 80.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00).

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT254865

"Epistel. I Cor. XV" Epiltle I to Corinthians XV

Copper etching in a German emblematic devotional book. Page 116

Published in: Heilige Augen- und Gemueths-Lust : vorstellend, alle sonn- fest- und fiebernde nicht nur Evangelien, sondern auch Epistelen und Lektionen, jene historisch : diese auch emblematisch, und mit curieusen Einfassungen : in vielen Kupfer-Stuecken von fremder und gantz neuer Invention : So wohl zur Kunst-Nutzung als Unterhalt Gotteseliger Betrachtungen, wie auch Vermehrung der Kupfer-Bibeln und Ausszierung aller christlichen Postillen dienlich

Author: Johann Ulrich Krauss (1655-1719)

In the tradition of Melchior Kuesel (1626-1684)

Augsburg, 1706

Some very minor traces of age and use. Showing only the emblematic etching of lower half of page.

14,5 x 16,8 cm (ca. 5.7 x 6.6")

$ 80.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00).

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT254866

"Lect. Eccles 44. 45" ( Reading Ecclesiastes 44-45)

Copper etching in a German emblematic devotional book. Page 117

Published in: Heilige Augen- und Gemueths-Lust : vorstellend, alle sonn- fest- und fiebernde nicht nur Evangelien, sondern auch Epistelen und Lektionen, jene historisch : diese auch emblematisch, und mit curieusen Einfassungen : in vielen Kupfer-Stuecken von fremder und gantz neuer Invention : So wohl zur Kunst-Nutzung als Unterhalt Gotteseliger Betrachtungen, wie auch Vermehrung der Kupfer-Bibeln und Ausszierung aller christlichen Postillen dienlich

Author: Johann Ulrich Krauss (1655-1719)

In the tradition of Melchior Kuesel (1626-1684)

Augsburg, 1706

Some traces of age and use i margins. Strong clear image..

14 x 13 cm (ca. 5.5 x 5.1")

$ 80.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00).

Order Nr. NEWTESTAMENT254913

Prints with religious themes

Biblical Personalities of the New Testament and Saints

Antique Prints of the Near East

Maps of the Holy Land

MAPS: Maps of many countries from the great cartographers of the last 500 years.

PRINTS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD: Antique town and city views.

EXCLUSIVE Prints and Maps Rare and exquisite decoration.

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