Antique Statues

Copper engravings from: "Raccolta Di Statue Antiche e Moderne Data In Luce Sotto I Gloriosi Auspici Della Santita Di N.S: Papa Clemente XI" by Domenico de Rossi Illustrata Colle sposizioni a ciascheduna immagine Di Pávolo Alessandro Maffei Patrizio Volterrano E Cav. Dell'Ordine Di S. Stefano E Della Guardia Pontificia.

Published in Rome 1704.

Page size: 47.5 x 35 cm (17.7 x 10 ")
Pages have wide margins. Image size is given below.

Prints are in good condition. Heavy paper.

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"Statua Creduta D'Alessandro il Grande in Atto de Frenare il Bucefalo
attribuita a Fidia, che con Altra simile stimata de Prassitele,......"

Copper engraving by Francesco Aquila. Published in Rome 1704.

Image: 30.5 x 20.5 cm (12,5 x 8")

$ 250.00

Order Nr. ROSSI253380

"Statua D'Apollo Padre Delle Muse E Dio De Poeti"

Opera de Francesco Maria Nocchieri Anconitano.

Copper etching by Francesco Aquila from the Stamperia di Domenico de Rossi erede di Gio. Giac. Rossi in Roma.

Image is very clean and in good condition. Some light fraying on lower margin edge.

Image: 30 x 20 cm ( 11.8 x 7.8 ")

$ 240.00

Order Nr. ROSSISTATUE243707

"David del Medmo. Cavalier Bernini. Negl'orti Borghesii"

David getting ready to cast the stone against Goliath

The original statue was first located in the Garden of the Villa Borghese in Rome. It was, however, moved inside the villa.

Copper etching by Nicolas Dorigny ( 1658-1746)

After the statue by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Published in "Raccolta Di Statue Antiche e Moderne Data In Luce Sotto I Gloriosi Auspici Della Santita Di N.S: Papa Clemente XI" by Domenico de Rossi.

Rome, 1704

Wide margin show some traces of age and use. There is a slight crease within the black frame, however not touching David.

Measured with in the black surrounding line: 31 x 20 cm (ca. 12.2 x 7.9")

Sheet: 46 x 34 cm (ca. 18.1 x 13.4")


"Gruppo di Statue detto il Toro di Farnese - Opera maravigliosa di Taurisco ed Apillonio scultori Greci Scolpita in un solo marmo grandeÉ"

This marvelous group is called the Tower of Farnese.

In the English / American language this incredible sculpture is called "The Farnese Bull". It is the largest ever found sculpture made of one singe marble block.Formerly located in the Villa Farnese this sculpture is now located (since 1826) in the collection of the "Museo Archeologico Nazionale Napoli"

Plinius the elder relates that his sculpture was carved by the Greek artists (from the Island of Rhodod)

Apollonius and his brother Tauriscus.

The story behind it: Amphion and Zethus tiing Dirce wife of Lykos, King of Thebes to the bull as punishment for Dirce's maltreatment of their mother.

Copper etching by Robert van Audenaerd (1663-1743)

Published in "Raccolta Di Statue Antiche e Moderne Data In Luce Sotto I Gloriosi Auspici Della Santita Di N.S: Papa Clemente XI" by Domenico de Rossi.

Rome, 1704

Minimal traces of age and use. There is a little paper break lower left margin, reaching half a cm toward the text below. I has been repaired and is no damage to speak of.

Measured within the surrounding black line: 38,5 x 29,5 cm (ca. 15.2 x 11.6")

$ 280.00

Order Nr. ROSSISTATUE255811

Statua di Bacco, trovata tra le rouine dell'Antico Macello d'Augusto nel monte Celio, Negl'Orti Casali a S.Stefano Rotondo

Copper etching by R.V. Auden Aerd

30.5 X 20 cm ( 12 X 7.8 ")

$ 220.00


Statua Della Verita Del Cavalier Gio. Lorenzo Bernino

nel Palazzo Bernino.

31 x 21 cm ( 12.2 x 8.2 ")

$ 220.00


"Statua Equestre di Cesare Augusto in Eta Giovanile. Nel Palazzo Farnese"

Copper etching by Francesco Aquila (1676-1740)

Published in "Raccolta di Statue antique e moderne..."

Published by Domenico de Rossi


Light general age toning. Otherwise very good condition.

Image including title: 34 x 21 cm (ca. 13.4 x 8.3")

$ 140.00

Order Nr. ROSSI253100

Piazza Navona Statues

The four prints below are all on the fountain of the Piazza Navona.

Named for the rivers Ganges, Nile, Danube and Río de la Plata.

Page size: 47.5 x 35 cm (17.7 x 10 ")
Pages have wide margins. Image size is given below.

Price for 4 pages: $ 1000.00

Order Nr. ROSSI3106

"Statua Del Danvbio Nella Gran Fontana Di Piazza Navona"

Engraved by Fran Aquila.

Opera d'Andrea, detto il Lombardo col disegno del Cau. Gio. Lorenzo Bernino.

Image size: 33 x 24.2 cm ( 12.9 x 9.5 ")


"Statua Del Gange Nella Gran fontana Di Piazza Navona."

Engraved by Fran. Aquila.

Opera di Claudio Lorense col disegno del Cau. Gio. Lorenzo Bernino.

Image size: 33 x 24.2 cm ( 12.9 x 9.5 ")


"Statva Del Rio Della Plata Nella Gran Fontana Di Piazza Navona"

Engraved by Fran. Aquila.

Scolpita da Francesco Baratta col disegno del Cau. Gio. Lorenzo Bernino.

Image size: 33 x 24.2 cm ( 12.9 x 9.5 ")


"Statva Del Nilo Nella Gran Fontana Di Piazza Navona"

Engraved by Fran. Aquila.

Scolpita da Iacopo Antonio Fancelli cal disegno del Cau. Gio. Lorenzo Bernino.

Image size: 33 x 24.2 cm ( 12.9 x 9.5 ")

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